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); Sozialpolitischer Briefwechsel (1894); Statuts de

a large section of Baluchistan and Persia within the official

Contracting Powers have agreed to renew at fixed intervals,

freedom with which blood and treasure were spent to enforce

amendment. But the passage, by the legislature, of vagrancy

The formation of such communities in the East does not date

237). In 1856 there was a protracted lawsuit as to who were

At the opening of the Berlin conference Spain had established no

12th May 1894. By this agreement King Leopold recognized the

allotment note must be in a form sanctioned by the Board of Trade.

Daphlas and Akas, are supposed to be descended from a Tibetan

AlBr3, is prepared in the same manner as the chloride. It

the working air, by the combustion there of gaseous or other

friendship. Adolphus was called to the bar in 1822, and his

numbers. How Addison, who was dying, felt after this painful

answer to Pilate's question, ``Quid est veritas''--namely,

aldehyde. With sodium bisulphite they form the so-called

portrait which he has drawn of himself in his own Memoirs

Thomas Roe's time, A.D. 1615, ``it was a goodly city as large

the present republics of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) was

use of the route by the coast of Africa to the south and

unhesitatingly translates it Weissland, ``whiteland.''

the key of the position; but his ships were dashed to pieces

produced in the end a synthesis of Plato and Aristotle with an

Ancient America. -- As a single specimen of an altar, wholly

to vary in value and in direction by means of four

(chaps. i.-x.), and history (chap. x.-end). The historical

army, retreating from Persia, is said to have lost 18,000

potash, it forms potassium valerate. Amyl nitrite finds

was Zeno (342-267 or 270 B.C.), from Crete, the founder of

on a vast scale. There is a fine library, of 36,000 books and

preserved. The fragments (about 1000 lines) attest the wit and

disapproved of the match and favoured Prince Alexander of

waters and pushed on to Lake Chad. Early in 1900 Lake

throughout the United States. The usual grounds for the

withdrew into the wilderness, the more numerous his disciples

Kush absolutely overhangs the Oxus nearly opposite Ishkashim,

with Agnes, daughter of Louis VII. of France, a child of

collection. For the purpose of design, there are

ramming a wad on top to prevent the escape of the powder.

almoner, the sub-almoner, and the secretary to the lord high

converse action takes place at the hinder end; (3) or again, the

u, but also the consonant sound v (i.e. English w),

about 45 ft. square, besides subsidiary chambers. Soon after

taste, very soluble in water, but scarcely soluble in

Miracles. Objections to the trustworthiness of Acts on the

ambassador to Genoa. He died at Amboise on the 18th of April

of pure living with that of free thinking, and held that

it by infusing fresh blood into it. They do not seek to

serving some of the richer students. He was nineteen when he

both economical and just, he was able to diminish the

signed with the independent tribes on that coast, the king

neutralization, while margarine requires mostly less than 1

restored the conservative one of 1869. His attitude during

jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the

Albuminoids is the anatomical name given to albuminous

was followed by nearly every adjoining parish in that part of

1608 by the settlement in it of an Armenian colony. There

Allegheny and Western Reserve Colleges, he studied law, and

up. She has, however, by Art. 14 of her Merchant Shipping Code,

the temperature developed is a function of the time needed

Malabar. He was educated at the provincial school at Calicut

that the number of foreign associates be restricted to 50.

certainly the most unwise, step in his ascent to political power.

vindictiveness, which they will satisfy at the cost of their

duty. The Chaff-cutting Machines (Accidents) Act 1897 is

Apart from all these, whether minor or major poets, stands

these views, and place the seat of power still in Crete,

The literature of agriculture, in abeyance since the treatise

Bridges; Carton's Liberty Hall and The Tree of Knowledge;

Portugal.--The Academia Real das Sciencias (Royal

without the option of a fine, or of certain offences against

the great public games, such as the Olympic and Pythian, these

P. de Florian's Gonsalve de Cordoue and Chateaubriand's Le

indo-arischen Philologie, to which is attached an atlas of plates

some of AElfric's authorities, the chief of whom was Gregory the

sea, meaning such part of the sea adjacent to the coast of

affecting between 5 and 5 1/2 million acres, during the

line dividing the Bantu from the Negro proper, has now been

Mundart (1774-1786)--bears witness to the patient spirit

and a careful plan of reduction, he was able to keep his

ABBAZIA, a popular summer and winter resort of Austria, in

a differentiation into branches of limited and branches of

idg. Sprachen (1902), sec. sec. 32-65 and 343-350. (P. Gi.)
Alps that the Siwalik beds of India bear to the Himalayas.

Irish Judicature Act of 1877 it was directed that it should

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