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This booklet contains 32+4 printed pages.

Ap `y[õsL$pdp„ 32+4 dyqÖs `p_p R>¡. FRM No. :

âí_`Ó - 2 : NrZs s\p Arcê$rQ `funp
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so. Test Booklet Code
Ap `funp `y[õsL$p_¡ Mp¡ghp bpbs k|Q_p dþep ky^u _ Mp¡ghu. `funp `y[õsL$p L$p¡X$
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
Ap `funp `y[õsL$p_p `pR>gp AphfZ `f v$u^¡gp r_v$£ip¡_¡ Ýep_\u hp„Qp¡.
Important Instructions :
1. Immediately fill in the particulars on this page of the Test
Booklet with Black Ball Point Pen provided in the examination
dlÐh`|Z® r_v$£ip¡ :
`funp `y[õsL$p_p Ap `p_p `f AphíeL$ rhhfZ `funp M„X$dp„$ D`gå^
L$fph¡g L$pmu bp¡g `p¡CÞV$ `¡_ dpÓ \u syf„s cfhy„.
2. This Test Booklet consists of three parts - Part I, Part II and 2. Ap âñ `y[õsL$pdp„ ÓZ cpN R>¡ - cpN I, cpN II A_¡ cpN III. cpN I
Part III. Part I has 30 objective type questions of Mathematics dp„ NrZs_p blºrhL$ë`_ue âL$pf_p 30 âñp¡ R>¡ S>¡dp„ v$fL¡ $ kpQp„ S>hpb_p
consisting of FOUR (4) marks for each correct response. Qpf (4) NyZ Ap`hpdp„ Aphi¡. cpN II Arcê$Qu `funp_p blºrhL$ë`ue_p
Part II Aptitude Test has 50 objective type questions
consisting of FOUR (4) marks for each correct response. âL$pf_p 50 âñ R>¡ S>¡dp„ v$fL¡ $ kpQp„ S>hpb_p Qpf (4) NyZ Ap`hpdp„
Mark your answers for these questions in the appropriate Aphi¡. Ap âñ `y[õsL$p_u A„v$f fpM¡g S>hpb `Ó fpM¡g R>¡. âñ_u
space against the number corresponding to the question in k„¿ep_¡ A_yê$` S>hpb `Ódp„ ep¡Áe õ\p_¡ sdpfp¡ S>hpb rQÞŒus L$fhp¡.
the Answer Sheet placed inside this Test Booklet. Use the
Black Ball Point Pen provided in the examination hall for
`funp M„X$dp„ S>hpb `Ó_u Side-1 A_¡ Side-2 bpSy>„ rhNs cfhp /
writing particulars/marking responses on Side-1 and S>hpb gMhp dpV¡$ D`gå^ L$fph¡g L$pmu bp¡g `p¡CÞV$ `¡__p¡ D`ep¡N
Side-2 of the Answer Sheet. Part III consists of 2 questions L$fhp¡. cpN III dp„ b¡ âñp¡ R>¡ S>¡_p 70 NyZ r_^p®fus L$fhpdp„ Apìep
carrying 70 marks which are to be attempted on a separate
Drawing Sheet which is also placed inside the Test Booklet.
R>¡ s¡dp„ AgN\u Ap`hpdp„ Aph¡g X²$pI¡ N iuV$ `f L$fhp_y„ fl¡i¡ S>¡ âñ
Marks allotted to each question are written against each `y[õsL$p_u A„v$f d|L$¡ g R>¡. âÐe¡L$ âñ_u kpd¡ s¡_p NyZ Ap`¡g R>¡. X²$p¡IN
question. Use colour pencils or crayons only on the Drawing iuV$ `f dpÓ L$gf `¡[Þkg A\hp ¾¡$ep¡__p¡ D`ep¡N \i¡. S>mf„Np¡_p¡
Sheet. Do not use water colours. For each incorrect response D`ep¡N L$fhp¡ _l]. cpN I A_¡ cpN II dp„ v$f¡L$ Mp¡V$p S>hpb dpV¡$
in Part I and Part II, ¼ (one–fourth) marks of the total marks
allotted to the question (i.e. 1 mark) would be deducted r_^p®qfs NyZdp„\u NyZdp„\u ¼ (A¡L$ -Qp¡\pC) cpN (A¡V$g¡ 1 NyZ)
from the total score. No deduction from the total score, L$p`hpdp„ Aphi¡. S>hpb `Ódp„ L$pC¡ âñ_p¡ S>hpb _ Ap`sp, Ly$g NyZdp„\u
however, will be made if no response is indicated for an item L$p¡C NyZ L$p`hpdp„ _l] Aph¡.
in the Answer Sheet.
3. There is only one correct response for each question in Part I 3. cpN I A_¡ cpN II _p âñp¡dp„ A¡L$S> ep¡Áe S>hpb R>¡. A¡L$\u h^pf
and Part II. Filling up more than one response in each question S>hpb A`hp_u [õ\rsdp„ s¡_¡ Mp¡V$p¡ S>hpb dp_u D`f r_v$i ®¡ ¾$d 2
will be treated as wrong response and marks for wrong response dyS>b NyZ L$p`hpdp„ Aphi¡.
will be deducted accordingly as per instruction 2 above.
4. The test is of 3 hours duration. The maximum marks are 390.
4. `funp_p¡ kde 3 L$gpL$_p¡ R>¡. A_¡ Ar^L$sd NyZ 390 R>¡.
5. On completion of the test, the candidates must hand over the 5. `funp `|Z® \ep bpv$, `funp\}A¡ NrZs A_¡ Arcê$rQ `funp-cpN I
Answer Sheet of Mathematics and Aptitude Test-Part I & A_¡ cpN II A_¡ Arcê$Qu `funp-cpN III _u X²$p¡IN iuV s\p
II and the Drawing Sheet of Aptitude Test-Part III alongwith
Test Booklet for Part III to the Invigilator in the Room/Hall.
cpN III _u `funp `y[õsL$p M„X$ r_funL$_¡ kp¢`u v$¡hu. `funp\}Ap¡
Candidates are allowed to take away with them the Test s¡d_u kp\¡ NrZs A_¡ Arcê$rQ `funp-cpN I A_¡ II _u `funp
Booklet of Mathematics and Aptitude Test-Part I & II. `y[õsL$p kp\¡ gC S>C iL¡$ R>¡.
6. The CODE for this Booklet is R. Make sure that the CODE 6. Ap byL$gV¡ $_p¡ L$pX¡ $ R R>¡. s¡ kyr_ròs L$fu g¡hy„ L¡$ S>hpb `y[õsL$p_u
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet and on the Drawing bpSy>„-2 `f dyqÖs L$p¡X$ A_¡ X²$p¡IN iuV$ (cpN III) `f dyqÖs L$p¡X$\u
Sheet (Part III) is the same as that on this booklet. Also tally
the Serial Number of the Test Booklet, Answer Sheet and kdp_ lp¡e. A_¡ `funp `y[õsL$p, S>hpb `Ó A_¡ X$pI¡ N iuV$_u ¾$d
Drawing Sheet and ensure that they are same. In case of k„¿ep kdp_ lp¡e s¡ kyr_ròs L$fu g¡hy„. L$p¡X$ A\hp k„¿ep ¾$ddp„
discrepancy in Code or Serial Number, the candidate should ârsL|$msp_u [õ\rsdp„ `funp\}A¡ M„X$ r_funL$_¡ syfs„ ÅZ L$fu `funp
immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement
of the Test Booklet, Answer Sheet and the Drawing Sheet. `y[õsL$p, S>hpb `Ó A_¡ X²$pI¡ N iuV$_u bv$gu L$fphu g¡hu.
7. Do not fold or make any stray mark on the Answer Sheet. 7. S>hpb `Ó_¡ hpmhy„ _l] A_¡ s¡_p `f L$p¡C r_ip_ L$fhp _l].
Name of the Candidate (in Capitals) :
`funp\}_y„ _pd (dp¡V$p Anfp¡dp„) :
Roll Number : in figures
A_y¾$dp„L — A„L$p¡dp„
: in words
— iåv$p¡dp„
Examination Centre Number :
`funp L¡$ÞÖ k„¿ep :
Centre of Examination (in Capitals) :
`funp L¡$ÞÖ (dp¡V$p Anfp¡dp„) :
Candidate’s Signature : Invigilator’s Signature (1) :
`funp\}_u klu : r_funL$_u klu (1) —
Invigilator’s Signature (2) :
r_funL_u klu (2) —
Part I / cpN I
Mathematics / NrZs
1. If f (x)+2 f (1−x)=x2+1, x e R, then 1. Å¡ f (x)+2 f (1−x)=x2+1, x e R, sp¡ f _p¡
the range of f is : rhõspf __________ R>¡.
 1  1
(1) −∞ , (1) −∞ ,
 3   3 

 1   1 
(2) − 3 , ∞ (2) − 3 , ∞

 1 1  1 1
(3) − 3 , 3  (3) − 3 , 3 

1  1 
(4)  3 , ∞ (4)  3 , ∞

2. Let A={z e C : ?z?=25} and 2. ^pfp¡ L¡$ A_¡

A={z e C : ?z?=25}
B={z e C : ?z+5+12i?=4}. Then the B={z e C : ?z+5+12i?=4}. sp¡ z e A A_¡
minimum value of ?z−ω?, for z e A and ω e B dpV¡$, ?z−ω? _u Þe|_sd qL„$ds _______ R>¡.
ω e B, is :

(1) 6 (1) 6

(2) 7 (2) 7

(3) 8 (3) 8

(4) 9 (4) 9

3. If the product of the roots of the equation, 3. Å¡ kduL$ f Z x2−5kx+2e 2loge?k?−1=0 _p„
x2−5kx+2e2loge?k?−1=0 is 49, then the buS>_p¡ NyZpL$pf 49 lp¡e, sp¡ Ap kduL$fZ_p„ buS>_p„
sum of the squares of the roots of the hNp£_p¡ kfhpmp¡ __________ \pe.
equation is :

(1) 525 (1) 525

(2) 527 (2) 527

(3) 576 (3) 576

(4) 627 (4) 627

R/Page 2 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

 2 52 152   2 52 152 
4. If A =  4 106 358  , then the 4. Å¡ A =  4 106 358  , sp¡ î¡rZL$ adj(2A) _p¡
 6 162 620   6 162 620 

determinant of the matrix adj(2A) is equal r_òpeL$ __________ R>¡.

to :

(1) 64 (1) 64

(2) 256 (2) 256

(3) 2048 (3) 2048

(4) 4096 (4) 4096

5. Let S be the set of all real values of λ for 5. kyf¡M kduL$fZ k„lrs
which the system of linear equations

λx+y+z=5λ λx+y+z=5λ

2λx+2y−z=1 2λx+2y−z=1

3y+z=9 3y+z=9

has infinitely many solutions. Then, S : _¡ A_„s DL¡$gp¡ lp¡e s¡ dpV¡$_u λ _u sdpd hpõsrhL$
qL„$dsp¡_p¡ NZ, ^pfp¡ L¡$ S R>¡. sp¡ S :

(1) equals R. (1) bfpbf R R>¡.

(2) is a singleton. (2) A¡L$pL$u NZ R>¡.

(3) contains exactly two elements. (3) bfpbf b¡ S> OV$L$p¡ ^fph¡ R>¡.

(4) is an empty set. (4) Mpgu NZ R>¡.

R/Page 3 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

6. In order to get through in an examination 6. _h `¡`fp¡_u A¡L$ `funp `pk L$fhp dpV¡$ Dd¡v$hpf¡ S>¡V$gp„
of nine papers, a candidate has to pass in `¡`fp¡dp„ _p`pk \pe s¡_p L$fsp„ h^pf¡ `¡`fp¡dp„ `pk
more papers than the number of papers \hy„ `X¡$. sp¡ Dd¡v$hpf Ap `funpdp„ L¡$V$gu fus¡ _p`pk
in which he fails. The number of ways in \C iL¡$ ?
which he can fail, in this examination, is :

(1) 128 (1) 128

(2) 255 (2) 255

(3) 256 (3) 256

(4) 9×(8)! (4) 9×(8)!

7. Let Tr denote the rth term in the binomial 7. ^pfp¡ L¡$ Tr A¡ (a+1)50 _p qÜ`v$u rhõsfZ_y„ rdy„ `v$
expansion of (a+1)50. If v$ip®h¡ R>¡. Å¡

125 125
T25+T27= T T25+T27= T
52 26 52 26

then the sum of all the values of a is : sp¡ a _u sdpd qL„$dsp¡_p¡ kfhpmp¡ __________ R>¡.

1 1
(1) (1)
2 2

3 3
(2) (2)
2 2

(3) 2 (3) 2

5 5
(4) (4)
2 2

R/Page 4 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

8. In an ordered set of four numbers, the first 8. Qpf k„¿epAp¡_p A¡L$ ¾$dey¼s NZdp„, â\d 3 k„¿epAp¡
3 are in A.P. and the last 3 are in G.P., kdp„sf î¡Zu (A.P.) dp„ R>¡ A_¡ R>¡ëgu 3 k„¿epAp¡
whose common ratio is 7/4. If the product kdNyZp¡Ñf î¡Zu (G.P.) dp„ R>¡, S>¡_p¡ kpdpÞe NyZp¡Ñf
of the first and fourth of these numbers is 7/4 R>¡. Å¡ Ap k„¿epAp¡dp„_u â\d A_¡ Qp¡\u
49, then the product of the second and k„¿epAp¡_p¡ NyZpL$pf 49 lp¡e, sp¡ buÆ A_¡ ÓuÆ
third of these is : k„¿epAp¡_p¡ NyZpL$pf __________ R>¡.

(1) 60 (1) 60

(2) 112 (2) 112

(3) 128 (3) 128

(4) 144 (4) 144

2 4 6 2 4 6
9. If e (sin x+sin x+sin x+. . .+ad inf.)log e 2 9. Å¡ e (sin x+sin x+sin x+. . .+A_„ s ky ^u )log e 2

 π  π
0 < x <  satisfies the equation, 0 < x <  A¡ kduL$ f Z y 2−5y+4=0 _y„
 2  2
sinx sinx
y2−5y+4=0, then is equal kdp^p_ L$f¡, sp¡ = ______.
cosx−sinx cosx−sinx
to :

(1) − (2 + 2 ) (1) − (2 + 2 )

(2) − ( 2 + 1) (2) − ( 2 + 1)

(3) 2 −1 (3) 2 −1

(4) 2+ 2 (4) 2+ 2

R/Page 5 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

1 1
10. Let f (x ) = x   for all x (≠ 0) e R, where 10. ^pfp¡ L¡$ f (x ) = x   sdpd x (≠ 0) e R, Äep„
x x
for each t e R, [t] denotes the greatest âÐe¡L$ t e R dpV¡$, [t] A¡ t \u _p_p A\hp t _¡ kdp_
integer less than or equal to t. Then : sdpd `|Zp¯L$p¡dp„ kp¥\u dp¡V$p¡ `|Zp¯L$ v$ip®h¡ R>¡. sp¡

(1) lim f ( x ) = 0 (1) lim f ( x ) = 0

x→0+ x→0+

lim f ( x ) = 1 lim f ( x ) = 1
(2) x→ 13+ (2) x→ 13+

lim f ( x ) = 1 lim f ( x ) = 1
(3) x→ 21− (3) x→ 21−

(4) lim f ( x ) = 1 (4) lim f ( x ) = 1

x→2− x→2−

 72 x −9 x −8x +1  72 x −9 x −8x +1
11. If f (x ) =  ,x≠0 11. Å¡ f (x ) =  ,x≠0
 2 − 1+cosx  2 − 1+cosx
 
 k 2 log e 2 log e 3, x = 0  k 2 log e 2 log e 3, x = 0
is a continuous function in the interval A¡ A„ s fpg [0, 2π) dp„ kss rh^¡ e lp¡ e , sp¡
[0, 2π), then k is equal to : k=_________ \pe.
(1) 4 (1) 4

(2) 18 (2) 18

(3) 24 (3) 24

(4) 36 (4) 36

12. If y=y(x) is an implicit function of x given 12. Å¡ y=y(x) A¡ x _y „ N| Y $ rh^¡ e lp¡ e A_¡
by ycosx+xcosy=π ; then y”(0) is equal ycosx+xcosy=π Üpfp ìep¿epres lp¡ e , sp¡
to : y”(0) = __________.

(1) π (1) π

(2) −π (2) −π

(3) 0 (3) 0

(4) 2π (4) 2π

R/Page 6 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

13. For each x e R, let f (x)=?x−1?, g(x)=cosx 13. âÐe¡ L $ dpV¡ $ , ^pfp¡ L¡ $ f (x)=?x−1?,
x e R
and ϕ(x)=f (g(2 sinx))−g( f (x)). Then, ϕ g(x)=cosx A_¡ ϕ(x)=f (g(2 sinx))−g(f (x)).
is : sp¡, ϕ A¡
(1) differentiable at each point of R. (1) R _p âÐe¡L$ tbvy$ ApNm rhL$g_ue R>¡.
(2) not differentiable at 0. (2) 0 ApNm rhL$g_ue _\u.
(3) not differentiable at 1. (3) 1 ApNm rhL$g_ue _\u.

differentiable only in − ,  .  π π

π π
(4) (4) a¼s − ,  dp„ rhL$g_ue R>¡.
 2 2  2 2

14. If f (x)=?x2−16? for all x e R, then the total 14. b^p S> x e R dpV¡$, Å¡ f (x)=?x2−16? lp¡e, sp¡
number of points of R at which f : R→R R _p S>¡ tbvy$Ap¡ ApNm f : R→R õ\p_ue ApÐe„rsL$
attains local extreme values, is : d|ëep¡ ^fph¡, s¡hp tbvy$Ap¡_u Ly$g k„¿ep _______ R>¡.
(1) 1 (1) 1
(2) 2 (2) 2
(3) 3 (3) 3
(4) 4 (4) 4

15. Let 15. ^pfp¡ L¡$

∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
ex e−x ex e−x
I= dx , J= dx I= dx , J= dx
e 4x+e 2 x+1 e−4x+e−2 x+1 e 4x+e 2 x+1 e−4x+e−2 x+1
then, J−I equals : sp¡, J−I = __________.

1 e 4x −e 2x +1 1 e 4x −e 2x +1
(1) log e 4x +C (1) log e 4x +C
2 e +e 2x +1 2 e +e 2x +1

1 e 2x +e x +1 1 e 2x +e x +1
(2) log e 2x +C (2) log e 2x +C
2 e −e x +1 2 e −e x +1

1 e 2x −e x +1 1 e 2x −e x +1
(3) log e 2x +C (3) log e 2x +C
2 e +e x +1 2 e +e x +1

1 e 4x +e 2x +1 1 e 4x +e 2x +1
(4) log e 4x +C (4) log e 4x +C
2 e −e 2x +1 2 e −e 2x +1

(where C is a constant of integration) (Äep„ C A¡ k„L$g__p¡ AQmp„L$ R>¡.)

R/Page 7 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_
1 1

∫ ∫
5 1+x 2 1+x 2
16. If x dx = m π+n , then the 16. Å¡ x5 dx = m π+n , sp¡
1−x 2 0
1−x 2

ordered pair (m, n) is equal to : ¾$dey¼s Å¡X$ (m, n)=__________.

 1 1  1 1
(1)  ,  (1)  , 
3 8 3 8

1 2 1 2
(2)  ,  (2)  , 
8 3 8 3

 1 1  1 1
(3)  ,  (3)  , 
 4 3  4 3

1 1 1 1
(4)  ,  (4)  , 
8 3 8 3

17. The area (in sq. units) of the region 17. h¾$ 12y=36−x2 s\p Ap h¾ x-An_¡ S>¡ tbvy$Ap¡dp„
bounded by the curve, 12y=36−x2 and R>¡v$¡ R>¡, s¡ tbvy$Ap¡ ApNm_p s¡_p„ õ`i®L$p¡ Üpfp Aph©Ñ
the tangents drawn to it at the points, âv$¡i_y„ n¡Óam (Qp¡. A¡L$ddp„) __________ R>¡.
where the curve intersects the x-axis, is :
(1) 12 (1) 12
(2) 18 (2) 18
(3) 27 (3) 27
(4) 6 (4) 6

18. Let y=y(x) be the solution of the 18. ^pfp¡ L¡$ y=y(x) A¡ rhL$g kduL$fZ
differential equation :
dy dy
x log e x + y = 3x log e x , (x > 1) . x log e x + y = 3x log e x , (x > 1) _p¡
dx dx
DL¡$g R>¡.
If y(e)=0, then y(e2) is equal to : Å¡ y(e)=0, sp¡ y(e2)=_________.
(1) e2 (1) e2
1 2 1 2
(2) e e
2 (2)
3 2 3 2
(3) e e
2 (3)
(4) 3e 2 (4) 3e 2

R/Page 8 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

19. Let the straight lines, 5x−3y+15=0 and 19. f¡MpAp¡ 5x−3y+15=0 A_¡ 5x+3y−15=0
5x+3y−15=0 form a triangle with the x-An kp\¡ A¡L$ rÓL$p¡Z b_ph¡ R>¡. sp¡ Ap rÓL$p¡Z_¡
x-axis. Then the radius of the circle `qfNs hsy®m_u rÓÄep __________ R>¡.
circumscribing this triangle is :

8 8
(1) (1)
5 5

17 17
(2) (2)
5 5

12 12
(3) (3)
5 5

16 16
(4) (4)
5 5

20. The mirror image of the circle 20. f¡ M p x+y+5=0 dp„ hsy ® m
x 2 +y 2 −10x−10y=0 in the line x 2 +y 2 −10x−10y=0 _y „ v$`® Z -ârstbb
x+y+5=0 is a circle passing through the (mirror image) A¡ tbvy$ __________ dp„\u `kpf
point : \sy„ hsy®m R>¡.
(1) (−3, −7) (1) (−3, −7)

(2) (−9, −7) (2) (−9, −7)

(3) (−3, −11) (3) (−3, −11)

(4) (−9, −11) (4) (−9, −11)

21. Let S be the focus of the parabola, 21. ^pfp¡ L¡$ S A¡ `fhge x2+8y=0 _y„ _prc R>¡ A_¡
x2+8y=0 and Q be any point on it. If P Q A¡ s¡_p `f_y„ L$p¡C tbv$y R>¡. Å¡ P A¡ f¡MpM„X$ SQ _y„
divides the line segment SQ in the ratio 1 : 2 NyZp¡Ñfdp„ rhcpS>_ L$f¡ sp¡, P _p¡ tbvy$`\
1 : 2, then the locus of P is : _________ R>¡.

(1) 9x 2 +24y+32=0 (1) 9x 2 +24y+32=0

(2) 9y 2 +24x+32=0 (2) 9y 2 +24x+32=0

(3) 32x 2+27y+36=0 (3) 32x 2+27y+36=0

(4) 32y 2+27x+36=0 (4) 32y 2+27x+36=0

R/Page 9 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Let θ   0,  . If the eccentricity of the  π
22. 22. ^pfp¡ L¡$ θ   0,  . Å¡ Arshge
 2  2
hyperbola x 2 cos 2 θ−y 2 =6cos 2 θ is 3 x2cos 2θ−y 2=6cos 2θ _u DÐL¡$ÞÖsp D`hge
times the eccentricity of the ellipse x2+y2 cos2θ=30cos2θ _u DÐL¡$ÞÖsp L$fsp„ 3
x2+y2 cos2θ=30cos2θ then θ is equal to : NZu lp¡e, sp¡ θ =__________.

π π
(1) (1)
6 6

π π
(2) (2)
4 4

 1   1 
cos−1  (3) cos−1  
(3)   3
 3

π π
(4) (4)
3 3

x−1 y+3 z+5 x−1 y+3 z+5

23. If the line = = lies in the 23. Å¡ f¡ M p
= = kdsg
4 −2 1 4 −2 1
plane 2x+ly+mz=16, then l 2 +m 2 is 2x+ly+mz=16 dp„ Aph¡gu lp¡e, sp¡ l2+m2 =
equal to : __________.

(1) 16 (1) 16

(2) 20 (2) 20

(3) 98 (3) 98

(4) 85 (4) 85

R/Page 10 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

24. The equation of the plane passing through 24. kdsgp¡

( ∧
r ⋅ 2 i −3 j+4 k =1
∧ ∧
) A_¡

the line of intersection of the planes

→ ∧
( ) ∧
r ⋅ i − j + 4=0 _u R>¡v$f¡Mpdp„\u `kpf \sy„ A_¡

( ∧ ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i −3 j+4 k =1 and r ⋅ i − j + 4=0
→ ∧
( )


( ∧ ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i − j−k + 4=0 _¡ ) g„b lp¡e s¡hp
and perpendicular to the plane kdsg_y„ kduL$fZ __________ R>¡.

( ∧ ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i − j−k + 4=0 , is : )
→ ∧
r ⋅ i −2 j+4 k = 3
∧ ∧
) (1)
→ ∧
( ∧
r ⋅ i −2 j+4 k = 3

→ ∧
r ⋅ i −2 j+4 k = 5
∧ ∧
) (2)
→ ∧
( ∧
r ⋅ i −2 j+4 k = 5


( ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i − j+5 k = 3

) (3)

( ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i − j+5 k = 3


( ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i − j+5 k = 5

) (4)

( ∧ ∧
r ⋅ 2 i − j+5 k = 5


∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
25. If a , b , c be three unit vectors, b and c 25. Å¡ a, b, c ÓZ A¡L$d kqv$ip¡ lp¡e, b A_¡ c
∧ ∧
a × (b × c) =
∧ ∧ ∧ b+c
are non-parallel, such that kdp„sf _\u, s\p , sp¡
∧ ∧
a × (b × c) =
∧ ∧ ∧ b+c ∧ ∧
, then the angle a A_¡ b hÃQ¡_p¡ M|Zp¡ __________ R>¡.
∧ ∧
between a and b is :

π π
(1) (1)
6 6

2π 2π
(2) (2)
3 3

π π
(3) (3)
4 4

3π 3π
(4) (4)
4 4

R/Page 11 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

26. A box contains 6 red balls and 2 black balls. 26. A¡L$ `¡V$udp„ 6 gpg v$X$p A_¡ 2 L$pmp v$X$p R>¡. s¡dp„\u
Two balls are drawn, at random, from it ep×[ÃR>L$ fus¡ b¡ v$X$p `|fhZu rkhpe `k„v$ L$fhpdp„
without replacement. If X denotes the Aph¡ R>¡. Å¡ X A¡ `k„v$ \e¡g gpg v$X$p_u k„¿ep
number of red balls drawn, then E(X) is v$ip®h¡, sp¡ E(X) = __________.
equal to :

3 3
(1) (1)
2 2

1 1
(2) (2)
2 2

5 5
(3) (3)
2 2

27 27
(4) (4)
28 28

27. A six faced die is so biased that it is thrice 27. R> `©óW$hpmp¡ A¡L$ `pkp¡ A¡V$gp¡ Arc_s (biased) R>¡ L¡$
likely to show an even number than an Äepf¡ DR>pmhpdp„ Aph¡ Ðepf¡ A¡L$u k„¿ep L$fsp„ b¡L$u
odd number, when thrown. If the die is k„¿ep v$ip®h¡ s¡_u i¼esp ÓZ NZu R>¡. Å¡ Ap `pkp_¡
thrown twice, the probability that sum of b¡ hMs DR>pmhpdp„ Aph¡ sp¡ `pkp `f_u k„¿epAp¡_p¡
the numbers on the die is even, is : kfhpmp¡ b¡L$u \pe s¡_u k„cph_p __________ R>¡.

3 3
(1) (1)
4 4

5 5
(2) (2)
8 8

7 7
(3) (3)
9 9

3 3
(4) (4)
8 8

R/Page 12 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

28. The total number of x e [0, 2π] which 28. kduL$fZ 4(cos10x+sin2x)=4+sin6x sin2(2x)
satisfy the equation _y„ kdp^p_ L$f¡ s¡hp x e [0, 2π] _u Ly$g k„¿ep
4(cos10x+sin2x)=4+sin6x sin2(2x), is : _________ R>¡.

(1) 2 (1) 2

(2) 3 (2) 3

(3) 5 (3) 5

(4) 6 (4) 6

1 −1 4 1 15  1 −1 4 1 15 
29. tan  sin + cos−1  is equal 29. tan  sin + cos−1  =______.
2 5 2 17  2 5 2 17 
to :

6 6
(1) (1)
7 7

2 2
(2) (2)
3 3

4 4
(3) (3)
15 15

9 9
(4) (4)
22 22

30. The Boolean expression 30. b| g ue_ r_ê$`Z ( Boolean expression)

(p ∧ q) ∨ ((~ q) ∨ p) is equivalent to : (p ∧ q) ∨ ((~ q) ∨ p) A¡ __________ _¡ kdL$n
(1) ~p∨q (1) ~p∨q

(2) ~q∨p (2) ~q∨p

(3) p∨q (3) p∨q

(4) (~ p) ∨ (~ q) (4) (~ p) ∨ (~ q)

R/Page 13 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Part II / cpN II
Aptitude Test / Arcê$rQ `funp
Directions : (For Q. No. 31 to 34). For the elevation given in the problem figure identify the correct
3-D figure from amongst the answer figures.

r_v$£i : (â. 31 \u 34 dpV¡$). S>¡_y„ DÞ_s v$i®_ (Elevation) âñ ApL©$rsdp„ R>¡ s¡hu kpQu rÓ`qfdpZu
ApL©$rs S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡dp„\u _½$u L$fp¡.

Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡

âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 14 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Directions : (For Q. No. 35 to 37). The 3-D figure shows the view of an object. Identify the correct
top view from amongst the answer figures.
r_v$£i : (â. 35 \u 37 dpV¡$). rÓ`qfdpZu ApL©$rs A¡L$ `v$p\®_y„ ×íe bsph¡ R>¡. S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡dp„\u
kpQy„ D`fu ×íe _½$u L$fp¡.
Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡
âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

Directions : (For Q. No. 38 to 41). Find the odd figure out of the problem figures given below.
r_v$£i : (â. 38 \u 41 dpV¡$). âñ ApL©$rsAp¡dp„\u rhjd (k„b„^frls, rhrQÓ, odd) ApL©$rs ip¡^p¡.


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 15 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

Directions : (For Q. No. 42 to 47). Which one of the answer figures will complete the sequence of
the three problem figures ?

r_v$£i : (â. 42 \u 47 dpV¡$). _uQ¡_u S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡dp„\u L$C ApL©$rs ÓZ âñ ApL©$rsAp¡_u î¡Zu_¡
`|Z® L$fi¡ ?

Problem Figures / âñ ApL©$rsAp¡ Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 16 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Problem Figures / âñ ApL©$rsAp¡ Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 17 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Directions : (For Q. No. 48 to 53). Which one of the answer figures shows the correct view of the
3–D problem figure after the problem figure is opened up ?
r_v$¡®i : (â. 48 \u 53 dpV¡$). rÓ`qfdpZue âñ ApL©$rs_¡ Mp¡gu _pMhpdp„ Aph¡ sp¡ S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡dp„_u
L$C ApL©$rs kpQy„ ×íe Ap`i¡ ?

Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡

âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 18 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡
âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 19 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Directions : (For Q. No. 54 to 57). The problem figure shows the top view of objects. Looking in
the direction of the arrow, identify the correct elevation, from
amongst the answer figures.

r_v$¡®i : (â. 54 \u 57 dpV¡$). âñ ApL©$rs `v$p\®_y„ D`fu ×íe bsph¡ R>¡. bpZ (suf) _u qv$ipdp„ Å¡sp„,
S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡dp„_y„ kpQy„ DÞ_s v$i®_ (Elevation) _½$u L$fp¡.

Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡

âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 20 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Directions : (For Q. No. 58 to 61). Which one of the answer figures is the correct mirror image of
the problem figure with respect to X - X ?

r_v$£i : (â. 58 \u 61 dpV¡$). S>hpb ApL©rsAp¡dp„_u L$C ApL©$rs âñ ApL©$rs_y„ X - X _¡ kp`¡n kpQy„ v$`®Z
(Afukp¡) ârstbb R>¡ ?

Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡

âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 21 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Directions : (For Q. No. 62 to 65). The problem figure shows the top view of objects. Looking in
the direction of the arrow, identify the correct elevation, from
amongst the answer figures.

r_v$£i : (â. 62 \u 65 dpV¡$). âñ ApL©$rs `v$p\®_y„ D`fu ×íe bsph¡ R>¡. bpZ (suf) _u qv$ipdp„ Å¡sp„
dmsy„ DÞ_s v$i®_ (Elevation) S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡dp„\u _½$u L$fp¡.

Problem Figure / Answer Figures / S>hpb ApL©$rsAp¡

âñ ApL©$rs


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

R/Page 22 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

66. Which out of the following is the country 66. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$ep¡ v$¡i “vy$r_ep_p„ R>s” (Roof of the
called the “Roof of the World” ? World) sfuL¡$ Ap¡mMpe R>¡ ?

(1) Japan (1) Å`p_

(2) Tibet (2) rsb¡V$
(3) Mongolia (3) dp¢Np¡guep
(4) Uzbekistan (4) DÈb¡qL$õsp_ (Uzbekistan)

67. Which one of the following has a better 67. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$p¡_y„ Dódpfp¡^_ d|ëe (insulation
insulation value ? value) h^pf¡ R>¡ ?

(1) A concrete wall (1) L$p¢¾$uV$_u qv$hpg

(2) A brick wall (2) IV$p¡_u qv$hpg
(3) A cavity wall (3) bMp¡g ey¼s qv$hpg (`p¡gu qv$hpg)
(cavity wall)

(4) A stone wall (4) 5Ð\f_u qv$hpg

68. Which one of the following is a renewable 68. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$ep¡ EÅ®_p¡ öp¡s `y_:âpàe (renewable)
source of energy ? R>¡ ?
(1) Coal (1) L$p¡gkp¡
(2) Natural Gas (2) âpL©$rsL$ hpey (Natural Gas)

(3) Ocean waves (3) kpNf dp¡Å„ (Ocean waves)

(4) Oil (4) s¡g (Oil)

69. Charles Correa was which of the 69. Qpëk® L$p¡qfep _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$p¡Z lsp¡ ?
following ?

(1) A British Architect (1) rb°V$ui õ\`rs (hpõsyL$pf)

(2) An Indian Architect (2) cpfsue õ\`rs (hpõsyL$pf)
(3) An American Architect (3) Ad¡fuL$_ õ\`rs (hpõsyL$pf)
(4) A Brazilian Architect (4) b°prTgue_ õ\`rs (hpõsyL$pf)

R/Page 23 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

70. Who amongst the following is not a 70. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$p¡Z gpeL$ (ep¡Áe : qualified) õ\`rs
qualified architect ? (hpõsyL$pf) _\u ?
(1) Remo Fernandes (1) f¡dp¡ af_p_X$uk (Remo Fernandes)
(2) Arundhati Roy (2) Afy„^su fp¡e (Arundhati Roy)
(3) Satish Gujral (3) ksuj NyS>fpg (Satish Gujral)
(4) B.V. Doshi (4) v$p¡iu (B.V. Doshi)

71. Ellora group of temples represent which 71. Cgp¡fp kd|l_p„ d„qv$fp¡ _uQ¡_pdp„\u ip_y„ ârsr_r^Ðh
of the following ? L$f¡ R>¡ ?
(1) Hindu Religion (1) rlÞvy$ ^d®_y„
(2) Buddhist Religion (2) bp¥Ý^ ^d®_y„
(3) Jain Religion (3) S>¥_ ^d®_y„
(4) All of the above (4) D`f_p„ b^p

72. Parthenon is located in which country ? 72. `p\£__ L$ep v$¡idp„ Aph¡g R>¡ ?
(1) Romania (1) fp¡dp_uep
(2) Russia (2) friep
(3) Greece (3) N°uk
(4) Japan (4) Å`p_

73. Which of the following is equivalent to the 73. õ\p`Ðe dpV¡$ _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$ey„, _p¡b¡g `pqfsp¡rjL$_¡
Nobel Prize in architecture ? kdL$n R>¡ ?
(1) Academy Award (1) AL$pv$du `yfõL$pf (Academy Award)
(2) Padma Shree (2) `Ú îu (Padma Shree)

(3) Pritzker Prize (3) râTL$f `yfõL$pf (Pritzker Prize)

(4) Star of Architecture (4) õ\p`Ðe_p¡ spfgp¡ (Star of Architecture)
R/Page 24 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_
74. An escalator looks like which one of the 74. A¡õL¡$g¡V$f _uQ¡_pdp„\u ip_p„ S>¡hy„ gpN¡ R>¡ ?
following ?

(1) Ladder (1) r_kfZu (Ladder)

(2) Staircase (2) kuX$u (Staircase)
(3) Ramp (3) f¡ç`
(4) Lift (4) rgãV$

75. Who amongst the following is an 75. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$p¡Z õ\`rs (hpõsyL$pf) R>¡ ?
architect ?

(1) Vikram Seth (1) rh¾$d i¡W$

(2) Lauri Baker (2) gp¸fu b¡L$f
(3) Khushwant Singh (3) Myih„s tkO
(4) Ruskin Bond (4) fõL$u_ bp¡ÞX$

76. Burj Khalifa is located in which one of the 76. byS>® Mguap L$ep v$¡idp„ Aph¡g R>¡ ?
following countries ?

(1) Saudi Arabia (1) kpDv$u Af¡rbep (Saudi Arabia)

(2) Dubai (2) vy$bC

(3) Turkey (3) s|L$}
(4) Afghanistan (4) AaOpr_õsp_ (Afghanistan)

77. Which of the following is the most striking 77. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$ey„ A„N rkX$_u Ap¸`¡fp lpDk (Sydney
feature of the Sydney Opera House ? Opera House) _y„ dlÐh_y„ `pky„ R>¡ ?

(1) Entrance Hall (1) âh¡i M„X$ (Entrance Hall)

(2) Interior Design (2) Ap„sfuL$ fQ_p (Interior Design)
(3) Sail shaped roof (3) i¡g (Sail) ApL$pf_y„ R>s
(4) Location (4) õ\p_
R/Page 25 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_
78. Which one of the following is an odd 78. _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$C Å¡X$ rhjd (rhrQÓ-odd) R>¡ ?
combination ?
(1) Forts and Jaipur (1) qL$ëgp A_¡ S>e`yf
(2) Lakes and Udaipur (2) smphp¡ (kfp¡hfp¡) A_¡ Dv$e`yf
(3) Temples and Madurai (3) d„qv$fp¡ A_¡ dvy$fpC
(4) Rain and Kutch (4) hjp® A_¡ L$ÃR>

79. Tsunami is a result of which of the 79. k|_pdu (Tsunami) A¡ _uQ¡_pdp„\u ip_y„ `qfZpd
following ? R>¡ ?
(1) Sea storms (1) kdyÖu sp¡ap_ (Sea storms)
(2) Earthquakes in coastal areas (2) kpNf qL$_pfp_p c|L„$`
(3) Earthquakes in the sea bed (3) kpNf-sg (srmep) (sea bed) _p¡ c|L„$`
(4) Strong ocean waves (4) Å¡fv$pf kdyÖu dp¡Å„ (waves)

80. Chandigarh was planned by an architect 80. Q„v$uNY$_p„ õ\`rs (hpõsyL$pf) _uQ¡_pdp„\u L$p¡Z lsp„ ?
who was which of the following ?
(1) American (1) Ad¡fuL$_
(2) French (2) ä¡ÞQ
(3) German (3) S>d®_
(4) Australian (4) Ap¡õV²¡$rge_

-o0o- -o0o-

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

R/Page 26 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

R/Page 27 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

R/Page 28 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

R/Page 29 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

R/Page 30 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

R/Page 31 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / fa L$pe®_y„ õ\p_

Read the following instructions carefully : r_ç_ r_v$i£ p¡_¡ Ýep_`|hL® $ hp„Qu g¡hp :
1. Part I has 30 objective type questions of Mathematics 1. cpN I dp„ NrZs_p„ 30 rhL$ë`gnu âñp¡ R>¡ S>¡dp„ v$f¡L$ âñ_p„ kpQp
consisting of FOUR (4) marks each for each correct S>hpb dpV¡$ Qpf (4) NyZ R>¡. cpN II dp„ (Arcê$rQ `funp) _p„ 50
response. Part II (Aptitude Test) has 50 objective type
questions consisting of FOUR (4) marks for each rhL$ë`gnu âñp¡ R>¡ S>¡dp„ v$f¡L$ âñ_p„ kpQp S>hpb dpV¡$ Qpf (4) NyZ$
correct response. Part III consists of 2 questions R>¡. `y[õsL$p_p„ cpN III dp„ 2 âñp¡ R>¡ S>¡_p„ 70 NyZ R>¡. s¡_p dpV¡$
carrying 70 marks which are to be attempted on a
separate Drawing Sheet which is also placed inside
Arsqf¼s X²$pIN iuV$ `funp `y[õsL$p_u A„v$f fpMhpdp„ Aph¡g R>¡.
this Test Booklet. Marks allotted to each question are v$f¡L$ âñ kpd¡_u k„¿ep s¡_p NyZ R>¡. cpN I A_¡ cpN II _p„ âÐe¡L$
written against each question. For each incorrect Mp¡V$p S>hpb dpV¡$ Ly$g NyZdp„\u ¼ (A¡L$ Qsy\p¯i) A¡V$g¡ (1 NyZ$)
response in Part I and Part II, ¼ (one–fourth) marks of
the total marks allotted to the question (i.e. 1 mark) s¡_p„ Ly$g õL$p¡fdp„\u L$p`hpdp„ Aphi¡. DÑf `Ódp„ Å¡ L$p¡C âñ_p¡
would be deducted from the total score. No deduction DÑf _ Ap`sp, d¡mh¡gp Ly$g NyZdp„\u L$p¡C NyZ L$p`hpdp„ _l]
from the total score, however, will be made if no response
is indicated for an item in the Answer Sheet.
2. Handle the Test Booklet, Answer Sheet and Drawing 2. âñ `y[õsL$p, S>hpb `Ó A_¡ X²$pIN iuV$_¡ L$pmÆ`|h®L$ fpMhu L$pfZ
Sheet with care, as under no circumstances (except for
discrepancy in Test Booklet Code and Answer Sheet qL$ L$p¡C`Z `qf[õ\sudp„ Arsqf¼s k¡V$ Ap`hpdp„ _lu Aph¡ (rkhpe
Code), another set will be provided. qL$ âñ `y[õsL$p L$p¡X$ A_¡ S>hpb `Ó_p L$p¡X$ rcß lp¡e sp¡).
3. The candidates are not allowed to do any rough work
or writing work on the Answer Sheet. All calculations/ 3. S>hpb `Ó `f `funp\}A¡ L$p¡C fa L$pe® L¡$ gMpZ gMhy„ _l]. b^u
writing work are to be done on the space provided for NZsfu / gMpZ L$pe® l¡sy âñ `y[õsL$pdp„ r_^p®qfs "fa L$pe®_„y õ\p_'
this purpose in the Test Booklet itself, marked ‘Space
for Rough Work’. This space is given at the bottom of dp„ S> L$fhy„. Ap õ\p_ v$f¡L$ `p_p_p _uQ¡_p cpNdp„ R>¡ A_¡ `y[õsL$p_p„
each page and in five pages (Page 27-31) at the end of A„sdp„ `p„Q `p_p (`p_p 27-31) Ap`hpdp„ Apìep R>¡.
the booklet.
4. Each candidate must show on demand his/her Admit 4. v$f¡L$ `funp\}A¡ r_funL$_u dp„N âdpZ¡ âh¡i L$pX$® Ahíe bspX$hy„.
Card to the Invigilator.
5. No candidate, without special permission of the 5. Ar^nL$ ep r_funL$ _u rhi¡j fÅ hNf L$p¡C`Z `funp\}A¡ `p¡sp_y„
Superintendent or Invigilator, should leave his/her õ\p_ R>p¡X$hy„ _l].
6. On completion of the test, the candidates should not 6. `funp `|Z® \ep `R>u `funp\}A¡ NrZs A_¡ Arcê$rQ `funp
leave the examination hall without handing over their
Answer Sheet of Mathematics and Aptitude Test-Part I cpN I A_¡ II _p¡ S>hpb `Ó s\p Arcê$rQ `funp cpN III _u X²$pIN
& II and Drawing Sheet of Aptitude Test-Part III to the iuV$, r_funL_¡ kp¢àep hNf S>hy„ _l] A_¡ s¡ S> kde¡ D`[õ\rs
Invigilator on duty and sign the Attendance Sheet at `Ódp„ klu L$ep® `R>u S> L$n\u blpf S>hy„. Å¡ `funp\} D`[õ\rs
the time of handing over the same. Cases where a
candidate has not signed the Attendance Sheet the `Ó$dp„ buÆ hMs klu _ L$f¡ sp¡ s¡_¡ S>hpb `Ó A_¡ X²$pIN iuV$
second time will be deemed not have handed over `pR>u kp¢`u _\u s¡d dp_u gC s¡_¡ A_yrQs î¡Zudp„ NZhpdp„ Aphi¡.
these documents and dealt with as an unfair means
case. The candidates are also required to put their left
`funp\}A¡ `p¡sp_p X$pbp A„N|W$p_p¡ r_ip_ D`[õ\rs `Ódp„ r_es
hand THUMB impression in the space provided in the õ\p_ `f S>ê$f\u L$fhp¡. `funp\} NrZs A_¡ Arcê$rQ `funp
Attendance Sheet. However, the candidates are cpN I A_¡ II _u `funp `y[õsL$p `p¡sp_u kp\¡ gC S>C iL¡$ R>¡.
allowed to take away with them the Test Booklet of
Mathematics and Aptitude Test - Part I & II. 7. Cg¡¼V²$p¡r_L/lõsQrgs L¡$g¼eyg¡V$f A\hp X²$pIN_p kp^_p¡ (S>¡dL¡$
7. Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator or drawing
instruments (such as scale, compass etc.) are not õL¡$g, L„$`pk C.) _p¡ âep¡N _l] L$fu iL$pe.
8. The candidates are governed by all Rules and
8. `funp M„X$dp„ `funp\}Ap¡_p hs®_ bpbs `funp d„X$m_p r_edp¡
Regulations of the Examination body with regard to A_¡ ^pfp^p¡fZ s¡d_p `f gpN| `X$i¡. b^p A_yrQs ìehlpfp¡dp„
their conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases of `funp d„X$m_p r_edp¡ A_¡ ^pfp^p¡fZ dyS>b L$pe®hplu L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡.
unfair means will be dealt with as per the Rules and
Regulations of the Examination body. 9. Lp¡C`Z [õ\sudp„ `funp `y[õsL$p, S>hpb `Ó A_¡ X²$pIN iuV$_p
9. No part of the Test Booklet, Answer Sheet and Drawing
Sheet shall be detached/folded or defaced under any
L$p¡C`Z cpN_¡ AgN L$fhp¡/hpmhp¡ _l] A_¡ bNpX$hp¡ _l].
10. `funp `y[õsL$p, S>hpb `Ó A_¡ X²$pIN iuV$dp„ Ap`¡g `funp `y[õsL$p
10. The candidates will write the Test Booklet Number as
given in the Test Booklet, Answer Sheet and Drawing k„¿ep_¡ `funp\}A¡ D`[õ\rs `Ódp„ `Z gMhy„.
Sheet in the Attendance Sheet also.
11. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual 11. `funp ê$d/M„X$dp„ âh¡i L$pX®$ rkhpe `funp\}_¡ AÞe L$p¡C`Z `pWé$
material, printed or written, bits of papers, pager, kpdN°u, dyqÖs A\hp lõsrgrMs, L$pNm_u L$p`guAp¡, `¡S>f, dp¡bpCg
mobile phone, electronic device or any other material
except the Admit Card inside the examination
ap¡_, Cg¡¼V²$p¡r_L$ kp^_ A\hp AÞe L$p¡C kpdN°u gC S>hp_u A_ydrs
room/hall. _\u.
R/Page 32

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