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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Semester: (Fall, Year:2022), B.Sc. in CSE (Day/Eve)

Complex Engineering Problem

Course Title: Computer Networking Lab

Course Code: CSE 312 Section: D8

Student Details

Name ID
1. Mafuj Ahmed Bishal 201002158
2. Tasdid Alom 201002157

Lab Date : 28 November,2022

Submission Date : 05 December,2022
Course Teacher’s Name : Mr. Montaser Abdul Quade

[For Teachers use only: Don’t Write Anything inside this box]

Project Proposal Status

Marks: ………………………………… Signature: .....................
Comments: .............................................. Date: ..............................

Our project is group chat application. Chatting is a way to bring people and idea’s together
despite of global barriers. Using java socket programming we can build such a chatting
application where multiple user or client can chat at a same time under a server.


Definition: Engineering problem which can not be resolved without in-depth engineering
knowledge and professional discipline.

Characteristics: A engineering problem can be said a complex engineering problem if follows

these characteristics:

1. Depth of knowledge required.

2. Depth of analysis required.
3. Require decision making.
4. May be faced with multiple resource constraints.
5. Involvement of various field knowledge in project.
6. Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical and other engineering issues.
7. Involvement of various tools.

As we are working on group chat application which is a desktop based application. Here the
communication between multiple client will done computer network. So we must have depth
knowledge about computer networking like “ Server, Client, IP address, Port number, TCP and
UDP network protocol” etc.

As this is a desktop application we must have programming knowledge like Java. Here we
must know about java socket programming in depth.

To give user a better experience and user friendly environment we must have good design
knowledge of GUI and also we must look after the security so we must learn “Network

So we can say it is “mid-level” complex engineering project but if we increase the features of
our project like “ Add video call, audio call, send audio message, send emoji images ”etc then
it will be a more complex engineering problem as we will be need “Database”. Then we have
to learn database concept.

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