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Position Paper

Good day. We are group 10 from ABM-IDG. We are Bea Nicole Gillaco, Glesie Cosare, Tristan Mejos, Kate Ann De
Guzman, and Carmela Joy Lustares. We believe that abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines.

Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive
outside the uterus; sometimes it is called "termination of pregnancy." To impart information, abortion techniques
were developed as early as 1550 BC, when the Egyptian medical text Ebers Papurus suggested that the vaginal
insertion of plant fiber covered with honey and crushed dates could induce abortion.

Abortion violates the Human Rights.

Life begins at conception, so fetuses already have human rights. As we all know, human life is sacred and inviolable,
and the use of prenatal diagnosis for selective purposes must be strongly discouraged because it is the expression of
an inhuman mentality, which removes the possibility for families to accept, embrace, and love their weakest
children. Every child has rights to live . And under Presidential Decree No. 603, or the Child and Youth Welfare Code,
every child has the right to be born well.

Fetus has a Rights to be born.

The 1987 Constitution in Article II Section 12 states, as a matter of national principle and State policy, that the State
"shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception." This bill seeks to give life to
this Constitutional right of the unborn child to protection, to accord the unborn child the basic right to life, to the
protection of his or her welfare and against acts which place the unborn child in danger of being harmed, injured, or
killed, bearing in mind that the unborn is totally incapable of protecting itself.

Under Senate Bill 2497, Section 4, "unborn child" refers to a child at any stage of existence and development from
conception until birth.

This bill likewise seeks to impose heavier penalties for abortive acts defined under Articles 256, 257, 258 and 259 of
the Revised Penal Code. As the State recognizes the right of the unborn child, it must also ensure that the mother, as
well as other persons who are expected to provide for the proper care and nurturing of the unborn child while in the
mother's womb, are more seriously held liable and accountable for any act they may commit which are injurious or
fatal to the unborn child.

Abortion is equivalent to murder.

Abortion takes-it kills-an innocent human being. Abortion should not remain legal because the aborted fetus is being
murdered; adoption is the humane and moral alternative; and abortion may take a physical and emotional toil on
the would-be mother. When a woman discovered she is pregnant, she should not have the option of having an
abortion because it results in the death of an innocent unborn child. Merriam-definition Webster's of murder is "to
kill a human being," but isn't that what is created in the womb following the creation of a heartbeat? On day 22,
when an embryo's heart develops and starts to beat, many women are still unaware that they are pregnant. No one
should be able to end a life that is just innocent and pure because no matter how small the baby is, a heartbeat
represents life.

Abortion is a criminal act.

Abortion is illegal in the Philippines with no exceptions, including when needed to save the life, or protect the
health, of a pregnant woman. Abortion was made illegal under the Spanish colonial rule through the Penal Code of
1870, and the criminal provisions were incorporated into the Revised Penal Code passed in 19303 under U.S.
occupation of the Philippines, which has continued to be applied up until today. Under the Philippine law, abortion
has been considered a crime since 1930. Whether abortion is intentional or unintentional, anyone who carries out
abortion is said to commit the crime. Even physicians and midwives who perform abortions in the Philippines may be
charged of a crime, which can result in six years in prison under the Revised Penal Code.

Abortion is abdicating their parental responsibilities. 

According to BMS Women’s Health Women commonly report seeking abortion in order to achieve personal life
goals. Few studies have investigated whether an abortion enables women to achieve such goals. Women should not
practice abortion just because they don’t want to take responsibility for their action. Even if you want to achieve a
goal, it does not mean that you must abort the child in order to do so; you must accept your responsibility as a
parent. Before performing an act, you should be aware of the consequences. Abortion should be illegal regardless of
a woman's rights in the battle of atonomy because every woman is aware that having sex may result in pregnancy
and she must accept the risk of the action by choosing to have sex; she is also choosing to accept responsibility for
the life of a child that she may create. 

Abortion is not the solution for unwanted pregnancies.

Everybody is aware that having unprotected sex increases a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. There are
many different types of contraceptives available to us, but not everyone will use them. A man and a woman should
keep the child if they feel they are mature enough to engage in sexual activity without protection and are willing to
accept the consequences of their choices. Some women want to abort their babies because of unwanted
pregnancies, and they believe abortion should be legalized for a variety of reasons, including financial difficulties,
being raped, and not being ready to have a child. If someone wants to abort the baby because of financial problems,
do they know how much abortion is? According to Planned Parenthood, the average cost of a first trimester abortion
is about $600, which is equivalent to php 33,295.50, and the average range in the second trimester is about $1500-
$2000, which is equivalent to php 83,238.75-php110,985.Abortion is very expensive, so what I think could be a
solution is to adopt their child to someone who wanted a child and who could support its needs. If a rape victim
wants to abort the child because it will bring her more trauma, I think abortion is also not the solution because there
is a possibility that it will bring you more trauma because you lost a child. And, if someone has already committed a
crime against you, why would you commit one against your child? Is it really that much worse? In the end, you are
no different because you both did something wrong. Some people want to abort their child because they are not
ready to have one, and I believe that is part of what is going on in our lives. There are situations that will enter our
lives when we are not prepared for them, and we must overcome them because they are a gift to us. I just watched a
video of Mikeila J. in TikTok where she shared that she debated abortion when she was 16 and pregnant, but she
decided not to abort the child, saying it would be her biggest regret if she had aborted her child.

An unborn child in the Philippines has legal representation from his or her parents and is entitled to a variety of
rights, including the right to life, the right to support, the right to donations, the right to safety and welfare, the right
to inherit their property, the right to identity, and more. In the end, the majority of individuals choose a hybrid view
of personhood, according to which a late-term fetus is a person but an embryo is not. A late-term fetus contains the
most fundamental abilities for processing stimuli from the outside world, but embryos lack the capacity for
sentience, let alone consciousness. Abortions performed legally do safeguard women's lives and health, but have
you given any thought to the innocent child you killed? Did you keep that kid from getting hurt? No, you are in
charge of preventing that child from being harmed by abortion. You must take care of yourself and accept
responsibility for your own sin. Abortion is not the only method to undo what you've done, as the saying goes, "Your
sin, your stand." Contraception is wrong. Murder is abortion. Abortion is forbidden. In the Philippines, legalizing
abortion is not permitted.

An accident or a rape can end a woman's economic and personal dominance. However, abortion is not the solution
for unwanted pregnancies. If a raped victim wants to abort the child because it will bring her more trauma, I believe
abortion is also not the solution because there is a possibility that it will bring you more trauma because you lost a
child. And if someone has already committed a crime against you, why would you commit one against your child?
In conclusion we believe that abortion should not be legalized because it takes the lives of innocent child, restores
humanity and morality by utilizing adoption as an alternative, and decreases the psychological and physical suffering
that is linked with abortion.

Having a child does not preclude you from achieving your life goals; you can still achieve them if you take the
necessary steps, and aborting your child will be your biggest regret. Like Mikeila J. said, if she aborted her child
during her pregnancy, that would be her biggest regret. Having a child is a blessing, and abortion is not the solution
to your problem. All lives matter.

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