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When you seek to trade for something of When you set out into the wilds of Wake ask
BASIC MOVES worth which is valuable, rare, or hard to part each player for 1 hope they have for the road
JUKE TROUBLE with roll +MASK. On a 10+, You find what you ahead and 1 fear. Also answer these 3
When you act in the face of trouble, roll were looking for at a fair price. On a 7-9, The questions:
+SUIT. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, It doesn’t deal hits a snag. You may have to pay more
go as smoothly as you’d like, The GM may offer than expected for this item, owe someone a ● Is the group properly prepared for the
a hard bargain, or worse outcome. favor, or you can only find something close to journey?
what you were looking for. ● Is the group free of duress or any
injury that may inhibit their journey?
MEASURE ● Has the group eluded dangerous
When you closely study a situation or person EXPLORE MOVES attention in the area?
roll +EYE. On a roll of 10+, ask the GM 3
questions from the list below. 7-9 ask 1. When DELVE One player rolls 2d6 and adds the number of
you act on these answers, take +1 forward. When you lead the way into a dangerous or times the group could answer yes to the above
unfamiliar place in search of something, roll questions. The resulting journey takes the
● What happened here recently? +EYE. On a +10 choose 2 from the options result into consideration. On a +10, the GM
● What is about to happen? below. On a 7-9 choose 1: chooses 2 hopes to be realized along the way.
● What should I be on the lookout for? On a 7-9, the GM chooses 1 hope and 1 fear to
● What here is useful or valuable to ● Gain 1 Key be realized. On a Miss, The GM chooses 2 fears
me? ● Avoid danger to be realized, this is going to be a long
● Who’s really in control here? ● Gain something valuable or useful journey.
● What here is not what it appears to
be? Keys represent familiarity with the area and
insight on the location of your goal. You can
spend keys to do the following:
When you help or hinder another player roll ● 1 Key to return to an area you’ve
+BOND. On a 10+, You can add +1 or -2 to their visited before
roll, your choice. On a 7-9, You also expose ● 3 keys to locate what you are
yourself to danger, paying a cost, or retaliation. searching for
CONFLICT MOVES When you use an opening to escape the scene.
Any allies may choose to make good on this
CLASH exit as well. You are safe, but what hasn’t killed
When you engage someone to create an your opponent has made them stronger. Your
opening, roll the relevant +SUIT. On a 10+, you opponent gains a facet next time you meet. If
create an opening. On a 7-9 the GM chooses 1 they do not yet have a name, give them one.
of the following as well:

10+, you create an opening. COMPANIONS

When you ask a companion to use their facet
7-9 choose 1 of the following as well: to help, break the facet, or remove a bond
● The opening is fleeting and will soon with them if their facet is already broken and
pass roll +BOND
● You draw attention to yourself and a 10+ Choose 2 from the list below
move is launched at you 7-9 Choose 1
● An ally is put in harm’s way as a move ● They do it as you intended
is leveled at them ● They do it right away
● You aren’t put into trouble
When you use an opening to break a facet, roll
the relevant +SUIT. On a 10+, remove the
opening and break one of your opponent’s
facet’s. On a 7-9 the GM chooses 1 of the
following before the facet is broken:
● You trade blows, taking harm as
● Your opponent is desperate and you
are offered a hard choice to strike true
● Your determination has caused you to
overlook something important
REST With a roll of 10+ The trouble on your heels
SPECIAL MOVES When your group stops to recover in a was far greater than you reckoned, or a
dangerous place, as a group choose to take 1, disaster keeps you longer than you intended.
SWANSONG 2, or 3 HOLD then roll +HOLD. You can use The GM chooses one of the forms of loss as
When you take fatal harm you immediately your HOLD to do the following: described above, and makes it a significant
must roll for this move. Roll 2d6 with no loss.
modifier. Fate is not kind or cruel, it is just. ● Reduce a harm by 1 level
● Repair a piece of gear or piece of END OF SESSION
10+ You stabilize from the brink of death. Until armor that was damaged or expended When you reach the end of a session ask 3
you heal this fatal harm, you cannot do if you have the means to do so questions to the group and mark 1 XP per each
anything that would trigger a move. When ● Take a moment with another player time they can answer yes:
your fatal harm is healed, it leaves a scar upon character to deepen your bond
your character. ● Take a moment with a companion to ● Did we learn something new and
heal one of their facets important about the world?
7-9 Your soul skims the surface of the ● Did we overcome a notable
gossamer, the great symphony that On a result of 6 and under you’re able to rest challenge?
reverberates with the accumulated songs of and make the preparations you need to before ● Did we obtain something valuable,
life, past and present. A request is made of you trouble closes in on you. On a 7-9 trouble mysterious, or useful?
from Wake to right a wrong within it. It is brews while you’re idle, the GM chooses one
unwise to spurn such a responsibility. Stabilize of the following: Also individually ask the players
with new responsibility and a scar.
● Your enemies gain something from ● Did you learn something about, or
MISS Your soul goes under, becoming the time you take to rest. They gain explore the concepts of your motif?
waterlogged with the omnipotence of fate. You ground, time, items, allies, or other ● Did you need to update a bond or
can let the current carry you away and pass on, important resources. debt?
or you can thrash back to the surface if you still ● You lose something from the rest.
have something you desperately need to do. ground, time, items, allies, or other
You stabilize, but know that you can only important resources. PROGRESSION
struggle against fate for so long. The gossamer When you gain 7+(current level) XP and get
will take you as soon as you lose the purpose some down time with your character, you can
that freed you. Change your motif to reflect erase your current XP and advance your level
this purpose if it is not already your motif. by 1 and choose either another Gig Move or
Please remember this will be your last motif. Kin Move.

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