065-22 Ketentuan Sales Force Academy SMS Finance-App BOD

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Nomor/ Number : 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT

Kepada/ To : Board of Directors
Dari/ From : Xtra Application Department
Perihal/ Subject : Ketentuan Sales Force Academy SMS Finance/ Provision of Sales Force
Academy SMS Finance
Cc : All Divisions
Tanggal/ Date : March, 22nd 2022


1. Membantu pemenuhan Manpower 1. Assist in the fulfilment of Manpower
Planning (MPP) CMO/CRE di cabang- Planning (MPP) CMO / CRE in branches
cabang baik yang kesulitan dalam that have low CMO / CRE fulfilment or
pemenuhan MPP maupun yang turnover- branches with high turnover.
nya tinggi.
2. Memperkuat strategi penjualan calon 2. Strengthening the sales strategy of CRE/
CRE/CMO agar memiliki jaringan CMO candidates to have a network of
keagenan dan kemampuan mengunjungi agencies and the ability to visit debtors
Debitur lebih optimal saat menjadi more optimally when becoming a
3. Kegiatan penjualan yang berorientasi pada 3. Direct sales that oriented to sales activities
penjualan langsung dengan menggunakan using both of digital media (on line way) and
media digital (on line way) dan door to door door to door (off line way).
(off line way).
Berdasarkan latar belakang dan tujuan yang According to Background and Purpose above
tercantum di atas Sales Force Academy enforcing Sales Force Academy with
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: provisions as follows:
1. Definisi Sales Force Academy 1. Definition of Sales Force Academy
Sales Force Academy adalah proses Sales Force Academy is the process of
pembinaan dan pelatihan calon karyawan developing and training new SMS Finance
baru di bidang pemasaran SMS Finance prospective field marketing employees
(CMO/CRE) dengan fokus pembekalan (CMO / CRE) with a focus on debriefing
strategi keagenan dan Bring Back agency strategy and Bring Back Customer
Customer baik dengan strategi offline with both of offline and online strategy.
maupun online.

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 1

2. Flow of Sales Force Academy Training

Marketing Sales Force Academy Credit Marketing

Officer SOBAT

Resource & Credit Relation
Learning Centre Sales Force Junior Executive

Sales Force Senior

Source of Recruitment Three Months of Training Periods Output of Training

3. Pengertian dan Pembagian Sales Force 3. Definition and Classify of Sales Force
Sales Force adalah istilah untuk peserta Sales Force is a term for Sales Force
Sales Force Academy baik yang masih Academy participants, both those who are
dalam tahap training ataupun yang sudah still in the training stage or who have
dinyatakan lulus. passed.
3.1. Sales Force Junior 3.1. Sales Force Junior
a. Masa kerja ≤ 3 Bulan a. Working period is ≤ 3 Months
b. Target penjualan minimal per bulan b. Minimum target sales per months is
adalah 200 Juta. 200 Million.
c. Status Pelatihan c. Training Status
3.2. Sales Force Senior 3.2. Sales Force Senior
a. Masa kerja > 3 bulan a. Working periods is > 3 months
b. Target penjualan minimal 300 Juta b. Minimum target sales per months is
per bulan 300 Million
c. Status Kontrak c. Contract Status
4. Deskripsi Pekerjaan dan Tanggung 4. Job Descriptions and Responsibilities
Jawab dari Sales Force of Sales Force
4.1. Penjualan SOBAT Regular, KERABAT 4.1. Sells of SOBAT Regular, KERABAT
dan XTRA Bring Back Customer (BBC) and XTRA Bring Back Customer
dan melakukan absensi sesuai jam (BBC) and perform absences
Kantor Cabang. according to Branch Office hours.
4.2. Merekrut dan membangun hubungan 4.2. Recruiting and building strong
yang kuat dengan agen penjualan relationships with sales agents that fit
yang sesuai dengan profil yang the specified profile.
4.3. Melakukan penawaran kepada Debitur 4.3. Make an offering to SMS Finance
SMS Finance yang sudah lunas Debtors who have paid off (Expired)
(Lunas) dengan strategi kunjungan with a visit and follow up strategy.
dan follow up.

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 2

5. Ketentuan Peserta Sales Force 5. Sales Force Academy Participant
Academy Requirement
5.1. Proses Seleksi 5.1. Selection Process
a. Posisi dari hasil Sales Force a. Positions from the Sales Force
Academy diprioritaskan untuk Academy results are prioritized for
posisi CMO Sobat dan/atau CRE. SOBAT CMO and/or CRE
b. Persyaratan utama untuk b. The main requirements to join this
mengikuti program ini adalah program are
b.1. Minimal lulusan SMA/SMK dan b.1. Minimum high school /
diutamakan yang sedang vocational high school
melanjutkan kuliah; graduates and preferably
those who are continuing their
b.2. Usia 19 - 28 tahun; b.2. Age 19 - 28 years;
b.3. Memiliki SIM C aktif dan motor; b.3. Have an active driver license
(SIM C) and motorcycle;
b.4. Memiliki dokumen legalitas b.4. Have other legal documents
lainnya yg aktif sesuai dengan that are active in accordance
persyaratan rekrutmen level with the CMO and/or CRE level
Credit Marketing Officer recruitment requirements.
(CMO) dan/atau Credit
Relation Executive (CRE).
c. Media Seleksi c. Selection Media
c.1. Iklan, media masa, iklan on- c.1. Advertisements, mass media,
line, poster dan brosur; on-line advertisements,
posters and brochures;
c.2. Melakukan kerjasama dengan c.2. Cooperating with schools
sekolah dan/atau kampus and/or campuses in
dalam perekrutan; recruitment;
c.3. Mengajak karyawan cabang c.3. Invite branch employees to
untuk turut serta dalam proses participate in the recruitment
perekrutan. process.
d. Proses Penyaringan d. Screening process
d.1. Menggunakan TPA & d.1. Using TPA & Interview;
d.2. Dilakukan oleh HR Area d.2. Conducted by HR Area and/or
dan/atau Supervisor cabang Branch Supervisors either in
baik secara langsung (walk-in) person (walk-in) or online
maupun secara online based on incoming
berdasarkan lamaran yang applications;
d.3. Jumlah yang lolos maksimal d.3. The passed maximum number
adalah 3 orang/cabang; is 3 people/branch;

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 3

d.4. Cabang yang dapat d.4. Branches that can applied this
melaksanakan program ini program are determined by the
ditentukan oleh Divisi HR & HR Division & Marketing
Divisi Marketing setiap 3 (tiga) Division every 3 months.
Setelah dinyatakan lulus seleksi, After being declared to have
Sales Force Junior akan diikat passed the selection, Sales Force
dengan perjanjian Junior will be bound by a
training/kemitraan dan diminta training/partnership agreement and
untuk hadir training pada tanggal asked to attend training on a date
yang akan ditentukan oleh to be determined by the LC
Departemen LC. Department.
5.2. Metode Training 5.2. Training Method
a. Sales Force Trainee (ST) yang a. ST who are ready to take part in the
sudah siap mengikuti training akan training will be recapitulated and
direkap dan disampaikan oleh HR submitted by the HR Area to the LC
Area ke Tim Learning Centre (LC) Team and Marketing Division;
dan Divisi Marketing;
b. Metode Trainingnya yaitu b. Training method as follow:
b.1. Online Training selama 3 hari secara garis besar yaitu/ Online training for 3 days
in general, is:
Topic Subject Period Trainer
Pengenalan SMS
Finance 1 Jam
Introduction of SMS 1 Hour
Direct Selling 1 Jam
1 Hour
Recruitment & 1 Jam
Maintain Agent 1 Hour
2 Jam
Product Xtra
2 Hours
Efisiensi Kunjungan 1 Jam
Visit Efficiency 1 Hour Learning Centre
Xtra 1 Jam
Handling Objection
1 Hour
Key Performance
1 Jam
Indicator (KPI) &
1 Hour
Produk SOBAT &
Xtra – Hitungan 2 Jam
SOBAT & Xtra 2 Hours
SOBAT & Xtra
Product Calculation
2 Jam
Digital Marketing
2 Hours

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 4

b.2. Self Learning – Basic Course Marketing
a. Ideal activity CMO & CRE
b. Prinsip 5C 1P/ Principal of 5C 1P
c. Proses survey pelanggan
d. Tools hitung Produk SOBAT & Xtra/ Calculation tools of SOBAT & Xtra Product
b.3. On The Job Training selama 3 bulan dengan laporan harian dan timetable yang
harus diisi/ On The Job Training for 3 months with daily reports and timetable to be
c. Syarat kelulusan training, Sales Force Junior harus menghasilkan rata-rata 200 juta
aplikasi perbulan/ Requirements for graduation training, Sales Force Junior must
generate an average of 200 million applications per month.
6. Keuntungan sebagai Sales Force/ Benefit of Sales Force
6.1. Subsidi Operasional/ Operational Subsidies
Sales Force trainee (ST) bukanlah Sales Force trainee are not employees so
karyawan sehingga tidak akan they will not get a fixed salary or income,
mendapatkan gaji atau pendapatan tetap, but operational subsidies consisting of:
melainkan subsidi operational yang terdiri
a. Subsidi Kehadiran/ Attendance Subsidy
Refer to Province Minimum Wage (PMW) and split into 3 zone:
UMP Zona A/PMW Zone A : > 3,5 Juta/ 3,5 Million
UMP Zona B/PMW Zone B : 2,5 Juta - 3,5 Juta/ 2,5 Million - 3,5 Million
UMP Zona C/PMW Zone C : < 2,5 Juta/ 2.5 Million
Zona UMP/Cabang
PMW Zone/Branch
Cabang dengan UMP Zona A/Branch with PMW Zone A Rp 50.000
Cabang dengan UMP Zona B/Branch with PMW Zone B Rp 40.000
Cabang dengan UMP Zona C/Branch with PMW Zone C Rp 30.000
Daftar cabang berdasarkan tingkat Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) terlampir/ List of
branches by level of Province Minimum Wage (UMP) is attached.
b. Subsidi Kunjungan Debitur/ Visit Debtor Subsidy
b.1. Subsidi Kunjungan/ Visit Subsidy (UMP A)
Jumlah Kunjungan/
Visit Total
≥ 25 Debtors Rp 625.000
15 - 24 Debtors Rp 500.000
10 - 14 Debtors Rp 250.000
< 10 Debtors Rp 100.000

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 5

b.2. Subsidi Kunjungan/ Visit Subsidy (UMP B)
Jumlah Kunjungan/
Visit Total
≥ 25 Debtors Rp 500.000
15 - 24 Debtors Rp 400.000
10 - 14 Debtors Rp 250.000
< 10 Debtors Rp 100.000

b.3. Subsidi Kunjungan/ Visit Subsidy (UMP C)

Jumlah Kunjungan/
Visit Total
≥ 25 Debtors Rp 400.000
15 - 24 Debtors Rp 300.000
10 - 14 Debtors Rp 250.000
< 10 Debtors Rp 100.000

c. Subsidi Rekrut Agen/ Recruit Sales Agent Subsidy

Jumlah Rekrut Agen/
Total Agent Recruit
≥ 75 Agents Rp 750.000
60 - 74 Agents Rp 500.000
40 - 59 Agents Rp 250.000
< 40 Agents Rp 100.000

1) Kehadiran Minimum 80% (dihitung dengan warna orange), dibawah 80% maka
Biaya Harian akan dikenakan denda 50%/ Minimum Attendance 80% (counted by
orange), below 80% then Daily Fee will be penalty 50%.
2) Agen Perekrutan yang dihitung adalah agen yang telah terdaftar di Supplier MACS
"Agen Masa Depan"/ The calculated Recruitment Agent is an agent that has been
registered in the "Future Agent" MACS Supplier.
Kunjungan Debitur XTRA dihitung dari MACS XTRA yang bertemu dengan Debitur
atau pasangan/ Visit Debtor XTRA is calculated from MACS XTRA who meets with
Debtor or spouse.
6.2. Insentif/Incentive
a. Sales Force Junior
Total Sales Nominal
< 200 Million 0%
200 Million - 400 Million 1%
> 400 Million 1,25%

b. Sales Force Senior

Total Sales Nominal
< 300 Million 0%
300 Million - 500 Million 1%
> 500 Million 1,25%

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 6

Catatan/ Notes:
1) Total penjualan dihitung dari pencapaian penjualan produk SOBAT Reguler,
KERABAT dan XTRA BBC (Bring Back Customer)/ Total sales calculated from the
achievements of SOBAT Reguler, KERABAT and XTRA BBC (Bring Back
Customer) product sales.
2) Khusus untuk Sales Force Senior, Subsidi Operasional diubah menjadi Gaji
Minimum seperti CMO/CRE / Specifically for Sales Force Senior, Operational
Subsidies are converted into Minimum Wage Salaries such as CMO/CRE
6.3. Bonus Self Preference/ Self Preference Bonus
Self Preference Bonus merupakan bonus prestasi dari hasil Direct Selling secara pribadi
atau bukan dari referensi agen penjualan/pihak lain/ Self Preference Bonus Is a bonus of
achievement from direct selling results personally or not from reference sales agents /
other parties.
Sales Mandiri Bonus
XTRA BBC 0,75%

7. Review Performance
Sales Score of KPI
> 100% 5
> 85 - 100% 4
75% - 85% 3
50% - < 75% 2
< 50% 1

Catatan/ Notes:
1) KPI minimum untuk perpanjangan ke Sales Force Junior adalah Skor 3 (penjualan 75% -
85%), di bawah itu akan dihentikan/ The minimum KPI for an extension to Sales Force Junior
is Score 3 (sales 75%-85%), below that will be terminated.
2) KPI minimum untuk promosi ke CMO/CRE atau Senior Sales Force adalah Skor 5
(Penjualan >100%)/ Minimum KPI for promotion to CMO/CRE or Senior Sales Force is Score
5 (Sales >100%).
3) Jika ada Sales Force Junior yang tidak memiliki penjualan dalam 2 bulan berturut-turut,
maka akan dihentikan/ If any Sales Force Junior who have no sales in 2 months a row, they
will be terminated.
4) Jika sudah dipromosikan menjadi CMO/CRE maka kebiasaan ideal, aktivitas sehari-hari dan
KPI mengikuti kebijakan KPI CMO/CRE yang berlaku/ If it has been promoted to CMO / CRE
then ideal habit, daily activity and KPI follow the applicable CMO / CRE KPI policies.
5) Jika Senior Sales Force mendapat skor KPI 2 atau 1 akan mendapatkan Surat Peringatan/
If Senior Sales Force gets KPI score of 2 or 1, they will get Warning Letter.
6) Senior Sales Force akan diterminasi jika mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 2 kali berturut-turut/
Senior Sales Force will be terminated if they get Warning Letter for twice in a row.

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 7

1. Standar Operational Prosedur No. SOP- 1. Standard Operational Procedure No.
MKT/K-001 ver: 02, perihal: Ketentuan SOP-MKT/K-001 ver: 02, regarding:
Umum Marketing, tertanggal: 27 General Marketing Policy, dated:
September 2021. September 27th, 2021.
2. Standar Operational Prosedur No. SOP- 2. Standard Operational Procedure No.
MKT/K-002 ver: 02, perihal: Proses SOP-MKT/K-002 ver: 02, regarding:
Pembiayaan, tertanggal: 8 Oktober 2021. Funding Process, dated: October 08th,
3. Memo Internal 072/SMSF/V/21-NDS, 3. Internal Memo 072/SMSF/V/21-NDS,
perihal: Perubahan Ketentuan Produk Xtra perihal: Changes Provision of Xtra Product
dengan Pelunasan (Status Expired) > 1 – That Expired Settlement Submission for
3 Tahun (12-36 Bulan), tertanggal: 11 Mei Debtor > 1 - 3 years (12 – 36 Months),
2021. dated: May 11st, 2021.
4. Memo Internal No. 041/SMSF/II/22-CXT 4. Internal Memo No. 041/SMSF/II/22-CXT
perihal: Perubahan Ketentuan Struktur regarding: Changes Provision of Xtra
Pembiayaan Produk Xtra, tertanggal: 14 Product Financing Structure, dated:
Februari 2022. February 14th, 2022.
5. Memo Internal No. 004/SMSF/XII/21-NDS 5. Internal Memo No. 004/SMSF/XII/21-NDS
perihal: Perubahan Struktur Pembiayaan regarding: Change of SOBAT Product
Produk SOBAT (Reguler, Kerabat, Financing Structure (Reguler, Kerabat,
SOBAT (Take Over & CERIA), , Program (Take Over & CERIA) , dated:
tertanggal: 05 Januari 2022. January 05th, 2022.
Hal-hal lainnya yang tidak diatur dalam Memo Other conditions which are not regulated in
Internal ini, tetap mengacu kepada kebijakan this Internal Memo are referred to the
dan/atau dokumen lainnya yang mendukung prevailing regulations and/or other related
(baik yang sudah ada maupun yang baru documents (either for the existing policies or
diterbitkan setelah Memo Internal ini after this Internal Memo is issued).
1. Contoh Review Performance, Variable 1. Example of Review Performance, Variable
Cost dan Sales Estimation Cost and Sales Estimation
2. Daftar Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) 2. List of Minimum Wage for Province (UMP)
Memo Internal ini berlaku efektif mulai tanggal
This Internal Memo is effective and enforced
1 April 2022
_____________________ April 1st , 2022

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 8

Proposed by,
Digitally signed
Digitally signed
by Yunita
by abet ari s
Damayanti Date:
Date: 2022.03.22
+07'00' +07'00'
Yunita Damayanti Abet Ari
SOBAT Dept. Head Xtra Senior Dept. Head
Acknowledged by,

Digitally signed by Digitally signed Digitally Sales Force

Ruliansyah Tanuwijaya signed by will be
Location: WFH
by Hilman MS recognized as
Date: 2022.03.24 Noel
Date: 2022.03.23 Partner
16:27:48 +07'00' 13:34:13 +07'00' (not as
2022.03.25 employee)
Ruliansyah Tanuwidjaya Hilman 12:23:41
Noel Anggoro
Non-Dealer Sales Div. Head Shariah Div. Head +07'00'Div. Head
Human Resource
Approved by,

Robert Haries Digitally signed

BM and AM must be by Rully Mieke Approved by Email
active to train and Octaviana
monitoring trainee March 28th , 2022
2022.03.28 09:52:59 2022.03.28 Notes :
+07'00' 10:56:58 I confirm my approval
as proposed
Robert Haries Rully Mieke Shuji Otake
Director Director President Director

Memo Internal No. 065/SMSF/III/22-CXT 9

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