FM HL Final

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Journal Page 1
Date Description P.O Debit Credit
2010, June 1 Cash 20,000
Account Receivable 4,500
Supplies 2,000
Office Equipment 11,500
Emily page, capital 38,000
(Record assets transferred )

June 1 Prepaid rent 6,000

cash 6,000
(Paid three months rent in advance)

June 2 Prepaid insurance 2,400

cash 2,400
(Paid property and casuality insurance)

June 4 Cash 2,700

Unearned fees 2,700
(Advance income for service to be provided)

June 5 Office equipment 3,500

Account Payable 3,500
(Purchase of equipment on account)

June 6 Cash 3,000

Account receivable 3,000
(Receive cash from clients on account)

June 10 Miscellaneous expense 200

Cash 200
(Cash paid for news paper adverisement )

June 12 Account payable 750

cash 750
(Paid part of debt incured on June 5)

June 12 Account receivable 5,100

Fees earned 5,100
(Services provided on account)

June 14 Salary Expense 1,100

Cash 1,100
(Part time salary)
June 17 Cash 6,500
Fees earned 6,500
(Cash from services provided)

June 18 Supplies 750

Cash 750
(Purchase of supplies)

June 20 Account receivable 3,100

Fees earned 3,100
(Services provided onaccount)

June 24 Cash 5,150

Fees earned 5,150
(Cash from services provided)

June 26 Cash 6,900

Account receivable 6,900
(Received cash from clients on account)

June 27 Salary expense 1,100

Cash 1,100
(Part time salaries for two weeks)

June 29 Miscellaneous expense 150

Cash 150
(Telephone billed)

June 30 Miscellaneous expense 400

Cash 400
(Electricity billed)

June 30 Cash 2,500

Fees earned 2,500
(Cash from services provided)

June 30 Account receivable 1,000

Fees earned 1,000
(Services provided on account)

June 30 Emilly, Drawing 5,000

Cash 5,000
(Withdrawal for personal use)
No. 2
Post journal to ledger of four column account
Cash 11
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 1 20,000 20,000
June, 1 6,000 14,000
June, 2 2,400 11,600
June, 4 2,700 14,300
June, 6 3,000 17,300
June, 10 200 17,100
June, 12 750 16,350
June, 14 1,100 15,250
June, 17 6,500 21,750
June, 18 750 21,000
June, 24 5,150 26,150
June, 26 6,900 33,050
June, 27 1,100 31,950
June, 29 150 31,800
June, 30 400 31,400
June, 30 2,500 33,900
June, 30 5,000 28,900

Account Receivable 12
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 1 4,500 4,500
June, 6 3,000 1,500
June, 12 5,100 6,600
June, 20 3,100 9,700
June, 26 6,900 2,800
June, 30 1,000 3,800

Supplies 14
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 1 2,000 2,000
June, 18 750 2,750

Prepaid rent 15
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 1 6,000 6,000
Prepaid Insurance 16
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 2 2,400 2,400

Office Equipment 18
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 1 11,500 11,500
June, 18 3,500 15,000

Account Payable 21
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 5 3,500 3,500
June, 18 750 2,750

Unearned Fees 23
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 2 2,700 2,700

Emily page, capital 31

Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 2 38,000 38,000

Emily page, Drawing 32

Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 2 5,000 5,000

Fees earned 41
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 12 5,100 5,100
June, 17 6,500 11,600
June, 20 3,100 14,700
June, 24 5,150 19,850
June, 30 2,500 22,350
June, 30 1,000 23,350
Salaries Expense 51
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 14 1,100 1,100
June, 27 1,100 2,200

Miscellaneous Expense 59
Date Item P.O Dr Cr Debit Credit
June, 10 200 200
June, 29 150 150
June, 30 400 750

Bottom Line Consulting

Unadjusted Trial Balance
June 30, 2010
Debit Credit
Cash 28,900
Account Receivable 3,800
Supplies 2,750
Prepaid rent 6,000
Prepaid Insurance 2,400
Office equipment 15,000
Account payable 2,750
Unearned fees 2,700
Emilly page, Capital 38,000
Emilly page, Drawing 5,000
Fees earned 23,350
Salaries expense 2,200
Miscellaneous expense 750
66,800 66,800
General Journal
Adjusting Entry
Date Account Titles Post Ref. Debit
2010 Insurance Expense 200.00
June Prepaid Insurance
30 (Insurance expired)

Supplies Expense 2,100.00

30 Supplies
(Supplies Used)

Depreciation Expense 250.00

30 Accumulated Depreciation
(Equ. Depreciation)

Salary Expense 220.00

30 Salaries Payable
(Accrued Salaries)

Rent Expense 2,000.00

30 Prepaid Rent
(Rent Expired)

Unearned Fees 825.00

30 Fees Earned
(Unrearned Fees Earned)
No. 4







Bottom Line Consulting
Accounting Worksheet
For the month endingJune 30, 2010
Unadjusted Trial Balance Adjusting Entries
Account Debit Credit Debit Credit
Cash 28,900
Account Receivable 3,800
Supplies 2,750 (b)2100
Prepaid rent 6,000 (e)2000
Prepaid Insurance 2,400 (a)200
Office equipment 15,000
Accumulated Depreciation (c)250
Salary Payable (d)220
Account payable 2,750
Unearned fees 2,700 (f)825
Emilly page, Capital 38,000
Emilly page, Drawing 5,000
Fees earned 23,350 (f)825
Rent Expense (e)2000
Depreciation Expense (c)250
Insurance Expense (a)200
Supplies Expense (b)2100
Salaries expense 2,200 (d)220
Miscellaneous expense 750
66,800 66,800 5,595 5,595
Totals Net Income
No. 5

Adjusted Trial Balance Income Statement Balance Sheet

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
28,900 28,900
3,800 3,800
650 650
4,000 4,000
2,200 2,200
15,000 15,000
250 250
220 220
2,750 2,750
1,875 1,875
38,000 38,000
5,000 5,000
24,175 24,175
2,000 2,000
250 250
200 200
2,100 2,100
2,420 2,420
750 750
67,270 67,270 7,720 (24,175) 59,550 43,095
ome 16,455 16,455
l 24,175 24,175 59,550 59,550
General Journal
Adjusted Entries
Account Titles &
Date Explanations Ref Debit
2010 Closing Entries
30-Jun Fees Earned 24,175.00
Income Summary
Close credit-balnce temporary accounts

30 Income Summary 7720

Salary Expense
Rent Expense
Supplies Expense
Depreciation Expence
Insurance Expence
Miscellaneous Expence
Close debit-balance temporary accounts

30 Income Summary 16,455.00

Emily Page Capital
Close Income summay

30 Emily Page Capital 5,000.00

Emily Page Drrawing
Close Drawing Account
No. 6





No. 7
Bottom Line Consulting
Post closing Trial Balance
Cash 28,900.00
Account Receivable 3,800.00
Supplies 650.00
Prepaid Rent 4,000.00
Prepaid Insurance 2,200.00
Office Equipment 15,000.00
Accumulated Depreciation 250.00
Accounts Payable 2,750.00
Salaries Payable 220.00
Unearned Fees 1,875.00
Emily Page, Capital 38,000.00
Retained Earning 11,455.00
54,550.00 54,550.00
No. 8
Bottom Line Consulting
Income Statement

For the Month Ended June 30, 2010

Fees Earned 24,175.00
Salary Expense 2,420.00
Rent Expense 2,000.00
Supplies Expense 2,100.00
Depreciation Expense 250.00
Insurance Expense 200.00
Miscellaneous Expense 750.00 7,720.00
Total Expense
Net Income 16,455.00

Bottom Line Consulting

Statement of Owner's Equity
For the Month Ended June 30, 2010
Retained Earning June 1, 2010 0
Net income 16,455.00
less withdrawals 5,000.00

Retained Earning June 30, 2010 11,455.00

Bottom Line Consulting

Balance Sheet
June 30, 2010
Office equipment 15,000.00
less: accum deprecitation 250.00 14,750.00
Cash 28,900.00
Accounts receivable 3,800.00
Supplies 650.00
Prepaid rent 4,000.00
Prepaid Insurance 2,200.00
Total Assets 54,300.00
Equity and Liablities
Emily Page Capital 38,000.00
Rettained Earnings 11,455.00
Toal Equity 49,455.00
Account payable 2,750.00
Salary payable 220.00
Unearned fees 1,875.00 4,845.00
Total Equity and Liablity 54,300.00

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