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A brief description

It will be a social media app which will be available for all the students as well as staff of the
university where they can communicate among themselves and also with teachers on the same
platform and can also exchange notes and other academic data and store them on the app without
going through the cluster of losing notes and other problems.

A current trend for social networking websites, such as Facebook, is to create mobile apps to give
their users instant and real-time access from their device and their main purpose is to allow users to
create a profile, send and receive messages via phone or computer and visit an online version of
mobile site. KU has not the ability to use social network except the traditional social networks. So,
in order to solve inability to perform different tasks and bridge the gap of communication in the
university, it is necessary to develop a social network system in the university with rapid
communication process.

 Miscommunication related problem

There is a communication gap between students and faculty because they don’t have a common
platform where they can communicate without any hindrance.

 Time consumption problem

Since the campus communities are located in different places inside the compound, it takes time to
meet each other for the purpose of sharing of resources and ideas.

 Lack of a platform for students to give their feedback

There is no platform for students to give their feedbacks about their issues.

 Lack of a common platform for university related activities

There is no common platform where students can submit their assignments and share notes. Also,

where they can have alerts about the upcoming university events and exams, deadlines and results

and other activities.

To support and facilitate KU community with information sharing using mobile devices with to
communicate by sending and receiving of the chat massage. This project or system is the good
motivation for students to work. It is smart and can easily be understood by all users of the platform
and it is good and will be easy for student to manage.

How and why this Project

The main aim of this social network is to give different online access and can be used by KU
students to make communication and information sharing, chatting among the society of the
university easily. We chose this project because there is a major communication gap between faculty
and students regarding several matters. There is a lot of clusters for students as well as faculty as
there is no availability of a fixed platform where they can share notes and submit assignments.


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