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• Objective: A detailed study report on working principle, setup, process parameters,
advantages, dis-advantages and applications of Electro Chemical Machining.

• Apparatus: Electro Chemical Machine.

• Introduction:
Electrochemical machining is a modern machining process that release on the removal of work
piece atoms by electrochemical dissolution (ECD) in accordance with the principal of Faraday.

Fig: Machine of Electro Chemical Machining

• Working principle:
▪ Principal of electrolysis:
Electrolysis occurs when an electric current passes between two electrodes dipped into an
electrolyte solution. The system of electrode & electrolysis is referred to as electrolysis
shale. The chemical reaction which occurs at the electrode are called anodic or cathodic
reaction. ED of the anodic work piece forms the basis of ECM of metals. the amount of
metal dissolved is calculated from the amount of metal dissolved is calculated from farads
law of electrolysis which states that:
i. The amount of mass dissolved m is directly proportional to amount of electricity.
ii. The amount mass dissolved is proportional to substance chemical equivalent weight.
▪ Principle of electrochemical machine:
Electrochemical machining uses a direct current at high density of 0.5- 5 amp/m2 and a low
voltage of 10- 30 V. The machining current passes through the electrolyte solution that fills
the gap between and anodic workpiece and a pre shaped cathodic tool. The electrolyte is
forced to flow through the inter electrode gap at high velocity usually greater than 5m/s, 2
intensity the mass and charge transfer through the sub layers near anode. The electrolyte
removes the dissolution products such as metal hydroxides, heat and gas bubbles generated
at the inter electrode gap. The dissolution reaction of metal in NaCl solution is explained

• Machine setup:
1. Power supply: The power supply is the source of energy that is provided to the setup.
The power supply is generally a DC battery consisting of a potential difference from 3 to
30V depending upon the requirement.

2. Electrolyte: An electrolyte is a salt solution in which the workpiece and tool are kept
during the process of machining. It acts as a current-carrying medium between the
workpiece and the tool.
It also helps in the removal of waste products from internal gaps and also acts as a
coolant by preventing overheating of the tool and the workpiece. Different electrolytes
used in ECM are Sodium chloride (NaCl), Sodium nitrate (NaNO3), hydrochloric acid
(HCl), etc.

3. Tool: Tool or cathode used in ECM is one of the electrodes. It is also the desired shape
in which the workpiece is to be cut. The tool used in ECM should always have accurate

4. Mechanical System: One of the most important elements in ECM is the mechanical
system. It is used for the advancement of a tool that is perpendicular to the workpiece
and is at a constant velocity.

5. Tank: The tank contains the electrolyte, tool, and workpiece. All the reactions take place

6. Pressure Gauge: A pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure of electrolytes which
is supplied to the tool.

7. Flow Control Valve: A flow control valve is used to control the flow of electrolyte
which is supplied to the tool.

8. Pressure Relief Valve: In case the pressure of electrolyte flow exceeds a certain limit,
the pressure relief valve opens and it sends the electrolyte back to the tank.

9. Reservoir Tank: The tank that stores pure Electrolytes is called the reservoir tank.
10. Pump: There are two pumps used namely A and B. Pump A is used to draw electrolytes
from the reservoir tank and pump B is used to supply the electrolyte to the reservoir

11. Filter and Centrifuge: A filter is used to filter the electrolyte reaching the reservoir
tank. And prevents the accumulation of excess electrolytes. The function of a centrifuge
is to separate the slug from the electrolyte.

12. Slug Container: A slug container is used to store the slug which is separated from the
electrolyte. This slug can be used for various experimental purposes.

Fig: Electro-Chemical Machining Setup

• Important process parameters:

i. Nature of power supply:
▪ Type: Direct current.
▪ Voltage: 2 to 35 volts.
▪ Current: 50 to 40000 amp.
▪ Current density: 20A/cm2 to 300A/cm2
▪ Material removal rate directly proportional to current.
▪ Electrolyte temperature increase.

ii. Duty cycle:

▪ At a duty cycle of 0.3 the surface has its best surface roughness.
▪ Under the condition of a low duty cycle the processing time is very low there is
enough time for removal of the electrolyte product.
▪ At higher duty cycle processing time increases.

iii. Effect of voltage:

▪ Surface roughness becomes worse with increasing voltage.
▪ The surface roughness is better when the voltage rises above 30V.
▪ The surface roughness improves as the voltage increases in the range of 30-40V.
iv. Inter electrode gap:
▪ Maintaining inter electrode gap 15 to 20 μm uniformly to achieve high accuracy
and surface finish.
▪ Material removal rate is inversely proportionate.

v. Concentration, temperature and flow rate of electrolyte:

▪ A concentrated electrolyte offers low resistance to flow of machining current.
▪ Metal ideal maybe removed beyond the limitation.
▪ The surface roughness become poorer with increase in temperature.
▪ Rise in temperature of electrolyte tends to decrease it’s specific resistance.
▪ These changes would flow rate/ pressure characteristics of the electrolyte.
▪ Non-toxic electrolyte should be used.
▪ Electrolyte is pumped from a storage tank via a pressure controller.

vi. Tools:
▪ Tools in electrochemical machining has high electrical and thermal conductivity,
corrosion resistance and rigidity to withstand the electrolyte flow.
▪ Low frequency tool vibrations were found to improve machining rate and
▪ The effects of tool geometry electrolyte immersion depth, size and length on the
machining rate, accuracy and gap size.

vii. Micro-tool feed:

▪ Inter electrode gap always tries to increase due to removal of metal from work
▪ The process always tries to attain the equilibrium gap.
▪ MRR to avoid short circuit during machining, since short circuit can severely
damage both of micro tool and delicate surface of the workpiece.

• Advantages:
i. There is no ware in tool because of no contact between tool and workpiece.
ii. Machining down at low velocity compared to other processes.
iii. Where is small dimension up to 0.05 mm can be controlled.
iv. Complicated profiles can be machined easily in a single operation.
v. No thermal damage occurs in workpiece due to low temperature.
vi. Hard conductive materials can be machined.
vii. Surface finish can be maintained at 0.1- 1.25𝜇m Ra.
viii. Electrochemical machining suitable for mass production work.
ix. Labour required is low.

• Limitations:
i. Huge amount of energy consumed (about 100 times greater than turning or drilling).
ii. Material removal rate is slow.
iii. Electrochemical machining can only be applied to electrically conductive materials.
iv. Difficulties in safely remove and disposing of exclusive hydrogen gas generated during
v. Difficulties in handling electrolytes.
vi. Workpiece need to be cleaned and oiled immediately after machining.
vii. It is not easy 2 duplicate the shape of tool of electrode.
viii. It cannot produce shape internal and external edges.
ix. Pumping of high presser electrolytes into narrow machining gap gives rise large forces
active on the tool and the work piece.

• Applications:
Electro Chemical Machining is mainly used in the areas where conventional machining
techniques aren’t feasible. Theoretically Electro Chemical Machining could be used for
machining the all electroconductive metals and alloys. The usual applications of Electro
Chemical Machining are:
i. Machining of hard materials and heat resistant materials. The process parameters and
the tool life time do not depend on the hardness of the work piece. Therefore,
electrochemical machining is often used for machining hard materials.
ii. Machining of cavities in forging dies, drilling deeper holes and irregular shaped
holes which cannot be obtained by conventional machining methods.
iii. Machining of complex profiles like turbine wheels, turbine and jet blades.
iv. Die sinking. Electro Chemical Machining is often used as an alternative to the cavity
type electric discharge machining (EDM).
v. Fabrication of thin-walled parts. Electrochemical machining does not produce
surface stress in the work piece therefore even very brittle and easily deformed
materials may be machined in thin-walled shapes.
vi. Grinding of a work piece by a rotating wheel, which performs grinding operation
through an electrolyte. The wheel is conductive and catholically connected. Non-
conductive hard particles are set on the wheel surface. The particles provide a
constant gap through which an electrolyte is continuously fed. Hard and brittle
materials are ground by the method.
vii. Rough corners or edges can be turned into very smooth parts and the process is
known as deburring.

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