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Emerging technology quiz exam for first year technology stream students.

I. Write true for the correct statement false for the incorrect one. (1 pint each).
1. CPU and memory pooling are not considered in resource pooling.
2. Clusters can provide availability guarantees to prevent hardware or software failures
from affecting access to data and processing. .
3. Hadoop allows for the distributed processing of large datasets across clusters of
computers using simple programming models.
II. Choose the letter which contains the correct answer. (1 pint each).
4. One of the four characteristics of big data is volume which is described as ___________.

A) Data at rest C) Data in many forms

B) Data in motion D) Data in doubt
5. Which one of the following hadoop ecosystem components used on Computing and
analyzing data?
A) Hue and Cloudera Search C) HDFS, HBase, Spark and
B) Pig, Hive, and Impala MapReduce
D) Sqoop and Flume

6. The characteristics of Hadoop that describes data can be stored as much structured and
unstructured data as you need to and decide to use them later?

A) Economical C) Scalability
B) Flexibility D) Reliability

7. The characteristics of big data that describes the uncertainty due to data inconsistency
and incompleteness, ambiguity, latency, deception and model approximations is______.

A) veracity C) variety
B) volume D) velocity

III. Give short answer for the following questions.

8. Write four core components of hadoop ecosystem with their respective sub components (
3 points)

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