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Bawaslu instructs KPU to repeat verification process for Ummah Party

The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) instructed the General Elections
Commission (KPU) to repeat the verification process for Ummah Party, as the mediation
between the KPU and the Islamist party had reached an agreement. The KPU earlier declared
Ummah Party as not qualified to participate in the 2024 General Elections at the announcement
on Wednesday (December 14), thereby becoming the only party to fail the factual verification
process. The party subsequently filed a complaint to the Bawaslu. "Instructing the respondent
(KPU) to implement the (mediation) agreement for three days since this decision is read,"
Bawaslu's presiding officer for mediation, Totok Hariyono, said while reading out the resolution
of the mediation at the Bawaslu office here, Tuesday (December 20). The mediation resolution is
stated in Bawaslu Decision No. 006/PS.Reg/Bawaslu/XII/2022. Earlier, Lolly Suhenty and
Puadi, who form the session panel, informed the assembly of the resolutions achieved during
mediation sessions between the KPU and Ummah Party on Monday (December 19) and
Tuesday. The second mediation session was attended by representatives of Ummah Party,
including Chairperson Ridho Rahmadi, deputy chairperson Nazaruddin, and the party's attorney
team Denny Indrayana, forming the applicant side. Meanwhile, the respondent side was
represented by KPU officials, including KPU Chairperson Hasyim Asy'ari and commissioners:
Idham Holik and Mochammad Afifuddin. Bawaslu commissioners Totok Hariyono and Puadi
served as mediators between the two disputing sides. According to Suhenty, Ummah Party
expressed its willingness and ability to complement deficiencies of party membership criteria in
at least five districts and cities in East Nusa Tenggara and 10 cities and districts in North
Sulawesi. The party also committed to following all verification steps scheduled for December
21 to December 28, and the verification recapitulation and results will be announced by the
provincial KPU on December 29 and by the national KPU on December 30, she noted. If the
party qualifies to participate in the 2024 General Elections, the declaration will be made on
December 30, and the party will receive its ballot number on the same day, she added. (AN)

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