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review s@retelimaciny ‘About the Course Unit 2 - Week 0 : Prerequisite ‘Course outine vento sone Assignment 0 Pat ‘Te aue dete forsunmiting th assignment hs oseae Due on 2020-01-26, 23:59 IST. sper ourrecores you have not submits ths essgnment Wook 0: Prrequate +) Iman ambient condition of 1.013 bar & 29°C, water vapor ents in surrounding a= 1 point ‘ut Assignment 9 compressed vapor Week Fundomertte of saturated vapor =e superneated vapor aT superctialvapor rucloar Rsetons to, me anameris inca Soar Week 3: Nila Fsion ‘Accepies Anewes ‘Spero vapor ae 2) The slope ofan isomer at te eto pont on P-v pane is pom ‘Termalnytrautes one (universal gas constant) Week &RecterConol infinty stromal te, rower incaet ‘Accented Ares: Week 2tcler Fusion 8) ACamot heat engine with thermal efiieny o 85% rejects heat to 15°C resent ata rate of 800 kn, The temperature of point the souresin K's Radiation 36 523 Week Reactor Safty & 640 Seeunty ai Wook tact Management on reverse et sere mw: Downie videos 4 entropic process moving a perfec incomprossibio substance is also + point Books 'sobarc ‘soorore isentaige ‘some te, sneer inicome ‘Accents Arewer: {Ratio of momentum te thermal dusty ie known 35 1 point Rayeigh number Pranat number Biot number Mach numbor| t,o anomeric ‘Accent Aree: Brandt nimbor ©) Vit increase in temperature, 10m ‘viscosities of oth quid & gs ncrens. ‘viscosities of oth auld & 988 decrease ‘vscosty of aud decreases, butwscosty of gas increases viscosity of quid increases, but vscosl of gas decreases, Yo neanoweraincaneet, Sear ‘Accentes Ares: Viscosity of quid decrsses, but viscosy of 93s increases. 1 Crilal niekness of insulation of a thermay-conductng wire corresponds 10 pom maximum thermal resistance maximum hes ranetor minimum compressive sess rinmum material requirement ‘Accents Anewets: ‘maximum host ranstor 1) For laminar flow af a fuld wih Pr>1 over horizontal plate, he rato of he thickness of thermal boundary ayer and vlocy point boundary layers 05 1 seater han 1 less than 1 t,t sneer isicore. Accentes Aree: ‘ssn 7 1) In aheat exchanger, te ext temperature ofthe cold fd is lesser than the ext temperature ofthe hot fi. — This statements 1 paint weer paralel-ow heat exchanger counterfow heat exchanger craes-ow heat exchanger any heat exchanger ‘copie Anawor: erate tow heat exchanger +a) Fora fnned surtace, te rato of he fr heat trans rate tothe rate of heat transfer without the fs known as 1 point ‘in eeciveness| fin efenoy covoraleurface eficieney shape oficioney one nema incomet. ‘copie Arewors fnofeciwonsss 11) The dimensionless concentration grant rom a surface is dened 25, 1 point Nusser number Sherwood number Lewis number Sermidt number on reverse, Accept Anewo: ‘Sherwood number 1) Fr laminar uly developed ow of@ Fuld trough @ creuar duct wih constant surface temperature, tha Nusselt numeri paint 133 298 366 436 to, anor isicore. Aeceptes Anewer: Se +3) Grashot number is a rato of + point Inertial and viscous forces buoyancy and viscous forces buoyancy and gravitational forces Inertial and gravitational forces te, sneer nico. ‘Accents Aree: boyaney and viscous forces 14 Crical neat fux during oa! boing is assocatied wih the 1 point ‘inrum heat fx during tm boting maximum heat fux during fim boing ‘minimum heat fx during rucleate boing ‘maximum heat fux during nucleate beling t,o anmeriaicae. ‘Aecentes Agee: ‘marimar heat fux during muceate baling 15) Ano uid enters a counte‘low heal exchanger a 80 °C & exis at 35°C. The cold uid enters at 25°C and leaves a 0 °C. point CCoresponding LMTD wil be 10-0 45°C 55°C eC on never aca ‘pani Arewor wore +4) Bemoulls equaten is appeabe along @ 1 point heat ine sean pat ine streak ine on reer scat 17) Hydrol eficieney of urine I maximum when the rato of bucket speed ta jet speed is 1 point to, anor isicore. scores owes: +4 Cavitation occurs when th suction pressure ops blow the oF iqui corsponding ots orperature. to, anor iio. (pet Sg) aor oesse pom +9) Thotting of fd trough an insulated vatve isan example of constant process. ‘cept Answers: (pe Sg erty 1 point 20) doule-Thompson coeficent for an idea gas. te, snes ‘Aeceptes Aree: (Oipe' Serge pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 3 - Week 1: Fundamentals of Nuclear Power ‘Course outine vento sone Assignment 1 faa ‘Te aue dete forsunmiting th assignment hs oseae Due on 2020-02-12, 23:59 IST. sper ourrecores you have not submits ths essgnment Week 0: Prrequte +) Outof the flowing pairs, which one refers to the nucioons? 1 point Wook : Fundamental of pone Neer Powe proton & neutron Leet veo omer Seer train = neutron & electron eee te sooer aise. ‘Aecenteg Aree: (ut: Assignment pees Feet 2) Nudear property ofan isotope s primarily determined by 10m Week 2: Rciacty an loa Reset ruber of protons umber of electrons Wook 9: Nelo Fasion ase eae sn Revctionn umber of nucleons Reactor No, america Sear eae ‘amber of maseons ‘Tromatnyarues oe 3) Detinion of atomic mass unit refers tote mass cf 1 ome Week Ztermal Reactors BN Wook B8re0der Reactors hte Be Week 10Bolopcal eects ot ” . to, anor core. seeurty Accepteg Anewor: ge Week mast Management 4) {Hane fteisctopes have equal number of 10m Txt Tarcorts protons Download Videos neutrons slectons a uclaons ‘copie Anewors 8) {Nt and $Cwisotopes have equal umber of toi protons 16) Wich ofthe following isotope haste largest vale of binding energy per nucleon? ‘ome gu me ar 7) To calculate the binding energy for an folope, we need o know 10m both atomic & mass number solely mass number solely aiomicnumber sey the number of netrons No, america Sear ‘Accentes Ares: Datiatomic & mass ruber 8) al sotope absorbs an electron during @ nuclear reacton the atomic numberof he resutant mucus is 1 ome te, sneer scores owes: 1) Wapariculs uranium nucleus (2 ‘MeV, ts mass number is is having an atomic mass of 236.043022 and its binding enorgy pornuclaon's 750 point sep hrowrs: 10) atomic mass of dewtarum e 2.044 u, mass fect as per the folowing reacton is, + Jn i 1 point 00109 t,o anmeriaicane. ‘Aecentes Aree: 11) Asperthe following relation 27a - 5.0 + $e. x= Aesop newer: pe age 2945,2955 1 ome 12 Ifthe atomic mass of CIs 1.003385 ts binding energy par nucecn is Mev. te, sneor nico ‘Accept Aree: (pet aos) 765772 ‘ome 14) wo sub-atomi partls, both having inéwcual mass equa to tha ofan electron, reacts with eachother and gets completely nna, amount of energy released wil bo MeV. te, sneor nico ‘Accepts Aree: (pet aos) 1021024 ‘ome ‘About the Course Unit 4 - Week 2 : Radioactivity and nuclear Reactions ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte 9140 Rass resets decay (ut Assignment 2 ask :onaln Rosen Tremalhdrauies Week reactor Safety & Seeury Tent arsenite Assignment 2 ‘The de date for submitting thi asgnment hs posse Due on 2020-02-12, 23:58 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent +), Tho term Radioactivity was coinad by 1 point Mane & Plere ure mest Rutherford & Frederick Soddy Henry Becauere |Wihein Roentgen t,o anomeric. Accentes Aree: Moro & Plore Curio 2) Ci coresponds to the actviy of 10m tg ofPu2se 1 goft295 1 gof R226 tgofPo2ts to, anameris inate Soar Aecentes Agee: gor Rees 2) Mean He ofa radioisotope is pom equalto ts halite double oft na fe bout 145 times its hate out 0.7 mess nateife ‘Accenteg Ares: ‘bout 148 tes ts halite 4) Amucleus wit high NZ rat is ikely to undergo pom xoseay Poesy pin decay ‘conte Anewets: Dower 5) Ident X tom the folowing reaction JF Hg + X + a+ 1 pom cron pein to, anameria inate Soar ‘Accented Aree: 6) The atomic nurber of the daughter nucleus produced during a particular nuclear reactions fure tobe 1 lesser than the parent point rucieus, while the mass number remains ienical The reaction f underwent was Boss postr decay sles este on reverie ‘conte Anewors 1) The pairot IC and Mie an example ot 1 pint stone extar to, anameria inate Soar ‘Aecenteg Aree: 1) A panicuar nuclear reacton is represented inthe folewing shor-hand form, Then which of te folowing teactionscareet? 1 point Palen Bal feta = BP ete BPA Me > Halt se BP tina aleitte BAlttHe = BP +n ‘conte Anewets: Gale ite» SP + jx 8) The folowing nudear reaction isan example of i'Cd-+ jn > 12CH + point Radathe capture Charge partici reaction late colison Newton emission to, anor iincoe. ‘Acceptes Anewers: ‘Radetve capture 1a) Wich among the fllowing quantities isnot conserved during an inelastic colision? + point ‘Thermal energy Momentum Kinetic energy Potential eneroy en sneor nico ‘Accentes Aree: Kinetic energy +1) Mascoscopic cross-section has a dimension to 1 point colision per unit volume sea per unit volume volume per unit area t,o anomeric. Aecente Anawer: ‘rea por unt ume 12] As per Pauls postulate, emission ofa p-parice mest aways be accompanied by tne pearance ofa patie, which is 1 point postvely charged & has negigble mass negatvely charged & heavy mass lectaly neural & lighter than eectron in terms of mass ectialy neural & heavy in mass to, anaweris inate Soar Accented Aree: lectiealy neutral & fighter than electron in terms of mass 19) 054137 undergoes # decay with a hate of 3.2 years. Then te nial actly ot same containing 3 x 10" atomsice is ch ne nema incomet. ‘copie Anewor (pe Rages 058080 1 point ”. eV of energy is released folowing he assocaton of electron & positon folowing a positon decay e snoer isa. ‘Accent Aree: (pe: ange 08,1023 + pom 14 The velocty of @neuvonthermalzed in an environment of50°Cis___mis. one anemic. ‘copie Anewors (pe Range 20072008 1 point +e) Rest energy of electrons, ev. te, anomeric. ‘Accents Aree: (ype: ange 0S10.0.512 + pom 17 The tel fora reactor contain pellets of UOs, which nasa dens of 10.5 gc. tthe uranium s enriched to 30% n U-295 (test U-238), the atom density of U-25 in felis “10 atoms, Consider molecular weight of .235, U.238 & oxygen to be 235.0438, 38.0808 & 16.899 klk respective ‘copie Anewor (pet aga) 10712 1 point 14) Fision of a single U-235 nucous producos 200 MeV of energy. If only 85% of tal neutrons absorbed in uranium can induce fesion, the rate of consumation of U-235 6 aay, ma reactor producing 1800 NW of ermal power. Molecular weight of U-235 Is 235.0430 kghenal te, sneor nico ‘Accept Aree: (pet age) 18585 pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 5 - Week 3 : Nuclear Fission ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte tec 2 Terao eaters ‘Tremainyries Week Biological tects of Wook 1 actor Sat & Security Week 12 Waste Management ‘ext Warcorpts Assessment 3 ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-02-18, 23:59 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent +), Only naturaly avaiable isotope offering sigifcant fesioncrose-cection to thermal nowtons is 1 point Ra ee te, anomeric 12) The gap between the mass numbers ofthe tuo most Ikaly fsson Fagrerts keeps on reducing with 1 point Increase mass number of parent nucleus decrease in mass number of paren nucleus Increase h atomic numberof paren nucleus decrease in atomic number of parent nucleus on reverse ‘Acceptes Anewer: Irease i moss numberof parent nucleus 3) Inthe UV region, absorption crss-secton Is inversely proportional to 1 point velooty ‘rote energy temperature piysical erose-sectonal area of target nucleus to, sneer iicore. ‘Accents Aree: ovary «Tho term MSOP is synonymous to 1 point macroscopic cross-section logarithmic energy decrement moderating power moderating rato te, sneer power 1) Agood moderators expecod io have 1 point igh logarthmic eneray decrement high moderating power igh moderating ratio ai ofthe above eo anmeriaicone. Accepts Agee: ‘ico the above ©) Heavy wale isa superior moderator compared fo ordinary water because 10m Itraqurs ess number of eolisions to thermal a fast neutron. thas very smal absorption exoss-secton. itexniis righ MSOP, iis cheap, to, america Soar ‘Acentes Aree: ‘thas very sna absorption crosswsecton, 7) The aiference between energy In LAB system and CM systems equa othe pom ‘netic energy of the neutron, ‘enatic energy of the cante-otmas. ‘netic eneray of the ncieus. binding eneray of he nucleus. ‘Accentes Ares: ‘inte eneray othe conre-otmess. 1) Total momentum ofthe neutton-nclous pai curing elasteseatterng, a por the GM system, sequal 0 pom the momentum of he neuron alone in CM system ‘he momentum of he nucleus alone in CM syst, ‘he combined momantum ofthe naviron& nuceus in LAB system. ‘Accent Answers: 8) An@uton carrying 1.2 MeV of inal energy collides with astatonery deuterium nucteus and gts deflected by an angle of 60" as + poi per the CM system, Is actual angle of deflection approximately is oo" 6 Es > to, anor isicore. aan “€) the non-ssion capture and fission cross-sections of 2°17 subjected to thermal neurons are 831 and 48 barns respectively, then ait the provabty oF tssion occurrence is oom aK 05% 03% oe aa sae 11) During te decay of afsion fragments, following reaction has been observed. Identity the nature ofthe emited parle. pom La 8ce election proton neutron sntineutine on rovers carat Accepted Anewor: coven seis 1 point ‘esi isotope ‘esionabe & fsa eotope ‘esionabe & fre ieotope ‘erie, but ron ssionable Isotope ‘coi Anewors estnatie & ete ieotpe 1) tne seating cross-sections of hydrogen and oxygen nucle subjected io neutrons of 1 MeV of energy are 3 and 8 bars respectively, el scattering ross-section of water molecule is ams te, anomeric ‘Accented Aree: (ipo near + pom “1 Minimum numberof colisions required to conver a 2-eV-slecron toa t-MeV-electron using deuterium as moderator © te, anomeric ‘Aeceptes Anewer: (Ohpe' tomer) pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 6 - Week 4:Chain Reaction in Reactors ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte tse 1 Newton mstpeaton Leo 2Neuten den Bary tec ¢Sinple rnc teary ‘Tromalnyrauics Wook B8reodor Reactors Week 1 ological eects of Week 1 Reactor Salty 8 ‘Seeurty ‘oat Tarsorits Assessment 4 ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-02-26, 23:59 IST, ‘As per ou ecrds you havent subi hs assignment +) ‘Smallest amount of mass ofthe sie material required to sustzin a chan reactions known 35 1 point rinmum mass eit mass reaction mass ‘ractenal mase te, anomeric. Aeentes Aree: ‘cn macs 2) In order to radu the auton lnakage, reactor cores are often surrounded with mato having 1 point high scattering & absoroion cross-section low scatenng & absorption cross-secton low scatering & high adsorpion cross-section low absorption & high searing cross-section somerset. Accente Aree: ‘ow absorption & high scaring cross-section 5) Increase inthe concentaion of fission preducs having large absorpon cross-section leads io 10m Increase fn thermal fasion decrease In fuel vitzaton dectesse in resonance absorston Increase in coe racy Yo neanoweriaincaneet, Sear Accented Aree: ‘Geerosse nfo! ization 6, Reactivity or a supereiical reactors pom negatve postive undefned ‘Accepted Aree: postive 5) Which ofthe following nui! isthe largest contributor towards resonance absorption? pom uaa 2a uaa uae ‘Accente Anewers: oe 1 Effective mlipleation factor can be obtained multiline infinite mutica facor wit pom {ola noneakage probably reciprocal of toil non-eakoge probably ‘et eutron non-leskage prebablty ‘ermal neutron nonleakage probably ‘Accent Answers: teiafnandesiage probably 7) Fk’ law ffsion is not applicable n'a medium wih pom ‘rection ‘ndependent scattering coss-section uniform propery dstbuion large absorption erss-section Infitecimensions| ‘econ Anewor ‘igo absorption ross-secton Two ideal pont sources of newton, each eiting neurones, relocated ata certan stance apart in an infinite afing 1 pomt medium. Then neuton curt atthe midway Belwenn the sources is 8 28 invite te, anomeric. ‘Aecentes Aree: 2) Difusion login in & modi is 1 point smal han mean ree path equal mean tee path larger that mean tee pat» Independent of dituton coofient Ne somerset. ‘Accent Aree: ‘rater thon mean feo path 10) A reactor operating sarily with fast neurons should have 10m 8 mecereor with arge absorption cross-section 18 moderator wih arg scattering cross-section igh concentration ofa neuton poison no moderator to neanower ninco, Sear ‘Acenteg Ares: ‘noimoderstor| 11) Peaking tacoe for an infin sab reactors pom ae 2 a ‘Aecenteg Aree: = +2) Mathematical estimation of neutonfux pote for a reflected reactor a the interace of core & refetor equles pom continuity of fusion cofcint continuity of nauton fc continuity ofboth neuron fx & ts gradient continuity of neuton curent densly Accent Angwes: ‘ont of both neutron fx & ts gratont +9) For etal reactor, 4 geometical bucking are equa to each other, ‘Accent Anewes: (pe Sa) mar +4) Resonance escape probably refers tothe al of numberof neutrons ater and before the process of oreo scat Aesop Anewos: (hpe Sing moderation pom +s) A superesical reactor inaly operating with # multiplication facor of 1.1. the mulsplcaion factor neease by 2%, percentage change inveactviy wil be %. on never nica ‘copie Anewor (pet Page) 185200 10m 16) A sample of enriched fuel contains only U-236 & U-238. The former has son &non-fssion capture cross-sections of 579 & 101 bars respectively Absoron eese-secton fr 23652 72 barns. Flasion ofa single L-235 nucleus produces 2.42 neutrons on average. fa {hermal sion factor of 17's desired rom the sample, amount of U.238 inte fel must be % to. neanoweriaincaneet, Sear ‘Accented Ares: (pe Raga) 108185, 1 point 17 Aruceas reactors operating wth fuel having net absorpon cross-section of 75 bars. Heavy waters sed asthe moderate, wth the composiion being 200 molecules 0,0 for every fuel molecule. Boron is used asa part of ine conte! mecnanism. Capure cross: sections of 0,0 & boron are 0.001 & 760 hams respectively Ifa thermalization facor of 0.80 isthe objective, te required numberof boron malecuis or every molecule ot uel. to, aameris inate Soar ‘Accented Aree: (pe Page 0.0070.0.0018, 1 point 1) Atermal reactors operating witha thermal feson factors 1.43, thermal ullzation fair of 088 and resonance escape prebablty of (0.9, 1 me contrbuon oat fasion 8 negigbe, tien ‘of tal neurons can be alowed to ak rom te core, inorder to Imalniain ents ne nema incomet. ‘copie Anewors: (pet age) 518 1 point 1 Scateng cross-section of carbon (A= 12) a7 eV i 4.8 barns. the dens of graphite i 1.599 gem the dfusioncooicient of graphite attnisenerpy iso, one anemic. ‘copie Anewors: (pe ange) 09150517 1 point 20) A pont source is emiting neutrons a a rate of 107 nevonsls and is located ina infinite boy of wate. difusioncoeicient and susonlenath fo water ae O16 om nd 2.85 em respective, neuton fx at distance of 15 em rom the sour wl be neuonstnm te, anomeric ‘Accented Aree: (ipo age) 170.175 + pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 7 - Week 5 : Reactor Thermalhydraulics ‘Course outine vender ernes en Assessment 5 ‘As per ou ecrds you havent subi hs assignment Preeaust +), Production of iyrogen & exygan from sulphuric acid because of nuclear radiation is known 2s Wook: Fundamentals of ae eee tow pyrolysis Week 2:Racsoactviy and wectolyie cles Resct radiolysis Wook 9: Nuclear te, sneer nico. Week ain Reston it ‘adv 2) Inordr to avoid the coroswve ofoct ofH,S0, aqueous homogenous reactors can use ‘Thomalhyraucs Het (occ 1 Nudear ul Aspe as rosy conseancs HPO. tse 2a terpoane co ‘boon & Pater eo anomeric. Aeseste aie: Aasoneman 5 HNO, 3) Among te folowings, the ful wih higher making pint is Week @eator Coit oe fl metal ust ceramic fuel Wook BBreoder Restore qui rut ' e snoer aise. Accented Aree: Week Biological tects of ona oo! 4), MOX refers to fuel mixture of Wook 1 actor Sat & seni several eotopes of uranium uranium & therm Week 12 Waste Management tranum 8 platoniam ferent slopes of pltorium to, america Soar ‘ext Warcorpts Download videos ' rant 8 prim 5) Major actinides reterto al isotopes having stomic number higher than 88 turanum & treriam uranium & pltaniam uranium 8 protactiom om rower. ‘Accented Ares: Granuim & plutonium ©) Higher tnermal conductvty Is Gesred fora nuctear ue! to Increase the power output provide good mechanical strengh at elevated temperatires Increase the rate of fsion| lower te maximum fuel temperature ‘Accentes Anewers: ‘ower the maxim fuel temperature 1) Afuel must have high ‘Aecentes Anewets: Due on 2020-09-04, 23:59 IST, 1 point 1 point 1 point 10m pom pom pom 1 Cladding can provide additonal surfaces for heat ransfer in actors employing which af the folowing as coolant? ‘point oa normal water heavy water liquid sodium ‘Accent Anewets: oo 18) Energy cared by which ofthe following fesion products cant be recovered by the coolant? ‘ission Fagments bays neutinos ros ‘Accept Answers: ewtinoe +0) Sl unitof thermal resistance ie wim wine wir Kw ‘Accepts Anewers: ev 11) Presence ofa gap between fe! 8 coolant sats to significant recto in temperature because of high heat capacity of eladcing high tharmal resistance of air large tharmal conductivity of: high thermal conduc of ‘econo Anewor {igh thermal reastanes of ar 12) Temperature rise across the cling fora plate-ype felis rectly proportional to ‘thickness of adeing density ofiading ‘hrmal conductty of adding case sectonal area of cacing ‘eso Anewor thismness of castlng pom pom + pom 1 oin ‘About the Course Unit 8 - Week 6:Reactor Control ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte ‘Thomalhyauics tse thong dey tse 20seedputon wrt: Wook B8reodor Reactors Week 1 Bologcal Enects of Week 1 Reactor Say & Seeurty ‘ext Warcorote Assessment 6 ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-09-11, 23:59 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent +). Prompt fete fora thermal nowron increases wit 1 point reduction In neuron energy vel decrease in ue uitzaton factor Increase absorption mean fee path ai ofthe above eo anmeriaicone. Accepts Agee: ‘ico the above 2) Photonoutens are produced trough which ofthe following reactions? 1 point or) oo on en a some aise. Accented Anewer: om 5) Which ofthe folowing actives cannot be performed without using the contol rods? 10m emergency shutdown planned shutdown reactivity aciusment win ageing axa oft contra Yo ne anoweriaincaneet, Sear ‘Accented Aree emergency shutdown 4) The materia or contol od must nave pom high conture cross-section high scattering erosssection high sion crosssection high Ines cross-section ‘Accent Answers: ‘ia capture coss-secton 5) G-113 less preferred io B-10 a the material or contol od because of pom ts tack of cormpattiy with uranium ts large resonance packs ts looser absorption capably tthe thermal level ts harp dacin in cross-section nthe 1 region ‘Accent Anewes: WSirge resonance 6 Indvidsol oactvty of any contol elements. pom postive negative opendent on concantation ‘cept Answers: negate 1 Use of chemical shim alec the + pom ‘st esion factor ‘thermal fon factor resonance escape probably thermal uzstion factor ‘econ Anewor ‘ermal uzaton factor 8) Presence of burabe absorbers 1 oin reduces numberof coil rds & concentration of bore ace reduces numberof criol reds, but equies higher ial concentration of bore acid reduces inital concentration of bore acid, but requed larger numberof corral rods. increases both the number of conro rade & concentration of boric ai one arenes incomet ‘opie Anewors ‘edutes numberof contra ade & concentration of boric acid. 8) Wren he urbing load ona BIN, characterized by negatve void reactivity coeficen, increases, It experiences 1 point an increase inthe vid production an increase in overal temperature level of the system fan incroase inthe recireulaton tow 2 reducton in cverall thermal ficiency on never neat ‘evap Anewors ‘rinarezeo nha recrculation ow {0} Mutipieston factor for an intialycrical reactor increases by 0.1%. it employs U-235 fr son ts reactivity in doi unit is con, to, aameris inate Soar ‘Accented Aree: (pe: aga 01550155 1 oin 11) The rescnance escape probably of a certain natural uranium (dansity = 10-1 gle) fueled reactors 0.878 at 300K. The fuel ods 2 ‘28 emin diameter Then temperature coeficent of react a an operating temperature of 350 i 057K, e snoer isa. ‘Accents Aree: (pe: aga) .98 + pom 12) Aneavy-water-moderted thermal reactor Is operating wit a utlzation factor of 0.85. Densiy & molar mass of heawy water are 1.107 ‘fee & 20027 gimol respective the scaterng & absorpion cross-sections of heavy water are 10.6 0001 bers respectively nen orespondng promt neuton ifetine 6s ‘copie Anewors: (pe age) 208,209 1 point +] Consider #uranium-baeed infinite thermal reactor operating ove a ong period, which involves only twee iscopes during its operation, namely, U-235,U:238 & PU:238, The operaton Is intated wih 7% enrened Uranium anda constant neutron fux of 10" neuronslomes. Then {he amount of Pu239 asa fracton ofa fuel mass ater 1 year of operation is % te, anomeric ‘Accents Aree: (pet aos) 7073 + pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 9 - Week 7:Thermal Reactors Couse caine Assessment 7 ST ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-09-16, 23:59 IST, ‘As per ou ecrds you havent subi hs assignment Week 0: Prrequte +) What materials used asthe coolantin LW? 1 point Wook: Fundamentals of Po 00 Week 2:Rassoactvily and graphite lee Reset qu Na nuclear t,o anomeric Week hain Reaction it to" 2) FBRs dont employ any moderalor because 1 point ‘Tromalhyaucs ‘hey empoy high fuel enrermert their energy densy is much higher they empioy fast neutron spectrum for operation qua Na ie evongly reactive to water. vc tomenewe te, anmer aise. tre ‘Accentes Anewer: Thay employ fast neutron spectrum fr operation, fomcevitoGentv 2) The primary uncon ofa pressurize n PWR ito cpr protec he system from overpressure raintain required coolant ve, ‘Wek eSreodarRascrs hp in neiron moderation. Imaintaln the coolant in subcoced quid sate, See to, anameria inate Soar Week 10Biolgical ete of Accentes Aree: Radiation ‘main te coolant hy subcooted lui tate, Wook 11 Reactor Safty & 4). APWR i working under sleady-sate wit a system pressure of 15 MPa. [130° subcoolingis desrabe, tre maximum coolant point Senay, temperatures ‘ext Wareerots our “ on reverie c= ‘copie Anewors 5) During the intial charging perio, the desired pressure love! nse the pressurzaris commonly attained using nitrogen. the paint volume of te pessurzer and temperature of niogen is specified, tnen tne pressure canbe convallea by conoling the aes of water mass of ntregen temperature of water arial pressure of nirogen ‘Accenteg Ares: ‘mass of nitrogen ©) ABWR receives saturated quid water rom the reckoulaton channels the system pressures known, ten te power pom ‘generated through nuclear Sesion can deat be corelate wis recirulation fow rate & ex ually rectulation fow rate & ext temperature ext temperature & quaity ext temperature inet enthalpy on rovers caret Aecepte newer: ‘recreation fw rae & ext quay 1) Among te folowing classical designs, n which one water serves the tiple function of madera, coolant & working full?” pat to, anor isicore. scr owas 1) One mor esue with ha ial designs of RAMK reactors was + point high ue envchmentrequitement Inabity of replenishing fue uring operation postive void reactvyeoeficent the requlrement of specialized cladcing material te, sneer nico ‘Accents Aree: Dostive void reacttycoemcient 9) The high tomperaturepebble-bed reacors an improved version of 1 point te, sneer ini for +) The biggest advantage of using heavy walr as the moderator in PHWRS is 1 point lower cos of moderator higher fuel burrsup use of natural uranium ai ofthe above eo anmeriaicone. ‘Accent Arawers: tio of nt uranium +1) Among te folowings, which one is a Gen-V design? 1 point oa BHR eR-000 te some iaincae. ‘Aecenteg Aree: Sr +2) AHWR concept proposed by BARC, India employs 10m heavy water a5 bot moderator & coolant heavy water as moderator & ordinary water as coolant ondinary water #8 moderator & heavy water as coolant ordinary water as both moderator & coolant Bo neanoweraincaneet, Sear ‘Accentes Aree: ‘eany water moderator & ordinary water 9s coolant 19) Mostof tne Ger-V designs propose to employ resiaual heat io achieve tnermochemial cracking of water fr tne producton of a8 ne nema incomet. ‘copied Arewors hpe Sting) oc 1 point + The working pressure in SCWR must be above the. pressure of water. e snoer isa. ‘Aecente Aree: (pet Sg erat + pom 18) The VTR reactor concept can tian very hiah temperature (~ 1000 °C), To sult such temperatures ranges, uses hellum asthe coolant ond fos te moderator te, anomeric. ‘Aecente Arawers: (ipo Sera chee + pom ‘About the Course Unit 10 - Week 8:Breeder Reactors ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte ‘armalhytrauce tee 3.cen4V FOR cosas Wook Bole Fusion Week 108g! ets of Wook react Safty & Soeur ‘ext rarserots Assessment 8 ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-09-25, 23:59 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent +), Arucloar reactor canbe iormed as breador only whon the conversion ratios 1 point postive less than 4 exactly equalto 4 seater than 1 te, anomeric. ‘Accents Aree: ‘greater than 2) the breeding gain or a reactors nor-negatve, thet a 10m reecer vances convener converter burner oe america Soar ‘Accented Aree: breeder 5) The conversion ratio ora torum eye is higher than tne same ora uranium cycle because of pom lowerfusl mass larger halite of horum lower captuetfeslon rato of thorium larger activity eve of rou ‘Accentes Ares ‘ower captureto-sion rato of thorium 4 Chemical competion af yelow cakes pom vo, Usd Ure uc ‘Accents Anewers: tree 5) Uranium hexaivode ie pom iit oa ‘amerphous sol cystine sol ‘Accept Answers: 08 1, Dutng the process of uranium conversion and enichment,yelow cake weated wth + pom sulphur acid Phosphoric acd hyrtotuase acd hytochicrie ac ‘econo Anewor: Rydraon ace 2) Gas cenntuge is avery popular method of 1 point ‘vel iting ‘vel conversion ‘uel envichmant spent fuel reprocessing one never income ‘eco Arewors fet archon! 5) PUREX stand for 1 point plutonium uranium repeat exracton Plutonium uranium radium extraction Plutonium uranium radon extacton Piutonum uranium redex extraction on never icamet ‘cent Arewors: lier uranium redox extracton 5) Level af us enrichment required in typical FBR is 1 point about 96 25% 5-10% more than 10% on never scat Accept Anwar: ‘more tan 10% +a) Liguld metals prefered asthe coolant in FBRs because of 1 point {favorable heat ransport properties of quid meta favorable electrical ransport properties of uid metal favorable momentum transport properties of iqud meta ‘favorable mass transport properties of quid metal to, sneer isicore. Acceptes Aree: Tavoraie eat ransportprovetes of quid metal +1) Inte traiional pool-ype design of FAR, 1 point only reactor cores immersed ina poo! of uid metal both recto cove & primary coolant pump are immersed ina pola lid metal reactor core, primary coolant pump & primary heat exchanger are immersed in a poo of qu meta reactor cove, primary coolant pum, primary heat exchanger & steam generale ae imersed ina pool iui metal No, tna anaweris inca ‘oclor cow rary cole pump & pinay heat exchanger are immersed in» poo ot ou met! 12] Amaler challenge of handing qld sodium is + pom 1s strongly reactive nature towards watr ite comosire nalure towards stainles ego. is high density ts evaporative nature ‘opie Arewor Ie Srongly rate nature toward water. 1) Inservice inspection and repair of LMFBR I rot possile because ofne___nature of aud sodium. ‘copie Anewors (pet Sg oa (pe: Sunaina vareoaere (Wipe: Seng nn arpa 1 point 14) Gae- cooled fast reactors propose to ofr higher thermal effciency compared fo LMFERe, because ofthe higher operating ‘copie Anewor (pet Sting pee (pe Sung enpaeies + pom 18) AFBRs fueled with UO, which contained 5% U-235 and rest L238. Aunform neuvon fx of 10 neuronslon Is malrtained nse the reactor. PU-230 gots produced because ofthe nofssion capture reaction. The feton and caplure coss-cectons for U-735 aro 580 4100 bars respectively, reas the sare quanites for Pu-238 are 270 & 745 barn respecvey Net absorponcrossecton for U-238 6 27 bare, Then the conversion fator aftr year of operation i. "corecto 2 decimal paces) te, sneor nico ‘Aecepte Arewers: (Ope age) 00860.09¢ pom ‘About the Course Unit 11 - Week 9:1 ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte ‘armalhytrauce Le root Week Biological tects of Wook 1 actor Sat & Security Week 12 Waste Management ‘ext Warcorpts luclear Fusion Assessment 9 ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-04-01, 23:59 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent +). Goib-Spovack process employs isotopic exchange batweon wich two compounds fr te extraction of douterum? 1 point Heo aH! HOaHS HOA NHS HO & NaoH eo anomeric. Accente Agewer: Hoan 2) Among te folowing fusion reactions involving hydrogen, which on releases he largest amount of energy fra single reaction? point jut PHATE tee PHA Me ties ene neers incomet. ‘eponieg Anewor: eer eel aay 3) Among the 4 possitle fusion reactions iwelving hyerogen, DT reaction isthe most corimen ane bacause ofthe 1 point ‘weakest Coulomb barr during tht interaction. ‘males! derence in mass between the two isotopes endotermie nature ofthe reseton. ldertal chemical properties ofthe two isotopes. te, anomeric. Accente Aree: weakest Coulomb barr during tel interaction. «Tum has a shor halt.ife of about 12.3 yaar. ts radioactive decay commonly releases 1 point cron proton petro te snoer icone. ‘Aecented Anewer: 15) Wich among the follwing reactions facing tiium production is endothermic in nature? 10m ita imet J etme le jut ini jn Bates ‘ecente Argues: {itp eta +n ©) The tiplealpha fusion process's associated with he appearance of 10m hala onygen carbon nitrogen to, america Soar Accented Aree: Cerbon 1 I order to attain he cial gnton temperature for @ D-D fusion readton, the value o Lawson's parameter must be pom lessor han 10" sem? seater than 10° slom! losser than 40 sem! seater than 10° som? ‘retort 10% sem? 1) Plasma ypeally refers to ionised gas, ers sgnifcanty trom common gases in tems of pom lectrical conducty velocity aston nature of interaction with aurunding ilofthe above ‘Accept Anewets: ‘ctine above 8) Hydrogen deuierde refers to pom Ho HDe HD Hoo ‘Accent Answers: te +0) Graviatonal confinement is possibie only in gigantic stars because of he requrement of + pom large magnatic eld high ion concentration large grautatinal force large temperature ‘econ Arewor age graatona force +1 Coulomb barr reters othe energy arier erated by he force, which ne kinetic energy must overcome, so that ‘wo nace can come coe, te, sneor nico ‘Accepted Aree: (ipe' Seg ecstic (pe Seng) aecrsase 1 point 12) In order to maintain a continuous form ofthe wave function assocaled wih the parte approaching the Coulomb barr, te particle must sats ‘equation on reaching he barter ‘copie Anewor Gipe Seng) Semosnger (pe Song Sewosingesoaton pom 1s) The process of producing sequently heavier soiopes, starting wi he sub-atomic particles, Ss known as ‘cept Answers: (ipo Song) messes 1 point +4 The probatity of fusion reaction occurence as a funtion ofthe ofthe two racing uct is krown 2s reacton coss-secton. ‘copie Anewor (pet Sg maser ly + point 15 Lawson iron i roatd othe preduct fon density ane te, snes ‘Accept Aree: (ipo Sg contenant tne pom ‘About the Course Unit 12 - Week 10:Biological Effects of Radiation ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte Wook Reactor ‘Thamaliyauce Wook 1Bologal tects of Racaton Week Reactor Salty 8 ‘Seeurty ‘ext Warcorote Assessment 10 ‘eau dete for suming ti ssgnment hs oseae Due on 2020-04-06, 23:59 IST. sper ourrecores you have not submits ths essgnment +). Among the folowing human organs, which ene is tho most sonsive io radation? ‘hyo bone marrow ovary lung te, anomeric ‘Aecentes Aree: ovary 2 16a 001 wg 01 so 1g 104g to, anaweria inate Soar ‘Aeentes Aree: Ste '3 Among tne folowing aces, which one fs most ike fo induce he largest efectve radiation dose on a human? cnast Xray Tecan cross-county fight ‘worng in an uranium mine fora year ‘Aecentes Aree: Crean «Among the folowing partes, which one has the largest LET? cepatices neutron eeton reas ‘Aecente Anewors ‘Aderine~Trymine and Guanine —Cytesine 19 Ina human cel, the most sensitive inra-cliuiar components Mitochondria ogi apparatas Nuceus lysosome ‘Aecoptes Anewor Nous 1 Among te folowing statements, whicn one i not correct? Deterministic efecto radiation is observed ony beyorda threshold level of adation exposure. ‘The exen of stochastic ofc is dreclyproporional othe strength of radiation dose. Appearance of stochastic tfc is more Ika with increase in ho radiation exposure. 1 point 10m pom pom pom + pom 1 point Deterministic effects general refer othe immediate affect of radaton, whereas tha sochasts affects can span over generations one newer incomet. ‘eco Arewors ‘The exert of stochastic fect is directly proportional tothe strength of radiation dose. 5) Auman call is most fected by radiation durng which phase ofits Ife cyle? Grpnase Grphase cytokinesis iosis on newer aca ‘soni Anewors ios 8) Apoptosis ise high regulated mechanism of co deat catabale mechanism of degrading cysfunetonal cell components cel dean mecranis folowing aberrant miosis tumour cell death process. fe,rsanmeriscoract. ‘igh regted mechanism of ol deat. 10) Atlowerraciaton doses, most prevsient of cel Kling mechanism is ‘Apootoss Necrosis ‘Autophagy Senescence to, anor isicore. ‘Aeceptes Anewer: Senescence +1) foots is ikly to develop the possibilty of childhood leukaemia, fis subjoctd to radiation during, {rst 2 weeks of gestational age 2-8 weeks of gestational age. 8 15 weoks of gestational age 15~24 weeks of gestational age No, tna anaweris inca 3 Fireoks of potatonl ge 1 point 1 point a. ig cal division mechani, which resus in four daughter col, each wit half ofthe numberof chromeeores of he parent cal, ‘copie Anewor (pe Sg) esis + point a. isthe part of haan cell division during which te cytoplasm ofa singe cal divides onto two daughior cols. te, sneer nico ‘Aeceptes Aree: (Ohpe' Sera) Orne 204 kgm, the ria ofionpreducion in 1 mtr 7-ay felis. te, sneer nico ‘Accepts Aree: (pet ange 320.550 pom 3 sation i ads the oman ton wh charge equtaeo Hat an coterie desi of ara STP is pom 19) A beam of 1-MeV y-rays is deposting 5 X 10°? J/kg.s ot energy ona bllogal tissue sample. Considering the qualty factor of 1 for rays, the bilogical equivalent dose is inser te, sneor nico ‘Accept Aree: (pe age) 178,381 pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 13 - Week 11:Reactor Safety & Security ‘Course outine vento sone Assessment 11 ed ze percorrecorn outed bi semen Pawen 0 ON BOT Pereaust +) TMi nuclear accident happend on 1 point March 28,1978 March 28,1978 September 28,1978 September 28,1880 t,o some inincone. Accentes Anawer: March 26, 1978 2) Which uni of Chernobyl was involved in tbo accident? 1 point ‘Thomalhyauics unit unt2 units unite to, anaweria inate Renton ‘Aesop rawer Wook icer Fusion tad sootopal eect ot 2) Which among he flowing is not an aspect covered by tre Defene-in Dept philosophy? ott Paaton Prevention Week testo Sty & acme) tow Dismanting Lee tei fon 8 fen see ote answers reac. = Score ts 06050 ‘Acces rues Poca Biomeanting cs: Antena ft «The secana barrier provided a apart ofthe several pysical bares incorporated in a reactor generis 1pm Feesonstors cerami ful plot Wook 2st Management cladding pressure vessel Tox Tranerota concrete structure ‘Accents Anawers Books ioc 5) Which lev! of protection among te five conventional evel attempts of contol he desig-bass accidents? pom Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level ‘Accents Answers: tenes 16) External emergency planning apart of which ove! of protection? ‘ome Levels Level 4 Level 3 Level ‘Accent Answers: tens 1 Full fomof Eocs is + pom Emergency core cooing system Emergency cow containment systom jection cote cooing system Ejection cove containment system ‘econ Anewors ‘rmarganey coe colngsysiom 1 Fukushima accidents an example of eve! aoedent aocorng to nuclear aceldent scenaiocassieaton. 1 oin ses0700 fren: 1) Natural culation employs. {oroe for fd creuiation ‘opie Anewors (pe Sng buoy 1 point 16) Instaltion of multe safety design o achieve a single safety funcions known as. te, anomeric ‘Accented Aree: (spe Song rearoaney + pom ‘About the Course Ask a. Unit 14 - Week 12:Waste Management ‘Course outine Week 0: Prrequte ‘Thomalhyauics Wook 1Sologcal cts of Racaton Week 1: Reactor Salty & Seeurty 140 1a casatoton& tse 20m mensenages ‘ext Wareerots Assessment 12 ‘The de date forsubmiting thi asgnment hs ossae Due on 2020-04-22, 23:59 IST, As per ourrecores you have not submatoa hs assent +) Tho maximum love of acity allowed or low-level wasio ic 1 point 12keqt s2MBqt 1265q 12 TBat t,o anomeric ‘Accentes kre: 12a 2) Majo contribuson towards the actvily of nuclear mil talings comes rom the radioactive decay of 1 point 233, use 235, 238 to, anameria inate Soar Accented Anewor: Oe 1) inch acids common used using heap leach recovery process? 10m soate aca sulphur acid Dhosphorc aca nite acd No, anameris inate Sear ‘Accenteg Ares: ‘Suiphoric ea 4) R222 is ahghl racioatve Isotope win a nate of about 3.82 days. Its primary mode of decay is 1 ome Proccay Prsccay ecweay ‘Accents Answers: oer 5) The sotope of Radon primary respensble for ung cancer is ‘pane R226 Ro-202 Rn-220 Rote ‘Accents Anewers: fins 1) When a high energy (> 2Me) y-photon sites nucleus, the most probable kno interaction i ‘ome air producin Photoelectric ofect, Compion effect any f the above, dopanding on nucleus ‘cente anewers: airproaucton| 7 Miltalings are generally deposited under water to + pom voi ondation| provide radaton sisaing vod blowing with dust fecitatealof the above ‘econo Anewors: ‘alate a ofthe above Among the folowings, which one can be cassie asa high-ivel radioactive waste? 1 oin scrapped conirl rods ‘asi que fom reprocessing plant concrete stuctawe afer decormesion of lant solidfied waste fam reactor core ‘copie Anewors twas iq fom reprocessing plant ® talng pond requires the largest volume of sand fo ts construction arong he three destons ‘copie Anewors (ype Stig osm 1 point 1) Delay-and-decay mode of sposals most sulla fr Jove nuctesr waete. te, anomeric ‘Accented Aree: (Oipe' Sg) emacs + pom

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