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 ABSTRACT: The Definition of Science ramified by two kinds of parts.

First, Science dependent upon society. The society arrange the materials
of science intended to invent new kind of socialism. Some scholars
mentioned that science and society reciprocal. Second, The viewpoint of
science is referred to as a the counter-ideology. Despite ramification the
questions of science inter-connected to each other. The study of Ancient
India shows us ideological Achievement of various scholars like
Aryabhata, Varahamihir, Bhaskaracharya, Vagbhatta, Brahmagupta,
Baudhyayana, Katyayana, Charak, Sushruta and others. Their works
illustrates some peculiar and miraculous proposition which appeared
discussion highly controversial and grossly mis-understood. It is the
deemed necessary to raise unusual questions; what intrinsic and
extrinsic to Indian science even in the extant basic works of it to modern
 INTRODUCTION: First of all, we should know how science and history
inter-connected to each other. Science an extremely importantly
historical process because it had wide-ranging effects on the polity,
social, and economical of a state. Modern Indian history was widely
spread colonialism. So, colonialism science was inextricably linked with
imperialism. That’s why it will be rational to mention colonial science
remained exercise of dominance. Despite India had a cultural heritage of
science, Modern scientist had a bloom on ancient scholars.
Comparatively with ancient scholars we had lot of modern scholars like
C. V Raman, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Satyendra Nath Bose, Prafulla
Chandra Roy, S. Ramanuja, S. Chandrasekhar, and others. They expertise
various fields like medicine, geology, botany, Physics, Chemistry,
Anatomy, with their eminent theology such under imperial dominance
they break the prejudice and expanded pride of India. So, in this study
we cover most of modern Indian science scholars their work, invention
respective of ancient scientist and compare them to Indian cultural
influence on society.
 LITERATURE REVIEW: According to Debiprasad Chattopadhyay in his
Samhita; a general pool of medical knowledge which remain scattered
among various doctors of different localities, a systematic compilation of
these in some congregation of the doctors? Scholars like Deepak Kumar
in his book “Science in a colony: Concept and contours”- argued that

does the Europeans were eclectic, open to new ideas, influences and
things? Also, he elaborates that western culture was not monolithic. It
states that different scholars raise questions about Indian science and
culture dignity. British Historian David Arnold in his book “Science,
Technology and medicine in colonial India” The scholar deeply
influenced by Indian scientific tradition. He eulogies Indian ancient
scientist and modern scientist comparing ‘HINDU’ tradition.
Since lots of scholars like Debi prasad
Chattopadhyay, Deepak Kumar, David Arnold, Dhruv Rana, Binod Bihari
already gave their priceless view about ancient and modern science in
India but they all have restricted to anatomy of scholars and innovation.
My aspect is does ancient scientist anyhow motivate the modern
scientist, if yes then what is the probable comparison of both era’s
innovation. My research answer lies above this question.
 HYPOTHESIS: The research hypothesis will be relational between ancient
and modern. Although we find Indian science influence on Indian
cultural society but we move forward to contribution on world’s
scientific value. From Ancient to modern how India plays a crucial role
on in scientific field? How science and technology grow within a long
period of time? How much value of innovation put modern scholars
respected to ancient scholars? Are the innovative graphs going to the
upper front compared to ancient discovery? The myth of ancient science
value can be broken? The present study briefly elaborates those
hypotheses verify them and bring a clear picture about it.
 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: The problem already mentioned hypothesis
part. My first job is to design the project so I do the work seamlessly. To
integrate the information for my research I have to take help from
government surveys (Primary sources) also go some scientific institute
like Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, Bengal Chemist and
Pharmaceutical, Bose Institute so on and so forth. After getting the
particles and manuscript of those timeframes I will do qualitative
statistical analysis, verify the samples gathered and uncontrolled
variables and basis of further study I take some decision along with my
respected supervisor guidance what should be the base of study. And
last but not the least execute those variables and make a presentation
about the thesis. All of those characteristics will be followed under
descriptive/fundamental research method.

 BIBILIOGRAPHY: Till now, I only read some secondary sources, those

sources give on idea of how a decision was arrived it descriptively. When
I go through the research then I will go depth in the concept and try to
access archival and primary sources. My Secondary References mention
1. Basalla. G. The Evolution of Technology, Cambridge-1988
2. Science and Empire: Essays in the Indian context, Delhi-1991, By
Deepak Kumar
3. The Cambridge Economic History of India, Delhi, 1984 By T.
Raychaudhuri and I. Habib.
4. Science and Society in Ancient India By Debi Prasad
5. Science and The Raj By Deepak Kumar
6. Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India By David
7. Indian Contribution to Science By V. Bharati
8. History of Science and Technology in India By Dr. B.B. Satapathy.

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