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"What is the nature of reality?

", "How does the world exist

and what is its origin or source of creation?", "Does the world
exist outside the mind?", "How can the disembodied the mind
Metafísica affect the physical body?" "," If things exist, what is their
objective nature? "," Is there really a God?

Pertenece a una rama filosófica que se plantea preguntas diversas sobre el

existencialismo, naturaleza, el mundo físico, el ser, etc, comprende visiones
panorámicas muy amplias acerca de temas en los que no se puede hallar
respuesta fija, al estar centrados en la metafísica como objeto de estudio
tenemos la grandiosidad de abismarnos y ahondar en cosas de forma
Aristóteles la llamo “ primera filosofía”, si nos adentramos a la historia, que
luego simplemente se dijo que era sabiduría este grandioso filosofo buscaba
responder a la interrogante sobre la razón del ser, primeras causas con
respecto a él

El filósofo alemán Martin Heidegger reaccionó contra la metafísica pues la

consideraba como una doctrina de olvido del ser. En la actualidad, la metafísica ha
venido a crear diferentes reinterpretaciones del concepto místico-esotérico, que
intenta encontrar respuestas a todas las inquietudes espirituales que tiene el


It belongs to a philosophical branch that raises diverse questions about

existentialism, nature, the physical world, being, etc., it includes very broad
panoramic visions about topics in which no fixed answer can be found, being
focused on metaphysics as an object of study we have the grandiosity of
abismarnos and delve into things exponentially.

Aristotle called it "first philosophy", if we go into history, which was then simply said
to be wisdom this great philosopher sought to answer the question about the
reason for being, first causes with respect to him.

The German philosopher Martin Heidegger reacted against metaphysics because

he considered it as a doctrine of forgetting being. At present, metaphysics has
come to create different reinterpretations of the mystical-esoteric concept, which
tries to find answers to all the spiritual concerns that man has.

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