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Šimun: Hi Mislav, i see u got back from your holiday, how was it?

Mislav: It was very good.

Šimun: Really? Tell me what interesting happend on your holiday.
Mislav: I saw Royal Place in Madrid , lot of museum's and cafes. Royal Place is really huge
and beautiful. You know churros? You probably do. I eat them and they are so delicius, one
of goodes things i tryed. I saw a lot of small street'. I went to beach of La concha, its sandy
beach and so good looking. Where did u go to holiday Šimun?
Šimun: I went to Mostar.
Mislav: Wait you didn't go to India?
Šimun: I didnt tell you? Evrything was good befor going to airport. When Police officer
needed my passport and i didnt have it. I remember i leave it at home. I got in the car at speed
of light and went home to get my passport. But when i arrived at airport plain left the airport
and and i missed my flight. I was really sad.
Mislav: Oh thats bad but tell me about Mostar.
Šimun: Mostar is really far but its beautifull city. I saw a lot of musslim churchs, a lot of
caffes, bridges and river Neretva. I saw most beautiful bridge and its called Musala. I eat
ćevapi, they are so good i like ćevapi. One of the best ćevapnica is KORZO. I also went to
Neum. Neum is only place where Bosna has access to the sea. I swimmed in Adriatic see. It
was cold but i like swimming in cold water. Evrything in Neum is so expensive. And that is
what i did in bosna
Misalv: Cool, and did i tell you what hepped to me on holiday, something horbile.
Šimun: U didn't?
Mislav: When i left the plain i went to pick up my bags, but they were lost. I went to Security
and told them about my lost bags, they were trying to find them but they didnt find them. So i
needed to buy all the things back that was really expensive.
Šimun: That was bad, ok i need to go now bye Mislav see you soon.
Mislav: Bye Šimune have a great day!

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