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1. Identify the long-term and the proximate cause of the 1916 uprising.

The main and long-term cause of the uprising of the Qazaq people was the growing
discrimination of the Qazaqs on their own land. Resettlement and the whole
Russification politics of the Russian Empire was cunning plan of “conquering and
dividing” the Qazaqs. The schools were teaching only Russian language; the
decision on building schools-mosques were only for Russian authorities. Depriving
Qazaqs from their religion and access to education together with taking best lands
from Qazaqs and giving them to resettled people were the last drop of patience for
the Qazaqs

2. Compose a thesis in one sentence that argues for the greater importance of
one of the two causes you provided above.
This essay argues that taking homeland territories of Qazaqs by Russian
Empire was more impactful and had more importance on the 1916 uprising
of Qazaqs.

3. Provide evidence from all three assigned sources for this week to support the
thesis you chose

Karakaraly Petition:
Bokeihanov: The colonization of the steppe region has taken place over
the past 15 years. With each year, the land available for use by the Qazaq
is diminished. Cattle-herding, by nature, must be extensive, and requires
broad pastures. Resettlement divides off the best land and sources of
fresh water. It is thus imperative that the land occupied by Qazaqs be
recognized as their property

“They(Ministry of Agriculture,) are going to take away up to 70,000 desiatinas.
The reason: the fulfillment of a law according to which the Cossack allotments
should be comprised of 30 destiatinas”

At the headquarters of the Department of Colonization the estimates I was s
hown concerning this particulrar group of nomad s provided for 15,000 h
ectares to be allocated to them and 100,000 he ctares to be retained and
distributed among the settlers.

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