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Rustica, i. 2. 7, i. 10. 2; Livy iv. 48, v. 24; Festus, p.

Col du Loup du Valgaudemar (Vallouise to the Val

Great attention has been paid to civil ambulance organization in

three-fifths of the total revenue, and direct taxes less than

flame, but with a flame tinged bright yellow by the sodium

Act in 1887, there were seventeen already in existence. The

Taggharat (Atlas) . 15,0002 Bangweulu. . . 3700

a false affidavit in this way is liable to punishment. The

Explosive shells do not appear to have been in general

thither Prince soon migrated. A number of followers,

he had his umiak or freight boat, sometimes called woman's

a serious rival to the Carthaginians, but all three powers

river is navigable; but above that it is useless as a commercial

of Alexander became the popular authority for the succeeding

plants, and the oospore of Cutleria has been observed to

m., the river runs in a deep narrow valley -covered with

universal history (Liber Memorialis) from the earliest

ALDERSHOT, an urban district in the Basingstoke parliamentary

See A. de l'Isle, ``Memoire sur les moeurs et

United States; in 1900 it was 17.4% of the country's total.

the upper hand, and until the death of the Greek empress,

the Naini central jail, and the Anglican and Roman Catholic

oppression, it became, under the leadership of Munzer, a

Rajput custom. Besides their division into clans and tribes,

studied theology and canon law, and, after acting as parish

rocks are considered to be present in Constantine and in the

mentioned in the list of the Egyptian king Shishak (No. 71-2)

and that was in 1640-1648, when the Dutch held the seaports.

JURISDICTION.) No prize commission ever issued to it. By the

few years later, during the War for Independence, this region

as representative of the united counties of Clackmannan and

F. Polyzonia sp., branch with leaf-like branches of limited growth.

manufacturers to be sufficient for preservative purposes.

active members, is said to have been the first who cultivated

well as that of the final products. The services of analysts

before his death, which one tradition ascribes to poison,

Act he was not protected by invoice merely. Inspectors might

caravans passing from Asia Minor and Syria to Mesopotamia,

later. The prisoners were happily recovered from Bamian.

AElfric, printed in vol. iii. of Grein's Bibl. v. A.S. Prosa.

hardship. During the Russian occupation a small amount was

Catherine's), in which the sovereigns of Holland are crowned,

importance had taken place, the conclusion of the agreement

Cape Balastra; they cover seven small hills, and extend

times. See F. Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Erasmus Alberus (1894).

vindicator of justice. This distinction, however, appears

the highway, and near the northern foot of Chimborazo. Pop.

defeated at Denain after the withdrawal of Ormonde and the

spa, and its sulphur baths are resorted to for the cure of


year. Labour difficulties, low prices of produce, bad seasons

(q.v.) For this purpose the crude distillate is

Mountain on the 14th and Kenesaw on the 27th, both actions

entrusted the control of Mercia. On the accession of her

chemical affinity of the aluminium oxide, (2) it overcomes

generation. The word is also used for a man's evil genius,

Oxus, where he had been governing when his father died; and

of the theatre of war made ballooning impracticable; and

difference calls for further investigation. A closer inquiry

would not have been ratified by Massachusetts. From 1789 to

The principle involved in spinal anaesthesia is this: that a

clear general principles on such points as poetic truth,

facts in the world of experience, that there is a tendency

is for the development of the alphabet, and because it can

Alexander left the conquered portion of India east of the

Stewart, the commander of the British force, was mortally

31 B.C. Octavius gave up Numidia, or Africa Nova, to King

the accounts of executors and trustees, and the necessary

of Castile in the Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles de

been restricted to emotional states which are in relation to

``A-sam,'' the latter part of which is identical with

college. Many of the jottings in that curious record of daily

natural order Araceae, which shares with the Cuckoo Pint

The Cooke fund (E.W. Cooke, R.A.), which provides

series of exclamatory sentences expressing anger, incredulity,

are officered and manned by the Royal Artillery. They are

Senses, for aesthetic value of higher senses.

first element in which he regards as a form of @ = h. As

Thurnerkamp (Z). . . . . . . . 11,228 Hochschober. . . . . . . . . . . 10,663

contained priceless manuscripts in many languages. In his

which the house of Borgia remained famous. On the 14th of

prosperity owing to the influx of refugees from Antwerp and

dangerous in stormy weather by conflicting currents. Through

| Name. | Formula | Boiling | Melting|

(1) for continuous or direct currents, (2) for low frequency

fertilization. Hence it is readily seen that it is among

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