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Erh-Rong Wu

Presently, Shaker Research Corp.,

Ballston Lake, N. Y.
Gas-Lubricated Porous Bearings*
Vittorio Castelli Short Journal Bearings, Steady-
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Columbia University,
New York, N. Y. State Solution
The governing equations for a short porous bearing are derived by adopting Ocvirk's ap-
proximation to the general equations for a finite bearing, which are given in a previous
paper (reference [1]).l Crank-Nicholson's numerical method and the analytical-numeri-
cal technique, which consists of Green function approximation and the local smoothing
by integration for a Fourier series, developed in reference [1] are employed to solve the
modified Reynolds equation for a wide range of compressibility number. The solution for
a solid-wall bearing is obtained as a special case of a porous bearing. Comparison between
two thicknesses of porous layer is included.

I Introduction the short bearing approximation, as the pressure variation in the

circumferential direction is negligible compared to that in the other
The short-bearing (Ocvirk's) approximation has long been an two directions, the pressure equation in the porous medium reduces
established tool for treating solid-wall journal bearings with small to the two dimensional Laplace's equation. This simplification fa-
length-to-diameter ratio. For the case of incompressible lubricants cilitates the application of the analytical-numerical techniques de-
a closed form analytical solution to the Reynolds equation is obtain- veloped in the long-bearing approximation to the modified Reynolds
able. It can be naturally expected that the analytical expediency of equation which is nonlinear but similar, in form, to the heat conduc-
Ocvirk's approximation could be realized also in the porous wall tion equation.
journal bearings, at least for the case of incompressible flow. Morgan The Crank-Nicholson numerical scheme [6], which is well known
and Cameron [2] in 1957 launched the first attempt to adopt Ocvirk's for its stability and accuracy in the case of the linear heat conduction
approximation with the added assumption that the pressure gradient equation, is utilized to formulate the finite-difference approximation
across the porous layer is linear, in order to solve the linear Reynolds to the modified Reynolds equation. Numerical iterations are per-
equation. As anticipated a closed form analytical solution was ob- formed in the circumferential direction in order to satisfy the periodic
tained. Recognizing the deviation of Morgan and Cameron's as- boundary condition. Results are presented in the form of design charts
sumption from the physically required boundary conditions for the for a wide range of compressibility number. Comparison of bearing
flow in the porous medium, Rouleau [3] took an improved approach performance parameters for two different thicknesses of porous layer
whereby Laplace's equation in the porous layer was solved, and its is included.
solution was then matched to the Reynolds equation to determine the
unknown Fourier coefficients by means of the orthogonality of trig- II A n a l y s i s of S e l f - A c t i n g , G a s - L u b r i c a t e d S h o r t
onometric functions. Later, Goldstein and Braun [4] extended Morgan Porous Journal Bearings at Steady State
and Cameron's assumption to include the slip-velocity effect for an (A) Differential Equations. Fig. 1 depicts the bearing config-
incompressible porous bearing; Prakash and Vij [5] adapted Rouleau's uration and the coordinates. Adopting the short bearing approxi-
techniques to the linear Reynolds equation with the Beavers-Joseph mation, i.e., neglecting dp/dx and dp/dx in the pressure flow terms,
slip condition included. the general governing equations for a finite porous bearing derived
For the case of compressible flow, the nonlinearity of Reynolds in [1] can be written as follows:
equation renders challenge to the analytical approach. However, in In the fluid film:
d fph3 (4 + ah) dpi _pkdp\
dz Ll2fi(l +ah) dzl ix dy\y=o
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
Contributed by the Lubrication Division and presented at the Joint Lubri- U_d_
cation Conference, Boston, Mass., October 5-7, 1976, of THE AMERICAN (2-1)
2 dx L ( i +o-/i) J
Headquarters July 13,1976. Paper No. 76-Lub-32. subjected to boundary conditions:

Journal of Lubrication Technology Copyright © 1977 by ASME JULY 1977 / 331

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and the following transformation of variables:

L Hi c Hi pa

P = —, ft = P2, n* = P2, p = c0,

a A* = -J1^—r, dx = Rd6,
QfioiR _ A* UkR fl*7
FLUID FILM I Note: A = ti =
PaC 7 c3 y Rl
Equations (2-1), (2-2), (2-3), and (2-4) reduce to the dimensionless
Fig. 1 Bearing geometry and coordinates forms that follow.
In the fluid film:
a rtf3(4 + m) aft'1 , ,311*1
(i) m =o SZl (1+0H) dZ J ay y-o
(i.e., the pressure distribution is symmetrical in z);
•• 2A* — [ p #
(2 + mv (2-5)
(1 + lSH).
(ii) p(x, +L/2) = pa
Equation (2-5) is the modified Reynolds equation for a short porous
(i.e., the two ends of the bearing are exposed
to the ambient);
Boundary conditions:
(iii) p(x, z) = p(x + 2irR, z)
,-, 3ft I
(i.e., the pressure distribution is periodic in x or 8). (i — =0
az b=o
In the porous layer: (ii) ft(fl,+l/2) = l (2-6)
&p2 d2p2
(2-3) (iii) fl(0, Z) = ft(fl + 2x, 2 )
In the porous medium:
with boundary conditions:
a2n* „a2n*
W az„2 + 7 —
ayr2 = °
= 0
Boundary conditions:
(i.e., the porous bushing is fitted in a solid sleeve);
(l) =0
(") f\ =0; <jy|y=-i
dzh=o \ (2.4) ,., an* i
(iii) p(y, +L/2)=pa; ii) =o
dZ lz=o
(iv) aty = 0, p = p
(iii) II*(y, +1/2) = 1 (2-8)
(this condition indicates the continuity of
(iv) n*(o,2) = ft
pressure across the interface).
The solution to equation (2-7) satisfying (i), (ii), and (iii) of equation
Equation (2-3) is written in Cartesian coordinates. As one of the major
applications of the present study is for gas bearings with plasma-
gun-deposited ceramic coatings which are usually very thin (HJR «
n * ( y , 8, Z) = 1 + f) Cn cos [(2n - l)wZ] cosh
0.05), the curvature effect is presumably negligible. n=\
Using the equation of state for an isothermal ideal gas
[Tr(2n - 1)
(Y'+l) (2-9)
P P •• constant 7

c = radial clearance R = radius of journal 0 = polar coordinate measured from the
h = dimensional film thickness ri(= fx/R), r 0 (= fo/R) = dimensionless inner largest bearing gap
H(= h/c) =• dimensionless film thickness and outer radius of porous medium A(= 6fiR2<j)/pac2) = compressibility or
Hi = thickness of porous layer x, y, z = dimensional spatial coordinates bearing number
k = permeability of porous medium Y(y/Hi), Z(z/L) = dimensionless spatial A*(= 6ixL2w/pac2) = compressibility num-
L = length of bearing coordinates ber
M = number of grid points in axial direc- W = dimensional load-carrying capacity M = dynamic viscosity of lubricant
tion W = dimensionless load-carrying capacity p = x fluid-density
N = number of grid points in circumferential U(= Roi) = velocity component on bearing a = a^/k
direction surface in x direction u> = angular speed of journal
Pa = ambient pressure a = slip coefficient fi(= 12kR/c3) = filtering parameter
p = dimensional pressure in fluid-film /3(= ac/k) = poro-slip parameter fi*( = 12kHi/cs) = filtering parameter
p = dimensional pressure in porous-layer 7(= L/Hi), y*(L/R) = geometrical parame- n* = P2 2
P = dimensionless pressure in fluid-film ters n =p
P = dimensionless pressure in porous-layer e = eccentricity ratio <l> - attitude angle
j)/ = friction coefficient

332 / JULY 1977 Transactions of the hSME

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Equation (2-9) should match the modified Reynolds equation, (Z)

equation (2-5), at the interface (Y = 0), i.e., to fulfill (iv) of equation )

Intuitively, the Fourier coefficients Cn in equation (2-9) may be
determined by inserting equation (2-9) into equation (2-5). However,
it must be noted that in doing so, one is bound to face some difficul-
ties: M+l
First, equation (2-5) is nonlinear; therefore, either squaring the
series or taking the square root of the series will certainly make the
algebra cumbersome.
Second, it will take several tests to decide how many terms of the
series are needed for the solution to be adequately accurate; for each
test one will have to deal with the first difficulty just mentioned. I*
Third, differentiation of a Fourier series will increase the truncation
error, and, worse, it can destroy convergence.
To avoid these difficulties, the analytical-numerical techniques
developed in [1] will be utilized to solve the modified Reynolds
* 1(9)
equation. 1 I 14-1 N

Fig. 2 Grid system of numerical compulations

(B) Analytical-Numerical Approach t o the Modified
Reynolds Equation. Dividing n * into M strips in the Z-direction
and following the same techniques as given in [1], one can write
n*(U)=in;^„ X [2 cos (2n - lfr(Z - Zk) - cos (2n - l)ir(Z - ZA + l/M)
*=1 n=l
- cos (2n - lh(Z -Zk- l/M)} 1 = 2A* — [G 2 (fl)Vn] (2-15)
_ M „ - , ,„ 1 W _ „ , , ( 2 n - l M Y + l) J d6
= I II ( I C„ cos (2ra - l)ir(Z - Zk) cosh
fc=i n=i y where
(4 + W) (4 + jflff)
where *„ resembles Green's function of the Laplacian operator, and GM = H3 G2(0) = H
C„ can be found from (1 + /3H) (1 + /3H)
1 2 Then Crank-Nicholson numerical scheme is used to formulate the
' - (2n - 1W
X -1/2
Cn cos l(2n - l)ir(Z - Zk)\ cosh-

- Zk) finite-difference approximation for equation (2-15) (Fig. 2 shows the
grid system):
ir m + ftfti - 2ftj+1 .ft}..+ n;+1 - 2ftn
-S- 1/2M
1 X cos (2n - 1)TT(Z - Zk)d(Z - Zh)
2L ' (AZ)2 ' (AZ) 2
(AZ) 2
so that
(2n - I K
. (2n - l)ir
-sin _ ( l ^ ) ^ ( n , + i + n , ) £ ;
(2ra - 1)TT 2M V i r / k=i 2 „ = i ( 2 n - D2
C„ = (2-11)
(2n - I K n
cosh X sin ___ [2 cos (2ra - l)w(j - k)AZ - cos (In - 1)
Differentiation of equation (2-10) may not give a convergent series.
To ensure the convergence of the series for dH*/dY\ y=o, the technique X irO' - k + 1)AZ - cos (2n - 1K0' - k - 1)AZ] - 2k"
of local smoothing [7] is introduced twice; <9n*/<9Y|y=0 is approxi- 1
mated by dW/dY\ y = 0 - Namely, X [ G j + V n f - Gj-v/n}] = 0 (2-16)
£ = 1,2 N
AZ/2 Z+AZ/2

X -AZ/2
n*(z + 2)dz
j = 2, 3 , . . . , M
AZ AZ where the superscript £ denotes the grid index in 0, which acts as the
and time variable in the initial-value problem. Symbolically, equation
(2-16) can be expressed as
az/2 a n * I
.. , X AZ/2 dY I y=o
(AZ = l/M) (2-13)
/(ft;) = o or A(nj+1)+/2(nj) = o
dY\ y=o AZ Equation (2-17) will be solved for n j for; = 2, 3 , . . . , M with the
Consequently, boundary conditions

an* M 4M 2 (2re - 1)TT nj +1 = ftjjii = l (2-18)

E tanh
dY y=o ,=i 2
(2n - 1) 7T 7 2
and the cyclical condition
. (2re - l ) i r
n), nf nj (2-19)
[2 cos (2n - 1)TT(Z - Zk) - cos (2w - 1) n?
Linearization of equation (2-17) by the Newton-Raphson method (see
X TT(Z - Zk + l/M) - cos (2M - l)vr(Z -Zh- l/M)] (2-14)
reference [12]) gives
Now, the modified Reynolds equation can be rewritten as
n ftjU+i) = -ntij.M) + v nj,(m) (2-20)
tanh {2n
~ 1)7r * rih<tt„>
r^52ft o* 2 f 4M2 ^ft £ y . <2n - I K where m and m + l denote the successive approximations to equation
^ ^ " ^ T ^ 1 1 * £ ~m 7^—sin' / (2-17). Equation (2-20) can be expressed as
dZ1 I ir 2 7 * = 1 „ = 1 (2ra - l ) 2

Downloaded From:Journal of Lubrication Technology on 06/27/2019 Terms of Use: JULY 1977 / 333
W2 * 1/2 f IT,

i = l,2,...,N
= W cos <
J o
(P - 1) cos 8d8dZ (2-27)

j = 2, 3 , . . . , M W = VW\ + W\ (2-28)
k =2,3 M
The attitude angle is:
In equation (2-21),
(2n - l)v <t> = t a n - 1 (2-29)
tanh W2
7 (2n - l ) i r
ajk.M - - r 2 T. — - , sm- The friction force exerted on the journal by the film is:
„=i (2ra - l ) z
».1/2 rp i r du\
X [2 cos (2n - 1)TT0' - &)AZ -

- cos (2ra - l H O ' - A - 1)AZ] + riGi(0,-+i) X Ki

cos ( 2 n - l)ir(/ ~ * + D A Z F = 2LR
J o



= 2i f1/2 r2ir\P"dph(ah±2X Uau

1 1 d$ + - — RdB~\ (2-30)
+1+K G2(0i+i)XK3 (2-22) 2 36 (ah+ 1) "" (<rh + 1)
1) J
2 vny
The dimensionless friction coefficient is:
a U ZU
j.(m) - 1 1U1(»I+1)[U|-U.] T jH,(»] ;,(m) J
F iR
Vf =
- rxd^oini--!,^) + nJ+Um)-2ftj-(m)] + r 2 z paLW)W (!)
"7 = 1

(2n - l)ir
1 cxl2
-.1/2 ^.2ir _ r 1 1 dU_

i« +
« n
^ ^

- l ) 2
. (2M - l)ir
W 2 Jo Jo +
L (1 + 8H) 1
( 1 + / 3 H ) 2J dfl

X [2 cos (2ra - l)r(j - q)AZ - cos (2ra - l)irO' - 9 + DAZ

- cos (2M - DTTO" ~q- DAZ) + G2(Bi+1) Vliy.&f™
- G2(fl;) V n ^ + a A ( m ) X ftfe'.Ut™ (2-23) (2-31)
6(1 + j8)
^ (Afl) ^ n*M2T(Afl) 2T The numerical integrations for equations (2-26), (2-27) and the first
4A*(AZ) 2 A*TT2 N integral in equation (2-31) are carried out by Simpson's rule.
- 2 forft= j
+ lforfc = ; ' + 1 (D) Analysis of Truncation Errors. The truncation errors of
Kr Crank-Nicholson numerical scheme are second-order, i.e., 0[(AZ)2]
+ lfor& = ; ' - 1
+ O[(A0)2] (see reference [6]).
0 for others The analysis of error in the application of the local smoothing (or
N for i = N / 1 for k = j sigma smoothing) by integration is given in the following:
Since the local smoothing is carried out in the Z direction only, one
K2 = / K3> may denote II*(Y, Z) simply by a function f(Z). The definition of the
local smoothing by integration is:
^Ofori jt N 0forfc ^ j AZ/2

Note that K2 serves as a switching factor which implements the cy-

^-Tzf- f(Z + Z)dZ

• U2M
clical condition, equation (2-19). Imposing symmetry of the pressure
distribution in the Z direction, equation (2-21) reduces to

f(Z + Z)dZ
L .

(AZ = 1/M) (2-32)

Expanding f(Z + Z) in a Taylor series gives
Apt? = Dj (2-24)
f(Z + Z) = f(Z) + f'(Z)Z + f"(Z)Z2/2\ + ... (2-33)
j = 2,3 Af/2 + 1
k = 2, 3 , . . . , M/2 + 1 Integrating equation (2-33) with respect to Z from — AZ/2 to AZ/2 and
using equation (2-32), we obtain
i = 1, 2 , . . . , N
W) « f(Z) + 1/24M2 f"(Z) (2-34)
Ajk - ay*,(m) + a / ( M - K + 2 ) , ( m ) » D ; - rf;',(m)
g(Z+t)= f(Z + t) + 1/24M2 f"(Z + t) (2-35)
The system of linear algebraic equations represented by equation
In terms of Taylor series expansions, we have
- (2-24) are solved cyclically in i (computation from i = 1 to i = N makes
one cycle) until f(Z + t)= f(Z) + tf'(Z) + t2l2\ f"(Z) + ...
|ftJ + Vi-ft} + l )rl*» (2-25) f"(Z + t)= f"(Z) + tf'"(Z) + t 2 /2! /<iv»(Z) + . . .
where f and f + 1 indicate consecutive cycles, and 5 is a small positive Then, from the definition of the local smoothing, we have
(C) Load-Carrying Capacity, Attitude Angle and Friction
Coefficient. The dimensionless load-carrying capacity and its
X -1/2M

components are: « / ( Z ) + 1/12M 2 /"(Z)

</(Z) + (AZ) 2 /12/"(Z) (2-36)
Wi = — = W sin 0 = 1 I (P - 1) sin BdBdZ (2-26)
paLD Jo Jo Therefore, the over-all truncation errors in the analytical-numerical

334 / JULY 1977

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Transactions of the ASME
Incompressible (Solid Bearing)
r, / r 0 -0.9176, y = 5.61
Solid Bearing r,/r 0 = 0.9176
, 9 = C 0 , f i * = 0 (Solid B e a r i n g )
3.0 £ = OD,il*=0
$ - 50,fl = 0.044 e • 0.8 - 0 = 50,11=0.044

I i i i i 1 I I I ' ! I l I l_

Fig. 5 Friction coefficient versus A*

Fig. 3 Load-carrying capacity versus A*

7=5.64, r,/r.=0.9l76

raj /9=co~n*=o~
" $ = 50,i?= 0.044
y-0.4 fiz10, if= 0.355
* \\\v S^^Lv-^0y. 6- 0 . 8
«*> / / ~~«-.-~^T$5L--
60 r €=0 ' 2
\ ^ \SJ"\/
\ ^*C ^-
^cr5 c ^ ^ ^ ^

i i i i t
1 1 1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 ' 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6 Load-carrying capacity versus A* (large A * )
Fig. 4 Attitude angle versus A*

In Fig. 3 the dashed inclined lines are for solid bearings with in-
compressible lubricants; they are obtained analytically; the derivation
approximation to the'Reynolds equation are second-order, namely of the analytical solution for a solid bearing can be found in [13].
O[(A0)2] + 0[(AZ)2]. In Fig. 4, the dashed portions in the region of small A* indicate the
prediction by the theory of an incompressible bearing. In the in-
Ill Results and Discussion compressible case, the circumferential pressure distribution remains
Numerical solutions are carried out for three sets of parameters, antisymmetrical, resulting in a 90° attitude angle. Analytically, the
namely, (i) 0 = 50, fl* = 0.044, (ii) 0 = 10, fl* = 0.355 and (iii) 0 = <», governing equations for the compressible case can be reduced to that
0* = 0, all with 7 = 5.64. The first two sets correspond to the param- for the incompressible case by expanding pressure in power series in
eters chosen in the infinitely long bearing approximation (see [1]). A small A*. Nevertheless, the numerical results obtained did not reveal
slenderness ratio (LID = 1/4) is imposed on the filtering parameter, that 4> ~* 90° as A* -* 0; this may be due to the inaccuracy of numer-
S3*, since the short bearing approximation is usually suitable for ical approximations in the region of small A*.
bearings with a length-to-diameter ratio equal to or less than 1/4. The Similar to the case of infinitely long porous bearings, the drop of
reason for choosing similar parameters for the long-bearing and the load capacity due to pressure leakage is more pronounced at higher
short-bearing approximations is that they may serve, in terms of the eccentricity than at lower eccentricity.
length-to-diameter ratio, as the upper and the lower bounds for a fi- It is understood that when the compressibility number becomes
nite bearing. The last set, (iii), is designed to represent short bearings very large, the central portion of a bearing of any length-to-diameter
with solid wall. The solution for a solid-wall bearing is actually a ratio behaves as an infinitely long bearing at the same compressibility
special case in the analysis of a porous bearing. number. Nevertheless, a transition region exists near the film edge,
Steady-state characteristics, load-carrying capacity, attitude angle which is responsible for the deviation of a finite bearing from an in-
and friction coefficient at various eccentricity ratios are shown in Figs. finitely long bearing.
3,4,5 for compressibility numbers up to 20, and in Figs. 6,7,8 for large From Fig. 6 it can be seen that the load-carrying capacity tends
A*. "very slowly" to the value of an infinitely long bearing at A* = «

Downloaded From: of Lubrication Technology on 06/27/2019 Terms of Use: JULY 1977 / 335
r,/r 0 = 0.9176
— Solid Bearing
j - t * 0.2 /3 = CD,ff*=0
p - 50,n* 0.011
-yKvy 0.4
(9=10, if=0.355
-0.6 r = 5.64

\NM 3^z
*vX - Solid Bearing
(5 = OCHii*=0
0 = 50,fl*=0.044
^*8Ss^ 0=10, fl = 0.355

Fig. 7 Attitude angle versus A* (large A * )

(denoted by tick marks on the right hand side ordinate); this is con- Fig. 8 Friction coefficient versus A* (large A * )
ceivably due to the so-called "edge effect" which, for solid bearings,
has been elucidated by Elrod and Malanoski [8], and for porous
bearings is formulated in [11], The "edge effect" resembles "boundary and the thickness of the porous layer, similar to those for a gyro
layer" behavior where the inner solution (for L/D # °°) approaches bearing and is used to estimate the porosity-effect on the load ca-
gradually the outer solution (for L/D = °°) as A increases. For a journal pacity.
bearing, the zeroth order (A0) deviation of a finite bearing from an
infinite bearing is inversely proportional to L/D and VA; this should Example 1:
account for the slow approach of a short bearing to an infinitely long R = 0.5 in.
bearing as A* (or A) increases. L = 0.25 in. (L/D •• 1/4)
Comparisons between two thicknesses of porous layer are made. c = 150 microin.
Numerical results of W, (j>, and JJ/ are presented in Table 1; load- Hi = 0.0444 in.
carrying capacity curves for rjro = 0.9176 and 0.9806 are depicted k = 0.282 X 10~ 12 in 2 (porous materials in the ceramic family, e.g.,
in Pig. 9. As the porous layer may function as a sink for the lubricant, chromium oxide or beryllium oxide) 2
the thicker the porous layer, the more the pressure leakage, and a = 0.177 3
consequently the more loss of load capacity. This phenomenon can e = 0.6
readily be seen from Pig. 9.
Several examples for L/D = 1/4 are provided to illustrate the use
of the design charts and tables. Example 1 may be suitable for the The permeability, k, is estimated from the porosity-permeability correlation
application in optical instruments such as photo scanners or light for beryllium oxide provided by Livey, Hey, and O'Neill [10].
The slip coefficient, a, is dependent on the structure of the porous material,
choppers where self-acting ceramic gas bearings have been used. In and its value has to be determined by experimentation. Unfortunately, there
a broad sense, the results may be applied to the areas where the wear are very few experimental data available in the literature. However, Beavers,
of bearings is a major concern, and the improvement of wear charac- Sparrow, and Magnusson (reference [9]) have found experimentally a = 0.1 for
teristics, especially in the start or stop period, can be taken as com- foametal, which consists of irregularly shaped interconnected pores formed by
a lattice construction. As the ceramic may have a smaller permeability (the
pensation for the load-drop due to the presence of the porous layer. permeability of the foametal is in the order of 10 -8 in.2) a is estimated to be in
Example 2 has dimensions, such as the radius, the radial clearance the range of 0.1 to 0.5 for the ceramic.

Table 1 Comparison between two thicknesses of porous layer

e = 0.4
i/r„ f« ii* 7 A* W 0°
0.9176 50 0.044 5.64 2 0.1126 84.41
0.9176 50 0.044 5.64 4 0.1981 63.98 67.80
0.9176 50 0.044 5.64 7 0.3098 48.34 75.80
0.9176 50 0.044 5.64 10 0.3927 39.97 87.07
0.9176 50 0.044 5.64 15 0.4825 29.42 104.19
0.9176 50 0.044 5.64 20 0.5279 25.03 126.95
0.9806 50 0.0098 25.29 2 0.1225 71.60 54.87
0.9806 50 0.0098 25.29 4 0.2024 57.63 66.34
0.9806 50 0.0098 25.29 7 0.3211 43.18 73.13
0.9806 50 0.0098 25.29 10 0.3971 36.53 84.44
0.9806 50 0.0098 25.29 15 0.4915 28.56 102.28
0.9806 50 0.0098 25.29 20 53.58 21.36 125.05
0.9176 10 0.355 5.64 2 0.0880 143.7 57.67
0.9176 10 0.355 5.64 4 0.1672 116.8 68.62
0.9176 10 0.355 5.64 7 0.2440 88.24 88.17
0.9176 10 0.355 5.64 10 0.2939 71.52 104.51
0.9176 10 0.355 5.64 15 0.3686 48.66 133.23
0.9176 10 0.355 5.64 20 0.3957 39.79 155.09
0.9806 10 0.0792 25.29 2 0.0925 87.01 66.48
0.9806 10 0.0792 25.29 4 0.1962 73.72 83.69
0.9806 10 0.0792 25.29 7 0.2545 55.46 89.50
0.9806 10 0.0792 25.29 10 0.3213 45.62 95.56
0.9806 10 0.0792 25.29 15 0.4215 35.22 109.22
0.9806 10 0.0792 25.29 20 0.4581 27.20 133.95

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W' = paWLD= 1.6421b
FR = VfW'c = 0.00588 in.-lb
If the wall of the bearing is solid, from Fig. 3
W = 0.331
W' = paWLD = 2.137 lb
The drop of load due to the porous layer is:
(2.137 - 1.642)/2.137 X 100% = 23.2%
The permeability, k, in this example is small (in order to use Table
1 directly); if k is larger, say 0.156 X 1 0 - 1 2 in 2 , then by linear extrap-
olation on SI*, which is linearly proportional to k, the load-drop from
the solid-wall bearing will increase to 50 percent. Furthermore, it may
be noted that the permeability is estimated from the results [10] for
fabricated beryllium oxide, which is made by hot pressing or cold
pressing and sintering; for the plasma-gun-deposited ceramic coating
such as in a gyro bearing, the permeability may be larger than that
of the fabricated beryllium oxide.

IV Conclusion
Fig. 9 Load-carrying capacity for two different thicknesses of porous The complexities encountered in solving the problem of a porous
bearing with compressible lubricating film are:
(i) the Reynolds equation is nonlinear;
(ii) there are two regions, the fluid-film and the porous-layer,
n = 3 X 10- 9 lb-s/in 2 (air) involved. The key issue is how to treat skillfully the transverse flow
pa = 60 psi term, which bridges the two flow regions, and solve the nonlinear
Af (speed of rotor) = 10,204 rpm Reynolds equation economically.
n/r0 = 0.918 This report has presented a feasible and effective approximation
0 = ac/Vk = 50 to deal with the complexities above-mentioned; the Green-function
0* = WkHi/c3 = 0.044 technique has reduced efforts of solving two simultaneous partial
7 = L/Hi differential equations to treating just one equation.
A* = 6nUL2/paRc2 = 2 Furthermore, the solution for a solid-wall short bearing has been
From Figs. 3, 4, and 5, we obtain obtained as a special case of a porous-wall bearing.
IV = 0.210
0 = 75 Acknowledgment
»;/ = 36.3 This work was performed under the contract N00014-67-A-
Hence 0108-0021 administered by Mr. Stan Doroff and sponsored by the
W(load) = p a L L W = 3.15 lb Office of Naval Research, Fluid Dynamic Branch. Their sponsorship
FR (journal friction torque) = rifW'c = 0.0172 in.-lb and financial support are sincerely acknowledged.
If the wall of the bearing is solid, then from Figs. 3, 4, and 5
W = 0.324 References
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