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XII CBSE Boards 2022

r UNIQUE Physics (Semiconductor) Test - 17

TUTORIAL Time: 60 min.

Max. Marks: 23
Date: 04/ 12/ 2022

1. hc output of thc givcn circuit in figure is giv en bclow.


v sin

(a) Von 7cro at ali times.

(b) Would he like a half-wave rcctificr with positive cycles in output.
(c) Would ie ike : haif-wave rectificr with negative cyclcs in output.
d) Would be like that ota full-wave rcctificr.

2Electrieal conductivity of a semiconductor

(a) ocicaes with the rise in its temperature.
(b) Increse wil: tlhe rise in its temperature.
(C : mwith thhe rise 11n its temreiature.
( i inercass hul then decrcases with the rise in its temperat.are.

T c forbicden energs band gap in conductors, semiconductors and insulators are EG,. EG, and EG,
respectivcly. The relaticn aniong them is
(a) EG, =EG, EG, EG, <EG, <EG,
(c) EG, > EG, > FG (d) EG, EG, > EG,

Aine sironiu r is
(a) Negativelr eharged (b) Positivcly charged
HCutral (d) None of these

5 What happen to the width of deplction layer of a ppn junction when it is () forward biased, (i) reverse

6. Name the t e rinsing of'a p-n junction diodc so that the junction offcrs very high resistancc. 1

7 hat is the fiequcncy of eutput signal of (i) Half wave rectifier (ii) Full wave rectifier, if the frequency
of mput signal is 50 Hz?

8 A t what temperature would an intrinsic scmiconductor bchavc like a perfcct insulator?

9. Givc the ratio of number of holes and number of conduction electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor.

ttUNIQUE TUTORIAL Near Govt. Sr. Sec. School,

Topdara, Ajmer Mob.: 9828027810, 9314392575
XII CBSE Boared [21 Test-17
10. Find currcnt through 'R

2V R= 20 12

11. Explain the proccss during the formation of deplction layer.

12. The number of silicon atoms per m* is 5x10*. This is dopcd simultancously with 5x10*° atoms per
m' ofArscnic adn 5x 10" per m' atoms ofIndium. Calculate the number ofclectrons and holes. Given
that=1.5x 10" por m'. Is the material n-typc or p-type? 2

13. 'Devicc X' shown her: converts the input voltage waveform into the output voltagc waveform as shown
infigurc. Name the devicc X and explain device with proper circuit diagram. 3


14. A senmicondnctor has equai ciectrons and holes conecntratioon of 6 x 10' m".On doping with certain
impurityclectron concentratiorn increases to 8x 10m
Calculatc the holc concentration after oping
) How docs cncrgy gap vary with doping

15. Wby reverc c:rC:it inercase at brcak down

voitage? How docs it is uscd in contrei
Naine the icvice uscd.

UE Nea: Covt. S:. Sec.

School, Topdara, Ajmer Mo,: 9328027810,

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