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Case Study 03 - Creative Deviance and

Contemporary Management (MGT511)

Represented To: Prof. Dr. Hesham A. Sadek

Document Author: Omar Hossam Ammar | Group Intake ESL71
(+2) 012 7205 6266
Document History:
Version Issue Date Modification(s)/Change(s) Issued By
1.0 Sunday, November 27, 2022 Initial Proposal Omar H. Ammar
Table of Contents
01. Problem Definition...................................................................................................................1

02. Justification of The Problem...................................................................................................1

03. List of Alternatives..................................................................................................................1

04. Evaluating The Alternatives...................................................................................................2

Reward Creative Ideas.............................................................................................................................2

Change Organization Structure................................................................................................................2

HR Encouragement.................................................................................................................................3

05. Recommendation(s).................................................................................................................3
ESLSCA Business School || Contemporary Management (MGT511) || Case Study 03 - Creative Deviance & Apple

01. Problem Definition

The main problem is that Apple top-down/suppressed creative ideas since the passing of Steve Jobs in 2011. Apple discouraged creative ideas from
low-ranking employees. These creative ideas may have a very positive impact on the corporate’s general performance in terms of performance,
activity and revenue.

02. Justification of The Problem

The justification is “Business as usual” … top management sees that these new creative and innovative ideas are threats not opportunities that they can
capitalize on and encourage. Adding … in some cases, top management instructed employees so stop working on new ideas

03. List of Alternatives

In order to overcome this major problem that may result in catastrophic consequences … there are many steps/actions one may implement in his/her
workplace or entity. Speaking out for myself, I would choose those alternatives reward creative ideas; this starts from the direct managers, they must
communicate the creative ideas to the top management and reward the owner of this idea by incentives or by any means of recognition. My second
alternative is to change the structure from mechanistic organization to organic one; this will ensure high flexibility and adaptability; thus, it will
help in the spread and the encouragement of new creative and innovative ideas. As for the third alternative is HR encouragement; this can be
achieved by implementing new policies that encourage employees to represent at least 2-3 new creative ideas per annum.

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ESLSCA Business School || Contemporary Management (MGT511) || Case Study 03 - Creative Deviance & Apple

04. Evaluating The Alternatives

Reward Creative Ideas

Pros Cons
● Employee can get recognized

● Empowerment of the employee’s morale

● Better performance

● Employee will develop a since of loyalty towards his/her


● Incentives

Change Organization Structure

Pros Cons
● Flat management structure and effective communications ● Take great deal of time to be effectively
are directly proportional … the flatter it gets the more implemented
effectively it will run.
● Some employees resist change
● Develop new skills
● May cost
● Create sense of competition between the employees
which will lead to better performance

● Boosts creativity

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ESLSCA Business School || Contemporary Management (MGT511) || Case Study 03 - Creative Deviance & Apple

HR Encouragement
Pros Cons
● Employees motivation ● May create bias against certain employee

● Increase employees’ engagement ● May push employees to burnout

● Reduce workplace stress

● Increase employees’ self-development

05. Recommendation(s)
After evaluating each alternative, personally … I would like to choose the first alternative which reward and recognize the new creative and innovative

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