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Clinical Manifestations for Mr.

The clinical manifestations for the patient include memory loss; inability to perform

activities of daily living; wandering off and getting lost; being fearful; aggression and agitation.

Other clinical manifestations include an increased pulse rate of 93 and a slightly increased

respiration rate of 22. The urinalysis findings are positive for leukocytes and cloudy, and protein

7.1 g/dL, ALT 29 U/L, and AST 32 U/L.

Primary and Secondary Diagnosis

The primary diagnoses for this patient include Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and urinary tract

infection (UTI). The most common early sign of Alzheimer’s disease is forgetfulness and this is

present in the patient. Other symptoms include challenges in planning; difficulties in completing

daily tasks; speech or writing problems; inability to retrace steps; social withdrawal; changes in

decision-making and poor judgment; and changes in mood and personality as characterized by

being fearful, suspicious, confusion, agitation, or depressed mood (Frozza et al., 2018). The

patient manifests the majority of these symptoms and thus fits the diagnostic criteria of

Alzheimer’s disease. The primary diagnosis of UTI is supported by urinalysis findings being

positive for leukocytes and cloudy, and protein 7.1 g/dL, ALT 29 U/L, and AST 32 U/L.

The secondary diagnoses for Mr. M include hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, tibial

fracture status postsurgical repair, and status post appendectomy. These are conditions require

attention but are not the primary diagnoses since the patient has been managing them using the

prescribed treatment regimen.

communication allows the feedback and inspires questions that imparts clarification. This
communication increases the cross-cultural understanding and interaction that help develop solidarity
between all individuals making the organization's project fruitful and untimely valuable. Communication
also teaches cooperation between team members that usually expands to the firm's rest areas (Role of
effective communication in team building 2017). Whenever the staff of a firm cooperates, the processes
run more effectively. Cooperation and communication are paramount in keeping a firm profitable and
solvent due to calm and focused teams. Besides, active communication directly determines failure or
rather success of assignment requiring comprehensive teams' active involvement. When the team
communicates with an open mind asking questions instead of making assumptions, harmony and trust
are built. In contrast, the only difference that can be identified in the information based on the role
communication plays in teamwork from the presented readings is that while some of it is reliable

and objective for the reader's benefit, some of it from different reading source provided is not.

Research information is the foundation of a strong argument, analysis, or theory. Reliable

reading information is essential as, without it, readers can question the validity of the argument,

and the information presented will not achieve its meant purpose. It is also important for an

communication allows the feedback and inspires questions that imparts clarification. This

communication increases the cross-cultural understanding and interaction that help develop

solidarity between all individuals making the organization's project fruitful and untimely

valuable. Communication also teaches cooperation between team members that usually expands

to the firm's rest areas (Role of effective communication in team building 2017). Whenever the

staff of a firm cooperates, the processes run more effectively. Cooperation and communication

are paramount in keeping a firm profitable and solvent due to calm and focused teams. Besides,

active communication directly determines failure or rather success of assignment requiring

comprehensive teams' active involvement. When the team communicates with an open mind
asking questions instead of making assumptions, harmony and trust are built.

In contrast, the only difference that can be identified in the information based on the role

communication plays in teamwork from the presented readings is that while some of it is reliable

and objective for the reader's benefit, some of it from different reading source provided is not.

Research information is the foundation of a strong argument, analysis, or theory. Reliable

reading information is essential as, without it, readers can question the validity of the argument,

and the information presented will not achieve its meant purpose. It is also important for an

communication allows the feedback and inspires questions that imparts clarification. This

communication increases the cross-cultural understanding and interaction that help develop

solidarity between all individuals making the organization's project fruitful and untimely

valuable. Communication also teaches cooperation between team members that usually expands

to the firm's rest areas (Role of effective communication in team building 2017). Whenever the

staff of a firm cooperates, the processes run more effectively. Cooperation and communication

are paramount in keeping a firm profitable and solvent due to calm and focused teams. Besides,
active communication directly determines failure or rather success of assignment requiring

comprehensive teams' active involvement. When the team communicates with an open mind

asking questions instead of making assumptions, harmony and trust are built.

In contrast, the only difference that can be identified in the information based on the role

communication plays in teamwork from the presented readings is that while some of it is reliable

and objective for the reader's benefit, some of it from different reading source provided is not.


Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills (3rd ed.). London: Macmillan International Higher


Harris, R. (2017). Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding

Plagiarism (5th ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.

Kemper, D., Meyer, V., Van Rys, J., & Sebranek, P. (2015). Fusion: Integrated Reading and

Writing,. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Varpio, L. (2018). Using rhetorical appeals to credibility, logic, and emotions to increase your

persuasiveness. Perspect Med Educ, 7. doi: 10.1007/s40037-018-0420-2

Wisdom, S., & Leavitt, L. (2015). Handbook of research on advancing critical thinking in higher
education. Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Woodwell, D. (2014). Research foundations. London: SAGE.

Clinical Manifestations in Mr. M

This case study is on seventy-year-old, Mr. M who has been residing in an assisted

facility. He has a height of approximately 69.5 inches and a bodyweight of 87kgs. According to

the description given in the scenario, Mr. M for the last two months has been exhibiting a

cognitive mental decline in his memory. He has trouble recalling his room number and the names

of his family members. He is also demonstrating behavioral issues such as repeating himself, his

mood change becoming agitated and aggressive. He appears fearful when agitated. He also has

been found wandering in the middle of the night and requires help back to his room.

Mr. M has also become dependent on completing daily activities such as dressing and

feeding himself. Upon close assessment, his vital signs include a body temperature of 37.1 °C,

blood pressure of 123/78 with a heart rate of 93 respirations' are 22 and pox is at 99%.

According to lab results, there are elevated white blood cell count of 19.2 (1,000/ul) and elevated

levels of Lymphocytes 6700 (cells/uL). Urinalysis is positive with moderate levels of leukocytes

and appears cloudy, indicating the presence of a urinary tract infection. There is also protein

elevation at Protein: 7.1 g/dL; AST: 32 U/L; ALT 29 U/L, which could indicate liver damage.

Primary and Secondary Medical Diagnoses

According to the clinical manifestations, Mr. M could be suffering from various

conditions. Mr. M could be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a condition that

develops at a later stage of memory loss. A person with this condition tends to forget familiar
people, places, and things. At an early stage, individuals experience confusion and memory loss.

Changes taking place may also cause frustration. Some of the changes that occur include

difficulty in remembering events that have occurred, difficulty in decision making and processing
information from others. At later stages, victims forget relationships including the

family members, location of their houses and may also not recognize the passage of time

(Alzhimer’s Association, 2017).

From the description of Mr. M, he had trouble remembering the names of the family

members, his room number and even repeating what he just read. According to this description,

it is likely he suffering from Alzheimer's disease. He was also fearful and afraid when agitated

which indicates Alzheimer's disease.

According to the blood pressure recorded, 123/78 indicates high blood pressure. Systolic

pressure is 123 and diastolic pressure is 78. Systolic pressure is the pressure between arteries

when the heart is beating and diastolic pressure is the arteries' pressure between heartbeats.

Normal systolic pressure is 120, any figure above that is considered high blood pressure, Mr. M

systolic pressure is at 123 indicating high blood pressure. Diastolic pressure is considered normal

at 80, Mr. M diastolic pressure is at 78 which is lower than normal. For blood pressure to be

normal and in good health, it should read within the normal values and since Mr. M's blood pressure
values are out of range he should be treated for hypertension (Johnson et al., 2018).

According to urinalysis test results, he tested positive for the number of leukocytes and cloudy.
Leukocytes are normally present in urine in small numbers that usually test negative. A positive test
would then indicate the presence of bacterial urinary tract infection. Cloudy urine can be caused by
various factors for example kidney infection, diet, and others, but in this case, due to the presence of
increased leukocytes, it could indicate an infection (Chu, & Lodwer, 2018).

Abnormalities Expected

Some of the abnormalities that are expected during the assessment include elevated levels of
lymphocytes this could be due to body mechanism reacting against urinary tract infection as indicated in
the description. Hyperlipidemia, although the patient was already on treatment using Lipitor 40mg daily,
this condition might not have been managed effectively which could result in increased blood pressure.
The patient was insensitive to pain, this could be explained by the fact that the patient was using
ibuprofen 400mg PRN which is a painkiller.
Physical, Psychological and Emotion effects of Mr. M Current Health Status

Physical, psychological and emotional life aspect is normally disrupted once an individual is diagnosed
with cognitive decline. Loss of communication and inability to access memories is normally devastating
results in anger and frustrations, depression, anxiety and clinging, and mood swings. Loss of self-
confidence and low self-esteem is likely to occur. Victims are likely to feel insecure and not in charge of
their lives leading to low self-confidence. They may not also trust their judgment (Maresova, Mohelska,
& Kuca, 2016).

Impact on Family

Family members are likely to experience anger, guilt and grief are common feelings. Grief is as a result of
the loss of the relationship that existed between the members. The future that they expected to have is
normally lost, and the person they used to have is also lost resulting in grief. Anger is also common
having to always be the caregiver while others are not helping might cause feelings of anger. Dealing
also with the patient might be difficult due to their behavior and expression of emotions causing anger.
Feeling of guilt for the way the victim was treated before, embarrassment due to their behavior and
avoiding responsibility in taking care of the patient (kucmanski et al., 2016).

Interventions to Support Mr. M and His Family

To support the patient the following can be done, engaging in the patient in cognitive activities,
involvement in regular physical activities, assisting them to maintain a good sleep pattern, reducing
stress, keeping them socially engaged and implementing a healthy diet as prescribed by the doctor.
Avoiding criticism and belittling comments about the patient and creating a supportive environment for
the patient. Supportive interventions for the family would include keeping them updated with the latest
information on the disease, how to care for the patients and prevention (Kourakos, Kafkia, &Minasidou,

Problems Encountered By Mr. M

Some of the problems that Mr. M is likely to encounter include physical discomfort due to the disease or
medications. According to the description, Mr. M is suffering from various disease and they are likely to
cause physical discomfort. High blood pressure and urinary tract infections are likely to cause
discomfort. Due to loss of cognitive mental abilities, he is likely unable to recognize people and things
and also unable to complete simple daily tasks including eating and dressing. The inability to
communicate effectively is also a problem since he is quickly agitated and aggressive (Alzhimer’s
Association, 2017).


Cottrell, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills (3rd ed.). London: Macmillan International Higher

Harris, R. (2017). Using Sources Effectively: Strengthening Your Writing and Avoiding

Plagiarism (5th ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.

Kemper, D., Meyer, V., Van Rys, J., & Sebranek, P. (2015). Fusion: Integrated Reading and

Writing,. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Varpio, L. (2018). Using rhetorical appeals to credibility, logic, and emotions to increase your

persuasiveness. Perspect Med Educ, 7. doi: 10.1007/s40037-018-0420-2

Wisdom, S., & Leavitt, L. (2015). Handbook of research on advancing critical thinking in higher

education. Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Woodwell, D. (2014). Research foundations. London: SAGE.

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