Parameter Estimation

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All materials in these slides were taken

Pattern Classification (2nd ed) by R. O.
Duda, P. E. Hart and D. G. Stork, John Wiley
& Sons, 2000
with the permission of the authors and
the publisher
— Data availability in a Bayesian framework
— We could design an optimal classifier if we knew:
— P(wi) (priors)
— P(x | wi) (class-conditional densities)
Unfortunately, we rarely have this complete information
— Design a classifier from a training sample
— No problem with prior estimation
— Samples are often too small for class-conditional
estimation (large dimension of feature space!)

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 2

— Apriori information about the problem
— Normality of P(x | wi)

P(x | wi) ~ N( µi, Si)

— Characterized by 2 parameters

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 3

— Estimation techniques
— Maximum-Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian estimation
— Results are nearly identical, but the approaches are

• Parameters in ML estimation are fixed but unknown

• Bayesian methods view the parameters as random variables

having some known distribution
— Best parameters are obtained by maximizing
the probability of obtaining the samples

— In either approach, we use P(wi | x) for our

classification rule!

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 5

Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
— Has good convergence properties as the sample size increases
— Simpler than any other alternative techniques

— General principle

— Assume we have c classes and

— P(x | wj) ~ N( µj, Sj)
— P(x | wj) º P (x | wj, qj) where:

θ j = ( µ j ,Σ j ) = ( µ1j , µ 2j ,...,σ 11j ,σ 22j ,cov(x mj , x nj )...)

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 6

Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
— Use the information provided by the training samples to
estimate q = (q1, q2, …, qc), each qi (i = 1, 2, …, c) is
associated with each category
— Suppose that D contains n samples, x1, x2,…, xn
k =n
P(D | θ ) = ∏ P(x k | θ ) = F(θ )
k =1

P(D | θ ) is called the likelihood of θ w.r.t. the set of samples)

— ML estimate of q is, by definition the value that maximizes
P(D | q)
€ — “It is the value of q that best agrees with the actually
observed training sample”

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 8
— Optimal estimation
— Let q = (q1, q2, …, qp)t and let Ñq be the gradient
operator t
% ∂ ∂ ∂ (
∇θ = ' , ,..., *
& ∂θ1 ∂θ 2 ∂θ p )

— We define l(q) as the log-likelihood function l(q) = ln P(D

| q)

— New problem statement: “Determine q that maximizes
the log-likelihood”
θˆ = arg max l(θ )

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 9

— Set of necessary conditions for an optimum is:
∇θ l = ∑ ∇θ ln P(xk | θ ))

∇θ l = 0

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 10

Example of a specific case: Unknown µ
— P(xi | µ) ~ N(µ, S)
— (Samples are drawn from a multivariate normal population)
1 1
ln P(x k | µ) = − ln[(2π ) Σ ] − (x k − µ) t ∑ (x k − µ)

2 2
and ∇ µ ln P(x k | µ) = ∑ (x k − µ)

— q = µ therefore, the ML estimate for µ must satisfy:

k =n
€ ∑ (x k − µˆ ) = 0
Σ −1

k =1

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 11

— Multiplying by S and rearranging, we obtain:
1 k =n
µˆ = ∑ x k
n k =1

— Just the arithmetic average of the samples of the training data

— Conclusion: €
— If P(xk | wj) (j = 1, 2, …, c) is supposed to be Gaussian in a d-
dimensional feature space; then we can estimate the vector
q = (q1, q2, …, qc)t and perform an optimal classification!

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 12

Gaussian Case: Unknown µ and s
— q = (q1, q2) = (µ, s2)
1 1
l = ln P(x k | θ ) = − ln2πθ 2 − ( x k − θ1 ) 2
2 2θ 2
' ∂ *
) ∂θ (ln P(x k | θ )) ,
∇θ l = ) ,
) ∂ ,
) (ln P(x k | θ )) ,
( ∂θ 2 +
/ θ (x k − θ1 )
/ 2
=. 2
/− 1 ( x − θ )
+ k 21
0 2θ 2 2θ 2

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 13

— Summation: % k =n 1
'∑ ˆ (x k − θ1 ) = 0 (1)
' k =1 θ 2
& k =n
(x k − θˆ1 ) 2
k =n
' 1
' −∑ θˆ + ∑ θˆ 2 =0 (2)
( k =1 2 k =1 2

— Combining (1) and (2):

€ k =n

k =n
∑ k
(x − µ ) 2

µ=∑ ; σ2 = k =1

k =1 n

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 14

• ML estimate for s2 is biased, i.e., Expected value of
sample variance over all datasets of size n is not equal to
true variance
$1 2
' n −1 2
E & Σ(x i − x ) ) = .σ ≠ σ 2
%n ( n
• An elementary unbiased estimator for S is:
€ k =n
n -1
∑ (x k − µ )(x k − ˆ
µ ) t

k =1 
Sample covariance matrix

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 15

— If an estimator is unbiased for all distributions,
then it is called absolutely unbiased

— If the estimator tends to become unbiased as

the number of samples become very large,
then the estimator is asymptotically unbiased

Pattern Classification, Chapter 3 16

• Bayesian Estimation (BE)

• Bayesian Parameter Estimation: General


• Bayesian Parameter Estimation: Gaussian Case

Bayesian Estimation
• Bayesian learning to pattern classification problems
– In MLE, q was supposed fix
– In BE, q is a random variable
– The computation of posterior probabilities P(wi | x)
lies at the heart of Bayesian classification
– Goal: Compute P(wi | x, D)
– Given the sample D, Bayes formula can be written

P(x | ω i ,D).P(ω i |D)

P(ω i | x,D) = c

∑ P(x | ω j ,D).P(ω j |D)

j =1

Pattern Classification, Chapter 1

Bayesian Parameter Estimation:
Gaussian Case
• Goal: Estimate q using the a-posteriori density P(q|D)

– The univariate case: P(µ | D)

– µ is the only unknown parameter

p(x | µ ) ~ N(µ, σ 2 )
p(µ ) ~ N(µ 0 , σ 02 )

– (µ0 and s0 are known!)

Pattern Classification, Chapter 1

P(D | µ ).P(µ ) P(µ |D) ~ N(µ n , σ n2 )
P(µ |D) =
∫ P(D | µ ).P(µ )d µ
k=n p(x | µ ) ~ N(µ, σ 2 )
= α ∏ P(xk | µ ).P(µ )
k=1 p(µ ) ~ N(µ 0 , σ 02 )

Pattern Classification, Chapter 1

Pattern Classification, Chapter 1
– The univariate case P(x | D)
• P(µ | D) computed
• P(x | D) remains to be computed!
P(x |D) = ∫ P(x | µ).P(µ |D)dµ is Gaussian

• It provides: P(x |D) ~ N( µn ,σ 2 + σ n2 )

• (Desired class-conditional density P(x | Dj, wj))
• Therefore: P(x | Dj, wj) together with P(wj)

• And using Bayes formula for classification
Pattern Classification, Chapter 1
Bayesian Parameter Estimation:
General Theory
• P(x | D) computation can be applied to any
situation in which the unknown density can be
parameterized: the basic assumptions are:
– The form of P(x | q) is assumed known, but
the value of q is not known exactly
– Our knowledge about q is assumed to be
contained in a known prior density P(q)
– The rest of our knowledge q is contained in
a set D of n random variables x1, x2, …, xn
that follows P(x)
Pattern Classification, Chapter 1
Bayesian Parameter Estimation:
General Theory…
• The basic problem is: “Compute the
posterior density P(q | D)”
• then “Derive P(x | D)”
P(D | θ ).P(θ )
• Using Bayes formula: P(θ |D) = ,
∫ P(D | θ ).P(θ )dθ
• And by independence assumption:
€ k =n
P(D | θ ) = ∏ P(x k | θ )
k =1

Pattern Classification, Chapter 1

Challenges with MLE
• Text classification:
– Every word unseen in the training data is assigned
a probability of zero.

– Keywords: Bayes, nnet, classification, ….

– Classes: ML/AI and not ML/AI

– A classifier trained to find articles in AI and ML

would have left-out an article with Metaverse or
• Add-1 (Laplace) smoothing: Assume every seen or unseen
event occurred once more than it did in the training data

• Disadvantage of Add-1 Smoothing

– Takes away too much probability mass from seen events.
– Assigns too much total probability mass to unseen events.
How much probability does the model assign to
strings/ pixel values it hasn’t seen before?

• An empirical fact about

• A small number of events
occur with high frequency
• A large number of events
occur with low frequency

Zipf’s Law

• f is a fudge factor
• Expected Likelihood Estimator sets f = 0.5
• Laplace and add-one estimators are the same
thing and set f = 1,
• add-tiny sets f = 1/T
Good Turing Smoothing

• X is the event, NX is the number of times you have seen

event X , T is the sample size and E (n ) is an estimate of
how many different events happened exactly n times.
• Translating that into text-analysis terms, X is a word, NX
is the number of times you have seen word X , T is the
size of the corpus and E(n) is an estimate of how many
different words were observed exactly n times 3 .
Good Turing Smoothing
• Take a corpus of 30000 English words, our universe is all
English words, our event, X , is the word “unusualness.” The
word “unusualness” appears once, so NX = 1. In a reasonable
corpus, you might have 10000 different words that appear
once, so E (1) = 10000, and you might have 3000 words that
appear twice, giving E (2) = 3000. The Good-Turing estimate
of the probability of “unusualness” is then

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