Professional Ed-WPS Office

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Professional Education Part 1

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. “Freedom and authority are not antagonistic, moreover, freedom is the legitimate offspring of
authority.” Which of the following situation best illustrate the above principle?
a. Parents and teachers personifying authority and discipline.
b. Children learn freedom by being inhibited in their conduct.
c. Students are free to do what law allows.
d. Teacher carries a mantle of authority in a domineering manner.
2. The relationship between education and culture tends to be cyclical. This means that __________.
a. the school serves as a channel where individuals learn their culture.
b. it is the school’s primary function to transmit culture and is an agent of change.
c. the school system transmit culture and the classroom is the agent of transmission.
d. The school is shaped by culture and culture is, in turn, influenced by the school.
3. According to J. Dewey, “Education is a continuous process of experiencing and revising or reorganizing
experiences. This means that education ________________.
a. takes place formally or informally to enable the individual to grow
b. is never completed and goes on throughout life
c. may take place anywhere and anytime the individual desires
d. takes place in school where learner is exposed to specific, self-contained experiences
4. Which of the current classroom practices is influenced by Skinner’s Operant Conditioning?
a. connection between stimulus and response
b. involuntary response to a stimulus
c. reinforcement of correct practices
d. progression of subordinate Learning
5. The primary objective of bilingual education is to prepare learners to be ____________.
a. globally competitive
b. proficient in Filipino and other major dialects
c. proficient in both English and Filipino
d. proficient in Filipino and another foreign language
6. The principle of Individual Differences require teachers to ______________.
a. give more attention to the gifted students
b. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
c. provide varied learning activities to suit individual needs
d. provide modules for slow learners in the class
7. “All learning is bond-connecting.” Which of the following is this Principle not applicable?
a. attitutes
b. reflexes
c. skills
difference in the professionalizing of teachers and teaching as embodied in PD 1006 and R.A. 7836?
a. appointed on full time basis and on permanent status
b. holder of valid professional certificate of registration
c. assigned at the tertiary level in both private and state colleges and universities
d. assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools
9. How is Values Education offered in the National Secondary Education Curriculum (NESC)?
a. integrated in all subject areas
b. offered as a separate subject
c. emphasized in MAKABAYAN subjects
d. integrated with T.H.E subjects
10. What is the most important principle that a teacher should follow in initiating a program of positive
a. conduct peer approval and recognition
b. punish negative behaviour and reward positive behaviour
c. Provide regular opportunities for socially – acceptable behaviour
d. reward should come immediately after appropriate behaviour
11. The history of curriculum development includes the hidden curriculum approach. What is the
context emphasis of this approach?
a. introspection and choice
b. student experiences and activities
c. Implicit processes and social norms
d. student needs and interests
12. What type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give another what is due him?
a. distributive justice
b. commutative justice
c. social justice
d. penal justice
13. Which thrust on values formation is intended to help the students identify and be aware of their
a. values integration
b. values clarification
c. values enhancement
d. moral development
14. Which among these goals for change is espoused by the “Moral Recovery Program?”
a. sense of justice, sense of national pride and of seriousness
b. sense of national pride, sense of seriousness and sense of common good
c. sense of seriousness, of common goal and sense of justice and outrage over its’ violations
d. sense of national pride, of common good and justice and outrage over its’ violations
15. Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and good governance?
a. transparency in barangay operations and other organizations thru public reporting
b. vigilance in the use of weights and measures used in the market
c. equal payment of government employees productivity pay
d. payment of just wages to workers and employees
16. Which statement holds true to values clarification?
a. values are independent of time, place and persons; is meant to help students get at their own feelings
and ideas
b. no person has the right set of values to pass on to others; is meant to let the students understand
their own feelings, ideas and beliefs
c. values are objective
d. values are independent of time
17. Which of the following is NOT a goal of true authority?
a. to help, form and guide others
b. to set examples for/ to others
c. to coerce other to do what the authorities what them to do
d. to bring out the best in others
18. The Philippine Education Act of 1982 define the areas of concern of the three levels if educational
system. What is the mission of the elementary education?
a. to mould an effective and efficient teacher
b. to establish a relevant and responsive quality education
c. to produce an enlightened, disciplined, creative and productive citizen
d. create a modern and up-to-date methods of teaching and materials
19. Free public elementary and secondary education is in line with the government’s effort to address
educational problems of ___________.
a. productivity
b. relevance and quality
c. effectiveness and efficiency
d. access and equity
20. “Men are built not born” as what John Watson said. This statement points to ___________
a. effect of heredity
b. absence of genetic influence on a person’s development
c. effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development
d. ineffectiveness of training on a person’s development
Professional Education Part 2
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. What does “Developmentally Appropriate Practice type of schooling focus on?
I. Typical development patterns of children
II. Uniqueness of each child
III. Direct Instructions

a. I & III
b. I & II
c. II & III
d. II only
2. For Freud, the primary motivation for human behaviour is sexual in nature while for Erikson, it is
_________ in nature.
a. social
b. physical
c. cultural
d. biological
3. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to cognitive psychologist is to __________.
a. fill the minds of the learner with information
b. make the learning task easy for the student
c. help the learner connect what he knows with the new information learned
d. dictate upon the learner what he should learn and know
4. Researches conducted show that the teacher’s expectancies of students often become self-fulfilling
prophecies. This phenomenon is called ____________.
a. Halo effect

b. Hawthorne effect
c. Ripple effect
d. Pygmalion effect
5. Which of the following is NOT synonymous to performance objective?
a. Teachers objectives
b. Learners objectives
c. Instructional objectives
d. Behavioural objectives
6. Individual differences, when recognize early, will enable the teacher to provide different motivations
and approaches in guiding the learning process. Each learner differs physically mentally, socially and
emotionally. Unless the teacher provide for these differences, no amount of modern approaches in
teaching can produce favourable results. This paragraph emphasizes that ______________.
a. there is a need for motivating learning
b. Individual difference is an important factor in guiding the learner
c. focus should be on teacher-learner relationship
d. it’s the nature of learning process
7. The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in physical appearance,
certain attributes are constant. This is ____________.
a. reservation
b. construction
c. integration
d. conservation
8. The level of mental maturity needed for a pupil to maximize learning opportunities can be determined
a. upon reaching the age of seven
b. approximately at age five
c. at a level that varies from task to task
d. by administering readiness test
9. Stage where children consider parents and teachers as authorities and models.
a. period of morality by constraint
b. post-conventional morality
c. mental age
d. metacognition
10. The human evocative approach and the 4 A’s end with __________.
a. generalization
b. analysis
c. application
d. adaption
11. The process by which certain potentials are inherited from the parents for his development.
a. Life
b. Birth
c. Heredity
d. Character
12. The theory states that there are 8 basic developmental stages that the individual has pass through
his life.
a. Learning theory
b. Psychoanalytic theory
c. Psychosocial theory
d. Cognitive Development Theory
13. Transition age from childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and sex maturity occur
resulting in changes in ways of feelings, thinking and acting.
a. Puberty
b. Adolescence
c. Early childhood
d. Latency period
14. Modifying an existing scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment, result in the
creation of new scheme.
a. Accommodation
b. Assimilation
c. Interaction
d. Modification
15. Theory stating that a person’s behaviour can be motivated by urges towards self satisfaction.
a. Psychoanalytic Theory
b. Association Theory
c. Psychosocial Theory
d. Morality Theory

16. The ability of a child to conceptualize the retention and preservation of the same quantity under
various changes.
a. Recognition
b. Conservation
c. Reversibility
d. Assimilation
17. Refers to the idea that no individual are exactly the same or alike.
a. Cognitive Theory
b. Exclusive theory
c. Individual Differences
d. Appreciative Learning
18. He is known as the Father of Modern I.Q. Test.
a. Lewis Terman
b. Erik Erikson
c. Laurence Kohlberg
d. Martin Lesley
19. “Intellectual Appreciative Experiences” is ______________.
a. based on the premise that all learning has emotional correlates.
b. obtained in the field of music, art and literature.
c. the acquisition and retention of facts and information.
d. the assumption that human activities are based on stimulus and response.
20. This statement implies that children at the early learning stage, considered parents and teachers as
authorities and models.
a. Parents and teachers should always coordinate children’s activities
b. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school
c. Parents and teachers should be the role models at all times
d. Parents and teachers should always consult each other with regards the child’s intellectual
Professional Education Part 3
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. Any changes in the behaviour of an individual.
a. learning
b. Response
c. Change
d. Development
2. The reinforcement of a person’s response by presentation or removal of rewards and punishments.
a. operant conditioning
b. transfer of learning
c. Feedback Principle
d. Discipline
3. This stimulation of action best explain the behaviour of an individual to take what he perceives to be
the shortest route to his goals.
a. Recognition
b. Development
c. Assimilation
d. Motivation
4. Philosophy of Education’s mean function.
a. Aid the learner to build his own personal philosophy
b. Definition of goals and setting of directions from which education is to strive
c. Education carries on a lifetime cycle.
5. According to Froebel, Kindergarten is also known as __________.
a. children have fun and enjoyment
b. garden for children to play and learn
c. the learning center for life
d. where new beginnings begin
6. Which of the following statements is given emphasis by “humanistic eduction?”
a. the great words of man such as classics should be enjoyed
b. Man should learn the different philosophies of education
c. “Build a man who is distinctly civilized, educated and refined.”
d. Develop man into a thinking individual
7. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience should
follow learning, thus, she has to _____________.
a. require her students mastery of the lessons
b. encourage her students to memorize facts
c. equip her students with basic skills and abilities
d. provide her students with opportunities to apply their skills and abilities
8. How are institutions of learning encourage to set higher standards over and above the minimum
requirement for state recognition?
a. Scholastic achievement
b. Faculty development
c. Academic Freedom
d. Voluntary Accreditation
9. Which of the following is mandated by the 1987 Constitution with regards to Education?
a. Free and compulsory formal and non-formal education for all citizens
b. Free education for both elementary and secondary levels and compulsory elementary education for
all children of school age
c. Free and compulsory education for all levels
d. Nursery and Kinder is require before elementary
10. Which of the following educational measures embody the policy “Return to the Basics?”
a. K-12 Education Program
b. National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT)
c. Minimum Learning Competencies (MLC)
d. New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC)
11. Reason why John Dewey, during the American Period, proposed the transformation of the public
school systems.
a. He recognized the essence of change and innovation to promotes progress.
b. The traditional academic education did not serve the ideals of democracy.
c. Industrialism was endangering the values of the society.
d. the intellectual motivation of the students was on decline
12. Basic education includes secondary education. Which of the following led to the establishment of
the secondary school?
a. Humanistic
b. Reformation
c. Rationalism
d. Realistic
13. How does an adolescent perceive his environment when he combines his inductive and deductive
reasoning ability in realistic rules that he can respect and live by?
a. he views the world from his own perspective
b. he sees the world through the eyes of other people
c. he interprets events from a limited point
d. he views events as detached from himself and other people
14. R.A# 6713 prohibits government employees and public officials from engaging in private practice
unless authorized by law. You are a teacher for half-day in a public school. You were offered to teach in
a private school with a schedule that is in conflict with your teaching sked in the public school. What
should you do?
a. Retain your public school teaching load and forego the offer.
b. Take the offer and ask for adjustment of the public school time slot.
c. Resign from the Public School teaching
d. Ask for another teaching load in the public school
15. The ability to perceive how objects are related in order to mentally perceive what is seen. thus
creating concrete visual images form memory.
a. visual-spatial intelligence
b. mathematical-logical
c. qualitative intelligence
d. spatial intelligence
16. He is responsible for the theory which recognizes the importance of developing multiple
a. Jean Piaget
b. Howard Gardner
c. Frederick Fraebel
d. Sigmund Freund
17. An emerging thrust in determining one’s personality, whether pleasant or unwholesome; one’s
virtues, i.e values, relationships, adjustments to varying situations, behaviour and motivations.
a. emotional quotient (E.Q)
b. intelligence quotient (I.Q)
c. adjusted personality
d. multiple intelligence
18. Is it the measurement of personality which is the result by dividing the mental age by the
chronological age.
a. emotional quotient (E.Q)
b. intelligence quotient (I.Q)
c. multiple intelligence
d. anticipated behaviour
19. Type of intelligence which enables a person to understand the other person’s feeling, behaviour and
a. emotional quotient
b. spatial intelligence
c. social intelligence
d. quantitative-qualitative
20. One’s ability to do abstract reasoning and manipulate symbols refer to what type of intelligence?
a. visual intelligence
b. diametric
c. spatial intelligence
d. mathematical-logical
Professional Education Part 4
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. Why is it considered unfair to learners for teachers to use only the traditional tools for assessment?

a. Learners learn and demonstrate learning in multiple ways other than in written form.

b. Traditional tools cannot measure higher order thinking skills.

c. Most teachers are not ready to use alternative assessment tools.

d. Traditional assessment is threatening.

Answer: a

2. Which best explains assessment as learning?

I. The use of a scoring rubric makes specific to the learner the ideal expected output.

II. The use of a scoring rubrics gives the learner an opportunity to for self-assessment.

III. A teacher who periodically assesses learners understanding ensures learning.

a. I and II

b. II only

c. I only

d. I, II and III

Answer: a

3. Which is referred to as assessment of learning?

a. Formative assessment

b. Summative assessment

c. Traditional assessment

d. Authentic assessment

Answer: b

4. Which applies to authentic assessment?

a. Indirect assessment

b. Teaching to the test

c. Performing real-world task

d. Paper-and-pencil test
Answer: c

5. Which applies to authentic assessment?

a. Product assessment

b. Indirect assessment

c. Traditional test

d. Teaching to the test

Answer: a

6. Which applies to authentic assessment?

a. Application of knowledge and skill learned

b. Teaching to the test

c. Indirect assessment

d. Traditional test

Answer: a

7. Which go/es with authentic assessment?

a. Task to perform and grading system

b. Test items to answer and scoring system

c. Task to perform and scoring rubric

d. Test items to answer and grading system

Answer: c

8. Which attribute belongs more to traditional assessment?

a. Performing a task

b. Selecting a response

c. Direct evidence

d. Real – life

Answer: b

9. Which attribute belongs more to traditional assessment?

a. Indirect evidence

b. Performing a task

c. Direct evidence

d. Real – life

Answer: a

10. Which attribute belongs more to traditional assessment?

a. Performing a task

b. Direct evidence

c. Real – life

d. Contrived incident

Answer: d

11. Which goes with authentic assessment?

a. Application

b. Contrived incident

c. Simple recall

d. Indirect evidence

Answer: a

12. Which goes with authentic assessment?

a. Direct evidence

b. Contrived incident

c. Simple recall

d. Indirect evidence
Answer: a

13. Which goes with authentic assessment?

a. Contrived incident

b. Simple recall

c. Indirect evidence

d. Performing a task

Answer: d

14. Between driver who passed the written test but failed the driving test and one who passed the
driving test but failed the written test, the latter is generally preferred. What does this imply about
assessment practice?

a. Authentic assessment is preferred to traditional assessment.

b. Traditional assessment is more reliable than authentic assessment.

c. Traditional assessment supplements authentic assessment.

d. Traditional and authentic assessments cannot adequately measure what is intended to be measured.

Answer: a

15. Between driver who passed the written test but failed the driving test and one who passed the
driving test but failed the written test, the latter is generally preferred. But most preferred is one who
passed both written and driving test. What does this imply about assessment practice?

a. Traditional and authentic assessments cannot adequately measure what is intended to be measured.
b. Authentic assessment complements traditional assessment.

c. Authentic assessment can be relied upon.

d. Traditional assessment when done well can function as authentic assessment.

Answer: b

16. Is traditional assessment grounded on the following philosophies?

I. A school’s mission is to develop productive citizens.

II. To be a productive citizen, an individual must possess a certain body of knowledge and skills.

III. Schools much teach this body of knowledge and skills and test if students acquired these knowledge
and skills.

a. No.

b. Yes, if productivity of a citizen is tested by real-world tasks.

c. Yes.

d. No, except I.

Answer: c

17. On what philosophy is authentic assessment anchored? School must help students:

a. become proficient at performing tasks they will encounter when they graduate.

b. master knowledge and skills.

c. pass tests on knowledge and skills acquired.

d. acquire written and communication skills.

Answer: a

18. Here is an essay test for the finals given by a teacher to his class: Write everything that you learned
from this course. What’s wrong with the test item?

I. It is too broad.

II. It does not show how scoring will be done.

III.. It is very open-ended.

a. I, II, and III

b. II and III

c. I and II

d. I only

Answer: a

19. Here is an essay test for the finals given by a teacher to his class: Write everything that you learned
from this course on school-based management. Which is an improve version of the essay test?

a. Write 5 main principles on school-based management that you learned from the course. You will be
given 2 points each for stating a correct principle and 8 points each for correctly and adequately
explaining each principle.

b. State and explain 5 main principles of school-based management.

c. Clearly state and fully explain 5 main principles of school-based management.

d. State and explain 5 main principles of school-based management. Five points for stating and 25 points
for correctly explaining.

Answer: a

20. Here are 4 elements with their corresponding percentages that the K to 12 Curriculum include in its
assessment process:

Knowledge – 15%

Processes and Skills – 25%

Understanding – 30%

Product and Performance – 30%

Which conclusion can be derived from the K to 12 assessment practice?

a. Assessment puts emphasis on knowledge and processes and skills

b. Assessment practice makes use of multiple sources

c. Assessment emphasizes most on comprehension

d. Assessment requires critical thinking and disregards recall.

Answer: b

Professional Education Part 5

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. For diagnostic purposes, which Scoring Rubric will be most appropriate?

a. Analytic

b. Holistic

c. Global

d. Descriptive

Answer: a

2. Complete the analogy: Traditional assessment: selecting a response, Authentic assessment:


a. performing a task

b. matching the answer

c. filling in the blanks

d. identifying the answer

Answer: a

3. Complete the analogy: Authentic response: real-life, Traditional assessment: ___________

a. real task

b. simulated activity
c. contrived

d. role-playing

Answer: c

4. Complete the analogy: Traditional assessment: recall, Authentic assessment: ___________

a. comprehension

b. interpretation

c. recognition

d. application

Answer: d

5. Complete the analogy: Traditional assessment: indirect, Authentic assessment: ___________

a. circumstantial evidence

b. conclusion

c. direct evidence

d. generalization

Answer: c

6.Authentic assessments are said to be more student-structured than teacher-structured. What does
this mean?
Authentic assessment:

a. allows more student choice in determining what is presented as evidence of proficiency. limited to the presentation of evidence of learning that is designed by the teacher.

c. limits presentation of evidence of learning to that which is acceptable to the teacher.

d. allows students to choose the topic/s to learn over which to show proof of learning.

Answer: a

7. Why are traditional assessments said to be more teacher-structured than student-structured?

a. What students will show as proof of learning is dependent on what teacher asks.

b. Students can show evidence of learning much more than what teacher asks.

c. In traditional assessment, teachers limit tests to low-level test items.

d. Traditional assessment is not as challenging as authentic assessment.

Answer: a

8. Are authentic assessments more students-structured than teacher-structured?

a. No, it is more teacher-structured.

b. It depends on the teacher giving the authentic assessment.

c. Yes, it is more student-structured.

d. It depends on the type of authentic assessment given.

Answer: c

9. Is traditional assessment more students-structured than teacher-structured?

a. No, it is more teacher-structured.

b. It depends on the orientation of the teacher giving the traditional assessment.

c. Yes, it is more student-structured.

d. It can be determined by the ability of the students taking the test.

Answer: a

10. What does “teaching to the test” mean?

a. Teachers teach by focusing primarily on those that will be tested.

b. Teachers teach in such a way that students perform well on meaningful tasks.

c. Teachers use test to teach.

d. Teachers begin and end instruction with a test.

Answer: a

11. Which one shows that authentic assessment encourages integration of teaching, learning and

a. Students are asked to give back information they were taught.

b. Students are asked to apply what they were taught.

c. Students learn when they solve real-world problem, assess their own solutions to the problem with a
teacher facilitating.

d. Teacher presents a word problem in Math, gives formula to solve the problem and asks students to
check on their answers.

Answer: c

12. Assessment should be multiple and varied. What does this mean?

I. Sufficient number of samples of student performance must be obtained.

II. Use different tools to determine student’s application of learning.

III. Cater to the multiple intelligences.

a. I, II

b. II and III

c. I, III

d. I, II, and III

Answer: d

13. Which illustrate/s multiple and varied assessment?

Use observation-based assessment tool and:

I. observe not only one but all the students.

II. observe as frequently and as regularly as possible.

III. stick to only one observation tool.

IV. observe both routine and exceptional occurrences.

a. I and IV

b. I, II, and III

c. I and II

d. I, II, and IV

Answer: d

14. The following are characteristics of authentic assessment EXCEPT

a. criterion-referenced

b. requires students to use a range of HOTS

c. emphasizes performance

d. norm-referenced

Answer: d

15. The following are characteristics of authentic assessment EXCEPT

a. encourages both teacher and students to determine their rate of progress

b. encourages rote learning

c. discourages passive learning

d. emphasizes student’s performance in real – world situations.

Answer: b

16. Which are examples of authentic assessment activities?

I. Writing reports

II. Defending a thesis

III. Doing science experiment

IV. Answering a multi-matching test

a. IV only

b. I, II, and IV

c. I and IV

d. I, II, and III

Answer: d

17. Which are TRUE of a portfolio?

By means of a portfolio:

I. the teacher can assess the growth and development of the students at various levels

II. students can display any work they want to display

III. parents have a concrete picture of their children’s progress in school

IV. instructional supervisors have a concrete basis in evaluating their academic program

a. I and II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. III and IV

Answer: d

18. Teachers Rose likes to determine whether or not a student is able to focus the microscope according
to set standards. Which assessment tool will she use?

a. Performance checklist

b. Self-report

c. Oral questioning

d. Observation report

Answer: a
19. Teacher Paz wants to determine a student’s ability to communicate ideas in coherent verbal
sentences. Which performance assessment tool is most fit?

a. Oral questioning

b. Observation

c Self-report

d. Behavior checklist

Answer: a

20. Teacher D makes use of binary test? Which does she make use of?

I. True-false

II. Fact-opinion

III. Right-wrong

IV. Yes-no

a. I, II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. I, II, III, and IV

Answer: d
Professional Education Part 6
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Read this then answer the questions:

In the context of ASEAN 2015, the K to 12 Curriculum is not an option but a necessity. Which is a
significant feature of the K to 12 Curriculum?

Is this a good test item?

a. Yes, it is direct to the point.

b. No, this is beyond the scope of the LET.

c. No, it has a window dressing.

d. Yes, it conforms to standard of good testing.

Answer: c

2. Read this test item then answer the question:


a. refers to how a test is constructed.

b. refers to how a test is interpreted.

c. refers to how a test is scored.

d. refers to how a passing score is established.

What is wrong with the test item?

a. Very easy

b. Repeated options

c. No answer

d. Poor grammar

Answer: b

3. Read this test item then answer the question:

Internal consistency is high…

a. when students who scored high on the first half of the test score high on the second half of the test.

b. when students who scored high on the first half of the test score low on the second half of the test.

c. when students who scored high on the first half of the test in an unpredictable manner on the second
half of the test.

d. when all of the above are true.

What is/are faulty with the test item?

I. It uses “all of the above”.

II. Not all options are grammatically correct when connected to the stem

III. The options are repetitive.

a. I and II

b. II and III

c. I only

d. I and III

Answer: d

4. Is this an improved version of the test given in #3?

If the internal consistency of a test is good, how will a group of students score on the second half of the
test if they got the highest scores on the first half of the test?

A. Highest scores

B. Lowest scores

C. Unpredictable scores

D. Cannot be determined

a. No, the number of options is reduced to 3.

b. Yes, the options are not repetitive.

c. All options implausible.

d. Yes, there is window dressing.

Answer: b
5. Read this question then answer test item:

Various item formats have specific advantages and limitations. An advantage the essay format has over
the multiple-choice format is:

A. the essay item can assess more skills in a given amount of time.

B. the essay item can assess students’ ability to evaluate ideas.

C. the essay item can be reliably scored.

D. the essay item requires students to communicate ideas in writing.

What is TRUE of the test item?

a. It is poorly written because it has window dressing.

b. Is is well written.

c. It has two possible answers.

d. The options end with a period.

Answer: a

6. Read the test item then answer the question.

Which of the following has helped most to increase the length of human life?

A. Fast Driving

B. Avoidance of overeating
C. Wider use of vitamins

D. Wider use of inoculation

What is faulty with the test item?

a. Implausible distracter

b. No stem

c. Options not parallel

d. Options grammatically inconsistent with the stem

Answer: a

7. Read the test item then answer the question:

In purifying water for a city water supply, one process is to have the impure water seep through layers
of sand and fine and course gravel. Here many impurities are left behind. Below are four terms, one of
which will describe this process better than the others. Select the correct one.

A. Sedimentation

B. Filtration

C. Chlorination

D. Aeration

What is a flaw of the test item?

a. Stem includes an “instructional aside.”

b. The test item is very long.

c. There is no correct answer.

d. There are two possible answers.

Answer: a

8. Read the test item then answer the question:

Which event is most important in Philippine history?

A. The capture of Aguinaldo

B. The execution of Jose Rizal

C. EDSA I Revolution

D. Proclamation of Philippine Independence

What is flaw of the test item?

a. Opinionated

b. No single answer

c. Insignificant

d. Irrelevant
Answer: a

9. Read the test item then answer the question:

The population of Denmark is about

A. 2 million

B. 15 million

C. 4 million

D. 7 million

What is a flaw of the test item?

a. Options not sequenced

b. Insignificant

c. Irrelevant

d. Limited options

Answer: a

10. In which level in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of objectives are questions that begin with “restate in
your own words…” and “convert fractions into… fall?

a. Analysis

b. Comprehension
c. Recall

d. Application

Answer: b

11. Which questions fall under recall in Bloom’s taxonomy?

I. Who invented the…?

II. What is meant by…?

III. Where is the…?

IV. Restate in your own words…

a. I and II

b. II and IV

c. I and III

d. I, II, and III

Answer: d

12. Questions that begin with

How is…an example of…?

How is…related to…?

in Bloom’s taxonomy/

Are questions on ___________.

a. analysis

b. synthesis

c. comprehension

d. application

Answer: d

13. Questions such as:

What would you infer from…?

What ideas can you add to…?

How would you create a…

are examples of _______ in Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy of objectives

a. creating

b. analyzing

c. applying

d. understanding
Answer: a

14. In presenting words and their definitions, in a matching type of test, which practice is correct?

a. Column 2 should contain the definitions, which are longer than the words.

b. The items which are arranged in chronological order would be found in both Columns.

c. The premise is found in Column 1.

d. All the items in both columns are numbered.

Answer: c

15. Which type of paper-and-pencil test is most appropriate for this lesson objective: “The student will
be able to identify the elements with their symbols from the periodic table.”

a. Binary test

b. Short answer

c. Completion

d. Matching Type

Answer: d

16. The components of a multiple choice item are a

a. stem and several foils

b. correct answer and several foils

c. stem, a correct answer and some foils

d. stem and a correct answer

Answer: c

17. To which type of assessment does assessment OF learning refer?

a. Summative

b. Diagnostic

c. Formative

d. Standardized

Answer: a

18. To which type of assessment does assessment FOR learning refer?

a. Summative

b. Diagnostic

c. Formative

d. Standardized

Answer: c

19. The phrase assessment AS learning refers to ___________.

a. Self-assessment

b. Summative assessment

c. Formative assessment

d. Standardized assessment

Answer: a

20. It is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust
ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.
Which type of assessment is referred to?

a. Summative

b. Formative

c. Self-assessment

d. Diagnostic

Answer: b
Professional Education Part 7
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. In what way are students involved in the formative process?


a. monitor their ongoing progress

b. set their own learning goals

c. show proof of learning

d. evaluate instruction

Answer: a

2. What does a portfolio include?

I. Student participation in selecting contents

II. Criteria for selection

III. Criteria for judging merits

IV. Evidence of a student’s self reflection

a. I, II, III and IV

b. I and II

c. I, II and III

d. I only

Answer: a

3, Which type of portfolio includes the best and weakest of student work?

a. Development portfolio
b. Process portfolio

c. Showcase portfolio

d. Performance portfolio

Answer: a

4. Which type a portfolio emphasizes students’ reflection on their learning, including the use of
reflective journals, think logs, and related forms of metacognitive processing?

a. Development portfolio

b. Process portfolio

c. Showcase portfolio

d. Performance portfolio

Answer: a

5. Which type of portfolio is best used for summative evaluation of students’ mastery of key curriculum

a. Development portfolio

b. Process portfolio

c. Showcase portfolio

d. Performance portfolio
Answer: c

6. Which is NOT TRUE of an appropriate assessment method?

a. Requires minimum effort to develop

b. Is valid and reliable measure of the learning targets

c. Method matches the learning targets

d. Yields evidence that the learning targets were met

Answer: a

7. A teacher constructs a test blueprint prior to writing items for a test, to ensure test ___________

a. validity

b. scorability

c. reliability

d. fairness

Answer: a

8. Which of the following actions contributes to enhancing a test’s validity?

a. Comparing the scores of students with different demographic characteristics

b. Re-administering the test to the same examinees at least two weeks apart
c. Comparing scores on the same examinees before and after instruction

d. Having other people examine the items to make sure there is nothing offensive

Answer: c

9. Which of the following actions contributes to the improvement of test reliability?

a. Increase the number of items and score points on the test.

b. Decrease the number of inferences or decisions based on the results.

c. Increase the number of objectives measured by the test.

d. Decrease the number of different types of item formats used.

Answer: a

10. The learning specialist administers a set of tests to identify specific weaknesses in Nick’s learning
processes. These types of tests are known as _____________ tests.

a. diagnostic

b. aptitude

c. intelligence

d. formative

Answer: a

11. Which is TRUE of authentic tests?

a. Use norm-referenced grading

b. Emphasize breadth of knowledge more than depth

c. Maximize comparisons among students

d. Entail self-assessment

Answer: d

12. Which of these BEST defines assessment?

a. Judging the quality of student performance

b. Specifying what students should know and be able to do

c. Reporting what students have learned or not learned

d. Gathering information about students to make decisions

Answer: a

13. Which of these BEST explains pre-instructional assessment?

a. Establishes baselines grades for a unit of instruction

b. Monitors student learning during a unit of instruction

c. Determines what students learned as a result of instruction

d. Guides learning targets and activities for a unit of instruction

Answer: a

14. If Teacher Marian wants to determine what is considered acceptable evidence of mastery of the
specific learning targets, it is best for her to

a. plan a schedule when assessments will be administered

b. plan how to give students’ feedback based on evidence

c. announce to students what the grading system will be

d. determine what assessment methods will yield the evidence

15. Which is a feature of an imperfect matching type of test?

Answer: d

a. An answer may be repeated.

b. The items in the 2 columns are not equal.

c. Items on the left and right column have a one to one correspondence.

d. Its premises are vague.

Answer: a

16. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of recent trends in assessment?

a. On-going gathering of information throughout instruction

b. Publicly-known criteria for evaluating performance

c. Variety of methods used to gather information about performance

d. Gathering performance information about isolated skills or facts

Answer: d

17. Which are TRUE of portfolio assessment?

I. Promotes student self-evaluation, reflection, and critical thinking

II. Measures performance based on genuine samples of student work

III. Provides flexibility in measuring how students accomplish their learning goals

IV. Enables teachers and students to share the responsibility for setting learning goals and for evaluating
progress toward meeting those goals

a I and II

b. I and IV

c. II and III

d. I, II, III, and IV

Answer: a

18. Which is/are non-restricted essay test item/s?

I. Should the lawmakers’ pork barrel be abolished?

II. What is meant by pork barrel?

III. Trace the origin of pork barrel in the Philippines

a. I only

b. II and III

c. II only

d. III only

Answer: a

19. Which of the following statements best defines content standard?

a. When students should accomplish the content standards

b. The rate at which students should accomplish the content standards

c. How well students should accomplish the content standards

d. What students should know and be able to do

Answer: d

20. According to the current test theory, test validity is best described as

a. the appropriateness of the inferences or use that results from the assessment

b. the equitableness with which the assessment measures members of different groups

c. the consistency with which the test measures something over time
d. the ease with which the assessment may be scored fairly by different people

Answer: a

Professional Education Part 8

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. “Validity is a unitary concept”. What does this expression mean?

a. Different types of test are brought together to form a single, valid assessment.

b. A valid test is one that has a single purpose.

c. There are not different kinds of validity, just different kinds of evidence of validity.

d. A valid test is one that has universal application in a variety of situations.

Answer: c

2. What define and differentiate levels of performance?

a. Portfolios

b. Researches

c. Tests

d. Rubrics

Answer: d
3. Which are TRUE of K to 12 assessment of the Department of Education?

I. It emphasizes formative learning.

II. It is standard-based.

III. It gives more weight to knowledge.

IV. It gives less weight to understanding.

a. I and IV

b. II and III

c. III and IV

d. I and II

Answer: d

4. Which test has a higher diagnostic value?

a. Restricted essay

b. Multiple Choice

c. Problem solving

d. Extended essay

Answer: b
5. Which test has a higher diagnostic value?

a. Binary test

b. Restricted essay

c. Extended essay

d. Problem solving

Answer: a

6. If, before you proceed, you want to know what your students already know about your cognitive
lesson for the day, which test may serve best your purpose?

a. Objective test

b. Short answer test

c. Essay

d. Performance test

Answer: a

7. Which goes with assessment of learning?

a. Given at the end of a grading period

b. Self-assessment

c. Guides teacher in adjusting instruction

d. Highly reflective

Answer: a

8. The following go with assessment for learning EXCEPT:

a. Given at the end of a grading period

b. Given at the beginning

c. Guides teacher in adjusting instruction

d. Done in the process of instruction

Answer: a

9. Which is TRUE of diagnostic assessment?

a. It has a formative purpose.

b. It has a summative purpose.

c. It is for grade purposes.

d. It is given at the end of a lesson.

Answer: a

10. Which is TRUE of diagnostic assessment?

a. It has a summative purpose.

b. It is for grade purposes.

c. It is given at the end of a lesson.

d. It enables teachers to provide the scaffolding that students need.

Answer: d

11. Some experts believe that assessment has more influence on the way students study and learn than
any other aspect of the teaching-learning process. What is an implication of this to instruction and

a. Measure higher-level outcomes to motivate students to engage in higher level learning.

b. Avoid grading tests.

c. Make students compete against one another to meet high expectations.

d. Make use of descriptive grading system.

Answer: a

12. Which one brings down the reliability of test item?

a. Ambiguous test item

b. Long test

c. Combining objective and essay test

d. Easy mere recall items

Answer: a

13. Which one brings down the reliability of test item?

a. Long test

b. Combining objective and essay test

c. Unclear test direction

d. Pre recall test items

Answer: c

14. Which one brings down the reliability of test item?

a. Long test

b. Combining objective and essay test

c. Pre call test items

d. Inconsistent scoring

Answer: d

15. Which is a way of increasing the reliability of assessment?

a. Use sufficient number of items.

b. Limit your number of test items to 10 or less.

c. Do away with test direction.

d. Think of the criteria of scoring an essay test after you have read the paper of the best student.

Answer: a

16. Which is a way of increasing the reliability of assessment?

a. Limit your number of test items to 10 or less.

b. Specify scoring criteria in advance.

c. Do away with test direction.

d. Ask high level questions.

Answer: b

17. Which is a way of increasing the reliability of assessment?

a. Limit your number of test items to 10 or less.

b. Ask high level questions.

c. Do away with test direction.

d. Score test without knowing the owner of the test that you are assessing.

Answer: d

18. Is an unreliable assessment valid?

a. Yes

b. Depends on the difficulty index of the test item.

c. No, because it gives inconsistent information even if it is aligned with assessment.

d. Information is insufficient to give a categorical answer.

Answer: c

19. Sample Question Frames such as: “Who invented the…?”, “What is meant by…?”, ” Where is the…?”
fall under what level of questions in Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy of objectives?

a. Comprehension

b. Application

c. Knowledge

d. Analysis

Answer: c

20. Sample Question Frames such as “Restate in your own words…”, “Convert fractions into…?” and “List
three reasons for…?” are classified ______ question in Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy.

a. Comprehension

b. Application

c. Knowledge

d. Analysis
Answer: a
Professional Education Part 10
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1.For quality professional development, teachers must consider the NCBTS, which are the established
standards for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant by the acronym NCBTS?

a. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

b. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards

c. National Competency-Basic Teacher Standards

d. National Competency-Basic Teaching Standards

Answer: a

2. You are very much interested in quality professional development program for teachers. What
characteristic should you look for?

a. Depends on the availability of founds

b. Prescribed by top educational leaders

c. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs

d. Required for renewal of professional license

Answer: c
3 How do you know a program for teachers’ professional development that meets high standard form
one that does not? Quality professional development helps teachers to ________.

gets promoted

a. gets intrinsically motivated to grow continuously

b. earns MA units for ranking purposes

c. put themselves far above their students

Answer: b

4. “Once a teacher, forever a student.” What does the statement imply about quality personal and
professional development for teacher?

a. The teacher is able to teach his/her students.

b. The teacher learns from his/her students

c. It is continuing

d. Personal and professional development calls for teacher’s exposure to students.

Answer: c

5. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which measure must
be implemented?

Ⅰ. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.

Ⅱ. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan.

Ⅲ. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.

a. I and Ⅱ

b. Ⅱ only

c. Ⅰ only

d. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

Answer: d

6. Societal change requires continually deep- seated questions about “good” living. Which of these did
Socrates recognize as the greatest of the human virtues?

a.Moral wisdom

b. Fair justice

c. Courage

d. Piety

Answer: a

7. Which competencies are expected of BEEd and BSEd graduates?

Ⅰ. Higher level literacy and critical thinking

Ⅱ. Principled understanding of the learning processes

Ⅲ. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional growth.

Ⅳ. Acting as an agent of change

a. Ⅲ and Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

Answer: b

8. Which of the following is BEST implied by quality and relevant teacher development initiatives?

a. Lifelong learning

b. Focus on the non-performers

c. Capacity building of educational community

d. Mentoring of who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning

Answer: a

9. Teachers are required to make an individual plan for professional Development

(IPPD). This is based on the philosophy that the teacher is a “lifelong learner. “The NCBTS provides the
steps for ___________ assessment in making the IPPD.

a. need

b. collegial

c. self
d. peer

Answer: c

10 to ensure high standards of the teacher’s personal and professional development, what
tool/instrument was developed by the DepED for self-assessment?



c. KSP


Answer: a

11. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning the _______
training of teachers.

a. preservice

c. school-based

d. division-based

Answer: c

12. The results of the LET revealed the low performance of future teachers. In April 2010 only 15% of the
BEEd and 25% of BSEd graduates passed. What do the results imply?
a. More training be given to BEEd students

b. Review existing teacher education curriculum vis-à-vis TOS

c. Determent selective admission in TEIS

Answer: b

13. The Domain on Social Regard for Learning in the NCBTS focuses on teacher ‘s actions and
demonstrating value for learning for learning. Which are the indicators for these actions?

Ⅰ. Model the value of punctuality

Ⅱ. Consider the influence of teacher’s behavior on learners

Ⅲ. Use cooperative learning activities

Ⅳ. Communicate higher expectations

a. Ⅲ and Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅱ and Ⅳ

Answer: b

14. The new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST) is ________.

a. knowledge-based

c. competency-based

d. skill-based

Answer: c

15. What characterizes the formative developmental nature of PAST?

a. non-supportive

b. innovative

c. rewarding

d. self-directed

Answer: d

16. which are the job-embedded requirements for teachers and so must continuously develop
themselves in these aspects?

Ⅰ. Maintains update pupils/student school records.

Ⅱ. Conducts action research

Ⅲ. Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders

Ⅳ. Channels and guide learners

a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ
b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

c. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

Answer: b

17. The teacher performance results provide continual ___ to professional development.

a. support

b. feedback

c. guidance

d. assessment

Answer: b

18. Which two competencies are demonstrated and practiced during the Field Study and Practice
Teaching Courses?

Ⅰ. Teaching Assistance

Ⅱ. Grading learner’s performance

Ⅲ. Interpersonal relationship

Ⅳ. Materials development

a. Ⅱ and Ⅲ
b. Ⅲ and Ⅳ

c. Ⅰand Ⅳ

d. Ⅱ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

19. Which of these skills must a teacher develop that will enable him/her to look at problems as

Ⅰ. Addressing problems as fast as possible

Ⅱ. Remaining alert to the possibility

Ⅲ.Foster sense of accomplishment

Ⅳ.Promote sense of belonging

a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ

b. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ

Answer: a

20. As a professional teacher you must be good at interactive communication. What does interactive
communication include?

Ⅰ. Person-to- person e-mail correspondence

Ⅱ. Interaction through simulations and models

Ⅲ. Electronic mailing list, video conferencing, chat rooms

Ⅳ. Group interaction in virtual learning space or audio communications

a. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

b. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: d,

Professional Education Part 11

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1.In a knowledge-based society, teachers must be capable of effective communication. What does
effective communication involve?

Ⅰ. Teaming, collaborating and interactive communication

Ⅱ. Interpersonal skills and personal responsibility

Ⅲ. Social and civic responsibility

Ⅳ. Adaptability and self-direction

a. Ⅰ only

b. Ⅱ only

c. Ⅰ,ⅡandⅢ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

2. International educators propose a definition of the term global competence. What is the MOST
appropriate characteristic of a globally competent individual?

a. Having an open mind while actively seeking to understand norms and work effectively outside one’s

b. Ability to become familiar with a new culture and work environment

c. Having the intercultural facility of effective two-way communication

d. Having the professional competence to speak a foreign language

Answer: a

3. which of the following may generate interpersonal relationships in the work environment?

a. Learning new skills

b. Challenge the best

c. Off-site festival

d. Dance Festival
Answer: c

4. What practices develop interpersonal sensitivity ?

Ⅰ. Communicate programs/projects to stakeholders

Ⅱ. Give positive criticisms based on stakeholders

Ⅲ. Communicate concerns/issues for improvement

Ⅳ. Tell teacher to attend professional development

a. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

Answer: b

5. The NCBTS domain on Social Regard for Learning Focuses on which indicators?

a. Demonstrates punctuality

b. Maintain appropriate appearance

c. Communicates higher learning expectations

d. Makes use of various learning experiences

e. Is careful about the effect of one’s behavior on learners

Answer: a

6. Which NCBTS domain creates situations that encourage learners to use high order thinking skills

a. Diversity of learner

b. Curriculum

c. Learning Environment

d. Community Linkages

Answer: b

7. Which one describes one responsibility of a teacher in school dominated by Indigenous People’ (IP)

a. Point out the negative elements of their culture to help them improve.

b. Help them realize the positive elements of their culture and make them fell proud about them.

c. Teach basic concept in the context of the IP culture

d. Show them other peoples’ cultures


8. In an era of knowledge explosion, what is supposed to be every teacher’s most important

responsibility to maximize children’s learning?
Ⅰ. Teach learners the skills on how to learn

Ⅱ. Teach learners information only

Ⅲ. Teach learners how to evaluate information.

a. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅰ only

c. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

d. II only

answer: a

9. As a community leader, which one a teacher NOT do?

a. Solicits donation from philanthropists in the community

b. Plays an active part in the activities of the community

c. Supports effort of the community to improve their status in life

d. makes herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by community politics

Answer: d

10. As an effective classroom manager, what should a teacher do?

Ⅰ. She uses instructional time wisely

Ⅱ. She uses her power to punish student for the sake of discipline

Ⅲ. She puts to use available and appropriate materials.

Ⅳ. She manipulates colleagues and students so she can meet her goas

a. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

11. Alvin Toffer said: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but
those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Based on this statement, what are the important
responsibilities of the teacher?

Ⅰ. To enable learners to adapt to change

Ⅱ. To teach learners the basics

Ⅲ. To equip them with skills to learn

a. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ
Answer: d

12. In the midst of a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of
the teacher?

Ⅰ. safe

Ⅱ. Gender-biased

Ⅲ. Secure

a. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

d. Ⅱ only

Answer: a

13. The professional teacher is not “the sage on stage” but” the guide from the side.” This implies that

a. act as facilitators of learning

b. serves dispensers of knowledge

c. project an “Almighty-Omniscient” image

d. cling to their power to impose rules

Answer: a

14. A teacher is said to be a “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” Which practice makes him/his fulfill such obligation?

a. Use interactive teaching strategies.

b. Use the latest educational technology.

c. Observe continuing professional education.

d. Study the life of Filipino heroes.

Answer: d

15. It is the responsibility of every teacher to undergo annual medical check-up in the interest of the

Ⅰ. teacher

Ⅱ. School and community

Ⅲ. Learning

a. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

b. Ⅰ only

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱand Ⅲ

d. Ⅲ only

Answer: c
16. Teacher often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teaching,
does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?

a. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for the
betterment of communities

b. Yes, because teaching is more than enough full time in job.

c. No, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials

d. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly compensated

Answer: a

17. Teacher Paz does NOT personally agree with one school policy. What is her professional

a. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it

b. Make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy even if she does NOT
personally agree.

c. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy because in conscience she cannot agree.

d. Lead a campaign against its abolition.

Answers: b

18. In the context of constructivist learning transaction, the teacher as facilitator of learning engages in
an instruction that is ________.

a. flexible and creative

b. understanding and independent

c.formative and summative

d. democratic and independent

Answer: a

19. Global students learn with short bursts of energy. To maintain concentration, they require________.

a. frequent reminder that they need to concentrate

b. frequent and intermittent breaks

c. short and easy reading materials

d. music while study

Answer: a

20 Which two statements BEST describe a global teacher?

Ⅰ. Thinks and acts both locally and globally

Ⅱ. Believes in education for sustainable development

Ⅲ. Wants to work abroad

Ⅳ. Desires to live abroad

a. Ⅱ and Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅱ
c. Ⅰ only

d. Ⅲ only

Answer: b

Professional Education Part 12

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1.A pupil whose mother is an OFW has been absent for the past three days. Considering the teacher’s
roles and responsibilities, what action will you make?

a. Record the absences

b. conduct home visitation

c. Report to the guidance counselor

d. Conduct action research

Answer: b

2. As a researcher, which may be a good problem for a teacher’s action research to improve learning

a. Class molave’s performance in NAT during the SY 2010-2011

b. High percentage of absenteeism during Fridays

c. turnover of teachers during the current school years

d. High percentage of tardiness during Mondays

Answer: a

3. How are schools influenced when parents’ measure of excellent school is children’s ability to read as
early as pre-kindergarten?

a. Focus on academics

b. Integration of values in the curriculum

c. application of socio-emotional learning

d. Exclusive use of reading books published by the school

Answer: a

4. To respond to the needs of industry, which one do schools focus on?

a. Technical skills

b. Humanities

c. Basic literacy skills

d. Social relations

Answer: a

5. The shooting incidents in school campuses abroad have made school rethink of the curriculum. Which
change are being introduced in schools to counteract campus violence?
Ⅰ. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching

Ⅱ. The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and lot against

Ⅲ. Focus on academic achievement and productivity

a. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅲ

Answer: a

6. The wide acceptance of “bottom up ” management style has influenced schools to practice which
management practice ?

a. Prescription of what ought to be done from the central office

b. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of quest speakers during graduation exercises

c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers and community in school planning

d. Allowing schools to do what they think is best

Answer : c

7. in their desire to make school perform, the DepED then, published the ranking of schools in NAT
results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?

Ⅰ. Taught at the expense of NAT

Ⅱ. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching

Ⅲ. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test

a. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅱ only

c. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅲ only

Answer: a

8. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public school system. Which stop gap
measure/s has/have schools taken?

Ⅰ. The deployment of more teachers

Ⅱ. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio

Ⅲ. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions

Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

Ⅰ and Ⅱ

Ⅲ only

Ⅱ only

Answers: c
9. What does the acronym EFA imply to school?

Ⅰ. Practice of inclusive education

Ⅱ. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of non-formal

Ⅲ. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys or for girls

Ⅳ . The promotion of alternative learning system

a. Ⅱ and Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ and Ⅳ

Answer: d

10. which conclusion can be derived from the case of teacher Rita described below? Teacher Rita is the
lone teacher in a stand-alone remote multigrade school. Teacher Rita is the school head, nurse rolled
into one.

a. The geographical location of a school has influence on the role of a teacher

b. A teacher of a remote school has more problems than that one in an urban setting.

c. A remote school cannot perform as well as a center school

d. A multigrade school is an indicator of a lack of budget for education

Answer: a

11. Which recent action/s show/s that political factors affect schools as agents of change?

Ⅰ. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippines schools

Ⅱ. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum

Ⅲ. The practice of mainstreaming

Ⅳ . The turnover of day care centers room DSWD to DepED for supervision

a. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅳ

c. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅱ and Ⅳ

Answer: d

12. In a Muslim area, what will a teacher REFRAIN from doing as she teacher how to cook adobo to her

a. She excludes pork from her adobo lesson.

b. She leads the class is a prayers before meals before they partake of the cooked adobo.

c. She exempts the Muslim children from the lesson on cooking adobo

d. She differentiates the task to the boys from the girls

Answer: a

13. For what main reason are school as change agents advised to offer courses that industries need?

a. Economic

b. Environmental

c. Political

d. Historical

Answer: a

14. For more efficient and effective management of schools as agents of change, one proposal for the
DepED to do is to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head, which has the
strongest influence on this proposal?

a. Political

b. Psychological

c. History

d. Geographical

Answer: d

15. Widespread abuse of mother earth prompted school to teach sustainable development. Which one
does this prove about school?

a. Environmental factors influence the school as an agent of change.

b. Schools can easily integrate sustainable development in their curriculum

c. The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth

d. Sustainable development cannot be effectively taught in the classrooms.

Answer: a

16. Your class has several IP (Indigenous Peoples) children. Which one will facilitate pupils’ learning?

a. Make the IP children feel proud of themselves.

b. Group the class permanently by ethnic origin.

c. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest

d. Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children

Answer: a

17. Teacher Nenita discourages her students to watch TV excessively. The average student spends about
twenty –four hours watching television in a week. According to research, how is learning affected by
extensive TV viewing ?

a. Shorter attention span

b. Enhanced creativity

c. Improved thinking ability

d. Improved communication skills

Answer: a
18. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed students’ ____.

a. high degree of independent

b. high degree of dependent on authority

c. Unpreparedness for schooling

d. ambivalence

Answer: b

19. With an increasing variety of family situations, a teacher needs to _____.

a. be careful not to inadvertently offend some student

b. encourages students to improve their family situation

c. assumes that all students want to know a variety of family situations

d. broadens students’ realization of different learning style

Answer: a

20. The adoption of a national language by the 1987 Constitution is designed primarily to ________.

a. does away with colonial mentality

b. facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups

c. counteract elitism
Answer: c
Professional Education Part 13
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. What is the most effective way of modeling high social and academic expectations for all?

a. Explain the needs for teachers to have high expectations

b. Encourage internal and external stakeholders to articulate their expectation of the school.

c. Demonstrate shared communications to high academic and social expectation

d. Issue a list of guidelines on how to achieve high performance

Answer: b

2. What characterize a school as a learning community?

Ⅰ. Shared mission/vision, goals and values

Ⅱ. Focused on co-curricular activities

Ⅲ. Commitment to continuous improvement

Ⅳ . Centralized governance

Ⅴ. Collective inquiry into best practices

a. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ
b. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ

c. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ

Answer: d

3. Schools aiming to boost student learning work on a/an _______ culture.

a. collaborative

b. indigenous

c. ethnic

d. authoritarian

Answer: a

4. What is the BEST meaning of collaboration in school?

a. It is support for the beginning teachers

b. It is identifying mentors among the experienced teachers

c. It is working interdependently to analyze professional practice

d. It is working independently to determine impact of practice

Answer: c
5. Which of this statement is the most effective way of communicating the vision-mission statement of
the school?

a. Share vision-mission among stakeholders

b. form committees to develop and /or reserve the vision-mission statement

c. aligns activities, program, and projects to the school vision-mission

d. memorizes the vision-mission statement

Answer: c

6. Which of the following is NOT a principle of “sustainable development “?

a. living according to each personal attitude and lifestyle

b. Conservation of the earth ‘s vitality and diversity

c. Respect and care for the community of life

d. Improvement of quality of life

Answer: a

7. In 1990. A Congressional Commission to Review and Assess Philippine Education, otherwise known as
the EDCOM, was created by a joint resolution of congress. What ate two principal reasons given by
EDCOM for the declining quality of Philippine education?

a. (1) The country is not investing enough in the education system, and
(2) The education establishment is poorly managed.

b. (1) Good teachers leave the country, and

(2) The curriculum is crowded
c. (1) The number of OSY is increasing, and
(2) The teachers’ salaries and benefits are not enough,

d. (1) Founds are spent not for the purpose they are intended, and
(2) Strict bureaucratic procedures are imposed

Answer: a

8. When enrollment is small in the rural elementary schools two or three grade levels are combined in a
______ class taught by one teacher.

a. special

b. multicultural

c. multigrade

d. indigenous

Answer: c

9. Which is the most essential characteristic of a Total Quality School model?

a. Clientele-focused

b. Empowerment

.c. Involvement of stakeholder

d. Continuous improvement

Answer: d
10. Which of the following intervention reduces stigma between social status and social selection in the
educational system?

a. National Achievement Test

b. Education for all

c. National Collage Admission Examination

d. Education Service Contracting Scheme

Answer: d

11. John Dewey’s major contribution to the sociological foundations of education are the following
EXCEPT ONE. Which is the exception?

a. School is a continuation of home; activities at home continue at school

b. Education is a social process beginning unconsciously at birth.

c. “True education” is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the learner.

d. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of the learners.

Answer: c

12. What theory state that identical instructional environments, methods and resources may be
effective for some learners and ineffective for others because of the differences in the learner’s
biological and developmental set of characteristics?

a. Learning Style Theory

b. Reading Readiness Theory

c. Multiple Intelligence Theory

d. Emotional Intelligence Theory

answer: a

13. In a school where academic performance is low, which of these alternative actions is LEAST

a. Putting up a well-Educational Management Information System (EMIS)

b. Establishment a well-equipped Learning Management Resource Center (LRC)

c. Upgrading teaching competencies through in- service training

d. Producing support instructional materials

Answer: a

14. Which of these school practices helps create a positive learning climate?

a. Giving recognition or appreciation for teachers/staff accomplishments

b. Giving clear expectations to the academic community

c. Encouraging everyone to participate in accomplishing school goals and objectives

d. Encouraging only the high performing teachers to apply for promotion

Answer: c

15. Arrange the Following according to Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy.

Ⅰ. Peace and comfort

Ⅱ. Health and safety

Ⅲ. Self-fulfillment of potential

Ⅳ. Recognition and prestige

a. Ⅲ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅰ
b. Ⅱ,Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

c. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅰ,Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅲ

Answer: b

16. Which of these is Not a quality of an engaging learning environment?

a. Open communication among school head, teachers, parents, and student s

b. Student –centered learning activities

c. Innovation in enhancing learning for all types of learners

d. Centralized governance

Answer: d

17. Which of these is NOT in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs?

a. Physiological

b. Performance

c. Socialization

d. Self-actualization

Answer: b

18. Which is NOT among the major targets of the Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)?

a. All school children are friendly

b. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools.

c. All children complete their elementary education within six years.

d. All grade six students pass the division, regional and national tests.

Answer: d

19. Which of following provisions guarantees accessible education for all?

a. Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels.

b. Encourage non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems, as well as self –learning,
independent and out-of-school study program.

c. Provide and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and other
D. Establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to
the needs of the people and society.

Answer: a

20. Which of the following can contribute to the provision of quality education?

Ⅰ. Hire the best teacher applicants from the Division pool

Ⅱ. Provide adequate textbooks and other instructional materials

Ⅲ. Construct classroom and laboratory rooms

Ⅳ. Maintain sanitary, safe, child-friendly and conducive environment to learning.

a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ

c. Ⅰand Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: d

Professional Education Part 14

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1.The vision of basic education in BESRA is to “make every Filipino functionally literate, “Which of the
following operationally defines functional literacy?

a. Able to read, write and compute

b. Able to read, write, letters, and solve problems

c. Able to read, write compute and apply these skills in their daily lives

d. Able to read with understanding, write one’s thoughts and compute word problems

Answer: c

2. Which of the following is NOT a domain of the competency-based standards for teachers?

a. Resource Planning

b. Community Linkages

c. Social regard for Learning

d. Planning, Assessing and report

Answer: a

3. special education celebrates its 100th year as a thrust of DepEd. Meeting the educational needs of
gifted students is challenging. Which of these is NOT a specialized program for the girted?

a. One Curriculum fits-all

b. Learning Clusters

c. Self-directed Learning

d. Honor Classes
Answer: a

4. Which principle is underscored in the overall efforts of the DepED to provide assistance and resources
for preschool education?

a. The rate of development in unique to each individual.

b. Early development is unique to each individual

c. Early childhood education is required of primary education.

d. Provision of assistance is expected of the leadership.

Answer: b

5. Teachers should be encouraged to teach folk knowledge because ______.

a. this is in keeping with indigenization of the curriculum

b. folk knowledge is crucial in facing the basics of daily living

c. folk knowledge is included in the National Achievement Test.

d. teaching folk knowledge is a mandate of DepED

Answer: a

6. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In this instance,
culture is transmitted by ________.

a. enculturation

b. acculturation

d. assimilation

Answer: c

7.Which of these activities indicates that teachers value their status as role models?

a. Accomplishing learners’ report card

b. Holding on to their job despite the difficulties

c. Being popular to get a promotion

d. Upholding the Code of ethics

Answer: d

8. Which of these does NOT illustrate equality as a central theme of educational opportunity?

a. Free basic education is provided by the government

b. Equity prevails within a given locality since local taxes provide support for schools.

c. Children from diverse backgrounds attend the same school.

Answer: c

9. Which of the following statements is NOT true as regards the relationship between social class and
social selection system?

a. The social composition of a fourth year class is similar to that of the first year
b. The greater number of high school graduates who apply for college entrance examination are from
higher-status groups.

c. More children from higher-status groups aim for higher education

d. Secondary school graduates with higher grades and high family status are more likely to attend better
college or universities.

Answer: a

10. John Dewey’s major contributions to the sociological foundations of education which are still very
much recognized today are the following EXCEPT ONE.

a. “True education “ is transmission of knowledge

b. Education is a social process beginning unconsciously at birth

c. School is a continuation of home: activities at home continue at school.

d. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of child.

Answer: a

11. In schools, particularly in the lower grades where children come from diverse backgrounds, teachers
are expected to use varied approaches effectively. Which approach/es would be appropriate for such

Ⅰ. Differentiated teaching approaches

Ⅱ. A variety of instructional materials

Ⅲ. Multi-media materials

Ⅳ. Multi-lingual approach
a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅳ

c. Ⅳ only

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

12. Critical thinking in recent years has become a concern in education not only in the Philippines but
also the world over. The cognitive, effective and psychomotor components are put to focus. Which of
the following competencies clearly distinguish the critical thinker?

Ⅰ. Estimates and evaluates

Ⅱ. Offers opinions and judgments

Ⅲ. Notes relationships cursorily

Ⅳ. Hypothesizes and concludes

a. Ⅱ

b. Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅳ

d. Ⅱand Ⅲ

13. Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child as mandated in the Philippine Constitution, R.A. 7277
or the Magna Carta for Disable Persons and EFA 2015. What fundamental changes have to be
operationalized in inclusive education?

Ⅰ. Philosophy of education

Ⅱ. Relevant curriculum

Ⅲ. Mainstreaming

Ⅳ. Home study program

Ⅴ. Structural organization

a. Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅴ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅳ and Ⅴ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅴ

d. Ⅱ,Ⅳ and V

Answer: c

14. Which of the education provisions are contained in Republic Act 7277 or the Magna Carta for
disabled Persons?

Ⅰ. Special Education

Ⅱ. Access to education

Ⅲ. Rehabilitation Services

Ⅳ. Assistance to disable persons

a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅳ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

d. Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: b

15. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) for a child with disability has to be prepared by the ______

Ⅰ. Regular and special educators, parents and medical specialists, if available

Ⅱ. Special education teachers and parents

Ⅲ. special education teachers

Ⅳ. Psychologist and therapists

a. Ⅰ only

b. Ⅱ only

c. Ⅳ only

d. Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

16. Which is the best reason for providing early intervention program to children with disabilities, ages 0
to 3 years old?
a. Prevent labeling at an early age

b. Ensure inclusion or enrolment in regular classes

c. Identify strengths and weaknesses for instruction purposes

d. Address developmental tag and prevent acquiring additional disabilities

answer: d

17. Which of these is a teacher’s acceptable view of change?

a. Change disrupts routine

b. Change is an opportunity

c. Change is self-serving

d. Change rewards initiators.

Answer: b

18. Which of the intelligences BEST characterizes Gain Dapul?

a. Verbal/linguistic/rhythmic

b. Bodily/Kinesthetic/logical

c. Spatial/visual/naturalistic

d. Mathematical/ musical / interpersonal

Answer: d

19. Which of the learner-centered psychological principles were not considered by the mathematics
teacher when he gave the class “30 problems in 50 minutes.”

Ⅰ. Cognitive and Metacognitive

Ⅱ. Motivational and Affective

Ⅲ. Developmental and Social

Ⅳ. Individual Difference Factors

Ⅴ. Standards and Assessment

a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

20. Which of the following topics may be the focus of discussion for INSET so as the act committed by
the mathematics teacher can be avoided?

a. Facilitating learning and four A’s

b. Measuring quantity and quality of learning

c. Curriculum development and assessment of learning

d. Reflective teaching and strategic thinking

Answer: a
Professional Education Part 15
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1.What trait/characteristic specified by the Philippine Constitution as output of school learning, did Gian
demonstrate when he wore a barong Tagalog in the contest?

a. He has a strong national identity

b. He wants to be different

c. He has a sense of patriotism

d. He wants to show the national costume

Answer: a

2. Gian ended his speech, to wit: Eventually I realized that my math teacher was right when he said, “To
every question there is an answer, to every problem, then is a solution,” Which statement affirmed his
aptitude for a science career?

a. We just have to go looking for the right answer.

b. someday there will be answers to unsolved problem

c. We have to discover new solution

d. Someday we will expand horizons for research

Answer: a
3. The council for the Welfare of children, with the National Early Childhood Care and Development
Coordinating Council passed a resolution approving the Guidelines. In selecting Early Childhood Care and
Development (ECCD) learning materials for 0-6 years old children. The DepED, DSWD, DOH and private
individuals who are ECCD experts composed the evaluation committee of the ECCD materials. Which are
NOT considered ECCD learning materials?

a. Workbooks for children below five years old

b. Children’s books that are skills- and value-oriented

c. Toys that maybe hand-made, commercially manufactured or in their natural state

d. Songs, art and craft materials for children to express themselves

Answer: b

4. The field Study Courses and Practice Teaching in the Revised Policies and Standard for Undergraduate
Teacher Education Curriculum, stipulated by CHED Memorandum Order No. 30, s. 2004 are labeled as
experiential learning. They are intended to provide students with practical learning experiences in actual
school settings. Which national document provides the mandate for the basic Education School as
laboratories for internship program?

a. Medium Term Philippines Development Plan, 2004-2010

b. Education for All, 2000-2015

c. Child-Friendly schools, 2000-2008

d. School-Based Management, 2004-2008

Answer: a

5: Which of the following statement about the school accurately reflects a strong school culture?

Ⅰ. Has information rules of behavior

Ⅱ. Maintains a network of communicators

Ⅲ. Possesses definite organization core values

Ⅳ. Sets high standards of performance

a. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

d. Ⅰ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ

Answer: a

6. When enrollees cannot be accommodated in the public school due to lack of teachers and classrooms,
they are referred to the private schools under the _________.

a. Study-Now-pay Later Plan

b. Adopt-a-School Program

c. Education Service Contracting Scheme

d. Tutorial Program

Answer: d

7. The Department of education authorizes contributions in schools but not during enrolment. Which is
NOT an authorized contribution?
a. Boy Scouts of the Philippines membership fee

b. Philippine National Red Cross fee

c. School Organization fee

d. Girl Scouts of the Philippine membership fee

Answer: a

8. The Philippine Educational System was established on January 21, 1901, through Education Act of
1901. With the issuance of the Act, President McKinley instructed the Philippine Commission to have
English as the common language of the people. The main reason for the one-language policy is to

a. promotes English as a universal language

b. acknowledges that English as the language of business, science and technology and higher education

c. unifies the regions since a great number of languages were spoken throughout the country

d. propagates the use of English as the language of the American occupying the Philippines during the

Answer: a

9. The Department of education collaborates with other partner government institution, the academe
and the private sectors in delivering its various service With what agency or sector does DepED
collaborate for preschool education concern?

Ⅰ. Private schools


Ⅲ. Religious organizations

a. Ⅳ only

b. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅱ and Ⅳ

Answer: d

10. Assigning teacher in their own barangay, municipality or province is a consideration of economic and
cultural factors in the educational system. R.A 8190 provides that in the appointment or assignment of
teachers to public elementary or secondary schools, priority shall be given to bona fide residents of the
barangay, municipality, city, or province where the school is located provided, that the teacher
processes all the minimum qualifications for the position as required by law. Under RA 8190 a bona fide
resident is a teacher who has resided in a particular barangay, municipality, city, or province where the
school is located for a period of at least _____ prior to appointment.

a. three months

b. six years

c. six months

d. three months

Answer: a

11. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, otherwise known as the education Act as 1982 is a framework for the
establishment of an integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development,
Likewise, it declares the right of the educational community.
Who comprise the education community?
a. Partners, Student, Teacher, School Administrators

b. Schools, Community, Non-teaching, Personnel, Teachers

c. LGUs, Students, Parents, NGOs

d. Teachers, NGOs, Public Schools, Private Schools

Answer: a

12. Which are the desired outcome of a Child-friendly School Systems (CFSS)?

Ⅰ. Children who are healthy, free from explanation and violence

Ⅱ. Children who are aware of their rights Ans have opportunities to realize them

Ⅲ.Children who are protect themselves and develop their full potential

a. Ⅰ only

b. Ⅲ only

c. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

Answer: c

13. To create an environment within the school that school that is conducive to teaching and learning
the school may____.

a. authorizes stakeholders to manage the school

b. provides tangible resources to staff to assist in school improvement process

c. develop decision – making terms

d. communicates and facilitate participation in school-based management

Answer: a

14. There is high level of collaboration and communication in a school community when ______.

a. parents and community members are provided with a variety of volunteer activities

b. teachers and students work together in the implementation of community projects

c. structure and time for collaboration are determined and allocated

d. there is regular use of varied means of communication

Answer: a

15. On which theory is teacher A’s practice of conducting her lesson in way that her students are taught
to discover and perceive new relationships for insight and understanding based?

a. Cognitive theory

b. Humanist theory

c. Behaviorist theory

d. Physiological theory

Answer: a
16. Teacher L gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that much
learning results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher L’s conviction anchored?

a. Humanist

b. Cognitive

c. Behaviorist

d. Associationist

Answer: c

17. The “Paaralan sa Bawa’t Barangay “takes its roots in the establishment of one primary school in
every municipality as mandated by _____.

a. The educational Decree of 1863

b. The Education Act of 1901

c. The education Act of 1982

d. The education Act of 477

Answer: a

18. Which move liberalized access to education during the Spanish period?

a. The establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each municipality

b. The hiring of tribal tutors to teach children

c. The provision of vocational training for school age children

d. The education of illiterate parents

Answer: b

19. Which was perceived to be contrary to the democratized access to education?

a. The granting of scholarship to a selected few

b. The “Study-Now-Pay-Later” Plan

c. The giving of the National college Entrance Examinations (NCEE)

d. The imposition on moratorium on pro-poor courses

Answer: c

20. Religious and moral education are to the Spanish period as ____ is/are to the Japanese period.

a. love for work and dignity of labor

b. love of country

c. duties of citizenship and avocation

d. vocational skills

Answer: d

Professional Education Part 16

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1.If today we have an oversupply of teachers in the country, in the past we had a shortage. When did we
have a shortage of teachers?

a. In 1901 when a highly centralized public school was established

b. In 1863 when primary schooling was made compulsory

c. In 1943 when the Japanese created the Military of education

d. In the 70’s when teachers sought for greener pasture aboard

Answer: a

2. Complete this analogy:

Spanish period: moral and religious person

American: _______

a. patriotic citizen

b. caring citizen

c. productive citizen

d. self-reliant citizen

Answer: a

3. Which I s NOT characteristic of education during the pre-Spanish era?

a. Structured

b. Informal

c. Religion-oriented

d. Vocational training-oriented

Answer: b

4. Which program is DepED’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government sectors
to support programs based on DepED’s assistance packages?

a. Adopt-a-School-Program

b. Child-Friendly-School System

c. Brigada School Program

d. Every Child A Reader Program

Answer: a

5. Which DepED test do out-of-school youths and adults take to enable them to enroll in college if they
pass it?

a. Accreditation and Equivalency Test

b. National Achievement

c. National Secondary Achievement Test

d. National College Entrance Examination

Answer: a

6. The then National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) was abolished because it was perceived to be

a. again the democratization of access to education

b. not supportive of the production of quality manpower for the country

c. highly expensive for it was given to a huge number of high school graduates

d. culturally biased against the marginalized citizens

Answer: d

7. The following are characteristics of a Child-friendly school EXCEPT ______.

a. exclusive

b. child-centered

c. gender-sensitive

d. not discrimination

Answer: a

8. Can parents pass on their duty to education their children to the school, especially if they are

a. NO, parents have the primary duty to educate their children.

b. YES, because parents did not go through formal training for the education of their children.

c. It depends on the condition of parents

d. It depends on the condition of children.

Answer: a

9. What could be an appropriate research approach to determine the factors that contribute to school

a. Compare the achievement scores of the student from the urban center with those from the rural

b. Introduce an intervention program in schools consistently performance low in national assessment


c. Conduct an inventory of instructional resources being used in all school.

d. Establish benchmarks from a case study of a school that is consistently topping the national

Answer: d

10. Accreditation program are among the ways of ensuring quality in education. The most important
criterion in accreditation is______________________

a. assessment based on the school’s philosophy, mission/vision, resources, and student achievement

b. assessment of the school’s corporate climate

c. training of a chosen sample of teachers, staff, school administrators from various sectors for
accreditation procedures

d. volunteerism on the part of the school asking for accreditation

Answer: a

11. Spartan education provided much attention and time for the art of war and the training of solder-
citizens. Hence, the Spartan curricula consisted of military exercises in services for the state. Athenian
education, on the other hand, stressed individual excellence, hence aimed to provide ______________.

a. moral training and emphasized virtues to develop personality

b. learners with training in harsh discipline

c. full-rounded development to fight as soldiers

d. control of training of children

Answer: a

12. The following are moves of the government to democratize access to education EXCEPT one. Which
is the exception?

a. Opening of barangay high school

b. Implementation of Philippines Equivalency Placement test

c. In-service training for teachers

d. Employment of para-teachers

Answer: c

13. Accrediting the Madrasah is government’s move toward _________.

a. democratizing access to education

b. improving the quality of education

c. meeting the manpower needs of country

d. promoting science and technology, culture, and sport

Answer: a

14. With equitable access to basic education in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?

a. Establishment of state colleges

b. Increase of scholarship and loan grants

c. Mobile teachers

d. Non-formal education programs

Answer: a

15. Which is a CORRECT statement on service contracting scheme?

a. It increases access to education

b. It works against quality education

c. It discriminates against private schools.

d. It is not cost-effective.

Answer: a
16. Which one works against the improvement of quality education?

a. Deregulation

b. Voluntary

c. School working in isolation from community and industry

d. Identification of centers of excellence/centers of development

Answer: c

17. From the Households and school matching survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982, it was found out that
School factors have less influence learning when compared to community and home background
Variables. Which is one implication of this finding?

a. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community

b. The school must focus on mastery learning

c. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio.

d. DECS must create more teacher items.

Answer: a

18. Which one is an alternative learning delivery system where an itinerant teacher, with the use
Modules, teacher a small group of a week then moves to another community the next week?

a. Tent school

b. Mobile teacher

c. Para-teacher
d. Multi-grade

Answer: b

19. The alternative learning delivery system used throughout the country has the following
characteristics EXCEPT they _____________.

a. are indigenous

b. require linkage with various resources

c. stick to traditional schooling

d. are non-formal

Answer: c

20. A student passes a book report written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor
Quality of the book report content. Which practice does this point to?

a. Substance over “porma”

b. Art over academics

c. Art over science

d. “Porma” over substance

Answer: d
Professional Education Part 17
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1.Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and education heritage of the nation and is obliged
to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice helps him/her fulfill such obligation?

a. Observe continuing professional education and education and be the best teacher

b. Teacher the latest instructional technology to children

c. Teach community life and culture worth e emulating

d. Supplant indigenous culture with foreign culture

Answer: c

2. Pursuant to the provision of Article ⅩⅠⅤ, Sec. 1 of the Philippine Constitution, which DepED policy may
help attain the mandate that the State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality

Ⅰ. Revision of the BEC

Ⅱ. Hiring and recruitment policy

Ⅲ. Accreditation of the schools

Ⅳ. Strengthen the role of educational supervisors

a. Ⅲ and Ⅳ

b. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

c. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ and Ⅳ
Answer: c

3. The Philippine Constitution mandates that “religion shall be allowed to be taught in the public
elementary and high schools. What is required from parents/guardians for the learners to attend
religious instruction?

a. verbal permit

b. written permit

c. Text permit

d. no permit needed


4. who should teach religion?

a. Designated instructors by the religious authorities

b. Designated regular teachers in the school

c. Contractual teachers hired by the local government

d. Part time teachers paid by the PTA

Answer: a

5. In the Education Act of 1982, which is Not a teacher’s right?

a. Free expression of opinion and suggestions

b. Joining labor organizations promoting teachers’ welfare

c. Free legal service for cases connected with professional duties

d. filing anonymous complaint against superiors

Answer: d

6. Which are teachers’ obligations?

Ⅰ. Accountable for the effective attainment of learning objectives

Ⅱ. Render reports on performance of learning

Ⅲ. Maintain and sustain professional growth

Ⅳ. Participate as an agent of social moral, intellectual and cultural change

a. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ

b. Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ

c. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ

d. Ⅲ, Ⅰ, Ⅳ, Ⅱ

Answer: c

7. That the quality of Philippine education is declining was the result of a study by EDCOM which
recommended to __________ teachers and teaching.

a. regulates
b. professionalizes

c. strengthens

d. improves

Answer: b

8. The language problem was identified in the studies and surveys conducted as early as 1929. The
proposal to solve the problem is the use of the _____ for instruction from Grade 1 to 3.

a. vernacular

b. first language


d. improves

Answer: a

9. The Early Childhood Care and Development Act provides for the promotion Of the rights of children
for survival and development, Which of the following statements is NOT among its objectives?

a. Enhance the role of parents as the primary caregivers and educators of their children from birth

b. Facilitate a smooth transition from care and education provided at home to community or school-
based setting and primary schools.

c. Assist the LGUs in their endeavor to prepare the child for adulthood

d. Enhance the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and language development
of young children.
Answer: c

10. Basic education is intended to play to lay the foundation on which subsequent learning can be
based. Which is NOT part of basic education.

a. Early childhood education

b. Elementary education

c. Secondary education

d. Tertiary education

Answer: d

11. The basic policy of the Education of 1982 or Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 is to establish and maintain a
complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development.
Which of the following is NOT covered by this Act?

a. Private schools

b. Literacy classes

c. Sunday school

d. Multigrade classes

Answer: c

12. The terms ethnicity, minority, multiculturalism, and diversity are integral to the understanding of
cultural proficiency in teaching. Religion is a component of culture What constitutional provision refers
to religious instruction?

a. The parents of guardians may express in writing that religion shall be allowed to be taught within
regular hours by instructors designated or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to which
the children belong.
b. Religion may be taught in Values Education/Character Education by the classroom teacher.

c. Public elementary and high schools may offer religion as an optional curricular subject

d. Religion is a required subject in all private elementary and high schools.

Answer: a

13. Republic Act. No.8491 is known as the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines.” This Act declares
that flag, the anthem, and other national symbols which embody the national ideals and traditions and
which express the principles of sovereignty and national solidarity.” Flags which have become worn out
through wear and tear shall be ______________.

a. thrown away

b. solemnly burned

c. kept in storage section

d. washed, and given to schools without flags

Answer: b

14. What is the legal basis of shared governance in basic education?

a. RA 7160

b. RA 9942

c. RA 9155

d. RA 7844
Answer: c

15. On which philosophical foundations is reflective teaching grounded?

Ⅰ. Plato’s contemplation of eternal truths

Ⅱ. Aristotle’s basic method of inquiry

Ⅲ. Rationalist’s superiority of reason

a. Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ

b. Ⅱ and Ⅲ

c. Ⅰ and Ⅲ

d. Ⅰ and Ⅱ

Answer: a

16. According to Plato’ “the best life is one of contemplation of eternal truths. “ What is an application
of the thought in the classroom?

a. Make students and teachers reflect on their learning

b. Take reflective students as anti-social and unmotivated.

c. Emphasize on the use of the five senses.

d. Begin your classes with a prayer.

Answer: a
17. “The highest happiness is the contemplative use of the mind” , said Plato. Therefore, let us give
more opportunity for our students to do _________.

a. introspection

b. cooperation learning

c. social interaction

d. role playing

Answer: a

18. Mencius believed that all people were born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people
makes it easier for us to _______ our pupils.
a. respect
b. motivates
c. like
d. teaches
19. When we teach our objections to fatalism and determinism, our thought goes with __________,
a. Existentialism
b. stoicism
c. Skepticism
d. Humanism
20. When we convince our students that pleasure is not the only good in life, we object to the teachings
of __________.
a. Skepticism
b. Stoicism
c. Epicureanism
d. Humanism

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