Batyr Ramazan Response 3

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What did Ghubaydulla hope to get from the Qing, and why did he fail?

The main source of information for this question is “The Kazakh Khanates between the Russian and Qing
Empires” by Jin Noda. Ghubaydulla as the next khan of Qazaq, was proposed for “khan” and “han” titles
by Russian Empire and Qing dynasty respectivesly. The main reason Ghubaydulla reached out to Qing
dynasty was to continue the double-vector strategy for Russian Empire and Qing, in other words he
wanted to make sure the qazaqs would not be crushed by Qing for betraying and choosing Russian

On the other hand, the main reason he failed to succeed was that Russian Empire changed their actions
and become more aggressive and possessive towards Qazaq territory. Russia divided the steppes into
Districts (okrug) and put agha-sultan to serve for Russians for this okrug (page 193). Moreover, Russian
knew that Qazaq elites were constantly meeting with Qing and wanted to limit/control this tribute by
escorting the Qazaqs. This was under the fake reason that Russian wanted to protect elites from raids
and others.

In conclusion, the main reason Ghubaydulla wanted to reach Qing’s approval, was that he wanted to
keep the powers in his territory’s border balanced and to deny the possibility of that time week Qing
dynasty to become more powerful than Russian Empire. Russian handled the situation very strictly and
the situation turned out to them very well: Ghubaydulla rejected Qing’s propose for “han” title and
officially stated that Qazaqs are subordinates of Russia and leave Ejen khan.

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