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Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Main Body ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Sustainability Indicators .................................................................................................................. 5
Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 7

This report is on Engineering Management and includes the construction of a Foot Bridge that we
completed with a team of fourteen individuals each performing a distinct role. We have all the necessary
leads for the implementation of any structural aspect, such as Project Directors and Project Managers.
Our entire task, which included lifting activities, comflor connecting including nut and bolt operations,
concrete pouring, and side rails placement, and most importantly, safety, was finished in five days.

We also shed light on the sustainability indicators and the causes for the smooth executions and cost-
benefit analyses in this report through the deep-down study of bean counters such as Cost Controllers.
Reasons for this green building project, and so forth. Finally, we elaborated on the engineering
management learnings and each detail as a learning.

Personally, I was playing a variety of jobs in this project, including Temporary Works Manager, Banks
Person, and Labor, among others. On the third day of this project, I generally played the role of Banks
Person, guiding the crane operator as he placed girders on footings. First, I had a discussion with crane
drivers about the typical indicators such as up, down, left, right, stop, and fast and slow movement, and
then I moved to the peak surface where I began guiding him and playing an effective role of Rigger/Banks
Person with the mutual efforts of HSE manager, and in that we did the smooth placement of girders on

Throughout this journey, I had played the role of Temporary Works Managers, where we as a team joine
d the comflor sheets with nuts and bolts operations and eventually placing of that sheet on girders, and
then on the same day, I worked as a Concrete Manager as well, where I poured the concrete into sheets
and where I kept in mind that falling height should not be more than 1.5 metres because that eventually
lead to honeycombing, and meanwhile for proper compactions we had different schemes.

Fig 1: Comflor Sheets

On the final day, I served as a Temporary Works Manager as well as a laborer for the installation of side
railings, and we completed everything, including concrete pouring via the Safety Cabin that we built on
the third day. My labor role was diverse and supportive because I worked alongside the HSE Manager,
Concrete Pouring Manager, and Quality Control Manager. I left no stone unturned to keep this renovation
affordable while keeping safety as my priority.

Fig 2: Side Railings and Safety Cabin

Throughout this project, beside the extreme weather conditions we tried to make our concrete efforts
effective and my role especially as a Banks Person was so crucial because safety concerns was so high
because any mishap would not only affect our cost, but it could ruin rest of other efforts and might affect
project Incident Injury Free parameter. Setting up the side rails was one of tough job that I performed
through safety cabin.

Success of our project was due to the concrete efforts of every team member like:

✓ Project Manager: This role is played by Erin Collyer and Callum Denehy and their main role is to
monitor this project. Responsibilities distribution and dictating rest of team members and majorly
leading the project, in short, the flag bearer of this project who owned good and bad results of
this project and advised each field lead.

✓ Health and Safety Manger: Elisa Penna and Esher Ginnes played critical roles in ensuring the use
of PPE and hot and cold work permits. The use of gloves, as well as everything else for safe work
practices, is the responsibility of the HSE Manager. A HSE Manager worked across all professions
of a project, gathering information regarding departmental practices, and analyzing their
adherence to health and safety policy. This data enables an HSE Manager to assess the
effectiveness of current policies as well as any issues or concerns. When a problem is recognized,
practical steps are taken to correct any practices that are ineffective or do not adhere to safety
rules. A HSE Manager is also in charge of developing new strategies and any necessary new safety

✓ HSE also motivated and managed team members toward project goals while ensuring that all
essential safety procedures are followed. In addition to monitoring internal operations, HSE
managers guaranteed that any external labor, such as consultants, contractors, and
subcontractors, follows health and safety requirements.
✓ Planning Manager: Sama Radwan and Ibrahim Abidimire played a crucial role of Planning
Manager, and they planned each activity of this project with even cost management. In short,
Chelsea McCulskey and Jacques Fleureau played a role of Cost Controller in parallel with Planning
Managers. This team main role is to plan the project, and daily basis monitoring, look ahead plans
and at the end cost controlling.
✓ Temporary Work Manager: Ibrahim Abidimire and Umer Bhatti, main role as temporary work
manager and their main role is to check drawings and design details, completion check and punch
lists, and selection of equipment for a particular activity etc.
✓ Form Work Manager: Erin Colyer's key responsibility as Form Work Manager included ensuring
the form work was straight/without bends, adequate oiling before and after the concrete form
work removal to a specific form work, and successful strategies to reuse this form work a couple
of times.
✓ Concrete Manager: Fergus Barrows and Juliana Mosslemani oversee all concrete preparation,
placement, installation, finishing, and curing tasks. Concrete building projects are divided into
stages, with each stage requiring a different amount of work and resources. Resolving any issues
that may have an impact on the project's quality and completion. Using blueprints, drawings, and
plans to verify that concrete constructions are put and constructed correctly. Task delegation to
concrete laborers, as well as overall direction Keeping precise records of the number of hours
spent and materials utilized on each project. Assuring that formwork and shoring are erected,
supported, and disassembled in accordance with engineering plans and blueprints. After the
formwork and shoring have been removed, inspect the concrete, and instruct concrete laborer’s
on how to remedy flaws and concrete roughness.
✓ Quality Control Manager: Esther Gines, as QCM, maintains quality during work execution, and
their primary role was to avoid the cost of poor quality and to ensure that the project was
completed in accordance with ISO standards. QCM also supplied a method statement for quality
assurance, such as Esther ensuring successful concrete pouring in accordance with Standard.
✓ Lifting Manger: Louis Ker Now and Haris Saleem as a liftin manager oversees supervising the
installation, maintenance, and safe and effective operation of the lifting equipment. He or she
oversees coordinating and monitoring all lifting actions in line with standards, and he or she must
be there during all carrying operations. To handle and operate rigging/lifting equipment and carry
out activities, he or she must be methodical and mechanically oriented. He or she must also work
in rotating shifts and under schedule constraints. He/she is also needed to collaborate with
internal stakeholders to complete his/her duties.
✓ Environmental Manager: Jacques Fleureau as Environmental Managers manage the development
and implementation of environmental management systems within organizations by identifying,
solving, and alleviating environmental issues, such as pollution and waste treatment, in
compliance with environmental legislation and to ensure corporate sustainable development.
Jacques main responsibility was to ensure that we wouldn’t perform any environmental evil acts
and ensue that executions throughout this project should be green. Beside that there were couple
of other roles whose main responsibilities was to ensure the smooth and safe execution of work.


Throughout the project, I observed a couple of sustainability indicators, such as how our activities affected
the environment in which we were working. For example, we used water for curing, and the wastewater
eventually moved to nearby lakes or filtrate, carrying silicon content, and affecting the water table. Crane
activities generated some noise, which influenced the surrounding environment. Aside from that, I
learned about various socioeconomic sustainability parameters, which are summarized in the table below:

Fig 3: Sustainability Indicators

Sustainable development stabilizes environmental and resource protection, social progress, and
economic expansion and stability both now and in the future. Sustainable development is concerned with
balancing the satisfaction of social needs with the preservation of the biosphere's integrity. Furthermore,
individual contribution is linked to abilities, health, knowledge, and drive. Overall economy is linked to
financial gains from the project that benefit clients, contractors, the public, and government

As a result, the environmental group is divided into five subgroups, including energy, water, material and
waste, land use and diversity, and contamination. Construction and public safety, employee relations,
surrounding area, local economy, and innovation and management are the five subdivisions of the socio
- economic groups. Eleven different sustainability indicators are included in these five environmental and
socioeconomic groupings.

Sustainability has three pillars environmental, economic, and social. While sustainability is becoming
popular during the design phase of a project, it has yet to become as widespread during the construction
phase. Selecting the appropriate sustainability indicators during the construction phase is essential to
sustainability achievement. The use of renewable energy and construction site safety are the most
important indicator as per their local weight in each group of the environmental and socio-economic
groups respectively.

These observations aided construction industry in selecting the most relevant sustainability indicators for
their construction projects to measure sustainability performance during execution. These observations
help contractors grasp the most significant factors for evaluating sustainability effectiveness during the
implementation phase. As a result, the observations contribute to the more effective and efficient delivery
of green projects, as well as the promotion of green practices among contractors. Clients that want to
ensure the attainment and assessment of sustainability KPIs by general contractors throughout the
construction phase can also employ observations. This can be accomplished by offering contractual
incentives to contractors who meet a certain level of sustainability performance.


This project's learnings have exceeded my expectations. To begin, the most crucial lesson is that plans
must be practical, and to be a successful planner, one must also be an excellent executor. Knowledge of
all departments such as safety, planning, quality control and assurance, and liaison, among others.
Because effective management is only possible if you have a thorough understanding of all departments.
Another lesson learned is that when planning any project, we must account for time lags such as monsoon
season factors that can cause delays. Most importantly, collaboration or functioning as a unit body aids in
the achievement of common aims, and this endeavor aids in the revitalization of theoretical notions of
Structures. Relating theoretical knowledge to practice goes above and beyond since it finally leads to
changes on the spot for successful completion. Real projects are not exactly like theoretical concepts, but
we only need to modify or change them on time.

Second, we faced a few problems such as joining comflor sheets, lifting operations in rainy weather, and
concreting operations. We learned that plans must be practicable and must be based on current
conditions, as hypothetical plans are difficult to carry out. Among all concreting operation under the rainy
weather were difficult to perform because it affects the W/C ratio as well, so timely modifications help us
to resolve all. Meanwhile, a lack of finishing tools, such as a steel Woodline trowel bit, made concrete
finishing a concern. So, while planning, we must consider both direct and indirect materials, as well as
consumables, to ensure the smooth execution of Work.

Daily, I finished the diary. Also, examine the daily work strategy, and the following day, I tried to provide
some intelligent thoughts that may make everyone more productive and closer to our plan.


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