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Apple Creative Deviance

Problem definition
Creative deviance can be defined as development or generation of ideas by
employee what his managerial level is. It wasn’t supported at 2011 in Apple
who had a strongly top-down creative process.
Justification of the problem
It may be an imperative in a hierarchical organization like Apple that new ideas
are seen as threats rather than opportunities for development. In structural
organizations employee always their ability to communicate whatever they have
and always their ideas put on hold at a certain level of management.
List of alternatives
1. Allocation of dedicated creative department to work on a separate
innovative line inside the company to propose new ideas to top managers.

2. Put new policy that every employer in company whatever his level
should present 2 new creative and out of the box ideas every year.

3. Reward, appreciate and encourage new ideas whatever reward by

incentives or promotions or any kind of recognitions.
Evaluation of alternatives
1.Regarding allocation of innovative department, this will help improving the
creativity levels at company without breaking standardization. This department
organize continuous nontraditional and brainstorming meetings with all
employees at different managerial levels and make other different ways of
communication if any employer has a creative idea to propose through. This
department will revise and refine all ideas to propose good and creative ideas to
top management levels in order not to waste their time and effort.
2.Regarding new policy to encourage employee to think and develops new ideas
every year with promise of recognition, so employee will be motivated and
more passioned to create innovative ideas, cooperate with his coworkers. If
employee doesn’t any new ideas all over the year, he will be warned and if the
same situation repeated for 2 successive years, the employer would be
3. Regarding reward and appreciation, when employer comes up with a new
idea that’s not quite ready, thank him, add information, and encourage him to
keep thinking. If employer create a good idea, he should have incentive or
appreciation or upgrading of his position in apple company. If this happens, this
will encourage all employees to think and create new ideas, increase their
loyalty level toward company and increase employee’s self-development.
I recommend first and third alternatives.

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