Hpe Assignment

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During the Malacca sultanate there was a village at the foot of Mount Ledang. In the village
flows a river with clear water. One day Sultan Mahmud went out hunting in that area. After
some time, he left his men. He walked alone while enjoying the beauty of nature around
him. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful woman on the bank of the river. The woman is picking
flowers. He looked at the sultan of Melaka with a sweet smile. Enchanted by that smile, the
Sultan rushed to the river bank but before he could reach it, the woman disappeared. The
Sultan searched everywhere but could not find it. He returned to the palace feeling empty.
That night he could not sleep well because he was thinking about the woman. The next day
he called the dignitaries in to face him. Once the dignitaries came to face him and his
majesty explained the purpose and told what he saw on the bank of the river yesterday. The
treasurer told that his majesty came across the Princess of Mount Ledang who resided at
the top of Mount Ledang. The treasurer told the beauty of Puteri Gunung Ledang to the
sultan. His Majesty was interested in hearing the story, then ordered the treasurer to
organize a marriage proposal to Mount Ledang. Send to Puteri Gunung Ledang must be the
most special. Among the items provided are gold-woven songket cloth and diamond-
encrusted jewelry. While the treasurer was busy preparing the suitor's party, the treasurer
had a strange dream. In that dream, the sultan's body was covered in blood. Grandfather
treasurer told the dream to other dignitaries. A few days later after all the preparations
were arranged, the suitor group was ready to leave for Mount Ledang. The trip up the
mountain was very complicated. Occasionally they had to face the attacks of wild animals
such as tigers and lions. They continued their journey even though Puteri Gunung Ledang
and her palace were nowhere to be seen. A few hours later, they came across an old man
who was hunched over. He advises them to return to the palace and cancel their intention
to edit Puteri Gunung Ledang.

But the dignitaries had to go through danger in order to carry out the sultan's order. The
grandmother invited them to her hut. After a few hours of walking, they arrived at the bad
hut of the old lady Kebayan. They were served with food while listening to the grandmother
telling stories. While they were listening to the story they started to feel sleepy and finally
fell asleep. When they woke up, they were very surprised because the hut and the food
served were gone. All that was left was a tree. It was already dark. In fact, the old woman
was not a kebayan grandmother, but the Princess of Gunung Ledang who disguised herself
as a kebayan grandmother because she knew of the arrival of the suitor's party. That night
they did not sleep well because they were disturbed by shadows and scary voices. The next
day they were all tired and scared. Tun Mamat offered to go alone. A few days later, Tun
Mamat arrived at a flower garden. The smell around him was very good. After crossing the
garden, he reached a magnificent palace. Clouds float here and there. Several beautiful girls
greeted him at the entrance. Before Tun Mamat had time to enter, he heard the beat of a
drum and the blowing of a flute. The girls began to sing and dance. After that he was served
with delicious food. After eating the drum is hammered and the flute is blown again.
Everyone who was sitting got up immediately. Puteri Gunung Ledang appeared. Tun Mamat
woke up when he saw Paras looking so charming. Her face was radiant like a rose blooming
in her garden. Tum Mamat conveyed the desire of the sultan of Malacca to propose to
Puteri Gunung Ledang. The princess nodded. The gift bearers open the safes and take out
the gifts inside. Puteri Gunung Ledang just smiled a little. His Majesty was not surprised by
the rather special delivery. Tuan puteri is willing to accept the proposal of the sultan of
Melaka if he can meet some conditions. After hearing all the conditions conveyed by the
Princess of Gunung Ledang, the suitor's party immediately returned to the palace. Upon
arrival at the palace, they continued to convey the princess' request to the sultan. The
Sultan did not answer. He went into his room and only came out two days later after
thinking hard. It is also quite difficult to fulfill the request of the princess. Even if it's a gold
or silver bridge, His Majesty can build it but to get a tray of mosquito hearts, a pot of young
areca nut water and a bowl of His Majesty's prince's blood is an impossible thing to do. The
Sultan then promised not to send a wedding party to Gunung Ledang again. The state
officials welcomed the sultan's decision with joy. All agree to the wisdom of Puteri Gunung
Ledang who can find a cunning way to reject the sultan's proposal.

Moral of the story, we should not aspire too high to the point of neglecting our true
responsibilities. On the other hand, we should be wise in solving a problem so as not to
offend others like a parable, like pulling a hair in flour, the hair does not break and the flour
is not scattered.

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