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The Principal CIT

Sub: Regarding Pending New Lease Agreement For Rent Of Office Of ITO Kishangarh
Respected Madam,
This is regarding pending new “Lease Agreement” for rent of office of ITO Kishangarh. It is
pending for the last 2 years.
The department has got “Reasonable Rent” assessment done by CPWD. Thereafter an ITO level
“negotiations committee” was appointed which met at Kishangarh about 3 months ago. I was
also called to participate. However, no negotiations were done! Only departmental guidelines
were explained to me.
“An increase of 8% per annum can only be given”, was communicated to me. Negotiations, as I
understand, should be by way of ‘give and take’ but nothing of the sort was done. I explained to
the committee that 8% formula was for extending the existing lease for a period of time and
not for a new lease!
Initially I had offered for an extension of the lease for 2 years with 8% annual increase.
However, department decided to go for fresh assessment of Reasonable Rent by CPWD. This
was the proper and fair method which has been the practice followed in this case for the last 25
Madam I am not privy to the report which the negotiations committee might have given.
However, there is no communication to me.
I will request you for any early decision and execution of a new lease agreement. However, if
there are any issues to be ironed out, I may please be given an opportunity to present myself for
the same.
Yours truly,
(M.D. Kaurani)
Building Owner
Mob. 9829899969

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