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Video 1 (Emma Watson).

Dalam menyeampaikan serius dan sangat menjiwai untuk meyakinkan pendengar

Emma watson menyampaikan secara serius untuk meyakinkan pendengar

Emma Watson speak seriously to convince listeners

Video 2 (Meghan Markle)

Terdapat pembuka dan penutup saat berbicara, Dikemas secara santai, Penyamppaikan secara bercerita
kepada pendengar

Meghan markle berbicara secara bercerita dengan pembuka dan penutup saat berpidato kepada

Meghan Markle speaks casually, include opening and closing statement to the audience

Video 3 (Michelle Obama)

Terdapat pembuka dan penutup saat berbicara, Dikemas secara santai

Michelle Obama berbicara secara bersemangat untuk myeakinkan pendengar

Michelle Obama speak passionately to convince listeners including opening and closing statement to the

Video 4 (Ellen Degeneres)

Terdapat pembuka dan penutup, Dikemas secara santai dengan sedikit humor dalam menyampaikan

Ellen Degeneres berbicara dengan sedikit humor kdengan pembuka dan penutup kepada pendengar

Ellen Degeneres speak with a bit of humor including opening and closing statement to the audience.

(Emma Watson) Emma Watson speak seriously to convince the audience with the topic presented..
(Meghan Markle) Meghan Markle speak casually, include opening and closing statement to the
audience. (Michelle Obama) Michelle Obama speak passionately to convince listeners including
opening and closing statement to the audience. (Ellen Degeneres ) Ellen Degeneres speak with a bit of
humor including opening and closing statement to the audience.

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