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Nama : Surya Nugraha

NIM : 2110087 / Pendidikan Bisnis 1B


Based on the journal I can conclude that With the improvement of battery technology
and artificial intelligence (AI), green hydrogen helps overcome barriers in adopting
renewable energy for example in Southeast Asia. with the development of green hydrogen,
batteries and AI enabling "virtual" power generation First, green hydrogen. This is hydrogen
that is environmentally friendly because it does not emit carbon because it is made directly
from geothermal energy, namely the sun. it can be used as a source of electricity that can be
distributed to various homes or others.

Several trials of this green hydrogen have been run, evidenced by the existence of the first
zero-emissions building powered by green hydrogen, It uses Toshiba's pure hydrogen fuel
cell system, a hydrogen-based autonomous energy supply system that generates hydrogen and
stores the fuel to produce electricity later by Its Fuel Cell technology, The system uses a
special metal alloy as the storage medium for hydrogen bonding, enabling the storage of large
volumes of hydrogen at lower pressures over long periods of time without any damage.
Various countries in Southeast Asia are collaborating with Toshiba in developing this green
hydrogen, the goal is that the energy can be sourced from the sun's heat which can be stored
into batteries that can be used if needed in the future.

Durthermore those batteries are also used by electric buses, Virtual power generation (VPP)
What will also help for environmental decarbonization is improved energy management, It
calls for all distributed energy sources, including solar panels and batteries in homes and
offices and renewable energy from generating companies , to be managed as a single virtual
power plant.
By using AI and IoT, the system can better predict supply and demand. It can match those
catering to peak and trough usage cycles and reduce waste. With existing data, users can also
intelligently manage their energy usage.

Ultimately, the goal is to find ways to use energy more efficiently and produce that energy
through green sources that do not further harm the planet. Toshiba leverages a complete
range of products and services in power generation, distribution, and storage, while pursuing
carbon capture and leveraging technologies

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