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edited by Sir Martin Conway and W. A. B. Coolidge (10 vols.

services were attached to the corresponding ministries in

Revista repubblicana (1880, No. 9); S. Rocheblave, Une

war, Aegisthus seduced his wife Clytaemnestra (more correctly

supporters. Abd-ar-rahman V. was proclaimed caliph in

audience. In Greek plays there are no separate acts, the

Arthropoda -- on the whole the most important and interesting

by his father, remained tributary; Judah, with whose king,

was permitted to use fictions, but that he spoke now as an

Peninsula is particularly rugged. This great plateau drains

obscurity. In June 1596 Alabaster sailed with Robert Devereux,

is no definite, invariable connexion between the nature of

and as some of the Light Division troops reached the ``Great

other islands of the Sporades; and, finally, the great group

York, there was something sporadic in their germination.

in spite of any argument, the fact remained that the decision

m., and the total population in 1897, 339,127. This region

will and ideas remained dominant after the Restoration as

rain to centrally traverse the tube, this must be inclined

is blind in front and behind (cephalad and caudad), but

details have come down to us of the conquest of many of the

before the invading forests to the high mountains. Here,

powers were, in fact, the more inclined to be suspicious in

Exports of Mohair and Alpaca Yarns for 1905.

was used for centuries in the imperial coronation ceremonies.

such branches are spoken of as stichidia. The tetrasrores

he would have been one of the greatest of the Roman emperors.

micro-organisms as possible. It is by the malign influence of

narrative; although this does not explain the change from

to two important inscriptions, the tabula Agnonensis, now in

p. 643 ff. and Nos. 2508 ff., edited by Baunack. (G. W. B.)

Projectiles for B.L. guns above 6-in. calibre are stored in

corsair fleet burned. The piracy of the Algerians was renewed

England soon after Elizabeth's accession. He had studied

namely, at St Sever, after passing which it is joined on the

Tripolitana, comprising Leptis Magna (Lebda), Oea (Tripoli),

out under the guidance of the chief of the bureau, Dr H. W.

he concluded with Ras Ali against Kassa in 1850 determined

from the bulls or, if the stock is scarce and oversold, the

medico-pharmaceutical collection, and the National Guard Museum.

tropics,---the low equatorial valleys and the lofty plateaux

composer of a large number of pianoforte etudes, embodying

administrative powers, and who varied in number at different

by a party to legal proceedings, whether civil or criminal,

rank. Thus the promotion of the Japanese legations in Europe

translation, 3 vols., 1887-1888); Introduction a l'etude de

to the sun's distance from the equinoctial points; and he

Cruschetta Pass (Schuls by Scarl to Taufers), bridle path. . . . . . . . .7,599

criticism of Corneille's Cid, the most popular work of the

navigable, and canals furnish 170 m. of waterway. Aisne is

Subsequently Edison found some degree of falling-off in

characteristic zeal to the study of antiquities. He was

the intervention of the Spanish ambassador he made peace with

mission they heard of the new prophet, and sent to Medina a

strenuous and diversified life that had always characterized

which are known to be at present working profitably on a large scale.

rioters. Owing to the collapse of the government it was

generation. The word is also used for a man's evil genius,

aluminium as does the fused double chloride of aluminium and

dealing with his nobles. His descent from the Hohenstaufen

but less so for recovering nearly the whole of it in the

army, was engaged in constructing an immense balloon, truly an

calm followed the outrage. On the 11th of February 1873,

according to legend, from Achaeus, son of Xuthus, son of

zigzag pattern, rather like the plan of a fortress with salient

and contributed to his unpopularity. He died in 518.

mensonges insipides.'' The Ana, indeed, from the popularity

wished. For Amos cannot have been quite alone either in

into the paternity of illegitimate children, and the law

be found in Justinian's Institutes, lib. i. tit. II.

help to the American privateers and to their forces in the

his father had inspired him with his own passion of military

Rost, went bare-footed, washed each other's feet (like the

the valley over a bluff on the east, and forms in its descent

bend northwards of the Aksu takes place, and, passing over a

do. Either let the land lie fallow every other year or else

pits. Land comparatively poor yields crops eight to tenfold

in a cycle, and ought to be minimized as much as possible.

of the felts, carpets and embroideries, are brought from

them the valuable breeds of live stock and improved husbandry

potatoes; port and sherry would not be what they are and

excavators. It is pyramidal in shape, and the surface

reappearing above it), finds a parallel in the story of Tammuz

fatal on the 14th of December 1873. He was buried at Mount

11 See Life of Adam and Eve (apocryphal), sec. sec. 36,

(half an acre in area) have been found in such situations.

AUTHORITIES.--The Saxon Chronicle, sub ann.; Birch,

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