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Group 9

Analyzed by : Maulida Lintang Panggayuh 1917404084

Course book : Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/SMK/MAK by Kementrian Pendidikan

dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (edisi revisi 2018)

Chapter 1 : May I Help You?

KD : 3.1 & 4.1

Social Function : Asking for and Giving services

Language Features : The use of modals (May..., what if....)

Skills focus : Listening and Speaking

a) The principals of adaption;

This book produced by ministry of education of Indonesia, it uses for almost all
school in their level. The book with the theme May I help you has first pre activity which
contain ‘finding word’ with ‘qualities of friend’ vocabularies topic and ‘find the
meaning’ with no topic. In this case, pre activity that provided is relevant with the theme,
but it can be better if the vocabularies topics related to the subject focus, that is about
asking and giving services in order to construct students mind for better speaking. Then,
the dialogues of offering help/services are relevant and adaptable accordance teacher’s
learning objectives in each school such as providing the topic and situation which
commonly happens in everywhere, and related to students daily activities. moreover, this
book is lack of concept and theory but many exercises and practice activities. it makes
teachers adapt the book with their own creativity to achieve their learning objectives.
According to principles of adaptation, here is the analysis:
1. Localization. It has function for replacing the material in another context which is
may be this book did not relevant with students background, such as dialogue that
take place in jakarta, while students probably more related with their own place in
order to engaged the materials. In this case, teacher can be adapt the book by
replace and add some materials related to places where students and teacher lives.
2. Personalizaton. The book presented the dialogues and materials with considering
students background, here is students at grade 12 SMA/SMK/MAK. It seen by the
activity of dialogues which are about students problems. and if teacher would
adapt the materials with creative way, it can explore more about what student’s
usually acts.
3. Modernization. This principles should be used by teacher in order to engaged the
materials. In this chapter, asking and giving for help/service have already
picturing modern and language use situation. In addition, teachers can adapt by
changing the situation more informal and added casual language.
4. Simplificitaion. This book already easy to understand in simple and interesting
display every page.
b) Procedures of Adaption;
According to explanation of principles of adaptation above on this book, procedure of
adaptation which probably used are adding, changing, and modifying.
c) Examples / revision? :

Adding : Materials which formed “Modals Tables”

Chaning : if the school take place in rural area, the dialoge that take place in jakarta
can be changed with the place which students related to and more familiar.

Modifying : modify listening activity which by listen to teacher conversation with

watching film activity.

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