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MID-Semester Examination: Nov-2022

CLASS: BCA ( Sem: Vth) SUBJECT: Web Designing with HTL &DHTML
Time: 3Hrs. Max Marks: 75

Note: There are three sections in this paper A, B &C. Students are required to attempt five questions in all,
selecting two questions each from Section A and Section B and one compulsory question of Section C.

Section A
Ques1: Explain the phases of a website development? Explain the main points to be kept in mind when planning
and designing a professional website. (15)

Ques2: Explain the role of HTML in Web development. Explain the structure of a html document. Also explain
various issues faced by the HTML and web. (15)

Ques3: Explain the role of images in a website. Explain various types of image formats used in the web
development along with their features and issues. (15)

Ques4: Explain the followings: (a)Tables (b) Frames and (c) Lists (15)


Ques5: What is CSS? What are advantages of using these in a website? Explain different ways of including styles
in the web sites. (15)

Ques6: What are forms? Explain the uses of forms in websites. List various important elements used in the
designing of web forms. (15)

Ques7: Demonstrate the followings with HTML code:

(a) Frameset and frame tags.(7)

(b) Ordered, Un-ordered and Description Lists. (8)

Ques8: (a) Explain the features and issues of DHTML in web development. (7)

(b)Briefly explain various technologies that can be used in DHTML. (8)


Ques9: Explain the followings: (5x3=15)

(a) Meta Tags.

(b) Working of CGI

(c) Image Map

(d) Rollover Button.

(e) get vs. post methods used with forms for submitting the data.

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