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2021 IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS) | 978-1-6654-0610-9/21/$31.

00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/CSITSS54238.2021.9683036

A Transfer Learning method for Brain Tumor

Classification using EfficientNet-B3 model
Tejakrishna Mantha Eswara reddy B
Department of CSE, JNTUA Department of CSE, JNTUA
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur
Anantapur, India Anantapur, India

Abstract—Unusual growth of cells in the brain can affect the progressed essentially as of late, especially in the beginning
functioning of the brain. An early brain tumor diagnosis implies stages of contamination. Patients who get early treatment have
a faster treatment response, which improves the patient’s
survival rate. Computer system can assist radiologists correctly a far superior possibility of endurance than the individuals who
to locate the tumor and also to classify it. MRI images are very don't get treatment during the beginning phases of sickness.
useful in the medical image field. In recent days, Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been instrumental in the medical In 2021, in the United States, an estimated 83,570 individuals
image field. Researchers and analysts have been working towards will be diagnosed with brain tumors, with 18,600 people dying
creating advanced methods and strategies for recognizing the
shape and arrange of tumor. The work proposed an automatic
from the disease [1]. By removing the reliance on human
classification of brain tumor in MRI images using a deep learning judgement, we hope to create an interface that can spot
architecture namely EfficientNet-B3 model. This model can malignant cells, bringing down the death rate at a beginning
break down MRI pictures containing three sorts of tumors:
Meningioma, Glioma, and Pituitary tumors. The end results
phase. Brain cancers don't separate, they can influence
obtained a brain tumor classification accuracy of 99.35% with anybody, paying little heed to their gender, all ages and races.
precision, recall and f1-score as 99%, 99%, and 99% respectively. Brain Tumor Imaging (BTI) has risen at an exponential rate in
Index Terms—Brain tumor, Computer System, Deep learning recent decades. More precisely, the number of studies on brain
architecture, EfficientNet-B3, MRI. tumor measurement using MRI scans has risen dramatically.
MRI is an advanced technology used in medical imaging and
I. INTRODUCTION: clinical medicine, and is an effective tool for studying various
conditions of the human brain.
The brain is the most complicated organ in the human body,
In recent years, deep learning is being used to classify many
with billions of cells working together. It is responsible for
specific illnesses & lesions automatically. Many researchers
carrying out all actions across a vast number of connections and
have used computer vision & Deep Learning approaches and
neurons. A brain tumor ensues when cells divide
they achieved better results, but still there is a scope to upgrade
uncontrollably, they create an abnormal collection of cells
the detection or identification accuracy. In this proposal, a
surrounding or inside the brain. This group of cells has the
deep learning approach is used to increase the classification
potential to disrupt regular brain functioning and kill healthy
accuracy and to decrease false identification of brain tumor
cells. Brain tumors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It
type. A sample MRI image of brain tumor is shown in figure
might be either cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous
(benign). The diagnosis of brain cancers using MR imaging has
become a critical job, and several research have been carried
out in recent times. Computer-aided diagnosis system is
required for early detection of brain tumor and will be able to
classify the brain tumor accurately. Search out techniques for
early distinguishing or disturbing the probability of the
presence of a brain tumor. This significance comes from the
very reality that early recognition improves fundamentally the Meningioma Glioma Pituitary
probability of relieving the sickness and patients’ lives that are Fig 1. MRI image of Brain tumors in RGB color
being saved. Disease medicines have
978-1-6654-0610-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
Several researches have been suggested in recent years, and
brain cancers using MR images have been developed. In [2],
for instance, proposed a strategy for brain cancer classification
dependent on a blend of fuzzy c-means and cellular automata.
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The problem of segmentation techniques is handled in this proposed methods are discussed in section A. In Section B, the
approach by using function Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix proposed CNN is introduced. Finally, section C discussed the
(GLCM) and assessed on Dataset BRATS2013. Agrawal and validation process and experimental setup.
Praveen [3], suggested MR-based multistage method for
A. Dataset:
detecting brain tumor pictures via a series of processes that
include image preprocessing, feature extraction utilizing In this paper, the model is trained by using the Brain tumor
histogram and GLCM methods, and finally classification MRI images gathered from Kaggle [12] which contains 3064
method by Random Forest (RF) classifier. This method was slices. The pictures were collected from 233 patients. These
tested on a dataset of 120 patients, and it was shown to be pictures were categorized into three parts: Meningioma (1426
classification accuracy of 87.62%. Computed Tomography images), Glioma (708 images) and Pituitary (930 images)
(CT) images for classification of brain tumor utilizing deep tumors. These are the three kinds of brain cancers in the
learning approaches with discrimination strategy utilizing collection of 3064 slices. Among them, totally 2242 images
multiple Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [4], [5] and only used for this model to handle the misbalanced dataset in
single CNN architecture [6] are developed. The authors the training set by limiting the samples in any class to 645
present a CNN architecture for classifying brain cancers in [7], images to balance (by considering minimum set occurred in
[8]. In this strategy, CNN uses two primary processes namely these three classes in the training set). The original size of the
convolution and pooling for the extraction of brain features. In image was 512x512 pixels but the image size is reduced to
[9], proposed Extreme Learning Machine Local Receptive 224x224 which is convenient to use for the model. The
Fields (ELM-LRF) to identify brain tumors as malignant or detailed information about the dataset is specified below. The
benign. This technique was performed on a dataset that splitting of the dataset can be shown graphically in figure 2.
included a total of sixteen patient’s images. In [10], suggested
Training, testing, and validation sets are created from the
a deep learning technique for classification of brain tumor
entire dataset. Among dataset, 90% of the data is used for
based on the VGG-16 architecture, which has a 95.71 percent
training, 5% for validation, and 5% for testing.
accuracy rate. Another proposal, for brain tumor detection,
The work in [11] developed a multi-class classification using B. Proposed approach:
Machine Learning. The NGIST descriptor is used with Efficient Nets are a group of image classification models that
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for future extraction to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy while being orders of
extract the most defining features without the need of magnitude smaller and faster than earlier models [13]. Other
segmentation approach. To avoid the problem of overfitting architectures focus on either performance or computational
Regularized Extreme Learning Machine (RELM)
Table 1. Proposed techniques for Brain tumor detection 700
Amount of data that we have

classifier is applied as a regularizer and it was shown to be
classification accuracy of 94.23%. 500
in the dataset

The implementation of proposed work & materials used in 300
this study is discussed in this section. The MRI scan image 200
data sets that are utilized for training, testing & validation of
S. No References Approach Accuracy
1 [2] Cellular automata based 84% Training Validation Testing
fuzzy c-means
2 [3] Random forest 87.62%
3 [4], [6] CNN 87.6%
Fig 2: Dataset splitting in graphical form
4 [7] CNN 91.43%
5 [7] Random forest 90% efficiency, but EfficientNet considers on both these factors.
6 [8] CNN 94.68% Unlike Relu, Swish activation function is used in the
EfficientNet architectures. A transfer learning-based approach
7 [9] ELM-LRF 97.18%
is implemented by using the EfficientNet-B3 model. In the
8 [10] VGG-16 95.71%
EfficientNet-B3 model, the top layers are freeze and some
9 [11] PCA-NGist with RELM 94.23% layers are added. Later in the fine-tuning process, Dropout

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layers and Batch normalization are incorporated to reduce is 256 and the activation function used is RELU and in the last
overfitting problem. Before the last dense layer, batch dense layer (top layer used to predict output), the activation
normalization layer, dense layer and dropout layer are added. function used is SoftMax for classifying the classes of
The flow of the layers shown in figure 4. In the batch meningioma, glioma, pituitary tumors. Adamax optimizer is
normalization, there will be momentum with 0.99 and epsilon used and learning rate is set to 0.001. The model was trained
with 0.001. In the dropout layer, the rate and seed given as 0.45 using 16 epochs, which produced the best results for a
and 123. In the first dense layer, the number of neurons used proposed model.

Fig 3: Architecture of the proposed model

C. Validation & Experimental setup: 3 shows the architecture of the proposed model. The fine-
tuning of the model by adding Batch Normalization, Dropout
The images which were not utilized in the process of training
layers and two dense layers with 256 and 3 neurons
were used for validating the model. The Confusion matrix was
respectively and also performing hyper parameter tuning for
drawn based on the extracted outcomes after evaluation of the
optimal results in this activity.
model with a testing set of images. Consequently, other
metrics were also calculated. The figure

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Fig 5: Training & Validation outcomes of a model a)
a) Loss graph

Fig 4: Flow of the proposed layers


All experiments were conducted on Google Colab with GPU

run time for 16 epochs. In each epoch, 49 steps were used with
40 as batch size and these are the most optimal numbers used
according to the tests performed. While training the model 0.001
is used as the initial learning rate. ReduceLR On-Plateau
technique is employed as it decreases the learning rate whenever
it ends, continuously improving along with adamax as an
optimization technique. In this study, the proposed model
attained an accuracy of 99.69% over a training dataset. The
figure 5 and 6 shows the best epoch found for the loss and
accuracy graphs at 16 and 8, respectively. The training,
validation and testing accuracies of the MRI images dataset can
be observed in table 2.
Fig 6: Training & Validation outcomes of a model
The training & validation graphs with loss and accuracy of
b) Accuracy graph
promoted CNN model on the training dataset is shown in figure
5 & 6 respectively.
Identifying whether the image is affected with Brain tumor
Table 2. Accuracies of training, validation and testing sets with anyone of the classes is the primary task in this
proposed approach. The model is evaluated and obtained an
Training Accuracy Validation Accuracy Testing Accuracy accuracy of 99.35%, with precision, recall and f1-score as
99%, 99%, and 99% respectively. The evaluation metrics
99.69% 98.03% 99.35% can be observed on table 3. Metric formulae calculated from
Confusion matrix are mentioned below,

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in figure 7.
Table 3. Evaluation metrics of Proposed method
The comparison of the proposed method with earlier
findings clearly reviewed in table 4. This approach provides
Dataset Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score high accuracy as compared to the frameworks referred in the
literature survey. The proposed model gives better
Kaggle 99.35% 99% 99% 99% performance than previous methods from the evaluated results.
The results about the performance comparison of the proposed
TP FP technique with previous methods shows that model achieved
high accuracy classification for brain tumor.

2 ∗ Precision ∗ Recall Deep Learning solved many real-world problems that are
Precision Recall impossible to computer a few decades ago like image
classification. An automated framework has been proposed in
this paper for better classification of brain tumor. The
EfficientNet-B3 architecture is employed in the proposed
method, and it is adequately trained with MRI images of brain
tumor dataset. The metrics of proposed model recorded
99.35%, 99%, 99% and 99% as accuracy, precision, recall &
f1-score respectively by this approach. The developed model
can effectively classify the class of a given tumor image.
Therefore, physicians can focus their attention more on their
clinical diagnosis rather than image analysis. In future, the
prospective researchers can apply the proposed approach for
other biomedical classification problems.


The authors would like to mention the publicly available

MRI scan images of Brain tumor dataset from Kaggle, which
facilitated training, testing and validation.


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Authorized licensed use limited to: Guangdong Univ of Tech. Downloaded on June 18,2022 at 05:49:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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