Module Name Sorting Order by Client Sorting Order by Shimbi (Given in Same Question)

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Default Sorting oder of each module in admin panel:Module name Sorting order by Client Sorting Order by Shimbi(given in same


Manage :A) Enquiry(student enquiry) Category, Sub-category, Status, student id descending order First, Last


Category, Sub-category, Status, student id descending order First, Last


Teacher, Subject, First, Last

Student id ascending order

Fees Details

Teacher, Subject, First, Last

Student id ascending order


Education, Branch, Category, Sub-category, First, Last,

Teacher userid ascending order

Teacher Enquiry Education, Branch, Category, Sub-category, First, Last,

Teacher userid ascending order

B) Task Front

Status (Not completed First), EndDate, ID, Task, Task details,

Task name ascending order


Category, Sub-cate, Subject, Date

Attendance date descending order


Category, Sub-cate, Subject, Date

Exam date descending order


Category, Sub-category, Subject, Date

Item Date descending order


Category, Sub-category, Subject

schedule id ascending order


Date, ID, Details

Message created date descending order

Wanted Teacher Date, ID, Subject

wanted teacher created date descending order

Interested Candidate

Date, ID, Subject

searched date by candidate descending order


Date, Category, Rs

Date descending order


Date, ID, From, To

Muster insert date descending order

C) Admin


Category name

No order while displaying list order


Category, Sub-category

sub category name ascending order


Category, Sub-category, Subject

Subject name ascending order.

Teacher Pay

ID, Teacher, Subject, Date, Rs Teacher pay update date order

D) Login Manager

manager/center-admin name ascending order

E) List College

College name ascending order


Branch name ascending order


Year name ascending order


Reference name ascending order


City name ascending order


Cityarea name ascending order


Status name ascending order

Expense(category for expense)

No order


No. ofReply Hours

already given but not done

already given but not done

already given but not done

already given but not done

need to change database structure for proper sorting according to education

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

1 Rename Status = Complete & Completed = Yes, InComplete = No

Its just renaming!!

Calculate % automatically. Dont allow % to edit (Show @ last).

How can one enter Marks & % separately?

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

It was specified to use sorting properly. You haven't given any thought on that!!

done by category name

done by category name



Client reply
Only SuperAdmin will Add or Edit City & Area

Shimbi reply move City & respective Area to Super Admin. Remove from Admin Changes will occur in following modules :A. In Super admin:1. center add/edit, 2. Center admin add/edit, 3. city module 4. city area module. B. In center admin:1. Student section:- student add, edit,enquiry edit. 2. teacher section :- Teacher add/edit/enquiry edit Intrested Candidate:- 1. list of intrested candidates Profile of center admin:- view profile, Center:- view center Teacher login:1. mydetails(profile) 2. Cityarea 3. Interested Candidate In Student Login :1. Mydetails 2. Search Teacher No. of Hours Previously you have 16

done it... City & City-area module is already there. Just move it to Super Admin. Everywhere we have to get City & respective area from main database and just store it.



Client reply Forward option will help to send to any ID (from same centre or different centre).

Option to send multiple by entering ID separated by comma.

For everyone (Teacher, Student, Manager, Admin etc) ID should be used.

I found in : Task - Search - Teacher >> It gives only 4 digit ID?

Whether centre ID is necessary or not?

Shimbi reply currently working for same center, if you need for different center then will take time( only for task) Hrs 6

Its OK to send within the centre only.

already done

already used

teacher user id is 4 characters. like : 2013 first digit is fixed and last digit is autoincrement number from database.

For teacher why Centre ID is not associated?

yes necessary


Client reply Search will search all Pages, Tabs etc.

Search in Subjects info.

What else can we search? -

Put Search next to Login & Help Tab. Space utilization. -

You can use Google search for faster results. -

Shimbi reply No. of hours what is etc. there are many information in system. in front we only show pages and tab information. We are not showing any other information on front end so it is no use if we search in other tables.

You are right, we will not search in table. Are you searching in Scrolling text, Advt. windows?

we are not showing subject info on front end.


we can search in all tables but it will cost extra because time increase for development.

Not required now! We can work in future...

not disucss early but ok.


Do you want to search on internet(outside our application)

Google sometimes gives option to search within website search option.

Client reply Get City & Centre name.

Send all info from Help Tab to Admin of that centre.

Provide option to send an automated email.

Content of which will be stored in Email setting category.

Shimbi reply we already add center, city was not discuss No. of hours 1



additional if you want to edit email content by center admin


No. of hours

It was discussed earlier & because of some problem we left it. Now lets do it.

Client reply Show follow-up date, Remarks while displaying the fees details

Follow-up date & remarks : Common to fees i.e. Single field applicable for next installment.-

Is it possible to edit Followup date while seeing the data.

Shimbi reply follow update is showing, previously we add this but after discussion we remove this but again we have added it. Remarks field is not added yet it was added previously but removed after your suggesion. No. of hours Actually we need it as we 5
specified earlier at start. We are not getting exact followup date as per our requirement.

it is different for each installment, if you want to move, it will be additional

Not required!

yes but additional

Not required now! Lets think for future.



Client reply Search: Fees >> If we can search in Tasks then the same facility can be given to Fees option also.

If possible provide option to allocate subjects by students directly also.

Also provide option to delete the subjects.

When we delete subject of that student then all info Attendance, etc will be deleted. -

We can't delete subject if fees is paid.

Shimbi reply No. of hours it is already done.

Please do the testing.

many other tbale affected while allocating subject to student. SO it will take extra time for this task with some cost.


Not required now! Lets do it in future.

subject will not delete if it's reference in other tables.

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

not delete if fees paid, only fee and installment record deleted

Why additional? This is common logic for development. Do discuss with me before you develop any module. Get all info from us. Inform us if any future problems may create because of any logic change.

already done



Client reply Similar to Customise SMS, provide option to customise email. For different events - different email contents with FCK Editor. Option to click on status = Active & Inactive for sending email.

All email will be send from: admin Email ID.

Contents will be taken from the contents specified in email options.

Username: Forgot Password

Username: Send File

Wanted teachers: Email will be sent to Admin only

Interested Student: Email will be sent to Admin only

Student New Students Registration

Forgot password

Fees change




Send file to admin

Teacher add Teacher edit

For all changes in info of students, teachers, admin, managers send email to their respective emails. If email is blank ignore sending email.

Send CC email to admin for all activities.

Shimbi reply additional No. of hours This is what we agreed in last 10

requirement. SMS & Email settings should include this features.


Else from whose email will be send?


Above first option.

Already done

Already done

not discuss previously

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

not discuss previously

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

already done already done

already done

not discuss previously

For major activities like New enquiry, Student confirm, Fees change, etc. we expect to send Email & SMS to students.

not discuss previously

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

send in reports , not sending while add/edit

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

not discuss previously

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

already done

already done already done if user id change

not discuss previously

Not required now! Lets do it in future.

not discuss previously



Client reply Student - While editing info - System is now asking email ID.

Student & Fees - Follow-up date, Remarks?

Fees - Search option for Paid fees is not working.

Teacher: Education (We specified to give List with multiple selection). You provided check box. Pls call us for exact requirements.

Area according to City?

Student Search & Search: compare mobile numbers - Some data missing? Its difficult to know the logic behind the scene.

Subject Schedule: Updating info (After clicking Complete): Error = Please enter Category . Visit 5/nosearch

Everywhere - FCK editor toolbox is not proper. Please add FCK Editor or quality editor wherever possible. checkng

Shimbi reply No. of hours solved

rework for student and fee also


this we shall do tomorrow

center admin/manager can add cityarea and display on teacher login, he can select area where he can teach home tutions. And in student section while searching for teacher cityarea according to city is given.

In student search in "Mobile" option, it's text search and we are searching mobile of student and mobile of student's parent also as well as in Teacher search also in "Mobile" field we are searching for Mobile1 and Mobile2(Parent mobile). Here partial search is also possible




No. of hours

Please refer the first requirement from us... We already specified about this @ start.

Module Session

Client reply Move session from super admin to center admin.

Use Session ID. This field will work same like "label" in gmail. we can add students to this label and session Id will be assigned to that student.

Session will be different for each center.

Multiple session allocation to student is possible.

Manager can allocate multiple session ID to student while adding that student.

Display session ID field, session Id comma separated., give multiple selection for student.

For Student's fix information use different table in database.

Don't create new student like session transfer in current system, every information related with student will be same but after allocating to new session , this student should be treated as new student but in database entry will be only one that is no new entry should be there , use existing information.

Remove email Id duplication as table for fix information of student will be stored in different table in database there should be no problem for forgot password functionality.

Move every information related with student's into different tables in database.

City, city area move to super admin and add city to center.

Remove transfer student session module.

Teacher education

Center admin/manager will create list for education like cityarea in centeradmin.

Wherever education is present give option for multiple selection , use lightbox or combobox and using shortcut key selection should be there, in teacher add form also education from this education list will come and teacher can select multiple education.

Do this procedure everywhere in whole system for education.

In Teacher list, sorting according to education required.

In student panel when student will go for search teacher, use multiple selection for education.

when student searches for teacher don't display teacherID only display first name, branch name, education of teacher, city area, gender, teacher details, experience, HT, PG, .

When student searches for teacher in admin panle display only student's first name student's userID, Teacher's first name, Teacher's userID


Add centerID while creating teacher userId

City Area

In Teacher add form give multiple selection for city area according to city like education. give combobox or like that so that using shortcut key admin can add city area while adding teacher into system.

Wherever city area is present provide multiple selection option (combobox or listbox ) and shortcut key for multiple selection.

Remove city area from teacher login section as we are allocating city area in admin panel.No need of this module in teacher section.

Give multiple selection of cityarea option to student's also and everywhere wherever it is needed.


In whole system wherever we are selecting category then subcategory then subject to find search result, in current system we can search for only one subject so give option to select multiple subjects of that subcategory.Everywhere do this


give radio button for selection of super admin, manager, center admin and give textinput named as ID where user can enter multiple userid of other user, like student can enter userid of another student comma separated, and in this case in admin panel everyone of this center can view this message.

Iff user selects radio button then this textinput for entering userid will get disappear.

Super admin , center admin, manager, can contact to student by entering userid in in that textinput. (comma separated userid)

Don't show all messages to superadmin show it only when user selects super admin in radio button.

Wanted teacher

Display subject contents on list page 4lines in case of big data.

Remove view option from reply

Wanted teacher message is not viewable by every teacher or every student.

Teacher can view wanted teacher message only when that message is forwarded to that teacher by center admin or manager.

In reply option don't display fullname and last name with userid. Only display userid and first name no matter iff first name is same.

Posted By USERID, First Name, Date

Wanted teacher message will be like message section can be forwarded to anyone only entering comma separated userid.

Remove message number from everywhere from message, wanted teacher.

wherever message ID is used remove it.

In reply option remove extra space which is present after posted by .

Shading for color change it.

In teacher login display only student's Fname, Category, subcategory, subject, college. Don't display userid of student.

No matter iff student's Fname is same.(iff two student's with same Fname)


Add delete option in Fee module , if fee is not paid then it can be deleted.

IN fee related search everywhere fee, fee detail, task fee search for searching paid fee, balance fee , fee give one textinput where center admin/manager can enter value like " > 1000 " or " < 2000 " , add "=" condition as default condition in query itself .

Paid fee, balance, fee should be in one line wherever it is present.

Wherever "First Name" word is present rename it "First" only.

for words "edit" "delete" "subject" replace this words with smylies which will be provided by mahesh Sir.

On mouse over of these smilies display use in every list.

follow update field, remark field, and status field can be edited from list page also wherever it is used

Subject allocation Teacher allocation of subject should be done from to teacher admin panel only.

This will be same like subject allocation to student's in admin panel.

Subject schedule Check subject schedule in student panel.

Display on list page out of how many session's , how many are completed and how many are remained and display in % 3 out of 5 & 60%

Every subject schedule is viewable to those student's to whom this subject is allocated and to all teacher's related with this subject.

Subject schedule is editable by only that teacher and center admin/manager.

In teacher login there is option "create schedule" or "open schedule".

Assume that by default subject schedule is created so no need to display create schedule and replace "open schedule" with "view" and after clicking on view edit page will be displayed.

Subject schedule will be created only one for one subject.

What should be done for multiple session subject will be same in that case every session will have only one subject schedule.

In front panel HTMl

select city-> center -> radio button teacher registration/student registration. Default student registration should be selected. "join now" replace by "New User".

Check FCK editor toolbar , arrange it properly

When student searches for teacher in front panel student login Don't display teacher Id Only display teacher's Fname no matter iff Fname is same for other teacher. Display branch of teacher. Display education of teacher. Display city area. Gender of teacher. Teacher Details. Teacher experience. HT,PG. We display photo of teacher?.

Shimbi reply No. of hours additional need more discussion

Please give me missed call and I will discuss with you in detail. Our objective is to keep same ID for one student. Date-wise grouping of data is also adjustable.

additional need more discussion

already different

additional need more discussion

additional need more discussion

additional need more discussion

additional need more discussion

additional need more discussion


additional need more discussion

Think Logically. This should be done at the start only. All students (Customers) basic or profile info should be kept in table only.

already mention in Q13


If we don't do the session option then keep it as it is. This will help us in partial work simplification.



We have education list only on teacher profile.

need to change database structure for proper sorting according to education, hours given in Q12



How to identify teacher, which centre he belongs to?

needto modify below modules teacher(admin), teacher enquiry(admin), teacher profile(teacher login), teacher registration (front)

Wherever we have City area load contents according to City.



we need city area selection only on teacher search, If you need this in any other module, it will be additional.

we have to modify almost all search functions


If you can do it by just changing the option of list into multiple selection list then please do it. Else we will do it in future.



Please refer the previous discussion when I visited to your office. Even I clearly specified to refer or for your reference. Already the quality development was done there. Now whatever you are developing not required. Just provide the previous facilities.


Illogical. Don't do it.

We have task for this purpose. If you need task like functionality then it will be additional

Not required...


Please understand exact requirement. Show messages to only Admin & Managers and not to Super-Admin.

we can trunctate by charcetsr , not by lines.

Allowed and welcome.


rework, previously told us that wanted person will show to everyone.

What is the point to show wanted teacher to Students. Just don't show for Teachers, Students.





Not required now!




additional, provide us color codes



fe delete if alocated subject is deleted from allocation subject module for student. If you need delete option for fees then we have to change fee and subject allocation module coding

Not required now. Lets do it in future.

we already give option for from and to amount. If you need condition operators then it will be additional

I thought that would have been more easier for you. Not required now!

additional, changes in admin/manager,teacher/student login section

Not required now. Lets do it in future.


additional, changes in many html pages

Rename Delete = Del, Subject = Sub. I thought instead of text image might give more effect (like Login = Green bullet).

additional, changes in many html pages


additional, changes student and fee module only


Not required now. Lets do it in future.

when admin create subject, teacher is allocated. If you need any extra module for these then it will be additional

This is very clearly specified in all requirements. Allocate subjects to teachers for searching according to subjects.

Very correct. No new development is required.


already done

teacher can edit only non completed task status. Do you want to keep this condition?

Yes. Subject schedule is missing Time (From, To) fields.



already done

subject and subcject schedule not change according to session. it is additional, need more discussion.

not city is under student and registration form. If you need city and center selection before registration page then it will be additional





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