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Alasan Menjadi Trend

Tidak semua orang bisa berkunjung langsung, Untuk menarik wisatawan, menjadi jalan pintas
tempat wisata

2. Dampak dari trennd

World landmark buildings has become trens in Indonesian tourist attractions.

Tidak semua orang dapat pergi ke negara lain untuk berkunjung ke world landmark karena tidak
memiliki uang atau waktu.

Not everyone can go to another country to see a world landmark because they don't have the money or

Not everyone can go to another country to visit a world landmark because they don't have the money or

Pemilik tempat wisata membangun landmark buildings untuk menarik wisatawan sehingga mereka
dapat berfoto seolah – olah seperti di landmark aslinya

Tourist attractions owners build landmark buildings to attract tourists so they can take pictures as if they
were in real landmarks

Tourist attraction owners build landmark buildings to attract tourists so they can take pictures as if in
the original landmarks.

World landmarks building menjadi jalan pintas bagi Tempat wisata yang tidak memiliki icon agar

World landmarks building is a shortcut for tourist attractions that do not have icons to visit.

World landmarks building becomes a shortcut for tourist attractions that do not have icons or natural
scenery to visit.

Tempat wisata yang tidak memiliki

Pahlawan street center berlokasi di kota madiun banyak terdapat world landmark building seperti
Kabbah and merlion.
Pahlawan street center is located in Madiun, there are many world landmark buildings such as Ka’bah
and merlion. Currently, many tourist attractions in Indonesia build world landmark buildings, The trend
is due to Not everyone can go to another country to visit a world landmark because they don't have
money or time.

Sekarang ini banyak tempat wisata di Indonesia yang membangun world landmark building

Banyaknya pengunjung membuat

Merchant at tourist attractions will get more profits because of the crowds of the visitor.

World landmark buildings in Indonesian tourist attraction menjadi tren karena lasan alasan tertentu.
Selain itu banyak dampak positif dan negatif dari pembangunan tersebut

. Pahlawan street center is located in Madiun. There are many world landmark buildings, such as Ka'ba
and merlion. Currently, many tourist attractions in Indonesia build world landmark because not
everyone can go to another country to visit a world landmark. Tourist attraction owners build landmark
to attract tourist so they can take pictures as if they were in real landmarks. furthermore, world
landmark buildings is a shortcut for tourist attractions that don't have icon to visit. Beside that, Many
visitor in tourist attraction make merchant will get more profits because of the crowds of the visitor.
World landmark buildings in Indonesian tourist attractions have negative impact to local culture, such as
local cultural doesn't have an icon in the region. World landmark buildings in Indonesian tourist
attractions become trend for certain reasons. Many positive and negative impact created of World
landmark buildings in Indonesian tourist attractions

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