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NNMS 3540

 Explain the functions of pelvic floor.

 Identify muscle layers of the pelvic floor.
 Consists of soft tissues within bony
 Tissues enclose outlet to pelvis
 Part of passages
o Keep pelvic and abdominal contents in
 including gravid uterus
o Allow access to outside for bladder,
uterus and rectum
through urethra, vagina and anus
o Responsible for voluntary control of
 micturition & defecation
o Play important part in sexual intercourse
o Influences mechanism of labour
o Relaxes to allow exit of fetus from pelvis
 Made up of 3 layers of muscles:
1.The deep layer
 Levator ani muscles
 Coccygeus muscle
2.The middle layer
 Deep transverse perineal muscle
 Perineum is made up of the following tissues.
1. An outer layer skin, which also forms the
fourchette anteriorly
2. The bulbo- cavernous muscles
3. The transverse perineal muscles ( superficial
and deep.
4. . The anterior portion of the anal sphincter.
N.B A third degree tear of the
perineum, is a tear which extends
right through the perineum, into the
muscle fibers on the anterior border
of the anal sphincter and can even
extend into the anal mucosa.
3. The superficial layer
 Bulbo-cavernosus muscle
 Ischio –cavernosus
 Superficial transverse perineal muscle
 Anal sphincter
 Study the muscles in detail in your
prescribed book.
 Seller 2018

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