Group - 9 - Teaching Speaking

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Nama : Maulida Lintang Panggayuh

NIM : 1917404084

Materials for teaching speaking

L.o : Students are able to implement about giving and asking advice and suggestion. (for grade XI

Pre Activity:

1. Teacher give the scene of ice age movie.

2. After students watch that video, students are asked to answer : have they watch that film, and
what the title of this film?”
3. The teacher ask again about what condition which faced by Mamoot and his friend.
Students probably answer that they did not catch the point.
4. Teacher explain the situation, and teacher highlight on the suggestion part, then point the word
which used.

From that activity, teacher try to connect students to what will teacher explain because students pay
attention on this movie.

Main Activity :

Teacher explain about social functions, structure of text, and linguistic elements of the text oral
transactional interactions and writes that involve actions giving and requesting information regarding
suggestions and offers, accordingly with the context in which it is used.

Giving Suggestion/Memberi Saran

 I suggest that…

 You should/ought to…

 If I were you, I would…

 It would be better if you…

 I would recommend you…

 Why don’t you….


 That’s good idea. I will do it.

 I’ll try. Thank you.

 Sure, I can do it.

 Yeah, you’re right.

 Why didn’t I think of that?

 That’s the best one, I’ll try that.


 I can’t do that.

 I’m afraid I can’t.

 Could you give me another way?

 I think it can’t solve my problem.

 I’m not sure.

 How about other suggestions?

 I don’t think I can.

Source: Asking and Giving Suggestion (Advice) Lengkap -

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