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235 IELTS Essays Band 8 and

Band 9
Here you can find IELTS Essay samples of Band 8 and Band 9,
written by students and graded by an IELTS teacher. Use these
essays to get inspiration for your own essays
Essays Topic:

1. Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the
world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global
2. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world’s forests
amounts to death of the world we currently know.
3. The most important thing about a job is how much money you earn in
that job.
4. Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates
get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university
education for both individuals and society.
5. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At
the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and
the environment.
6. In the modern world, the image (photograph or film) is becoming a more
powerful way of communicating than the written word.
7. In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a
year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
8. Education should be provided by the state and private education should
be prohibited
9. Face to face communication will become a thing of the past
10. Public health can be improved if the government make laws
11. Nowadays people normally stretch their work hours and get stressed
12. Nowadays many young people leave home at an early age
13. Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion
14. Technology is gradually taking over control
15. University should focus on those necessary for a given profession
16. Government is wasting money on the arts
17. Development and rapid expansion of supermarkets
18. Paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society
19. Watching sports in one's free time is just a waste of time
20. Parents have great influence on children’s development
21. Men and women can be equally suited to do any type of work
22. State which media you consider to be the most effective
23. Widespread use of Internet has brought many problems
24. Encourage the use of bicycles among wider population
25. Violence at sport events is on the increase
26. Education and health care should be funded by the government
27. The rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer
28. How could computers be considered a hindrance?
29. Communication among people is less personal now
30. Increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city
31. Many people say smoking should be banned
32. Girls and boys benefit more from attending mixed schools
33. How can we overcome the problems of poverty?
34. Children brought up in families with less money are better prepared
35. Some people prefer shopping in shopping centers while others prefer
local markets
36. Very few school children learn about the value of money
37. People should take regular driving tests throughout their lives
38. People decide to have children later in their life
39. Differences between countries become less evident each year
40. A country should try to produce all the food
41. Economic progress is the most important goal
42. Companies should allocate percentage of these positions to women
43. Advantages and disadvantages of reducing the working week to 35
44. Not enough of the waste from homes is recycled
45. Reason for learning a foreign language
46. Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads
47. Purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizen
48. Sport is one of the most popular draws on television today
49. Way to improve the safety on our own road
50. Wild animals should be protected
51. Education system is the only critical factor to development
52. People do not know their neighbors and the sense of community is lost
53. Pupils with different abilities should be educated together
54. Letter writing could be lost in the future
55. Nowadays more and more people are having consumer goods
56. There is a shortage of housing due to a growing population
57. The government is responsible for providing a high level of healthcare
58. Many universities charge higher fees for foreign students
59. In the future we will have more and more leisure time
60. Many people decide on a career path early in their lives
61. Compare advantages and disadvantages of 3 sports and pastimes
62. Crime makes the quality of life poorer
63. People are following the latest fashion, hairstyles and so on
64. Governments are encouraging industries to move to regional areas
65. Advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to work or
66. Legal age at which people can marry should be at least 21
67. Older people compete with younger people for the same jobs
68. Rich countries should allow jobs for employees who are from poor
69. To know how other people live in other countries
70. How far colour influence people's health and capacity for work?
71. Some people believe that the good leaders are born
72. Clothing should be bought and used more wisely
73. Giving a smaller amount of money weekly to children
74. Environmental problems affect all the people in the world
75. Prevention of health problems is more important than treatment
76. Companies and individuals should pay to clean up the environment
77. Genetic engineering is an important issue
78. Many museums charge for admission while others are free
79. University students should study whatever they like
80. Mobile phones should not be allowed in public places
81. Modern technology is now very common in most workplaces
82. Difficult for children to concentrate in school
83. People are choosing to live alone nowadays
84. What sort of punishment should be allowed to use to teach children
85. Children tend to spend a great deal of time playing computer games
86. Giving homework daily to school children works well
87. In what ways can society benefit from contribution of older people?
88. To what degree should parents intervene 14-15 year-old children
89. Growing economy can be useful to poor and hungry
90. Advantages and disadvantages of living in a media rich society
91. Celebrities say their private lives should not come under media scrutiny
92. What is the best method of choosing employees?
93. Social networking sites have a huge negative impact
94. Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house?
95. Dieting can change a person’s life for the better
96. English should be the primary foreign language
97. Educating children is a more difficult task today
98. What are the negatives and positives of playing computer games
99. Increase in the number of people got killed on the road
100. Year between school and university is a good idea
101. More money on education than on recreation and sports
102. People naturally resist making changes in their lives
103. What sort of safety law would you introduce, if you were given a
104. Sports and exercises classes are replaced with the academic subjects
105. Roads are becoming more congested
106. Persuade more people to embrace electric cars
107. Uniform at school is unnecessary and should be banned
108. Many people strive to maintain a successful career and happy family
109. Society governed by female leaders will be more peaceful
110. Both travelers and business people must have the same attitude to
local people
111. Technology affected the types of relationships people make
112. Modern medical science has made it possible to combat many
113. Television cannot replace the book as a learning tool
114. Spending money on space exploration is a complete waste
115. Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more
116. Universities should allocate the same amount of money to their sport
117. People do not appreciate the value of money anymore
118. Is it wise for an industry to replace its experienced but old workers
119. Government should provide home to those who cannot afford it
120. Most people spend a major part of their adult life at work
121. Some people believe that exploring outer space is important
122. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue
123. Most important element of a perfect society in the modern world
124. Companies are allowing employees to work at home
125. Fathers stay at home while mothers go out to work
126. What has been the most significant transportation innovation
127. Only way to guarantee a good job is to complete university education
128. Advantages of learning a foreign language at primary school
129. Female leadership can be considered as a better option
130. Spending a lot on celebrations is just a waste of money
131. How do movies and TV affect us?
132. What do you feel are the right uses of money?
133. More and more people are suffering from stress-related problems
134. Many people say that parents are the best teachers
135. Professional athletes as good role models for young people
136. Has easier food preparation improved the way people live?
137. Is this dependence on computers a good thing?
138. What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish
139. Why do you think people attend colleges or universities?
140. Governments should not provide care or financial support for elderly
141. Advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number
of toys
142. A gift can contribute to a child’s development
143. There is no need to give international aid by government
144. Sport has an important role in society
145. Government should support mothers
146. Television is dangerous because it destroys family life
147. On-line shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping
148. How can children who are disinterested in study to be motivated?
149. Use of mobile phones in public is as annoying as smoking and should
be banned
150. The internet is viewed as an excellent means of communication
151. Discuss the causes and effects of widespread drug use by young
152. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later
153. Why is the circus still a popular form of entertainment?
154. Placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public
155. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society
156. International air travel has a negative impact upon the environment
157. Some people believe that sport has an important role in society
158. Overweight in many countries is a common problem
159. Less and less people nowadays go to cinema to watch movies
160. The cost of international travel is decreasing and tourism is increasing
161. In some countries children have very strict rules of behavior
162. Success is 10 percent talent and 90 percent hard work
163. International community must act immediately to reduce consumption
of fossil fuels
164. Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time
165. To solve environmental hazards the best way is to increase the fuel
166. It is more important to have a job you enjoy
167. Students who do not take a break in studies between the high school
and the university
168. Money given to help poor countries does not solve the problem of
169. Many of the problems young people now experience arise from the
fact that many married women now work
170. Deforestation caused by human activity is happening in many parts of
the world
171. Governments pay partly or all education fees
172. Why more people are travelling than ever before?
173. In most parts of the world people are living longer
174. Top level authorities should take suggestions from employees
175. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops
176. Some people think that cities are the best places to live
177. Students from rural areas find it difficult to access university
178. Should parents be obliged to immunise their children
179. In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a
180. International entertainers often get paid millions of dollars
181. Nowadays many jobs are more stressful and the working day is longer
182. Young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure
183. The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas
184. Government should envisage other means for commuters
185. Only experienced executives should be taking decisions in a company
186. The older you get, life becomes more complicated
187. Today world has many urgent problems and solving them is possible
188. Education is a critical element of the prosperity of a nation
189, Governments need to build more roads in metropolitan cities
190. In today's world people are living longer than the past
191. Increasing car use is contributing to global warming
192. Multicultural societies bring more benefits than drawbacks to a
193. Social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens
194. Few people devote time to hobbies nowadays
195. People should use public transport to support pollution control
196. Excessive population increase is raising the pressure on earth
197. Sports events get the nations together and help alleviate the violence
198. People are becoming more materialistic than ever
199. The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically
200. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the
best option
201. Modern buildings change the character and appearance of towns and
202. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions?
203. Young people enjoy life more than older people do
204. Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices
205. What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal
206. Non-vegetarian food should be banned
207. It’s hard to justify the reason to participate in the lecture physically
208. Suggest how families could be brought closer together
209. Today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs
210. Some people believe that the Internet creates many problems
211. Managers alone should make decisions in the company
212. People who are willing to pay for the best and fast treatment
213. Men and women should have equal position in army
214. Alternative sources of energy should be utilized now
215. Old people should be taken care by government
216. The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries
217. Trade and travel would be a lot easier with a single, global currency
218. When students are in large classes it is very hard for the teachers
219. Smoking can cause serious illnesses and should be made illegal
220. Advantages and disadvantages of shopping in larger shopping
221. Should travelling be included in the education?
222. Money management should be taught in high school
223. Organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive
224. Many people believe that we have become a disposable society
225. There has been a trend towards smaller family sizes
226. Modern technology has a great impact on our environment
227. People nowadays are not fit and active than the people from the olden
228. There have been many technological developments in the 20th century
229. Anyone can post information on the internet even if it is incorrect
230. Some people think they should keep all the money they earn
231. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places
232. People today often buy new things instead of fixing
233. The number of private cars has increased
234. Some people choose a career according to the social status
235. Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the
1. Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the
world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global
What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure could
governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Since time immemorial, in certain drier parts of the world, fresh water has always
been a scarce natural resource. However, in the present time, due to various
reasons, scarcity of fresh water has become a global issue. This essay will
illustrate some factors contributing to this problem and will also elicit certain steps
that can help the national authorities and individuals in controlling this growing
demand for natural salt free water.
Firstly, population explosion is the factor of utmost importance, which has lead to
the global surge in potable water requirement. Secondly, increased pollution of
natural fresh water reserves due to urbanisation and industrialization has
compounded this demand. Furthermore, in modern times, the growing use of salt
free water for activities like recreational swimming, have also catalysed the surge
in global water demand.
National authorities, on the other hand, can control this surge by implementing
public education schemes regarding controlled water usage. Strict national
legislations for preventing natural fresh water reserve pollution are also required.
Moreover, government should also enact infrastructures for purification of
seawater into saline free water, which will help in meeting the growing
requirement of fresh water.
Similarly, public can also contribute towards this noble cause by conserving
water and also by limiting their daily household water usage. They should refrain
themselves from performing activities that will pollute natural fresh water
Thus even though, the scarcity of fresh water is a growing global problem, there
are various means and methods available, by which both the government and
individuals can prevent this from worsening.
2. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world’s forests
amounts to death of the world we currently know.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

I am in consummate accord with the statement that, the Earth’s natural green
reserves purify its atmosphere and functions synonymously as that of the
mammalian lungs. I also advocate the view that, forest destruction will ruin our
present world.
Firstly, from our basic knowledge of plant physiology, it can be restated that,
plants by the process of photosynthesis convert the harmful carbon-dioxide gas
into Oxygen, without which life cannot exist. Thus in a wider perspective, it can
be stated that, the earth’s forests purify the atmosphere and thereby help in
sustaining life. Secondly, environmentalists have proven that, the rapid
destruction of forests is also a leading cause of global warming. Hence,
destruction of the natural green reserves may lead to such a surge in the global
temperature that agricultural land may become arid, leading to wide spread
famine and deaths. Thirdly, forests also house diverse forms of life and these
would become extinct if we continue to destroy their natural habitats.
Furthermore, scientific research have proven that forest ecosystem act as natural
scavengers and by the process of biodegradation, forest ecology helps in
producing crude oil, which fuels our modern world and its unavailability is
unimaginable as this will directly catalyse a global economic crisis. Finally forests
are also source of numerous medicinal plants, from which varieties of modern
medicines are produced; Quinine, an antimalarial drug, produced from the barks
of Cinchona trees is the best possible example. Hence forest destruction will also
be a bane for the medical community.
Thus the harmony of the present wonderful will be ruined if our natural green
reserves are continuously destroyed and there is a theoretical possibility that the
blue planet might become lifeless if these green lungs are totally wiped out.
3. The most important thing about a job is how much money you earn in
that job.
Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

A vast majority of our adult life is spent working; hence it is important that we
have an appropriate job that fulfils our aspirations. While financial remuneration
is an important factor that attracts individuals towards a specific work, there are
other factors of equal significance that make a job ideal.
Firstly, the importance of financial security cannot be undermined in the modern
materialistic world. Since a vast majority of people earn their livelihood from their
workplace, it will be difficult for individuals with single source of income, to make
their ends meet, from underpaying jobs. Thus underpaid employees, because of
their financial burdens, may not be able to offer dedication and commitment at
workplace, which in turn results in under-performance. Secondly, the educated
refrain from being employed in underpaying jobs, as these are less attractive.
Hence the remuneration associated, is an important factor that determines the
value of a particular job.
On the other hand, to glorify higher earning as the sole determiner of an ideal job
is incorrect. This is because various other factors like work and life balance;
working place culture and adequate recognition contribute towards satisfaction
and contentment in work. Thus an astronomically higher paying job with a
demanding employer, with poor social life in a tedious work place environment
will lead to higher job dissatisfaction, which in turn will also promote higher
Henceforth, it can be stated that apart from financial remuneration, which is a
major determiner of a good occupation, job satisfaction is also an equally
important associated factor that determines the value of a specific job.

4. Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates

get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university
education for both individuals and society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

University education, even though is definitely directed towards generating

lucrative employment opportunities for the advanced students; there are
additional arrays of associated benefits of tertiary education that are worth
Firstly market researches in the United States and other developed countries
have shown that post graduates are able to command a considerable higher
salary at workplace when compared to graduates or simple high school diploma
holders. Moreover, the professional world of certain white collared highly
respected professions, like those of physicians, engineers, scientists can only be
pursued, after graduating from the respective university courses. Furthermore, in
certain fields like management, the credibility of various universities are judged
by their ability to generate glittering well-paid employment offers for their fresh
graduates, during their campus placements. Hence university education is
definitely perceived as a means of better employability.
In this context it is worth mentioning that, apart from generating lucrative jobs for
students, universities also benefit the nation by creating educated societies,
containing an immense pool of forward thinking individuals, who can contribute
towards social development by their respective expertise. Individuals graduating
from universities also additionally benefit from the multicultural environments that
promote intercultural tolerance and brotherhood. The process of tertiary
education also promotes teamwork and collective development amongst
individuals. Over and above, numerous long lasting friendships, business
partnerships and courtships also bloom from the university campus life.
Finally, to sum up, it can be confidently stated that apart from generating
respectable employment, there are numerous associated positive aspects of
university education, which are of great social and individual significance.

5. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At

the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and
the environment.
Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Travel industry has experienced a major boom in the later part of the 20th
century and has been a boon in disguise, which has helped some weaker nations
to uplift their failing economies. While questions have been raised regarding the
negative impacts that accompany the growth in the travel sector, these definitely
do not outweigh the associated benefits.
The economic boost that accompanies a successful travel industry is quite well
recognised and Thailand is the best example. The entire Thai economy revolves
around tourism and the country had been able to uplift its socio economic status
through its flourishing hospitality sector. Egypt is another nation that is heavily
dependent on its hospitality sector. The growth in the number of incoming tourists
leads to innumerable prospects in terms of local entrepreneurship & employment
generation. This is also associated with international investments and
infrastructure development. The national authorities, in order to ensure safety of
the international visitors provide better law and order enforcement, improved
transportation and healthcare facilities, which in turn benefit the local population.
On the other hand, the rising influx of holidaymakers is associated with increased
incidences of crimes, prostitution and antisocial activities like drugs, human
trafficking and gambling, which affect the values of the indigenous society. The
local population are also affected by the growth in property value indices.
Environmentalists are also concerned regarding environmental remodelling, that
is associated with increased tourist activities in natural reserves. In this context, it
is worth mentioning that, by enforcing stern law and order and implementing strict
legislations, governments can control most of these negative impacts of tourism.
Henceforth, it can be confidently conveyed that, even though the growth in travel
industry has accompanying negative social impacts, these do not outweigh the
contributions made by this sector towards social development.

6. In the modern world, the image (photograph or film) is becoming a more

powerful way of communicating than the written word.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In modern society, with the advent of advanced telecommunication and

photographic technologies, visual expression in mediums such as television,
photography and films are increasingly becoming popular as powerful means of
expression when compared to the simple mundane printed medium.
The increasing preference and use of visual resources over written
communication is an undeniable fact and the growing utilisation of video based
learning in modern schools over text book based knowledge transfer is the best
possible example. In the present evidence-seeking world, visual communication
is a powerful tool as it provides recognisable facts. Meticulously crafted images,
like political cartoons and television documentaries readily deliver the concerned
messages to the onlookers and are mostly beneficial in conveying thoughts to
the busy and uneducated sections of the society. The television is also being
bombarded with numerous catchy advertisements, by which manufacturers try to
communicate with the masses regarding their products.
On the other hand, the appeal of the printed media as means of mass
communication, is declining as the younger generation considers it to be
relatively old fashioned and boring. Moreover, in the fast paced modern city life,
less number of people can afford to dedicate time for reading the daily morning
newsprints, instead, most of the city dwellers follow daily-televised news. Despite
this decreased appeal for mass communication, value of the written form still
stands tall in the field of interpersonal and formal communication. Written words,
as a form of official documentation, can never be superseded by any other
Thus, visual communication is definitely a popular, powerful and better tool for
mass communication but written form of expression still has equal importance for
official, formal and interpersonal purposes.
7. In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a
year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide
to do this.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
In certain countries, it is preferred that students should take a year off from
studies after completing high school, prior to joining universities and during this
period they are encouraged to work or to travel. Even though this seems to be a
noble concept, it has its own merits and demerits and some of these will be
illustrated in this essay.
Firstly, a year off, after completing years of continuous school education is a
welcome break for students and is well deserved too. This period also serves as
well earned family time for those pupils who grew up within the closed
boundaries of boarding schools. Secondly, this period provides ample
opportunities to young people, to experience the realities of the modern world.
Those students who prefer a break, can experiment with various forms of
employment and thereby decide their career goals and directions depending
upon their experiences. The holidaymakers, on the other hand can familiarise
with the customs and cultures of various countries, which in turn will widen their
outlook and will also promote cultural tolerance. Thus, in a wider perspective,
such breaks help the young minds in preparing for the much demanding
university life.
In contrast, certain disadvantages are definitely associated with this concept and
are worth mentioning. Firstly, scholars are of the opinion that, such breaks from
studies, during the learning phase of life, affects further education. According to
them, such activities should not be encouraged as there are higher chances that
the young minds might loose interest in learning or may get demotivated due to
various reasons and might ultimately refrain from pursuing university education.
Secondly, the employed youth, due to a sudden increase in their purchasing
power, might also get attracted to various social evils like drugs, gambling and
Thus to sum up, it will be wise to comment that such policies even though are
noble practices, should not be made mandatory in a national scale, as these
activities are also associated with considerable negative outcome.

8. Some people feel that education should be provided exclusively by the

state and private education should be prohibited.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Provision of education by the state is a norm in many developed nations and its
significance cannot be stressed enough. Many private setups are expanding their
foothold of taking over the task these days. As many are of the view that it is the
sole responsibility of the government to impart educational services, I strongly
agree with them and opine that private education should be banned.

Opponents of this belief put forth that negating the private sector from setting up
schools, colleges and universities would deprive many of getting the necessary
education and this is a violation of their rights. It is the parental judgement that
can best serve as a guide as to which teaching system tailors for their child's
needs and abilities. It is also the case that every year majority of school drop outs
and sick leaves are attributed to unclean drinking water and squalid conditions in
state-funded educational spots, making privately organised educational institutes
safer to acquire knowledge.

Supporters of the statement in question bear in mind the fact that not everyone
affords the sky-high fee offered by private organisations. Additionally, the huge
amount of taxes we pay annually obviates the need for the government to
contribute in investing in the realm of education. Moreover, it has also been
observed that a uniform system of education provided by the state results in
equal opportunities for the rich and the poor. It absolutely omits any differences
in calibre, expertise and skills for individuals from different strata of society.

Furthermore, regulated system of law regarding the use of illicit drugs can be
exercised only in a state-owned body than in a private one, as people might have
differences of opinions about their use. When a government ensures education
for all, the syllabus used in schools would be same all over the country and that
would ensure a better education system for the country.

Hence it is imperative, that putting a lid to the private educational counterpart

fuels the survival of the individual and the society, thereby further advocating my
stance of government funding the system of education.

[Written by - Sadaf Malik]

9. With an increasing population communicating via the internet and text

messaging, face to face communication will become a thing of the past.
To what extent do you agree?

Use of the internet and smartphones has become a global phenomenon and
each of us is dependent on these technological marvels in one or the other way.
While there is a notion that asserts that widespread use of the internet, online
communication and cellular messaging will replace the traditional form of face to
face interaction, - I completely disagree with it.

Supporters of this belief argue that extended use of the internet mitigates
homesickness and the drive to meet the loved ones for people residing abroad.
This can especially be true when one gets a chance to express his feelings via a
text or phone call. To quote an example, Skype and Facebook have
enabled people living in far flung areas to communicate effectively through video
chats, thereby putting a lid to the urge of seeing somebody. Significant reduction
of home visits to family and friends will be a direct result.

However, while this might scale back in personal meet ups to some extent for a
short term, the web can, in fact, enable the present and future generations to
become more polarised towards seeing siblings, parents and mates in the long
run. This can be easily visualised by taking into account the fact that if we are to
sustain the net as a tool to deliver our emotions and beliefs to the world, we will
need to picture proof gatherings, celebrations and events thereby obviating the
need for face to face communication. Secondly, it is a well-acknowledged fact
that 'The human is a social being' and it is to the credit of this physical presence
that we as a species are able to harness long-term relationships, so its value
cannot be undermined for times to come. Moreover, adults can only set a
precedent of high moral values for their progeny by serving as role models, which
is only possible off the net. Mere endorsing words of good character by texts
cannot inculcate the right kind of virtue, thereby further laying emphasis on
human presence for future.

Therefore, by seeing both sides of the spectrum, it is clearly evident that the
internet and text messaging will not make the face to face communication as a
footnote of the past.

10. Some people think that public health of a country can be improved if
the government make laws regarding nutritious food but others think that it
is the matter of personal choice and personal responsibility.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Due to the increasing pollution and population, healthy food is a great concern for
many. While healthcare budget for the government is expanding each year, the
public health condition, on the contrary, is deteriorating. Some opine that the
government needs to pass laws and regulations regarding food to improve the
public health, while others oppose this idea as they believe that this as a matter
of individual choice. The following paragraphs will shed some lights on this
debate before drawing a logical conclusion.

To begin with, healthy lifestyle is a choice and habit of an individual. No matter

how many laws are passed and how strictly the government monitors the food
quality, if a person does not practice the healthy lifestyle and eating habit, he will
surely suffer from health related issues. Thus the choices of individuals greatly
affect the overall health condition of a nation. To lead a healthy life citizens do
not need expensive food, gym facilities, expert dieticians and so on. If they chose
to live a healthy life, the nation won't require a rising healthcare budget each
year. For instance, the rich population of a country suffers from obesity, diabetics
and many other diseases that are less frequent among the middle-class people.
This proves that purchasing ability and budget are not the most important aspect
of healthy life.
On the other side, use of chemicals, preservatives and adhesives in food items
should be totally banned and only the government can ensure that. Even after
having proper diet and exercise, if people are forced to eat foods that have
unexpected chemicals, they would suffer from dangerous diseases. Using
unauthorised chemicals, selling expired and low-quality food should be banned.
Infrequent market monitoring and the lack of quality control for food items are two
reasons market is full of unhygienic food items. The government's initiative can
greatly reduce this unexpected corruption and crime in the food industry and

To conclude, the citizens of a country have to practise a healthy lifestyle while

the government should ensure the hygiene in food production and food sells.
Both of their combined initiatives and efforts can greatly promote the public

11. Nowadays people normally stretch their work hours and get stressed
than before. What are the reasons for this? What employers can do to make
people’s life easier?
Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

These days, workers usually have to extend their working hours beyond the
conventional 9 to 5 period. This, in turn, creates negative side effects to the
employees, both mentally and physically. Let me examine the reasons for this
stress at workplace, and provide some measures that employers could take in
order to change the existing lifestyle of the employees into a happier one.

To begin with, one of the major reasons, which make working-class people fall
into a stressful life, is due to the heavy workload. An excessive amount of work is
given to the workers from the employers’ side to finish the project on time.
However, another reason is that, from the employees’ point of view, they need to
secure the work by showing better performance, and also they are in a place to
work for incentives in this world of skyrocketing consumer goods price. To
illustrate this, a rising number of corporations offer several awards for the best
performers. This, in turn, stimulates workers to work extra hours to achieve their
targets. Alternatively, the employees could apply smart work approach instead of
hard work, thus it would decrease the long working hours.

Nevertheless, there are various measures that company directors could take to
ease the lives of many. First and foremost, they could hire more employees, as
the work burden can be shared among them. Moreover, bosses must take
projects from the clients within a certain limit with respect to the manpower they
possess. For instance, Google, an internet giant company, renders many
recreational activities, such as meditation and gym at the workplace, which make
their employees the happiest people at work, according to a recent survey.
These actions are the need of the hour in every organisation since they help to
get rid of tension, stress, and pressure, and provide great relief.

In conclusion, smart work by the employees and additional employee benefits

offered by the employers not only facilitate people’s life in a better was but also
decrease working hours significantly. Therefore, I believe that happier employees
and lenient employers would increase the productivity to a greater extent.

[ Written by - Kishore Damodharan ]

12. Nowadays many young people leave home at an early age to either
study or work in another city. Do you think this has more advantages or
disadvantages for young people?
Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

Today, because of better job opportunity or better education, many young people
leave their house and go to continue their life far away from their families. This
growing trend has both pros and cons which will be elucidated in the following
paragraphs. I personally feel that leaving home for a better education or career is
a right step to take.

On one hand, if young people live separately they will learn how to become self-
reliant and make decisions independently. For example, when those young
people live with their family, most of their tasks are done by their parents.
However, when they start living far away, they learn how to manage their time,
clean the house, do laundry, shop, cook and pay the bills and so on. Also, they
will learn the value of money and try to spend it reasonability and save it for the
future. Furthermore, they make new friends and learn about diverse customs and

On the other hand, when those young live alone, there are lots of responsibilities
to take which they often fail to complete accurately. Initially, this perhaps leads
them to feel isolated and if they do not find a suitable way to get rid of that, it
causes depression. Furthermore, they are often not mature enough to avoid the
pitfalls of bad company and habits. So, if they find inappropriate friends or
roommates who have bad habits, they would probably get involved in unethical
acts or even with crimes.

In conclusion, from what has been discussed, although living alone may have
some drawbacks but it leads to young people bringing up more independent
which it is really pleasant for their entire life.

[Written by - Sanaz Golmakani]

13. Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and,
as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products.
What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people
to buy local products?

Large businesses and international brands spend an enormous amount of money

for marketing and advertising. Consequently, people tend to watch those
advertisements all the time while small local businesses fail to reach the
customers. This can lead to some serious problems, such as the closure of local
businesses and the monopoly in business. Other than that, people could be
easily trapped by large businesses. There are few steps that can be adopted to
address this issue and motivate people to buy local products.

Naturally, people prefer to buy products that were consciously or unconsciously

publicised to their mind and thus many local businesses, even with their quality
products, cannot attract consumers. Local businesses have a great importance in
the lives of local people and thousands of citizens' employment depends on
these local products. The dominance of international brands and large
businesses will destroy the market for locally made products and thus would
make thousands of people unemployed. Moreover, large markets do their very
best to attract the public attention to their products and advertising is one of the
best tools they have. Sensitive, creative and deceptive advertisements and
marketing policies often make the people believe that they need these products.
This would create a monopoly in the market and people would often be deceived.
Thus consumers would be trapped by the large businesses and would have no
alternatives for them but to buy products of some particular brands.

In order to encourage people to buy local products, some solutions should be

taken into account. The government should strictly monitor and ban any
deceptive and illusory advertisement from the mass media. People should
compare a product's quality before purchasing from shops and the shop owners
must shelf local products along with the branded products. Furthermore, a
government authority should rate and review any product and disclose it to the
public. Finally, local product manufacturers should be financially supported by the
banks and the government as they are helpful for the economic progress of a

Absolute dominance of large businesses can have unimaginable effects that can
damage a city's or even a country's financial situation. A solution to this problem
is systematising local markets and creating a closely integrated system that can
have an effective outcome.

[Written by - Eldar]

14. Some people fear that technology is gradually taking over control of our
lives, while others think that it has led to many positive developments in all
aspects of their lives.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that technology is negatively influencing the way people
live and they consider technology as a manipulating tool as they are starting to
control our lifestyle. Others, however, hold the view that it has a lot of benefits to
the humankind, despite it has its own cons. This essay will discuss both views
before drawing a reasonable conclusion.
Technology is dramatically shaping the way people live and making our life
easier and more comfortable. Every day, tech developers are announcing new
and innovative tech gadgets that are quite easy to use, handy, innovative and
effective. These gadgets improve people's lives significantly and we have a
better lifestyle than the past due to this innovation and improvements in
technology. For instance, mobile phones have been improved noticeably in terms
of performance and usefulness. Nowadays, they're being used in every aspect of
life including paying bills, making reminders, taking notes, communicating online,
surfing the internet and for many other practical purposes. Furthermore,
technology is even used in defence, research, treatment, education as well. The
modern world is the blessing of the technological advancements.

On the other hand, modern world might have many blessings due to the progress
of the technology but not without costs and consequences. The technology has
already started controlling our daily life, thought process, social life, the way we
relax, communicate with others and so on and on. It can get dangerous and
catastrophic more than anyone could even think. For example, everybody is
using cellular devices these days, so they store their personal photos, contact
details and even private files on their phones. Thus, it is pretty easy for the
hackers to hack into someone's phone and make them publicly available on the
internet. Online transaction fraud, malicious virus, health hazard, lack of personal
and social bonding are thus attributed towards our inclination towards to
technology. We are meant to control the technology, not being controlled by it. If
we do not become wary and more conscious, 'The Terminator' movie will
become the reality when we will have to fight against the machine for our survival
while machines will try to eradicate the human.

In conclusion, even though technology has its disadvantages, it is undeniable

that not everything human creates is flawless. Furthermore, technology can be
very handy if it is used properly and under enough precaution. We should be in
control of technology, not let it control us.
15. Instead of teaching a broad range of subjects, a university should focus
on those necessary for a given profession. Which do you prefer?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Many people argue that the university subjects should be concentrated to the
prospective future profession of a student as this teaching method would be
more career and job-centric. Others, however, oppose this idea and opine that a
university is a place to shape the overall ability of a student and create an
enlightened nation. I agree with the second group of people and believe that the
way the universities mostly teach around the world is a far better setup than
focusing only on job-centric education.

First of all, in these days, the job sectors are dynamic and employees are given
different tasks and new challenges at a workplace. Knowledge learned from the
subjects that only focus on the jobs fails to enhance the overall skill of students.
So, it can be catastrophic to a country to have the type of employees who have
been taught job-related courses but were not introduced to the vast array of other
aspects of education. Most of the companies these days search for people who
are more dynamic and possess extra skills than candidates with good grades.
For instance, most of the software development companies give priority of a
candidate's performance, skill set and analytical ability than his grades.

Secondly, the competitive job sector all over the world forces many graduates to
seek jobs in an entirely different sector than their majors in universities. Thus
someone graduated from IT is becoming a banker and someone from a finance
is becoming an HR. Many of those students are setting up their own business
instead of doing a job. As a result, they are forced to find alternative works which
are not directly related to the courses they took in the university. Current
university curriculum and education mostly focus on enhancing students' overall
ability and personal growth and this is why it is way better than the job-centric

Furthermore, employees often need to enrol in different training and professional

courses. Those who have finished a university degree with a wide range of
subjects would be able to do better in those training programmes and courses.
For instance, IT professionals often take the MBA course and this is another
good example why the university students should study an extensive range of
subjects rather than studying some selective subjects for the jobs.

I, therefore, conclude that a wide range of subjects at the university level is useful
for a student's career and overall development. Hence, job-centric university
education sounds a good idea in theory, but in practice, this is a faulty idea.

16. Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts
and this money could be better spent elsewhere.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Arts sometimes reflect the cultural heritage of a country and also depict the
creativity of an individual. While many believe that financing in arts is a wastage
of money, I am of the opposite view as I believe that financing in arts is a good
idea to for the government.

Supporters of the idea put forth that diverting funds towards arts hamper the
national well-being. For example, available monetary resources could be put to
use in building more hospitals, roads, infrastructure and schools. This means
increasing care of the sick and improved transportation to previously inaccessible
areas. For children, it caters for increased literacy rates. This group of people
believe that art is a luxury and many governments can not afford this
extravagance. According to their view, there are more important sectors that
require more money and hence a government should stop spending money on
arts and invest in more important areas.

However, while investments in such areas are crucially vital, spending on the arts
is equally important. Allocating money to the development and sustenance of arts
helps boost the economy. Art galleries can attract tourists from all over the world,
generating revenue in return. It is also the case that viewing and practising arts
are good sources of venting out stress and recreate. Such activities also portray
a positive picture about a nation and help to feel pride within if pieces of arts
become famous. If governments fail to support arts fiscally, many art galleries
and theatres would not be able to survive or run a business on their own.
Hence, it is clear to me that spending on arts is beneficial both for the individual
and society. Therefore funding arts is not squandering money. Encouraging them
financially is beneficial for the individual and the society.

17. Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some

countries, many small, local businesses are unable to compete. Some
people think that the closure of local business will bring about the death of
local communities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree.

The proliferation of supermarkets in rural and urban areas is on the rise. It is
thought as beneficial by some and damaging to the locally residing by others.
While people with both points of view continue to exist, I strongly believe that
opening up of shopping marts helps local communities to bloom and blossom.
Proponents of the idea argue that international products render national investors
out of business. As increasing numbers of cheap goods are available to choose
from, sufficient funds may not be available to produce items of comparable
quality. For example, ever since the advent of China in the cotton and food
industry, native Pakistani cotton fabric industry has almost shut down. This has
also resulted in many individuals being unemployed, also leaving local
contractors paralysed.

However, while such problems do occur, large shopping areas, in fact, help to
sustain local produce. Firstly, as competitors stock their articles from around the
world, inhabitants of the area stand a better chance to sell their crops and
finished goods to a greater number of customers. Generation of increased
amount of revenue would be a direct consequence, therefore, enhancing the
gross domestic product in return. Moreover, the establishment of supermarkets
can help to feel pride en masse. This can be especially true in cases where local
items occupy shelves of supermarkets, enabling purchases by international
customers. Provided marketing strategies are put to us, a brand might become
popular all over the world, thereby setting the stage for uplifting morale.
Hence, it is imperative that growth and sustenance of supermarkets will fuel the
survival of local communities.

18. Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their
society, while others think people have more responsibilities as members
of society than only paying taxes.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

(View - Paying tax is a useful contribution but not the only one that citizens
should follow.)
It is thought by some that making a big contribution to the society can sufficiently
be done just by paying taxes, while others argue that other than paying taxes,
there are many more responsibilities which should be fulfilled by people as
members of a society. This essay will elaborate both of the views in detail.

To begin with, paying taxes will certainly be a useful and effective contribution to
the society as it will give financial resources to the authority for the development
of a country. Since the public budget from the taxes is used in all crucial aspects
of a nation, paying taxes is undoubtedly a great contribution for a citizen. Firstly,
it is used to develop infrastructures, like constructing streets, hospitals, parks,
schools, public service buildings such as government offices, and so on.
Secondly, it is used to provide public facilities, like public telephones,
transportations, libraries, amusement parks etc. Furthermore, it is used to pay
salaries of civil servants who works for the government and the society.
Moreover, it can be used to give public subsidies on education, medical
treatment, and fuel prices. Obviously, it is right that from taxes, a government
gets financial resources which significantly helps to develop the country. Yet, to
create an exemplary contribution in a society, people are required to take other
responsibilities and abide by the rules and laws.

Meanwhile, other forms of contributions from citizens are really needed to make
some positive changes in a society, particularly in developing countries.
Indonesia, for example, as one of the biggest countries consisting of 34
provinces and having more than 200 million people, really needs involvements of
citizens in supporting government initiated programmes, especially by mutual
cooperation as a form of contribution. By doing so, people can directly and
immediately work together to protect their environment like planting trees and
cleaning up their surroundings, as well as protecting the public facilities which are
already available. Being a law-abiding citizen means much than paying tax and
that’s why all citizens should follow the rules and laws a society has.

To infer, I am convinced that while paying taxes is a useful way to contribute to

the society, participating in country’s development is also a necessary
contribution that citizens should spontaneously get involved in.
[ By- Veronica]

19. Some people think that watching sports in one's free time is just a
waste of time.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

(Neutral opinion- There should be a balance in our leisure activities.)

Different kinds of sports are enjoyed by sport-lovers around the world and each
individual has his own choice regarding his favourite sport. Nowadays, watching
sports has become one of the common leisure activities and many people spend
hours sitting in front of television. However, some people argue that it is a waste
of time to watch sports hours after hours and they advise going for real outdoor
activities instead. In my opinion, watching sports on television is not a waste of
time but there should be a balance between the time spent on watching sports
and taking part in other social and real sports activities.

First of all, watching sports is an excellent form of entertainment and for many
this is even a passion. Watching sports is a way of pleasure and relaxation for
many and in most of the cases, people watch sports with others, which is a great
way of socialising. I believe that watching live sports on TV has become an event
of socialising and communicating each other in many countries. However,
spending hours after hours in front of a TV set to watch different sports and not
doing anything else is a waste of time.
On the contrary, many people claim that watching sporting events on TV to kill
one’s spare time is not a worthy activity as this time could be better utilised by
taking part in other social activities and skill development programmes. People
who watch TV most of the time become isolated and develop an unhealthy eating
habit. According to them, there is no significant advantages watching sports on
TV and participating in outdoor activities are much healthier and advantageous.

To conclude, we have to maintain a balance in our leisure activities; while

enjoying sporting is a good way of relaxation and socialisation, too much of it can
be harmful. We have to choose plenty of various free activities to foster a healthy
[ By- Fahad Sultan]

20. Some people think that family life and parents have great influence on
children’s development, while others consider that external influence plays
a more important role in children’s life.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is generally believed by many that parental influence and family life are
extremely important for the development of children, while others realise that
children behaviour is influenced more by external factors like friends, teachers
and surroundings. In my opinion, influences of parents, relatives and family life
are essential for proper psychological and physical growth of a child, but
environmental and external influences are more useful for them to confront real
life. This essay will discuss both of the views before drawing a rational

In one hand, many think that parents as the closest ones for children have a
significant impact on their development, especially to shape a good childhood.
The sense family, relationship, responsibility, punctuality, sense of humanity etc.
moral qualities which are instilled in a child by parents play an important part in
the growth of children. Love and attention from parents will develop strong
character in a child while lacking of proper parenting will often ruin it. According
to some psychological research, children who grow up with the lack of attention
from their parents often turn into a trouble-maker in their teenage. Furthermore,
children mostly mimic their parents and become more like their parents than
anyone else. Undoubtedly, this single fact proves how important it is for a child to
have a family and proper parenting.

On the other hand, to become a complete human, we need to study in a school,

interact with teachers and neighbours, have friends, face challenges, learn from
our environment, gain social experiences and all those factors have crucial roles
to play in a child’s life. Parents keep their offspring safe from dangers while their
real life experiences teach them how to deal with those challenges. In schools
and in other places, children will encounter several kinds of situations that teach
them how to solve their own problems. Consequently, not only education but also
social skills can be acquired by children in the school which is invaluable for his
life and can help children to develop ability in a community to interact with other
people and have a normal life beyond their family borders.

To infer, I am convinced that while parents have a huge impact on children’s

attitude, social interactions and external factors are also imperative and cannot
be ignored for the overall development of children.

[ By Prisca Oktaviani Samosir]

21. Some people think men and women have different natural abilities that
make them suitable for different types of work. Others, however, believe
that both men and women can be equally suited to do any type of work.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Whether men and women have equal capability to do any job or the type of work
they do should be based on their natural features and inherent abilities is a
widely debated issue. While some believe that both genders have the equal
aptitude to do any sort of work, others, however, deny it and profess that nature
has created men and women differently so that they become more suitable for
particular jobs. This essay delves this issue and then draw a rational conclusion.
A group of people opine that men and women are not physically that much
different and like any other species a female has the ability to give birth of a child
while a man is physically stronger. Apart from that, men and women possess the
same natural abilities, thinking patterns, needs and instincts. Since women are
kept mostly inside houses, they react differently than men in different situations.
If both men and women are given the equal opportunity and experience, they can
both handle any job with the same efficiency. Thus this group of people deny that
men are better in some selective jobs while women could outperform men in
some jobs. As an evidence, they say that in the past women were deprived of
education, job and other social activities and because of that number of women
in higher positions was only a few. With the time they have been given the
opportunity to get proper education and participate in other social activities and
the number of females in higher positions is increasing rapidly. In many cases,
women are even outperforming men.

The other group, however, remains strict to the fact that men and women have
different physical and mental capacities and these capacities make them more
suitable for different types of professions. For instance, a woman is a natural
care-taker and hence nursing is a more suitable profession for her. On the
contrary construction works, one example of such many professions is suitable
for men while unsuitable for women. Apart from professions, everyday tasks like
cooking, chopping woods, shopping, child-nurturing, gardening, lawn mowing etc.
requires different types of ability and skills and for some men are more suited
while others are done better by women.

In conclusion, looking at the rest of the living creatures in the world we can
observe that tasks for men and women are determined mostly by their natural
abilities and this is a natural law. Denying it would not be a good idea and in my
opinion, no task is less important and thus men and women are both contributing
equally to make the world a better place.
Sample Answer 2:
These days, many people show their concerns whether natural aptitude should
determine the kind of work men and women do, or they are both capable of doing
the same type of activities. The question is, what should we do about it? This
essay will explain both aspects, however, I am of the opinion that both genders
are qualified to take the same challenges and are capable of doing similar jobs.

From natural-ability perspective, women are physically weaker than men and
hence they are less suitable for the jobs that require ferocity and physical power.
The women are naturally chosen to give birth to babies. To illustrate this, every
woman has the reproductive ability to conceive and deliver a child, however, it is
not the same with men. Men are meant to provide and protect their wives and the
entire family. Secondly, the caring nature and tender heart that women possess
make them more capable for certain professional careers. This means they
generally perform better in occupations that require patience, caring and kind
heart such as nursing, social works and teaching.

On the other hand, education and modern society have offered both genders to
do any form of work and this was the most natural trend for the modern society to
accept. First, women and men who go through the same university and training
programmes become equally prepared to take positions in a company or in a
society. Again, the traditional idea that women will take care of their children and
men will earn the living is changing and the reverse scenario could be seen in
many families. Finally, women in almost all fields have already proved that they
can perform as good as men if they are given the opportunity.

In conclusion, although being naturally endowed may be beneficial for both

genders, it is not particularly needed at workplaces. However, learning and
training are indispensable for men and women in any society to work.
[By - Bamidelis Ambali]

22. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as

media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the
most effective.
 comics

 books

 radio

 television
 film

 theatre

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1: (TV, Radio, and Books)

In today's world, various media and our dependency on them have become quite
significant in our life. I believe media like television, radio, book, film, theatre and
comics have different advantages and disadvantages as they have subtle
differences in the way they convey a message and communicate information.
The discussion about the positive and negative aspects of three media- TV, radio
and books, will be explained followed by my opinion about the most effective
medium and finally a rational conclusion will be drawn.
First of all, as a modern medium, television has become a part of human life
improvisations. Most people nowadays have this medium as the tool to get useful
information. Even for entertainment, they rely on their TV sets. There is scarcely
any house that does not own a TV set. Furthermore, televisions have a variety of
programmes and a wide range of channels which offer people to watch and enjoy
the type of programmes they like. However, it can make people passive, as the
viewers just sit on their chairs to watch it. In addition, research shows that TV
programmes are addictive and can be a huge waste of time for many.

Secondly, radio has an important value in human life too. This tool is helpful for
visually impaired people and interestingly we can work and enjoy radio at the
same time unlike TV and carry it with us everywhere we go. In contrast, radio
signals are sometimes weak and limited only in a specific area. Over time this
medium is losing its popularity.

A book not only shares invaluable information but also contains the facts. Data
collected from the past are stored in a book and this is the base for future
research. The books help people widening their mind, enhancing their knowledge
and learning new things. The books are so far the best medium for
communicating information- generation to generation, past to future and are the
base of our modern civilisation. I personally think that this is the most effective
medium so far and will remain so for many coming generations. Except for the
time and patience it requires, I do not find any disadvantages in reading books.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that every medium has its own
advantages and demerits. In addition, books are the most effective media they
can widen human's minds and convey knowledge from one generation to

Sample Answer 2: (TV, Radio, and Comics)

These days, various types of media are used to communicate different
information to the public such as books, film, theatre and many others. The
following essay will discuss the positive and negative sides of television, radio
and comic books as media of communicating information in details followed by a
rational conclusion and my opinion about the most effective medium.
Many people like television because they can both hear the information and see
in visual which is a great way to convey messages to the mass people. Almost all
television channels have their own news programs and should there be a special
event in the country, most of the people would watch the show and that makes
TV as effective tools to deliver different messages to the people. For example,
the Royal Wedding in the UK is watched by millions of people around the world,
as they would not only hear the news but they also want to see the bride and the
bride maid and the whole festival. However, television has its own weakness as it
is not mobile and thus often fail to reach people. As most televisions are big in
size and rely on electricity for their power, they are not easy to be carried,
therefore people could watch television in certain places only, such as in their
home or in the restaurant. This means that this is not a medium for
communicating information all the time.

Some people like the radio because of its mobility and way of delivering
messages to people. Although a lot of people consider it as old fashioned,
several people still prefer listening to the radio for obtaining some information. A
lot of people are following the radio while they are driving as they could get
information about the traffic condition or the weather forecast. However, the
drawback is that people who have problems with their hearing capability will have
trouble in getting some information from the radio.
Although several people think that comics are mostly for children, but many
adults still like reading comics. As comic conveys messages in the form of stories
and it attracts children and teenagers, therefore it is an effective tool for
delivering important messages to children and teens. Despite the positive side, a
comic book has its own drawbacks, as the cost of producing comics is expensive
and not all people like to read it.

In my opinion, the most effective media for communicating information would be

the radio. Even though it has some limitations, radio is still the most beneficial
tool because of its mobility. These days, radio are produced in smaller sizes,
such as the pocket radio, which can be carried everywhere. Consequently,
people could get connected with the latest information wherever they are.

[By - Darwin Lesmana]

23. The widespread use of Internet has brought many problems. What do
you think are the main problems associated with the use of Internet? What
solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
The Internet is a revolutionary technology and has changed the way people work,
interact with each other and interchange information, but not without
consequences and the negative aspects are mostly related to the overuse and
overreliance on this technology. Our everyday life has been greatly shaped with
the invention of Internet as people are using the Internet frequently for most of
their needs, which has lead to these problems. In this essay main problems of
Internet technology, in particular, widespread use of it, with possible solutions
has been discussed followed by a rational conclusion.

First of all, widespread use of Internet is related to new and innovative

technological devices like smartphones and computers and we are changing
those devices more frequently than ever before. Thus we are creating a
throwaway society and contributing to the production of more dangerous garbage
than our previous generations. Furthermore, social media, games, entertaining
videos, etc. which are available online are contributing to the online addiction
among many teenagers. Laziness, for instance, is one of the most severe
consequences of overreliance on Internet and that stops people from doing
important things for themselves and others. In addition, people are becoming
less active, both socially and physically, and that is mainly because they are
using the Internet all the time. As a result, our health condition is deteriorating
and our social life is in jeopardy. Finally, our privacy is hanging in a vulnerable
position and our security is in a risky state due to our dependency on the
After investigating causes of the problems thoroughly, it will be easier to offer
solutions to the matter. Because of the teenagers and youth are more dependent
on the web than the older generation, it is an advantage to provide activities for
those with the restriction of cell phones, for sure. We need to buy a new
electronic device only when this is absolutely necessary. Moreover, the use of
Internet in schools and workplaces should be monitored. Young generation
should be encouraged to get involved in social and outdoor activities. Finally, we
should make our Internet access more secure and follow the standard security
protocol so that hackers and intruders cannot access and gain our personal
information like password or credit card number.

In conclusion, in spite of the fact that our society is becoming more dependent on
the Internet and that can bring some negative effects for us, we have the
solutions to mitigate these problems and enjoy the good side of this technology
offers us.

Sample Answer 2:
Many people believe that Internet technology, though has many benefits, has
also caused a lot of problems in many societies. The following essay will discuss
some major problems of Internet usages and some of the soluble solutions to
resolve them.

For a number of reasons, the worldwide use of Internet has been the root cause
of several serious issues. Firstly, it is a fact that the online technology provides
various kinds of inappropriate entertainments for its users. Tens of thousands of
adult websites are available and can be freely accessed by people from different
kind of ages. As a result, many teenagers are addicted to pornography these
days which has impacted to their psychological condition and education
performance. Secondly, Internet technology has caused a lot of social
communication issues between families and relatives. With the existence of
smartphones and tablets, people could stay online 24 hours a day as they chat
with their friends or play online games in their devices. Consequently, people
have less eye to eye conversations with their families and friends these days,
which has a negative effect on their relationships.

To resolve the first issue, parents should be active in monitoring their children's
online activities. They should check regularly at their children's computer and
smartphones and advise the children about the serious effect of accessing
unsuitable contents to them. Parents could also make security setting for their
home internet setting, whereas some adult websites will be blocked and banned.
As for the second issue, it really needs the commitment of each individual and all
the family members. For example, as parents need to lead by example, then they
should give an example by using gadgets for a certain period of time only to their
children. Another example is that all family members is not allowed to bring their
own devices during meal time, therefore there will be a lot of time for eye-to-eye
interaction between family members.

In conclusion, it is reported that the Internet has brought some serious issues for
many communities. Some of them would be the easy exposure of adult websites
to children, and cause lack of communication between family members and
relatives. To address the issue, parents must be proactive in monitoring their
children and become a role model for their children as they use the internet
[By - Darwin Lesmana ]

24. Many people believe that bicycle is a healthy and environmentally

friendly mode of transport. However, it is still unpopular in many countries.
What are the reasons? What could be done to encourage the use of
bicycles among wider population?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Sample Answer 1:
It has been a while since the eco-friendly transportation bicycle was first
introduced and the popularity of this transportation seems like has decreased in
many countries and this could have happened due to various reasons despite the
benefits bicycles offer. However, there are several ways that could be helpful to
encourage the society to use cycles for their day to day requirements.

Few decades ago bicycle was used as one of the main transportations and with
the invention of motorised vehicles, the popularity of cycle has decreased. A
cycle was an environment-friendly mode of transportation and was far useful and
convenient than walking or using animal driven transports. People could move
faster with the help of a cycle and that made this vehicle quite popular in many
countries. Cycles do not use any fuel, do not omit any gas, using and parking this
mode of transport is very easy and it is an environment-friendly vehicle.
However, when the motorised vehicle was introduced, people switched to that as
it is faster and can carry more weight at a time. The safe and green mode of
transport- cycle, became less popular as people started using cars for

Among some minor reasons for the unpopularity of cycles, safety of the cyclist is
a significant issue. Because nowadays roads are full of motor vehicles, safety of
two wheelers cannot be ensured. In additions to that, slow speed discourages
many people from the use of cycles. Finally, cycles are inefficient for long
distance transportation.

However, there are several key elements that should be implementing to gain
back the cyclists to the road again. Firstly, governments should implement
separate cycling path dedicated for the cyclist and that would ensure the safety
of the cyclists. In addition to that, providing secure parking facilities will also
encourage many to use cycles. Restriction on car ownership and increasing the
price of fuel would encourage many to use cycle instead of driving cars.
Registration process for owning a cycle should be very easy and people who use
green mode of transportation should be awarded in different ways. Finally,
awareness campaigns to educate people about the health and environment
benefits of using bicycle could be a great step to motivate more people to use it
To conclude, a government has a great role to play to motivate its citizens to use
bicycles and this would guarantee a green environment and healthier citizens to
the country.
[Written by - Romesh Rodrigo]
Sample Answer 2:
It is a fact that riding a bicycle is good for our health and it is an environment-
friendly mode of transportation. However, it is still not favourable in many
countries. The following essay will discuss some of the reasons for this trend and
several suggestions that could be implemented to encourage more people to ride

It is true that in several countries, the people do not like to use bicycles as their
mode of transportation. Firstly, it is the view and the thinking of the people who
still believe that bicycle is not a mode of transportation and it is only used for
exercises. They think that riding a bicycle is only a sporting or recreational
activity and for commuting they need to ride on busses, trains or drive their own
cars. Secondly, since some governments do not provide any bicycle lane for the
cyclists, people find it risky to ride bicycles in the main streets. Without the
existence of the separate bicycle lane, some people think that riding a bike to
work would be dangerous as they have to share the road with car commuters
and motorcyclists.

There are several things that governments could do to persuade their people to
ride bikes. One of the solutions is by providing separate cycling lane for public.
By having a lot of bicycle lanes in the area, it is hoped that it will encourage the
residents to ride bikes for their daily commuting. Another solution could be
encouraging and informing people by making campaigns about the positive
effects of bike riding to the societies. The promotion should be attractive and
informative about the benefits of cycling to the people. Lastly, the government
should also lead by examples about bike riding. One of the examples is that the
government could persuade their employees to ride bicycles on a daily basis. By
seeing that government authorities are riding their bike to work, it is hoped that
the public will also follow the example.

In conclusion, although bike riding has become a popular mode of transportation

in some countries, but it is still not widely accepted in several other countries. It
is because the mindset of the people which believe that cycling is a just a matter
of sport and cycling lanes are not available in their country. The governments
should make some action plans to persuade their people to ride bikes, as it is
beneficial for the people and the government as well.
[Written by - Darwin Sugiharto]

25. Although sports events are very popular, violence at these events is on
the increase. Why is this so? What should authorities do to prevent
violence from taking place at sports events?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Despite the increasing popularity of sports events among people, it would be

quite right to profess that brutality concerning sports competitions, particularly
among fans, has globally grabbed attention. What here will be debated is the
wagering of fans as one of the crucial ingredients, then will connote setting heavy
fines by governments as a solution to reach a rational conclusion.

It seems that we need to consider the reasons why people in sports are used to
commit severe behaviour from different perspectives. Monetary incentives,
however, could widely be indicated as one of the chief agents. To illustrate,
worldwide many figures are addicted to wager on their favourite sportsmen or
teams, ranging from football matches to horse riding competitions. The stress of
not succeeding in their bet and correspondingly losing a great deal of money
leads to accusing violent treatment. These behaviours might occur in forms of
bothering or hurting other individuals or damaging public properties etc.

Considering the diverse angles of this social phenomenon, setting a bunch of

penalties against the populace particularly in wagering acts concerning sports
events somehow could result in a fewer brutal etiquette of sport competition
followers. As evidence, in some countries like Iran, wagering on any incident is
identified as an unruly action in terms of legal and religion alike. Moreover, heavy
fines or ever prison could be waiting for offenders attempting to bet on athletic
All in all, by way of conclusion, although the causes of violent behaviour in sports
events are needed to be considered from a different angle, the financial losses
stemming from losing wager can be sizably responsible for such manners.
Nevertheless, it could be under control by legislating stricter laws regarding
wagering, in particular, in the field of athletic.

[Written by - Behzad Babaei]

26. Education and health care should be funded by the government and
free for everyone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Nowadays, education and health care are two most important aspects of human
life. Without proper education and health care system no country can develop. It
is the responsibility of the government to provide proper education and good
health care system to its citizens and I strongly agree with this view.

To initiate with, according to the “National Sample” survey of India in 2015,

people have to spend a large portion of the money they earn on health care and
education because these two are the major sectors of every country and also
expensive in most of the cases. These should be free as poor people cannot
afford the higher education and good health care system. Moreover, if the
government provides free education, the literacy rate of that country will surely
increase and the citizens would contribute far better for the overall development
of the country. So, in this way the economy of that country will flourish day by

In addition to this, another survey shows the result that about 35% to 40% of
people are dying every year without proper treatment because they are incapable
of spending money on the treatment of their family members. Furthermore, if
medical treatment is made free, then poor people will surely benefit from this. A
healthy nation is the base of an industrial nation and it is the government's
responsibility to make sure that the citizens get proper medical treatment and

In conclusion, I would like to say that, if education and medical treatment sectors
are provided by the government for free to its citizens instead of other facilities,
then a country will get more benefits from it. Education and healthy life are two
basic needs of every citizen and a government is in fact formed to make sure no
citizen is deprived of his basic needs.
Sample Answer 2:
Some people believe that the government should provide free education and
medication for their residents. To a certain point, I would agree with the idea, but
I also believe that everybody should be responsible for their own education and
health condition.

For a number of reasons, some politicians and mass people believe that the
sector of education and healthcare should be provided and funded by the
government. Firstly, it is because productive residents have paid their taxes and
duties to the government. As most of the people have paid their tax obligations,
they should also have their rights to get some benefits from the government in
the form of free medication. Secondly, it is a fact that education is an essential
factor for the development of a country. By providing free education by the state
to their residents, it is hoped that there will be more skilled and educated workers
in the country. These potential workers will definitely boost the country's
economic sectors.

On the other hand, a group of people disagree with the idea of providing free
health care and education to the public. One of the reasons is that some people
become irresponsible of their health condition. As some people think that they
have free medication, they do not follow a healthy lifestyle program. They
consume high-calorie food, smoke cigarettes, drinking alcohol and do not take
part in any exercise. Another reason is that some parents become lazy as they
do not have to work hard to pay their children's tuition fee. Therefore, the second
group of people believe that they should pay their contributions to the
government as it makes them become more responsible.

To a certain extent, I support the idea that the government should provide free
education and medication to their people. But I also believe that people should
also be responsible for their own life. For example, although we are provided with
free health care but we should also maintain our health condition.
[Written by - Darwin Lesmana]

27. All over the world, the rich are becoming richer and the poor are
becoming poorer. What problems does this cause? How can we overcome
the problems of poverty?
Use specific reason and example to explain to your answers.

It is a fact that the gap between the wealthy and the poor is becoming wider
these days as the high-class people get richer while the low-class is suffering
more. The following essay will discuss the problems that might arise due to the
inconvenience fact and solutions that could be addressed to resolve the issue.

The wide-range different of social classes in the society could cause a big
problem for a country. When the elite classes get richer and the low-income get
poorer each day, there is a risk of a social jealousy problem. This issue could be
a threat to the country's stability, as there might be a lot of demonstrations done
and even there might be a riot. One of the examples is about the French
Revolution. During the Revolution, the gap difference between the rich and the
poor was large and had cause a riot.

There are several things that the government could do to resolve the issue.
Firstly, the government should make clear and proper regulations in terms of
business practices. The government should ensure that there is healthy
competition in terms business practices and ensure that there is no monopoly
and nepotism. Secondly, the government should also provide some subsidies for
the low-income people such as free health insurance, education and public
transportation. The fund for these subsidies could be allocated from income
taxes of the rich people. With these kinds of subsidies, it is hoped that the poor
classes could improve their economic condition.

In conclusion, it is true that the rich people are getting richer while the poor
classes are getting poorer these days. I believe that the government should have
taken the issue seriously, as this issue could become a serious threat to the
28. Some people consider computers to be more of a hindrance than a
help. Others believe that they have greatly increased human potential. How
could computers be considered a hindrance?
Use specific reason and example to explain to your answers.

Sample Answer 1:
Nowadays, computers are widely used in every field such as banking, hospital,
education, research, sales, traffic control, production & manufacturing, railway,
personal entertainment and so on. People have different views about the benefits
and drawbacks of computers. But I would like to examine how could be
computers considered an impediment followed by a reasonable conclusion.

To initiate with, using computers in early life is negative because children can
lose their creativity. Moreover, at that stage, a child starts learning how to
calculate and other academic activities, but with computers, they do not need to
calculate manually and their grammatical errors can be corrected automatically
by spell checkers. Apart from that, the health related issues that overuse of
computers causes cannot be overlooked. Next, hacking is very common these
days and there are many cases when individuals’ bank accounts, emails, and
websites are hacked. This is a serious concern about people’s privacy and
safety. Furthermore, some people are addicted to computers and the Internet,
especially in online games, social networking and videos. That’s why in China
there is separate boot camp training available for computer and internet addicted
persons. This example shows how computers can be a hindrance for many.

In addition to this, the national security of any country could be compromised due
to the over-reliance on computers. For instance “Garry McKinon” who was
accused in March 2002 perpetrating the biggest military computer hack of all
time, hacked the server of “The Pentagon” and learned about the secret of
defence department of the USA. Finally, with the use of computers and the
Internet, interaction with family and friends has become less personal these days
than it used to be.

To wrap up, I would like to say that, every technology has two sides, like a coin. It
depends on the persons who use it, not on computers, whether the use of
computers would be positive or negative.
Sample Answer 2:
A group of people believe that computer technology has helped people in many
ways, but others are convinced that it has more drawbacks than the benefits. The
following essay will discuss why some people believe that it has more negative
points than the positives.

One of the reasons why a computer is considered to be a hindrance is because

people become over dependent on the computer technology. Without the
existence of computer, many people believe that they could not work or could not
continue their study. For example, some people who work in the blue collar
environment could not work when the electricity is down. It is because most of
their works are saved in the computer and they are not used to work with manual
documents anymore.
Another reason is because computer also has a negative effect on the human's
health. It is undeniable that computer produces various kinds of radiations which
are bad for our health. One of the examples is the solar radiation from the
computer screen, which damages our eyesight. It has been reported that the
number of people who wear glasses has increased significantly since the
invention of computer technology.

Lastly, the existence of computer has some negative effects on the way people
socialise and interact with each other. With the invention of portable computers,
tablets and smartphones, people just get busy with their own devices. They often
surf the internet, chat and monitor their social media pages all day long in their
room without having any face to face interaction with others. Consequently, a lot
of couples and families are having problems these days, as they have lackings in

In conclusion, although some people think that the computer technology has
brought a lot of benefits for mankind, but others think that it has more negative
sides. Some of the reasons for this view are because of people's overreliance on
the technology and negative effects on our health and social life as well.
29. Some people think that because of email and telephone,
communication among people is less personal now than it used to be.
Do you agree or disagree with that view?
Use specific reason and example to explain to your answers.

Telephone and email are the results of technological advancement and

innovation. Modern communication system has made our life comfortable and
less laborious. There are several types of communication media for people to
use these days, such as email, mobile phone, internet chat and even face to face
interaction. In my view using new methods of communication like telephone or
email do not hurt human interaction or relation, rather it makes it more effective.

To initiate with, it is very helpful for students and workers who stay in a foreign
country to use email, Internet and mobile phone to stay connected with their
family and relatives. Before we had emails and telephones, those people could
scarcely communicate with their family members. For instance, two years ago
one of my cousins studied in New Zealand which was far away from our country
and yet, he did call and send emails to his family and friends and the thanks go
to the modern technology. 20 years ago my uncle had been in this same country,
and he could rarely contact his family as letter-writing was the only way to
communicate then. So I would say those modern technologies have improved
the way we communicate these days.
Moreover, modern communication saves time and cost. The speed of electronic
mails and phone calls are overwhelming and people are making many friends
beyond boundaries. In my view those are all personal and technology has made
it possible to keep more personal relationships than ever before. For example,
Facebook helped me finding many of my childhood friends and I have a good
friendship with them now. This, in my opinion, is a good example to illustrate how
technology has improved our personal relationship. Next, people nowadays
shop, pay bills and do banking online and these online activities save their
personal time that they can spend with their friends and family members.
Furthermore, emails have quite positive impacts in keeping the bond between
people more personal due to its features which allow sharing pictures, videos
and important files. Today, people can easily send their documents and pictures
of personal events with the help of emails. People can now communicate in
virtual physical presence which is known as video calling and this makes
communication easier and more effective.

Before putting my pen down, I would like to say that, telephone and email have a
very positive impact on our relationship and communication. Without those, we
would have been more isolated and lonely than we can imagine.

30. These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving
rural areas to live in the city. Discuss some of the effects of rural
depopulation (migration from the country to the city) and suggest some
ways on which this trend could be reversed.
Use your own experience and support your arguments with examples and
relevant experiences.

Being a serious concern in some countries, in particular, the developing ones,

moving the rustic areas' residents toward cities has been grabbing many
attentions over the last decades. This essay will connote the over-population of
metropolises as one of the profound impacts of this phenomenon and will submit
the facilitating, specifically entertainment and employment, as a solution followed
by a rational conclusion.

Undoubtedly, an increasing number of city-dwellers, particularly, in mega cities is

going to become a major challenge for the municipalities and state authorities,
which could considerably stem from depopulation of rural areas. As a case in
point, a vast number of the country residents around Tehran have immigrated to
there over the recent years. Because of this, Tehran has become well-
pronounced as one of the most populous capitals in the globe, by which has
confronted a diversity of stumbling blocks concerning urban management. It
seems that urban living attractions can be the root reason behind this issue.

It is obvious that straightening out the problem of rural depopulation would not be
practically simple. Yet, governments' investing in facilitating rural areas by
recreation facilities and creating more employment facilities could be somehow
an effective action in terms of persuading rustic people to stay in their places
rather than experiencing an unclear future in big cities. To illustrate, some way-
out cities in Europe have implemented loads of projects concerning installing
some recreation centres near the countries, which have notably appealed the
rural people. By this way, it has been possible to control the migration to cities.
Besides, many rural people migrate to cities for better jobs, treatments or
education. Establishing quality schools, healthcare centres and creating more
employment facilities could effectively reduce the number of people migrate to
cities from rural areas each year.

By way of conclusion, it can be mentioned that a prudent but not the only solution
to overcome the issue of increasing migration to cities is the providing attention-
grabbing resorts for them in near places, establishing more hospitals and schools
and creating more job scopes, which will lead rural people to remain in
[Written by - Behzad Babaei ]

31. Many people say smoking should be banned and some say it is not a
good idea. What is your opinion on this?
Use your own experience and support your arguments with examples and
relevant experiences.

Sample Answer 1:
Banning smoking is a controversial issue as many people strongly support this
ban while others disagree with it. It has been around for centuries and in many
countries public smoking is prohibited and against the law while it is open in
many other countries. There are discussions and arguments whether smoking
should be banned completely or not.

First of all, smoking is detrimental to health. It causes lung cancer which

ultimately leads to death. It might take long time to show symptoms but it always
happens. Secondly, it is a waste of money as smokers spend a lot of money on
cigarette. Addiction to smoking leads to addiction to marijuana, yaba etc.
Eventually, the addicted people get involved in different types of crimes. They
start collecting money by stealing, lying and robbing and the severity of the crime
keeps on increasing. Moreover, smoking not only harm the smoker but also
people around them. Recent studies on smoking suggest that passive smoking is
as harmful as active smoking.
On the contrary, tobacco industry is the source of huge tax for government.
Government makes best utilization of the tax money by building schools,
mosques, overhaul streets etc. Thousands of people work in cigarette related
industries and this creates a huge job opportunities. If smoking is banned
completely, these people will become unemployed. Another vague benefit of
smoking is that smokers believe smoking refreshes their minds and relieves them
from tension and stress, though it has not been scientifically proved. Some
people think that banning smoking is like imposing restriction on people's
freedom and they completely oppose the idea of imposing restrictions on

Up to this point of view, we see that there are opinions for and against the
banning of smoking. I believe, government should think rationally and wisely
before they make any decision about prohibiting smoking. Personally I believe
that public smoking should be prohibited and any violation of this rule should be
penalized but complete ban on smoking should be made slowly and with proper
[Written by - Ruhit Sharma]
Sample Answer 2:
People have different opinions about imposing restriction on smoking as some
people believe that smoking should be totally banned while others disagree with
it. The following essay will discuss about both opinions in details followed by my
own opinion and a rational conclusion.

On the one hand, it is understandable if several people dislike the controversial

idea that smoking should be banned in all places. Firstly, they believe that
everybody have their own right in doing things they like. Smoking is a preference
and It is up to the individual themselves whether they would like to smoke or not.
Secondly, prohibiting smoking will also affect the economic condition as cigarette
factories absorb so many employments. If smoking is totally banned then many
of the factories will be closed and will result a high unemployment rate. Finally,
the high amount of tax the government collects from the tobacco industries will
no longer be available as well.

On the other hand, it is a fact that smoking has many negative effects for the
smokers themselves. Based on the researches of some experts, smoking has
become the main trigger to some serious diseases, such as lung cancer and
heart attack. Besides that, smoking would also have a serious threat for the
passive smokers. People who do not smoke but inhale the smoke of active
smokers will also have a risk of lung cancer as well. Therefore, many people
think that smoking should be totally banned, as it could have a serious effect to
both the active and passive smokers.

In my opinion, I personally support the idea that smoking should be totally

banned in all places because smoking is dangerous for our health. But before
executing the idea, the government must have an alternative plan for the
employees of the cigarettes factories because they might be unemployed. The
government could expand and developed a new industry therefore these
employees could be allocated to the new area.
[Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

32. Some people think it is better to educate boys and girls in separate
schools. Others, however, believe that girls and boys benefit more from
attending mixed schools. Which education system do you think is better?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Along with the quality of a school, teachers, facilities and the environment of it
play a crucial role in developing students' overall performance and personality.
Having studied in both - all girls and mixed school environments, I have
experienced the differences between the two education systems and the
atmospheres they provide. Personally, I believe that mixed school have more
advantages to offer to its students.

Girls and boys are basically very different with respect to their thought processes,
preferences, their physical orientation and in the way they respond. Studying in
the same sex school definitely helps students to become comfortable with their
classmates and develop comradery very easily. Moreover, today, men and
women share the workspaces everywhere, irrespective of the field. Being able to
work efficiently with your colleagues is just as important as having the right skills
for the job. Even outside the workspace, one has to interact with both the
genders almost on daily basis. Thus, the atmosphere at school should prepare
students for life outside its compound walls.

When girls and boys study, play and work on school projects together, they get to
learn from other students and this activity catalyses respect. It allows them to
understand the mutual differences better and be more considerate towards each
other. The neutral treatment helps them to look beyond gender and treat
individuals equally. Such students find it comparatively easier to cope with mixed
gender situations, at offices or at social occasions. Subsequently, it facilitates
them with skills to create meaningful and lasting relationships with people.

To conclude, I believe that students get an opportunity to develop their overall

personality when they study in mixed schools. It exposes them to wider
competition which inculcates a broader perspective towards people.

[Written by - Gunjan Mahindre]

33. All over the world, the rich are becoming richer and the poor are
becoming poorer. What problems does this cause? How can we overcome
the problems of poverty?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

The gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger worldwide.
This enormous gap certainly causes a lot of problems which one must endure to
solve through various means.

There is almost an endless list of problems of poverty. To name a few, scarcity of

food and water, lack of proper or even minimal clothing, weak shelters, increased
mental frustration, indulgence in criminal activities and even self-destruction. The
root cause of poverty is a lack of proper formal education and hence problems
related to employment. Most of the countries spend huge amounts of money on
educating rich people living in the urban areas. This creates an imbalance, as the
poor people who are living in the villages do not get their fair share of education.
They, on their own, are unable to meet with huge expenses, which are required
to move to bigger cities. Very often government spend enormously on welcoming
foreign diplomats or celebrities to their respective homelands. This is a sound
example of the imbalance in wealth distribution throughout a country. Where the
poor are struggling even harder to meet their basic means, the rich are getting
pampered to the wealth and luxury.

In order to overcome the problems of poverty, governments should do a careful

and considerable analysis of the distribution of funds throughout their respective
countries. Non-profit voluntary organisations should work actively in rural areas
for the upliftment of the poor, mainly in trends of education. Furthermore, the rich
and the prosperous should contribute financially and should work selflessly
towards reducing poverty.

I sum up saying that, the world would be a better place to live in only if we keep
poverty from rising beyond limits.
[Written by - Shaikh]

34. Children brought up in families with less money are better prepared for
life than those from wealthy families.
To what extent do you agree of disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Money plays a pivotal role in today's social and family life and it has a
relationship with the way a child grows up and prepares to meet the challenges in
the future. Usually, rich families compensate better life and vice versa. However,
some people argue that children who are brought up in middle-class families are
often better prepared for their future than those who are brought up in wealthier
families. I personally believe that children from wealthier families get better
opportunities and they learn far more to be prepared for the future challenges.

On the one hand, it is said that families with less money prepare their children for
better future as they always learn to value the important things and learn from
their experiences. It is true that those children learn the key elements of life in
their childhood- such as- the real value of money as well as how hard is it to
earn, the importance of family tie and sharing. Often, those children learn to save
money for their future use. Therefore they automatically prepare for setting a
target in life and make plans for pursuing them. Therefore many significant
qualities of life are learned by these children from such a family in their earlier
stages in life.

On the other hand, children from wealthier families are little behind in terms of
learning many important things in childhood when comparing with the mindset of
poor children. However, they have all the facilities which they need for their
education and future. For instance, they are well equipped with all the necessary
requirements to start a business or joining a job without a hassle. Furthermore,
those families build the foundation for their children to begin their life perfectly.
The education, teaching and facilities those rich children get are far better than
the education and teaching of the poor children. Moreover, those rich children will
eventually learn the most important aspects of life, may be little latter than the
poor children, but they have far greater facilities that will ultimately give them
advantages in life.

To conclude, money and education build a better future life. Because of that,
wealthier children have much better and flexible life than poor children.
Therefore, I believe children from wealthy families get a competitive advantage
than the children in poor families in terms of education and preparation for the
[Written by - Romesh Rodrigo]
Sample Answer 2:
It is believed that children who are raised in the low-income families are stronger
in facing life difficulties than those who come from rich families. The following
essay will discuss both views in details.

For a number of reasons, many experts believe that children who are brought up
in the poor and low-income families are better prepared in facing life, as life is not
always easy for everyone. Firstly, these children are accustomed living a simple
lifestyle. Instead of having their own room, with all the toys and comfortable beds
in the room, they have to sleep with their siblings in a small and uncomfortable
room. They learn how to share, take care of others, manage the budgets and
most importantly become contented with whatever they have. As these children
do not have many luxuries in life, they would easily adapt to the harsh conditions.
Secondly, these children are already taught to be independent at an early age.
Many of their parents could not afford to pay school tuition fees, therefore they
have to have a part-time job to pay the school fees. They appreciate more about
education as they have to pay by their own and thus learn to be independent at
an early age.

These experts also believe that children who are raised in rich families will face
difficulties when they grow up and face the real world. One of the reasons is that
their parents have always provided them with all the materials they wanted and
needed. They have fancy clothes, expensive toys and advanced gadgets in their
hands without having to work hard. Another reason is that they are accustomed
to live in a comfortable environment, where they have a comfortable house with
air conditioner and entertainment systems in their room. As they rely heavily on
the parent's wealth, they will face problems if there is a financial crisis and their
parents are bankrupt.

In my opinion, to a certain extent, I would agree with the statement that children
who were raised in a low-income family are better in facing life than those who
came from a rich family. However, I also believe that it really depends on how
parents teach their children. There are some wealthy parents who are not
spoiling their children, such as Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft. He is not
inheriting his fortune to his children as he is teaching his children about working
hard and facing challenges in life.
[Written by - Darwin Sugiharto]

35. Some people prefer shopping in shopping centres while others prefer
local markets. What are the advantages of each? Which shopping
experience do you prefer?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
In the recent decade, shopping centres have become increasingly popular than
local markets because of different advantages they offer. Despite its advantages,
some people still prefer local markets. This essay will discuss the advantages of
each type of marketplace and will give my opinion and preference about it.
On the one hand, most of the people select super centres, due to is higher
benefits. For busy people, such as businessmen and office goers, time saving is
the key factor and they more frequently go to shopping malls than local markets.
Indeed the introduction of the shopping mall concept drag all the time bounded
consumers to them. For instance, shopping malls offer a variety of goods under
one roof and they take the responsibility for providing guarantee of the quality of
goods which encourage the consumers to buy products from them. Moreover,
the environment of shopping malls is way better than that of local markets.
Convenient ways of payment methods, such as pay by using credit cards, is
another great advantage that most shopping malls offer. Since plastic money
offers more security and convenient ways of shopping, people prefer to go to a
shopping centre where these types of payments are accepted. It is often said
that shopping malls are the future of shopping while local markets are the
concept of bygone days.

On the other hand, local markets also offer a wide range of advantages and
products to the people. In fact, the freshness of the products could be a great
advantage of local markets why so many people still prefer local markets over
shopping centres. Because of that some people still believe in local markets and
put the quality of products over the shopping environment. At the same time, the
price difference is another reason many people think local markets are best
places for shopping. It is indeed true that a local market offers a comparatively
cheaper price than that of big shopping malls and this is a significant factor for
the people in some certain financial background. Therefore, these advantages
exemplify the necessity of local market to the people and why people prefer it.

To conclude, shopping centres and local markets both offer different positive
experiences to the consumers and both need to be in form because of their
different benefits. I personally believe shopping centres are producing better
shopping experience for me than local markets as I most frequently shop in a
shopping mall than in a local market.
[Written by - Anton Rodrigo]
Sample Answer 2:
It is a fact that people have different preferences in term of shopping places and
shopping experiences. Several people choose to shop in malls or plazas while
others like to buy things in the traditional markets. The following essay explains
about benefits of both places.

For a number of reasons, some people choose to purchase goods and clothes
from the modern markets such as departmental stores or supermarkets. Firstly, it
is undeniable that shopping in these modern places is safer than local markets.
Malls and plazas are equipped with surveillance videos and there are many
security guards inside that make attendances feels safe and secure. Secondly, it
is true that buying things in shopping centres is more convenience. Most
shopping malls are equipped with air conditioners that make the temperature
mild and there are a lot of facilities in the places such as children play zone and
food court as well.

However, few people still think that it is better to shop in the local markets. One
of the reasons is that it is cheaper to buy things from the traditional market than
in the shopping centre. It is common that in a traditional market people could
bargain before they purchase the goods. If they are good bargainers, then they
could buy things with a reasonable price. Another reason is that many unique or
traditional products are not sold in modern places. For examples, handmade
crafts are only sold in local markets and each of the items is unique because it is
a custom made product.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that shopping in modern market places or in

traditional markets has their own positive sides. I personally like to shop in the
local market because I am a good bargainer and I could buy things with a very
good deal. Shopping experience, price and variety of goods in a local market
makes it more suitable for me to shop there more frequently.
[Written by - Darwin Sugiharto]

36. Very few school children learn about the value of money and how to
look after it, yet this is a critical life skill that should be taught as a part of
school curriculum.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
An academic institute usually deals with theoretical concepts and maybe that is
why it is often noticed that students who do well in school, struggle while taking
care of their finances in real life in many cases. Having said that, academic and
financial intelligence cannot be seen as inherent contradictions, but they truly are
two mutually independent competencies. I personally believe that value of money
and money management should be taught in schools.

The author of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” terms Financial Independence as
‘you being able to make your money work for you and not the other way around’.
Students who get to learn about how to spend, invest and save money rarely find
themselves in financial predicaments despite what their salaries bring in. Such
skills are often inculcated through parents or by observing people who practice
them. On the other hand, students who lack these skills usually find themselves
with insufficient funds no matter how much their jobs pay them. They never learn
to develop their assets. It renders them dependents on their jobs for life as it is
their only source of income. The earnings are mostly spent on their liabilities
leaving them with paltry savings.

If money management is taught as a part of school curriculum, all the students

will get a chance to learn such skills. They will grow up to have more knowledge
of money. Consecutively, they will have a better perspective while making
financial decisions. This will lead to a more stable, enriched and self-reliant

To conclude, I would say that earning money may not be the goal of life but it is
the money that provides us with our basic needs and the sense of security. All
these points advocate that learning the skills to value and handle money is
definitely a crucial part of life. Thus, I believe that lessons for financial
management should be made a part of school curriculum so that more and more
students can have a chance at a financially stable future.
[Written by - Gunjan Mahindre]
37. There are more cars on the roads these days and more accidents are
happening. As a result, some politicians have suggested that people
should take regular driving tests throughout their lives, rather than one
single test. What do you think are the advantages of repeat driving tests?
Do these outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
The growing number of cars and reckless driving are the major causes of
increasing road accidents these days. Therefore, according to some people as
well as some politicians, there should be repetitive driver's license tests with the
passage of our lifetime, not just for once. In this short essay, I will present my
views in favour of the continuous testing process for driving with some
appropriate reasons and examples.

It is an indisputable fact that the road safety in a country is a major concern and
so is the obligation of politicians regarding this. This is because increasing
vehicular movements can cause more accidents on the roads. Additionally,
drivers, on the other hand, get outdated to incorporate with road rules accurately.
For example, they may not be able to see the traffic signals and road signs easily
when they get older. As a result, such drivers may potentially hit other moving
vehicles and the people walking on the road crossings. Therefore, the repeat
tests for driving, from time to time, will definitely improve driving accuracy of the
people. Moreover, in many countries many young drivers often do not abide by
the traffic rules and having continuous tests would ensure their awareness in
safe driving. Finally, when people will have to take driving tests periodically, they
will less likely violate any traffic rule.

However, the multiple tests for driving in our lifetime may unnecessarily impose a
burden. This is because we have to prepare for the test in order to be able to
pass. Additionally, we will have to pay the exam fees every time which is
considered unwanted expenses. As a result, many of us may tend to avoid the
tests and this will lead to a situation that one day we will get pulled over and fined
for an outdated licence. Therefore, continuous tests may not solve the raised
issue easily while the drivers will always be under a pressure.
In conclusion, as reoccurring tests improve our driving accuracy, the benefits of
such test surpass the drawbacks.
[Written by - Kris Nirvana]
Sample Answer 2:
It is a fact that the number of cars on roads is increasing rapidly these days
which is aligned with the number of car accidents. Consequently, some
authorities believe that all driving licence holders must take a driving test every
year, rather than doing it once in their life. The following essay will discuss the
positive and the negative sides of the routine test, but I do believe that it has
more benefits for everybody.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that doing a driving test annually would have
some disadvantages. One of the reasons is that people are getting busier these
days and they feel that spending half day for a driving test each year would be a
waste of time. In addition, they also must provide additional spending as they
must pay for the test. Lastly, they also believe that it would cost more for the
government, as they must provide additional manpower in the driving test

Despite all the negative sides, performing a driving test on an annual basis would
have some benefits for everybody. Firstly, by having a yearly driving test, each
driver would be refreshed and updated with all driving
regulations. Secondly, drivers would be more cautious and more careful when
they drive, as their license will be checked regularly. Thirdly, it will reduce the
number of traffic accidents, because the driver's physical condition would also be
checked as a part of the test. For example, each driver's eyesight would be
examined as some driver might have problems with their views. If they are found
that they would need to wear glasses then driver license would only be released
once they obtain their eye glasses.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that performing a driving test each year has its own
drawbacks, but I do believe that it has more benefits for everybody. By doing the
test regularly, people will be more aware and cautious of their driving style which
will reduce the number of accidents.
38. Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their
life. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do advantages of this
trend outweigh disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In this contemporary world, a large number of couples decide to have babies

after spending at least few years since their marriage. According to some
experts, there are various reasons which urge parents to have children later in
their life. Career, changes in social belief, women empowerment, escalating
living expenses, increased life expectancy are some of the major causes of this
trend. In my belief advantages of having children later in life outweigh its
demerits. This essay will assess and analyse this issue in details.
First, a growing number of parents are very passionate and enthusiastic in terms
of career development and skill enhancement and their career is the primary
reason they do not expect to have children in the early stage of their marriage. It
is intuitively obvious that in this age of massive competition, unemployment and
economic crisis, people around the world are constantly worried about their
career and job promotions. As a result, parents decide and determine to
postpone their first childbirth in order to develop their career and obtain better
opportunities in future. Second, women empowerment has changed the old way
of life where a woman's sole responsibility was to look after the children. Since
many wives are working these days, they decide to take babies after they reach
a stable job position. Furthermore, social belief regarding giving birth of children
has changed dramatically and people are more concerned about the living
expenses than the number of babies they have, unlike older generations.
Additionally, one of the essential reasons to delay childbirth is that parents who
are studying full time in universities and institutions can not concentrate on their
studies effectively and appropriately if they become parents. Enhanced life
expectancy and changed in the social belief are another reason people delay to
become parents.

There is no denying to the fact that married people who either work for a
company or run a business can reach to a stable position before becoming
parents. Thus they can take better care of their babies which would have been
impossible if the baby was born earlier. It is often a fact that having offspring
early in life can escalate expenditures and financial responsibilities of parents.
On top of this, having children in early years of marriage have other enormous
deleterious and jeopardising impacts on children. In particular, if the parents
cannot allocate time for them, they grow up with psychological issues. Such
young parents often lack the knowledge and time they need to properly take care
the baby. Ultimately, parents might put their career at a risk as well as the future
of their children.

Reversely, having offspring in early life have few advantages. Such parents have
new members in their family and their isolation would be extirpated and they will
become more family oriented.

In conclusion, despite the pleasure of having a new baby in early years of

marriage, parents who decide to have babies later can primarily, readily and
precisely focus on their career, can easily fulfill financial requirements and have
sufficient time to persist, strive and struggle in order to have stunning, dazzling
and illuminated future in life.

[Written by - Faisal ]

39. Differences between countries become less evident each year.

Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising,
brands, eating habits and TV channels.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is true that many aspects of culture and lifestyle of people are becoming
increasingly similar throughout the world. Although this trend has some benefits I
would agree that the disadvantages are more noteworthy.

On one hand, globalisation of fashion brands, similar eating habits and other
areas of culture and tradition have some major benefits. For instance, Starbucks,
the renowned coffee chain, has grown from a single outlet in Seattle to as many
as 30000 shops in around sixty countries. The global business opportunity
enables many brands to sell products all around the world. Nearly identical stores
serve cups of coffee to hundreds and thousands of people, the cappuccino,
which is the same no matter whether you are sipping it in New York, London,
New Delhi, Melbourne or in Istanbul. The same brands sell products in all major
cities and thus people are able to enjoy fashion, food and other aspects of
diverse nationalities staying at home country. The global TV channels inform us
about the world and thus stronger bond could be observed among people no
matter where they live. Thus the differences among nations are reducing and
people in different countries can understand each other better than ever. This is
quite helpful in maintaining the world peace.

On the other hand, there are some striking disadvantages of this trend that we
should be concerned about. Firstly, there is a spread of cross-cultural
materialistic lifestyle and attitude that makes us less human and more selfish. For
example, the role of TV advertisements in most of the cases is related to the
concept of materialism which is broadcasted by highly influential countries. This
phenomenon is demonstrated in other cultures and the net global result tends to
predict and reinforce terminal materialism that is buying for the sake of buying,
instead of buying for the basic needs. Secondly, with the aggressive spread of
market economies and communication technology that are under the control of
western multinationals, new challenges are being introduced to local cultures and
values. In other societies west has made an effort to undermine their cultural
heritage by imposing thief religion and policies. The true identity and culture are
in peril with the influence of alien cultures and new generation care less about
their history and tradition and more about machine-centric life.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the drawbacks of globalisation and similar

lifestyle of people due to the single culture in the world outweigh the advantages.

[Written by - Amna Niazi ]

Sample Answer 2:
It is a fact that differences between nations are becoming less perceptible these
days, as people all over the world are sharing the same lifestyle, costumes, food,
advertisement, and entertainment programs. The following essay will discuss the
benefits and the drawbacks of this global trend and would reach to a logical
conclusion whether advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Due to the globalisation, people share the same fashion styles, commercials,
brands and television programs these days. Some people believe that the trend
has some positive aspects. Firstly, as international brands such as Colgate or
Gillette produce products in mass scale, the manufacturing cost of these
worldwide products become cheaper. As a result, consumers enjoy the
advantage of buying global brand products in an affordable rate. Secondly, as
people all over the world share the same culinary experience, it means that
people have more diet options nowadays. People who live in big cities such as
New York or London would have the option to purchase food based on their
appetite, whether it is Chinese, Indian or Western food. Furthermore, this trend
would reduce the cultural barrier different nations have and would bring people
under a common platform where citizens in a country will have more knowledge
and respect about other nations and their customs.

On the other hand, many other believe that the globalisation of the fashion,
entertainment and culinary industries have some negative points. One of the
cases is that many people abandon their cultural values these days, as they
prefer to follow the world trend. For example, many Asian women are starting to
wear western clothing which might be considered as taboo in their countries. In
another case, the globalisation also has a negative effect to the identity of a
country. For instance, many young people in India do not sing or listen to their
traditional songs as they prefer to sing or listen to rap or rock music. Lastly,
the foreign television shows have negative influences to the young people, such
as violence and unsuitable contents. Many global TV channels are showing
programmes which might be prohibited in some cultures. However, as these
shows are easily seen nowadays, many young people in those countries are
following the style and as a consequence, many of them are adopting a non-
acceptable lifestyle.

In conclusion, it is true that the globalisation of the fashion, advertising, culinary

and entertainment products have their own advantages and disadvantages, but I
personally feel that it has more negative points than the positive aspects. I
personally believe that we should be selective and be really careful in selecting
those global brands and lifestyles.
[Written by - Darwin Sugiharto ]
40. Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food
for its population and import as little food as possible.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It has been a major concern for nations to ensure adequate food for its entire
people throughout the centuries. Some people believe that government should
focus on producing all kinds of foods while importing as less as possible to
ensure buying capabilities of all citizens. I firmly believe that producing many
kinds of foods is an inevitable effort in terms of ensuring nation’s food security.
Firstly, it is a common truth that the more a country relies on imported foods, the
more food crisis they will face. Food import includes transportation costs, taxation
and other charges that eventually increase the food price. To tackle this problem,
a government should allocate more budgets to improve national production by
maximising the collaboration of university and research laboratory.
Consequently, this idea can create more talented individuals who would be
involved in domestic food production. Furthermore, by massively producing
foods, a country can be able to get more national income due to the
effectiveness of outcome. Because countries must not spend more money for
importing food and thus they can save more budget and allocate it to other
important sectors.

Secondly, by focusing on farming, irrigation and planting, a government can

decrease unemployment issue. It is obviously true that farming and food
productions sectors will be able to hire many people. For example, in Indonesia
regarding to Indonesia’s job statistic, farming has the highest numbers of workers
compared to other working sectors. It has already absorbed more than 50
percent of Indonesian population.

Finally, imported foods do not have the same food quality that locally produced
fresh foods have. If foods are imported from a long distance, the food value is
degraded and in some cases, toxic chemicals are used in such cases. Thus the
local production of foods would ensure better food quality and sound health of
In conclusion, preventing the food crisis, ensuring better food quality and
decreasing unemployment issues could be made possible if a country becomes
self-sufficient on their food production. Massively producing all kind of foods is a
great effort which government could decide and take advantages of. It also can
improve workers skill and technology in terms of agricultural aspect of a country.

[Written by - Leonardo Da Vinci Massolo ]

41. Many governments think that economic progress is their most

important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress
are equally important for a country.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Governments in all countries have some visions and responsibilities and they are
sought to achieve the overall developments of the country for a prosperous
future. Thus many governments think that economic progress is the key to
success while others disagree with this notion and opine that many other aspects
such as green environment, security, social values, traditions and peace among
nations are even more important. I personally believe that economic success of a
nation is an important goal for a government but this is not the most important
To start, many developed countries have already gained the economic progress
and yet they are suffering from increased crime rates, hostile relationship with
other nations, internal chaos, corruption and outbreak of epidemic diseases.
Thus economic progress had failed to ensure better life standard of citizens and
this is a proof that only economic progress should not be the vision of a
government. On the contrary, without economic stability, a government cannot
ensure development in education, defence, healthcare, international trade and
safety of citizens.

Again, industrialisation and success in trades have ensured economic stability to

many western and Asian countries and yet the environmental damage that this
progress has caused is overwhelming. What good money would bring to a nation
if they cannot build a safe and green environment for the next generation?
However, many people would also argue that it is better to leave a prosperous
country to the new generation rather than leaving a broken economy.

Furthermore, economic progress requires many monopoly business

implementations, dominance in international trade and use of cheap labours from
other countries. That can only make other nations hostile and history tells us that
wars are imminent due to the competition of being rich among nations. On the
contrary, without economic success a country cannot defend itself from outer
threats, fight with epidemic diseases and cannot ensure proper healthcare
facilities to its citizens. Finally, some would say, with the economic progress the
country will lose its old way of living, traditional values and uniqueness as a
nation. But it should also be considered that change is the fundamental basis of
development and if a nation worries too much about the old way of living, it would
fail to ensure development compared to other nations.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that economic progress should be an important

goal for a government but there are still many aspects which are equally

Sample Answer 2:
It is believed that the growth of a nation is only measured by the economic
growth, therefore many governments are focusing more on their economic
progress rather than other aspects. However, some people disagree with the
statement, as they believe that there are other matters which are important as
well. The following essay will discuss both views in details.

On the one hand, it is a fact that many governments are giving more attention to
economic development compared to other sectors. It is mainly due to the fact
that economic growth plays an important role in the development of a nation.
When a country's economic sector grows, it means that business transactions
are increasing, new job opportunities are being created and the government is
getting more funds through taxes. The funds could be used for the improvement
of other sectors such as education, public infrastructures and military services.

On the other hand, even though economic growth plays an essential part,
governments must also ensure that other sectors are developing as well. The
economic condition of a country will not grow without the support of a secure
social condition, better political condition and advanced educational system.
Investors will not place their investment in countries that have an insecure
political condition such as in North Korea or Iraq. And then, without the existence
of educated and skilled workers, it will be difficult for a country to improve their
industrial and trade activities. Therefore, the growth of the economic sectors
should be aligned with other important sectors as well.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that economic growth plays an important role in the

development of a nation. Consequently, many governments are giving more
attention to the economic sector compare to the others. I personally believe that
besides economic there are other sectors which are important as well, such as
education and social welfare and political condition. These sectors should also
be developed with the economic sector.

42. Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though
the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female.
Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these
positions to women.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In recent years, the role of women in society has been shifted and their
contribution is increasingly been important. However, it is widely accepted that
crucial positions in firms are still managed by men, although women account for
over 50% of the workforce in developed countries. While some people claim that
women should be promoted more to hold these positions, I personally disagree
with this idea. My disagreement is not about women working in these positions,
rather allocating a certain percentage for them.
The first reason to support this is that recruiting staff should not be based on
candidates' gender, but qualification and capacity. This is because choosing
people who cannot adapt working condition will make companies confront with
many difficulties- even this can affect profit, productivity and public image of a
company. A typical example is- in my brother’s workplace a woman was recruited
in a higher position only because she was a relative of the owner. In few months
the management had to replace her with a more competent employee.
Therefore, a company should always choose the best people in order to develop
its operation. If a female candidate seems more promising or if an existing female
employee has excellent capabilities, there should not be any problem in
recruiting or promoting a woman in a higher position. However higher positions in
a company should not be reserved for women only.

Again, if percentage or number is the most crucial factor, I would say children
should also be promoted to higher positions in a company in a developing
country as their percentage in factories and industries in those countries is also
high. Furthermore, despite the development of our society, women still play an
important role in our family. This can have negative effects on organisations if
they cannot leave their personal worries behind and work in decision making and
important positions. For instance, many women nowadays have to do lots of
housework, feeding and preparing meals for their kids and they should not be
engaged in positions that would simply place them in dilemmas.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that employees should be recruited according to

their capacity and talent. It is therefore recommended that women who want to
play important roles in an organisation should attempt to gain high qualifications,
skills and show their boss that they will take responsibilities for their positions.
They should not be favoured only because of their gender.

43. Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed

nations today. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing
the working week to 35 hours?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Rising unemployment is arguably the most concerning economic problem in the

modern world, especially for the industrialised countries. It is suggested to forbid
more than 35-hour work week schedules, as it might help diminishing the issue.
This essay will give in-depth analysis on both advantages and disadvantages of
the mentioned solution.

It seems reasonable that a shorter working week can boost the demand for
employment and provide a healthier working condition. As workers are expected
to work five hours less per week, the companies have to consider additional
recruitment to keep up with the former productivity, thus help in lowering the
unemployment quote. Moreover, studies have highlighted the importance of
granting employees a greater amount of time for resting. Not only will it lead to
better performances, but also improve employee satisfaction, from which the
organisations can benefit a lot.

On the other hand, there are bound to be pitfalls once the suggestion gets
passed. Economically speaking, cutting working hours can severely hurt
companies’ competitiveness in the market, since they are no longer as effective.
The situation may get even worse if all firms suffer from the same problem.
Prices are then likely to be raised so that the expenses can be covered.
Ironically, the employees, who are also the main customers, turn out again to be
the victims of the solution suggested.

To sum up, high unemployment rate in the industrial world has been a serious
concern and it needs a proper solution. Limiting the working week to 35 hours
might sound promising but there are nonetheless several potential issues, which
must be thoroughly addressed.

44. Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is
recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for
governments to make it a legal requirement.
To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more
of their waste?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer:
Waste recycling and people’s participation in it is a moot issue and a lot of
arguments could be observed around us as well as in the media whether people
should personally and spontaneously take part in recycling process or the
government should make it a legal obligation. I personally believe that
government should impose laws and severe fine in case of violation of these
laws to ensure proper home waste recycling.
First, waste recycling is done by different government and private organisations
while citizens of a country are expected to properly divide the recyclable and
non-recyclable wastages and pack them accordingly while dumping them in the
recycle bins. They are simply expected to cooperate in the recycling process.
However, it is a strange fact that people still do not participate in the recycling
process spontaneously in most of the cases either from their negligence or from
their lack of time to do so.

Second, it is a harsh truth that people in many cases abide by a rule only from
the fear of punishment or fine, not from their conscience. For instance, when the
fine for violation of traffic rules was made quite high, people started following
them in my city. Similarly, if laws are introduced and fine is made higher for not
participating in waste recycling more people would recycle more of their

Third, waste recycling is a very handy process to save our environment and we
already have many rules to protect our environment. While deforesting is a
severe crime in my country, there is no visible law for not recycling the waste.
This is why people are very careless about their waste production and this has
created a throwaway society in our country.

In conclusion, I believe that most of the citizens in our country already know
about the importance of saving our environment and how individual efforts of
recycling can improve our environmental conditions. Since many of them still do
not participate in doing so, there is no alternative than to impose laws to have
this done.

45. Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is
in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are
not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Learning a foreign language has many advantages including the better

understanding of a different culture, better job prospect, faster cognitive
development, efficient communication and so on. While some people believe that
only reason we should learn a foreign language is to visit or work in a foreign
country, many others opine that the benefits of learning a different language are
not restricted on the job and travel prospects only. This essay delves with the
both point of views.
On one hand, it is quite natural that people want to learn a foreign language only
to be able to communicate people who speak this language. Thus a large
number of people learn foreign languages like English, French, German,
Spanish, Russian and Arabic either to visit/migrate or find jobs in countries where
people use these languages. From this regards it seems quite logical that visiting
a country, migrating there or working there are the main reasons people learn a
language. It is evident from the natural trend of learning a new language among
people in my own country. Here a majority of people learn English and Spanish
while almost none learn Russian and migration and job prospects are the reason
that has established this trend, I believe.

On the contrary, research indicates that cognitive developments happen faster

among children who learn a second language than those who do not.
Furthermore, learning a second language is mandatory in an academic syllabus
and this helps us understand diverse cultural and traditional aspects. People who
know more languages are capable of reading more books, and understanding
the lifestyle of different nationalities. Again, learning a foreign language helps us
making new friends. Thus it is evident that learning a foreign language has many
other benefits as well.

In conclusion, there is no denying the fact that people primarily learn a foreign
language to travel or work a different country. But it is quite evident that there are
far many advantages of learning a foreign language than to work or migrate to a
46. Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Fast and safe transportation system and improved communication are two
important aspects of the development of a country. Every government wants its
citizens to commute safely and faster while the trade and business also depend
on a solid transportation system. Thus when the question arises whether a
government should focus on improving its railways or roads, people seems like
have divided opinions. I personally agree that a government should spend more
money on railways system as it is better to develop the railway transpiration
system than developing roads.
Fast of all railways offers safe commuting both for the citizens and traders. The
numbers of road accidents and casualties road vehicles cause in many countries
are far more than that of accidents in the railway system. Thus investing more on
a safe way of commuting is a much more prudent idea. Rails cause
comparatively less environmental damage while the road vehicles are the main
reason for increasing pollution around the world.

Second, rails can carry hundreds of people and several tonnes of goods while
road transports can carry only a few people or fewer amounts of products at a
time. Some shuttle trains are many times faster than that of private cars and
public buses. Thus improved railways would save peoples’ valuable time every
day. Thirdly, rail lines are usually away from the main cities and that is why some
busy cities have no other alternatives than to improve their rail transportation
system. Express trains can reduce the congestions in many cities and more
investment to improve the railways is the only possible solutions in cities where a
large number of people live in.

Finally, the population of the world is increasing rapidly and that is why investing
more money on faster and safer transportation system is more logical than
investing in the older transportation system. Railways will be future in
transportation and investing on it is the better choice for any government.
In conclusion, I believe that a government, either in a developed or a developing
country, should invest to build a safer, faster and more reliable transportation
system and railways thus should always get a priority over the roads.

Sample Answer 2:
Some people believe that governments should build more railroads rather than
highways and roads. To a certain point, I would agree with the statement, but I
also believe that the decision of building railways or roads should be decided
base on the natural condition of the area and the preference of citizens.
On the one hand, it is understandable if some people think that governments
should expand more railroads rather than roads and streets. Firstly, it is obvious
that when a country has extensive rail networks, it will positively affect the logistic
cost. The selling price of many products would be cheaper since a single
locomotive could carry tonnes of crops, goods or liquid products. Secondly, by
building integrated subway stations in city centre areas, it will reduce traffic
congestion. For example, as Singapore has a very good train network called
MRT, most of the people rarely drive on their own vehicle. As a result, Singapore
is free from traffic congestion and air pollution.

On the other hand, it is also important for governments to have some feasibility
study regarding to the geological area before they disburse some money on
railroads. It is a fact that some areas might not be feasible for railways, as those
areas might be swamps or rocky mountain. Should the government enforced
themselves in building railway networks there the investment cost might be
unreasonable. For instance, the island of Borneo in Indonesia, is the one of the
largest islands in the world, but most of the areas are swamps. It is not feasible
for railroads but as the island have wide and long rivers such as the Mahakam
and Kapuas, the government could focus more on building water transportation.
The preference of citizens should also be considered before investing on
construction on railroads or highways.

In conclusion, to a certain extent, I would agree that governments should build

more railroads rather than roads and highways. But I do believe that
governments should also make considerable measurement before they spend
their money on railways. They must ensure that their areas are feasible and
people prefer that transportation system.
47. Some people believe that main purpose of schools is to turn children
into good citizens and workers instead of to benefit them individually.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Schools and other educational institutes are considered to be the lighthouses of

a nation as they perform the great job of educating students and help build an
ideal nation. If education is the backbone of a nation, schools are the places
where this is shaped and polished. However, it is a never ending debate whether
a school’s main objective is to help children becoming successful professionals
or to turn them into ideal citizens and devoted workers for the betterment of the
nation. I agree that a school's main purpose should be to turn students into
honest and good citizens instead of turning them into selfish money makers.
First, the main purpose of education is to build up an enlightened nation where
morality, honesty and integrity would be the key characteristics of the citizens.
They would keep aside their personal ambition and would work together for the
betterment of the society and the country. Since schools are the place where
education is planted and taken care of, its main objective should be to focus on
nurturing morality and good human characteristics among the students. What
good it will bring to the society if a talented and experienced doctor treats
patients only for the money he earns? Should not we have more doctors and
other professionals whose main purpose is to help others? If we want to have
more professionals who would actually help others instead of turning into money-
making machines, we should focus on our education system, especially what we
teach our children.

Second, states spend a lot of money to keep the schools and its education
system running. A major portion of this spending comes from the tax ordinary
citizens pay. From this regards, if schools plan to adopt an education system
where teachers’ sole purpose would be to teach children how to be personally
benefitted, the whole education system would lose its main purpose. We have to
be very careful while educating children. What we teach them in their early stage
would become their permanent characteristics and if the schools fail to teach
them to become ideal citizens, it would be a great concern in the future.

Finally, personal benefits, memorising some lessons and getting good grades
should not be the main reasons children attend schools. They should be taught
the moral lessons as well as the importance of education so that they become
the citizens we need for a better society. The true personal benefits do not lie on
the amount of money we earn rather it is defined by the happiness and morality
we gain in our life.

In conclusion, making ideal citizens and dedicated workers should be the true
objective of our schools. The greater good of the society, bright and prosperous
future of a nation and personal achievements of individuals are connected with
the way we teach our children in schools and that is why our education should be
focused on morality and quality.

48. Sport is one of the most popular draws on television today. Some
people argue that the practice of showing sport on television is to blame
for the poor health of the young generation by encouraging them to watch
rather than partake in physical activity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Sample Answer 1:
Technology has given people wings to fly but along with that, it has made them
lazy too. One such technological advancement is television. With different kind of
contents being lined up on television series, sports is one such evergreen
practice shown on television. People of all age groups watch sports on television.
However the ongoing craze of multiple sports draws on television has inspired
the young generation to a great extent.
Now the question arises, is this practice supposed to be blamed for the poor
health of young generation! The more they watch, the more they become
addicted to it, whilst the evolution of sport on television was not meant to spoil
brats. The motive to promote sports on televisions was to inspire the young
generation to dig in their heels & to achieve success at a higher level. To keep
people updated of the latest achievements in sports activities and to instil a
feeling of vigour and enthusiasm in people

Contradictory to this statement, is the fact that now the young generation takes
watching sports on television as a leisure activity. Instead of inspiring, it has
instilled a feeling of laziness among youth. Now the young one's just love to have
a gala time watching sports. They no more feel the need to go out and partake in
physical activities which in turn has affected their health to some extent.

In my view, there is no harm in watching sports on television sometimes. But if it

exceeds the desired time limit then alarm has to be raised. Along with that
watching should not be combined with physical activities. Both relate to a
different aspect, the former being a leisure activity while latter being a necessity
to keep oneself fit.

[Written by - Aditi Tyagi ]

Sample Answer 2:
It is true that sport has become one of the most entertaining television shows
these days. A group of people believe that these sports shows have negative
effects on the young people, as they prefer to watch those games on television
rather than exercising. To a certain point, I would agree with the statement, but I
also believe that it depends on the personality of each individual.
On the one hand, it is a fact that the number of sports channels has increased
rapidly in the past recent years. Cable channels such as ESPN, Ten Sports, Star
Sports, Fox Sports and ASN are showing 24 hours of attractive sports games all
around the world. As a consequence, many young people are staying in front of
the television for a number of hours just to watch these games. The condition
gets worst as they are also consuming unhealthy food such as popcorn, candies
and soda when they watch the shows. Therefore, a lot of people believe that
these channels have been the main cause of bad health condition of young
generation nowadays.

On the other hand, these sports programs should not be blamed as the only
reason for the bad health conditions among the youngsters, as there are other
factors which affect the health of the young people. Firstly, many parents do not
teach their children about the healthy lifestyle. They are letting their children
watch television for a number of hours and eating junk foods which would have a
negative effect on the children. Secondly, it really depends on the personality of
each individual. Some young people understand about the bad effect of watching
television for such a long hours, but others just do not care about it. Therefore,
sports channels would only be one of the factors that affect the health condition
of the young people.
In conclusion, to a certain extent, I would agree that sports programs might have
some negative effects on the health condition of the young people. As these
channels show entertaining games continuously, many teenagers spend more
time in watching the shows rather than exercising. However, I also believe that
sports shows would only be one of the factors because the disciplinary attitude of
the individual and the way parents educate their children would also affect the
health condition of the youth.

49. The only way to improve the safety on our own road is to have stricter
punishment for driving offenders.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 1:
Recently, a great number of accidents on the road have caused by the careless
drivers. Some people think that giving stricter punishment is the answer to
tackling the driving offender problems, however, I disagree that it is the only way.
First and foremost, even the best rules have been established and imposed it
would be useless if drivers have no self-conscious in following the driving law.
For example, there are harsh punishments when we are driving while drinking,
but in the reality considerable road accidents caused by drunk driver still exist.
Thus, the main focus of this issue is all about the awareness as a driver, not just
concerning on the punishment.

In addition, a government could help to improve the safety on the road by

broadcasting the background knowledge of how important it is to drive prudently.
It could increase drivers' conscious about the danger that could happen only
because breaking simple policy, such as the driver might take someone's life with
passing the traffic light. Then, the socialisation program is probably given in the
process of making their driving license card to ensure every driver would receive
the information.

Furthermore, the private companies, such as IT companies and transport mode

companies, could collaborate with the government to create a "Smart
Transportation Mode". The new software will be attached in a car or a bike which
is able to detect the speed limit of the vehicle and the level of the alcohol in
driver's body and stops when it reaches a certain limit. The other possibility is
that the software will turn off the car's or bike's machine if it is too close to other
kinds of transportation modes or other things. Hence, one of the road accidents
like a crash a can be prevented.

In conclusion, giving the tighten punishment is a brilliant idea, however, I believe

there are still other excellent thoughts to boost the safety on the road.

[Written by - Melina Dewi Lukman ]

50. Some people believe that all wild animals should be protected. Others
say that few wild animals should be protected instead.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Sample Answer 1:
Every year a number of wild animals are being extinct and the increasing number
of endangered species worldwide is an alarming issue for us. Some people are in
the opinion that we should try to save all the wild animals while others believe
that we should emphasise on saving some selective wild animals.
First of all, wild animals are part of our eco-system and they have as much share
as we have on this Earth. Due to exploit and overuse of natural resources by
humans, many such wild animals are getting wiped out. Since we, human, are
the main reasons their existence are in danger, it is our obligation to protect
them. While planning and executing our steps to save wild animals, we should
never select some wild animals while letting others die. In fact, it is quite unclear
what would be the determining factors for our biassed selection? Many people, in
this case, would argue that we should focus on saving wild animals which are
fewer in numbers and have greater chances of extinction like Royal Bengal
Tigers and Pandas. However, I disagree. If we take proper steps to save wild
animals, that would include any wild animal found around us. For instance, if we
can ensure a natural inhabitation of all wild animals and prohibit any actions that
might threaten them, would actually save all the wild animals.

When saving some selective wild animals, many argue that geological garden
could a safe place for them. In fact, the reality is quite contrary. We should not
put wild animals in cages and should let them freely live in their natural living
place. International organisations like UN, UNESCO, WWF, Wildlife Alliance etc.
sometimes work on saving endangered animals but that does not restrict their
activities for saving those wild animals only. They have broader plans and
several initiatives for saving all the wildlife animals.

Finally, our won activities like logging trees, increasing use of cars, expanding
cities, luxury, rampant hunting of animals etc. are the main threats to every wild
animal in the world and the time has come for us to step forward and stop such
activities. Saving every wild animal is a dire need not only to maintain the natural
balance but also for our own well-being.

In conclusion, we should save every wild animal that is still present in the world.
Selecting some wild animals for saving is an idea we should discard as it would
bring more devastating effects than positive ones.

Sample Answer 2:
People have different opinions about saving and protecting wild animals. A group
of people believe that all wild animals should be protected while others think that
we should only preserve several ones. The following paragraphs will discuss
both views in detail, but I personally believe that all wild animals should be

For a number of reasons, some people believe that not all wild animals should be
preserved. Firstly, they believe that the overpopulation of wild animals could
become a threat for our existence. For example, should the population of Zebra
and Wildebeest in Africa is protected, then the existence of these animals might
become overpopulated, and as a result, they might explore the farming areas in
Africa. Secondly, conserving wild animals requires a large amount of money.
They believe that these funds should be allocated for humanity issues, as many
third world countries are still struggling against starvation and deathly diseases.

However, others think that all wild animals must be protected. The main reason
behind this view is that all of the wild animals plays an important role in the
ecosystem. Should there be one of these animals extinct, then the ecosystem
would be unbalanced and it might have a catastrophic effect on the environment.
Another reason is that the existence of these wild animal is beneficial for human
beings. Scientists have found out that some wild animals could be used as a
medical treatment, such as the blood of a snake which can be used to heal skin
diseases. There is another reason that forms the opinion that all wild animals are
important and should be equally protected. The reason explains that if we protect
some selected wild animals, others might get extinct and then we will damage
the biodiversity of the world.

In conclusion, a number of people believe that we should protect all wild animals,
while others think that we should only preserve some of them. Both groups have
their own opinions, but I strongly believe that we should conserve all wild

51. Some people say that education system is the only critical factor to the
development of a country.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Without any doubt, education is the key to development for a nation and only a
well-educated nation could thrive for excellence and ultimate development.
However, when the discussion topic is whether education system is the only
critical issue for the development of a country, I quite disagree with this view. I
personally believe that citizens’ skill development, increasing export, international
relationship, better life standard, better utilisation of internal resources,
technological development are other important and critical factors which must be
combined with the educational system of a country for its true and sustainable
First of all, education is considered to be the backbone of a nation and it is quite
obvious that education system of a country has an immense role in the overall
development of a country. Most of the developed countries have well-educated
citizens and exemplary education system – which represents the importance of
education system for the development of a county. However, there are countries
like Sri Lanka with an educated nation and better education facilities and still
suffering from poverty and struggling to become a developed nation. This
indicates that education system could never be the only consideration for

Second, only better GDP and revenue reserve cannot be the true indicators of
the development. Overall life standard, healthcare facility, safety, freedom of
speech and thoughts, sustainable economic growth and a healthy environment
are also important for a country to become a developed one. For instance, many
middle-eastern countries have a huge reserve of foreign currency and source of
national income and yet their citizens suffer from war, chaos and they have little
freedom of thoughts. Such a nation might have a very strong economy and
superior education system, but peace is absent there. Thus I do not recognise
them as developed countries.

Japan, does not have a strong educational system comparing with many other
European countries and yet they are one of the richest and most developed
countries in the world. They have properly utilised their possibility, national
resources and have maintained a better global trade relationship. This country is
a prime example of how skilled and hard working citizens can help improve their

Finally, many Asian countries have gained prominent economic growth in the last
few years by adopting latest technology and they are soon going to be developed
countries. They, no doubt, have improved their educational system over the
period but they have not relied on this single factor. Increasing export,
international relationship, better leadership and democratic government are some
other crucial factor for many other countries to be promoted as a developed

In conclusion, I believe that a better education system, along with skilled

population, better leadership, international trade and relationship, better lifestyle,
freedom of speech, technological development, enhanced export and utilisation
of internal resources can make sure the development of a nation, not alone.

Model Answer 2:
Nowadays, many people give much more focus on how to create the better
education system in order to ensure the country's development. A majority of
people believe that the education system is the only essential method for that,
however, I do disagree with that statement.
First and foremost, even the best education system could be useless if many
people still live in the poor condition. They have to work hard to continue their life
consequently they prefer avoiding the education because time spent in schools
could be used to earn money. Subsequently, the education system will not
increase significantly like the prediction of the people. If a country fails to ensure
enough job opportunities, an educated future generation will make much more
problems than predicted since neither will they get involved in works like irrigation
nor will be able to manage a suitable job.

Furthermore, development of a country would probably be achieved slightly by

tackling the urgent factors like famine and health care issues. Those factors are
more crucial than the education system. The excellent intelligence which we
have gotten through education will be of no importance if we are in
unhealthy. Nutrition, sports facilities and vocational training are thus more
important in this scenario.

Developed countries like the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Japan have
more educated citizens than that of underdeveloped countries. However, they
can nowadays ensure proper education system only because they had been able
to ensure basic human needs properly first. Countries like Sri Lanka and many
others have higher education rate than many developed countries and yet they
failed to become affluent nations. Thus, before people go too far to focus on th
education system, they should have covered all of the fundamentals first.

In conclusion, education system, no doubt, is a very important factor for the

overall development of a nation but this is not the only factor for the
development. Many other important aspects must be considered and
implemented for the real development in a county.

[Written by - Melina Dewi Lukman ]

Model Answer 3:
Many people believe that education is the most important factor for a country's
development. I personally agree that education is one of the most important
components for the growth of any country, but there are other crucial factors that
should be considered by the government and the people. The following
paragraphs will explain in details about both views and will show my position on
this issue.

On the one hand, it is true that education plays an important role in the progress
of a nation. As more and more people become educated, common society issues
will soon be decreasing. For example, in the past, the percentage of illiterate
people in China was around 50%. Consequently, many of the people were living
in poverty as most of their occupation were low skill workers with low incomes.
But then the government realised these inconvenient conditions and tried to
develop the education system. Some of the programs were giving free
educations for the children and providing scholarships for scientists and
engineers. As a result, the country has experienced a significant increase in the
economic sectors, and now China plays a significant role in the world economy.

On the other hand, there are other factors that should be improved and one of
them would be health. Countries that have a good healthcare system will have
healthier residents which affect the productivity of the labours. Another crucial
factor would be technology as it plays a significant role in the development of a
country in this modern era. For example, agricultural countries that use
technology for their farming activities will be more productive than the old
fashioned ones. As they use tools such as tractors and bulldozers, they will be
faster in planting and cultivating their lands compared to the traditional ones.

In conclusion, I disagree if education is the only factor that would develop a

nation. I do believe that education plays an important role in the development of
a country, but there are other factors that should be considered by the
government as well, such as health and technology.

52. In many cities, an increasing number of people do not know their

neighbours and the sense of community is lost. Discuss the causes and
give measures to turn it around.
Discuss both views and give your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Model Answer:
The significant rises of the population, fast paced life, crime rate and dependency
on technology in the urban areas make more people become unacquainted and
unfriendly to their neighbours. However, there are measures that can be taken to
alleviate this issue.
In today’s technology dependent era, people are mostly busy with their own
work. Major streets in the cities are filled with busy people walking fast to reach
their office or business place. They are even busy talking to their office
colleagues and family members over the phone. After they return home late
evening, they watch television, use computer and the Internet or spend time with
family members. They scarcely have any time to socialise with neighbours. In
some scenarios, people do not even know who live next door in city areas. These
are the everyday scenarios in the cities where social interactions could be rarely
seen as individuals have no time to socialise and much focused on their own
work or personal interests.

Again, the rampant acceleration of crimes in the urban community makes

individual become unnecessarily cautious and suspicious about other people,
especially with the people they meet for the very first time. Even trusting their
own neighbourhood would be tough for them as they are in constant fear of being
harmed. As a result inhabitants of cities tend to become isolated as they are
afraid to mingle because of undeveloped acquaintance. Unlike rural areas, where
comparatively fewer people live together, city areas are highly populated and it is
not unlikely that several thousands of people live in a block. Maintaining social
relationship with all of them is this thus quite impossible.

On the other hand, considering possible measures to improve a sense of

community in the neighbourhood community officials must organise programmes
regularly to encourage camaraderie. Secondly, building more parks, social
gathering places, community centres and children’s playground in the community
could be a good measure to let people socialise and know each other. This is
also helpful for meeting friends, bonding with family and neighbours. As a result,
people living in the community would develop a sense of friendship. Positive
news and events among community members should be highlighted in media to
eradicate the fear people have about unknown people. Finally, organising
different community groups to help people find others with same interest and to
share common passions is a very effective measure to help people enhance their
neighbouring bonds and relationship in my opinion.

To sum it up, city life and overwhelming population should not be hindrances to
our sense of community and our relationship with our neighbours. It would be
nicer for the community to develop a friendly environment to create a better place
to live in with all the neighbours.

[Written by - Marilou Mendezabal ]

53. Some people think schools should group pupils according to their
academic ability, but others believe pupils with different abilities should be
educated together.
Discuss both views and give your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer:
People have different views about grouping students in different classes- some
prefer this grouping based on students’ academic skill while others prefer mixing
students in a group. Although there are some good reasons to think that students
with same performance level and ability in a group have more advantages, in my
opinion, a mixed-ability education system should be carried out in schools.
For several reasons it can be argued that student segregation by grades and
same ability should be allowed in schools and should be grouped together.
Firstly, high performing groups can be taught at a right speed by teachers. Who
then would be able to plan their lecture by looking at students capability of how
quickly they can absorb knowledge and new lessons. This will allow teachers to
cover the course at a faster pace. Secondly, high-achievers will be more
motivated if they are acknowledged as the most intelligent, talented and gifted
peers. This sense of being superior will also help them to work hard and
eventually become a successful, prosperous and competitive member of the
future workforce. If a classroom has students of similar abilities and learning
capability, they find it more interesting to perform and excel in their studies. The
teachers do not need to put any special emphasis to teach them which is quite
helpful for a good learning environment.
However, I believe in the current system of mix education in schools, where
students with different academic capabilities are being taught in the same class.
Students in this system will be more confident and more competitive if they are
not subject to grading based segregation. Less capable students would have
more opportunities to interact with brilliant students if both are being taught in the
same group. So it will not only encourage cooperation but also competition with
their class-fellows. Furthermore, segregating less capable pupils in mid-range or
lower level groups would cause resentment in them with lower self-esteem. This
is because children do not really want to be seen as less intelligent or less
privileged. Also, they are prone to be violent or get involved in a gang culture just
to make themselves prominent in society or to satisfy their confidence. Some
low-achievers might end up attaining worse grades than before since a sense of
competition is less likely to be found in the class of less capable pupil. Also,
comparatively less intelligent students will not get the confidence of competing in
the job markets in future, if they are kept in low-quality classes.

In conclusion, grouping pupils by their achievement level have few positive

effects on high performing students but still this is a harmful way to education a
nation. I would rather argue that mixed-ability oriented classes should be
encouraged in schools as it will benefit all students.

54. Using cell phones and computers made communication among people
much easier. As a result, letter writing could be lost in the future.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer:
Latest technological inventions like mobile phones and computers have made
communication much more convenient, easier and less expensive. Some people
consider it as the revolution in the communication system, while some others
opine that this advancement has reduced our bonding and made our relationship
less personal. There is no double that with the widespread usage of cell phones,
pagers, text messages, social networking websites and Internet calling, letter
writing has already become less popular but I do not agree that this it will ever
To begin with, letter writing is a traditional way of communication among people
from different parts of the world. Even until now with the dominance of
technology like email, letter writing has its importance and supremacy in
authoritative, official and personal communication. Letter writing is still the best
way to congratulate someone, write to a government office or to write to a dear

Second, it is a formal writing and some business companies ask their applicants
to write an application letter to measure their capability in communicating by
means of writing. Secondly, letter writing can be a source of documentation that
can be utilised as strong evidence in the court. Email fraud is common these
days and someone with advance knowledge can send an email from any email
address he wants. This makes an email less authoritative as strong evidence.

In addition, people applying for fiancée visa can send love letters to the embassy
as proof of the relationship to a foreign individual as additional documentation
purposes. Thirdly, individual living in a remote area of a countryside still need to
write letters since the Internet is yet to be available there. The number of such
areas is quite large and they rely on letter writing for communication. Thus,
people prefer to use letter writing as a form of sending important messages- be it
to love one’s or business transaction purposes. The personal touch, affection and
sincerity a hand written letter can convey could not be found in an email or text

Lastly, letter writing is the only way to improve someone’s writing skills.
Computerised grammar and spell checking facilities are often the reason many
modern-era students do not have excellent writing and grammatical command.
On the other hand habit of letter writing enhance someone ability to write better.
It will also help them become more creative and imaginative in creating a very
excellent output of writing.

In my point of view, letter writing will not be abolishing in future because it

possesses a significant importance in communication, especially in measuring
the ability of individual’s writing, creativity and appropriate and clever way of
writing. Letter writing is entirely beneficial in honing to become an effective
communicator. The importance of letter writing in offices, courtrooms, among
friends and lovers will always help it to survive.

55. Nowadays, more and more people are having consumer goods like
refrigerators and washing machines.
Does this development bring more advantages than disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
With the development of new technologies, people’s life is now more comfortable
than it was in the past. In these days it is almost unimaginable that one modern
household functions without refrigerators, washing machines, microwave oven,
and other appliances. A rapid development of these technologies brings with
itself a lot of advantages, but negatively effects these useful technological
devices have on humans and environment could not be ignored.

With today’s available consumer goods, people do not have much trouble to
keep their foods or clothes in the condition that will be useful for them in every
occasion. Time spent in preparation of food, washing or ironing of clothes, is far
less these days than it used to be in the past, and thanks to new technologies.
Just hundred years ago it was unimaginable that you could keep your meats and
other food items for months, to prepare some meals in just a couple of minutes or
to wash a large number of clothes in just 30 minutes. That is the biggest
advantage of these consumer goods, Modern people spend far less time in doing
house chores than they used to. In this way, people can save time, and time is
the most valuable aspect in the modern society.

But, on the other hand, use of appliances in such huge quantity brings with itself
higher energy consumptions that lead to a higher environmental pollution all
around the world. Since most of our energy is produced from the fossil fuels and
coals, further increasing of energy consumption will lead to greater consumption
of these non-renewable resources of energy which harm our environment. Even
today the Earth is on the highest level of pollution in its history. So it is
understandable why people warn on use and overuse of consumer goods.
At the end, modern appliances are invented to make people’s life easier and they
are successful in that, but the question is- 'what cost it will bound us to pay?' I am
sure that in the future these consumer goods will be more energy efficient with
lesser energy consumptions for their work, and that will still make the life of
people easier and more convenient like they do today.
[Written by - Nenad Nikolic ]
Model Answer 2:
It is a fact that more families these days have electronic households such
freezers, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, room heater, water heater and laundry
machines than ever before. This trend has some positive and negative aspects
but I personally believe that it has more disadvantages than advantages and this
is due to the environmental damage they cause.
It is noticed that the number of families that have consumer goods at their home
has increased rapidly in the past few years. The main reason behind this trend is
because of people’s busy lifestyle. They have less time to do their household
activities and therefore they are relying on their electronic devices. For example,
city people who are busy with their works are relying on their microwave oven
and cooker for preparing their meals. The oven could be utilised for preparing
instant food which would save some time for them. Therefore, some people
believe that the existence of electronic household devices brings a lot of benefits
for them.

On the other hand, another group of people believe that it is not a good trend
because they think that these devices could have some negative effects on the
human body. For instance, devices such as microwave ovens or refrigerators
produce radiation that could result a serious threat to the human body. In such
cases, the usage of microwave oven has triggered serious diseases such as
tumour and cancer. Another example would be about the usage of CFC as it is
used in electronic products such as air conditioner and freezer. Many people do
not realise that the usage of CFC has a fatal effect on the environment, as it
triggers global warming. No doubt the modern electronic devices that we use
daily have made our life easier and brought many luxuries in our life but the
damages those devices cause is a big threat in our existence.

In conclusion, it is true that the number of people who own electronic household
devices has grown significantly in the past few years. In spite of all the benefits, I
personally believe that it has more drawbacks for our life, as these electronic
products could have some serious effects on our body and the environment as

[Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

56. In many countries, there is a shortage of housing due to a growing

population. Some people argue that new towns should be built in the
countryside, others argue for the regeneration of cities.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of building new towns in the
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

With around eight billion population in the world, many cities have little spaces to
accommodate the growing number of population and their housing. Thousands of
people are moving to the urban areas each day for better jobs, modern facilities,
education and healthcare services only to increase the woes the cities already
have. To solve the housing and other pressing issues due to the booming of the
population, many people opine that constructions of new cities near rural areas is
the best solution while others have a different view on this. The second group
supports regeneration of cities rather than building new towns close to country
sides. Establishing new cities in the vicinity of the countrysides has its
advantages and drawbacks.
First of all, building new cities near the countrysides would require a huge
budget. Since many underdeveloped and developed countries already have a
scarcity of budgets even to support the basic needs of citizens, taking such
initiatives would uplift their debts only. Besides, constructing new cities close to
country sides would require destroying farming lands and natural geography
which will have severe consequences including deforestation and degradation of
lands. Further, such cities would be far away from the main cities and if the
government fails to provide every facility that the already established cities have,
people would not stay there and this possess a chance of the wastage of money
in the long run. Finally, many cities already have severe congestion problem and
building such new cities near rural areas would make the situation worse as
people’s necessity for commuting to these new cities would increase.
On the other hand, accurate planning and proper execution of establishing new
cities near rural areas rather than regenerating existing cities have many merits.
First of all, this would be an excellent way to solve the housing problems many
cities have. If the government can ensure proper facilities in the newly
constructed cities, the pressure on current cities would decrease tremendously.
This would result in less traffic congestion, decentralisation, less pollution and
better life standard in both types of cities. Newly built cities would open many
new job facilities and that would help the adjacent rural areas to develop as well.
No doubt the constructions would require a huge budget, but the government will
have an excellent opportunity to control many business sectors there to earn a
steady revenue. Finally, these new cities would have modern buildings and new
constructions which would fight better against the natural calamities like the

In conclusion, building new cities near rural areas is a plan that can bring many
amenities both for the citizens and the government in a country. It can be an
excellent way for solving housing and pollution problems in existing cities though
some negative consequences of this plan should be taken into consideration.

57. The quality of the health care a person receives should not depend on
the size of their bank balance. The government is responsible for providing
a high level of healthcare for all its citizens.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Quality health care is a basic need for all citizens in a country regardless of their
economic or social statuses and the government should take every effort
possible to ensure superior health care facilities for all of its citizens. I quite agree
with the notion that government is responsible for ensuring high-level health care
service of all its citizens, no matter what their economic levels are.

First of all, every government has a responsibility to ensure some basic needs to
its citizens and health care is one of the most important aspects that a
government should take care. Only a corrupted and inefficient government would
discriminate among its rich and poor citizens and thus would build a country
where rich will enjoy all the facilities while poor people would be deprived in
every step.

Second, in this modern era, most of the countries, specifically in democratic

countries, have a government selection model where people decide who would
rule the country. The participating parties give their agenda and the list of
developments they would implement for the progress of the country. In most of
the cases high-level health care facility gets special emphasise in their pre-
election agenda and if the government fails to ensure this facility, it is kind of a
violation of their promise to the whole nation.

It is not unlikely that the government cannot offer better healthcare facilities in
public hospitals while the rich people get far better treatments and diagnosis from
the private healthcare facilities. This is a scenario which is quite unexpected and
should not be the case in an ideal legislative system. All the citizens in a country
are equal to the law and constitution and the facilities they are expected to get
from the country has no way to be different.

In conclusion, when people need to spend a lot of money to get quality health
care service, then we can easily assume that the government has failed to
establish a proper healthcare sector for all the people. In the same way ensuring
quality health care facilities to all the citizens of a country is a responsibility no
government can deny.

58. Many universities charge higher fees for foreign students. Why do they
do this? Do you believe that it is fair?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Many foreign universities have a dual policy in case of their tuition fees as they
charge foreign students higher than the local students. International students
often need to pay up to 400 percent more than local students when it comes to
higher education in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK.
This is also the case in many other countries and a government's obligation to its
citizens, enforcing national privilege, tax payment by the local people and
restricting the numbers of international students are the main reasons, I believe.
To begin with, different tuition fees for local and international students gives an
impression that ‘you are not equal’ and when we are fighting for the equal rights
in every country, the discrimination in the university tuition fee seems like an
unfair one. However, the university authority often states that this is a policy that
actually ensures better educational environment and fairness in the university
campuses. First reason they mention for the different higher education fees is the
government’s obligation to its citizens. A government has a natural obligation to
education its citizens while educating foreign students is not a direct obligation it
has. This also ensures that a government is enforcing the national privilege to its
citizens while using the extra money earned from the international students for
the improvement of the university education. Third, citizens of a country pay the
tax to the government and thus should get the privilege in educating their next
generation. Finally, higher university education costs help to control the
international students' flow in a country.

To conclude, providing some opportunities to the local university students is not a

bad idea but imposing up to 5x charges to the international students is an unfair
policy in my opinion. It's unbelievable how far the university authorities are willing
to push international students to get their pay and earn the extra money. In this
age of globalisation and equal rights, this is not justified at all.

59. In the future, we will have more and more leisure time as machines
replace many of the tasks we do at home and work.
Discuss the benefits this will bring and also the problem it will cause.

Presently we are living in the modern world where the domination of machines is
notable to the extreme extent. A wide variety of machines is performing
numerous tasks in a perfect manner and with the shortest possible time. The sole
aim of the machines is to comfort us and in the future, we will have more leisure
hours as machines will replace our tasks. Now, I will describe both the benefits
and disadvantages of this dependency on machines.

To begin with, machines are meant to ease human activities. Usually, machines
are able to perform tasks flawlessly than humans and in the future, they will just
do that. So, they will be considered to be the substitute for humans in many tasks
which require ultimate excellence and physical challenges. At the same time,
machines can perform several tasks together and save time - for instance, a
computer can analyse a massive amount of data in a single second. This is why
in the future, the machines will be used in the war, research, construction and
human will have more leisure time due to that.

On the contrary, there are some detrimental impacts of machines and this will be
more severe in the future. Certainly, machines will relieve us from repetitive
tasks, but they will create few complexities too. When people will leave manual
works, the risks of health disorders will increase. They may get affected with
several life-tolling diseases for their physical inactivity that they used to do before
engaging machines for their comforts. Besides, I believe that machines will also
create a mass unemployment. When machines will be used for large-scale
production in factories, many human labours will be eliminated from those jobs.
The dependency on machines would be extreme and due to this a single
instance of failure or wrong instruction would bring catastrophic results.

To wrap up the discussion, I think it is imperative to deploy machines in only

some specific sectors which are beyond the reach of humans. Further, the
increased leisure will make life boring for us, and so we should be engaged in the
ordinary tasks to enjoy a happy and healthy life.

60. Many people decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it.
This, they argue, leads to a more satisfying working life. To what extent do
you agree with this view? What other things can people do in order to have
a satisfying working life?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is true that a large number of people decide to take part in a career and earn
money while the intention develops from the early stages of their life. As a result,
they are happy with their working life. The view may vary but I completely agree
to this.

Frequently, the dream of taking up a career begins in early part of life. When kids
are in schools, they compose essays on ‘Aim in Life’ where they mention about
intentions to do in their adulthood. Consequently, they try to get into the track
they cherished and most of them win the career and grow well in all terms. So,
when they are in desired track, they are satisfied with their working life. The early
career gives enough time for thinking or even switching career. People who start
working at an early stage have better skills and better control of their professional

In opposite, in my life, I have met with some unhappy people with their career
path. They blame misfortune because they wanted to take something else as
their career but they are to work on a completely different track which brings the
sense of dissatisfaction. For instance, a science graduate who is a friend of mine
is now handling banking transactions and an English graduate friend of mine is
solving Chemistry problems in a lab! It really turns troublesome for them to bring
satisfaction in their career as neither they were ready to deal with the matters nor
they had intentions. Most of these people start their career at a later stage and
become stuck to something.

For a satisfying working life, I believe, people would like to have some specific
issues in line with their regular salaries like a cosy working environment, flexible
working hours and some extra benefits etc. If they have the facilities, they would
be able to focus more on the work which gradually will bring the sense job
satisfaction. However, my personal experience taught me that job satisfaction for
all employees ios not possible and people's expectation for their jobs vary to a
great extent. Nevertheless, my personal opinion is that a contented employee
would usually seek for job security, better salary and health working

To conclude, it should be kept in mind that we work to live a happy life, and if the
working conditions can enhance the living we become happier. Starting a career
at an early age has several advantages and happy employees are those who feel
secured at their jobs and get a better salary.

61. It is commonly thought that it is healthy for adults to maintain an

outside interest in order to relax or stay fit. Compare the advantages and
disadvantages of 3 of the following sports and pastimes:
 tennis
 walking
 museums
 a club
 a gym
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Everyone wants to maintain a perfect health but it is difficult to obtain this

especially in this modern era with a changing lifestyle where people remain busy
most of the time. So, the adults engage in different sports and pastimes to stay fit
and healthy. But both sports and pastimes have advantages and disadvantages.
A brief of the matter is discussed below.

First of all, tennis is preferred for its several advantages. It helps to make the
body fit and reduces risks for diseases like diabetes, heart disorders etc. Overall
mental health is also achieved from this sport. But the most important
disadvantage is – tennis is not fit for everyone. Adults over 45 are suggested not
to participate in tennis. They might be unable to stroke with the heavy racket or
may not move in the court speedily. Besides, this is a costly sport as well.

Second, walking is a very good form of physical exercise and applicable for
people of any age. It helps to reduce weight, burn fats and maintain a healthy
lifestyle. But it has some demerits as well. Extensive walking may weaken bone
joints. Besides, walking provides a slow benefit. It reduces weight in exchange
for longer times. My dad takes a morning walk every day to shed his extra
pounds but the results are unremarkable. He has been walking for last three

Finally, people join clubs for passing leisure hours. It offers recreational acts like
playing cards, having a group chat etc. Such events develop a sense of comfort
to the club-goers. In fact, a club improves mental faculties. But there are no
physical benefits as it is derived from physical movements.

At the end, I believe physical activities should be taken to maintain a healthy

living and lifestyle. Only fit people may seek the opportunity to join a club as they
need less physical movements. Besides, the remaining people should take
sports but after their physical strength and ability.

62. It is often said that crime is one of the main things that make the quality
of life poorer. Crime in developed countries is one of the biggest problems
in society. What are the causes of this problem and what measures can be
taken to reduce it?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
We all dream of a peaceful and happy life but often the life is disturbed by the
crime and criminals. As a result, the quality of life becomes poorer. It is more
prevalent in the developed countries. There are several causes that lead to the
problem and those are described in the following paragraphs in brief.

Lack of childhood parental care is one of the leading issues for crime in the
developed countries,- believe many social activists. Kids exercise violence from
their high schools and it happens as they lack the right guidance and parental
care. Since they are not taken care by parents, they commit different sorts of
crime and there are lots of examples in Europe and the USA where the young
people have been found guilty in different crime situations – even in murder.

Secondly, I believe, insecurity and discrimination lead people to break the law.
When they cannot get their rights as they were supposed to be, they try taking
control of the rights themselves which consequently leads to criminal activities. A
kid of a single mother or single father family is more prone to commit crimes and
a 1983 study reveals that 60% of child abuse occurred in such conditions by the
mother or the father which lead to a behavioural disorder among them and
inspire in violating the law.

So, solving the issue appears really daunting as the problem did not grow
overnight. The corrective measures should come first from the family. When a
child will know about its social responsibilities and how things work, it will behave
in order. The parents, teachers and other relatives have to take responsibility for
children to make them better citizens. The government must make sure that the
citizens have the access to proper education and other human rights. A
combination effort of both people and the government is required to tackle the

In summary, a sense of security should be developed among adult people feeling

threatened by the society and thus they could be prevented from being outlaws. I
think some motivational attempts from government may be helpful in this case in
line with the parental care.

63. Nowadays in many countries, people are following the latest fashion,
hairstyles and so on. Why are they so influenced by fashion? Is it a positive
or a negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

When it comes to fashion and new trends, one of the most significant factors
come to our mind is that many individuals excessively follow the most novel
fashions ranging from outfits or hairstyles to home design. In this essay, some
reasons behind this phenomenon and some serious drawbacks contributed by
this habit are going to be discussed.

People’s notion of beauty could be the main incentive for spending time and
money to follow latest fashion and styles. To achieve it they do a lot of things
including purchasing branded dress, shoes, ornaments and regularly visiting
beauty parlours, spa centres and so on. Being beautiful and attractive is one of
the most delightful feelings which human-being are keen to experience. Having
updated styles in terms of appearance could widely gift such feeling. Moreover,
many people believe that fashion not only could be a factor of beauty but it also
helps them to obtain the individuality and uniqueness in their community, at least
in visual aspects.

Many people are heavily influenced by the famous celebrities they like and try to
dress like them. Teenagers sometimes follow the latest trends without any
particular reason and sometimes to be different from others. Some people are in
fashion industries and they try to present their unique identity by following the
latest fashion design. Finally, television programmes and advertisement have a
great influence on people and these people simply want to be more attractive by
following the latest fashion.

Despite a diversity of superficial merits of excessive attention to fashion, it seems

that its obvious disadvantages strongly draw societies’ care. For one, because of
the fact that acquiring the latest fashion facilities entails a great deal of money,
people are impelled to spend much of their budget for fulfilling their to look
attractive. Furthermore, wasting time for thinking and searching in fashion world
could be mentioned as another demerit of such time-consuming activities. By the
way of illustration, one of the serious complications for parents is to tackle their
children wasting time in shopping centres or surfing on the Internet pursuing the
newest clothing etc. Fashion and latest trends are not restricted to hair style or
costumes only. Piercing, tattooing, wearing bizarre materials are some other
trends that often create social and family issues in many societies.

In brief, possessing elegant appearance and/or trying to be matched with the

community could be some of the crucial elements of surfing in fashion-world and
pursuing fashion excessively could lead to multitude impacts on individuals social
and personal life alike in long-term.

64. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and

businesses to move to regional areas outside the big cities.
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Industries and businesses are the primary concern in many cities as they make
the city more congested and pollute the environment in one hand, while creates
job opportunities and contribute to the development of the city on the other hand.
Many of the enterprises are operated and promoted in bigger cities only.
Encouraging them to move to regional areas is a good idea. I believe that has
more benefits than drawbacks.

There are several advantages why industries should move to the regional areas
and the government should take initiatives to do so. The most important aspect is
the development of the regional areas. Setting up of the enterprises in the rural
area will help to develop the basic infrastructures like transportation facility,
electricity and road in the rural areas. In addition, the people of this area will have
the golden opportunity of employment and that would enhance the living
standard as well. Moreover, the economic activity of the area will increase and
that would let the government take further initiatives in order to develop this
urban area. The various types of small businesses and industries like hotel,
lodge, suppliers will emerge and that will support other businesses and add value
to the economy of these areas.

Regional offices are often helpful to expand businesses and to reduce the
manufacturing and operating cost. Thus many big industries would be actually
benefited from this. Again the pressure on the big cities would reduce and that
would lessen many serious issues like pollutions, traffic jam and waste

Despite this, there are several disadvantages of moving the businesses and
industries to regional areas. One of the prominent drawbacks is the exploitation
of natural resources. The industry will use the various kind of resources such as
forest, water resources which will cause the environmental degradation like
pollution, climate change and much more. The gradual increase in the number of
population in such urban areas will increase the crime rate. Finally relocating an
industry to a different place involves a huge amount of costs and the industries
would not want to spend this amount naturally.

All in all, comparing the good look and bad look, I think that the government must
encourage the selected industries and businesses to move to regional areas
where they would operate in a better fashion for the overall betterment of
economy and environment and population.

65. Students in many countries are encouraged to travel or work for a year
before starting their university studies. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages for young people who decide to work or travel after
finishing high school and starting education in a university.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
There is no doubt that some young are encouraged to work or travel a year
before finishing high school. Some people assume that such a step is so
beneficial to students while others oppose such idea. In my point of view, I think
this idea has its advantages and disadvantages as well.
An advantage of working during high school is the gaining of valuable
experience. When young people decide to work during their high school, they will
get accustomed to the work environment and know several expertise and skills
upon which they can build their future. In this way, it can be definitely assumed
that they will be more than ready for any future work, be it a university study or
any other job. For example, my brother preferred to work when he was at high
school level with the aim of learning new skills. Upon completion of high school,
he easily found a suitable job and impressed the employers with his experience.

On the other hand, travelling during high school has some negative impacts.
When young people prefer to travel before completing their high school, they
may encounter cultural shocks. For example, one of my relatives decided to
travel when he was in high school. Due to his immaturity and lack of knowledge
of the outside world, he was utterly shocked by the customs and the way of life
there. He was unable to get familiar with that community and was completely
disappointed since he was unable to stay there.Consequently, his decision was
against him because he did not get any benefit from his travelling.

In conclusion, No one can deny that travelling or working during high school has
its positive and negative impacts. So, high school students are highly
recommended to know their abilities and readiness before embarking on working
or travelling in order not to be shocked or otherwise.

[ Written by - Abdulaziz Alharthi ]

Model Answer 2:
In today's modern world, many students are planning to further their studies
immediately after they finish school. However, there are a handful of people who
assert that the young teenagers should be given a chance to travel or work for at
least one year before they really attend to a university. Thus, it is important for us
to establish both the positive and negative impacts on the young people who plan
to go on a trip or start to work before starting their tertiary education.
Undoubtedly, there are numerous benefits if young people were to work or to
travel around the world after they finish school. To begin, working or travelling
helps the students to gain the precious life experiences which are not available
on textbooks. To illustrate, when young adults come out to work before attending
to a university, they are actually being offered a valuable opportunity to get into
contact with others. It is crucial for them to develop the interpersonal skills which
play an indispensable role in their studies and their prospective jobs. In addition,
if they were planned to go on a trip worldwide, they would, unquestionably, learn
about the cultures and traditions of the locals which may be slightly or totally
different from theirs. It, indirectly, widen their horizons and may help them to
reduce the experience of culture shock when they arrive in a new place in the
near future.

Nevertheless, a coin always has another side. If they decide to work or to travel
for a year, they may graduate later than their peers. The statistic of a recent
research conducted in Columbia has shown that memorising and interpreting
abilities of a student deteriorate as they grow older. In other words, it means that
they are likely highly not to achieve their aspirations due to the continual
weakening of the mental abilities of their brains. Besides, they may have
forgotten about the foundation of certain subjects that they have learnt in
secondary school. Again, it will probably lead the students who start their tertiary
education late fail to gain success in their academic performances.

In conclusion, although there are both benefits and damaging consequences if

they travel abroad or work after they finish school, I believe every individual can
still strive hard and achieve their set goals regardless of life experience and age.
Our nation will continue to prosper and flourish in the decades to come if more
educated and knowledgeable generations are being raised up.

66. Some people feel that the legal age at which people can marry should
be at least 21.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
Nowadays, it is a unanimous notion that for some people that the legislation
about marriage in terms of age should be at least 21.However, the others
suppose that this rule is completely based on the fallacious opinion. In this essay,
I will cite some arguments and give my stance on this issue.
Firstly, the young who are going to marry should fathom the life painstakingly.
Whilst the duration elapses the egregious plight and quandaries inculcate them
to learn the new experiences in the mankind. For most people, in order to
underpin this learning, the age limitation is one of the most paramount
prerequisites. Because the person whose age is beneath 21 cannot adapt to the
certain circumstances easily. Sometimes he will have to deal with tremendous
problems and as an implication of it, he will abdicate his responsibilities.
Subsequently, it can be rather perilous for his marriage in the future.

On the other hand, everything is contingent upon the person himself and if he is
trustworthy, nothing can cease him from attaining the authentic pinnacle of his
marriage. In such condition, the responsibility plays a major role. In spite of the
age difference, at times younger people’s marriage becomes happier than those
who are older. Because of it, they are so ebullient and their love is rather strong
in order to struggle with the difficulties. As a result, these features bring to the
stupendous fruition about their marriage.

Taking all things into account, it seems to me that the age is not a big problem for
a happy marriage. The main issue is the dearth of love and responsibility that
contribute to the augmenting divorce rate.

67. Nowadays more and more older people compete with younger people
for the same jobs. What can be the reasons for this? What would you
suggest as a solution?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is true that competition is a significant attitude in a workplace which is more

prevalence between young and old employees. There are numerous reasons
regarding this issue and various measures can be taken by governments to
improve this situation.
Higher unemployment proportion and the incursion of the innovative
breakthrough are the major causes of increased competition amongst both young
and old groups. Since people have faced economic recession in the world, the
unemployment rate is rising they are more willing to maintain the job they have
and youngsters compete with their older counterparts to find a great job. At the
same time, due to the advanced technology, employers find young generation
more knowledgeable with higher qualifications. In this regard, youngsters are
more likely to be recruited by them. However, the sense of competitiveness will
arise at this point because older people believe that traditional and conventional
methods are far more useful and never replaced with novel ones.

Providing greater job possibilities and utilising both young and old people to train
each other are the keys to solving this problem. It is governments' responsibility
to invest in creating job opportunities and employ or maintain the elderly who are
skilled and experienced so as to train younger counterparts. Besides, authorities
can offer training courses for old workers in order to boost their technological
knowledge. As a result, older people can benefit from the younger to learn
modern technology usage at work.

In conclusion, the competition among the young and the old workers will only be
tackled if both groups help each other to improve their weaknesses and providing
more job opportunities in the society.

68. Rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable
employees who are from poor countries.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
Some people believe that developed countries should permit qualified job
seekers who are from developing and underdeveloped countries, however, some
others argue that it does not necessarily have to impose that discretion. This is
not a trivial question to answer. Personally, I agree that there should be such
permission for finding jobs from wealthy regions for workers who are originally
from poor regions based on national cooperation in encountering poverty and
mutual advantages point of views.
To begin with, fighting poverty is an international responsibility, thus there should
be some cooperative efforts between rich and poor regions. Since unemployment
may be a major concern triggering poverty in destitute areas, one solution to
overcome this problem is by creating a joint-partnership with rich countries that
have to allow workers who meet the requirement of skills and knowledge to work.
By applying this discretion, skilled employees from poor areas can be harnessed
to run work effectively and they also may learn and gain experiences of how
working in a progressive area and can bring back this experience to their origin
for improvement.

Furthermore, employing required and talented people from deprived regions can
contribute to a mutual advantage between prosperous and poor cities. For
successful cities, this idea can help increase their regional income as
knowledgeable human resources are available to operate their factory and other
occupation. Meanwhile, for deprived cities, it will help coping with poverty
because skilled citizens can elevate their earnings to accomplish better life

Nature of business and globalisation require rich nations to have talented

individuals from different parts of the world to better understand the customer
segments of other nations and to market their products and service properly.
Organisation like Google, Microsoft and Samsung already have employees from
different countries and other organisations in rich countries should follow this
trend as well.

All in all, employing skilled and qualified workers from poor regions may be a
form of national understanding in tackling poverty as well as sharing mutual
benefit between rich and poor countries. Life will have a balance when everything
is adequate, is not it?

[ Written by - Linda ]

Model Answer 2:
In today’s modern world, although there are a number of countries who have
become rich and more affluent by following the development and advancement
of technology, there are still some nations who have remained poor. Therefore,
some people assert that rich countries have an obligation to offer jobs to talented
and wise workers who come from the poor countries, which I strongly agree with.
There are several reasons which influence my view. To begin with, the act of
allowing jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees from poor countries by
rich nations is considered to be an effective way to help the poor countries and it
will indirectly strengthen the relationship among nations. It is important to ensure
there will not be an occurrence of war between the nations which may have
negative effects on the people’s lives, for example, it may even cost many
innocent lives. By maintaining the close relationship between the countries by
offering jobs for the employees from poor countries, the citizens in both nations
can live in peace and serenity.

The following factor that supports the idea of offering jobs to employees from
poor countries by rich nations is that it could prove useful in helping the poor
countries, especially the third world countries to reduce the cases of poverty. By
offering jobs to the citizens from poor nations, they are able to support their
family financially when they get back to their home countries. As proverb said, kill
two birds with one stone, this action is believed to be beneficial to both sides, not
only it will help the poor countries to tackle poverty and starvation problems, but
also will help the rich nations to continue to prosper and flourish in the decades
to come. This is mainly due to the reason that the talented and intelligent
employees from poor countries can contribute endlessly to the rich countries.

In conclusion, I strongly agree with the idea that rich countries should allow jobs
for the employees from poor nations who are talented and intelligent owing to
numerous factors. I believe the poor nations will soon become richer as long as
the rich countries are willing to lend them a helping hand.

[ Written by - Lee Wing Qeen ]

69. The ease of international travel and the spread of various kinds of mass
media all over the world have made it more possible than ever for people to
know how other people live in other countries.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

At recent years, most of the people started to know the cultures of other
countries. It is caused by many aspects such as the ongoing growing in
international travel and the continuous improvement of variation of media.
Inevitably, I believe that this phenomenon is a positive development for several
considerations given below.
To begin with, people in all parts of the world will easily get familiar with other
countries' way of life. They will gain acknowledgements relating to the variety of
cultures, common beliefs, kinds of religions, even mindsets so they can obtain
more wisdom thinking not to judge others by wrong or right. Moreover, they will
understand the geographical conditions and typical rules and laws which are
applied as in depth processes of learning other civilisations so they attain a
complete condition of surroundings in other parts of the world.

To end with, the economy impacts are also undeniable. The flights industry will
thrive, the tourism places will be favourable; the providers of a tour guide will be
profitable because people are eager to know more about other cultures by
staying close to the original places. As the result, local communities will achieve
more income as direct effect and will be aware of social-economy purposes as
well as the need for educational capacities (for example, learning foreign
languages, mastering calculations of revenues, etc.) as indirectly long term
impacts. As consequences, the governments together with city councils should
pay more attentions to regulate and stay focus to this economy sector.

To sum up, the advantages of knowing how other people live in other countries
are inevitable so stakeholders are supposed to take responsibilities to maximise
the result both social and economy benefits.

[ By - Angga Cool ]

70. Psychologists have known for many years that colour can affect how
people feel. For this reason, attention should be given to colour schemes
when decorating places such as offices and hospitals.
How true this statement? How far colour influence people's health and
capacity for work?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Since the beginning of the civilisation, colour has become a big part of human
life. Different research and experiments have been done on finding the effect of
colours on people’s moods and psychology and the finding of psychologists
shows that feelings of people can be influenced by colour. Hence, some public
buildings such as offices, hospitals are suggested to use appropriate colour for
decoration to motive people to feel better and have a positive mindset. I agree
that colour can affect our psychology and that is why offices and other public
buildings should have appropriate colour and decoration.

Firstly, a public health service should be located in a nice place, have a

comfortable environment and appropriate decoration so that people feel better
being there. Especially it is important for the patients who stay there for quite a
while or visit there for treatment. First priority should be the better treatment
facility and skilled doctors and then the colour scheme and decoration should be
set in a way so that people feel better being there. One of the supporting factors
for establishing a better environment in a hospital is colouring the building with
appropriate colour such as green and white. Colour of the building and
decoration matter and that’s why the restaurants and food selling brands have
invested a lot of money to find the right colour to inspire people to eat and drink.
Almost every renowned restaurant has its own branding and colour to attract
people. Proper colour can keep people calm and help them feel better and that’s
why it is especially important for the hospitals and other health care centres to
have the right colour and decoration. From my experience, I can say that I can
wait more time in a room with soothing colour and decoration than in a messy
room with very bright colour. We are accustomed to seeing colours through
different situations and experience and that remains stored in our brain. A
particular colour thus can trigger our brain and arouse our feelings

Similarly colour and interior decoration used in an office building can affect the
mood and psychology of employees. Natural and eye-soothing colours are better
for our physical and mental health and directly related to our stress level. Hence
using the most appropriate colour in offices is also important. From my personal
experience, I can say that I find light green, aqua and white colour very eye-
soothing and I prefer to stay in a room decorated using these colours. Probably a
very bright red colour would give me a headache as it is often related to anger,
frustration and fire. Thus I believe that colours are directly and indirectly related
to people’s work performance, mental state and health.
To sum up, I stand to claim that colour has a big effect on human psychology in
many ways. Thus, colour or decoration of a room should never be selected
randomly. Rather a good amount of time should be invested to colour any
building properly to give a better impression and feeling to the people.

71. Some people believe that the good leaders are born, whereas others
hold the opinion that the leadership qualities could be obtained during the
life. Who represents the good leader qualities indeed?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is often stated that some people are born to be a leader. However, many
people assume that a good leader may achieve leadership skill due to social
interaction. Personally, I reckon to the second statement that to be a leader
means to have the ability to understand some needs of the public and having
proper behaviour and the leadership quality is achieved rather than to born with.

To begin with, the leadership qualities may trigger when there are crisis or
opportunities in a community or a particular place which allows individuals to step
forward and take some responsibilities. These characteristics occur to respond
the social requests for overcoming some obstacles in that place. For example,
when there is an election in a region, some individuals can register to be a
leader, however, the only way to ensure the real figure is by giving matters to
solve which may prove their leadership ability. Therefore, people who gain some
input from society may have better qualities than people who have less
interaction ability.

Furthermore, it is believed that person in charge should respect one another. It

means that they could manage and embrace people from various types. At the
same time, the leader should treat others equally regardless their background
and social status. Treating people equally might seem challenging in term of
social satisfaction. However, if a leader can solve this issue, they will be known
as a real leader.
Some people are born with leadership quality as per many people’s opinion. But I
believe that leadership is a quality which is related to someone’s personality,
social influence, motivation and ambition. It is not unusual that we have so many
great leaders in our history who simply responded to the need of time and
stepped forward to help others. Leadership is a quality we must learn and feel
passionate about.

In conclusion, some qualities of leadership could not be achieved as a gift or

destiny, yet it takes time and effort. Being friendly to society may become
indispensable aspect to reach that goal since this opportunity provides people to
engage deeply.

72. Buying fashionable clothes is wasteful because people don't need new
clothes all the time. Clothing should be bought and used more wisely.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Stylish and branded dresses have significant demand among people in all over
the world. While it is highly desirable due to its charm, I believe that outfits should
be selected according to one’s necessity and comfort instead of the modern

From my point of view, there are few reasons for people to usually want to have
new dresses even when they do not need them at all. One of the strong issues
behind this is “impression”, which people think embarks by fancy
dresses. Sometimes it has considered as a first and foremost requirement to
being up to date, confident and good looking. Apart from this, another indicator
that insists people having stylish clothes is the fascination with their favourite
celebrities and following their vogue blindly. Keeping up with the latest fashion
and to be on trend are two factors people do to attract admirers in many cases.
Undoubtedly, these are the factors that drive the world fashion industries and
designer labels towards the supreme positions.
Despite those reasons, we must admit, a basic need of our life like “cloth” should
be purchased more smartly and wisely. Excessive shopping of dresses should be
avoided because there are also many productive ways in our life where investing
this money and time seem more sensible. For an instance: by cutting the extra
budget of useless clothes, one can easily raise a fund for the purpose of
entertainment, own a business or can run any kind of charity organisation.
Furthermore, one should care about his or her appearance and the particular
ambience while selecting a dress. Because it is the real definition of smartness
that grabs more attention than modernised open up outfits. Following trendy
fashions often contradicts with someone’s native culture and that can lead to
social problems. Have a sense of style does not mean that someone has to wear
the expensive and latest dresses always.

In conclusion, while spending money, time and energy for having useless
dresses just to show off and attract attentions, I believe utilisation of these
elements in other creative areas and choosing comfortable clothes are far more

73. Some people say that giving a smaller amount of money weekly to
children will help them become more capable as they grow older.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Essay 1: [Neutral Opinion]

Caregivers share the common ground when it comes to childcare activities. In
this regard, showing the correct ropes for a growing child to become a shining
star in life has been a monopoly for years. Giving weekly pocket money for their
wards seem to be a helpful method to make them grow as more competent
individuals, according to some parents. While this practice is being beneficial to a
certain extent, I also believe it has its own drawbacks.
Money given on a weekly basis to children could help them to become adept at
financial management in future. This is because right from childhood they would
know the value of money and what can be bought with how much cost. Besides,
they would have also been exposed to situations wherein they have to save a
fortnight’s money to get something essential. For example, a recent study on
child’s attitude to finance, 2014, presents that, if Rs 50 is given per week to a
child, the response would be planned expenditure in the fourth week in
comparison with the first week. All in all, this change in perception of finance and
its efficient planning would definitely help out in the future life of every child.

On the flipside, the penny allotted for children at an early age could deteriorate
their lives. There are high probabilities that they may be misled due to their
acquaintance. Take for an instance, a child whose essentials are taken care by
parents and does not want to spend money on anything, a companion of the
child, in particular at the adolescent stage, might make him indulge in some anti-
social activities like smoking or drinking. Therefore, until a child gets matured to
become aware of the ins and outs of life, even a single penny given would drift
away him or her from the path of life.

In conclusion, though a grown-up man or woman takes some time to get on grips
economically and attain a social status, it is all a part and parcel of life. In my
opinion, the early stage of life, childhood should only be spent for having
academic skills as well as pedagogic learning of basic expenses. But if the
mother’s and father’s trust this method, the expenses are to be followed by them
to borne fruitful results out of this.

[ Written by - Nivetha Subramanian ]

Sample Essay 2: [Neutral Opinion]
It is common that many parents today offer nominal sums of money to their
children weekly. Some people assert that this method of financial gifting would
develop certain independent skills required for children in the long run. I
personally agree that this would make children more capable and skilled in
money management as they grow older for various reasons but would possess
some dangers that cannot be ignored.

To begin with, one of the major advantages of this practice is the

accomplishment of the knowledge about money management in childhood.
Moreover, it is a fact that childhood is the formative period of life. Therefore, if
children are taught such skills, certainly that would strengthen their ability to
confront with various skills and tribulations in the long run. Another merit of this
act is that this money could be used for their personal needs especially in
emergency situations. To cite an example, children can effectively manage
incidences like the unexpected cancellation of the public transport and strikes
and so on. Besides, the habit of saving can be cultivated and parents can keep
them happy and satisfied and thereby strengthen the family bonds.

On the other hand, it can be noticed that children are just agile and fun-loving in
nature, who are not always physically and mentally matured enough to take
informed decisions about money. These youngsters, who are tender-minded,
could use this money for various purposes such as smoking, drug addiction and
for amazing latest trendy gadgets. The result would be even more disastrous as
it would surge the number of crimes in the society. To cite an example, many evil
minded people could take it as a source of revenue by cheating and harming the
vulnerable children for the money.

In conclusion, I believe that though weekly allowance by parents to children has

some positive sides, the negative aspect of this practice is much less rosy than
many people think it is.
[ Written by - Bimal Kumar ]
Sample Essay 3: [ Agreement]
Nowadays, a growing number of people encourage parents to grant a small
amount of pocket money weekly to their children. This is because they believe
that giving weekly money to young children would enhance their financial
management skills in future. However, some childcare organisations and
guardians ask parents to avoid giving money to their juvenile. They claim that
handing over money to their adolescents in early age might have deleterious
impacts. However, I strongly assert that children have the right to receive a lump
sum amount of money weekly so that they can readily fulfil their personal
necessities and can learn better money management from an early stage of their

Firstly, it is intuitively obvious that teenagers who receive weekly pocket money
from their parents can become experts in finance management in the future life.
Additionally, they involve practically in financial matters and since they have
limited amount they persist and strive in order to accomplish all their necessities
without crossing financial boundaries. Alternatively, granting money to offspring
on a weekly basis have other uncountable benefits such as they become familiar
with the methodology of bargaining. Moreover, children who want to buy a
specific toy or gadget for themselves start accumulating money in their fantastic
treasure boxes. As a result, they can primarily go through the sophisticated
process of saving money. Ultimately, it is extremely fundamental for parents to
allocate a small budget weekly for their children because children's necessities
are as mandatory as elder's. On top of this, the biggest demerit of not delivering
pocket money to children is that they become a victim of inferiority complexity.
Last but not the least, they often create social distances from their friends and
family members.

On the contrary, it is undoubtedly acknowledged that children who start

possessing money in their younger ages can instantly involve in illegal activities
and bad habits. For instance, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking drugs and
smoking require money and children who have money can incline to these bad
habits. There are ample evidence to suggest that children who receive extra cash
for their necessities are highly likely to commit crimes and get involved in bad

In conclusion, although offspring who do not grab a single penny from their
parents are somewhat protected from getting into bad habits like smoking and
alcoholic addictions, but in my opinion, parents should provide freedom to their
kids in terms of purchasing their favourite and desired products and gadgets. As
a result, they would probably become experts in purchasing, financial
management, saving as well as bargaining.
[ Written by - Faisal Ali ]
Sample Essay 4: [ Disagreement]
Many people think that giving some money to children on a weekly basis will
assist them in becoming more capable when they grow older. I personally
disagree with the statement and the following essay will discuss some of my
reasons for disagreement.

Firstly, by giving a small amount of money to children regularly we are not

teaching them about being independent. It is a fact that children are learning
many things from their parents in the early age and parents must do their best in
becoming a good role model for them. By giving money to children routinely,
these parents are teaching their children that they do not have to work hard or do
something important to earn money. They will learn that someone will give them
some money every week which they could spend on. For example, I can recall
some of my cousins who regularly get a good amount of money from their
parents and yet they have not build up any habit of being independent or any
sense of saving money for the rainy days.

Secondly, the money could be misused by the children as they could spend it for
buying inappropriate stuff. It is undeniable that children are not yet mature and do
not have the wisdom in managing their own money. They might purchase things
which might be inappropriate for them, especially in third world countries where
children are allowed to buy cigarettes or alcoholic beverages. Many teenagers,
for example, get money from their parents and spend those for buying drugs or
cigarettes which eventually harm their future rather than making any good.

In conclusion, some people believe giving children a small amount of money

each week would help them in becoming more capable when they become
adults. I do not agree with the statement as I believe that it could spoil them and
the money could be misused. I agree if parents would teach children to earn
some money by having a part-time job during the summer holiday, therefore they
will appreciate their income and spend it wisely.
[ Written by - Darwin Sugiharto ]

74. Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all
the people in the world. Although global decisions are made to reduce
these problems, the solutions are not effective. Why are the solutions
ineffective? How can these problems be solved?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Essay 1:
Our mother earth is weeping because of the two major threats, pollution and
climate change. In spite of many global conferences being held to find out a
permanent solution, a promising remedy is yet to be put into action. This essay
will shed some light on the need to look for an effective plan and the alternatives
that could put an end to these ever growing issues in the near future.
There are several reasons to support the ineffectiveness of the solutions
provided. Firstly, the more pragmatic the solution is the more it would be
implemented and many decisions which are taken so far to combat the climate
changes are less pragmatic. Take for an instance, putting up the usage of private
vehicles tends to be something that can only exist on black and white. Secondly,
measures taken so far seem like would be effective only in a long run. As a
result, we still suffer the consequences of poor air quality, global warming and
unpredictable climate. Finally, if only the rules enforced are stringent, is there a
possibility for it to be implemented. The figures of authorities are usually less
careful about the long-term effects of these global concerns on the future
generation. Mitigation! That is what the world needs. The world leaders take
decisions to fight the pollutions and climate change and many of these decisions
remain in the papers and never see the daylight. The ideas should be
implemented not discussed. The lack of implementation and budget are two main
reasons we still have the pollution and increased Earth temperature.

However, there are possibilities to make this planet clean and habitable again.
For this to happen, sharing of vehicles among commuters of same destination or
a reliable public transportation could be introduced. Besides, instead of focusing
on long-term actions like reducing deforestation done for residential purposes,
plantation of a large number of saplings and creation of awareness programmes
for students would be much more operative. Furthermore, a hefty fine for non-
environmental friendly activities ought to be followed to make the solutions
efficient. The world leaders have to make things happen rather than discussion
and decisions. They should enforce every country to implement the measures
they think useful. Funnily, they decide to reduce the number of private vehicles
on the roads and yet their countries produce millions of cars to export to other
countries and they are investing more on space research than to make the world
livable. That’s something that should be taken seriously not lightly.

To bring the curtains down, the whys and wherefores of dissolutions that didn’t
bear fruits were put in the limelight and also the immediate changes that can be
done to hand down the globe as it is to the posterity were suggested.
[ Written by - Nivetha Subramanian ]
Sample Essay 2:
It is undeniable that environmental issues such as global warming and pollution
have negative impacts on all countries and these negative consequences would
affect the whole world. Even though some global solutions have been addressed
to solve these problems, many people believe that they were not effective and
efficient. The following essay will discuss some of the reasons why the solutions
were not successful and how these issues should be resolved.
For a number of reasons, solutions that have been implemented for resolving
environmental issues were considered as ineffective. Firstly, solutions were only
implemented by certain countries. For example, only a few countries in the world
implement carbon monoxide test for vehicles such as Canada or Australia while it
should have been done in all countries. Other countries such as India and China
are allowing vehicles with all conditions to commute in their streets and roads.
Secondly, some countries do not provide clear regulations and laws regarding to
environmental issues. For instance, in several countries, there is no fine or
penalty when people throw the garbage to the river or sea. As a consequence,
oceans are still polluted with waste from these countries. Though many global
policies have been taken, many of them are not implemented in many countries.
This is the main reason we still have increasing world temperature and pollutions.

There are some solutions that the United Nations and governments could
consider to resolve these environmental issues. One of the solutions is that it
must be agreed and implemented by all countries. For example, Air Conditioners
and Refrigerators must not use CFC gas which is dangerous for the ozone
layers. These regulations must be implemented internationally, and for countries
that still use CFC must be banned and given penalties. And then, each country
should have strict regulations regarding to environmental issues and the United
Nations should audit each of these countries on a timely manner. By having a
review from an independent party, each country is forced to implement friendly
environmental practices in their area.

In conclusions, I believe that global environmental issues could be resolved, as

long as all countries participate in implementing the solutions.

[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

75. The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than
treatment and medicines. Government funding should reflect this.
To what extent to you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is sometimes argued that more money should be spent on preventive

measures than treatments, as they are of greater importance. However, I would
argue that cure and prevention are equally important when it comes to spending
money in these areas.

There are several reasons why it can be argued that government should spend
money on tackling the causes of diseases. Cost-effectiveness is the key element
when placing more importance on these initiatives. By allowing people to have
access to these health monitoring strategies, governments can avoid the hefty
priced hospitalised treatments or other extravagantly expensive medicines. Take
the modified gene coding as an example, the technique of relocating genes in the
DNA of human beings can help deliberately avoiding inherited lethal illnesses in
newborns such as diabetes. In this way, not only the financial pressure on health
care departments can be reduced, but also the painful suffering caused by these
contagious sicknesses. Hence, an improved quality of life for those who take
these measures is a better alternative. So, if government prioritises preventative
approaches as a mandatory element in tackling health problems, people would
surely be leading healthy lives in a near future.

I also believe that spending on treatments or medicines has of proportionately

equal importance as of managing causes. Some diseases are too fatal that
cannot be left without an intensive, holistic and advanced treatment. For
instance, carcinogenic patients would have never been recovered with ever
greater speed today, if huge state budget were not invested to produce
chemotherapy. Similarly, without enough government funds for the best possible
treatments to vulnerable patients, people' life expectancy will be affected
devastatingly. So both these departments should be given equal money to keep
them going.
In conclusion, governments have to make health reforms properly by investing
equally in the cure and prevention of epidemic health illnesses in order to have
better outcomes from health deprived people as well as ensuring a healthy and
energetic living for them.

76. Many people believe that companies and individuals should pay to
clean up the environment in proportion to the amount of pollution they
have produced.
To what extent to you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is often argued that people should be charged in accordance with the amount
of pollution they produce. While I accept that certain organisations should be
penalised for this, I believe that every individual should not be forced to pay a

There are several reasons why the giant entrepreneurs should pay for
contaminating the land. Having penalised with a specific amount of money
factories will help the government to raise money which can be used in a variety
of long-term and rationalised measures to mitigate the pollution from the earth.
This will also deter them from producing more garbage and pollution. Take
London as an example, where governments have invested recently a hefty
amount of money in public transportation, in particular, local buses which have
been designed to be much more efficient than the older ones. So these vehicles
discharge fewer combustible pollutants into the air. Also, these self-centered
companies sometimes exploit natural resources such as forests, water land and
agricultural lands, beyond all their limits just to increase the profit. If these
companies are not obliged to share the amount of money, which is required to
curb pollutions, they will become more short-sighted (or greedy) in terms of
making more money without even caring about the impact on climate change and
However, I would argue that every individual should not be liable to pay
recommended fine. It is unrealistic that we can stop people from polluting the
universe merely by imposing charges. Because people need electricity to enjoy
technologies, a farmland to grow crops and an accommodation to live, food to
eat as well as a mean of transportation to travel. Furthermore, if people from
devastated backgrounds are charged more for the impact they have on climate; it
will create an upheaval situation where lower-income groups would not be able to
pay even for their daily necessities.

In conclusion, organisations who are earning millions of pounds by exploiting

natural resources should only be obliged to share the amount of money in
curbing the pollution rather than all the common citizens.

77. Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. Some

people think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel
that it may be a threat to life on earth.
Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

People all around the world take into account the significance of genetic
engineering. Although it is sometimes thought that it has numerous benefits to
humanity, others are of the opinion that it could bring destruction to the
ecosystem. However, my opinion on that issue is that both negative and positive
effects of genetic engineering should be carefully researched and then should be
used for the greater good of humanity.

There are certain factors of the genetically engineering products. Firstly, crop
modification will bring resistant to various plant diseases and it also targets
infestation of unwanted insects. In other words, the amount of pesticides and
fertiliser used are reduced. Furthermore, many countries are producing
genetically engineered crops to produce a good variety of plants and abundant
harvest. Genetic engineering can also address the increased food demands of
people around the globe. Many diseases that human genetically inherits can be
fought against with the improvement of genetic engineering and it can also
ensure a generation.

However, some people argue that it brings long-term effects to humanity and
environment. Certain reasons for these are the concerns of human health in
which most modified foods contain toxins that are harmful to us. Also, it produces
a minimal amount of nutrition. Another major concern is the potential harm to the
environment- once genetically modified organisms are released into the wild, it
interbreeds with the native organism and creates new species that may not be

Finally, in my view, it is essential to look at the positive side it brings to humanity.

As the population grows, the demand for food supply is increasing, thus, the
natural method cannot cope the demand of the people. In this way, scientific way
of plantation and farming are fundamental in our environment. Many diseases
that cause death to a large number of people could be prevented using the
blessing of genetic engineering.

In conclusion, there are good arguments for and against genetic engineering, so
people must continue to research various methods to minimise the negative side
effects of engineering products to ensure the betterment of every individual in the

[ Written by - William Cruz ]

78. Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you
think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums
outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, many tourist attractions are present globally which are offered and
promoted by the government and one of them is museum. Museums also
preserve and represent the history, traditions and many other important aspects
of a country. In some museums, there is a policy that the visitors have to pay
money before entering while others are free to visit. I certainly believe that the
applied policy i.e. charging visitors for museum entrance derives more benefits
than drawbacks.

First and foremost, money collected from the visitors can be utilised to maintain
and develop the museum. For instance, it can be used to cover the utility bills,
repairing costs, renovation and staff costs. Maintaining a large museum costs a
huge amount of money and the revenue earned from the visitors could be a good
source of money to do that. Not all museums are funded by the government and
sometimes museum‘s fund is not enough to cover all the costs it requires. If no
money is taken from visitors, such museums would have to be shut down. So
admission fee in museums seems very utilitarian to maintain a better museum.

Furthermore, due to applied tariff, inhabitants who enter a place providing

scientific or historical values are likely to spend their leisure time there and do not
enter unnecessarily. For example my sister, Lia tends to read carefully the
available information provided in the museum and one of the reasons she does
that because she wants to get some value from the money she spent. This
example makes clear that admission money is seemly very utilitarian to
encourage and educate the visitors to use facilities offered maximally.

On the other hand, entrance fee in museums possibly reduce the guests
because most of the people prefer to come to places and spend idle time that
can be entered without any money. To illustrate, a garden located in the city gets
more visitors than the other amusement parks which require a ticket to enter. The
people in the garden go to walk, gossip and to chat with others which should not
be the case in a museum. Only interested and real visitors in a museum would
make it a better place for people to learn and visit.

In a nutshell, although admission charge will attract fewer visitors in a museum in

many cases, considering the purpose of a nice museum and to cover the
expenses it requires, the entry fees seem have more advantages than the
79. Some people think that all university students should study whatever
they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects
that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, it is obviously seen that majority of people tend to carry on their

higher education in institutions such as a university or a college. While some
citizens believe that students should have their freedom to study subjects that
they are interested in while others disagree with it and opine that they have to be
involved in major that will be very utilitarian in the future.

At the beginning, every person in this world is likely to have human rights, which
means they are free to follow something that they like, choosing a subject at the
university as an example. Generally, students have a tendency to join the major
that rely on their passions. To illustrate, my brother, Luce, he has an interest in
analysing data and he has decided to go into Statistics and the committee of a
university cannot restrict him to study that subject since that action seems
restricting someone from his interest. Thus once a student gets admitted to a
university or a college, s/he should have freedom to read the subjects that
interest him/ her. Studying from passion is more effective in most of the cases.

On the other hand, many people feel that students should join in a major,
particularly which is related to technology and science, such as natural science
and technology, information technology etc. and they should solely focus on
studying these subjects. Based on research carried out by Statistics Center in
Semarang, it is predicted that due to globalisation, the world will be focused on
technology and science in the future. So, it is certainly believed that college
students should be involved in correlating with those subjects so that they can
adapt to the future circumstances and develop themselves.

After hashing out both points of views, it can be concluded that although people
certainly have a freedom to choose their major in university and colleges, it is a
wise decision to study subjects that can be utilised in their future.
80. Some people say that mobile phones should not be allowed in public
places, others argue that people should be free to use their mobiles
wherever they like.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Different people have different opinions about the usage of one of the most
commonly used fidgeting gadgets -mobile phones in public places. While I
believe that the rule of restricting its usage could be beneficial to a certain extent,
I also put forth that it would create some negative consequences to the regular
users and in people's emergencies as this rule would become a scrutiny.

There are several arguments to support this restriction: First, had the mobile
phones been let free in public places like libraries, there would be a higher
probability for the other people to get distracted. This distraction could completely
spoil the reading environment for which they are meant for. Secondly, if there is a
ban on the usage of mobile phones in railway stations, is there a possibility for
the work to progress without any disruption or stagnation. Take for an instance,
passengers who are supposed to buy tickets or the issuing authorities have a
conversation over their mobile phones while they are supposed to do their duties,
there happens a delay in the workflow for no important reason. Though the ban
imposed could bring benefits, it is the need of the hour to analyse the drawbacks
of it.

People who oppose the restriction of this rule state that a few negative sides are
in the limelight. According to their view, the more they use the mobile phones, the
more they will be connected with their circle- be it their family, colleagues or
friends. Due to the restriction placed on, they might not find time to catch up with
their dear ones’ and this would be more appropriate for the commuters who use
mobile phones while commuting. Besides this, in cases of emergencies wherein
a person has to pick up the call in public places, this rule would be an
obstruction. As a result, the information which has to be conveyed to them could
be delayed and this may make a great difference in their lives.
By and large, the restriction of mobile phones in public places has its own fair
share of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in my opinion, wherever we
use a mobile phone, we should make sure that no person or work is disturbed
because of our cell phone usage. It is also suggested that every person should
think by instinct and use mobile phones as and when it is required.

81. Modern technology is now very common in the most workplaces. How
do you think this has changed the way we work? Do you think there are
disadvantages to relying too much on technology?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Innovative and latest technology such as internet and computer have an intense
effect on the people, especially in their workplaces. As a result, the method of
working is transforming continuously. These days, technology has epidemically
flared and even overtaking the humans, who are the inventors of the technology.
I personally believe that there are more pitfalls on relying technology than the
advantages it offers.

Technology made us work less and move even least. We rely on computer and
the internet to have our work done. The faster communication has made the
global business a reality, though not without a cost.

No doubt, technology has negative impacts on the human. Firstly, technology

had made people extremely sponger. For instance, people used to travel on foot
to in the past especially, in India. As a consequence people remained active and
fit and also free from ample of ailments namely fatigue, heart disease and severe
disease like cancer as well. Their average life expectancy was far more than the
generation we see now. Though it is claimed that technological advancement has
enhanced people’s lifespan and cured many diseases, I do not see that it is true.
When it was common for people to live more than 100 years in the past, many
people nowadays dies at their early 60s.

Moreover, technology has a greater impact on the young generation. Most of the
students and children even cannot do brainstorming in time base task. In addition
to this, scholars and children, are losing their own personal skills, this is all
because they are not using their own knowledge and creativity. As an example,
most of the students are using Wikipedia and imitating the same text in their
projects or assignment which is an abominable way to pass the exam. The way
people are becoming dependent on technology, a simple mistake on a
calculation or a wrong decision taken by a computer device will create a disaster.
Consider the nuclear research centre where everything is computerised. If a
computer virus attacks this station or a hacker hack this station, this could lead to
a global catastrophe.

Our relationship with each other has seriously been affected due to the modern
technology like smartphones, computers and social networking websites. People
no longer interact each other in person so intimacy among them is plunging day
by day. To illustrate, webcams and the internet are the predominant reasons
behind this. Technology has reached to the institution where students get best
study (smart classes) hence communications among students and tutors are

To encapsulates, technology has alleviated humans to some extent but, when

the technology will advance to the redundant level and we will solely rely on this -
it will be the Doomsday for the Earth.

[ Written by - Harpreet Singh ]

82. Nowadays it is more difficult for children to concentrate or pay attention

in school. What could be the possible reasons for this? Which are the
solutions you can propose?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is true that children face a lot of challenges in their schools these days to give
complete focus on academics due to various reasons. Even though there are
many causative factors, parents and teachers can take several steps to mitigate
these issues.
There are many reasons behind the lack of concentration among school children
in classrooms. First and foremost, unlike the past, today the number of broken
and single-parent families is increasing. Children from such families cannot focus
completely on their studies as they are not mentally healthy and happy. For
example, in India, a recent survey report showed that failure rate is much higher
among children who come from problematic families than the other children.
Next, nutritional status is another important fact. Since pupils have more things to
study, they often skip breakfast to save time. As a result, they become fatigued
and weak easily when they reach schools and it affects negatively in their
academic performance. Other important reasons for the lack of attention among
children in schools are increasing air and noise pollutions, unhealthy diets,
addition to computer games and insufficient parenting.

However, there are several ways to tackle these problems effectively. I believe
the most obvious solution is that parents should maintain a healthy and
comfortable environment at home, which provides mental pleasure and energy to
children for performing in school appropriately. Besides, they will be happy
instead of unreasonable mental agony and psychological depression.
Consequently, they can achieve higher grade or score in examinations. A further
step would be to encourage nutritional intake of children by parents and
teachers. Parents should prepare a balanced diet for students and moreover,
they should promote and cultivate nutritional healthier habits. Next, nutritional
classes should be organised in school premises to increase the awareness
among pupils. The teacher should make sure that the classes are interesting and
children’s can enjoy them. It is natural that when a classroom does not grab the
attention of children, they will feel disconnected and bored. Enough emphasis
should be put on making lessons suitable for children. Parents should make sure
a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet for their school going children.

To conclude, despite many causes and risk factors, parents and teachers can
share a collective responsibility to enhance the concentration of children at
school and studies to a large extent.
83. In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone
nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In the recent years, most people, particularly in developed countries, likely to opt
for living independently. Although living solo come along with several drawbacks,
I would consider this more of a positive development.

For several reasons, living alone may have some drawbacks. Firstly, living
independently can be extremely costly as life is becoming increasingly complex
and property price is just skyrocketing. This has created a difficult situation in
finding an accommodation at a reasonable price. For this reason, single
occupants may have to work unbelievably hard to make their ends meet. Being a
singleton has meant that they cannot expect any financial or moral support from
family or relatives in most cases. Lone occupants are more likely to experience
depression, anxiety and uncertainty with bearing all household responsibilities on
top of pursuing a work life than family-oriented people. As a result, single people
tend to lead a hectic as well as burdensome life with having a feeling of being
resented and anguished and therefore resulting an unhealthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, I believe that people, leading a life as single dwellers are the
luckiest one. A sense of freedom with an acute privacy is something considered
as the most desirable element of a happy life. This is the main reason why single
occupant tends to be seen as a successful peer of the society. Because living a
life on their own allows them to invest a precious time in the development growth
and shaping out their personality. Furthermore, single people are likely to attend
more public social affairs, thus allowing cities and urban areas to reinvigorate as
they spend more money on holiday-making, doing outdoor activities or surfing
other services compared to their couple counterparts. Finally, if more people
became independent, the more they live greener by living in apartments or near
to towns instead of living in suburb houses and commuting to work from far away
stretched distances.
To sum up, going solo may have some disadvantages but I would argue that this
development should be seen as a progress.

84. It is important for children to learn the difference between right and
wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this
To what extent do your agree or disagree with this opinion?
What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to
teach good behaviour to children?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Education is likely to be the most important thing to be learnt by every child and
that education is not restricted in academic lessons only but also in behaviour
field as well. Most people think that young children should be taught about
attitude at an early age and a punishment is required in some cases to complete
this education. I certainly believe that some punishment for the betterment of the
children should be allowed which I will brief in the following paragraphs.

First and foremost, it seems that teaching good behaviour and virtues, when
children are still in young ages, will be easier both by parents and teachers.
Moreover, if this lesson is followed by an appropriate penalty, they will fear and
think twice before breaking the applied rules. Research carried out by Statistics
Center in Semarang shows that the plenty of youngest are easier to have a good
manner if they got this lesson before they reach their maturity. In addition, if the
youngsters know that they will be rebuked and punished if they commit bad
actions, they will usually stay away from committing mischievous acts. This
research makes clear that a lesson followed by convenience punishments at an
early age is likely to be a wise idea to create the youngest being a good member
of the society.

However, the punishment should always bet to teach a lesson not to intimidate a
child. The teachers and parents should always think about alternative ways
before imposing any punishment to a child. If the child commits the same
abominable act several times, then a minor punishment to teach a lesson should
be given. A severe punishment by a teacher or parents could psychologically
damage a child and the teachers and parents should always be careful about
their way of punishment. Sometimes taking away a favourite toy from a child can
be an effective punishment where no physical punishment is required. The
teacher and parents should keep in mind that the main purpose of the
punishment if to teach the child a lesson not to hurt him physically.

After hashing out the issue, it can be concluded that a lesson to have good
manner should be taught as early as possible and the effective punishment like
rebuking or taking away favourite toys.

85. These days, children tend to spend a great deal of time playing
computer games. Some believe this is a beneficial trend while others think
it is detrimental.
Which viewpoint do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, many children spend a considerable amount of their time by playing

computer games. While most of the people, especially parents, think that this is a
waste of valuable time and this time should be utilised for learning academic
lessons or taking part in outdoor activities, very few think playing computer
games is helpful for children’s cognitive development. I firmly believe that
children should play computer games particularly brain games and strategy
games but a balance should be maintained so that it does not become an

In the highly developed technological modern world, it is important for children to

play computer games. Firstly, by doing this they can learn how to use computers
and become familiar with new technology. Moreover, children communicate to
each other at school during the break and often discuss different strategies of
some particular computer game. Not only they develop their skills and knowledge
such as 3D vision, imagination, and fantasy by playing those, but also computer
game is the new modern way of leisure activity for young people, which help
them develop thinking patterns, have friends online and build an online world.
Many computer games are great learning resources and therefore parents and
teacher should supervise what type of games a child play and how much time
they spend on that.

On the other hand, spending too much time on computer games might be
dangerous for children. For example, some children may not do their homework
because they become addicted to computer games and play those most of the
time. Also, children have less face-to-face communication with their friends and
families as they are busy with games. Furthermore, some of youngest might
even become aggressive as computer games expose them to violence and
fighting. Therefore, the assistance from adults is needed to help children to keep
a balance between computer games and other compulsory deals. Spending too
much time can be detrimental to the children’s health, especially for their eyes.

To conclude, a balance is required to ensure children are not playing computer

games too much and spending a lot of time in front of computers may lead to
disadvantages in other arrears of life such as social communications. However,
playing computer games for learning and exploring new ideas can be a very
effective way to enhance knowledge and imagination for children.

86. Homework is a part of school life. Many people feel that giving
homework daily to school children works well for them, while some feel it
is an unnecessary burden on them. What do you think about it?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is true that homework is an essential part of education for school children.

Some of them think that homework helps them enormously, whereas others are
of the opinion that it has very little value for students. Even though it brings some
disadvantages, such activities are often considered to be advantageous due to
various reasons.

People who argue that homework is very useful among school children consider
many important factors. First and foremost, since homework is the important part
of education in younger classes, it will cultivate a regular study habit in them
considerably. To make it clear, pupils are forced to learn lessons whatever they
studied in their classroom every day and they never forget such things in the long
run. Moreover, they can achieve higher score or grade in their final examination.
To explain, if they do homework on a daily basis, obviously doubts can easily be
clarified and it would help to understand each and every aspect. Naturally,
students can face examinations without much preparation as well as without any

Furthermore, free time can be utilised efficiently instead of playing games. It also
gives insight among students about the serious aspect of education in life. As a
result, they develop a sense of responsibility and time management skills from
the tender age onwards. Consequently, it would lead to the development of
productive citizens.

However, there are others who contend that homework causes detrimental
effects on children. This reduces leisure time of children to a great extent. Such
imposed study exercises may create a negative attitude in children. Besides,
some of them have a tendency to copy from other children as they are not
capable themselves and they want to impress teachers as well. Nevertheless, I
am strongly inclined to favour the idea the former statement because of the
immense benefits.

To conclude, despite some disadvantages, it offers many benefits to both

children and society in many ways.

87. Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people
suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and
active lives.
In what ways can society benefit from the contribution that older people
can make?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Essay 1:
Generally speaking that older generation over sixty-five years old can do certain
activities and can contribute to a great extent. I am quite sure that they could
participate in some activities not only in the formal range but also in the informal
area. I will outline two ways in which people can get benefits of this interest.
Becoming involved in family’s special occasions is one of the ways in which the
elderly can contribute. The woman older relatives could share the recipes of
traditional meals and the men could share their opinions and interests in
traditional games that they used to play in the past. Hence, the younger relatives
will be happier because they might feel more complete. The marriage couple
could get some tips on how to build a happy family from them. Gathering with
whole family members can increase happiness.

Another way is the elderly can participate in the school. For instance, the school
can contact local retired people for sharing their experience to pupils. I am quite
sure that the children will be fascinated by the older people’s story about the
circumstances in the past. They could give information about the vital links
between previous live and present time. On the other hand, children can ask their
grandparents for replacing their parents, due to families now more mobile, on
career days.

Some professions like teaching, research, writing, mentoring requires experience

and the older people can contribute in these professions. For instance, an old
professor can be a great resource for the research department in a college or

In short, the older generation can bring some benefits to society. As our life
expectancy improves, the need for the older generation's contribution also should
be increased. Making elderly more active in society not only bring positive impact
for them, but also for the young generation.

[ Written by - Nurul Izzah ]

Sample Essay 2:
With the tremendous advancement in heath care and medical science, people's
life expectancy has become longer than ever before and it is believed that older
people can now have a more active life than they had in the past. Some people
opine that senior people can still have productive and active lives and the
following essay will discuss how they can have positive contributions to the
Firstly, it is a fact that people are now working longer than ever before and
government in many countries has been forced to increase the retirement age.
Thanks to the latest healthcare facility and scientific advancement for that.
Furthermore, it is also noticed that instead of becoming a housewife, many
women choose to work nowadays. Consequently, working parents are leaving
their children either in a daycare centre or to a babysitter. Having healthy and
active grandparents will be beneficial for these families, as they could help by
taking care of their grandchildren. Grandparents take great care of their
grandchildren and this strengthens the family tie.

Secondly, healthy and productive senior citizens can make contributions to the
societies through volunteering jobs. It is a fact that many public facilities such as
local libraries need some people to do volunteering jobs. Many of the senior
people love to do these kinds of activities, as they give them a chance to
socialise and interact with other people. And then, by having more volunteer
employees the operating cost will be reduced and the fund could be allocated for
other important matters.

Thirdly, there are many professions where experienced and older people can
contribute far better than young people. For instance, politicians, teachers,
researchers, historian, doctors often need time to produce their best output. Thus
older people can remain in these types of professions and serve the people and
country for a long.

In conclusion, it is true that as the health and medicine sectors have developed,
people's life span have become longer. Most of the retired people are still in
healthy and active conditions. I personally believe that these people can give
positive contributions to societies. They could assist their children by taking care
of the grandchildren, and they could do volunteering jobs in the neighbourhood.
Some of them can even serve the country in different important professions.
88. In many countries, young people are granted certain privileges and
responsibilities at the age of sixteen. Clearly, parents have a responsibility
to both care for and prepare their children as they approach this important
To what degree should parents intervene in the lives of their 14-15 years
old children?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is widely believed that grown-up children should be granted to take some

particular responsibilities for making their own decisions at the age of sixteen. I
am on the belief that parents still have authorities on guiding their children at that
time as long as it is not too much intervening. I will outline two measures that can
be done by parents for guiding their children.

First of all, the most important area is safety. Children tend to do something
based on what they like but careless on its risks. Likewise, children are more
curious than adults that they want to try anything. For instance, in some
developing countries like Indonesia, especially in a village, many adolescents
ride a motorcycle before they are 15 years old and they do not require a driving
license. Commonly, they drive fast and do not wear a helmet. This issue needs
parents’ attention. Therefore, parents should give advice and necessary
information about the suitable time for them for riding a vehicle.

Another measure is financial management. In some regions, most teenagers

depend on their parents for money. It is my firm belief that guiding them on how
to manage money from the young age will be valuable for their future. In addition,
children could make a better decision on what their money should be spent on.
For example, parents should give a particular amount of money regularly. They
have to commit that there will be no extra funding even though it is hard up.
Therefore, children’s awareness will go up and the probability of getting a part-
time job is highly likely to happen.

Proper guidance from parents can build a better future for the children.
Teenagers often lack the experience for taking important decisions and the
parents should always be friendly and supportive while guiding their children.
In short, whilst young people are granted particular privileges at a certain age,
parents still have authorities for controlling them but without too much
intervening. Children still need guidance for their future wellbeing.

89. Some people believe that growing economy can be useful to those
people who are poor and hungry. Others think that this can influence the
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Many people in the society are of the opinion that when the economic condition
improves the people who are poor and hungry will benefit immensely- their life
standard will improve and feeding people will not be a challenge while some
others believe an improvement in the economy can only bring about negative
impact to the environment. Both sides of this issue will be discussed in this

Improving the economy of a nation is a tough task for any leader to achieve and
the objective of this leader is to improve and alleviate the life of the poor and the
needy in the society. It is an established fact that many poor people in the world
earn less than a dollar daily, therefore most do not have foods on their table for
themselves and their family.

Every leader of a nation has it as his or her mandate to grow the economy and
implement policies that will benefit the people especially the poor in the society
and such policies are those that have to do with job scope creation, subsidizing
products, giving grants to farmers, student grants, giving scholarships and also to
ensure that the rate of inflation is low.

As these policies are implemented to alleviate poverty this will also empower the
people to contribute to the development of infrastructures and environment. It is
therefore expected for a good leader to ensure that the people do not live
destitute condition.

I will like to state an instance about how it is done in my country. Several Policies
to alleviate the condition of the poor have been implemented, such policies like
subsidizing farm machines, fertilizers, giving grants to those that are aspiring to
be entrepreneurs, providing commercial tricycles to men to earn a living. Many of
these lives have been impacted positively without influencing the environment.

In conclusion, a nation whose people are poor and hungry do not have better and
developed environment, the index for measuring the economy is by the standard
of living and not by how well the environment is.

90. It is becoming more and more difficult to escape the influence of the
media on our lives. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in
a media rich society.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Usages and influence of media in our life and society have dramatically increased around the globe over the
last few years. It has become a mandatory part of people’s lives as media are everywhere. Youngsters are
mostly influenced by media because of its numerous benefits. People of other age groups are also influenced
by the media. They are using this in the form of newspapers, television, radio and internet to avail maximum
advantages such as information dissemination, entertainment and latest updates of various promotions etc.
However, the increasing use of media has some detrimental effects on the society.

There is no doubt that media play a pivotal role in learning. A large number of people are using electronic
media to complete their education assignment and projects, for instance, YouTube has a large volume of
lectures in the form of videos to assist thousands of viewers. Moreover, media has a diversity of programs to
entertain its target audience. It also helps them to increase their knowledge about current issues worldwide.
Media often increase our awareness and inform about things that are happening around us. Thus it is a great
tool to bring people together.

However, media has also increased people’s woes. In order to increase rating, they are more opted to portray
negative news and bad aspects of society that made people tense and increased their worries. Furthermore,
people are less perceptive to physical activities because they do not want to skip their favourite television show
and thus they become lethargic that makes them susceptible to illness such as laziness, obesity and anxiety.
Political biasness, monetary gaining and vengeance are often practices in some media and that has very
detrimental effects on our society.
To sum up, I would like to say media has more advantages that outweigh its disadvantages. Media make
people independent and give them freedom to raise their voice against corrupt perpetrator residing in
government and private institutions. However, students are more diverted to other issues highlighted by media
than their focal point, which is education.

91. Some celebrities say that their private lives shouldn’t come under
media scrutiny. Other people, however, believe that they should accept it
as part of their fame.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Being a member of the contemporary world, it is everyone’s right to spend their

personal and private life according to their own will. Media has great influence on
celebrities’ lives and often highlights their private matters, which is considered to
be a shameful tactic and they mainly do to get higher publicity and ratings for
their television and newspapers etc. Some people claim that famous stars
compromise with the fact that disclosing and revealing their hidden truths would
end up in giving them more fame and commercial gain.

Firstly celebrities are also human beings and they have right to enjoy the comfort
of their personal life without having interference of the outside world. In ordinary
life, they also behave, act and live like normal people. They also face numerous
problems as other citizens of the country but to bring their personal issues to
media is an immoral activity that should be discouraged by all means. They
should be treated with care, respect and always acknowledge due to their works
and achievement.

There is no denying that celebrities use such tactics to gain more success and
fame in their professional career, discussing and portraying secrets of their life
significantly increased their popularity and create a new horizon of opportunities
for them. For instance Paris Hilton, a famous Hollywood actress was on the brink
of her career end, released her sex tapes to drag the attention of a large
audience, suddenly after the release she was in spotlight and limelight
everywhere and also got more business afterwards.

To sum up, I would like to say that people’s privacy is their basic right that should
be followed and exercised in all educated societies. However, some celebrities
intentionally make them one to public to enjoy lucrative incentives associated
with it.

92. Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a

person. Do you think this is the best way to do it, or are there better
alternatives? What is the best method of choosing employees in your
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Selecting the right candidates for the jobs offered is not an easy task, and it
often requires extensive work such as data collection, screenings, scrutiny and
interviewing before actually employing the employees. The interview is the most
effective and fast way of finding the suitable candidates according to the nature
of a job. Some other methods such as comprehensive written test, practical test
and different scenarios could also help in this regard. I believe that interview is
most successful and widely used technique to select the appropriate employees.

There is no doubt that interview plays a pivotal role in the recruitment process
and has become a mandatory constituent of candidate selection process.
Normally, interviews help employers to judge the expertise and knowledge of
different candidates about the subject. Some other traits such as confidence,
personality, intelligence and communication skills could only be evaluated
through the interview. In addition, this is the most convenient and rapid way that
could exercise without spending huge expenses and time.

However, sometimes candidates are unable to perform and express according to

their strengths due to shyness and lack of confidence. By this way, employers fail
to hire potential and knowledgeable persons. Other methods of choosing
employees also significantly help at this time. Written test, practical
demonstration of skills and making strategies in given situation are exceptional
ways of knowing their strengths and weaknesses and are extensively used in
institutions such as education, agriculture and army.
To sum up, I would like to say that the interview is commonly exercised in
contemporary societies because of its effectiveness and higher success rate in
selecting the right employees. Other ways of choosing employee are also helpful
but demand more costs and time for their setup..

93. Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook)
have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Usages of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + etc.
have dramatically increased recently with the advancement of technology.
Although, it has many detrimental effects on the society but its positive side
cannot be neglected. I believe that technology has a significant contribution in
bringing people closer around the globe and also as a source of cheap and
efficient communication.

Social networking sites play a pivotal role in mitigating communication gap not
only in the immediate social circle but also with friends and families in remote
areas by sharing their news and updates. Social networking sites provide a rapid
and effective way of interaction among people. Furthermore, many social groups
exist on such sites which help people to find persons of the same interests and
attitudes without confiding them to only geographical boundaries. It has recently
been seen that many injustice and social issues were shared in social networking
sites and that made a huge impact on authority and that has brought justice to
the victims. Social networking sites are a common ground for mass people to
share their updates, views and other details. Thus this has created a world
without any boundary.

On the other hand, it is often seen that people have become disjointed and
fragmented as the social networking sites become prevalent in societies and
communities. Youngsters are more receptive to this change would like to spend
most of their time on these sites. This has led dire consequences on their
physical and psychological health. Moreover, families are greatly affected by this
and their social bonding is no more present in contemporary days. People are
getting addicted to these websites and thus becoming less social in many cases.
Propaganda and fraud relationship have caused many personal and social

To sum up, I would like to say that people have become more social and
interactive by the use of social networking sites. It gives people a sense of
freedom to talk around the world without worrying about the huge cost that
incurred previously. However, it has severe negative effects, as most of the
people opt to talk using technology than meeting others in person due to their
busy lifestyle, it increases the distance in their relationship.

94. Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are
more advantages to living in an apartment. Are there more advantages than
disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Being a controversial subject among people, whether or not living in a private

house outweighs being settled in an apartment, is not an easy decision. In this
essay, the pros and cons of both these ways of living are going to be discussed.

People living in a house benefit their privacy as they do not have any neighbours
in their place to share some areas like staircases or corridors. Besides, having a
desirable garden could be a marked characteristic for individuals being interested
in gardening and or providing a sufficient play area for their offspring and pets.
Despite a variety of merits, possessing a house could embody some sort of
difficulties ranging from low security to some extra maintaining expenses.

On the other hand, thanks to expanding the state-of-the-art lifestyle in the

multitude of cities, especially the mega cities, living in an apartment is going to be
more convenient because of some advantages. The main merit is that living in an
apartment contributes to being more secured in comparison with a house, as the
inhabitants need to take care of just one entrance and building guards provide
higher security for the owners, as well. Low independence feeling, however,
could be mentioned as the most significant drawback of a flat in a building,
particularly towers.
In conclusion, all things considered, both circumstances of living possess their
own plus and minus points. Nevertheless, I somewhat concur that due to the
modern way of life in which plenty of people live, living in an apartment could be
more profitable with regard to the level of security and lower cost of maintenance
of property and some probable repairing issues.

95. Dieting can change a person’s life for the better or ruins one’s health
completely. What’s your opinion on that?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

There have been dramatic changes in people’s lifestyle and eating habits over
the last few years. Large numbers of people are more concerned about their
health and they would like to do dieting, exercise and other physical activities to
present themselves in good shape. Dieting is the activity that is more practicable
in today’s world to reduce body weight. I believe that dieting badly affects our
immune and digestion system and make us more susceptible to illness.

Many people do dieting to reduce their weight without realising its detrimental
effect in their body. Firstly they will lack in physical activities and other works that
demand hardworking and strength because they are not having sufficient intake
of food to produce energy that is required for such activities. This will make them
lethargic and their sedimentary lifestyle contributes to weight gain. Secondly,
deficient energy in the body will affect the immune system that would show less
resistance against viruses and make the human more open for diseases.

However, dieting plays a substantial role in controlling obesity and youngsters

are more attracted towards this technique of weight loose. It helps them in
reducing weight and also makes their body sound and finally helps them gain a
good shape. In addition to this, dieting also helps in proper working of various
organisms in the human body, that is also scientifically proved.

To sum up, I would like to say that dieting has more disadvantages that outweigh
its advantages; people with healthy diet and lifestyle spend better life than others.
Therefore, dieting impedes the progress of body and increase the risk of
attacking germs and viruses.
96. It is very clear now that English should be the primary foreign language
taught in all schools around the world. Learning a different foreign
language before English is, in today’s world, a waste of time.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

English is the most widely-spoken language in the world. In fact, it has gained so
much importance in so many countries that it has become an international
language. However, other languages like German, French and Spanish are also
taught in schools and colleges as well in many countries. My opinion is that
giving other foreign languages priority over the English language in schools is not
a good idea.

Over the decade, many people from different cultures and countries have
adopted the trend of going and study abroad. Many of them choose to start their
careers there as well. At this point, they need to understand and speak English
very well. It will help them to communicate with others and they have a better
chance to of growth in their fields. From academic success till better presentation
skill, from better persuasion till important international meeting and conference,
English is needed everywhere. The knowledge of the second language is
important but none of them excels the necessity of knowing English and this is
why the schools should give priority to English over other foreign languages.

Learning English as a second language is being essential nowadays, as, people

around the world understands English. It makes easier for you to visit any
country. Most of the T V channels are in English. All information on the Internet is
in English. If you know English you have better job or study opportunities as well.
Learning other languages can only be beneficial as a hobby or if you are
planning to visit that particular country. Other than that, I firmly agree that English
is the necessity of today’s life.

To conclude, it is clearly understood that learning English is more constructive

than any other foreign language. So a priority should be given in schools to teach
English as a second language over other languages.

[ Written by - Mansoor Afzal ]

97. Educating children is a more difficult task today than it was in the past
because they spend so much time on cell phones, online games, and social
networking website.
How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Nowadays, thanks to modernisation, the method of teaching has changed

considerably compared with decades ago. Developments have led students to
spend more time on a variety of electronic communication devices and to
become less flexible when it comes to learning lessons at school. However, I
personally believe that the overall quality of learning has been fundamentally

On one hand, in the past, teaching children was far simpler. One reason is that
they did not have any access to other study resources. They had to follow their
instructors’ rules to learn from theoretical and practical materials instead of using
the Internet. For example, to learn English, students mostly used school
laboratories and only listened to materials recommended by their teacher. Now,
students can listen and participate in hundreds of online courses through the
web, each with different strategies which often confuse learners. Another issue
is that cyber-addiction has lead children to spend less time studying their basic
books. Playing video games, which are upgraded every month, chatting on
Facebook or texting friends mean children find less opportunity to study and
practice their lessons.

On the other hand, some social networks and telecommunication systems are
extremely useful to children. The primary factor is online learning which has
become a popular method of teaching in many countries. For instance, to learn
biology, children can search and find a variety of topics on the web in few
seconds, or download their favourite video lessons by paying a very modest
amount of money. Tutors, therefore, spend only a few hours teaching the related
subjects in school. Furthermore, social networks have assisted pupils in
understanding the materials better. Obviously, in many schools, colleges or even
universities, students are encouraged to create study groups and participate in
discussions, collecting information far more easily than in the past. In particular,
at MIT in the USA, students have private accounts and can connect to any other
student in the US university system. This gives them access to a far wider range
of materials, ideas and approaches to data than learning in the past.

In conclusion, although children had more time to study classroom materials in

the past, now they get a better quality of teaching. In my view, online learning
and participating in vast educational study groups has led them to learn than in
the past.

98. Computer games have become widely popular and people spend a lot
of time playing them. What are the negatives and positives of playing
computer games and what can be done to reduce the bad effect?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Computers today are most common and their gaming aspect is a cult among the
teenagers. Computer games are considered to have numerous bad effects, but I
think if used in moderation they can be used as an effective tool for learning and

Computer games are considered as a social evil in the society as they are
associated with the dogma of time-wasting for school going students. To some
extent, that may be true but everything about these games is not negative.
Computer games help younger children to develop good hand-eye coordination
which is crucial in their early stages. They are also full of fantasies which
eventually aid in developing children' brains to be more imaginative and

On the other hand, spending a long time on the computer not only wastes
valuable time but also renders users physically inactive. Health hazards
associated to this mainly includes obesity, weak eyes, lower back problems and
so on. Apart from this, cognitive development, which is critical during childhood,
tends to go for toss thanks to increased addiction to gaming. These problems are
a cause of concern among parents.

To curb their negative aspects, parents should keep strict control over the time
children are exposed to these games and should promote engagement in
physical and brain games. In fact, game producing companies have also realised
this and have started preparing gaming consoles which involve more physical
movement, suggesting that everyone is doing their bit to promote the positive
aspects of this innovation.

To conclude, there are always two sides associated with everything: one
affirmative and the other negative. It all comes down to how you want to utilise
the potential of any innovation.

99. In the recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people
got killed on the road. Traffic designers blame drivers for driving too fast
and drivers say the roads are bad. Who is to be blamed for the accidents
deaths caused on roads?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Death toll has been increased significantly in various parts of the world over the
last few years. Large numbers of casualties are happening due to over speeding,
violation of traffic rules and poor infrastructure of roads. People associated with
traffic department claim that rash driving, excessive speed of cars and unwilling
attitude to follow rules and regulation by drivers are the primary reasons for
accidents. However, drivers say that lack of preemptive measures, inadequate
road facilities and pathetic design of roads immensely increased the risk of
accidents. I believe that both drivers and traffic designers are mutually
responsible for the rise of road tragedies.

It is the main responsibility of traffic department to take necessary measures to

control such incidents by introducing legislation for driving. Firstly, there is a need
to fix the speed limit while driving in the city and outside city. Surveillance
cameras should be installed on busiest parts of the city to monitor speed limit.
Furthermore, new and strict rules of law should be implemented. People found
guilty of breaking laws should be sentenced to jail or imposed heavy fines.

Drivers can play a pivotal role in mitigating the traffic woes. They should be given
training of driving and a need of comprehensive test that include both practical
and theoretical test. This will ensure their capacity of driving and knowledge
about traffic rules. In addition to this, Government should make attempts to
organise seminars and workshops to increase awareness among drivers.

To sum up, I would like to say that it is an equal responsibility of both drivers and
lawmakers to take precautionary steps to avoid any injuries. There is dire need of
legislation on the traffic designers end and also need to create perceptiveness
among drivers.

100. Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is
a good idea, while others disagree strongly. Consider both sides of this
debate and present your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

There are arguments that students who graduated from high school should have
a year break before enrolling in college or university as it will give them several
opportunities and advantages. However, other individuals believe that students
must have a continuous education. It seems reasonable to argue that a year
break between secondary and tertiary education is not a reasonable perspective.

Primarily, it is often said that if a student decided to give himself a one year
vacation before pursuing the higher education, he or she might b able to gain
work experiences. Obviously, the student can use the experiences once he or
she applied as a professional employee in a certain institution. This is because
most of employers often seek workers who have numerous work experiences
and credentials. Linked to this is the fact that every high school graduate student
has encountered the pressure of studying difficult subjects such as geometry and
physics. Thus, a year break will give the student a chance to indulge in his or her
desired activities. Understandably, the schedule in some high schools consumes
most of the students’ time, which could have been spent on relaxation or

Besides, the year gap could be used to travel extensively and that would be an
excellent opportunity for them to gather firsthand experience about the different
cultures and countries. Students who get practical job experience can learn
money management and learn to appreciate the value of money. The experience
gathered from job and travel often helps them to excel in their academic studies
when they start their academic years in university.

However, it cannot be denied that students may find it difficult to adjust to the
lessons and topics being discussed at the primary level in college. One major
reason of this is that the students could forget the knowledge they have learned
during their high school days. As can be expected, in college, some professors
appear to start at basic subjects, such as algebra and English, in order to help
the students adapt to the level of difficulty. In addition to this, the students could
be enticed to abandon their studies because they might think that the salaries in
their temporary occupations are enough to supplement their financial needs. For
instance, some students in the Philippines are attracted by the higher salaries
offered in non-skilled jobs, which make them sacrifice their education.

In conclusion, I am convinced that a year break must not be encouraged to every

high school graduate student due to the fact that it may ruin the student’s
education. It is very likely that all students will procure better jobs which offer a
higher salary if they finish their education.

101. Governments should spend more money on education than on

recreation and sports.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Almost all governments, across the globe, have a yearly budget to distribute
money for various activities. I agree that governments should allocate a higher
budget for education compared to recreation and sports. This can be proven by
analysing, how spending more money on education can reduce unemployment
rate as well as decrease crime rate and can positively enhance the people’s life

If more people are educated in a country, it is apparent that the employment rate
of that nation will be high, as there are a lot of skilled employments available
throughout the world. But to have many people educated, the governments
should provide good education system which is affordable by the citizens. For
example, as per the report published in the Week magazine during August 2015,
America has very less unemployment rate as the government provides best
quality education to the citizens at a very minimal fee. Thus, it is obvious that the
government should focus on spending more on the education sector. The
recreation and sports activities are also important for people but the education
has far better importance.

As the society has more social knowledge, the crime rate will be reduced. This is
due to the fact that education creates a positive mentality among the people. For
instance, as per the BBC report telecasted on January 2015, Nigeria has a crime
rate which is 20 times more than the USA. Therefore it is the responsibility of the
governments to ensure that the citizens are educated by providing adequate
infrastructure. In addition to that, governments should even make the secondary
education free and mandatory. Hence it is very clear that governments must
allocate a higher budget for education. Sports and other recreation can improve
people’s life standard but what benefits it can bring when the people have
poverty and they are engaging in crime?

By analysing how allocating more money for education can increase employment
rate and make the earth a safer place to live, it is very important that
governments should allocate a higher percent of the budget on education. It is
predicted that importance is given to recreation and sports as well, but not at the
cost of education.

102. People naturally resist making changes in their lives. What kind of
problems can this cause? What solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Due to the natural reasons, people find it difficult to change the ways they live. It
is quite difficult for a majority of people to alter the state of mind, the way they
think and the environment they get used to. Therefore several problems can
occur when they are told to do and solve their issues in easier and more decent
ways. In my opinion, obvious solutions knock the door of psychologists and also
family members and relatives should act in these positions. Changes in some
cases are inevitable and embracing the new idea and way of life bring many
opportunities and hence accepting new things are often not options, but
mandatory for us.

In modern life, people adjust to different habits and routines and then they do not
tend to get involved to change their usual activities. By doing this, they decline
any other offer presented by surroundings, especially when these offers are from
ones that they do not like. Because of that their resistance increases in not
changing. For example, when a parent asked their kid to not do disobedience or
not eat chocolate too much, this kid's persistence in the matter sometimes
enhances as far as parents ask. That's why the worst and most difficult of the
problem is the resistance of children's unruly behaviour. If these issues are not
undertaken by someone responsible and coped with the problem, its
consequences stay to the rest of child's life vitally.

New ideas, technology and changes are often for better ways of life. Not being
able to grip the new idea and changes can bring personal and social problems.
Parents who cannot embrace the idea of modernization and generation gaps
often have bitter experience with their children. Changes in society are also
natural with time and the old way life will not remain forever. New ideas often
come to people with open and broader perspective. Old traditions have their
importance but new customs, ideas and changes should also be accepted for the
overall betterment of the society.

A healthy family and social relationship, use of technology, guidance and mutual
understanding people of different generations can minimise this problem to a
great extent. It is natural that old people will not easily accept the radical changes
of ideas, values and way of life. New generations should talk to them, discuss
them and present the good sides of the changes they have accepted.

To conclude, it is best to consult these overwhelming behaviours to an expert for

the sake of the welfare of both the people and the society. By the help of modern
psychology I do not think of a problem unsolved, and besides this is a crucial
problem for a society that comprised of healthy-thinking people.
103. In some countries, government safety laws include things such as
wearing a hard hat on a building site or wearing safety clothes in certain
factories. To what extent are laws of this kind good idea? What sort of
safety law would you introduce, if you were given a chance?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is a fact that in many countries the government set some standards about a
safe workplace, such as wearing some protection gears in the workplace. I
personally support the idea as working in a safe condition is an essential fact,
and the following essay will discuss it in details.

To begin with, it is true that in certain countries, the government is concerned

about the safe work environment. As injuries and accidents at work have been
frequently reported, the government set some policies about safety at work,
which covers so many aspects. One of the examples is that heavy industry
companies should provide their workers with the appropriate safety equipment,
as the risk of being injured at work is high in this industry. In another example,
drivers of special vehicles such as bulldozer or forklift must have a registered
certificate or a special license, as driving these vehicles requires special

If I have the authority to set some regulations about safety, I would set these
kinds of policies. Firstly, every company should make a report about health, safe
and green environment in their workplace. This report should be submitted to the
authority on an annual basis, and companies who fail to submit their report on
time will be charged with penalties. Secondly, there would be a regulation about
safety audit. The government should set some audit teams, which will inspect
companies’ safety environment during their work hour. Companies with
unsatisfactory audit result must be reassessed during the renewal of their
business licenses. By having these two policies, it is hoped that companies will
implement a safe and healthy working environment in their workplace.

In conclusion, I strongly agree that safety at work is an important thing, as many

governments have set some specific rules about it. Should I be the authorised
person, I would make some safety regulations which enforce companies to make
a timely safety report, and conduct safety audits.

104. In many countries, sports and exercises classes are replaced with the
academic subjects.
Discuss the effects of this trend.
Sport is an important constituent of education at school and universities.
However, there is a dramatic shift in this trend in some developing countries over
the last few years. The authorities concerned claim that lengthy syllabus,
competitive learning and studies pressure are the main hindrances that mitigate
student interest to pursue in this field. I think this is not a good practice to
exercise; children should provide opportunities to participate in physical activities
that would help them in relaxing and developing skills such as leadership,
teamwork and handling pressure.

Sports play a pivotal role in health and could significantly contribute towards
achieving others skills that are also important for a successful person. For
instance, lack of these activities will make people lethargic and they will become
more susceptible to diseases such as obesity and laziness. Furthermore, it is
also seen that students without these activities are more hyper and violent in
their attitudes, this will lead to severe problems in the society.

Nowadays, students have to perform exceptionally well in order to compete in

their peer group. That increased panic, tension and un-relaxing conditions.
Therefore, exercise is a one way that can reduce their studies woes and help
them to relax and reenergize for their future studies. In addition to this, students
who are good in sports activities can adopt it as their future career.

To sum up, I would like to say that eliminating sports activities from school
curriculum would have dire consequences on students and society. We would
less likely to produce players for our nation teams. Apart from that students'
mental health negatively affect with the absence of sports.
105. With an increase in the number of privately owned vehicles, roads are
becoming more congested. What measures could both government and
individuals take to deal with this situation?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

A rapid increment in private-owned vehicles has caused roads become more

congested. If preventive measures are not applied in time, this might create
difficult situation globally. As vehicles are now an inseparable part of human life,
both government and individuals should inhabit some measures.

Government plays a vital role in managing vehicles number and size of roads.
The government can adopt measures like higher tax-rate, public awareness
programmes and wider road construction to manage traffic and discourage the
rapid growth in the private vehicles. Another solution to this problem is to
encourage people to use public transportation by carefully managing routes.
Also, small public vehicles can be replaced by bigger vehicles and cost of using
public transportation should be remarkably lower than using private vehicles.
Finally, implementing more effective traffic rules can have marked positive result
in both minimising the growth rate of private-owned vehicles and managing traffic

Along with the government, individuals also play an important role in this context.
The preventive solution that an individual can apply is to minimise the use of
private-owned vehicles when not necessary. People should use public
transportation services as it reduces the problem of road congestion and use of
fuel as well. Encouraging friends, family and neighbours to use private-owned
vehicles only when necessary can be another effective measure as well.
Individuals should follow traffic rules strictly and encourage the government to
adopt effective solutions.

In conclusion, government and public both should be responsible and inhabit

necessary practices. The problem can be tackled only if both sides act in their

[ Written by - Bishow Shrestha ]

106. In your opinion, what incentives could be offered that would persuade
more people to embrace electric cars?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

From my point of view, it is undeniably essential to keep our globe safe from
greenhouse gases. It is evident that cars or any gas-fueled vehicle produce these
harmful gases. Something has to be done to prevent greenhouse effect and
using electric cars could be a good way of preventing it.

It can be clearly seen that gas-fueled vehicles comprise the majority of the
causes of the greenhouse effect. Today, developers have discovered new
electric cars that have adequate speed and are equally comfortable. Once these
new, innovative cars have been fully charged, it can travel long distances with
moderate speed. In spite of these cars are slightly expensive, they are
undoubtedly prominent for both our health and our planet's safety. So some
incentive measures to make people embrace electric cars should have taken. For
this reason, people have to be introduced about how perilous these gas-fueled
vehicles are. In this case, governments have a great deal of responsibility to get
over that. For instance, the advertisement boards on the side of the roads are
one of the optimal places to inform people. In addition, social networks or TVs
could introduce the aspects of the electric cars. Furthermore, petrol is diminishing
with a great acceleration. Consequently, petrol has a limited source, despite
electric energy is unlimited that they can be obtained by solar or wind power. In
addition, electric energy has limited wastages, but gas has a lot of wastes and
one of these wastes is a threat to our lives.

The government can fund the car producers to produce cheap electric cars and
transportations. Less tax on electric cars could also be an effective solution as it
would arrest more people to purchase them.

To sum up, gas-fueled cars have a lot of drawbacks in terms of its fumes and
environmental damage, although there is no marked disadvantage that can
threaten our lives in electric cars. Funding, less tax and advertisement can attract
more people to use this sort of cars.
107. Some people think that uniform at school is unnecessary and should
be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Uniform is a mandatory constituent of schools in most of the countries and

children are obligated to wear uniforms during school hours. Some people argue
that children should have a freedom to dress up according to their own
preference. However, others claim that uniform at schools is a symbol of unity
among students and a way to disregard discrimination as well. I strongly believe
that uniform has social and ethical significance on children and should be a
mandatory part of their education.

There is no doubt that uniform has substantial impacts on children. It gives them
a feeling that they belong to the same group of people, thus help in creating
stronger bonding with each other. Furthermore, uniform eliminates the element of
discrimination among students, as both rich and poor students are obligated to
dress in the same way. People on the public places can easily distinguish the
school children and this offers some benefits.

However, allowing others dresses than uniform could deteriorate the situation.
This would lead to severe problems such as inferiority complex, shattering
confidence and other social issues and that have detrimental effects on children's
mind. In addition to this, buying new clothes would be an additional expense that
could be very difficult for poor people to fulfil.

To draw the conclusion, I would like to say that uniform is an essential part of
schooling and should not be neglected at any cost. It gives them the impression
that they belong to the same family and this makes them thrive in their studies
and sports. Banning uniform is not a healthy activity and could leave bad effects
in children attitudes.
108. Many people strive to maintain a successful career and happy family
life at the same time. What problems can this situation create? What are the
possible solutions?
Give reasons for your answer and give any relevant example or experience
you have to support your answer.

Nowadays, people are highly ambitious towards their career while maintaining
their healthy lifestyle. There is no doubt that it is not an easy task and it required
lots of efforts and will-power. Therefore, this has led to various issues such as
lack of attention in home chores, avoiding responsibilities etc. However, keeping
a balance between office and home life could dramatically change the situation.

The problems arise when people start avoiding taking interest for home and they
start focusing mainly on their career growth. By this I mean that their primary
focus of interest shifted from home to office work. Furthermore, lack of attention
towards family could create isolation in the family that will have dire
consequences on children. The competitive job responsibilities and enhanced
working time are also contributing to the lack of attention many people put for
their family.

However, sharing responsibilities, cooperating with each other would definitely

help in these circumstances. The best possible solution is to make a balance in
their lives by giving proper time and attentions on both sides. Cooperation and
adjustment within family members would leave an undeniable impression on their
lives. Moreover, by dividing responsibilities and sharing tasks will ensure a
smooth running of matters. Women can also play a pivotal role by supporting
their husbands in different aspects of life. Their participation and interest is a key
for happy life.

To sum up, I would like to say that great achievements always come with
sacrifices. However, by getting support from family and peer group help in getting
the desired result. Therefore, individuals should keep striving for bright future
while continuing happy and healthy relations at home.
109. Throughout history, male leaders always lead us to violence and
conflict. If a society is governed by female leaders, it will be more peaceful.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Most of the countries in the world are led by men, only a few countries are
governed by women. I personally think that whether a government or a
leadership brings violence or peace has nothing to do with the gender of the

It is generally believed that women have gentler personality than men in the way
they act. But, it does not guarantee that if a woman leads a country or a society,
they can prevent conflicts, clash or violence from happening because a leader is
not the only party causing or triggering conflicts. In running her government and
taking a decision or a policy, a female leader cooperates with and discusses a lot
with many other parties so I do not think that her mother figure will come first in
dealing with various complicated problems her government is facing. Instead,
she can not give priority to her feminine feeling (caring, loving, affecting, etc) in
policy making. A leader, either female or male, needs to take action in
accordance with the situation. That is why I believe that the gender of a leader
makes no difference in this issue. Many countries like Bangladesh, India, and
Pakistan were governed by female leaders and yet the conflict and violence
increased during their time and this is a clear indication that a female leader
cannot guarantee and peaceful society.

Moreover, conflicts often happen because of inability or bad leadership skill of a

leader in running his or her leadership. In any country, the incapability of leaders,
regardless of their gender, causes many problems leading to the unsatisfactory
of people and the decrease in people’s trust level to the government, both of
which are likely to result in chaos, clash, and conflict. I am convinced that
everyone will agree that capability and leadership skill have nothing to do with
gender. It is ridiculous to judge that men have a better capability in leading an
organisation than women, or vice versa. Besides, the success and the failure of
an organisation or a government are determined not only by the leader but also
the staffs and the cabinet. No matter how capable the leader is, he or she will not
be able to execute his or her government programs to bring prosperity for his or
her people and to satisfy them if he or she does not have a good team.
In conclusion, the ability of a country to avoid and prevent conflict and violence
depends on the capability of the leader, regardless of gender, to run the country.
It is not wise to say that men with their masculinity bring violence and none can
guarantee that women with their femininity will be able to bring peace for people.

110. Some people think that both travellers and business people must have
the same attitude to local people and the traditions of countries they visit.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.

There has been a significant increase in travelling over the last few
years. People tend to travel for the sake of entertainment, exploration and
business activities. Some people argue that travellers should obey and respect
about religious beliefs and tradition of the countries they visited. Others claim that
visitors are not bound to practice the local people beliefs and should have the
independence to live according to their own set of rules. I strongly believe that
foreigners must act accordingly to the traits and norms of visiting country.

It is commonly seen that some of the travellers do not care about others
sentiments and they like to perform their own rituals openly in public places. They
claim that it is permissible in free and open society. However, this could have
detrimental effects as some people could act violently and can create riots in a

On the other side, it is our moral and ethical duty to respect others religions.
Being as a visitor one has to follow the customs, traditions and traits of the
destination country. This will help them in knowing about cultures and others
traits of the society. This will also leave a positive message to the local people.

To conclude, I would like to say that tourists represent their country and their acts
and behaviour can help in developing their good image to outside world.
Therefore, travellers and business people should mould themselves according to
place and situation; it is also a natural phenomenon that ‘gives respect take
111. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of
relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative
Give reasons for your answer and give any relevant example or experience
you have to support your answer.

Today, more than ever, when it comes to the issue of determining whether or not
advances in technology affect the types of relationship individual make a plethora
of perspective have been put forward. The expansion of modern means of
communication is the ongoing debate which triggers so much controversy. This
issue is fiercely criticised by some experts who are on the view that they pose a
direct threat to social lives and may come at the expense of a severe social
isolation and sedentary lifestyle. Others realise the significance of these means
of communications and stick to the idea that these types of relationship are
integral parts of interpersonal communication. Consequently, they are regarded
as worthwhile. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, the opinion put forth by
the second group is more logical. In the following paragraphs, I will shed light on
my own attitudes for this issue.

To begin with, in the past, communication among people looked bleak. People
used to meet and make an appointment to see each other and in according to
the fact that communities had busy people and they seem doomed to have far-
reaching communication.

In the second place, modern means of communication command people’s

attention. They are the fastest and easiest way of togetherness. People are at
the mercy of virtual world to have opportunities to get in touch with others even in
the remotest part of the world which contributes to saving their time and hanging
out every moment. This issue questions the need to have face to face

To cut a long story short, for better or worse, we live in a world which is
surrounded by computers, cell phones on an unprecedented scale with which
people spend their spare time. The truth is that, in this hectic lifestyle, the
responsibility of real-time conversations, visualisation of each other, information
exchange which enables individual to share a variety of information such as
activities, events, interests, ideas falls on these ways of communication. Thanks
to tremendous advances in technology.
Last but not least, emails and messages make people more comfortable which
pave the way for explaining their feeling without shyness and give them a sense
of absolute confidence, also they are the backbone of introducing friends among
youth which increase their social friendship.

In conclusion, all in all, rather than devoting a great deal of time and energy
solely in terms of face to face interaction, the trend today is toward using modern
means of communication to get in touch with others. The pivotal role these ways
of communication performed in interpersonal communication is hard to ignore.
However, many people fail to appreciate it.

112. Modern medical science has made it possible to combat many

diseases. This is one reason that people are living longer lives now than
they did in the past. Discuss the effects this might have on society.
Give reasons for your answer and give any relevant example or experience
you have to support your answer.

Modern medicine and developments in medical science have solved the

impossible task of conquering many fatal diseases. Therefore people attain the
relief of long, happy and painless lives. Some of the numerous outcomes of this
relief are rescue from long-term and painful anxieties, accumulation of
concentration on subjects that are usually very difficult to do it under painful
circumstances and more significantly the importance of healthy decision-making.
Apart from that long accumulated experience of older people are helpful for
developing a better society.

Firstly, the anxiety of pain absorbs the energy of life in people. Thus individuals
with diseases spread this weakness to their environment and also they cannot
help it. From the other way, it is almost impossible to illustrate enough attempts
and pay sufficient attention to either the issues of family and friends or problems
and tasks of their jobs as their other fellows. For example, if there is an
occupation takes place like job trips, family organisations, they find it difficult
adjust to the mood of other members of family and friends.
However, their families try to make them as happy as possible. But these
problems have been transcended by appropriate treatments and ill people do not
need to feel awful anymore. Nevertheless the most difficult period in life, in my
opinion, is ill time. Because illness compels people to change their way of
thinking and decision-making, in some cases some people try to even suicide
because of the pain. It is the heartbreaking part of the story.

Although, today with the cooperation of psychologists and doctors most cases of
trauma and suicide can be handled. And many diseases with proper medications
and operations can be recovered. The experience of older people who live longer
can be useful for the new generation and professionals like teachers, politicians,
mathematicians, physicists and social workers can contribute more to the world.

113. Children nowadays spend a great deal of time watching television.

However, television cannot replace the book as a learning tool, which is
why children are less well-educated today.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Model Essay 1:
The main reason of poor education quality among children nowadays is that they
spend a lot of their time watching television programmes and do things that are
remotely connected to quality education. I completely agree with the statement
that television cannot replace the book as a learning tool as it is far less
educative and far more addictive.

Firstly, television cannot replace books as learning materials owing to the fact
that children often misuse television in the disappearance of parents. For
instance, educative programs are less attractive than the cartoon shows and
other programs children prefer to watch. While there are lots of educative and
suitable programs, it is not unusual that a child would prefer to watch programs
that entertain more than educating.

Another reason television is not as suitable as a book because when children

learn through television then their focus will be on audio-visual presentation, not
in learning. Whereas if they follow books then they focus on books and the
lessons it offers.

It is often heard that many children watch TV for long hours and that is
detrimental to their health. Television programs are addictive and many children
do not concentrate on other important things like study or outdoor activity when
they become addicted to watching TV programs.

Finally, television cannot replace the book as learning tool due to television might
be a tool that would be wastage of time. However, if children spend more time in
reading books there is no chance of wastage of time. The primary focus of
television is entertaining people while books are considered as the cornerstone
of knowledge and wisdom.

To conclusion, although television is more entertaining than books, it cannot

become a great tool for education as books are for children. The book is still the
most appropriate learning tool and the television can never replace it terms of
child’s education.
[ Written by - Tayyab Shahbaz ]
Model Essay 2:
In the current world, visual media has a huge presence across the globe.
Television is being widely used as a supplement for education by students. In my
opinion, books can never be replaced by television as a means of learning
gadget. This can be proven by analysing how books have the advantage that
they can focus on a particular subject deeply as well as provide time flexibility.

It is apparent that a particular book focuses on a specific subject. As most of the

programs in the television are sponsored by an organisation, advertisement runs
at regular intervals between the programs the people watch. In the case of
books, advertisements are very rare and thus there are limited distractions on
learning a subject. Moreover, we can turn back the pages we have covered, if
any doubt arises reading the further topics. As per the report released on 25th
September 2015, by the Week magazine, 90% of the school students prefer
books over the television for educational purposes. Thus books have an edge
over television. Television programmes are aimed to entertain people when there
are very few educative channels for students. Moreover, there is no surety that a
student would spend his time in front of the TV productively.
Another important advantage books have is the ability of the readers to choose
the time to read as per their convenience. It is a fact that some students like to
read in the early morning while some others in the evening, so that they have
maximum concentration. But in case of television, unless we have digital storage
devices like DVD or USB drive; it is not possible to play as we need.
Furthermore, most of the television programmes have a schedule and the
students need to be punctual in case they need to attend it. It is obvious that
book gives the users to plan their time as per their wish.

As a conclusion, it is obvious that books have an advantage over television, as it

provides deeper concentration on the subjects and better time management. It is
predicted that a few subjects, which requires visual effect to understand, may
choose television as a mean of the learning tool.
[ Written by - Mohammad Zuhr ]
Model Essay 3:
Television is an inseparable thing for the new generation today. The
advancement in the television industry has changed the way man lives today by
bringing him every event that is happening around the world and providing all
kinds of entertainment to watch from home. For better or worse people are
addicted to television programs and spend a great deal of time watching it.

The impact of television on children is a matter of worry for many, especially for
parents, as children are the most passionate about televisions today. Unlike a
generation ago, where children were spending their time reading books or doing
outdoor activities that help them in their personal, intellectual and physical
development, today's children are more preferred to sit at home and relax
watching their favourite television channel will definitely have an advert impact on
their development. Television can bring in educational programs for children but
it cannot replace the tradition way of studying from books!

Books are subject specific and have a great amount of well-focused information
for children to study. Apart from teaching specific subjects, it also helps children
to learn to read, write and make decisions. On the other hand, television
programmes to teach the same subject will not bring in these benefits and make
the children a lazy learner. Moreover, children are not keen to watch such
educational programs. They are more interested in watching sports, movies and
cartoons which may not have educational concepts but more of an entertainment

Obviously, the more time children spend on television is the less time they get for
studying from books and thus impact the quality of their education. This would
remain as a challenge for today's parents, teachers and society.
[ Written by - Sanoon Kinnaje ]

114. With all the problems in the world today, spending money on space
exploration is a complete waste. The money could be better spent on other
To what extent do you agree with this view?

Many developing and developed countries are spending huge amounts of money
on space exploration. They are keenly interested in finding out the existence of
life on galaxies and stars. This is a lengthy process, which required huge funds
and time. People argue that space exploration is a waste of time and money.
This amount should be spent on other problems. I believe that helping and
improving living standard of poor nations is the best way to use the money.

Rich nations play a pivotal role in bringing change and prosperity for poor
nations. Developing countries such as Africa, Syria etc. have serious problems in
health, education and employment sectors. That could only be solved with the
help of developed nations. Many countries are giving financial aids and others
are investing directly in order to solve and mitigate the woes of peoples and
received respect and gratitude in this regard.

However, discovering unresolved mysteries is a real challenge for the scientist.

Many countries are funding research centres to unfold hidden mysteries of the
world. This is time consuming and lengthy work. Scientists are in search of
natural resources that are less in quantity on earth. Their success could
substantially change the world and will open a new horizon of success.

To conclude, I believe that it is an ethical and moral responsibility of nations to

eradicate problems in their neighbouring countries. Meanwhile, research on
space exploration should be continued until we get desired results. It is a time-
consuming process but it will leave undeniable benefits on people lives in case of

115. Some people think that foreign visitors should be charged more than
locals when they visit cultural and tourist attractions in a country.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

The tourism industry has flourished significantly over the last few years. Large
numbers of people travel around the globe, which brings money and prosperity to
the visiting country. Some people argue that tourists create lots of pollution by
throwing garbage which required extra effort and money to clean. Thus should be
charged more. However, others state that they bring business to the country and
should charge nominally. I believe that foreign visitors help native peoples in
order to run their business by using their services.
Tourists play a pivotal role in strengthening the economy of the destination
country. Countries such as Malaysia and Singapore mainly depend on their
tourism industry. They are spending a huge amount of money to preserve their
historical places. That will attract millions of tourists to travel these countries
every year. In addition to this, tourist used local services such as hotels,
restaurant, clothes and health facilities. This helped local peoples to run their
business smoothly.

However, tourists also bring waste and diseases with themselves. This could
severely harm the health of local peoples. For example, the epidemic of Malaysia
was due to a foreign visitor. Furthermore, tourists are lethargic and do not care
about cleaning, and would like to throw garbage and other waste materials
anywhere they want. This required extra cost to clean and preserve the beauty of
the surrounding nature.

In conclusion, I believe that we should welcome tourist whole-heartedly and let

them enjoy their holidays economically. This would leave positive impression on
their mind and a reason to visit the place again.
116. Universities should allocate the same amount of money to students'
sports activities as they allocate to their libraries.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

It is often seen that universities provide the best education to their students and
prepare them as the ideal citizens of the nation. They also focus on physical
health by offering them various sports facilities. Some people argue that sports
are equally important and must have the same allocation of funds as university
libraries. However, others state that main aptitude of educational institutions is to
provide lofty education and must invest handsome amount for the betterment of
libraries. I agree to some extent that role of the library is far more important than
sports activities.

It is very important to have good physical education for students. It will not only
improve their health but also helped them in developing skills such as teamwork,
handling pressure under tensed situations etc. Therefore, it is required by the
universities to spend on this constituent. Furthermore, nowadays there is too
much study pressure on students. In order to relax and re-energise, such
activities should be provided at a regular interval.

Library is an essential part of every educational institution. Large numbers of

students rely on libraries to complete their assignments, research works and final
projects. It shows that existence of a university is incomplete without having one
or more libraries in it. Thus, a huge amount should be invested in libraries to
improve its books catalogue. Latest books, journals and other reference
materials should be incorporated in libraries to facilitate its users.

To sum up, I would like to say that spending time in libraries is more worthful and
has lofty values than playing. Universities must upgrade their libraries
accordance with technological advancement without considering the cost so that
numerous benefits could be taken out.

117. There was a time when people only shopped out of necessity but
these days shopping seems to have become a new form of leisure activity.
People do not appreciate the value of money anymore.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
It is true that the motive of people who do shopping has changed these days.
Though I agree with the opinion that they do not value the worth of money, not all
individuals are alike. In this essay, I will support my stand by showing that only till
a certain age people are not able to understand the value of money.

There are at least few people who are really shopping for needs. For instance,
almost all of the family men and women analyse their requirements, income they
earn and put a monthly budget. In this case, since they have to run their families
and take care of their wants of everyone in the family like parents and children,
they should definitely adhere to their budget and run the family. Be it a shopping
from clothes or groceries or any other commodity arises only out of the dire need
for it.

On the other side, I also accept that number of citizens who has taken up
shopping as a hobby has increased in the recent past. The poor parenting is the
root cause of this phenomenon. It is quite natural that the middle-class parents
pamper their children and get things done beyond their limit. As a result, the
children do not have an opportunity to analyse the cost. Consequently, when this
child grows up in the society, the shopping mentality remains the same.
Bothering less about the need and the prize of the product, they do shopping.

It should also be noted that shopping as a leisure activity remains only till a
certain age limit. This new form of hobby has cropped up only among
youngsters. This is proved by the recent survey on the shopping habits of men
and women. Till the individuals strive hard to earn each penny, they will never
ever realise the worth of it. Once they start earning, they could analyse the need
and cost of the product they buy.

After analysing the development it is not hard to see that shopping habits have
changed in the recent decades and it is also sure that every individual will not get
attracted to materialistic life after a certain age since they get matured enough to
consider the necessity and cost of the products more than anything.
118. Is it wise for an industry to replace its experienced but old workers
with new and young individuals who have less experience?
Give your views in not less than 250 words.

It is true that a recent trend of replacing the experienced old workers with young
talents has cropped up in every industry. In my opinion, not all the old workers
should be replaced with young individuals.

Experienced employees of every industry should be considered as valuable

assets. This is because their experience in the company would be definitely
proportional to their loyalty and gratitude towards the employers which is an
added advantage. Such Emotionally bonded employees would work sincerely for
the development of the company. This is not all; their total experience could
never be replaced by anything which implies that they would have sound
practical knowledge. Therefore it is always better for the businesses to retain
their older employees in spite of recruiting freshers.

On the other hand, fresh graduates are the need of the hour to make the industry
sustain in the prevailing high competition. The world has become revolutionised
with the advancements in technology and thus a people with cutting edge
technical skills are needed in every industry for its economic growth.

Contrarily, it is not a wise decision to fire the old and experienced employees
considering age as the only factor. Their experience should be valued, although
they might not be aware of updated technologies. There would be problems
wherein freshers could find difficulty. In this case, they certainly need guidance.
Why can’t every industry use their senior employees as a mentor to train fresh

It should also be taken into consideration that an industry should be ruthless at

times, in my opinion, to make its progress consistent. So if suppose a work like
marketing and sales involves an old aged employee who is really getting weak,
then the wisest decision would be to replace him or her with a young and
energetic person. It is not that the older one should be fired but can be used as a
resource person for the industry.
To conclude, both old and young employees are the prerequisites for a healthy
work- environment. There should be a mutual sharing of knowledge and skills for
the upliftment of the industry. But, few people whose age is an issue for their
work could be replaced with young individuals and not all.

119. Home is the basic necessity of everyone. A government should

provide home to those who cannot afford it.
To what extent you agree or disagree?

While many people have abundant luxuries, others suffer from unimaginable
poverty and lack the basic human needs like food and shelter. Home is one of
the five most fundamental needs for every human and government of a country
should try in every way possible to make sure that there is no homeless in the

From the very ancient time till today, people’s need for a safe place to live in is
considered to be a very fundamental need. This is how the concept of home has
emerged and only homeless people can understand the sufferings of not having
a shelter. Poor people who cannot manage a decent meal every day often live
under the open sky. This is inhuman and the government of a country has a
natural obligation to ensure the living places for people. When a government has
the responsibility to ensure economic development, infrastructure development,
education, roads and highway, protecting people from criminals why providing
such a basic need like home for homeless people is in a debate? A huge amount
of money spent on research every year and what good those research could
bring to the citizens of a country when there are large numbers of people who are
living without any shelter?

Natural calamities like flood, tsunami and earthquake make many people
homeless and the national and international supports then should always keep
the shelter in priority for such victims. War is still a curse in the world we live in
and because of that a great number of people are forced to leave their houses
and become homeless. Should not rich nations, the government of the country
and capable individuals raise their helping hands to ensure the shelter of
homeless people? The answer is always yes. That’s what makes us human.
When we live in a luxurious building, many others are sleeping beside the
pavement. Should not a government be considered a failure when they would
spend millions of dollars for space research while there would be thousands of
people homeless in the country?

Homeless people would unsurprisingly get involved in crimes and the society
would face more trouble controlling them. So from this perspective, a government
should focus on ensuring homes for every family. In fact, the loan, mortgage and
subsidiary system we notice in many developed countries like the UK and the
USA are aimed to help people to have their own home.

To conclude, a living place is one of the most basic needs of every human being
and the government of a country should always take initiatives to make sure that
there are no homeless people in the country.

120. As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job
satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being.
What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation
of job satisfaction for all workers?
Give reasons for your answer and give any relevant example or experience
you have to support your answer.

Job satisfaction is believed to be an important aspect in one’s self-satisfaction

and overall good life. To be satisfied with a job it needs many things to be met
and it's a matter of debate whether a job satisfaction exists or not.

So how do we define job satisfaction or which elements are vital for a good
acceptable job? Firstly the individual should be enrolled in a job where he could
find himself mentally satisfied. A job that provides a sense of fulfilment rather
than long hours of repetitive boring tasks and pays well is a desired job for many.
A job that has a social status, pays well and gives freedom to an employee is
often said to be the best job. Some other important factors like adequate
holidays, other compensations, learning opportunity, career growth, a decent
boss, nice colleagues, job security and nice working environment are often
considered to the most important aspects of a job for employees.
A nice job should guarantee the employee training opportunities and progress.
For example training courses that enable the employee to gain new skills and
experiences that would help improve his career and therefore benefit his
workplace and his community as well. Finally, the individual should have a job
that gives him the feeling of loyalty to his employer or his company and hence

Since job satisfaction and expectation of employee change with time, it is almost
unrealistic to define a job which is perfect and completely satisfactory. While
some people are unsatisfied in their jobs because of poor payment, others
complain about the future prospect. Even these criteria met in a job, people
would start finding new reasons not to be satisfied in their jobs. That’s why it’s
quite unrealistic that each and every employee would be happy in their

In a nutshell, there are some common factors like salary, respect, learning
opportunity, work environment and job security that could be motivating aspects
for job satisfaction but it is quite impossible for all employees to be happy in their
job environment.

121. Some people believe that exploring outer space is important because
it expands human knowledge and might lead to discoveries that will benefit
humanity in the future. Other people believe that space exploration is a
waste of money that could be better spent solving immediate problems
here on Earth.
Which point of view do you agree with?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support
your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

It is a true fact to consider that there has been a great debate on whether to
spend a huge amount of money to explore outer space or not. Considering this,
there are some analysts who hold an opinion that spending money for the
exploring outer space is most important due to the expansion of human
knowledge, while other consider that as a money wasting activity and opine that
it can be better used to mitigate some urgent matters we have in this world. This
essay will show assertion on both sides of the contention before arriving at a
reasonable conclusion.

First and foremost, poverty could be a significant factor why space research
should be given less priority. It is generally seen thousands of people everyday
starve or lack from very basic human needs. A large number of people in the
world are still struggling to find foods, clothes, medicines etc. and the amount of
money we are spending just to reach further in the space or to know more is
overwhelming. So many people consider space research as an unnecessary
activity while they focus on eliminating more pressing problems are living in.
Fatal diseases could be another burning problem that needs more research and
prevention. So money and manpower used for space exploration are not justified
to many.

There are some groups who are in favour of spending more money to explore
outer space for the improvement of human knowledge, in spite of views
discussed above regarding waste of money that are valid reasons for spending
money for the exploring outer space. These groups of people believe that space
exploration is required for our own benefits: to search for other intelligent
species, to understand the universe, to find more resources for human or even to
find a suitable place in another planet for human to live. They believe that wars,
crime and corruptions are causing more problems and costing more than the
outer space exploration. They feel that we should understand the model of our
universe and learn the history of it for the greater good of human.

In summary, undoubtedly, spending a portion of the budget to explore outer

space should be allowed; however, as far as I am concerned, governments
should take more responsibilities to improve nations and ensure basic human
needs before spending too much on outer world research.

122. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to

many countries, but its disadvantages should not be overlooked.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support
your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Model Essay 1:
It is an undeniable fact that tourist spots in every country have become more
popular and have so many visitors. The development of tourism has so many
benefits, such as more income from tourists and exposure of culture, although
the drawbacks of this development cannot be ignored. This essay discusses the
drawbacks of tourism for such countries followed by relevant examples. I agree
that the disadvantages of the tourism should be handled prudently to lessen its
adverse effects on a country.
Firstly, tourism activities can threaten the traditional culture of a country. Local
people tend to imitate the cultures that are brought by the tourists from their
home countries. Based on a cultural research conducted in Indonesia last year,
local people stated that their traditional cultures are not suitable to the modern
era, whereas the cultures brought by tourists to their country are more suitable
and modern. For example, more local people like wearing modern clothes rather
than traditional one as well as they follow more modern dances than the
traditional one.

Secondly, tourism can cause the bad effect to the environment. Take littering
cases as an example. It is irrefutable fact that so many tourists ignore the policy
about rubbish. Bali as a tourism destination, besides getting awards because of
the successful tourism, this city is well-known for the rubbish as well. The
government face the difficulty in handling this littering problem because the
increasing number of tourists each year. Then, the local people get the effect to
their environment, such as land pollution, flood, and air pollution because of the

On the other hand, tourism can increase the national government income from
tourists' visa and local people get the work-field as well as the chance to learn
other cultures. For instance, local people can build home stay area for tourist and
gain income from that business. It can reduce the number of unemployment
people and grow knowledge of local people about tourists' language.
Based on the previous explanation, we can conclude that tourism will be the
threat for local cultures and environment, even though it is good for gaining
income for government and local people as well as create a chance for local
people to have job and knowledge.

123. Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society,

but they have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like.
What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the
modern world?
How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

Most people in the world have a dream to live in an ideal society and lead a
happy and meaningful life. However, they do not have the same idea about what
the perfect society would look like. I personally think that there are three
indicators that can measure the perfection of a society in the modern world:
social value, proper infrastructure and employment opportunity. This essay
discusses these factors and the ways to achieve that ideal society followed by
the examples.

Firstly, social value and social bonding among people is the most important
aspect of a perfect society. In a society where people have a strong bonding and
obey the social norms tend to lead a better life. Society is formed with many
families. If the family members are close and have a better relationship, they
would form a better society. A perfect society must have people with human
quality and good social behaviours.

Secondly, having good infrastructures and services can be one of the

requirements of a perfect society. People need the infrastructures and public
services to fulfil their necessity. Take people living in Melbourne as an example.
Melbourne is claimed as a most livable city in the world and the people can be
classified to live in a perfect society. This country has so many modern
infrastructures, for example, modern public health centre, school, bus stop, and
others as well as good services in the airport, local government office, etc. This
ideal condition can be achieved if the people pay the tax regularly and obey the
rules. The tax payment becomes a resource to build good and complete facilities
for society. Furthermore, if the society obeys the regulation, they will not have
problems with the services of people.

Thirdly, an ideal society needs sufficient job fields to work in. People can fulfil
their needs by having a good salary from their work and have a good career in
the future. For example, people in Los Angeles spend most their time for
working and have a good financial condition. This situation can be created by the
society if people can be an entrepreneur. By being an entrepreneur, they can
create new work fields for others and reduce the number of unemployed people.

In conclusion, a perfect society has to have good infrastructures and services as

well as sufficient job vacancy. Then, this situation can be built by paying tax,
obeying the policy, and creating the work-fields by entrepreneurs.

124. More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

With the advent of the computer and the widespread use of the internet, people
have changed the way they perform everyday tasks. An increasing number of
corporations believe in letting employees work full-time or part-time from home
and thousands of people are doing freelancing to earn their livings. The following
essay will discuss the pros and cons sides over this change.

A recent poll shows that people lose self-control and discipline easily while they
perform professional work via telecommuting. Because people are given more
freedoms to deal with the tasks and without a strict deadline, they often mixed
their professional attitude with their personal life. They often lie to their employers
and thus perform poorly.

On the contrary, imagine that there is no one looking over your shoulder and
enforcing strict hours and because of that you may feel tempted to work
endlessly. That can strongly influence your working effectively. Therefore, there
are other issues emerged that employees can't get along well with others since
everyone just concentrating on their missions and it's easy to be overlooked.

Nevertheless, other people propose that the argument above is merely a one-
sided story, by working at home you save on many hidden costs associated with
going to work. These include costs of commuting, car purchasing, fuel costs, and
parking spots as well. Moreover, flexible time and comfortable workplace
provides employees more inspirations and creatively, since thinking out of the
box is essential for those who work in advertising companies, IT firms and in
other fields of works that require creativity. Without the stresses and strict
monitoring from the office, working independently in their own preferred
environment at their own pace, professionals are often a lot happier and a lot
more productive.

In conclusion, it depends on companies current situations to consider whether to

allow employees work from home or not. For my view, as a designer, I prefer to
work from home since it gives me more inspirations and freedom.

125. These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children
while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you
think it is a positive or a negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

It is true that nowadays more men are looking after their children at home while
more women have become responsible for the family’s financial aspects. There
are many reasons for this, and I believe that it is a negative trend.

The main reason for this phenomenon is related to social factors. By this, I mean
that the equality between male and female in the modern society has opened the
door for more women to gain qualifications and to get good opportunities at work.
For illustration, women who work as a nurse or a doctor receive a large sum of
money compared to men who work in other fields. These reveals a structure
change in gender roles in the family and at work. Another cause for more men to
do housework is the economic crisis of present era. Financial problems inside the
family force parents to going out and looking for a job to be able to cover the
living cost.

In my opinion, this is completely contrary development. Firstly, in many cultures

men are considered to be the breadwinner for the family and women should do
the upbringing of children. Secondly, kids should stay longer with their mother;
this is what is suggested by researchers in a recent study. They have approved
that children who left their first five years for a long time deteriorated at school,
later on, suffer mental stress than youngsters whose mothers stay at home to
look after them.

In conclusion, fathers’ position in the family has significantly changed due to

many reasons, and I believe that it is a totally unacceptable development.

126. In your opinion, what has been the most significant transportation
innovation of the past 200 years?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

From my point of view, new discoveries cannot be limited; in particular, new

innovative technological devices have increased and being developed every day.
Transportation is one of the most important discoveries in the world and has
made it possible to have a modern world. In my opinion train is the most
significant innovation in the past 2 centuries in the transportation field.

Transportation has been a prominent part of humankind and the demand for new
and more comfortable vehicles made people discover life-enhancing
transportation innovations. Over the past 200 years, transportation has been
reformed from ordinary trains to more complicated and developed magnetic
trains. In my opinion, all vehicles such as cars, trains, airplanes or ships have
their own importance for people. Consequently, cars are undoubtedly
predominant in our daily life as these vehicles are comfortable and have
adequate speed. Plains or ships comprise the majority in the transportation of
loads. Furthermore, travelling to short-distanced places is more optimal by trains.
So, those vehicles are specialised in particular areas.
From my perspective, the most remarkable transportation vehicle which is has
specialised in its area is the train. In particular, fast trains of modern days. These
trains have been discovered by Chinese engineers and are spreading around the
world and are being utilised by many other countries. The advantage of these
trains is that they are too fast. Also, it can be clearly understood from its name
which is ‘fast train’. That train's speed makes it easier to travel between places
without wasting time. And developers are trying to discover a new magnetic train
which can travel faster in the future.

To sum up, humankind was always in search for new innovations and
transportation discoveries have changed over the past 2 centuries and fast trains
are the most significant innovations in my opinion.

127. Many people say that the only way to guarantee a good job is to
complete a course of university education. Others claim that it is better to
start work after school and gain experience in the world of work.
Which point of view do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

Decent employment is a necessity to lead a standard life for everyone. In the

employment market, many people keep on various rules and cultures. The
concept of a modern job has been on its transformation stage. Though many
people express their opinion as it is better to start the job after school education,
my two cents is the better employment opportunities turn up to the university
graduation holders.

One obvious reason is that critical skilled jobs such as medicine and information
technology call for excellent academic backgrounds. To be more precise vast
scientific and technological understanding is necessary for the betterment of
these atypical jobs. University educations cater to the needs of these job
requirements. Needless to say, only university graduates bring in these kinds of
job skills go by the theoretical and practical curriculum. Over and above,
advanced educations facilitate to not only horn the pupil's skills but also enlighten
them in many ways. Graduates from Harvard and Cambridge universities are the
hot ticket in the contemporary job market is the best epitome.

Next, most of the countries public administration departments prefer to work with
university graduates than school dropouts. In other words, graduation is the basic
criterion for civil service jobs of most of the nations including the third world. It is
a gospel truth that, well-informed people can easily break the deadlock of many
public issues than others. It definitely helps to save money and resources of
countries in many ways. So, the hand full of jobs with the handsome amount of
money waiting for the university graduates around the world. Indian
administrative service applicants’ basic qualification is mentioned as any
graduation from the university is the best example.

On the other hand, an army of people argues that the early works starts get
better experiences in job settings. Perhaps it may be true to some degree but,
unskilled workers do not have much demand in the job market. They really need
to pull their socks up to find a good employment opportunity in existing word.

Put it in a nutshell, the more training we achieved the less unemployed we are.
The better employment opportunities are always for the well informed and
university holders. A good education assures decent jobs in private and public
work settings. So, practising this rule gives several folds positive result than just
early starts work concept.

128. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a
foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the
advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

We live in an advanced and globalised world which necessitates that all people
must learn a foreign language to cope with the modern trend. The optimum age
for learning a new language is a matter of public debate which in my opinion is
better to start as early as possible as the advantages of it are far more than the
On one hand, the main disadvantages of teaching children another language at
primary school are that - firstly, it could affect their ability to learn their mother
tongue properly and they might get confused by learning many different
languages with different grammar and pronunciation at the same time. Secondly,
it could be a waste of their study time which could be spent on learning core
subjects such as mathematics, sciences, technology etc. Finally, the learning of
foreign language adds more loads on these young kids and takes some of their
fun time.

On the other hand knowing a foreign language at a young age is easier and need
less time than learning at an older age. The children could pick up the
pronunciation more easily as they learn it sub-consciously. Also, they learn with
no shy and talk freely without any fear of making mistakes. Moreover teaching
young children foreign language has a positive impact on their personality as it
broadens their horizon and improves their social skills in dealing with foreign
people and exposing them a wide range of cultures. Furthermore they will benefit
from knowing a foreign language in their upcoming studies and work career as
well, and still, they could find learning new language enjoyable for example: use
some games and illustration for them as a teaching method.

In conclusion, learning, an international language is demanding skill that I think it

should be starting at primary school as the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

129. World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident
under male leadership than under female leadership. So, for peace to
prevail, female leadership can be considered as a better option than male
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

Peace and prosperity are not bound to gender and in fact, they are connected to
the qualities that leaders possess. Therefore, I contradict with the given idea that
females are better to lead the world than males.
History tells us that males have been better leaders in term of their ruling style
and devotion. To judge the state of peace, discrimination between genders is
unjust as world’s history is flooded with examples where men leadership
lessened chaos around the globe for example in the time of empire system. The
given opinion totally has a conflict to what we have today. Countries with least
rate of brutality, cruelty and violence such as Sweden and Switzerland are ruled
by male governors. The United Kingdom is run by Queen which also has
maintained a good prosperity within the state. Again, we have noticed
considerable violence and corruptions under the female government in India,
Pakistan and Bangladesh!

World’s peace is most injured by the negative use of nuclear technology,

differences in religion, poverty and crime rates etc. If a leader gets good control
of such conflicting issues, then regardless of gender, peace would prevail
worldwide. Maintenance of peace is influenced by making effective foreign
relation policies, eliminating poverty, strengthening funding for needy nations and
avoiding war. These are real duties of a leader which men women both can do.

Hence, I totally disagree with the idea of relating peace to the gender of a leader.
Both men and women should be given equal chances to lead the world. It is just
a general rule to be followed that those who desire peace, deserve to be seated
in authoritative positions.

130. Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties,
birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others,
however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In the current world, most of the people like to celebrate any special occasion by
inviting a lot of people. The discussion that throwing too much money to hold
parties like birthday, marriage or any other special event is a debatable one, with
strong logics provided by the supporters of both the views.

A few argue that the special events need to be celebrated grandly, as it happens
only a few times in a lifetime. For instance, marriage is considered to occur once
in a lifetime and the people want to have the memory of that event until their last
breath. This is possible only when the location is well decorated and all of the
friends and the neighbours are invited. By spending limited money, it is almost
impossible to achieve something special which will be remembered forever. Thus
it is obvious, why some people incline towards this point of view.

On the other hand, some people believe that it is not right to spend a huge
amount money on personal celebrations as there are a lot of people across the
globe under starvation. For example, in most of the African countries, many
people do not even have food to eat for a single meal a day. In case, the money
spent on celebration can be sent to the people who are really in need, definitely,
a lot of life can be saved. Hence, it is clear why a few individuals refute with high
spending parties.

Considering the memories of special occasions as well as starvation, spending

much money for parties has been supported and refuted by many. Even though
memories of some special events are important, saving human life from
starvation is more important. Hence, in my opinion, it is necessary to cut down
the spending on parties and spend that money for the poor people’s food.

131. Many people say that movies and TV programmes affect us negatively
while others say that they are two influential and useful media for us. How
do movies and TV affect us?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

There has been tremendous growth of entertainment media over the last few
years. Media influenced numerous people and it becomes an essential part of
their life. Some people argue that media is spoiling youngster badly due to the
severe violence that is being used on TV programmes and films. However,
others state that it keeps us updated with the latest news and a source of
entertainment for many. I strongly believe that media has undeniable benefits on
people lives.

Media play a vital role in easing our stress and tension. Nowadays people are
busy in their hectic routine work, they get very less time for recreational activities.
Movies and television provide best sources of entertainment and help us to
become refreshed and informed, relaxed and energetic for our future work. In
addition to this television also provide news and other informative programs
which create awareness and enhance our knowledge.

However, youngsters are negatively affected by the violence and aggression

shown in movies and dramas. They have become less patience and more
susceptible to violence. This has also increased the crime rate in the society.
People want to act like their favourite celebrity in real life, which cause many
problems. For Instance, people start fighting over a small dispute which could
turn into a battlefield on a later stage. Fashion and style that youngsters often
follow because of their favourite actor or actress are often unacceptable in many

In conclusion, I believe that we should use media as a fun activity rather than
highlight its negative aspects. It is also recommended to remove violence.
Finally, movies and TV has more positive effects and should be the mandatory
part of everyone lives.

132. Money is important in most people's lives. Although some people

think it is more important than others.
What do you feel are the right uses of money? What other factors are
important for a good life?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your

Money plays an imperative role in one’s life. However, some among the mass
believe that it is the most significant than other important factors and aspects of
life. A moot question pertaining to the use of money would be the meticulous
ways to spend it and other factors attributing to one's quality of life? Let us
discourse on this topic below.

As far as the right use of money is concerned, the golden rule would be to spend
it wisely focusing on righteousness and virtues. Firstly, money should be spent
on one's necessities compared to luxuries. It is ubiquitous nowadays for a
mediocre family to own cars. This exemplifies the innate quest within the public
to be extravagant. Secondly, money being spent on charity would classify the
right use of it. From time immemorial, man has perceived himself as a social
being, hence money spend on helping others would serve its ideal purpose.
Thirdly, the monitoring efforts have been made to combat the threats to human
existence on earth like terrorism, global warming etc. would be the next in line.
Worldwide fundraisers to counter these menace exemplifies the right use of

Apart from money, factors are many that contribute to one's quality of life. A good
life would mean social, emotional and physical well-being of an individual. An
individual devoid of mental peace would be a backlog contender towards
achieving the quality of life. Maintaining one's social and familial relationships in
an enchanting manner would be ideal for quality life. Another indispensable
factor in this context would be the success in life that one earned, both success
and good life being directly proportional to each other. Last but not to the least,
one's innate qualities like kindheartedness, love towards their counterparts, the
way one thing all constitutes to achieving a better quality.

To conclude, I would like to reiterate that though money is eminent, when it

comes to livelihood and quality of life, it would be dogmatic to assert that wealth
is the most important than other factors involved in a healthy living. Along with
the other determiners and rightly spend money, life is beautiful!

133. In recent years, life has become more stressful than it has ever been.
As a consequence, more and more people are suffering from stress-related
problems. What factors are contributing to this increase and what do you
think can be done to overcome the current problems.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Life has become more stressful than ever. People seems like cannot find a
successful path due to stress related problem. Mentally disturbed one have
problems in each and every step of the life. In my opinion, people should have
stress but not across the inordinate level of stress in day to day life. Higher
competition, higher expenses, limited resources, more expectation and
globalizations are the main reasons for this increased stress in our life. Having
realistic ambitions in life, living a positive life, better family bonding and being
honest and contended are the main ways of overcoming this problem.

I believe that higher competition in every step of life is the most common reason
for our stress. I believed that the stress has taken place into our mind due to the
lack of our self-confidence. Main reason behind the stress is to not having a clear
vision towards foreseeable future. Many people could not anticipate their aim and
objectives in life. Mostly people who are always jumbling for their destinations
tend to face stress in day to day activities. A person in stress neither gets an
opportunity in life nor live the life happily. People in stress just waste their time for
blaming others for their problem. Higher living expenses force people to work
more and that has reached to over 10-14 hours in many professions. Limited
resources and the higher population have made it impossible to have a decent
life without competing. This is another reason people nowadays face more job-
related stress than ever before. Many people are not contented with whatever
they have and they are always in stress. Globalisation has opened the doors of
new possibility and along with it new expectations. This is another reason that
can be contributed to the stress. The environment pollution and junk food that we
usually eat reduced our level of fitness and physical illness and mental stress are

Again, frustration and depression are the reasons for mental stress for people
and drug abuse, family issues and social perspectives could be attributed to
these. Stress decreases the efficiency of people on job. People with such
pressure also fail to manage good relationship within home and outside. Such
people cannot become happy as well as people around him are also affected.

There are many steps that the individuals and the society can take to make our
life stress free. First of all, we have to learn to be contented and satisfied.
Without being self-contented no one can ever overcome this problem. Proper
planning, punctuality and better family bonding can solve this problem to some
extent. We should live our life in a decent way and should always be honest not
to question our own honesty and integrity. As far as I am concerned, sometimes,
I have suffered for my career growth stress. But I did not cross the inordinate
level of stress. I immediately concentrate towards the situation and find the
problem myself and I try my best to come out from stress by making a proper
plan and solve the problem as soon as possible.
Again, the cumulative effort to be happy and contended by each family member
can contribute to a great deal. We should keep our body fit and do exercise daily.
It is medically proven that proper exercise helps us reduce our stress. We should
pick up hobbies, travel new places and read frequently to remove our stress. We
also can travel to naturally beautiful places to reduce stresses of our mind.
Travelling creates an opportunity to encounter with new circumstances and help
to refresh our mind.

In my opinion, to come out from stress people have to identify the reason of
stress and have to start working hard to resolve the problems immediately. If we
cannot take immediate actions for our problems and stress, that might create a
hazardous situation in foreseeable future.

134. While many people say that parents are the best teachers, others
simply state that teachers and our own experience are our best teachers.
Who do you thinks is our best teacher?
You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and

Undoubtedly, parents can teach their children more efficiently than the others
because both of them know their children very well and have a greater bond with
the kids. While the lessons learnt from our teachers, friends and our own
experiences are very important; none can exceed the parents as teachers. This
essay intends to assess this statement in depth as follows.

Parents get sufficient amount of time to spend with their children rather than
teachers. During this time, they teach each and everything about the world as
well as academic subjects as much as they can. Moreover, they clarify the
doubts of children in various aspects which are the required quality of an
excellent teacher. Such activities help children to increase their wider knowledge

Secondly, parents know their children from the earliest stage of life. Therefore,
they can easily evaluate both strong and weak areas of their own children. This
helps parents significantly to guide their children to overcome their weakness
which is the important responsibility of an ideal teacher. Furthermore, in this way,
parents can also motivate their children to learn more lessons which are very
useful for their bright future. For all these reasons, I can say that parents can be
perfect teachers without any doubt.

However, there are those who believe that all parents cannot teach their children
due to their poor knowledge, lack of social skills and so on. They also contend
that only certain parents can become the best teachers for their children.
Nevertheless, I think that parents can give many moral lessons to their children in
spite of poor academic qualifications.

In conclusion, although all parents cannot perform as good teachers in academic

areas, they can teach all other lessons from their life experience which are also
crucial for the future life of the young generation.

135. Do you believe that professional athletes make good role models for
young people?
Support your opinion with reasons and examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

From my viewpoint, young people are influenced by the grown-up people's

behaviour in many cases. They also mimic their favourite actors, singers,
sportspersons and that is why professional sportsmen or sportswomen have to
pay more attention to their attitudes and they should be aware of how they affect
youth's lives.

Athletes are the people who are being observed by many people from all over
the world and this popularity means responsibility. Consequently what I meant
with responsibility is how sports people behave in their daily life. In one hand,
engaging with sport might even make every man or women stronger and
healthier. Namely, youth who are watching sport will be encouraged by athletes'
health and also the lifestyle. Furthermore, they will become more eager to being

On the other hand, despite these athletes who have undeniably good lifestyle
and health, undoubtedly there are also sports people who have a vast popularity
but haven't got a bit of ethic. In spite of their bulk money, they waste the money
whimsically. But they don't choose to do a charity instead. So it is evident that
these people's lifestyle cannot be a prime example for youth. Thus professional
athletes should not neglect their daily life and must take their role on youth into

Again, the way they appear in front of media, they fashion trends that follow and
the way they speak or behave are often mimicked by people. They are already
role models for many and they can positively influence others, especially the
young generation. A new hairstyle by David Beckham would definitely become a
fashion trend among many youngsters. They can definitely become the role
model of many young people especially who have passions for sports. The good
example the sports persons set through personal life, appearance, charity works
can create a very positive image to others and thus they have a greater influence
on the young generation.

To sum up, in spite of the youth can be easily manipulated by other people, the
professional athletes through their works and behaviours can set positive
examples and can become role models for the young generation.

136. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change
improved the way people live?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Undoubtedly, food is the basic requirement of all human beings. Since people
nowadays make different kinds of foods very easily, it greatly influences people’s
life positively due to various reasons as follows.

To begin with, unlike in the past, easier methods of cooking save a considerable
amount of time and energy of people which they utilize efficiently for their
individual and professional sectors to achieve goals. In this way, people’s life
standard has developed to a great extent. For example, according to the
research of Indian Employment Sector in India in 2014, there was a remarkable
increase in the number of women workers compared to previous years due to
decreased household works mainly cooking.

Moreover, people’s health status has improved. To explain, in the past, people
often avoided cooking in their own homes due to their busy life. But now situation
has changed as anyone can prepare food easily without any training. This trend
has enabled them to make homely and healthy food instead of having fast foods
from restaurants. For instance, youngsters and even children make healthy and
tasty foods as they like with the help of advanced home appliances easily. These
activities make enable youth people more confident and independent to cook
food rather than approaching parents or elders. In all these ways people’s
lifestyle developed remarkably.

In conclusion, the way of cooking has a significant role in individual life directly or
indirectly. So in this modern era, people are always following easy preparation
methods of cooking for the enhancement of present lifestyle.

137. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are

used in business, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What
things will they be used in the future? Is this dependence on computers a
good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

The invention of the computer is referred to as an epic among the other

technological breakthroughs of last century. The role of computers in today’s
lifestyle has reached such dizzy heights than anyone could ever imagine.
Righteously, its use in various fields of medicine, crime investigation and even
aerospace engineering is explicit. In the midst of a computer-driven world, its
future purposes are infinite. The affinity that human has developed for this
technological gizmo is mammoth, and this dependency, for many is moot.

In the present scenario, majority of the fields, mankind thrives on are

revolutionised by computers. Its significance in the medical field, for instance, is
quite imperative. For example, from the safeguarding of patient medical records
to the automated and meticulous interpretation of investigation reports, are
computerised. The role of computers in crime investigation is rather inevitable
nowadays. Global satellite tracking on personal gadgets of criminals to chase
them down would exemplify this. Another significant technological impact
computers made is in aero-spacing, where, even flying an aircraft has become
computerised, dubious whether Charles Babbage envisaged the same?

The future use of computers by the humankind is endless. To name or pinpoint

on its future prospectives, would be cumbersome or rather impossible. Some
believe that in near future, computers will serve the purpose of being the 'first
hand 'of help to humans. A globalised world under the umbrella of the computer
revolution is not farsighted as before. The very existence computer operated
human robots that could even replace a human, is not a myth anymore.

Now having discoursed, about the computer revolution and its effects on
mankind, a question of one getting dependent on computers is impeccable. In
this globalised world, computer addiction is a major concern unattended.
Children spending long hours on computers and its misuse in workplaces by
employees is ubiquitous and a generally accorded bane.

In my opinion, as humans, one should be able to imbibe the virtues and reject the
vice, when it comes to using computers.

138. Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you
think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the
amount of rubbish produced?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In the midst of globalisation and industrialisation, the amount of waste being

exhaled, detrimental to our planet earth, is appalling. Reasons are aplenty, as to
why this is a frequent occurrence and the imperative role of government
worldwide over in countering this, is a moot one. Let us discourse on the same

There are many reasons behind the increase in the production of rubbish
throughout the world. Firstly, the ever increase of population of the humankind
has contributed to a mammoth share of the trash. The number of people has
always been directly proportional to the volume of waste being produced from the
time immemorial. Secondly, the industrial revolution, that shook the world a
decade ago, is considered sole culprit in the production of industrious waste onto
earth’s surface. Again the number of industries and factories contributing to this
menace are on a steep climb, since its inception.

Thirdly, the population rise has led to more transport system around the world,
owing to increase in the waste produced from the vehicles and other means of
transport. To cite an example from the part of the world I live, the discarded parts
of cars, such as a blotted tire, is ubiquitous, compared to the past. Finally, the
sheer negligence from us, with regards to recycling of waste products has led to
adding more chaos to the present scenario. No care, what so ever, was taken in
the production of biodegradable products, so as to mitigate the amount of trash

The role of government in combating the issue is inevitable. They should be

imposing restrictions on the above-discoursed factors, favouring waste
segregation. Population check, of governments on their respective states, should
be made mandatory. The industries and factories should be restricted and
monitored for the effective recycling or biodegradation of their waste produced.
The amenities used by mankind, such as transport should be made more
efficient and effective in terms of discarded residual waste. Building eco-friendly
homes should be encouraged. More emphasis should be made on the recycling
of all the industrial trash being produced o an emergency basis. The government
should focus more on the fact that, these are either biodegradable or can be
recycled effectively.

From the above discourse, someone's role as civilians of earth and that of
government is quite interdependent and significant, when comes to reducing the
amount of waste being produced. Punitive measures from the government are
the needs of the hour, to tackle this issue, so as to ensure rather envisage, a
cleaner and habitable planet earth.

[ Written by - Vineeth V. ]

139. People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for
example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why
do you think people attend colleges or universities?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

Many people choose to go to college or university and there are a variety of

reasons why they choose to do so. For instance, some may prefer further studies
to gain educational qualifications required for a competent workplace and high
career prospects; meanwhile, a few others might choose to pursue their studies
to gain new experiences compared to the very structured form of education
experienced in high school. On the other hand, pursuing higher studies seem as
the only choice or as the next step that is assumed to be taken.

Considering the first reason into consideration, higher studies are indeed
required to secure a high paid and reputable designation at a workplace. This is
because many employers set competitive recruitment standards to hire the most
qualified and suitable candidate for the vacancy. As a result, applicants need not
only extensive work experience but also the educational requirements that can
enhance working knowledge.

Moving onto the second choice as to why people tend to go to college or

university is as mentioned before, to gain new experience since high schools set
a very structured study environment. This is at least true considering high
schools in Sri Lanka where a fixed syllabus is supposed to be followed and any
other additional topics or subjects not included in the syllabus will not be taught
or considered. Therefore, students are forced to study only what is taught.
However, life in college or university is very different as the individual is given
more freedom to research on other areas of interest and have the space to be
more creative.

On the contrary, once again taking the Sri Lankan culture into consideration,
most individuals are convinced by parents to pursue higher studies as it sets
them apart from individuals who start work immediately upon completing high
school. Therefore, pursuing higher studies is indeed a prestige and a privilege as
not all students have the ability or opportunity to do so. As a result, attending
college or university can sometimes not be exclusively the individual’s choice but
merely an obligation that is meant to be met in order to satisfy parental standards
or requirements.

In conclusion, my personal opinions are as mentioned above but there are

numerous other reasons as to why someone would want to go to college or
university and may vary from one individual to another. However, though the
reasons tend to differ, it is always admirable that many people choose to pursue
higher studies than discontinuing studies after high school.

[ Written by - Rashidah ]

140. Governments should not provide care or financial support for elderly
people because it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for
retirement and support him or herself.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Essay 1: [Mixed opinion : Both an individual and a government

should share this responsibility]
People have different views on whether a government should support the elderly
and retired people financially or not. I believe that it is mostly an individual’s
responsibility to save money for their retirement but I totally disagree that elderly
people shouldn't receive any support from the state. The combination of personal
support and the government’s support could be the best possible solution for the
retired elderly people.
I think the government should support the elderly people financially as this is the
part of a social democracy which states the equality of opportunities and
distribution of resources fairly. For example, many developed countries like
Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United State are following this strategy
by allowing some money to be cashed for elderly people upon their retirement.
Moreover, it is their right to have some financial support as they had paid their
taxes throughout their lives. So they have to take some of their money back
when they need it. The government should allocate money to take care of its
citizens no matter what are their ages.

On the other side, those elderly people do not have any alternative way of
earning, as their chances for employment is quite low in contrast to the young
people, they should be taken care by the savings they have, by their own
children and by the government.

The people should always have savings and relatives who would be taking care
of them when they become old. The parents take care of their kids and sacrifice
a lot. The children should always be ready to take care of their elder parents. A
prudent person would have some savings for his old years and thus it is also an
individual’s responsibility to save for their future need. Furthermore, the
government can’t deny its role to take care of the elder people. The combination
of these three can be very effective to take care of people when they become

In conclusion, governments should take the responsibility of providing senior

citizens with all their financial needs as part of ensuring their well-being and at
the same time it is an individual's responsibility to save money for their hardest
time and their sons and daughters have some responsibilities as well.

[ Written by - Nehal Touski ]

141. Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large
number of toys?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

In order to cultivate children's intellectual development, a growing number of

parents spend money on purchasing different toys for their children. According to
an official survey, children's educational toys can allow their cognitive
development to be effective and faster. The following paragraphs are going to
discuss the pros and cons for children having lots of playthings or toys.

Apparently, providing a wider range of toys to children to play with can benefit
their psychological developments. The best toys engage a child's senses, spark
their imaginations and encourage them to interact with others. For example, Lego
blocks can help preschoolers to learn letters, numbers and languages skills.
Moreover, it can improve their communication skill as well when they play with
other kids. As everyone knows, communication plays an essential role in our life
and the toys can help them have playmates with whom they communicate a lot.
Finally, some toys are made for children's educational purposes. For example,
blocks, educational computer games, puzzles etc. ignite the creativity of children
and let them find out their interests.

Nevertheless, other people propose that the argument above is merely a one
sided story as children having too many playthings become greedy. For instance,
many parents spoil their children by purchasing every toy the children want.
Afterwards, those children will have a strong desire to acquire more toys.
Moreover, those toys need a plenty of money and wasting is an evil act.
Furthermore, too many toys may grow a conformist mentality in a child as they
are immature to distinguish the good from the bad and they just follow other
children's playing style, activity and characters. Finally, if a child gets every toy
he wants, he will not value most of the toys and lose his interests on a toy and
would like to have a new toy. Thus the true need of toys is misused by
purchasing a lot of toys to the children.

In conclusion, toys play an important role in helping a child's growth but too many
toys affect children's psychological development negatively. Thus parents should
lead them in a proper way and purchase a reasonable number of toys that they
would feel right for their children.

142. A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to

a child’s development. What gift would you give to help a child develop?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

During first few years of life, children are greatly influenced by their surroundings,
attitude or parents and things they play with. During development ages for a
child, his/her mental capabilities and physical growth relies on the way s/he
utilises it. In my opinion, sports related gifts will be important for children as they
would help them to grow their interest in sports and that might bring out potential
talents they might have on sports. In terms of relation building, gifts are always

Before taking the decision to present something to children, one must consider
the age, liking and disliking, health hazards, durability and cost of a gift. Children
love to play physical sports and enjoy the taste of contact with their beloved
ones. By playing football kids will get their muscles developed. It will increase
their stamina for walking and running. By playing with children of same age
group, they will get these sweet memories imprinted in their mind. From these
senses, giving sports materials to kids has many benefits. Similarly, kids like to
explore new things and thus grow their interest. A gift like a camera might bring
out a potential photographer for the future.

Sometimes wrong choices of gifts can cause physical injuries and in some other
cases, kids might not use it due to lack of interest in that particular object. Few
people present very costly stuff to the growing age group and they don’t
appreciate these valuables, simply they misuse it and there will be a waste of
Giving a small bird or a pet would help them to get close to them and thus it
would help them to develop a better understanding of the world and other
creatures. Sometimes they require taking care of their pets and they learn this
great quality of life. Personally, I would like to give a pet to a child as it would
help them in many ways including knowing about this species, getting closer to
that pet, taking care of it, and exploring many new activities that would help them
better develop as a human.

In short, every incidence, contact and story produce some impacts on the
personality of a growing child. So the choice of gifts must be very meticulous and
useful. Sports item are by and large harmless and produce positive effects in
human development while a pet as a gift can help them explore new things and
learn how to take care of others.

143. Some people say that there is no need to give international aid by
governments as they already have unemployment and homeless in their
own country.
How far do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own
knowledge or experience.

It is a big concern for many people that it is not a compulsory responsibility of

their government to provide international aid to other countries owing to the fact
that they have some obstacles in their home country. In my opinion, I would like
to stay in middle ground of this debate.

Firstly, one important aspect of a government is to invest money in their own

country instead of giving wealth to other countries. In fact, it is true that when the
unemployment rate is high in a country and people of this country need better
economic structure, they would not support that their governments supply aid
and money to other poor countries. Naturally, they would expect their own
problems to be sorted out first. For instance, if any government invests money for
the constructions of many new organisations like factories and health
departments in their homeland, there will be more chances of development of
country and high opportunities to control on unemployment.
Another important thing for any country’s government is to provide homes and
some other facilities to homeless people rather than lending money to other
countries because in this way the economy would be better than before in that
country. If any government has extra money firstly they should focus on
compulsory needs of their own country after that it can be provided as the
international aid to other countries.

However, we live in a single globe and when people in some parts of the world
are starving, many others have opulent resources. Sharing among nations can
ensure a better world. The economic structure of the present world would never
allow a country to ensure 100% employment and houses for people to live in.
there will always be homeless people and jobless youth even in developed
countries. So considering these, a rich nation should always help the poor
nations in need. Don’t we help people with our resources and money when we
still have a scarcity of these? Similarly, a comparatively rich country should
always raise the helping hand to the poor nations. The sharing of wealth will
eliminate more pressing problems in poor nations and thus in return they would
also help in other ways. For example, rich countries like the USA invest in
research facilities in many Asian countries and in return they can have
meritorious scientists living and working for them and better business

In conclusion, the government of a country should first fulfil the necessity of its
own citizens. To a certain extent, they should share their extra wealth to poor
countries as the international aid that can be helpful for both of the countries.

144. Some people believe that sport has an important role in society.
Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own
knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, there has been a positive trend that sport has gained popularity in
society. However, others think that sport is just a leisure activity. In my
perspective, both views have credibility which I will elaborate in this essay.
First of all, it is an undeniable fact that there are some reasons why sports is
essential to the society. One of the reasons is that people can become healthier
than ever before. By playing sports frequently, people can release toxic elements
from off their body in order to help the government to save money which is
allocated for health insurance's residents. For example, the number of obesity
and heart attack, today, has decreased significantly throughout the world
because of sports implementation.

Another reason is that young generations are able to cultivate a good habit. With
the rapid advancement of technology, they tend to do sedentary activities such
as playing computer games and chatting through social media as well. If parents
encourage their children to do sport instead of playing games at home, children
can improve their social interaction with peers. However, there are opposing
arguments saying that sport is nothing more than a leisure activity. It is true that
sport can be counted as a leisure activity because not everyone has the abilities
and potentials to become professional sports players. Therefore, people
generally consider it as a simple activity for relaxing their mind and body during
holidays. Apart from this, many families see sport as the way to strengthen the
sense of belonging to the relatives especially for children because parents' time
is spent more to do job tasks and put less care on them.

All things considered, although some people believe that sports are merely some
leisure activities, I still think that sport plays an important role in the society
because it has brought advantages to people in terms of health and social areas.

145. Some people think mothers spend most of their time raising their
children, and therefore the government should support them.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with it?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own
knowledge or experience.

It is certainly true that child rising is considered to be a crucial work of every

woman. Although I accept that few women are still need of government’s
support, I believe not all women expect this.

Gone are those days, when women were typical homemakers or mothers. The
roles of women have changed inside today’s contemporary families. In fact, the
women are becoming the breadwinners of the family and men are taking up the
role of house husbands. So how is this possible for a mother to become wholly
responsible for children’s upbringing! Educated women of this modern world
share their responsibilities with their life partners and are also focusing on
financial issues, career, savings etc other than the usual household chores and
taking care of their children. It is believed that child’s behaviour nowadays is
shaped by the schools and the society. So the parents just look after that their
ward is getting educated in a good institution. In this way, the child grows more
independently and successfully. Therefore, it is practically not possible for
women these days to spend more time in child raising.

However, there are still women who are in dire need of government’s support. In
some rural areas which are not developed, women still take up only the role of
mothers. They may not be well educated and therefore cannot support
themselves. The situation would be worse if she is divorced or a widow. In this
case, women should be supported financially. For instance, Pettavaithalai village
near Trichy city in India receives a funding to support all the mothers with Rs
10,000 monthly. Consequently, the women and her children are now developing
and becoming successful. Thus, few women should be supported by the

In conclusion, while I accept that in few areas of the world women still lives on
the darker side and should be helped, I believe that the revolutionised world has
changed the role of most women and they do not depend on government’s

146. Television is dangerous because it destroys family life and any sense
of community; instead of visiting people or talking with our family
members we just watch television.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the given statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own
knowledge or experience.

It is certainly true that we prefer to watch television rather than getting along with
our family or meeting people. Though I agree that it is not a positive impact, I
believe it does not completely ruin any one's family life or society.
On the one hand, the idiot box is considered to be a dangerous tool which has a
significant impact on both individuals and society. With regard to individuals, they
get addicted to the programs telecasted and give low priority to the members of
their family. Most Indian ladies who regularly watch mega serials have proven to
have poor bonding with their family. At the same time, unknowingly it consumes
more time than we expect. Consequently, we realise that we could have spent
quality time with family or friends only at the later stage. Since everyone
becomes a couch potato, there is less interaction with the neighbours and thus
resulting in a community which is not really socially interactive.

On the other hand, television is not the only cause for problems in family and
community. It is a well-known fact that internet access and other electronic
gadgets like mobile phones, computers and laptops contribute to a great extent.
Therefore, there becomes less necessity for people to communicate directly with
the advent of group chats, video calls, free messaging and instant reply.
Moreover, hectic work schedule drives more people towards entertainment to
unwind themselves and re-energize for the next day. This does not cause any
disturbance in a family if its usage is kept under the limit and all other
relationships are prioritised. In fact, many programs like 'family no 1 ' are being
broadcast to insist the family values and mutual understanding .This is not all
there are several events of social concern being exposed to public to create
awareness. Thus television cannot be blamed entirely as it has its own benefits.

To conclude, the entertainment motto of television is appealed more and it is

common to devote time for relaxation .This is not all our working hours have
changed these days and by that time we would not have any one's company
other than television. In my opinion, it would no way affect the relationship and
socialisation if it is properly used in proper time.

147. Nowadays on-line shopping has become more popular than in-store
shopping. Is it a positive or a negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.
Recently, the number of people who purchases various products and services
online is increasing more than ever before. This has certainly affected the
business of shopping centres to a great extent. However, I consider this
development as positive, due to a number of reasons.

To begin with, e-shopping is generally considered to be more convenient for

customers than in-store purchasing. Perhaps, this is because, many people,
nowadays, are unable to find adequate time to go shopping as they are too busy
with professional or personal responsibilities. For example, virtual shopping
websites such as, eBay and Amazon provide a wide range of products online,
which cater to the needs of individuals from the comfort of their home. Moreover,
such shopping sites have considerably reduced major inconveniences
associated with shopping, like travelling to distant shops, parking vehicles in
crowded cities and spending a considerable amount of time.

Furthermore, online shopping allows people to select from a wide range of

products, and the prices and features of products are often compared. This has
enabled customers to choose the right products that suit their needs. For
instance, popular online shops in India, namely Flipkart and Jabong have not
only provided detailed information of their products on sale, but also customers'
opinions and reviews on their product experience. Besides, placed orders on
these websites can be altered or cancelled by customers, and purchased
products can also be returned if they do not meet the assured quality.

Shopping, however, is a social experience for certain people and many of them
enjoy shopping as leisure or entertainment. But, popular shopping websites often
compete with stores with lower prices and discount sales. This has also
influenced many people to purchase products online.

In conclusion, online shopping offers greater benefits to customers when

compared to in-store purchasing. Clearly, while it converts shopping into a hassle
free experience, shopping over the internet is increasingly convenient, too.
Therefore, I think this is definitely a positive trend and the popularity of online
shopping is likely to continue.
148. Education is very important. How can children who are disinterested in
the study to be motivated to learn?
What is your opinion on that?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

Education is highly essential these days. Parents give their best effort to make
sure that their children get the highest quality of education. However, some
challenges come up in pursuit this goal. One of these biggest problems is the
less of students’ awareness and attentiveness in learning.

Students in many cases usually take part in education by force from parents and
society. In other words, students are unaware of the learning process that they
have been doing. It is believed, they just want to make people around them
proud or pleased. In fact, they pretend to like and enjoy these learning activities
even though they do not like that much to study.

Meanwhile, the improvement of education system serves several kinds of

solutions. Particularly varying methods that are used in school or classroom can
inspire kids to pay attention and enjoy their lessons. Education stockholders use
different styles of teaching to combine with students’ preference. Indeed, children
should feel enthusiastic and keep learning continually.

In addition, the next way out of this matter is children need a role model to show
the real benefits of education. It is thought that children will figure out based on
the example that to become a successful person; that means they have to study
hard and vice versa. Moreover, the environment of children where they grow up
also have a big influence. It means that the place where children are living can
improve what they are doing.

Learning should be fun, at least to the children. The computer based and games
based education systems that are adopted in many modern schools could be an
effective way to engage the student in enjoying the learning. Learning through
experience, fund and sports are the best ways to attract kids to study more.
Parents and teachers have to handle the whole learning process delicately to
make the students enjoy the reading. Finally, children’s psychology can vary
based on their inherent characteristics, family and economic conditions of their
parents and that’s why teachers should pay special attentions to each student
and act accordingly to grab their attentions and focus on study.

In brief, being motivated students could reach closer to their dream. Many ways
can lead to better education. A varying and suitable technique, portraying role
model and getting support from the environment are pathways to be friendly with
the study.

149. Some people believe that the use of mobile phones in public is as
annoying as smoking and should be banned, similarly.
What is your opinion on that?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Essay 1:
It is often considered by many that the usages of mobile phones in public places
should be restricted as smoking has been. I completely agree with the banning of
mobile phones in public places, especially where people are working and might
get annoyed and interrupted.
Using mobile phones in public places causes several drawbacks, Firstly, it leads
to various social problems. In other words, the use of mobile phones in public
places causes serious offence. For example, recent researches showed that use
of mobile phones while pedestrian crossing is the major cause of accidents in
both developing and developed nations. Secondly, the lack of social interaction
among individuals could be the consequence of mobile phones over usage in the
public places. For instance, people travelling on the same bus become isolated
and busy by surfing the internet on the mobile phones which lead to the lackings
of communication among travellers.

In addition, there would be a scarcity of enjoyment in sightseeing while travelling.

Take an example, if a person travelling by train through the countryside, the use
of mobile phone makes them forget enjoy the fascinating places outside the
compartment. Finally, talking loudly through mobile phones in public places such
as church, mosque result in irritation, distress and disturbance to other
individuals as mobile phones could be intrusive.

In conclusion mobile phone usage in public areas should be restricted to the

welfare of the society and the citizens because the use of mobile phones in
public is annoying as smoking.

150. The internet is viewed as an excellent means of communication by

many. However, there are others who would argue that it is actually
destroying our communication skills.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your
own knowledge or experience.

The internet is considered to be the boon for the people of the technical era.
Since it facilitates them in all fields such as banking, business promotion,
entertainment, travel ticket bookings, communications etc. and has been making
their work much easier, people are depending on this technology heavily. The
most important benefit reaped out of the advent of the internet is the easy way of
communication, argues many, like the business people, academicians, students
but the counter-arguers emphasise that it is because of this invention the
communication skill is gradually waning. However, in my opinion, if this tool is
used effectively it could be more beneficial to the society.

With regard to the people who support the opinion that the World Wide Web is
the best method to communicate with others, there are several arguments to put
forth. Firstly, e-mail has been serving as a fast and
effective way to send messages and get a quick reply when compared to the
earlier postal services. It not only helps in exchange of information but also in
more academic works, for instance in conducting webinars. This is where experts
from various countries can join in a discussion about a research topic by using
the application software like Google hangout. This is not all, personal
communication, for individuals staying abroad to get in touch with their family,
made facile by the use of Skype. So this way interest aids communication
between people.

Contrarily, according to people who incline to the opinion that it destroys the
communication skill, there are few viewpoints. Instead, they would enjoy staying
alone with their electronic gadgets which have internet access. This aptly suits
for the children who now prefer to stay online and chat which friends as opposed
to going out and making friends. So if this scenario persists then they would
gradually lose their communication skills, argue the supporters of this point of

To conclude, the internet is the best way of communication as it saves time to a

great extent. So if the usage is restricted to a particular time for children then
the negative issue creeping out of this invention could be kerbed. Consequently,
the whole society could acquire the advantages of using the internet to

151. People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are
experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly
early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of
society often set a bad example.
Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young
people in modern day society.
Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug

Drug addiction has become a serious problem in our society. It has spoiled
dreams and aspirations of thousands of families. The fascinating story of the
addicts is that once they accustomed to heinous habit, they cannot get rid of it
regardless how they endeavour themselves. Especially, youth are used to drug
abuse in my society. So, it is crucial to find the reasons behind their deadly
habits. Very thoughtful decisions should be taken to help the youngsters to fight
the drug abusing problems.

The first and foremost reason of this problem is the peer- pressure. As young
people hangs out most time with dearer and nearer pals and some may be drug
abusers, who compel their chaps to do drugs. Secondly, we can see
advertisements, films that show using drugs in a seductive manner. The young
have the habit of imitating whatever their best actor do, they no longer keep away
themselves doing drugs. In long run, this little curiosity guides them to notorious
drug abusers. Thirdly, young people have the attitudes of trying different things in
their adolescents. As life is not a bed of roses, they may take drugs to forget all
their worries. Family problem, psychological problem and bad influences of
friends can be very lethal sometimes as they are sometimes the root causes for
young people to try drugs.

Doing drug spoils the peace and harmony of the family. The druggist son steals
cash and kinds to purchase drugs. Later, the family is engulfed in debt. Another
effect of the drug is it may take the life of drug abusers as they hardly give up evil
and anti-social habit. If drug abusers exchange the needle among friends, they
are vulnerable to transmission of deadly disease like AIDS. In a society where
young people abuse drugs, naturally, the crime rates would be high there. More
fights and murders could be observed in such areas and there must be personal,
social and generation related problems related to widespread drug
abusing. Only a single drug abuser in a family can ruin the whole family and thus
a generation declined to drug abusing would bring heinous problems to the

To wipe out drug from society educational programmes should be organised in

school, colleges. Rehabilitation centres must be established to assess druggists.
Advertisement of drugs, alcohol should be banned from the TV. Families should
keep an eye on the bad companies their teenagers are spending time with and
finally the family bonding and understanding should be strong enough to
discourage the teenagers not to do something that would bring shame for the
family. Governments must ensure that their law enforcing organisations are
working hard to wipe out the illegal drug businesses from the country and strict
laws should be imposed and implemented to punish the illegal drug business

To recapitulate, drug abusers are evil of family, society and nation. The
responsible bureaucrats and government must crack down on drugs to utilise
young blood for the progress of a nation.
152. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later and
it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about
the dangers of committing a crime.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and support your arguments with examples
and relevant evidence.

Model Essay 1:
It is true that several people have changed themselves to be a better person after
they had been released from prison. And it is believed that they are better in
giving advice to young people about the negative effect of crime. I personally
agree with the statement and the following essay will discuss in details about it.
To begin with, it is a fact that the public usually has negative images to ex-
prisoners, but not all of them have a bad personality. As some prisons provide
technical skill and personal development program to their prisoners, many of
them have successfully followed these positive programs. These courses have
changed their character and provided them with adequate skill, therefore, they
were accepted back in the society. Many of them have learned their lessons
during imprisonment, as they worked harder and became more successful than
the regular people. Apart from psychopath criminals, an ordinary person, who
has committed crimes and has been sentenced to be imprisoned often
understand the value of life and thus changes radically.

But in many countries, the crime rate among young people has been increasing
significantly in the past few years. I believe that the best way to reduce the rate is
by having some campaigns and testimonials from former prisoners who had
changed their life. With their shares, it is hoped that it will open and broaden the
view of the young people, about the dangerous side of crime. They would also
become an effective mentor because they understand the condition of these
teenagers, as they had experienced the same situation before. With their
guidance, it is hoped that many teenagers will improve their life and become a
better person.

In conclusion, I totally agree that some former prisoners who had changed their
life would be a good advisor for the young generation. Their unpleasant
experience would be a valuable lesson for the young people and hope that the
teenagers would avoid crime activities in the future.

[ Written by – Darwin Lesmana ]

Model Answer 2:
There is no doubt that crime rates have dramatically increased over the last few
years. Some criminals managed themselves to become good human beings
while their stay in prisons. One of the reasons is that they have practically seen
the problems and sacrifice they had to make. Some people argue that these are
the best examples of creating awareness about crimes in teenagers. However,
others state that a person with a criminal background will not leave indispensable
impressions on people minds.
Firstly, it is the duty of government and the people to identify the aspects of
crimes in teenagers. After that, there should be workshop and seminars which
should highlight the consequences of committing crimes. It is also the
responsibility of parents and guardian to have an eye on their children’s activities.
While making little efforts, one can save many criminal activities in their

Secondly, people who were the part of immoral doings and became good citizens
after prison could help teenagers in eradicating this short of sins. They have
personally experienced all the suffering they had to go through after compelling
crime. They know the possible reason, why and how youngsters get involved in
such cruel doings. Their worlds would leave undeniable impressions on people
minds and will help to eliminate crime from the society.

Finally, I strongly believe that once a criminal is not always a criminal. If one has
regret about his past and has changed himself should be treated like a normal
human being. Furthermore, they could help teenager from remaining away
crimes while telling them about their sacrifice of time, health and family.

[ Written by – Fahad Sultan ]

Model Essay 3:
In recent years, imprisonment is assumed as the finest method of punishment to
offenders of law because after running the punishment time, the majority of
people tend to be good members of the society. This condition derives plenty of
people think that the prisoners are convenient speakers to talk to adolescents
about the precarious of breaking the laws. I personally agree with that statements
and I have some reasons to support it which will be explained briefly in the
following paragraph.
First and foremost, detention given to the criminals is usually followed by training
and educations that will be utilised in their future life. For instance, they are
taught about religion and how to survive their life in the right way such as lessons
for becoming a tailor or a painter. Those lessons make them likely to be better
inhabitants and might easier to be accepted in their circumstances after
completing their penalty.

Furthermore, due to the experiences obtained as long as running punishment,

they seem to become suitable speakers to tell the teens about the difficulties that
might be faced when living in a prison .To illustrate, they can share how regretful
they are after committing a bad action and how they felt and repented because
they cannot meet their family and cannot act freely like others. This story will
certainly be remembered by the adolescents since they hear about those bad
impacts directly from the prisoners so they will think twice if they want to disobey
the applied rule.

In a nutshell, It can be concluded that majority of people become better citizens

after obtaining lessons at the jail and because of the experiences acquired in the
jail, they are likely to be suitable people to tell the teenagers about drawbacks
which occur owing to be a criminal.

[ Written by – Izzah Raisya ]

Model Essay 4:
It is true that imprisonment helps the offenders to develop an acceptable
character in the society and family. Even though ex-offenders can teach about
the consequences of crime very clearly, I am of the opinion that they are not role
models for the teenagers due to various reasons.
To start with, teenagers should not learn the effects of illegal activities from the
ex-lawbreakers as this way of learning may cause to generate a tendency for
imitating such activities in children’s minds, especially who have a lack of
maturity and curiosity. Moreover, since ex-offenders have the past history of
crime, they are not ideal individuals to teach the younger generation effectively.
Social stigma is another factor, which means that social leaders often try to keep
away the ex-prisoners from the mainstream of society owing to social status
issues. Consequently, they are reinforced to engage in criminal activities
repeatedly and they would also be terribly isolated.

Again, each society has their own prestigious law enforcement system to
promote legal awareness in children, which is more effective teaching than
learning from the ex-offenders. As such, ex-prisoners are not required to guide
teenagers in spite of jail life experience for a certain period of time. An ideal
example would be the organisation of awareness programmes of the police
department in school settings in India.

In contrast, there is another line of thought that ex-prisoners are the ideal
teachers to make awareness among children regarding the detrimental effects of
criminal offences because they have real life exposure in such tough situations.
Apart from this, these bitter lessons about punishments can create a strong
influence in children, which in turn can generate an innate fear in them to involve
any criminal activity. Eventually, children would deter from lawbreaking activities
and they become productive citizens in future. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied
that the ex-prisoners have a clear criminal background and an inner desire to
perform such activities again.

To conclude, despite certain advantages, ex-offenders cannot be effective

mentors in teaching ill effects of offences due to many challenges.

153. In your opinion, why is the circus still a popular form of entertainment
in the modern electronic age?
Give reasons for your answer and support your arguments with examples
and relevant evidence.
Model Essay 1:
In spite of our living in an electronic age that offer many modern devices like TVs,
tablets, laptops, washing machines, the internet we still follow some old way
entertainment like the circus. Circuses still are known all over the world and the
clowns, jugglers or trained animals entertain people to a great extent.
Furthermore, the circus is an interesting part of the entertainment for a minority of
people in many areas of the world.
These days, technology has become very popular and almost every human has
at least one technological device. In addition, engineers discover new products
very frequently and it does not take too much time for these devices to become
known all over the world. Therefore, these devices comprise a big portion of
people's entertainment, in particular, for youths. And that is why circuses are very
dull for them. In spite of this fact, it is evident that children are very interested in
circuses and we cannot conceive at how they are entertained by these shows. In
addition, clowns' interesting actions and jugglers tricky games are still
predominant part of entertainment which amuses people, especially children.
And it is undeniable that trained animals such as lions constitute the majority of
amusement. Their perilous actions are the prime example of the circus'
entertainment. In spite of the minority of people are interested in the circus, it is
still a well-known form of entertainment and it is fact that circus' history can be
traced to the Roman Empire.

To sum up, despite the fact that majority people is not interested in the circus and
I am sure that there are ones who didn't bother to come to the circus, circus still
keeps its popularity around the world.

[ Written by - Eldar Rehimli ]

Sample Essay 2:
The circus is still an attractive type of entertainment nowadays. Although myriad
types of amusement are now available between our hands by means of phones,
tablets and laptops, circuses can still draw attentions of many people. In my point
of view, main reasons for that are children and traditional appeal of it.
Firstly it is known by everyone that today people are utilising and dealing with
technology and its advantages more than everything else. It has been an
undeniable part of our everyday life. A life without electronics is imperceptible for
modern people. However, people always want something distinct and spread
their sights to visual and attractive distractions. One of the most spectacular and
concurrent attractions is undoubtedly the circus whose history is extended to
thousands of years ago. Various shows there have fascinated people for a long
time and are still fascinating enough to people who have never seen acrobats,
dancers, clowns and people who are playing with domestic lions, elephants,
snakes and other dangerous animals.

On the other hand, people have the other reasons to participate in circus shows
their children. Kids who are interested in almost everything are keen on to watch
dancing animals and jugglers. Hence, parents take their children to this kind of
shows to make them aware of what is going on out there and show them exotic
animals. Therefore, amazed kids want with a desire to go the circus again and
observe other types of shows.

To conclude, in my opinion, visual attractions of the circus and attraction by

children are two predominant reasons for the popularity of the circus. It seems its
progress in popularity will not decrease in forthcoming future too.

154. Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great

resource for public schools that need additional funding, but others think it
exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate
Choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose
that position.
Support your point of view with details from your own experiences,
observations or reading.

It is a true fact to consider that in the present day society, the advertisement has
become most popular media resource in the competitive market. Considering
this, there are some analysts who hold an opinion that the public schools are
better places to advertise to increase the funds for the schools, while others
consider that it will cause to children to be exploited it will make them as captive
audiences. That essay will assertion both side of the contentions before deducing
a reasonable conclusion.
There are many people who speak not to place advertisements to increase funds
in public schools. First and foremost, distracted juveniles could be a significant
factor. It is generally seen that when companies place the huge colourful
advertisement in school, children would more focus in advertisement and they
would put less concentrate on studies. For instance, the majority of the
businesses are placing advertisements in schools to focus more students’
attraction for their products. Therefore, if pupils do not have enough money to
fulfil their requirements, they might get involved in some sort of criminals
activities. It is natural that if a billboard advertisement focuses on presenting
luxury items, poor students whose parents cannot afford them would feel

There are some groups who are in favour of placing advertisements to increase
fund in public schools in spite of views discussed above regarding not to placing
advertisements in public school. An increasing number of facilities could be a
substantial reason behind the opponent's viewpoint. Nowadays, businesses
spent thousands of dollars for reaching their competitive market. Therefore, if
they can place advertisements in the right place they would spend more than
usual, for example, sponsoring for new buildings and equipment.

In last, undoubtedly, whether placing advertisements in public school or not is

always a matter of discussion; however, as far as I am concerned,
advertisements should be banned in the school environment and we should
make better and serene environment for kids in schools.

155. Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes of
violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Before starting the discussion on the essential role of death penalty or life
sentence, we have to think about its meaning, purpose and factors behind the
crime. In our society, people do crimes for the sake of their needs and
sometimes for fun and also for the satisfaction of their emotions. In my opinion, if
we focus our attention on the causes which put the person on criminal-route then
it will be very useful to take the prophylactic measure to stop the happening of

Death penalty is on the extreme of law enforcements and there are a lot many
steps on the way to reflect the fear and respect of law. Criminals who kill others
they do this not only for the sake of money but other factors like mental illness,
deprived feelings, ignorance and cruel tradition also contributes. If our system of
education detects these underlying factors in childhood then we can convert
these lethal segments of society into useful stuff.

Few countries have implemented the rule of capital punishment more

aggressively and people over there are very frightened and depressed.
Sometimes, powerful people take the opportunity to misuse the law against their

We should invest more resources in education, law enforcement on minor crimes

and try to punish little people for minor faults. For heinous crimes death penalty
should be there but proceeding should be very fair to avoid human bias.

156. International air travel has a negative impact upon the environment
and should therefore be restricted.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Many people argue what should be done about the consequence of international
aviation tour regarding the environmental issue. Some people perceive that it is
the best to diminish the number of international flights, however personally I
believe that it should not be prohibited regarding some reasons. This essay will
look at this issue from time efficiency and health security point of views.

Firstly, the international aviation voyage is considered to be an essential element

in determining time efficiency. Several years ago, when the air travel was not as
high as today, people sought to use boats or other transportation vehicles to visit
a place or more for some business or even just sort of vacation. They had
allocated plenty of time just for one vacation, however, since the air travel has
become more popular, people are no longer need to wait for ages when having
trips to other places. Thus, they can utilise more time for other activities they
already planned to.

Furthermore, the international air travel may also be an alarm for health security
agent to be more active in controlling disease transmission through air travel. As
international air travel may ease the mobility of people travelling from one to
another place, the high transmission of some disease is also susceptible either
for the traveller or even other community. Since that, the health agencies will be
stimulated to expand the prophylactic intervention to ensure that the travellers
are secure from disease and will eliminate the spreading of diseases itself.

Other forms of transportations like cars and engine boats are causing more harm
to our environment and that is why the number of flights should not be restricted.
Air travel is far more convenient and time-saving for people and restricting them
would simply create inconvenience for people. When we can reduce the damage
made to the environment by controlling the deforestation, car ownership and by
other means, air travels should not be solely responsible for the environmental

In conclusion, the international aviation trip can maximise human life. It

apparently breaks the limitation of time and space that many people may
consider about and also may be a crucial reminder for health security. Life will
not be this convenience if the overseas aviation is confined.

157. Some people believe that sport has an important role in society.
Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Nowadays, there has been a positive trend that sport has gained popularity in
society. However, others think that sport just leisure activity. In my perspective,
both parties are reasonable which I will elaborate below
First of all, it is undeniable fact that there are some reasons why sports is
essential to society. One of the reasons is that people can become healthier than
ever before. By playing sports frequently, people can release toxin from their
body in order to help the government to save money which is allocated for health
insurance's residents. For example, the number of obesity and heart attack,
today, decrease significantly throughout the world because of sports
implementation. Another reason is that young generations are able to cultivate a
good habit. With the rapid advancement of technology, they tend to do sedentary
activities such as playing computer games and chatting through social media as
well. If parents encourage their children to do sport instead of playing games at
home, children can improve their social interaction with peers.

However, there are opposing arguments saying that a sport is nothing more than
a leisure activity. It is true that sport can be counted as a leisure activity because
not everyone has the abilities and potentials to become professional sports
person. Therefore, people generally consider it a simple activity for relaxing their
mind and body during holidays. Apart from this, many families see sport as the
way to strengthen the sense of belonging to relatives especially for children
because parents' time is spent more to do job tasks and put less care on them.

All things considered, although some people believe that leisure activity is the
same as sport, I still think that sport plays an important role in the society
because it has brought advantages to people in terms of health and social areas.

158. Overweight in many countries is a common problem and citizens’

health and fitness level is also decreasing. What are the causes of this
problem and what could be done to tackle this problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Obesity has recently become a common worldwide heath issue as a
manifestation of sedentary lifestyle of people. We should know exactly what the
reasons are behind this and then try to solve it accordingly.

The main reason for obesity is because of the unhealthy, unbalanced diet many
people have. People tend to eat easily cocked, ready to prepare fast foods or
what we call junk foods. These short of junk foods do not contain any nutritional
values and they are rich in oils, fats and sugars, and deficient in the basic
nutritional elements like proteins, vitamins and minerals. Also with the
advancement of the technology, there is widespread use of genetically modified
foods which is totally unhealthy and carry the risk of many serious illnesses like
Cancer. Secondly, the fast trend of life nowadays made people lazy and lack the
motivation and energy for exercise. Perhaps they ended up gaining weight
because the exercise and physical labour are completely absent from their
lifestyle. Finally, the modern society that we live in promotes the easily made
food items without focusing on the contents and food values. Furthermore, they
promote for the muscle built formula with ignoring the value of exercise and
physical fitness which is not effective at all.

The solutions for this problem need a total change in all of our eating habits. We
should revise the contents of all of our daily foods and ensure that it provides us
with all the basic nutrients and all of our heath-requirements for example, fruits,
vegetables, milk, fish, meat, etc. Moreover, we should add the exercise to our
daily routine, as the doctor recommend that we should practice walking daily for
a minimum of 10 minutes. Also, we should implement this concept in our new
generation to raise a good healthy family. The governments should have a great
role on this by organising a campaign that would advertise for a healthy lifestyle
and offer places for free walking and a sports centre at a low cost.

In conclusion, obesity would always be a common heath issue unless we change

our lifestyle in terms of healthy and balanced diet and good physical exercise.
159. It is observed in many countries that less and less people nowadays
go to the cinema to watch movies. What could be the possible cause and
solution of this?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Many countries have recently observed that there is a declining trend in the
number of people watch movies in the cinema. This essay will discuss possible
reasons for the declination of movie viewers as well as some solutions to
address this issue.
In the era of globalisation, people are more interested in spending their leisure
time at home rather than hanging around especially catching a movie in the
cinema. It could be a factor that contributed to the matter. Effect of busy and tight
schedule of working days, people are more interested in relaxing their mind and
muscle at home while watching a television program or doing something which is
very meaningful for them. For instance, the television programmes are definitely
enough for them to watch and enjoy while staying at home nowadays. There are
a lot of channels including music, movies, documentaries, home box office,
comedian shows, news show and others which can make people think twice
before going to the cinema.

Easy access to online movies is another reason people visit cinema less
frequently. It is natural that people would prefer to watch the latest movie on their
plasma screen 3D TV at home rather than spending money to buy cinema
tickets. Online movies and piracy have negative effects on the number of cinema
viewers nowadays. Finally, low quality of locally made movies is another factor
that discourages people in visiting cinema halls.

In order to tackle this issue, film authorities and the government need to be
involved and take further actions, so that our film industry does not face the
extinction phase. The first and foremost thing is the director should produce a
fresh and high quality of story line which can give more benefits and eventually
able to attract people to watch films in the cinema. Next, the cinema organiser or
company can make an effort to advertise the film widely and give a promotion
day for the people. For example, establishing a special day with the special low
rate of movie tickets might attract more people to go the cinema.

Piracy should be prevented and better cinema halls should be built to attract
people to watch movies in the cinema. Lastly, the government perhaps can
invest some money for improving their film quality to the international level and
consequently can increase the confidence level of people toward the locally
made films.

In conclusion, the number of people who go to the cinema is declining nowadays

and that might be due to easy access to the cinema at home, satellite TV
channels, piracy and low-quality local films. This problem could be addressed
through different ways such as producing good and quality films locally, offering a
low rate for tickets, preventing piracy and encouraging people to watch movies in
cinema by wide range advertisement. The government also can make some
investments for the film as to increase the film quality to the international level.

[ Written by – Syamira ]

Model Answer 2:
In today's modern era, cinema is playing a significant role. It is an important way
to spread messages to the public and it also acts as a source of entertainment
nowadays. However, in the recent years, people moving away from it. Due to
fewer numbers of people prefer to watch movies or play in the cinema. In this
essay, I shall discuss some possible causes and also would like to give my
suggestion to increase the attendance in cinemas.
First of all, the Internet provides all the new released movies and plays. Although
it is recorded from cinema or anywhere else, people like to watch it because it is
free of cost. Because it is easy to find video over the Internet, public do not go to
the cinema to watch movies. They know that after some time of release, the
movie will be available on the Internet. In reality, there are many websites
available where you can find many new released movies. Further, piracy is not
limited only for the Internet. Many people, who do this piracy, burn CDs and sell it
in the market. However, this is illegal but still it is being done in front of us.
Furthermore, with advancement in technology, the time lag between the releases
of movies is very less. At the same time, hundreds of movies are releasing. This
trend kills the interest of people about cinema. Lastly, hundreds of channel over
cable network playing movies on television. People know that after some time,
movies will be played on television. So they keep patience and do not go to the
cinema. Besides the quality of local cinema are also questionable.

To tackle this problem of declining cinema viewers, we need to face the piracy
problem first. Piracy is the most affecting cause of cinema attendances’ declining
in the modern world. Laws which work on piracy should be amended accordingly
and strong punishment should be given to those who are found guilty of it. If
anyone pirates this copyrighted property should be arrested and then this will
generate a fear in others who pirates movies. Secondly, the websites which offer
free download should be wiped out from the internet as they violets the piracy
laws. If the public does not find any free download sites then they will shift to the
cinema. Thirdly, the film production companies should not sell their newly
released movies to the television channel owners. This step will definitely affect
the watcher and they will move to the cinema. Piracy is an illegal act and the law
enforcers should be active to prevent it. People should be encouraged not to
support piracy. If a common man understands that the people are making a black
money by selling a pirated CDs then definitely they will not support piracy. Thus
cinema will, of course, gain some momentum with watchers. Lastly, local
filmmakers should produce more authentic and entertaining movies that would
make competition with the foreign movies.

To sum up, I would conclude by saying that the cinema will re-achieve its pace if
necessary steps are taken and that should be done as soon as possible.
However, the first step should be to tackle the piracy.

[ Written by – Anisharma ]

Model Answer 3:
It is true that cinemas have not been attracting much public these days. There
could be several reasons for this trend and to change this it is necessary to take
some measures to make cinemas attractive again.

There are various reasons why people are not going to the cinema as much
lately. One of the reasons is the easy access to the internet and the availability of
thousands of movies to be downloaded. If one can watch a movie for free at
home, it is hard to find a motivation to pay for it at the cinema. Another reason is
that the price of the tickets has increased significantly. It is undeniable that the
recent advances in technology have improved the experience of watching a
movie in several ways. However, cinemas need to find better solutions to
manage the costs of this new technology without overcharging the customers.

Some measures are quite simple to put in place and can make a huge difference
in the attendance numbers. For example, the creation of promotions that reduce
the price of the ticket on specific days of the week or give a discount to loyal
customers. Another action that could be taken is to promote more the launching
of a new movie. One example would be to create an event related to the theme
of the movie, like a costume session for people to dress up like the characters of
the movie.

In conclusion, there are several actions that can be taken to attract people to the
cinemas again. It is a matter of showing them that they are getting a good value
for their money.

160. The cost of international travel is decreasing and tourism is increasing

in many countries. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the
rising trend of tourism for countries?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
This is a true fact to consider that in the present day world has become a global
village and people have chances to travel all over the world due to decreasing
the cost of international travel. Considering this, some analysts consider that the
rising trend of the tourism needs to be implemented in the potential countries.
However, there are some pros and cons associated behind of increasing tourism
in the world.
There are some significant advantages of growing trend of tourism. First and
foremost, economic prosperity could be a significant advantage to consider. It is
generally seen that a few decades ago only developed countries and rich people
had the chance to travel worldwide; however, due to the reduction of cost of air
travel majority of middle and lower classes nowadays can afford to travel all over
the world or within their own countries for different purposes. As a result, many
developing countries can emphasise their tourism and can earn from foreign
tourists and that could be higher than the past. It can be demonstrated by a
recent survey in Sri Lanka that has more than 60% of total income received from
tourism. Moreover, mitigating unemployment rates could be another merit of
tourism as it offers an excellent opportunity for new jobs potential.

Despite, the advantages discussed above regarding rising tourism there are
some negative effects which cannot be neglected without any careful
consideration. Endangering culture, tradition could be done from the excessive
presence of foreign tourists and that could be a detrimental fact. Environmental
damages and mixed cultural influences are hard to tackle when the tourism in a
country flourishes.

In the end, undoubtedly, increasing worldwide travels has immense benefits to

the society; however, there are numbers of drawbacks that should be handled

[ Written by - Thilini Shani ]

Model Answer 2:
It is true that the cost of travelling overseas has become cheaper these days and
it has boosted the tourism industry in many countries. The growth in the tourism
sector has its own benefits and drawbacks and the following essay will discuss
them in details.
For a number of reasons, the development of the tourism industry brings a lot of
benefits for many nations. Firstly, it creates a lot of job opportunities for the local
people. As many hotels and restaurants are built along the tourist attraction
places, they absorb many local employments and reduce the unemployment
rate. Secondly, the development will also increase the country's income. As the
number of tourists from the overseas increase, they spend some money in hotels
and restaurants and these transactions are subjected to tax.
On the other hand, the growth of this industry also brings some negative effects
to the country. As more tourists are coming to the country, more tourist attraction
places are then built. Many of these places are made on natural conservation
areas, whereas some wild animals would lose their natural habitat and bring
negative impact to the ecosystem as well. And then some tourists also bring
negative behaviours that affect to the local culture. For example, in some Asian
countries, the people might not drink alcoholic beverages. However, as many
westerners come to these countries and bring some liquor, many the local people
are introduced to the beverage and started to drink alcohol as well.

In conclusion, it is true the growing trend of the tourism industry has a lot benefits
for many countries. However, it should be noted that it also bring some negative
effects to these countries. I personally believe that it is the government task to
make some clear regulations for the tourism sectors, therefore all the positive
sides of the industry outweighed the drawbacks.

161. In some countries children have very strict rules of behaviour, in other
countries, they are allowed to do almost anything they want. To what extent
should children have to follow rules?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In this modern world whether strict rules should be followed by children or not is
a very critical and controversial issue. As we know that children are living in
different societies and cultures, their behaviour and metal structures are different
as well. For example, in Pakistan, more social and loyalty could be observed
among children and they respect their parents in a very charming way. While
respect is very common, friendly relationship among parents and children are
not. On the contrary, in European countries, it is a bit different. In these countries,
children have their own motto and they do those types of tasks only which they
have set in their minds. However, they have a better and friendly relationship with
their parents. So overall strict rules would not be suitable for all geographic
locations, which might be helpful in some parts of the world. The strict rules in
children behaviour have some advantages but also have some drawbacks which
are discussed below.
First of all the children under strict rules and code of conduct will be responsible
and very respectful to the parents, elder people and to the society. Such children
build a stable and attractive society. The children in such society feel himself a
responsible citizen, mature, and know how to treat others in the society in a
respectful way. And the society of such children is free of heinous crimes and
drug abuses. On the other hand, children who do not follow strict rules of
behaviour become rude, selfish and undisciplined. And such children create
hurdles in the society which create bad impacts on a society. And for such
children, the government also try to develop such a law to demolish such bad
elements from the society.

Strict rules for children often have very bad psychological and social problems. It
is not unusual that parents who bit their children would be hated and not
respected by the children at a later stage. Strict rules hinder the creativity among
children and make them under-developed mentally. A friendly relationship
between parents and kids is often helpful for a better future generation. Strict
rules are temporary but love and respects are long lasting. Hence parents should
try to be friendly with kids and try to explain the right from wrongs. In many
society children’s rude and unexpected behaviour are rooted to the too much
strict regulation they were imposed. Hence, a set if strict rules is not always a
better option to nurture kids.

It is concluded from this topic that Children under strict rule behaviour have a
good moral character and responsible adults but sometimes this is not a good
option and have negative impacts. So I would opine that friendly relationship,
some freedom as well as some rigid rules should be combined to nurture the
children and for their betterment.

162. Some people say that success is ‘10 percent talent and 90 percent
hard work’. Is hard work the key to success, or is talent also important?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

When it comes to the issue of success, a myriad of perspectives has been put
forth. Some stick to the idea that hard work plays a key role in success whereas
others are on the view that talent is an inseparable part of success. I personally
state that the viewpoint put forward by the first group is more logical. In the
following paragraphs, I will shed light on my reasons for this viewpoint.

The price of success is hard work. Perseverance gives rise to success.

Individuals, who always succeed, try all times and never give up. It does not
matter how many times they fail, they do not give up and stop their attempt till
they reach their goal. They never call themselves failure! They really subscribe to
the idea that the greatest accomplishment is not in falling down but in rising again
and again after falling hard which sets the stage for success. With regard to the
issue of gaining success, they really believe that winners never quit and quitters
never win.

On the other hand, just hard work without believing in ourselves and certain
talents does not serve to achieve success. What is in our mind and how positive
we think prepares the ground for physical action and eventually gives rise to hard
work and gaining success. If we believe that we can achieve to whatever we
want and we remove the negative thoughts which serve as mental barriers, we
certainly succeed in gaining our goals. Having purpose is also important to work
hard. If we know what we really want and why we need it clarifies our purpose
which has beneficial effects on hard working. So, besides being hard working
person it is essential to be hard planning person too.

In my view, I really concede that success is 10 percent talent and 90 percent

hard work hard. Hard work and self-disciplined perform a pivotal role in gaining
success, having a purpose and believe in ourselves are also required along with
the hard work.

163. The international community must act immediately to ensure all

nations to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels e.g. gas and oil.
To what extent do you agree/ disagree?
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Increasing consumptions of fossil fuels have resulted in the emission of the

greenhouse gas which is one of the causes of issues relating to environmental
damage in recent years. Therefore, some people suggest that all countries
should take actions urgently to lessen the usage of the harmful energy. From my
personal view, I agree with the statement to some extent.

First of all, it cannot be denied that fossil fuel is one of the major contributors to
global warming and climate change. Indeed, the burning of oil and coal produces
tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, and it is one of the greenhouse gases that
enhance radioactive forcing and contribute to global warming. The rise in
temperature of the Earth has associated with numerous of adverse effects such
as melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low-lying areas and rise to the sea level.

Secondly, fossil fuels are generally considered to be non-renewable resources

because they take millions of years to form. If the utilisation of mineral fuels is not
reduced and controlled, it could be exhausted and people may soon run short of
fossil fuels while scientists have not found an alternative energy source. As a
result, the price of fossil fuels has also increased greatly which could lead
countries to fall into a fuel war.

However, there might be some concerns about the reduction of mineral fuels
utilisation. One among of them is that the approach will lead to failure to maintain
well-balanced social order. In fact, manufacture industry, transportation and even
home heating require powers, which are generated through fossil fuels.
Accordingly, detrimental consequences might impact to the development of the
entire the world if we cut down the use of fossil fuel immediately. More than that,
some alternative powers such as nuclear, solar and wind power have not been
applied widely due to reasons like climate condition, high cost or safety
requirement. It could take scientist many years developing these energies to be
perfect substitutes for fossil fuel.

In conclusion, in order to tackle environment problems and avoid the growing

scarcity of natural energy in the future, the reduction in the consumption of fossil
fuels should be considered and planned purposefully and gradually.
164. Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully.
Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the
benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making
Which do you prefer - planning or not planning for your leisure time?
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Sample Answer 1:
The pace of life has reached such a dizzy height today that finding time for
leisure has itself become cumbersome. When it comes to free time, some among
the mass opine that it should be spent with diligence and prudence. However,
others oppose this argument and insist that free time should not be something
planned. Now the below discourse throws light on pros and cons of planning
one's free time accommodating both views.
In the midst of the arisen of a new world order, planning and strategies play a
vital role in our day to day life. Strategy and being strategically optimistic is
considered essential factors of becoming successful, in this context, a leisure
time spent with a proper plan is a leisure time spent wisely. A proper prudence,
prior to spending your free time can invariably reduce the wastage of time and
money involved. To exemplify, a well planned and organised vacation could save
a lot of money and time on the hotel, transportation and so on. The monitory loss,
on an unorganised holiday more or less is an explicit these days. Lost moments,
are irreversible and planning one's holiday acknowledges the value of time. In
addition to this, with a proper planning, one could avail the privilege of being an
early bird, for instance, spending one;s time on shopping where there are more
offers will be beneficial compared to navigating by the Sun.

On the contrary, some argue that free time should be spent instinctively and
should not be biased to planning and prejudices. Such prerequisites spoil the
enjoyment factor involved .They insist that not to plan, is the best plan to spend
one's free time. According to them, leisure time should not get pre-indulged with
definite plans as this would make it another mechanical day being spent in some
other places than the office. All that would take place on a leisure day should be
impulsive, and not envisaged.
Now, from an objective analysis of the above-mentioned points, I would prefer to
spend my free time in a well organised and judicious manner. As the saying goes
"time and tide waits for none", proper planning will ensure less wastage of time.
Moreover, such a habit comes with additional benefits of financial gains and
much more. To conclude, it is apparent from the above that planning one's
leisure time is imperative and rather ubiquitous nowadays.

[ Written by - Vineeth V. ]

Sample Answer 2:
Nowadays, people have become more organised and systematic and they like to
plan their leisure time activities before execution. Some people argue that
planning is vital for the successful implementation of any activity. Others claim
that unplanned activities are full of excitements and surprises that are very
difficult to achieve by planned work. I believe that proper planning plays a pivotal
role in the completion of an activity within budget and resources.

Firstly, investing in leisure time demands careful planning of resources and

timelines. Most of the people plan occasionally because of inflation and
exorbitant prices of goods and travelling. In addition to this one can enjoy and
explore more by planning. For example, during my college studies, I planned to
visit hill stations with my college mated. Being as students we had minimal funds
available for the tour. But with excellent planning, we end up our tour with full of
joy and happiness.

However, unplanned free time activities also have a charm in it. Youngsters are
more prevalent in exercising such activities because of its daring and
adventurous nature. For instance, adults in my city start their journey on the
highway without knowing their destination that followed by a decision made on
run time which adds plenty of fun and surprise to their trip.

To sum up, I would like to say that planning is mandatory for achieving required
results. Therefore, a large number of people plan and act accordingly to get the
maximum pleasure. However, sometimes unplanned activities also provide you
life-changing experiences.
165. To solve the ever-increasing environmental hazards throughout the
world, the best way is to increase the price of fuel.
What is your opinion on the above assumption?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
At first, it is significant to understand what is environment hazards and why is it
escalating. Environment hazards mean a decrease in the quality of the
environment where we are residing. Due to harmful gases such as CO2,
SO2 emitted by industries, vehicles air is being polluted. The industries throw
harmful waste products in rivers which affect the flora and fauna. Not only air and
water are polluted, noise pollution has also surged. Same is the circumstances
for arable lands.
So, it is clear that environmental hazards have increased not only by combustion
of fuel but others factors are also responsible for it. I reckon increasing fuel price
due to this reason is foolish tactics. According to the given assumption,
increasing the price of fuel means not to make price common people friendly. If
this manoeuvre of concern authority then they will come under fire subsequently
and they cannot run the state. Transportation is a boon in the 21st century. We
cannot imagine visiting our destination on foot as we cannot afford the cost of
fuel. Fuel is essential not only to transport, it is required every walk of life. For
instances: cooking food, running industries etc. requires fuels.
Obviously, the poor either protest against the price or rob from those people who
have purchasing power. It means unrest starts in the country. When it peaks
some people loses their life and government is compelled to suspend the price
increase. It is vivid that increasing price of fuel is not a solution to control
environment hazards rather it unwise strategy. Increasing awareness, banning
old vehicles dependency or introducing the renewable source of energy are
some inevitable solution to environmental hazards.

In conclusion, the price of the fuel should not be increased rather others
alternative should be deduced. Environment hazards are the common problems
of people of every walk of life so, we should solve it moving ahead shoulder to

166. Most people believe that money is a very important consideration

when choosing a job as it can help you get better lifestyle; however, there
are some who believe it is more important to have a job you enjoy and that
this and not money will lead to greater happiness and more balanced
personal life.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

People have different opinions with regard to the question of what to consider
while choosing a job. Although I agree the opinion that more incentives and
benefits of the job make many individuals happy, I also believe that money is the
crucial necessity to be considered to progress in life.

On the one hand, money should not be the only consideration. This is because,
when we get a job that we cherish, there would be no place for work related
stress and strain. Since we really appreciate our role, we could take the
upcoming challenges as a chance to test our potential. The other benefits like
health insurance, free medical services, travel allowances are also having
positive impacts on the lives of the employees. Moreover, by working in a dream
environment could definitely give much personal work satisfaction although it
doesn't help financially. Therefore, according to the people who are inclined to
the above beliefs, the best way to fetch a job is to completely analyse all these
essential benefits and job satisfactions.

On contrary, earning money out of a job has paramount importance. Though

there are other relaxations given for an employee, the direct source of happiness
for them would be income. This means more money he earns the more he would
confidently face the revolutionising world by meeting his self-needs, family needs
and also by saving for the future. It is a commonly known fact that the inflation
rate is increasing and also the cost of living has become high everywhere. In this
scenario, it is absurd to be with a job which doesn't help to progress in terms of
money. On the whole, money should be certainly the main consideration while
choosing a job.

Finally, while I agree that allowances and enjoyment are prerequisites for career
development, I strongly argue that income should also be given priority to get a
job that makes us fit in the society.

167. Some people think that students who do not take a break in studies
between the high school and the university are at disadvantage compared
to students that travel and work after high school before furthering their
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Nowadays, in this competitive world for success, knowledge and experience are
very necessary. Therefore the students who get enrolled in a university directly
from high school are less valuable and less contributive to the community as
compared to those who take breaks during the study and take some experience
through jobs and travelling. For these two different opinions, I am going to
classify these two groups with names: group A and group B. Group A for those
who do not take rest in studies up to university and group B for those who take a
gap between school and university studies and get some practical experience in
their lives.
As we know that study from high school to university studies will give us valuable
theoretical experience only. Even in last year of the graduations university will
send students to some of the companies for internships and apprenticeships to
get training. But this is not enough for a practical job. A real job is something
different and difficult from the training. When Group A students get jobs in a large
company, they will face problems and they will not know how to handle the
situations and how to deal customers and office staffs. Even some of their senior
staffs will crush them hard and will tease them because fresh candidates do not
know the work environment.
As compared to group A, group B students will be efficient and active and they
will easily come across the problems and customers dealings. They will observe
their senior staffs; what they are doing with them and they will response more
professionally by using their experience and ability. The students from group B
will be able to handle the corporate culture more appropriately only because they
have better job understanding than the students of group A.

Group A students are less contributive also when a firm hires newcomers for a
job. First, they have to train the newly hired staffs so more expenses are needed
for that which comes from their salaries. And when they get experience, they are
offer for better salaries. On other hand group B students from the beginning start
earning more through their experience and work. This proves that group B is far
more contributive to the new world economy.

So from the above discussion, it is concluded that Group A students are less
efficient, less valuable and less contributive as compared to group B students.
Hence in this modern era, we have to get a better education as well as better
experience to become competent candidate everywhere. From this regards,
taking a gap between the high school and university education to gain practical
experience and understanding of the world is a better option.

[ Written by - Eng. Amjad ]

Sample Answer 2:
Universities provide lofty education to their students under the supervision of
trained professionals. However, they lack in providing practical experience of the
subject to students. Some people argue that continuation of studies without
break is less fruitful. Students should travel across the world to mitigate their
stress and involve themselves into practical work in order to deepen the
understanding of the studies they had learnt at universities. I believe that study
break is an opportunity for people to enhance their skills by implementing their
concept in the real world.

Practical experience plays a pivotal role in grasping difficult concepts with ease.
By tightening the grip of a subject, one can become a master of it. Therefore, it is
an essential part of learning to indulge yourself in a practical field after
completing high school studies. It will equally beneficial for your knowledge and

Students without study breaks for travelling or part-time jobs are less likely to
perform well in their professional lives. As they do not have practical working
knowledge of things that deterrent their growth in the market, gradually they
overcome their problem after having exposure to practical working. Moreover,
they also lack behind in other qualities such as teamwork, confidence etc.

To sum up, I would like to say that learning by doing is the most effective
technique that is commonly used by successful people. Therefore, universities
should make it mandatory for their students to have practical knowledge of the
subject before entering into university. Study without break could cause anxiety
and stress and is less effective for young learners.

168. The money given to help poor countries does not solve the problem of
poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help instead.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
It is said that support funds that are given to third world countries will not solve
the poverty issue and therefore developed countries should think of other kinds
of help, which are more effective. To a certain point, I would agree that there
should be an alternative kind of help for the poor countries, but financial support
would also be needed for a short time period.

Many experts believe that financial supports that are given to poor countries are
not effective and efficient; therefore there should be other kinds of help which
could be considered. Firstly, it is a fact that illiteracy has become one of the
major issues in poor countries, and developed countries could send some of their
teachers to improve the education system there. It is hoped should the literacy
rate increase, the number of unemployment will gradually reduce. Secondly,
people of the poor countries are suffering due to the low quality of the health
system there. Building more qualified hospitals and improving the quality of the
medical staffs would be an effective way to help them. And lastly, many third
world countries have a bad infrastructure and public transportation facilities. By
building more roads and improving the public transports there, it is hoped that
people of these poor countries would be more productive as they will have easier
access to their workplaces.

It can be seen that all of the alternative ideas are long term projects, and people
would only see the improvement after ten or fifteen years minimum. For a short
period of time, financial aid is still needed by the third world countries; as
governments could not provide decent health and education system, and many
people are starving and sick. However, since corruption is also a serious problem
in poor countries, strict monitoring over the financial support should be a priority,
to ensure that the fund is appropriately utilised.

In conclusion, to a certain extent, I would agree that financial aids given by

advanced countries to poor nations would not be the best solution in solving the
poverty issue. However, since resolving poverty problem would be a long term
project, financial help should also be given for a short period of time, but it should
be strictly controlled.
[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

Sample Answer 2:
I fully agree with the given statement as monetary help often failed to improve the
condition of poor nations. So other forms of improvement schemes and help
could be a better solution to help the poor countries.

It is true that donation provided by rich countries has not solved the problem of
poverty in the developing country like Bhutan, Afghanistan etc. It is important to
understand why rich countries provide money. The reasons behind this are to
accelerate development of poor countries by establishing industries, tourism and
others pre -requisites. Some of the causes for failure of donation programme are
corruption, poor governance, scarcity of skilled population and lack of proper
Firstly, corruption is mostly prevalent in the developing countries like Nepal,
Congo etc. according to data of the Transparency International. Most
importantly, corruption is deeply rooted in almost all fields like health sector, civil
service etc. and exists involvement of simple clerks to high-level bureaucrats and
politicians. The cause of corruption may be rooted to the lack of handsome
salary, lack of severe punishments, selfishness and the slack of rules and laws
etc. If money allocated for development projects is misused, then the quality of
the projects reduced or it may not be finished in time. In fact, scenarios like these
affect the rate of development in the developing countries.

Secondly, the sustainable and harmonious development cannot be achieved

without effective and efficient administration which is lagging in the poor
countries. Succeeding any projects is a daunting task for management
committees. At first, the problems arise at the local levels where local people ask
for unfeasible demands such as the job for each household, high compensation
of lands etc. If these problems are addressed, then, other problems like the strike
of employees occur or negligence of contractor occurs. Is it possible to complete
projects at the specified time? No, it takes decades to complete the projects or
strands in the middle forever.

Thirdly, there are problems in formulating plans and policies. Even though they
are formulated, the authorities cannot implement in a scientific way. So, funds
freeze for next financial year. These are only some instances how money
provided by donors is used.

Education, expertise support, training, monitoring the development, conducting

research, establishing factories are better alternative than giving money to the
poor nations and these should be embraced by the rich nations to truly help the
poor countries.

169. The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last
twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as
juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now
work and are not at home to care for their children.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Gender equality being the buzzword today, the position of women has undergone
a sea change in all dimensions of life from the last couple of decades. It is a
widely undeniable fact that majority of women now work and are becoming a
mitigating factor when it comes to child-rearing at home. Now the question
arises, on this trend being the main cause attributing to the increase in juvenile
crime rates? In my opinion, married women being employed could be one among
the many reasons involved in adolescent delinquencies and I would like to take a
via media approach to this moot issue.
First, aspect to be discoursed in this context would be the mammoth change in
the status of woman since last years. This change has had its influence on all
social, economic and political spheres of life. In the present scenario, a
predominance of employed female common partners is justified to some extent,
because of the emergence of the new world economic order, globalisation. They
play an imperative role in the society, unlike the past. Moreover, there are more
female political figures than ever before on a worldwide perspective.

The fact remains certain that children of employed women are not well reared
compared to their counterparts. Most of these children are forced to spend a
major part of their formative periods with the babysitters or in kindergartens.
Once grown up, they establish bonds with other people or students from different
walks of life. Unattended or left alone, it is these bonds that become detrimental
for them in future.

The rate of adolescent crime rates and delinquencies are on an ever increase
since last few years. Most of the cases when transacted meticulously portray the
absence of motherly care and diligence in the upbringing of the child. Another
fascinating thing would be that a majority of such children are from families
where both parents work. According to various studies conducted by the panel of
experts world over concise that whether employed or unemployed it is the
carefree maternal attitude being the eminent reason behind the issue.
From the objective analysis on the above discourse, my conscientious allows me
to conclude that irrelevant of being employed or not, it is the quality of maternal
care during the formative period that should be accounted for the future
prospective of one’s sibling.

170. Deforestation caused by human activity is happening in many parts of

the world, with serious results for the environment.
What do you think can be done to solve this problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Trees, from all over the world, are diminished and are continues to be reduced by
mankind, with many serious perils to our nature and people should not connive at
this deforestation. We need oxygen for our survival and trees provide us this
most important element for our living. Immediate individual and governmental
steps should be taken to save our most trusted friends, trees.

Forests are the essential source of oxygen and trees encourages the soil and
keep the ground from erosion. Furthermore, forests are habitats of a lot of
animals and are home to myriad insects. People should take these aspects of
forests into account and reform some regulations. The government should be
more strict to control the unauthorised chop down activities. Namely, Amazon
rainforest has been felled and used commercially and has already caused a huge
damage to the wildlife and the environment. Consequently, proper legislations
are very vital for preventing deforestation. In addition to legislations informing
people might help to slow down saw down of forests.

In spite of the legislations are oppose to people who remove trees, people will
not perceive how perilous these actions are and they will continue to cut trees
without realising the danger. Due to their benefit from the trade, the most efficient
way to prevent deforestation is to inform people. For instance, governments
might make some advertisement to show on the TVs and also on the roads.
Furthermore, making some interviews by experts in the news may be another
More forest securities should be in place to prevent people from cutting down
trees. Logging should be banned in areas where the percentage or forest is low
and alternative ways of cooking should be introduced. Finally artificial and metal
furniture should be used instead of using woods.

To sum up, in spite of the vital roles forests play in our life people do not stop to
cut down trees and use them for luxury. In this case, governments should reform
legislations and inform people about logging danger. Without information people
deforestation will continue for commercial use and array of animals and insects
will get extended and we will endanger our mother planet.

171. Children’s education is expensive. In some countries, governments

pay partly or all education fees.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

In recent year, there is a growing consideration for the government in term of

child education, particularly payment for their tuition fees. Although this policy
brings certain drawbacks, I believe that the benefits are much greater.

On the one hand, the policy of free education charge may place a dramatic
burden on the national budget. The government may have to pour money in
education, therefore financial fund could have not enough for other sectors such
as infrastructure and medical care, which may hold the economy back from
development. In addition, some taxpayers who live alone or do not have children
may feel unfair because their money is likely spent for sake of others, not for

However, I would argue that the benefit of free of tuition fee should be more
considered. First, among these is studying is definitely encouraged, which lead to
the reduction of the illiteracy rate. As a result, the children who go to school will
have more chance to find a job, and they would be the future workforce for the
country. Take Singapore as an example, they have sponsored education fee for
their young generation, which encourages them to go to schools or universities,
this is reasons why Singapore has a high qualified manpower contributing for
their development. Another significant advantage is that family may not be
worried about financial burden because of high education fee, and they would
have more money to take care nutrition and health care for their children.

In conclusion, it seems to me that free charge of education would bring more

benefits than its disadvantage.

172. Today more people are travelling than ever before. Why is this the
case? What are the benefits of travelling for the traveller?

Sample Answer 1:
Increasing numbers of people have already become fond of travelling all over the
world and the trend continues to be evident even during these recent times.
Travelling has become a hobby among different individuals regardless of age,
sex and race. Some people believe that increased travelling nowadays is
because of many reasons including better communication and technological
advancement and benefits of travelling to travellers are huge.
To begin with, one of the major reasons why travellers these days are motivated
to travel different places is because of increasing opportunities and demands
abroad. In abroad, people can visit their countries of choices to study as
international students, work as a professional passionately and the appealing
part of grabbing to become future immigrants because of the various benefits
they will inherit compared to their country of origin. For example, my aunt
decided to work as a licensed nurse in the USA and due to her undying
hardworking attitude, she successfully submitted complete credentials and
passed exams required for professional registration.

Another reason why people travel often is that they want to get stamps in their
passports whenever possible. In this way, people will have easy access of
travelling to places they wanted without hesitations or difficulties. They have the
least chances of being denied by the embassies after calling up for an interview.

The cheap air travel, better communication system and facility to work at
anyplace have also inspired people to visit more frequently.
In conclusion, when people travel more, they will learn the benefits of using other
languages and will develop multiculturalism in terms of values, beliefs and

173. In most parts of the world, people are living longer. What is the
possible cause of this situation? Is this a negative or positive

In several countries across the world, the death rate has decreased dramatically.
This may be due to several reasons; this essay will analyse those and also
suggest whether it brings benefit or drawback to the enhancement of the society

First and foremost reason for this scenario is the revolution of health care
technology. This is because the fatal diseases or disorders which were
considered difficult to fight against have become an easier task to tackle these
days. Polio is one good example in India which no longer causes death or
disorder among people which once was a very devastating disease. Moreover,
the technical advancements are also facilitating complicated cardiac surgeries,
organ transplantation and 3D printed organ replacement. So these illustrations
are proving the worthy role of technology in enriching and enhancing of people’s

While the life span of individuals’ increases, it would obviously benefit in several
ways both to individual and society. As far as a single person is concerned, if he
lives longer then it is certain that he would complete all his responsibilities in a
proper way and lead a happy and contented life with his or family. Looking onto
the other side, the benefits outnumber the disadvantages here as well. Due to
the contribution of persons like scientists, politicians and other leaders to the
nation for a longer duration, the development of the nation is a reachable goal.

By and large, the people are having healthy and longer life because of the
intervention of technology in the health care sector. This has been proven as a
positive impact on both individuals and a larger community and thus can be
taken as a sign of betterment.
174. Some people think that top level authorities of a company should
always take suggestions or ideas from employees to take any decision
while other disagree.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Sample Answer 1:
It is a true fact to consider that today's world has become a global village. Due to
that reason, business has to face huge competition to catch-up the highly
competitive market. Considering this, there are some analysts who hold an
opinion that in the company top management should consider employees
suggestions or ideas before making the decisions or innovation while others
consider that they should take decisions on their own. This essay will assert both
sides of the contention before deducing a reasonable conclusion.
Higher authorities should consider employees suggestions or ideas before taking
important decisions for the company. First and foremost, job experience could be
a significant factor. It is generally seen that majority of the people working in the
particular area have become experienced professionals with different practical
knowledge that the management could use in their favour for decision making.
The fact could be demonstrated by in the food processing industry; food
processing has been divided into various sectors such as harvesting, separating,
filling, packaging and labelling etc. and to take decision appropriate employees
should be engaged in the decision-making. The engagement of employees in
decision making creates a very positive impression and inspires them to work
better. The employees start feeling as part of the company and their output
significantly increases. This is also an effective measure to control the mutiny of
the labour in an industry.

There are some groups who are in favour of the idea that management should
not consider employees suggestions or ideas when they make decisions, in spite
of views discussed above. Management responsibility could be a substantial
reason behind the opponent's viewpoint. There are companies where it is
believed that the higher management is responsible for coming up with the best
decision and innovation for better a future because they believe employees add
ideas or suggestions for their personal interests.

In conclusion, undoubtedly, company managements have higher responsibilities

to take plausibility of implementation for the healthier future; however, as far as I
am concerned, lower level worked force has immense experienced of their
profession. Therefore, without any reasonable concern employees cannot be
neglected and their decision and feedback should always be included while
taking any decision for the company.

175. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion
about this?
Discuss with appropriate examples.

Sample Answer 1:
This is a true fact to consider that present world has become a global village.
Therefore, people are motivated to buy their necessities from the competitive
market. As a result, a great number of shopping malls has established in past
two decades in almost all cities of the world. Considering this there are some
analysts who hold an opinion that large shopping malls are replacing small
shops, while others consider that, large shopping malls should not be replacing
small shops. This essay will assertion both side of this contention before
deducing a reasonable conclusion.
There are reasons for people to believe that large shopping malls are important
to be established as multi stories shopping malls come with a large number of
stores and other facilities under one roof. First and foremost time saving from
shopping from such multi-complex buildings could be a significant factor. It may
be defined as the majority of them prefer to go to the shopping malls rather than
the single stores because a variety of options are available in one complex. For
example, clothes, groceries, banks, pharmacies, cinemas, food courts, and
restaurants etc. are all available under a single roof and people get better
environment from such establishment.

There are some groups who are in favour of single shops and opine that this
trend should be continued. They have their reasons as well. In spite of views
discussed above regarding why large shopping malls are ideal to the modern
society. Parking problems could be a substantial reason behind the opponent's
viewpoint. There including excursive crowding in the shopping complex,
especially on weekends and holidays. As a result, shoppers have to spend a long
time in the parking bays rather than the shopping in small shops. The prices in
large shopping malls are often unreasonable and people end up purchasing
more than they actually need. The large shopping malls are not often convenient
for the lower and middle-class population.

In last, undoubtedly, whether shopping in a large shopping complex or single

small shops could be matter of discussion; however, as far as I am concerned,
big shopping malls have immense benefits to the modern society that outweigh
the options and conveniences offered by the small shops.

[ Written by - Thilini Shani ]

Sample Answer 2:
It is true that the numbers of large malls have increased rapidly in the past few
years, and many people believe that they are replacing the traditional shops. I
personally feel that there should be some clear regulations about the design of
malls in each city; therefore the existence of these shopping malls will not
replace the small shops.

It is a fact that many large shopping malls are built in big cities these days, such
as in Singapore, Jakarta or Tokyo. These giant malls offer various kinds of shops
at one place; therefore people should not have to go to different places when
they are looking for their needs. Then, these shopping malls are also equipped
with air conditioner, so visitors will feel comfortable when they walk around the
malls. And lastly, these shopping malls also being managed and monitored by
security guards, therefore many people feel safe walking around in these malls.

However, despite all the benefits of these large shopping centres, the existence
of these shopping malls has some negative effects to small shops. Many
property developers are building their malls near to a traditional market, which
affected the sales of many small and traditional shops. As more people choose to
go to large shopping malls, the numbers of people who purchase at small shops
become lesser and lesser each day. As a consequence, many of these shops
owners have to close their business or have to reduce the number of employees.

In conclusion, the number of mega malls is increasing these days, and some
people believe that they will replace traditional markets. I personally believe that
the existence of shopping malls will boost the economic growth of the city, but
small shops also create many jobs opportunities as well. So it is the government
task to make some strict regulations about the city’s layout, therefore the
existence of large shopping malls and small shops will be appropriate.

176. Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer
to live in a rural area. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of living
in the city to living in the countryside.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
In this era of globalisation, the world has witnessed a paradigm shift in migrating
and these days more rural inhabitants are becoming city dwellers. Choosing a
place to live has been a matter of great concern from the time of antiquity.
Urbanisation, being the buzzword of the day, few among the mass believe that
urban sector forms the ideal place to thrive, whereas others favour rural life. Let
us discourse below the pros and cons of life in a city to that of a countryside.
The recent advancements in technology comfort the urban lifestyle in numerous
ways. Means of transport and communication are explicit in cities compared to
that of villages. Moreover, urban industries and companies offer huge
opportunities to professionals and entrepreneurs. The younger generations
prefer to live in the midst of city life and luxury rather than to be in a countryside.
Another important aspect in this context would be the sea change in the medical
field that happened in last few years, many of these advanced facilities are
readily available only in cities. In addition to all these, city has become a social
hub of the elite and affluent hence one could enjoy the privilege of being in
acquaintance with them. To cite an example, one would find celebrities and
politicians on the social clubs or parties, rather than a countryside’s get together.

As it is being noted, reasons are aplenty for one's decision to choose city over a
village to lead a life in the present scenario, another among them which needs a
special mention here is in the quality of education that city offers. It is believed
that education liberates people from social stigmas. An urban life on a global
perspective is always coupled with well organised and qualified educational
system compared to the rural side. A city would be a favourite place to find
efficient schools, universities and research centres when weighed against a
village side.

On the contrary, rural lifestyle bestows one's closeness to nature and is free from
the hazards of urbanisation. Health wise, rural inhabitants are less exposed to
various environmental hazards, like pollution for instance. Moreover, the
tranquillity maintained along the countryside is another positive feature of rural
habitation. Finally, the family and social bonds in villages are known to be more
concrete. Separations on basis of urban gizmos like communalism and social
status are seldom there.

In the ultimate analysis, from the above discussion, it would be ideal to state that
both urban and rural habitation has its merits and demerits, however, choosing a
place to live should be prioritized on individual requirements, an ideal
exemplification would be that of an IT professional who should become a part of
a city for his career betterment, whereas a farmer, would fit in a rural sector to
prosper. Being a part of an urban society since childhood, I would like to be in the
same boat for the rest of my journey.

[ Written by - Vineeth V. ]

Sample Answer 2:
People have different opinions about living places. Certain people like to live in
the country area while others choose to stay in the city centre. Each place offers
its own benefits and drawbacks and the following essay will discuss them in
On the one hand, a group of people prefer to live in the city centre because they
believe that there are a lot of benefits living in the area. It is a fact that the city
offers various kinds of facilities, such as shopping malls, universities, cinemas,
hospitals and restaurants, therefore it would not be difficult for the city’s residents
in finding education centres, foods or entertainments. Cities offer more job
opportunities as most of the companies and industries are situated there. Apart
from that, there are certain facilities that are present only in city areas like
amusement parks, large shopping malls, better schools etc. However, living in
the city has some negative sides as well. The common drawbacks are that the
crime and air pollution rate in the city are commonly higher than the rural area.
Therefore some people choose to move out of the city centre.

On the other hand, some people think that the best place to live is in the rural
area. It is believed that people who live in these areas have a healthier life
because they breathe fresher air, they eat more hygienic and natural fruits and
vegetables and they live in a more relaxed and quite environment. As a result,
their life expectancy is longer than those who live in cities or towns. Despite its
positive sides, living in remote areas have some disadvantages. Several people
found that the quality of education in these areas is left behind, while others feel
that it is hard for them to develop their careers, therefore they choose to move to
big cities.

In conclusion, living in the city or the countryside has its own positive and
negative sides, and it depends on the preference of each individual. I personally
choose to live in the city area to enhance my career and plan to live in the
countryside when I retire.

[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

Sample Answer 3:
These days, many people are quite concerned about choosing the right place to
live their own life. In this essay, I will look at the pros and cons, aspects of living
in large and crowded town compared to the countryside and draw a reasoned
conclusion based on my ideas.

One of the most significant benefits of settling in a city is health care. Usually,
there is well-functioning health care system available to citizens of the town such
as hospital and clinics, with many specialised doctors and healthcare
professionals. For example, in the city, it is very convenient to find physicians,
dentists and nurses. In contrast, often habitants of the rural area have to travel all
the way to the city to visit the professionals in the city. As a result, people who
live in the countryside suffer from the lack of health care laboratories, hospitals
and chamber of professional doctors which are not close to them and is one of
the reasons people prefer to stay closer to city centres. Furthermore, a city offers
better educational, recreational and employment facilities which are quite tough
to find in a rural area.

However, the crime is the biggest challenge that inhabitants of a crowded city
have to face. For example, murder, rape, theft, motor vehicle offence, drugs
abuse, firearms & offensive weapon cases are more common in city areas than
in a countryside. Even with criminal justice system and punishment by state law
in cities, the rate of these heinous crimes is much higher there than any other
part of the country such as villages and rural area. The rate of the crime is much
less in a countryside than a city due to the less population and economic factors
of that area. As a result, the people who live in a countryside are much protected
against violation of their rights.

In conclusion, both large towns and urban areas have some conveniences and
drawbacks for its citizens. Living location should ultimately be chosen depending
on an individual's base on their professional job. For example, farmer ideally will
choose the rural area and on the other hand, IT professional will prefer to be
close to city centre.

177. Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university
education. Some people think that universities should make it easier for
them to access higher education.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
As the enrollments of different higher institutions are increasing each year, more
students coming from countrysides or rural areas are attending universities.
However, some of them feel the education in the university is hard for them to
comprehend regardless of the contents of courses or the assignments placed by
instructors. Regarding this situation, people think higher education institutions
should lower the standard or level of study so that rural students can access
them easily.
Admittedly, the education in higher institution sometimes really poses a tough
situation on rural students. What they have learned or how they have processed
the contents from school have to be changed once they get into universities. As a
result of this, some of them are unable to adapt to the methods required to be
used here. More frustratingly they might concern about dropping out if they could
not continue their study. From this perspective, a higher institution should
consider lowering the standard for rural students to keep the original pace of

In addition, although universities are not the place where everyone can get
involved in, in another word, once any pupils have been accepted by them, they
are supposed to realise how tough the study would be, this really depends on the
backgrounds of different pupils. Therefore, developing bridge programmes
seems an efficient method for both rural students and schools themselves. Not
only can pupils enhance their capacities for acquiring higher education, teachers
can also fully learn about each individual student. This contributes to ease the
burden on difficulties on students.

However, to tackle this awkward circumstance means that schools are supposed
to sacrifice to some extent. For instance, lowering standards for students from
rural areas presents that the reputation that schools have obtained may be
affected. More seriously, if this happened, the immediate impact on universities
would be the loss of experienced teachers and funds raised by the local

In conclusion, to alter the strategies for assisting rural students to access higher
education is one of the most important implementations that universities should
consider. However, schools have to address this issue discreetly or it would pose
a threat to school’s reputation and their employment of staff. Establishing bridge
programmes seems to be one of the feasible approaches for achieving the
balance in the number of rural students in universities.
178. Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against
childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the rights to choose not to
immunise their children?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
In spite of the fact that parents can make their decisions in terms of immunising
or not immunising their children from deadly diseases, they have to feel a
responsibility to their children. From my point of view, it must not be optional and
all children have to be vaccinated.
We all know that children who are less than 6 or 7 age are vulnerable to diseases
and should have fatal results or big problems in their forthcoming future life if
they are not protected from heinous diseases. Though these childhood illnesses
might seem very simple, parents must pay attention to their children who are at
these ages. By the way, it must not be voluntary for parents to decide what they
must do. It is also the future of the country and the nation in terms of having a
strong nation. Namely, children comprise the basis of education in the country,
so children have a bulk and vital role in the country in terms of education and
future. For this reason, governments have to make something special for that,
such as legislations. These sorts of regulations will make parents feel
responsible for their children.

Children, who suffer from deadly diseases and get affected by that in future,
actually start hating their parents. Think about how sad it would be when a child
suffers from physical disability only because his parents decided not to vaccinate
him in his childhood? That is something we never want to happen to our nation.
Actually, there are also some families who want to immunise their children but
haven't got sufficient budget to spend for that. In that way, governments have to
undertake immunising such children and assign subsidies for those of children.
People haven't got the rights not to vaccinate their children. This is not an option,
this is a must. Because it is inhumane for both children and parents who might
become the victim of deadly diseases.
To sum up, parents must be responsible for their children and they mustn't
choose to immunise or not immunise, that should be a must for parents.

[ Written by - Eldar Rehimli ]

Sample Answer 2:
Every infant needs an aid of protection from any danger at their early age. One of
the most predominant perils is absolutely illnesses. Any disorder can be able to
face them with the risk of death, even a single flu because children are
vulnerable and a potential target for viruses and other threatening creatures.
Their immunity system is just started to grow and improve. If they are not fed well
and protected from hazardous effects the immune system cannot thrive and the
body will destroy soon.
That's why they are in need of their protectors at certain ages of weakness. It is
evident that these protectors are their parents or responsible relatives. Hands of
kind-hearted and generous parents are especially given for that reason. From the
birth to the age of being an individual, parents look after their children with great
patience and attention.

They devote their whole life to pay attentions to their protection like precious
jewellery. This dedication includes health, happiness, culture and other qualities
of their own personality. In front of those all health of their children is most crucial
one. Kind-hearted parents always want their children to be healthy, because of
that they immunise them very well. In their opinion, it is their obligation to do that.
Unfortunately, some parents are in the other mind. They refuse to inoculate their
children. It must be a scandal, because if parents decline to vaccinate them, then
who should do the issue.

I think it is obviously the obligation of parents to grow up and immunise their

children. Another variant could not be perceptible. And the government should
impose a law for this type of parents to either immunise their own children or pay
the expense of looking after them.
179. In cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a
problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to
solve this problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
It is undoubtedly the case that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer
from traffic congestion. In this essay, I will examine the reasons for this trend and
suggest some practical policies the authorities could implement to reduce the
level of traffic in our cities.

The first step is to understand why traffic has increased in towns and cities.
Broadly speaking, there are three main reasons for this. One is that cars have
become more affordable for the average consumers and they are no longer a
luxury item, but something that most families expect to own. A second reason is
that public transport has become increasingly unreliable in recent years, not least
because many bus and train services have been reduced because of the
difficulty in funding them. The third reason is that society has, in general, become
more mobile and this means more people are prepared to commute to work by
car than they were before.

The biggest causes of traffic jam lack of proper road and bridges in cities. If there
is an additional way for buses and large trucks in cities, traffic jams reduce in

There is almost certainly no one solution to this problem given the complexity of
its causes. However, one option has to be to improve the reliability of public
transport to encourage people to take the bus or the train rather than get in the
car. It would also be possible to discourage people from driving to work by
introducing special tariffs for using the roads, especially during peak periods.

In conclusion, there are a variety of different factors that have led to rising levels
of traffic in urban areas. While it may not be possible to find a complete solution
but actions should probably involve encouraging more use of public
transports.Furthermore, taxes on private cars should be increased and eco-
friendly transportation like bicycles should be promoted.
[ Written by - Togrul Nesirli ]
Sample Answer 2:
It is a fact that traffic congestion has become a serious problem for many cities
and towns. More and more people get stressed with this situation, as they have
to spend hours after hours in the street and lose their productivity and valuable
time. The following essay will discuss the cause of the issue and some of the
solutions that can be taken into account.

For a number of reasons, traffic has become the main problem of many cities
and towns all over the world. Firstly, as the population growth in many metropolis
cities such as in Shanghai, New York, Dhaka and Bangkok has increased rapidly
in the past recent years, it means that there are more cars in the city. Secondly,
in some cities, such as in Jakarta or Manila, public transportation facilities are
poorly managed therefore the people choose to drive their own vehicles. Lastly,
in many countries such as Indonesia or China, the economic development is not
widely spread, and a result a lot of people from rural areas move to cities which
would create traffic related problems. The number of commuters in many cities
has increased dramatically but in proportion, the total number of roads remained
almost same as it was in the past. Many people are buying private cars and it is
not unusual that many families own more than one car. These two reasons with
the poor traffic management system in many cities cause unmanageable traffic
jam nowadays.

However, there are several things that the government could do to reduce the
problem. The state government should provide decent, safe and clean public
transportation facilities, therefore more people would use public transports,
instead of driving their own private vehicles. And then the government should
develop new industrial and commercial areas outside of the city. It is hoped that
some people would move to these new areas, and would reduce the density
problem. The government could provide some bicycle lane, as it brings a lot of
benefit for the people and the city itself. Bicycles as the primary means of
communication could reduce traffic. It is also safer for the environment and has
positive effects on the rider’s health. The roads and highways should be
expanded and new roads should be introduced. Severe punishment should be
imposed for violating traffic rules and restriction should be implemented in private
car ownership. Finally, improved traffic system should be introduced and unfit
cars and vehicles should be removed from the streets.

In conclusion, cities and towns all over the world are facing serious traffic
problem these days. It is mainly due to of the population growth, density and poor
public transportation facility. But there are several things that the government
could do to address the problem, such as improving the public transports,
developing new areas and persuade its resident in using bicycles.
[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]
Sample Answer 3:
In today's world, traffic congestion is an extremely difficult problem for commuters
around the globe. A 10 minutes office to home ride had become a pathetic 40
minutes or even longer ride, spending one's valuable time on roads. This essay
will explore some of the causes and recommended practices to reduce this issue.
The possible sources for increased traffic could be from several factors. Firstly, I
consider migration of people from urban areas to cities in search of making a
living as one of the primary reasons. This, in turn, leads to increased number of
vehicles on the road. Based on a recent study conducted by the Transportation
Department of London, there is a 20% surge in volume of car sale in the United
Kingdom each year over the last decade. Secondly, failing to adhere to traffic
rules is another factor contributing to the waiting time due to traffic.

The government and public should be pragmatic about the actions that will solve
this issue. The government should encourage using public transport instead of
personal vehicles because in my country one will hardly find a co-passenger in a
car other than the driver. In addition, the traffic control department should
implement stringent traffic rules, for instance, diverting traffic in peak hours on a
particular avenue.

In summary, a rapid rise in the car users is one of a major reason for increasingly
pathetic traffic congestion. The government and public should cooperate to
reduce the number of vehicles by using public transport.
180. International entertainers, including sports personalities, often get
paid millions of dollars in one year. In your view, with widespread poverty
in the world, are these huge earnings justified?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Universal entertainers, containing sports individuals, frequently acquire millions

of dollars in a single year. From my point of view, these devastating incomes are
absolutely unfair while the world is dealing with a great scale of poverty. The
solution for this type of matter undoubtedly must be established as soon as

When wealthy part of people started to incline attractive and dashing

entertainment the entertaining agencies' jobs initialized to grow and improve.
Improvements enhanced the scale of amusement sphere. Consequently, the
supervisors and main individuals of this entity handled the currency circulation
soon and easily. Today the rich spend a large amount of money on sport and
entertaining facilities. for instances, in only 2 or 3 weeks long European Olympic
Games millions of dollars are allocated by Azerbaijan's government this year.
Although these games have many profits for a country, in my opinion, the
disadvantages of this issue are more than offset by advantages.

Maybe some people think that these enormous salaries for sports people and
entertainers are the value of their effort and work. Nonetheless, I am on the side
of people who are contrary to this kind of insight. And this contradiction is not
arbitrary because people who suffer from famine, unfortunately, are the
predominant part of our humanity. I believe it is not right to impose such amount
of money and support to joys contributing it towards the relief for people who are
in need of it.

Nevertheless, I believe that people who are in aware of their environment's

issues will do the right thing. In these days, some companies and entities which
are built to solve these problems have undertaken to provide money and support
for famine relief.
181. Nowadays many jobs are more stressful and the working day is
longer. What are the reasons for this? What can employers do to help
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

It is a fact that working hours are getting longer and the work pressure is getting
more intense these days. There are various reasons that have caused the
situation and there are some things that employers can do to help their staffs.
The following essay will discuss them in details.

For a number of reasons, people’s working hours are getting longer and jobs are
getting more stressful nowadays. Firstly, it is due to the tight competition in the
labour market. As the supply of labour is higher than the demand, it means that
there are more people who are looking for jobs and employers could be selective
in hiring their potential employees. As a result, employers would select labours
who are multiple talents, could work for long hours and could handle many tasks.
Secondly, as business competition become tougher these days, companies are
working in a more effective and efficient manners. Consequently, there will be
less manpower in many companies, which means they only recruit selected
people who can do many things at once and could work long hours.

There are several things that employers could do to solve the problem. It is
believed that exercises could reduce stress level, therefore many companies are
providing fitness centre in their office these days. This facility can be used by
their employees outside of the working hours for free and it is hoped that
employees could maintain their health condition. And then, employers could also
hire unpaid internship to assist their employees. It is expected that with the
assistance of internships, it would reduce the workload and working hours of

To sum up, it is a fact that works are more stressful and take longer hours these
days. To solve the issue, there are some things that employers could do, and
one of them is providing gym facilities to employees for reducing their stress
level. Another thing is that employers could also recruit unpaid internship to
assist employees as it would reduce the long working hours.

182. In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under
a lot of pressure to work hard for their study.
What do you think the causes and what solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer:
In recent years, youngsters live a sedentary lifestyle due to their lack of time to
relax even to play around with their peers. Moreover, the school duties
sometimes bring them in full of pressure. I strongly believe that this case is
caused by the parental pressure and university competition. Therefore, this
essay will look into the causes provided by some solutions.
Parents sometimes bring pressure toward the children’s life since parents
demand the children to pursue a higher future career. They tend to encourage
children to spend their time for study, even they are not afraid to spend money
for children education. For instance, parents will put the children into several
courses which are relevant to their study. They believe that bringing children to
the course will pose a help to master their studies at school. Therefore, there is
no spare time for young people to enjoy their life.
On the one hand, university competition force students to study much harder
since university just recruits or accepts students who have higher
grades. Entering university level will create a high competition among others
nationally even internationally. Moreover, the university has a high standard as a
requirement. Consequently, to gain the standard, young people should make
good preparation. Therefore, it sometimes makes young people under-pressure
even depression. They will try to do something that enables them to gain their
goals such as study a lot.

As the result, the best solution to cope with these problems is the awareness of
parents. Parents should realise that their actions can cause anxiety and stress
among the children. Therefore, bring back the role of parents is essential in this
case. They should understand the children’s condition thus children can use their
spare time to stress-relief such as go on vacation or hang out with their peers.
Additionally, affirmative action is needed to overtake the university case. The
government should expand the number of universities, thus it can reduce the
competition level and young people would then have a variety of choices. As the
result, youngsters would be able to spend their teenage time with joy and

To sum up, the understanding between parents and children will bring a beautiful
harmony and followed by a support from the government. Therefore, it is easy for
youngsters to suffer from this problem.

183. The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how
people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that
these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
It is sometimes argued that traditional lifestyles and behaviours which are
favoured by the old generation have nothing to do with the training of youngsters
in a way that may require living in a fast-paced world. I completely agree with this
In my opinion, traditions that had been settled by our ancestors are absurd to get
considered in this revolutionised world. To take a living style of our predecessors
as an example, teenagers in past centuries were bound to remain in nucleus
families. However, younger generations are more likely to live independently
nowadays which helps them to develop a variety of attributes in their
personalities ranging from a higher level of confidence and a sense of
responsibility to dealing with the real world. These hands-on experiences help
them to be better trained and prepared for the challenges in the real world. If
these offspring were forced to follow the conventional ideology, they would have
missed these much-needed traits which are crucial in becoming a successful
member of an egalitarian society.
It is also argued that conventional values can restrict teenagers from think
globally. So, it will make them the narrow-minded adults in terms of accepting
different people from different cultures and backgrounds. For instance, our
forefathers were highly reluctant to do shared business with traders of different
ethnic groups of people in their time period. This ended up in limited trades.
Therefore, I would argue that teenagers should be given the broader view of this
universe with immense awareness of global issues, different languages as well
as conflict resolution. It will allow them to broaden their horizons in regard to the
understanding of this increasingly interconnected world. As a result, a prestigious
place in the job market and a prosperous future will be assured for them.

In conclusion, I believe that traditional ethics should be ignored as it cannot

assist in making our younger generation the productive members of a
competitive society.

[ Written by - Shamaila Afzal ]

Sample Answer 2:
It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem
incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some
traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not
be forgotten.

On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are
becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were
advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today's workers
expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the
'rules' around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their own
choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity
between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The
traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no
longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by the most of the younger people.

On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to
the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to
working hard, doing one's best, and taking pride in one's work, and these
behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today's competitive job
market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness
and good manners. In our globalised world, young adults can expect to come into
contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important
than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would
lead happier lives if they had a more 'old-fashioned' sense of community and

In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful
in today's world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.

[ Written by - Ram Karki ]

Sample Answer 3:
Nowadays, life has changed dramatically due to technological developments and
globalizations. Many orthodox ways of spending lives have become obsolete and
outdated. Some people still adhere to their traditions and cultures and are very
reluctant to accept new and modern ways of lives. However, some people state
that in order to compete with the current challenges, we should train our younger
generation with the latest and trendy ideas.
Firstly, people used to live in the joint family system in the past decades. This
gave them the opportunity to learn from their ancestors about various aspects of
life. There was always a special place for elder people of the family and younger
used to obey and respect them and followed their instructions in every possible.
Such kind of love and respect is hard to see in modern lifestyle. Adults nowadays
have become more independent, and are showing less respect towards their
parents’ decisions and other aspects of life.

Secondly, there has been an element of care for their family and other members
of the society in the past. Now, everyone first thinks about their own benefit and
less likely to care about others. By this, I mean that new ideas contribute in
making our generation selfish and egoist.

Thirdly, there is a significant change in people’s behaviour in the modern world;

they have less patience while doing any work. They have become less active and
more opted towards shortcuts and less mean of work.
Finally, I strongly believe that traditional ways for preparing younger generation is
idle and have many in-deniable benefits than modern ways of handling

[ Written by - Fahad Sultan ]

Sample Answer 4:
The human being, due to the globalisation, undoubtedly have experienced a
rapid change in recent years and that has impacted the way people live, interact
and value old traditions to name aq few. In the bygone days, citizens adhered to
the traditional ways of life and old ideas about how to face life in different
circumstance. But now, it is assumed that these ways are not very utilitarian for
the adolescents in entering the modern life. Personally, I quite agree with the
statement that these old ideas are not helpful in preparing the new generation to
face an ever changing world in most of the cases and I have some reasons to
support it which are explained in the following paragraphs.
It is believed by many that technology in the past was not as same as it is right
now. This made the older generations to usually learnt how to live, think and
behave in the society through the available books or by the parents and
teachers. On the contrary, now, the youngsters can learn those from provided
technology such as television and the internet. This causes the idea created
among them are very different in which the oldest usually has traditional thinking.
For instance, the old generation has an inclination to the early marriage which is
no longer a better option in modern society. The older generation also despised
the use of modern technology which is quite opposite among the modern

On the other hand, nowadays, the world seems like experiencing an alteration
not only in technology but also in the way people solve the occurring problem. To
illustrate, the older are likely to cope the issues with sitting together and
discussing but now some of the youngers have a tendency to deal with that
problem via technology offered like telephone, the internet etc. This illustration
makes clear that modern life is likely to use modern idea also. There is no harm
in adopting and following good traditions but if that restricts the new generation
from exploring potential areas, that should be avoided. For example respecting
someone senior is a tradition is that young generation should still follow but
accepting superstitious ideas and old traditions that deter new generations to
proceed ahead should be avoided by all means. Since the people from past
generation had been surrounded by the older traditions and they do not easily
accept changes, I would say most of their ideas are not helpful for the upbringing
and preparing a new generation to face a whole list of new challenges in life that
were not present in the past.

In a nutshell, because the older generation lived in a different time and faced
different types of challenges in life from that of the youngsters today, they tend to
have very traditional ways to live their life and ideas which seem not convenient
anymore to be utilised in the new era.

184. Excessive personal vehicles is an issue; hence government should

envisage other means for commuters.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Advancement in technology & people’s lifestyle has transformed human life.

Have it been, entertainment, advertisement or the internet, nothing has been left
untouched and the medium of transport to commute is no exception! Increasing
population and number of vehicles on roads have expedited petrol consumption
and this has accelerated the carbon mono oxide emission resulting global
warming. I believe, government authorities must take this issue as precedence
and must devise other ways to alleviate this issue.

To begin with, sophisticated scientific advances have manoeuvred manifold

alternatives to travel. As a result, dwellers germinate a propensity to own their
own vehicles. This shift in tendency has mounted extra pressure on the
environment. For an example, as per a survey from Road transport department
of India, in the year 2015, the total numbers of private vehicles have doubled in
numbers. Evidently, it has raised the bar of carbon emission in the nation. Thus,
the government must take an action and devise measures to mitigate the issue.

In addition, excess utilisation of petrol, diesel and other natural gases has
imparted unprecedented pressure on nations. It can be corroborated by recent
statistics of oil import of India, which is astounding 30% of total nation's gross
domestic product. Thus, incumbency is on the government to envisage other
means of travel such a battery-driven cars to curb the financial issues in the
wake of excess petrol utilisation.

To sum up, it is true that people would like to use their own vehicles to commute
but owing to environmental threat and economical setbacks it is vital for the
authorities to devise and develop alternatives ways to commute.

185. Only experienced executives should be taking decisions in a

company. Discuss and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer 1:
Nowadays companies are driven by executives and innovative ideas, which
impart the impetus to the growth of a company. In the realm of innovative ideas,
while many believe that only the higher management and the people with profuse
experience in the industry should brain drain and envisage new ideas for the
development of the organization, others, however, corroborate a strong case by
claiming that ideas do not depend on the domain knowledge and year of
experience and hence, even freshers or subordinates with a few years of work
experience should be involved in the decision-making process of a company.
Both the sides of the argument will be critiqued in the viability of the essay and
an opinion will be made.
On the one hand, it is true that in this competitive world there is a little scope of
mistakes in the development stratagem of a firm. Thus, the onus is on high
salaried executives to sit together and envisage for the growth of the company.
Moreover, the vast experience they carry with them, there is no uncertainty
involved in the process. For an instance, 60% of the organisations have
confirmed in a survey that 15-18 years professionals have played an
indispensable role in their market capturing plans.

On the other hand, the world is transforming and ability to plan and devise
innovations are not only instilled in senior executives but also it is infused in entry
level employees as well. For instance, as per a magazine of innovative ideas,
70% of the startup ideas belong to freshers with age group 24-26 years.
Moreover, revolutionary social networking site facebook is also framed and
developed by a college fresher. Evidently, it can be confirmed that organisations
should engage young brains as well in framing and producing new ideas.

To sum up, though senior employee's decision will certainly bring on stable
ideas, but the world is of innovations and fresh subordinates can certainly play a
paramount role in the growth of a company and subsequently a nation.

[ Written by - Anshuman Mishra ]

Sample Answer 2:
It is believed by many that decisions should only be made by senior
managements for the overall well-being of an organisation. They opine that only
senior employees in higher positions know the company from top to bottom and
only they have experience in taking decisions in struggling moments. To a certain
point, I would agree with the statement, but I also believe that leaders should
also share some of the jobs to the junior leaders as someday they would be
making important decisions for the company.
On the one hand, it is common that senior leaders are the ones who take
decisions in a corporation. The main reason is that senior executives have
passed through critical conditions with the company, so they could make wise
justification and correct decision. Besides that, senior managements are the ones
who will be responsible for the going concern of the corporation, which means
that they must ensure that the company takes the right decision. They are trusted
and proven to be wise in struggling moments of the company.

On the other hand, it is also important for senior management to delegate some
of the decisions to the junior management. Firstly, if all decisions must be made
by senior executives, they will be overwhelmed and it will take sometimes for a
decision to be made. In certain cases, business decisions must be taken
promptly, as otherwise the opportunity will be gone. Secondly, it is also important
for companies to have a regeneration program, by involving the junior executives
in decision making. It will be beneficial for both the senior and junior leaders
when some of the senior executives are retired and must be replaced.
In conclusion, some people believe that a company's decision should only be
taken by senior management. To a certain extent, I would agree with it, as senior
leaders have various experiences and they are the ones who are responsible for
the company's future. But it is also important for them to delegate some of the
decision-making jobs to the junior executives, as young leaders will also need to
learn how to make good decisions.

186. The older you get, life becomes more complicated. Discuss.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Ageing is a natural process happening to everyone. However, the bone of
contention here is whether the life becomes easier or difficult as years pass by.
In my opinion, though life seems to be challenging as we grow old, we could
make it happier by making use our cognitive progression in our adult life.

On the one side, most people are of opinion that year after year, our lives get
complicated. According to them, during our teenage and adolescence period, we
are not carried away by worries related to family, finance and responsibilities, but
as we grow older, issues like fetching a job, earning, saving, looking after our
parents and children become a millstone on our shoulders. Another significant
reason cited for why ageing is problematic is the age-related disorders causing
physical ailments like knee and joint pains, eye problems and indigestion.

On the flip side, some people believe that ageing makes life more fruitful. They
are inclined to a strong point that a man gets moulded at every stage of life and it
is an essential improvement. Being immature and without worries doesn’t
actually define happiness, they claim. Rather, every individual could use their
natural boons such as intelligent quotient and emotional quotient as an aid to
tactically solve the hurdles on their way. For instance, while we have a headache
or fever, we might not know what to do during our younger ages but as we grow
old we learn to take antibiotics or go to a physician. In the same way, every issue
could be sorted out by everyone and life could be made happier. The freedom of
decision making is a big difference in childhood and grownup time. When you
grow older, you become the earning member and thus you have more freedom to
take decisions. On the contrary, in childhood we rely on our parents earning and
hence they take most of our decision and obliged us to follow their wish.

To conclude, the older we become, the happier we are by exploring the world
and by taking up responsibilities and this is facilitated by the maturity factor of
So, we need to move on with life happily.
187. Today the world has many urgent problems and solving them is
possible by nations’ cooperation.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Globalisation, the buzzword of the modern era, has tremendously positive and
negative impacts on today’s world. Some people say that the world has many
urgent issues to be considered, however yet another group argues that these
problems can be solved easily through the cooperation of different nations. The
focus of this essay is to scrutinise the problems and solutions by economic and
social perspectives and rule out the writer's opinion.

First and foremost, from the economic point of view, half of the world is facing a
major financial crisis. Financial equilibrium around the world could only be
possible with the help of developed countries. Very often underdeveloped
countries export their natural resources in cheapest rate for costly technical
products and thus fall into debt. To be clear, to resolve these debts country takes
loans from World Bank and this continues as a cycle. These kinds of financial
burden can be reduced by taking natural resource in the good rate by developed

Secondly, when the problems are taken in social perspectives, it is huge in

number. One of the main problems is crime and corruption. Increased rate of this
has turned the earth into an evil planet. To be precise, the increase in population
has affected the resources inversely proportional thus poverty, unemployment
extra has stuck the underdeveloped world.

The environmental issues are global and no matter which countries are
contributing more to pollute the world, all countries would face the consequence.
Hence a global bonding and cooperation to solve such urgent issues are
required. The developed countries as well as the developing and under
developed countries can all work together to reduce the air and environmental
pollution of the world. However, some people argue that help from different part
of the world cannot solve these kinds of urgent issues from the root itself but only
through the collective management of each country can bring about the changes
right from the basic level or foundation. Even though helping hand given by the
nations could help solve the problems but it takes time thus for a sudden change
cooperation from countries will work out within time.

To sum up, solving problems are always fast and effective in a team than in
individual thus nations co-operation help solve the urgent problems; the
government of a country should also take a role in solving the issues which will
boost the strength eradicating international problems.
188. Education is a critical element of the prosperity of a nation. The more
educated people are the more prosperous the country would be.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
Technological advancement and transformation in social stature have
revolutionised human life. Has it been for the application of the Internet,
smartphones, bleeding-edge technological online applications, every facet of
human life has been touched and impacted! These cutting edge transgressions
need an educated population to utilise and enhance their lifestyle. Thus, the
argument that education is mandatory for a prosperous nation holds ground on
below major rationales.

To begin with, application of internet and latest communication mediums such as

email and social media requires an educated people with understanding to use
them. It is not possible for illiterate audiences to procure the profound usage of
such devices. For an instance, as per a report from international technological
advancement institute of India, smartphones and email communication has not
been able to flourish in African nations where literacy level is below 20%.
Evidently, it is obligatory for the citizens of a nation to be educated and aptly
accept the cutting-edge technological instruments in their life and assist in the
development of the nation.

In addition, natural resources in a country are limited. Admittedly, it is pivotal for

the nation to exhaust them with contemplation. This is possible only when the
denizens are adequately educated and informed about it is consequences: if
these are not consumed with cogitation. For an instance, a nation will be able to
flourish if the people are using private vehicles appropriately and as a result
assisting the nation to reduce the national expenses in importing the fuel. Thus, it
can be corroborated that education of the citizens is vital.

To sum up, it is true that in this world of highly extensive technology and limited
fossil resources, it is mandatory for a country to devise an efficacious education
system to educate people as the literate population is an imperative constituent
for the development of a nation.
189. Some say that due to heavy traffic governments need to build more
roads in metropolitan cities, while others argue this isn't the right solution.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Advancement of the world has brought tremendous development in the

transportation system, but in developing and undeveloped countries, increases in
private vehicles has become the main reason of traffic blocks. Some people
argue that the government should take initiatives in building more roads to solve
this problem but some others argue building road is not the right solution.
However, I tend to agree with the latter statement that construction of new roads
is not the only and proper solution for it.

First and foremost, government’s initiative to make new roads for reducing the
heavy traffic in metropolitan cities is not the way but it is the wastage of
government funds which should be used for the basic purpose of the society. To
be precise, building new roads instead of limiting private vehicles will do no effect
on traffic flow. For example, a country like India has to give more priority to the
basic needs of low-income society such as in healthcare, employment, education
more instead of developing road system which is of least important for the
development of a country.

Moreover, one of the other reasons why it is not a right solution to build new
roads is that it is wastage of land resource. To be clear, construction of new
roads will take away acres of land from agriculture which affect the economy of
the farmers that lead to impact the revenue of that particular place. However, the
argument of building new roads to reduce heavy traffic by government is mainly
because of wastage of time and fuel spent in the traffic blocks but if the same
traffic can be managed by endorsing new rules to limit private vehicles and
encourage and improve public transport facility which can reduce heavy traffic to
a larger extent.

To sum up, after analysing the argument of building roads by public sector and
the opposite view that it is not the only right solution, it is evident that if
government take initiatives to control the number of private vehicles by
increasing taxes and parking charges, and also by developing public
transportation system it can not only control heavy traffic but also its will be a
great help for the next generation by saving fuel, time and life from accidents.
190. In today's world, people are living longer than the past. What could be
possible reasons for this? Many people think that this trend is negative for
society. Do you agree or disagree with this?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
As the world's economy has grown considerably, earning potential amongst
people has increased at a quicker rate. Besides, the advancement in technology
and medical research have made it possible to cure many diseases. Thus these
have enhanced people's lifestyle. Moreover, medical developments have also
affected the human health condition very positively and this gives a longer life
expectancy to people. Many people think that increased average life is beneficial
for the society. However, others criticise it and think that this is negative for the
world. In this essay, both of these views are analysed before a logical conclusion
is reached.
The medical advancement, innovation and scientific research on deadly diseases
have made it possible for people to live longer than the previous generations.
The improved lifestyle, globalisation and better medical facilities have increased
the average life expectancy in many countries. The scarcity of foods and shelter
was much more in the previous generations and famine was common in the last
century but not anymore. People have better lifestyle and information at their
fingertips. As a result, their health condition has enhanced and so has their life

Consequently, the ratio of the older population has increased in many countries.
That creates a pressure to some extent on a country's economy. For example,
countries like Japan have a huge population of 60-70 years old who cannot
actively contribute towards the economic growth of the country but the
government needs a huge budget to support them. This has even led to a
shortage of manpower in different sectors in some countries. Moreover, the
government also needs to provide schemes for elderly people like pension
schemes as well as other economic benefits for them. This is often a challenge in
a developing or less-developed country. Thus the negative impacts of increased
life expectancy can not be ignored.

However, there are certain benefits of longer living that we must take into
consideration before supporting or opposing it. For instance, If elderly people get
involved in the decision-making process and in professions like politics, teaching,
writing, mentoring, the country can be benefitted immensely. The older
generation can pass their history, traditions and experience among the young
generation and that would always be beneficial. For instance, in Indian
grandparents have a great importance while taking any important decision.
Additionally, they can also be able to take care of any child of the family.
Obviously, children require love, lesson, teaching and sympathy which they can
get from their grandparents. From this relationship among family members can
become stronger. It is quite evident that longer life has more benefits than
drawbacks. The experience of older people could be used in education, politics
and in other fields to enhance the overall economy of a country. Older people
can give better suggestion to address a difficult situation from their experience
and those experiences should be used in family and society. They preserve the
manual way of living live and that has a great value to our society.

After analysing, pros and cons of longer life expectancy, it has been proved that
increases life gives more benefits to the society. I, therefore, strongly oppose the
viewpoint that longer life trend is negative for the society. It is hoped that this
trend will be effective in foreseeable future.

191. There is a good deal of evidence that increasing car use is

contributing to global warming and having other undesirable effects on
people’s health and well-being.
What can be done to discourage people from using their cars?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
It is evident that the mass car ownership is associated with several
environmental and health issues, including global warming, lung cancer, and
anxiety. Although the convenience of possessing a car has made it almost an
inexorable trend, there are measures that governments can take to discourage
unnecessary car use.

The first, and also the most effective measure could be to make it expensive to
own and use a car. This measure can be implemented by taxing heavily on initial
car purchasing, congested roads using, and petrol consuming. By doing so,
people might start considering reducing their car use, especially for the
unnecessary trips. However, there is a drawback of this approach that it is often
the poorer residents will suffer from the increased cost. The poor might have to
cut some necessary trips because of the financial burden, whereas the rich ones
would be able to maintain their convenience from car use. Therefore, this
measure may be effective, but not fair to the poor.

Another way to discourage people from using their cars is to encourage them
using alternative transports, such as trains, buses, and bicycles. Evidence has
shown that cities, such as Tokyo and Paris, where better public transport
systems are offered, car use rates are lower and roads are less congested.
People will only be most willing to use public transports when they are almost or
even more convenience than driving their cars. Therefore, governments could
invest more in infrastructure and transport system design and construction in
order to provide adequate and competitive alternatives.

To conclude, increasing the cost of having and using a car could be an effective
way to reduce the car use. However, improving and encouraging the use of
public transports could be the better and more sustainable way to achieve this

192. Multicultural societies, in which there is a mixture of different ethnic

peoples, bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
Model Answer 1:
Thanks to more widely open policies in economy and immigration of many
countries, the 21st century has witnessed the surprisingly increasing formation of
multicultural societies where a varying number of ethnic people stay together.
Although it has both positive and negative effects to a country, it seems to me
that we are more likely to obtain more benefits than disadvantages from this kind
of society.

The more diverse the residents of a country are, the more cultural values they
can share to enhance their awareness and knowledge of culture and tradition.
People will get more directly engaged in understanding unique customs or rituals,
life and work attitudes from their foreign neighbours, colleagues and friends. As a
consequence, they enable to adapt the cultural diversity in order to develop their
interpersonal skills and live closer to other cultures without having to live in
person in another country.

Additionally, once people can know more about each other through everyday
interactions at work or schools, the severe conflicts or even wars will be
remarkably alleviated. It is undeniable that there might have some drawbacks
that multicultural communities bring to a country. Racial disparity accelerated, the
wealth-poverty gap deteriorated, different culture tensions are specific cases for
what are the so-called drawbacks, but the inhabitants can overcome these when
the government implement friendly-ethnic peoples’ policies, as well as the
dwellers, have positive thoughts and behaviours to live compatibly with others.

Stimulating multiculturalism in a society will offer numerous advantages to a

country rather than undesirable effects. Therefore, each individual should savour
every rewarding moment of living in their multicultural community and proudly
spread their unique traditions to international friends so as to increase the
[ Written by - Nhung Đỗ ]

Model Answer 2:
It is believed that multicultural environments bring many advantages for many
people, since the variety of races, cultures and traditions will make the country
become unique and attractive. Although, multicultural societies have some
negative issues, but I do believe that the positive sides are greater than the
negative ones.

On the one hand, countries that have multicultural communities have some
similar problems. Firstly, it is common that discrimination would have been the
main issue. Some groups of people feel that their races are the most superior
one; therefore they would underestimate certain kinds of races. Secondly, there
is always a debate about religious activities, as some groups might have extreme
faith in their religions and would annoy other believers. One of the classic
examples would be the debate of religion in Israel between the Jewish and the
Palestinian, which have caused so many casualties.

Despite all the drawbacks, multiculturalisms will bring many advantages for the
government and the people, if they are well managed. Multicultural societies
make the city become alive and fascinating, as some sides of the city shown
Asiatic cultures, while on the other side it shows Western civilisations. This
situation makes the city becomes unique and would attract tourists from many
parts of the world. As a result, it will boost the tourism industry, create a lot of
employments and generate income tax for the governments. There are many
multicultural cities that are well known, such as Sydney, Toronto and Singapore
and they are considered as advanced cities, due to the proper management of its
local government.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that multicultural environment has its own

advantages and disadvantages. In my point of view, I do believe that multicultural
societies have more benefits than its drawbacks if they are managed properly by
the government.

193. Although abuses of the system are inevitable, social welfare payments
are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum
income in a democratic society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.
Model Answer 1:
The system that a country is regulated is an inherent part of it. However,
sometimes it can be abused by corrupted people. Nonetheless, it does not mean
this system is inefficient. By these systems, the government provides the welfare
of the society.

Residents in a democratic society all need the protection of their rights. The
essence of their rights is the existence the welfare and security service. For
example, the government should provide general practitioners who look after all
the health issues of a family for each family. And also the government should
take the responsibility of the requirements of the old, the invalid and orphan
children. It is also the obligation of the government to find jobs for certificated and
well educated, but unemployed individuals of the country. At the same time, there
should be the proper jobs they want. If it is not possible, a guaranteed minimum
income should be defined for them to live comfortably.

In my opinion, abuse of the system which underlies the basis of country's policies
must be prevented. It is a little difficult to avoid the abuse, but I believe some
prevention measures can be taken. By this way, the system would be more

Minimum wage and earning by citizens in a democratic society reduce the

discrimination and poverty and stable social condition would prevail. The
minimum income also increases the social bonding as many people participate
the social cause spontaneously.

To sum up, in spite of the fact that abuse of the system is existing, social welfare
supplements and security services do their jobs to protect the citizen rights and
to create a democratic society.
194. Few people devote time to hobbies nowadays. Say why you think this
is the case and what effect this has on the individual and society in
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.

Model Answer 1:
The leisure activities and time spent for this has plummeted in the recent
decades. There are several reasons for this; such as addiction to digital gadgets
and the desire to acquire materialistic prosperity. It is undeniable that this trend
has serious impacts on every single person and the community as a whole.

At the outset, there are two main causes for the gradual waning of hobbies these
days. Firstly, the revolutionised digital era makes people as couch potatoes in
front of laptops, smartphones, the internet and social media. So obviously the
citizens become less interested in carrying out an activity apart from these.
Secondly, In an aspiration to achieve materialistically prosperous, they extend
their working hours thereby cutting down the time spent on hobbies. For
example, my uncle who has been a passionate cyclist for years hardly does
cycling after being placed in one of the top multinational companies.

Incidentally, the above reasons have detrimental effects on the masses. The
most significant impact on the individuals is the reduction in the physical activity.
This would lead them to an unbalanced lifestyle; thereby making them the victims
of diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and heart attacks.
This is because of the deposition of fats in the body which might naturally cause
obesity after a period of time. Another connected effect is the loss of productivity
in the workplace even after working for hours and hours together since the
employees would deprive of ways to channelize their stress.

To conclude, the contemporary changes like digital addiction and work stress has
lessened the time spent for hobbies. These trends not only cause health hazards
like heart attacks and obesity but also reflected as inefficiency in work. Everyone
should allocate time for the hobby that interests them. This will help them lead a
stress-free and healthy life.

195. Public transports in many countries have improved. People should

use public transport to support pollution control initiatives.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.

Model Answer 1:
Advancements in technology and infrastructure have revolutionised the human
life and public transportation is no exception. Nowadays the government
transportations are rationalised. Does it mean that the dwellers should not use
private vehicles to travel? I believe, owing to excellent commutation systems
worldwide, citizens should avoid using their own cars. This opinion is reliant on
below arguments.

To begin with, on account of "global warming" warnings, various nations have

developed a robust transport system to reduce the number of private vehicles on
the road and subsequently to alleviate the greenhouse gas emissions. It can be
confirmed by the environmental department's report from India. As per the
statistics in the report, if the people utilise only 60% of the public transports then
the pollution will reduce to 40% in metro cities. Thus, denizen must support the
initiatives by travelling via public transportations.

In addition, public transports have generic dustbins to support the rubbish while
travel, which may not be possible in private cars. For an example, if people
commute by personal vehicles they will throw out the rubbish outside on the
road, which will cause the pollution and sometimes even block the sewage
system of the city. For an instance, recent sewage blockage in Mumbai, India
was on account of rubbish blocking the pathway. Thus, commuting with
government vehicle will assist in controlling of rubbish and assist legislators in
reducing the pollution.

To draw the conclusion, in the view of mitigating issues of global warming and
rubbish packages on the roads, people must travel by public transport and make
earth a better place to live in.

196. Excessive population increase is raising the pressure on earth.

Therefore it is individual's responsibility to utilise earthly resources
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Model Answer 1:
Advancement in technology and social revolutions have opened various avenues
for the humankind. People are exploring each and every viable option produced
by the Earth for their livelihood and luxury. Have it been an excess utilisation of
electricity, water, fertile lands for agriculture, or natural gas resources, mother
earth has been exploited to a great extent! In apropos of the argument, though I
agree that dwellers can spend natural resources with appropriate concoction,
notwithstanding I am convinced that government must pass legislation to prevent
overuse of natural resources.
To begin with, the world population has increased at a multifold rate in the past
three decades, which has increased the usage of natural resources throughout
the world. These are limited in quantity, so they should be used with adequate
deliberation, else it is certain that the human has to live without them in coming
years or so. This can be confirmed by the report from the environmental
department of India that has warned the human to use water and coal in limited
amount to conserve them for future. Hence, the human must act intelligently to
prevent the shortage of mandatory ingredients of life.
Nevertheless, the responsibility of using the natural resources prudently should
not fall only on citizens but also on a government. It is a government's duty to
pass obligations to use such resources sensibly. If the lawmakers can pass
proper laws to save the mother planet, then residents will certainly follow it.
Evidently, it will help optimise the expenditure of natural constituents. For
instance, nobody would use personal vehicle to commute if the government had
the provision of fine on using them. Thus, the cabinet must control the
overexploitation using their lawmaking ability.

To sum up, while deliberate usage of natural resources is a liability of every

responsible citizen, but it is the government that can derive it forcefully.

197. Sports events get the nations together and help alleviate the violence
in the world.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Model Answer 1:
Human is a social being. However, in the recent years, owing to terrorism and
increment in the violence, characteristic of human as a friendly species is
transforming. Some people believe that similar to ancient times, even today
sports events extenuate the global riots and assist in maintaining the harmony. I
believe, it is true and it must flourish across the globe.
To begin with, worldwide game events redirect the focus of every nation towards
the preparation of the event. As a result, the global show off of supremacy is
alleviated. It can be confirmed by the recent world cup event whereby, total
worldwide violence was reduced to 10%. Thus, on account of these statistics, it is
evident that global game events are propitious to the world.

In addition, due to sport, majority of the nations cross borders and play with each
other, which sometimes pave the way for negotiations among the nations and
impart the impetus to a mutual agreement. For instance, in the recent cricket
tournament, the Prime Minister of India and Pakistan had inked an agglomeration
to fight against terrorism. Evidently, prominence of game events in mitigating the
global issues cannot be neglected. Sports events are friendly competitions that
bring the sportsmen and the nations together. A major victory in a large
completion has proven to reduce the international tension and difference. Many
times these short of winning lessen the internal political issues a country has.
When sports events get popular, young people get attracted to participate in
sports rather than doing crime activities. From this point of view, sports play a
great role to bring nations together and reduce the crime and violence.

To sum up, similar to ancient times game events still play a vital role in stamping
out global harmony, as it is an opportunity for nations to divert the focus from
violence to such events.

198. People are becoming more materialistic than ever.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Model Answer 1:
In the wake of globalisation and technological advancements, people have
abundant opportunities to excel in their career and earn more money. Have it
been political, engineering or medical regime, every professional is participating
in the race of competitive markets! Does it mean human has transformed into a
materialistic creature? This is a subject of dissension. In apropos of the
argument, I am in a consummate accord with it and I believe denizens prefer
luxury and lavishness and they are happy to sacrifice humanity for it.

To begin with, nowadays people are educated than ever and competitive as well.
However, there are lesser jobs to employ individuals. Thus, lack of demand has
made the competition among people imperative and as a result, they have lost
humanitarian values and converted materialistic. For an instance, as per a survey
by the human values department in the USA, 70% of people confirmed to give up
human values for higher growth opportunities. Admittedly, it can be contended
that people prefer future prospects to moral and human values.

In addition, development of manifold electronic and daily usage gadgets have

germinated a desire of prosperity among dwellers. Everyone is keen to furnish
their homes with new furniture, latest electronic devices to stamp out their place
as an emblem of richness. Evidently, it has developed a mindset of materialistic
attainment among the denizen.

To conclude, owing to technological and social revolution, it is evident that the

humankind is transforming in nature and this phenomenon will go on due to the
development of new products and human's accelerating desire to own them.

199. The crime rate among teenagers has increased dramatically in many
countries. Discuss some possible reasons for this increase and suggest
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience or knowledge.

Model Answer 1:
Nowadays, youngsters are engaging in delinquent activities, which cause
pressure in the society. It can be ascribed to the lack of parental supervision and
the negative influences of peers. However, this social problem can be tackled by
the employers and parents.

Primarily, is it often said that youngsters may opt to negative vices if parents do
not monitor their activities. Evidently, there are parents who have a hectic
schedule in their workplace, thus neglecting the responsibilities to their children.
Because of inadequate guidance, these youngsters socialise with other people in
the society. For instance, in school, children develop a relationship with their
friends as it is considered their second home. A group of friends shares the same
habits and passions such as venturing to illegal substances and criminal
behaviours. It might be their way to retaliate to their parents, who do not spend
time with them. These children may eel resentment due to the fact that they
might have the feeling of being unloved and unwanted. Therefore, they will
perform nefarious actions such that they will gain the attention of their parents,
and make them regretful for being preoccupied to their employment.

However, it can never be denied that this social dilemma can be addressed by
the parents and the employers. First of all, parents can give more attention to
their children by having a weekly family outing to different places. For example,
they could eat together in a luxurious restaurant or watch a movie in order to
regain the aloof relationship. These parents can show to their children that they
are important despite their busy schedule. Secondly, employers can curtail the
employment hours of those employees who have children. As a result, these
workers can spend more time with their children.

To conclude, there is an escalation of crimes conducted by youngsters, who

have a lacking in supervision from their parents. Nevertheless, it is apparent that
managers can help those employees, who have children, to allocate more time to
their family. It is very likely that frequent family bonding can eradicate the
negative behaviours of their children.
200. Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the
best but not the only way to learn a language.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Model Answer 1:
Learning the English language in a country where people speak English is a very
advantageous option, although not the only way. Personally, I completely agree
with this statement, because living in English spoken country has a lot of benefits
in terms of mastering this language.
Learning English is easier in an English-speaking country because the people
around you are speaking English and makes it easy to adjust to English accent
and also sentence patterns. For instance, it is very hard to learn English accent
without listening to English. Besides living in English speaking country will enrich
your vocabulary and grammar and that enhancement will occur spontaneously.
And you can ask anything about the language that you have doubts about. You
are bound to speak in this language and that would give you an excellent
opportunity to enhance your speaking skill.

On the other hand, it is not the only way to learn a language. There are a lot of
books that you can utilise. English radio programmes or TV shows are best
options to learn the language. So, it will help you increasing your listening skills.
In addition, nowadays, the internet is widespread and also a superiority in our
world. Thereby, the internet comprises all kind of information and it will help you
about your doubts. It is evident that there are enough programmes for speaking
with somebody in which it will improve your speaking skills.

I would agree that people who live in a country like Canada, USA, UK or
Australia, where English is used as the primary way of communication, would
help them master this language pretty quickly and accurately. But not always you
need to live there to learn this language. It is not uncommon for people who have
never been in an English speaking country to have an excellent command over
this language. Some of the poets and writers who wrote successful English
literature have been born and raised and lived in non-English- speaking

To sum up, learning English in an English spoken language will make it easy to
study but there are a lot of ways that can be used for learning this language.

[ Written by - Elder Rehimli ]

Model Answer 2:
The English language is an international language which dominates almost all
relationships between countries. Therefore important people need to speak the
English language fluently. In addition, simple people should know English. Firstly
it is good to be able to speak another language as well as your mother tongue.
And also when you visit an English-speaking country, you will need to know
English. Learning English while living in a country like UK, USA, Australia,
Canada etc. is a very good option but in my opinion, there are other effective
ways to learn it as well.

I think studying the English language is now more different than studying other
languages. In these days English is educated in most countries across the world.
Furthermore, every person, who has the internet accessibility at their house, has
a great alternative to acquiring knowledge of speaking English. The internet
provides a great deal of opportunity to study English on the chair you sit.
Moreover today the English lessons are taught on the internet as efficient as they
are taught in the class.
But of course, the best and the most efficient way of studying the English
language is still to live and spend most of your time in an English-speaking
environment. By this way, you are induced to speak and study English with its
actual speakers. If there is a chance to study English in an English-speaking
country, it is the best scope that a person can ever have.
However, in my opinion, it is not the only opportunity to study English. Because
there are good enough programs that are applied by well-educated teachers all
around the world. All you need is the perseverance that induces to hardworking.
Thereby you can study whatever you want wherever you are by trying hard.

[ Written by - Elruze ]

Model Answer 3:
There is no doubt that large numbers of people are travelling English speaking
countries to pursue their education. Some people argue that foreign countries
have more modern and latest teaching methodologies and have trained and
professional staff to educate students. Students also get an opportunity to
interact with local people that will help them to improve their communication skills
in English. Others claim that people can also learn English in their country
effectively and efficiently by using online resources, exploring books, visiting
libraries and taking help from teachers. I believe that foreign countries immensely
help to achieve desired langue skills.

Nowadays, English has become an essentials constituent of the educational

curriculum in non-English speaking countries, all institutions have adopted this
change because of its undeniable benefits. Government and private sectors are
making efforts to train their people in English by providing them various learning
options that are easy and cheaply available within the country.

On the other hand, learning in foreign countries is more convenient. One of the
reasons is that being pioneer, they are well aware of the art of delivering
knowledge and other learning techniques. Furthermore, people will get the
chance to meet and communicate with local people and explore their cultures,
that will help them in understanding language more.

To sum up, I would like to say that studying and living in foreign country
dramatically increased their knowledge and information about the language,
which would be rather difficult and less effective in their native nation. However,
accommodation, food and medical expenses could impede one’s dedications
towards learning in English speaking country.

201. Modern buildings change the character and appearance of towns and
cities. The government should insist that new buildings be built in
traditional styles to protect cultural identity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
With the rapid development of architectural advancements and the dramatic
increase in modernization, many countries have allowed constructing more and
more modern buildings that have created significant changes in character and
appearance of the living areas. In my opinion, this is unlikely to deteriorate
culture and the suggestion that new high-rise buildings should follow the
traditional styles in order to maintain culture identity is not persuasive.

There is no denying the fact that buildings erected in modern and unique designs
and equipped with more advanced amenities will partly make a professional and
active look for a city or town, which both facilitates higher living standards of the
locals and draws attention to wealthy tourists or potential investors who are
seeking for lucrative markets to develop their business. When the government
implement the open policies for its cities and towns to construct modern
buildings, many companies are more likely to rent more rooms, offices or
apartments so as to place their branches, stores or even head offices. This will
promisingly accelerate the local economy.

With the intention to protect cultural identity, the government can take
consideration into more practical ways rather than insist the traditional styles for
new buildings. Regular repairs or refurbishment for historical and old buildings,
for instance, may be a good idea to keep the country's cultural values alive
longer. It is those sites that reflect more actual traditions of towns and cities than
new ones built in the so-called traditional styles which people cannot ensure if
they have been inherited properly from the previous to present builder

In conclusion, modern buildings are obvious results of the constant progress in

construction techniques and the economic development of residential regions.
The government should encourage building more high-rise buildings to satisfy its
inhabitants' higher demands on hi-tech facilities as well as invest effectively in
repairing old buildings to conserve traditional values.

202. Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and
weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain
professions because of their gender?
What is your view? Explain your position.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
It is evident that the gender gap is closing in the vast majority of occupations in
today’s society. However, some remain with the opinion that females and males
are born to have differences in terms of their vocational preferences. Despite
this, I would argue in this essay that it is wrong to exclude a certain gender from
a certain occupation.
It is undoubtedly true that a certain gender could be more appreciated in some
professions. It is mainly determined by the biological differences between males
and females. For example, females are perceived to be more caring and
nurturing by nature, so that they could be more suitable working in nurseries and
hospitals; whereas, males are more likely to be employed in mining and
construction industries because they are physically stronger. In those cases, the
gender gap may remain in the short future.

However, for the vast majority of professions, making occupations more open to
both genders has significant advantages. Different genders could bring different
perspectives into work, which could generate more possibilities for a company’s
development. For example, a male nurse could offer his unique experience to a
female-dominated team in order to promote a more holistic care to patients in
both genders. Moreover, there is evidence that a mixed-gender working
environment is often proven to be more efficient. Therefore, companies could
benefit from the different perspectives and efficiency that mixed gender teams

To conclude, although some occupations remain to be female or male dominant,

there are more advantages to allowing both genders have the freedom of their
vocational choices. Companies that facilitate this equality could benefit from the
increased possibilities and efficiency.

[ Written by - Huan Ruan ]

Sample Essay 2:
It is generally believed that in some cases, males and females have difference
ability, skill weakness, limitations and natural talents, especially in a workplace. I
am of the belief that they should be distinguished for certain work fields.
Assigning the right person in the right place would enhance performance and
increase the profit and productivity. I would explain two examples to reinforce my

Initially, women tend to be more patient in teaching toddlers and adolescences

than men. In addition, women better understand what children want and like.
Moreover, it is common that woman teachers are higher in number than male
teachers in nursery and primary schools. This strength could be best used if
women have had more opportunities in teaching children, nursery or any fields
that relate to the teaching and interacting with the toddler. Likewise, female are
naturally caring and nursing is a great profession for them. It is not uncommon
that we can see more female nurses in hospitals that their male counterparts. So
from this regards, I agree that some professions are more suitable for female
whereas others are to men. Providing that gender base priority in some
professions is not a bad idea at all.

Another example is male’s natural strength. On an average, men are physically

stronger than women. For example, generally labours are mostly males as this
job requires hard work and physical strength. The work fields that require more
physical strength could be reserved for male employees. Likewise in many jobs
employees need to work at night and work publicly which might be inconvenient
for female employees in many countries. For such jobs, males should be given
priority, I believe.

Lastly, men tend to use their logic first but women use their feeling first.
Meanwhile, men like extreme challenges than women. Mining in offshore is one
of the professions that need logic, bravery, and physical strength at the same
time. Men are suitable for doing this job because not only for those requirements
but also the commitment to work overtime.

To sum up, it is right to exclude men or women in certain work fields. People
work based on their passion and ability. Educational background, enthusiasm,
skill, talent and suitability can increase the performance and some jobs could be
more suitable for male while others for female.

203. Many people believe that young people enjoy life more than older
people do.
Do you agree or disagree? Why? Explain your position.

Model Answer 1:
Globalisation and metropolitan cultures have revolutionised human life. Have it
been for shopping malls, various food chains and extreme sports centres, people
have numerous alternatives to enjoy and release the stresses! In apropos of the
argument, I am consummate accord with it and I believe that young adults lead
an interesting and adventurous life. This opinion is surrounded by various

To begin with, in the wake of available alternatives nowadays, adolescences live

a life, which allows them to explore and learn. Youngsters have handy and useful
options such as the internet, social media, high-resolution video games,
shopping malls, where they can hang out with friends and enjoy anytime. For an
instance, as per a report from a leading advertisement agency, 90% parents
agreed that children have numerous viable options to engage in, which were not
possible in pre-globalization era. Moreover, technological gadgets and social
media are majorly intricate to use for old people. Thus, aged people cannot
utilise these entertainment mediums and enjoy.

In addition, youngsters of the twenty-first century are adventurous and they have
a proclivity to perform various extreme sports. In other words, adults participate
in high voltage sports such as jumping, skating, paragliding etc., which is never
possible for old people. It can be confirmed by a survey done by extreme sports
body in the USA. As per the survey, 90% of the adventure sports are executing
only because of people less than 30 years of age. Evidently, aged people are not
capable and fit enough to enjoy these sports.

Biologically young people have a sound body and much enthusiasm than the
people in old ages. The sound body and inquisitive mind are two main
ingredients to lead a happy and enjoyable life. In this regard, young people lead
a better life than older people.

To sum up, I am convinced that technological development and adventure sports

have opened multiple new avenues of entertainment for youngsters, which are
not feasible for the old people to participate in. Thus, young adults have more
alternatives to lead an entertaining life and they utilise it overwhelmingly.

204. Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some

governments have banned smoking in all public places.
Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action?

Smoking has been prohibited inside some companies whereas in few countries it
has been totally banned in all the public places. It is agreed that this is an
appropriate action because serious consequences of smoking in working areas
and in public may lead to fire accidents and heath hazards to self and society.

A strong argument could be put forth that smoking should not be allowed in
certain work environments. For instance, if there is a lapse of security in an oil
and natural gas company like Indian Oil Corporation, then it has to face the
ramifications since the probability for fire accidents becomes higher. So the ban
imposed is considered to be a right method not only to thwart the resources from
being depleted but also to save the lives of the workers from such disaster.

Moreover, if smoking is banned in all public places of the country then obviously
the overall health of the masses would be improved. Since it becomes a legal
issue, if they disobey the rules, people might gradually become de-addicted. For
illustration, my uncle decided not to smoke in public amenities like bus stops and
railway stations instead of paying a huge amount of fine. Naturally, life-
threatening diseases like lung cancer and asthma could reduce and the number
of passive smokers might also decline. Eventually, the future citizens of the
country are made healthier which would be reflected as their efficiency,
productivity and enthusiasm thereby paving way for the country's development.

In conclusion, banning smoking either in business sectors or all public places,

both are undeniably a wise remedial act because the job environment is made
safer and the people are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle which in turn
contributes to the overall growth of the country. Though smokeless future seems
to be skeptical but it could be made possible with joint efforts of all the

205. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship
between inequality and personal achievement. Some people believe that
individuals can achieve more in more egalitarian societies. Others believe
that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if individuals are
free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.
What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
According to the Ecological Systems Theory, the environment that a person lives
in has the most significant influence on his/her personal development. Some
argue that certain personal traits are closely associated with a person’s
achievement. However, I will argue in this essay that social equality is the key to
an individual’s success in general from two aspects: gender equality and
education equality.
The roles that women play in societies often vary significantly among different
regions of the world. Societies, that offer women more freedom in terms of
educational and vocational choices, could possess more desirable opportunities
to facilitate women in pursuing their dreams and achieving their potentials.
Women in Australia, for example, where the equality between males and females
is considerably advance, could be more likely to achieve higher personal
successes than women in Pakistan where females often remain inferior than
males in society.

Education equality is another effect that could largely influence on one’s

accomplishment. As human society develops, the ability of literacy and the
access of modern technologies become increasingly important in individuals’
personal development. Residents of regions where free fundamental education
and better access to technologies, such as internet and computers, are provided,
could have increasing number of opportunities to exercise their personal traits,
thus, to succeed in the fields of their choices.

To conclude, an egalitarian society can facilitate more achievements among

individuals. The gender and education equalities are two fundamental ones that
could ensure everyone in the society, both males and females, to have the
relatively equal opportunity to succeed.

[ Written by - Huan Ruan]

Model Answer 2:
The concern and ongoing debate in relationship between equality and personal
success has developed recently. Some are convinced that individuals have
marvelous opportunities to gain their success in egalitarian societies where
everyone is treated in the same manner no matter what their educational,
economical and intellectual levels are. While the opponents conceive that the
high level of attainment will happen only if the individuals are free to achieve both
the success and failure based on their own capabilities. I entirely believe that
there is strong connection between equality and personal success and this essay
aims to elaborate that the egalitarian society is the best option for people.
As the era is developing, some aspects among general public is changing and
equality is one of those aspects. The concept of equality has been spread in the
whole world and it results in many successes in egalitarian communities.
Egalitarian gives fantastic chance to people to gain their achievement since there
is no restriction for people in order to reach their success. In this situation, skill
and knowledge are the main factors to achieve it. In Indonesia for example, it
was hard for women to have position in certain sectors such as politics and
military because most people were convinced that it was not appropriate for
women to become either politician or a defence personnel. Yet, as the people is
more open-minded now, it is no longer an issue and women can achieve their
success in any sectors based on their ability. Thus, egalitarian trend has
influence the society’s achievement.

Besides, equal rights and opportunities trigger people to become more

competitive, positively, and have more spirit to achieve something. Furthermore,
people can get motivation from their surrounding that have similar objectives. In a
classroom, for instance, every pupil has the same rights to be the champ without
be differentiated by the teacher. While the students are surrounded by spirited
fellows, they will learn better. In this case, having equal opportunities and rights
urge people to gain the best achievement. Therefore, egalitarian concepts
provide more chance to every people to become successful.

In conclusion, In conclusion, equality motivates people to work together and help

each other. In a society where discrimination is present, even based on people’s
capability, greater good can never be achieved.

206. Some people say that non-vegetarian food should be banned.

Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
With the advancement in technology and globalization every facet of life has
transformed and food habits are no exception. Since the beginning of recorded
time, people are known hunters, on account of their necessity to food; however
with the revolution in civilization there are vehement disputes on prohibiting non-
vegetarian cuisine. I believe, meat is an indispensable component of diet and
must not be banned. This opinion is surrounded by various rationales.
To begin with, food items prepared by animal's flesh are known for nutritious
ingredients that are almost denied in vegetables. Admittedly, profuse quantity of
un-saturated fats such as Omega-3 is found in red meat only. Broadly speaking,
Omega-3 is only fat which is not dissolvable in the body and it is propitious for
human health. Thus, eroding non-vegetarian from diet is not beneficial. In
addition, animals are vital constituent of food cycle. Evidently, wilds are major
component of food cycle on earth; therefore they must be utilized to maintain
appropriate balance in the cycle. For an instance, if wild animals are removed
from the cycle, earth will become abundant with animals which may be harmful
for nature. Moreover, turning vegetarian will require almost 1/3 of the earth's
vegetation to be utilized per year.Thus, migrating towards non-vegetarian food is
not providential for earth and denizens.

To sum up, on account of the availability of highly nutritious elements and its
presence in food-cycle, it is broadly impossible to remove meat from diet and it's
utilization in diet must be encouraged to retain the natural habitat of earth.

207. In the past lecturers could teach a certain number of students in one
lecture hall. With the development of new technology it’s hard to justify the
reason to participate in the lecture physically and not via the Internet.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What is your personal
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
In the earlier days, the educators could deliver lectures to a group of students in
one classroom but now with the boom in technological advancement, it is getting
harder to state reasons for their physical presence. It is agreed that it is difficult
for justifying the reasons to be physically present in such gatherings while there
is an alternative option, internet.
The primary reason for this is that the time flexibility of online classes. The
scholars might schedule their own time to learn the subjects taught since the
digitalized academic materials facilitate the saving for reviewing it later. To
illustrate, the tutors could either record their lessons and upload in YouTube or
send links to tutees' email address or even post in students' common login page.
These easily accessible options were not under limelight until the emergence of

Another connected reason is the possibility to access many experts at one time.
Even if the novice is about to attend the lecture directly, there is less chance for
him to meet many educators at the same place but with recent application
software like Google hangout, it has become facile to gather knowledge from
different people of the same field of study.

To conclude, while there is a better option to choose from with the advent of
technology, learners tend not to get inclined to other choices. Unless there is a
mandatory need to get enrolled for the lectures in person, undoubtedly they
prefer online classes. My personal viewpoint is that this way of updated learning
has become more useful because of the ease provided to manage their time
properly. Thus e-classrooms and tuitions are better to be preferred by the
students of this modern era.

208. It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to
be. Give reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families
could be brought closer together?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Families, which form the base for socialization, are not as bonded as they had
been in earlier days. It is undeniable that the bonding between the members of
the family is weakening gradually during the course of time.

The primary reason is time spent together with the family has shrunk. In the rat
race to achieve materialistic prosperity, everyone in the family started working in
different places, so it is quite evident that they hardly have quality time with each
other. For instance, if both parents in a family are the breadwinners then it is
obvious that their wards would be left aloof most of the time. Thus the space left
for love and affection to be blossomed in such a nuclear family becomes less.

Another connected reason is, addiction to electronic gadgets .This contemporary

world drives people to become technophilic. Despite having leisure time, these
days it appears that it is not well spent with the loved ones because of laptops
and smart phones. This is because, these gadgets have access to internet which
in turn opens way for social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube. Thus
there is larger probability that the citizens might get hooked and engrossed
.Since these consume more time, the time spent with family has lessened.

With regard to the suggestions to bind the families together, it is recommended

that if everyone decides to be with their family every weekend then definitely it
would compensate the time they worked round the clock throughout the week.
Therefore, in my opinion, this weekend bonds might even make individuals
emotionally more attached to other members in the family and could strengthen
their relationship.

To conclude, most of the populaces are deprived of time for spending with their
families either because of aspiration for materialism or addiction to gadgets .This
has made a dramatic change that the family members are not as closer to each
other like years ago, so it is suggested to spend weekends with family to make
up their relationship.

209. People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are
experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly
early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of
society often set a bad example.
Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young
people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are
necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.

Model Answer 1:
The people of the Modern world are always in search of new enjoyments and
new attractions. While drugs are life saver when they are taken for the health
issue and prescribed by the doctors, it can also be fatal if taken for temporary
amusement. Many special drugs, pills and similar things of that kind are abused
by young people and it is a big threat to the future of next generations of the
This habit starts with smoking and end in fatal addiction in some seriously
addictive substances. Because it is legal for the teenagers who are above the
age of 16 in many crowded countries or smoke, they start smoking. Then, the
issue gets worse and youth want to experience more powerful substances for
temporary joy and excitement.
A large number of practitioners think it is mainly the fault of parents and
responsible relatives or friends. Because youth mostly take example from them,
any bad habit of parents would greatly influence the youth. Family disparity can
very negatively affect youth and many times they abuse drugs to get read of the
reality or complexity. If parents smoke and drink alcohol, the young children
might adapt this habit easily.

Another peril is the people and friends with whom young people live and spend
time. The groups of teenagers who abuse drugs might induce the innocents. A
big cause of widespread drug use is exactly the influence of the environment and
friends. Although well mannered parents send their children to schools to get
some quality educations and cultures, in some schools the drug abusers induces
them to do wrong things.

In my opinion, some prevention measures have to be taken for the welfare of

youth. School authority and teachers should make them well disciplined and
manage a nice and rigid system in schools that would prevent young children to
go to wrong ways. Government should make sure that the illegal substances and
drugs are not available and should make sure no young people can get it without
the authorized prescriptions and parental guidance. Parents should be more
attached with their kids and should live ideal life to set example for your kids.

210. Beside a lot of advantages, some people believe that the Internet
creates many problems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Model Answer 1:
It is true that although internet has facilitated us in many ways like gifting us a
globalization where this world is now being referred to as a small village but it is
also true that it has created many problems too. In this fast paced
technologically high world where parents do not have enough time to look at the
activities of their small kids because of their busy schedule, small children also
have access to internet easily. They are exposed to many things on internet
which are not suitable for them. They are learning many things which are not
good for them to learn at their age.
In addition to this, internet has also created problems in financial world also.
Nowadays, people are being misguided in a way that many hackers, spammers,
and digital fraud make people fool. For example, my friend is being made fool by
one of the hacker on internet. He has asked him to register with a website which
can give assistance to go abroad and for registration he has to pay online. He
has given his credit card number. His credit card number is being used by the
hacker and he made a lot of transactions from his credit card number.

Moreover, In addition to these disadvantages, internet has also made people far
away from each other. In today's world, people are not interacting with each other
because they get too busy in their lives. Instead of meeting with each other
personally, people prefer to get in touch with each other through internet only.

All in all, we can say that everything has its own pros and cons and it totally
depends on the user. Although internet creates many problems but it has also
benefit us in many ways.

211. Some people think that managers alone should make decisions in the
company, while others think that employees should be involved in the
decision-making process too.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1:
There are strong arguments that the authority of the company must plan their
actions towards the success of their business. However, some individuals are
convinced that employees must participate to the strategy of a company.
Primarily, it is often said that the authority of the company are the one who
invested most of the fund in their company. Some of the chief executive officers
have started from small scale business industries before they reach the highest
success of their companies. In other words, they have a number of managerial
experiences which they could apply to proliferate their income. Hence, they do
not need the advices of the employees as they might have different skills on
other fields, which are not suitable for deciding better actions in a company. For
instance, a computer programmer who works in a private institution may not
contribute to the decisions about financial management. Furthermore, the
fundamental purpose of business owners is to recover their recover the capital
they invested on their companies. To illustrate, in a supermarket, most goods
being sold are important because the earnings will be used to supplement the
products, which sustain the continuity of a business.

However, it can never be denied that the employees are part of a company. It is
their privilege to contribute to the success of a company due to the fact that they
will benefit from its monetary gain. As an instance, the employer might increase
their salary because they made the greatest contribution for the improvement of
business. Hence, their collaboration will bring favorable benefits to them, which
may strengthen the teamwork and collaboration. Moreover, it is apparent that
more ideas are imperative to the management of a business. It is possible that
the owner of the company could commit erroneous decisions, which may be
corrected by some workers such as staffing and scheduling in an institution.

To conclude, I personally believe that employees must partake to the plans of a

company as the authority might sometimes create irrational actions. It is very
likely that if the employer and the worker merge their ideas, they will receive a
propitious success.
212. In a public-funded healthcare system, people who are willing to pay for
the best and fast treatment should be able to do so.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

213. Some people think that men and women should have equal position in
army while other oppose this by stating that women are not as competent
as men in army.
Which point of view do you agree with? Why?
Model Answer 1:
In the modern world, when women rub shoulders with men in every field, it is a
moot issue that women should take equal responsibilities in army. This essay
would discuss that men are more preferable in the army and my viewpoint accord
with that. Males have more physical strength and emotional maturity, which is
necessary for a non-civilian.

Firstly, jobs in warfare and armed forces require physical fitness. Handling
sophisticated machines and weapons need body strength. Men are more
powerful than women; it facilitates men for to do job easily and quickly.
Furthermore, different geographical condition and climatic conditions need to be
face, weak body cannot tolerate this. In addition, sometime warfare soldiers
cannot get enough foods; it forced them to continue their job with starving body,
which makes difficult for women to work.

Secondly, the fair sex are emotionally week. Men are aggressive and fearless
which require for a soldier to take decisions and fight. Moreover, women are
submissive and tender-hearted, which are leads to run away from the battle field
rather than fighting. Women will try to safeguard their position, whereas, men are
selfless and very dominating. This emotional immaturity makes women as a bad

Ironically, there are some fields women can excel, like health care and other
clerical works. To handle women culprits and checking women are need in the

To recapitulate, women are playing an important role in many sectors. However,

working in military need more abilities, males are ideal for war field, women excel
by assisting the job.

214. Many people think that alternative sources of energy should be utilized
right now.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Model Answer 1:
Since the beginning of the recorded time people have been exploring natural
resources to fulfill their needs. Has it been water, coal to burn fire and cook,
crude oil to commute from one place to other, dwellers have been exploring
avenues to live in; consequently these are on the verge of annihilation. Apropos
of the argument, I am in consummate accord with it and I believe that people
should refrain from scavenging and envisage alternative sources. This opinion is
surrounded be several arguments as below.
To begin with, over exploration of soil is a threat to the environment. In other
words, various exploration programs are causing depletion of soil; as a result it
has resulted in numerous global catastrophes. For an instance, as per a report
from a renowned coal mining magazine, 60% of the natural catastrophes are
taking due to imbalance created by mining. Thus, digging earth for minerals
should be prevented as soon as possible.

In addition, utilization of coal and crude oil for generation of electricity produces
harmful gases. Byproducts after burning coal and crude oil are treacherous, in
particular, carbon monoxide, which is the major constituent of swelling global
warming. Recently, environment scientists have confirmed in a monthly
magazine that human must migrate to renewal energy sources owing to severe
level of poisonous gases such as CO, H2S, HCN in the atmosphere germinated
by utilizing fossil fuels.

To conclude, extraction of earth must be prevented as soon as possible to

alleviate natural disasters due to imbalance is environment. Likewise, human
must shift their focus to renewal energy to maintain the oxygen level on the earth.

215. Old age people should be taken care by government and it is not the
responsibility of the family.
Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
Advancement in technology and globalization have transformed each facet of life
and revolution is family structure is no exception. In the wake of various job
opportunities people have migrated to other nations as a result concept of
nuclear family has carved the cliche in community. It has germinated a vehement
argument that who should take care of old age people at home. Though I am
convinced that parents have brought up the children and now onus is on them to
pay the debt, but I disagree that it is only family’s responsibility and government
should not devise measures in the benefit of parents.
To begin with, it is widely claimed that children are nothing without parents.
Parents as guardian have taught everything from speaking to walking. Evidently,
children should look after parents when they become old as it is not only moral
responsibility but also it is the duty as a son or daughter.

On the flip side, I also agree that government must take adequate measures to
assist old age people. On account of increasing social equality husband and wife
both are working professional in demanding work environment. Thus, looking
after parents has become impossible. Moreover, relying on children will not be
helpful for old age people as they will end up cooking foods and babysitting their
grand children. Therefore, cabinet must pass bills to facilitate old dwellers with
monthly pensions and old age houses to help them in their difficult time. The old
people have contributed to the country in many ways including paying the tax
and the government should ensure their proper care from the fund the country
has or from the money it collects from the tax payers.

To conclude, while relatives should accompany retired people in their need, but I
am convinced that government must stamp out steps in the goodwill of these

216. The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries
seems to be increasing. How can we reduce this gap? Do you think that
developed countries have a duty to assist developing countries in every
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
First world countries are the most developed countries as oppose to 3rd world
countries which are least developed. Financial gap between two sides are
increasing with every passing day. I strongly agree that developed nations have
an ethical and moral obligation to support the under developed countries in every
possible way.
It is a known fact that world economy is being controlled by developed countries.
There exist the forums like G8 which consists of top eight developed countries of
the world. Global economic policies are being made during their meetings which
drive the world economy. While making the policies at the highest stage of the
world, members of developed countries should keep in mind the poverty in
developing and under developed countries. Wealth gap between the developed
and developing countries can be reduced by making economic policies which are
friendly and least hostile towards the developing countries.

Apart from the policies, it is also moral and ethical duty of developed countries to
support the under developed countries. A development project in an under
developed country will not only provide a way of growth but also create many
new jobs for local public. Similarly, Governments and NGOs of the rich countries
should provide financial aid in the field of education, health, energy, etc. This will
also help in reducing the wealth gap along with development of the poor and
needy nation.

In the end, it is concluded that financial and wealth gap can be reduced by
making good economic policies, by investing in the development projects and by
providing the financial aid. Rich countries and rich people should provide
assistance to poor countries and poor people respectively.

217. Trade and travel would be a lot easier with a single, global currency
that we all use.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Would a single currency
cause any problems?

Model Answer 1:
With the use of one global currency, there will be many benefits in travelling and
cross-border business. I agree with the statement that trade and travel would be
a lot easier with the use of one global currency. However, there might be some
problems. Let’s discuss the pros and cons.
When thinking of one currency, every one points to the Euro. It is a common
currency which is being used in multiple countries of Europe. European citizens
and other tourists travelling to Europe don’t have to carry multiple currencies.
Only one currency works in such countries and people don’t bother about the
exchange rates as well. Similarly, global deals of business and trade will be
straight forward as this will be without the fluctuation of forex rates. The
conversion hassle and global acceptance of a currency would be reduced and
some monopoly in trading would be reduced.

Although, idea of global currency is very appealing but there might be some
issues in its implementation at global level. There are more than 200 countries
and each has its own currency. No two currencies have same exchange rate.
During the cross border deals, the forex difference plays a vital role. With the use
of one single currency, countries having higher exchange rates with respect to
other will be at receiving end and have to bear the deficit.

In the end, it is concluded that one global currency is beneficial for general
public. But there would be challenges in its implementation. Once the problems
and issues are resolved, it would be a lot easier for business community as well
travelers and tourists.

218. When students are in large classes it is very hard for the teachers to
give every student individual attention. What can educational authorities do
about this?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
Nowadays, due to rising population and limited number of educational institutions
high numbers of students are being admitted in one institution. Classrooms are
accommodating considerable number of students which is quite problematic for
faculty members to reserve time for each and every student considering the
difficulty level of educational studies and quantity of time required if they try to
allocate it for each individual. These problems can be resolved substantially if
educational management distributes all students into groups and allocate
separate day for students who are weak or the ones who cannot understand
easily. Further, the state should be responsible in the long term to establish and
develop more and more educational institutions to cater and serve rising
educational needs.
Firstly, the school/college authorities should divide all the pupils into groups by
keeping in view the previous examination results so that in each group there
could be blend of high IQ and average students. For instance, the high achievers
can help and teach the weak students in their group to keep up with the studies.
The authorities can announce some sought of incentives for all these high
graders in the form of scholarships. This example illustrates that forming groups
of different mental capabilities will help the weak and relieve the heavy work load
from teachers. The suggestion of segregating pupils into small factions will serve
quite a bit in good grades of weaker students whom the teachers are unable to
pay attention.

Secondly, the in charge of educational institution should allocate a separate day

apart from working days to pay dedicated attention to poor grade achievers. For
instance, on weekends schedule should be announced in which every interested
students can come and discuss the problems at ease with the subject teacher.
This idea will result in improvement of students with poor results and make them
more motivated about the subject they were initially afraid off. Thirdly, the state
authorities should plan a long term strategy for building large number of school,
colleges and university by considering the growth in population and budgetary
constraints. This will support in reducing the pressure on existing institutions as
well as create a more competitive environment.

To conclude, all the existing and already established educational institution are
trying their level best to provide education but keeping in mind huge quantity of
students it is quite unrealistic to expect from these to pay all the students
dedicated time. The solutions suggested earlier of splitting students in groups,
allocating one day of weekend and developing new institutions are both short
term and long term. These problems can also be arrested easily if students can
be encouraged to do more self-study.

219. Smoking can cause serious illnesses and should be made illegal.
To what extent do you agree?
Model Answer 1:
Many people believe that tobacco use has deleterious effects in their health and
passive smoking is also very dangerous and that is why smoking must be
banned in the public places. Although there are strong arguments that support
this perspective, I strongly believe that it is not reasonable to restrict tobacco
smoking in the society.

Primarily, it is evident that restraining those cigarette consumers from smoking

can cause withdrawal symptoms. This cigarette has an addictive substance
called nicotine that leads to feeling of euphoria for the users. For instance, a
chain smoker will become uncomfortable if they cannot smoke at least one stick
of cigarette. Thereby, they become depressed and lethargic as their bodies are
highly dependent on substance which alters the mood. This often seems affect
their well being such concentration and decision making since smoking exalt their
body to become more active.

Furthermore, there are reasons to suggest that tobacco products will relocate to
the black market as they are made illegitimate in the society. If the consumers
purchase this product in illegal merchandise, they might be tempted to patronize
other dangerous substance such as Cocaine and Marijuana. Black market offers
nefarious goods available for those people who are unsatisfied to the products
sold in the public market. As a result, the incidence of crimes may escalate due
to the fact that substance can create inhibitions, which make the intoxicated
people irrational about their actions. To illustrate, they could do heinous things as
they might see as they are not aware of their morality.

Lastly, it can never be denied that it is the right of every individual to smoke. It
would be a breach of their personal decision to smoke cigarette if the
government banned these products. It is possible that these people might resent
the higher authority because they are the one who spend their salary on
cigarette, not the government officials. Hence, they will retaliate such as building
a riot or promoting a democratic amendment to the government.

To conclude, I am convinced that cigarette should not be eradicated in public

merchandises as there are people who are dependent on these products. There
is a very likelihood that crimes would surge if these products were eliminated in
the society.

220. An increasing number of larger shopping areas, malls and department

stores are leading to the decline of smaller corner shops. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of shopping in larger shopping centers
rather than smaller, more traditional shops?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
There are arguments to suggest that a rising number of commercial
establishments such as malls and supermarket have resulted to a decrease in
the number of small scale business stores. There are several positive outcomes
behind this trend, and a considerable number of potential drawbacks.

Primarily, it could be argued that in some large scale commercial establishments,

there are variety of selection about personal commodities such as clothing,
shoes, and bags. There is a view that well developed shops have to increase the
supply of their products because some small commercial establishment cannot
provide the entire goods to the public. Taking into consideration the local store
which has a limited supply of personal goods in a remote area, it seems apparent
that some store owners have paucity in investment of commercial goods, thus
they cannot maximize the supply and demand of their business. Furthermore, it
is often claimed that there is an amenable price in some more affluent shopping
centers that some developing merchandises. Many people consider that there is
an additional cost for some products available in the local store due to some
owners who procure the supply of their shop to other large distributors of goods.
For instance, the store keeper will gain a higher profitable income if they obtain
some products to some higher commercial distributors, which sell cheap
consumer goods. As a result, there will be an advantage for local store keepers.

In contrast, it can never be denied that there are negative effects of opting to
large shops. Firstly, there is a strong argument that the location of these
establishments is often located at the city center thereby it would be a burden for
those people who live in a rural place to purchase their personal goods.
Secondly, it is often claimed that in some local stores, there are reasons to
suggest that there are residents who have developed relationship with some
store keeper, therefore it might be the case that the customer could ask a
favorable grant to some small stores such as lending a market good and paying it
at a definite time.

In my opinion, a variety of selection in large shops could make the customers

confused on which items will be the best. Moreover, it is debatable that those
products with low price are the ones which are outdated and left over of the
previous peak sale.

To conclude, there are favorable outcomes of choosing large commercial center.

However, it is indubitable that the positives are outweighed by the negative

221. Should travelling be included in the education? Discuss and give your
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
Since the beginning of the recorded time aboriginals have always been
interested in learning by the mean of travelling around the globe. Has it be
explorers such as Columbus, Darwin or other prominent wanderers, this world
was explored and discovered by sightseeing. In the wake of education with
travelling, majority of institutions have included sight visiting as a predominant
determinant while designing a course. Some people believe learning by seeing is
propitious for scholars; however, other claims the opposite. I will discuss both the
sides in the viability of the argument and state an opinion.

On the one hand, opponents of adding travelling in education claim that it will
hinder students to excel academically. Firstly, subjects like Mathematics, Physics
and Information Technology do not require a pupil to see a sight or travel to learn
them. For an example, if someone wants to be a mathematician, he must be
excellent in mathematical skills and traveling to places will not add value for such
students in learning and assimilating scientific concepts. Therefore, travelling has
no importance in learning these subjects. Secondly, exchange program to learn
can act as a hinder in learning, as every country will have its own set of
educational standards, which may not be suitable for every student. Thus, many
contend that adding travelling in curriculum is not viable and beneficial for

On the other hand, proponents of assimilating travelling as a determinant in

learning claim various rationales in support of the opine. One the most profuse
reason is on account of learning associated with practical knowledge. These
advocates also assert that practical learning by sightseeing inculcates a
permanent learning among the scholars, which is mandatory for overall
development of students. It can be confirmed by the latest report of education
society of India, which has published the statistics of experiments on students.
As per experiment, pupils were divided into two groups and taught a lesson in
two different ways, first group was taught theoretically and another group was
taught practically by showing the actual sight. As per results, children taught
using sightseeing were able to retain the information for 20 days extra than the
students educated theoretically. Likewise, students can learn more if they will
travel to other countries. It will not only impart an impetus to their academic
learning, but also it will infuse cross cultural understanding. Consequently, it will
enhance the overall growth of students.

To sum up, after discussing both side of the argument, I am convinced that
advantage of adding travelling in education overweighs the disadvantages and it
must be encouraged for the overall academic and social development of the

222. Some practical skills such as money management should be taught in

high school.
Do you agree or disagree. Give your opinion and real life examples.

Model Answer 1:
High School is the high time, when teenagers put their first step towards
independence. If they can be educated with practical skills, it will help them
enormously in facing real world challenges. Practical skills like money
management can assist them in better management of their life. Some people
may argue that practical skills are best learnt in real life rather than classroom.
Teenagers get fixed allowance from their parents and some do part time jobs to
fund their expenditures. Although, they do not possess large sums of money, any
thug can cheat them easily. For instance, many teenagers take loans to fulfill
their illegal activities like drinking, drugs and smoking. They end up owing huge
sums to loan sharks, without sensing the troubles ahead. If they learn practical
skills like money-management, they can wisely take control of their life and stay
out of troubles.

Some people believe practical skills cannot be taught in classrooms. As the

name suggests, it can be best learnt by dealing with life. For example if money
management and risk management are taught in class, there is no guarantee
that pupil can get success in life. He can be too risk averse and avoid excellent
tools of money making like Share trading, betting and even government bonds. If
we look at successful people like Ambanis, they did not learn practical skills in
classroom, but in real life. Highly educated Charted Accounts, engineers and
clerks work under their leadership.

In conclusion, teaching practical skills can alert and educate teenagers to combat
the real life nuisances. However, a few things can be best learnt by experience
and most successful people gained expertise by experimenting.

223. Even though organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than
conventional fruits and vegetables they are worth the extra cost.
Do you agree or disagree?

Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than conventional fruits and vegetables
but many people are willing to pay the higher price to get the organic ones. In my
opinion, it is worth paying more for these organic products because it is natural
and safe. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables have more pesticides and
chemicals added that could be harmful to our health. The two key reasons why
organic products are the best are they have fewer pesticides and more nutrients.

The conventional fruits and vegetables look more convincing in the stores. It is
usually cheaper and good looking that catches buyers. While organic fruits are
sad looking which have holes and spots or rotten part, they offer better food
value. Sometimes they look wrinkled and shriveled. However, organic fruits and
vegetables produce higher levels of nutrients than conventional counterparts.
Furthermore, it produces more antioxidant compound linked to better health.
Eating fresh organic fruits and vegetables are more nutritious and tasty. No need
to settle for less if it is better than commercially grown fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, exposure to pesticides from conventional products has some health

effect such as risk of cancer, nervous system diseases and reproductive
problems. Pesticides can be absorbed into fruits and vegetables and leave trace
residues that could have toxic effects on humans. Another thing aside from
harmful effects, it has also environmental effects. Chemical pesticides are known
to pollute the environment. With several potentially harmful effects on health and
environment the cost will be more likely to double for hospitalization.

Therefore, organic fruits and vegetables are much better than conventional fruits
and vegetables. They are worth an extra cost for the health benefits we could get
in fewer pesticides fruits and vegetables.

224. Many people believe that we have become a 'disposable' society,

throwing things away rather than repairing them and reusing them. Why do
you think that is? What are some of the possible problems this can cause?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
There are arguments to suggest that people have become a great consumer of
products without the initiative to recycle the old items, which are not functioning
anymore. There are reasons behind this trend, and a considerable number of
repercussions in the society.

Primarily, it could be argued that the advent of technology has an enormous

contribution to the attitude of some individuals about personal equipment. It is
often claimed that some factories have adopted to use machines in
manufacturing products such as appliances and cell phones, therefore they can
hasten the reproduction but with low quality. Some businessmen have gathered
the raw materials to other countries, which may provider a frugal spare parts.
Because of the cheap materials, these shop owners can decrease the price of
their products that could be amenable to the public. Furthermore, there is a
strong argument that assert that the behavior of mankind have changed in this
contemporary period due to advancement in technology. For instance, some
people might not be so eager to bring their defected instruments to the repair
center because of the new model that may arise in the market.

On the other hand, it is widely believe that there are negative effects of being
nonchalant about the possibilities that a non functional product could be use
again. Firstly, it would contribute to the pollution because those products are
certainly made from plastic and hazardous chemicals. To illustrate, a stock of cell
phones cannot be disposed easily through incineration. It would be a difficult
problem if there was a surplus of those personal goods. These cell phones
contain batteries which are deleterious to human’s health. Secondly, there is a
view that this trend might be adopted by the next generation since the progress
of technology is inevitable. For example, some youngsters might acclimatize to
the view and habit of the seniority, thus this trend will be handed to their next

To conclude, the advent of technology and the cheap products have piqued
some people to be dissuaded from reusing superannuated items. It is the
environment and the virtue of the next generation that will be affected by this

225. As countries have developed there has been a trend towards smaller
family sizes. Why does this happen? How does this affect society?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
Ever since the genesis of industrialization, world has gone through many
paradigm shifts. This is also evident in the fact that average family size is getting
smaller. It is argued that rising costs of living and career-oriented thinking are the
primary reasons for this trend. These causes and their effects will be analyzed in
this essay
To begin, ever since the industrial revolution, rising cost of living in cities has
compelled people to shrink the size of their families due to economic reasons.
This has resulted in families spending more time with their offspring, since the
number of children, among which parents have to divide their time, has reduced
dramatically. For example, a recent study conducted by Save the Children, a not
for profit organization, found that children of the modern era do much better than
their earlier counterparts in schools and colleges. This would perhaps not be
possible if parents had to spend a large amount of their time nurturing the needs
of higher number of children. Hence, the impact a small family size has on child’s
academics is clear.

In addition, the advent of technology has removed the need for human
intervention in many jobs, as a consequence, now more people have to compete
for fewer jobs. Such circumstances have made people more career oriented than
they used to be, therefore, starting and expansion of families has moved to the
bottom of pecking order of many people’s priorities. The most evident effect of
this on society is an ageing population in many of the western countries in the
world. For instance, in Germany, the population growth rate is in negative, which
could perhaps mean that the current generation of Germany will not be able to
replace their dying forefathers in numbers. Therefore the devastating impact of
small families is also evident.

As is clear, improved academic performances of children on the one hand and

the probable extinction of genes of some on the other hand are the two of most
prominent impacts of decreasing family sizes. It is thus hoped that people will
muse upon greatly before choosing their career paths and staring families.

226. Modern technology has a great impact on our environment. Some say
that people should adopt a simple lifestyle to solve this problem, while
others argue that the technology itself should provide a solution.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer 1:
This contemporary milieu has been influenced by new innovation in technology,
which has affected the natural environment. There are arguments to suggest that
people should live in a traditional form of lifestyle to rectify ecological problems.
However, it can be argued that the technology can offer solutions to tackle the
environmental destruction.

Primarily, it is indubitable that the natural habitat could be preserved if most

people adapted to manual labor rather than machines. It might be the case that
some farmers use mechanical plow, which emits considerable amount of fumes,
to weed their farm. There is a view that these machines, which hasten the
productivity, have helped people from their daily routine task. As a result, the
demand of machines will also lead to production of carbon dioxide, which will
contribute to global warming. Furthermore, there are reasons to suggest that
some of the machines have been used to exploit environmental resources.
Taking into consideration the use of chain saw that accelerates the logging of live
trees. It is also possible that some businessmen have established factories, and
most of the equipment is reliant to fossil fuel. In the previous era, majority of
primitive people have survived even without the use of technology, thus in this
modern world, some would consider that people can still thrive by reducing the
usage of machines.

In contrast, it can never be denied that the advent of technology has contributed
to the development of a country, and even the preservation of mother earth can
be granted by modern studies. To illustrate, there is a feasible study6 that
asserts that the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun can be prevented through
the use of mirrors which will b flown in the space. As a result, the sun rays will be
deflected by the million of mirrors in the space, and that will be viable because of
the continuous development in technology. In addition, the possibility to recycle
the old goods and rubbish has become realistic because of the application of
technology. For instance, the disintegration of matter and molding to a new form
can be ascribed to advances in machinery and computers.

In my opinion, time is inevitably progressing, and people need to adapt to

modern culture. Moreover, there has been as strict legislation that precludes
people from abusing the environmental resource, thus they might seldom use
technology to harm the forest.

To conclude, some people believe that they should not become more reliant to
machines in order to maintain the wealth of the environment, yet it is compelling
that technology has been proven to produce amenable aid to resolve the
environmental hazards and pollution.

227. People nowadays are not fit and active than the people from the olden
days. Discuss the causes for this situation and suggest some possible
Give reasons for your answer.

Model Answer 1:
Ever since the genesis of industrialization, human beings have gone through
many different changes. This is evident from the fact that people are no longer as
physically fit and active as they used to be. It is argued that increasing use of
technology and removal of many physically demanding jobs are the two cardinal
reasons for this. To tackle these problems, educational programs and
establishment of health facilities will be analyzed for viability.
To begin, many individuals have adopted television and internet browsing as
their hobbies, which has led to them adopting sedentary lifestyles. To counter
this, educational programs aimed at these people can educate them about the
hazards such a lifestyle poses to the health of an individual. For instance, the
government of Pakistan has run many infomercials in the past few year to
increase the awareness about the importance of exercising among the geriatric
population. Which in turn, resulted in lower number of elderly people reporting
joint related problems in the coming years. Therefore, the effectiveness of such
targeted campaigns can be clearly seen.

In addition, due to industrialization the nature of jobs around the world has
moved from being physically demanding to service oriented. Consequently, a
large chunk of people don’t get the necessary physical activity required to have a
sound body. For this, establishment of more health facilities around the
residential areas is a plausible solution. For example, a psychological study,
recently conducted, found that people are generally less likely to exercise if they
have to travel a long distance to get to the exercise location. As this shows,
establishment of such facilities near people’s residences is an effective method
to address lifestyle related problems.
As is clear, targeted educational campaigns and setting up more health clubs are
two effectual ways to make people form healthy habits and become healthy
individuals. It is thus hoped that these strategies are put into practice by the
masses the world over.

228. There have been many technological developments in the 20th

century, for example in transport, telecommunications and health. What
technological development do you think has been the most important?
How has it changed people's lives? Have all the changes been positive?
Give reasons for your answer.

Model Answer 1:
20th century has been the century of inventions and innovations. Fields like
transport, telecom, medical, education etc. all have seen the phenomenal
developments but one of the significant revolution in the technology is internet.
The internet have changed the landscape of human life to an unimaginable level.
The computer has made this planet just like a global village and created millions
on employment opportunities.
Firstly, the computer has transformed this planet into one family. Everyone who
wants information regarding anything can access through the internet in just a
matter of seconds regardless of his place and location. You can view of
information, lifestyle, population and other geographical information of any
country in the world. For instance, if I want to compare the top universities of the
world it would hardly take a minute which would otherwise be not possible
without this blessing. It is evident that internet has shrunken this world like one
home in which everyone is a family member.

Secondly, the internet has created job opportunities for millions of people. Work
options have been created in the form of web designing, web hosting, online
product sales, software development and hundreds more which cannot be listed
here. For example, the biggest company in the world which has the most
expensive share in New York Stock exchange is none other than Google. This
supports the logic that internet has been one of significant cause of job creation.

However, there are some drawbacks also of this technology. Cybercrimes and
fake business have entered in this world of internet. To illustrate that, many
hackers have hacked the important and national security websites of not only
third world countries but also leading nations like United States. These
cybercrimes are playing the havoc with the intelligence agencies of the world.
Thus, it can be seen that these crimes are depicting the negative pictures of this

To summarize, internet has truly changed the face of the world making it a very
small one and giving the opportunities of millions of people to earn their
livelihood. The internet has truly been the greatest development of 20th century.
It is recommended that states should make tight laws to curb the illegal activity
going on internet.

229. Nowadays, anyone can post information on the internet even if it is

incorrect. As a result, most of information we read is inaccurate.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 1:
As millions of people and organizations of all stripes can post information on the
Internet, more people don’t deem the content they see online accurate. However,
there is still credible information on the Internet, which is harder to be ferreted

It is understandable that people desire to be focused on, especially those who

want to become stars, the Internet is the most effective way to make this happen.
Thus this drives many of them to spread their personal information to attract
more viewers so that one day their gifts may be paid attention to. Also, for some
business organizations, they usually create exaggerated advertisements to
propagate their products, while actually, their products are not as perfect as the
advertisements described.

On the other hand, in some repressive regimes, media is closely tied to the
government. Media outlets provide information not for the well-being of civilians
but for the propaganda of the regime so that they can control the regime for their
own interests.

However, all those critics of Internet information do not mean that there is little
reliable information. After all, there are people telling lies out of their personal
interests, there are definitely a large group of people being against lies and
keeping digging truth, though. Therefore, the target that those authoritative
organizations and individuals posting their information is to tell the truth and clear
clouds, which makes their information accurate and reliable.

After all, in the world with diverse cultures and races, it is impossible to
guarantee all information being objectively accurate. All we should do is to keep
a clear head and become more efficient to sort out those accurate information
from those detrimentally false, so that we can stand on the impartial side.

230. Some people think they should keep all the money they earn without
paying taxes, others disagree.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer 1:
In most countries around the world, while paying taxes is required by the law and
considered a civic duty, it also brings about downsides that lead to certain
individuals or corporations trying to evade or deduct the tax they need to pay.

Some people claim that levying taxes is unfair and they deserve to keep all their
legitimate income to themselves because they fight every single minute for it.
High taxes can not only stifle the motivation of individual workers but also exert a
negative effect of penalizing hard work. More concerning situation, however, is
that with all taxpayers’ money accumulated, the government, albeit even an
elected one, could misuse or even become corrupted, not to mention those
authoritarian ones. In this case, it is better to keep the money to their own instead
of anyone else.

However, other people argue that taxes revenue provides a vital source for the
government who shoulder the responsibility to build a strong country and provide
important public services such as police, healthcare, education and many other
vital ones which are closely tied to every single citizen’s well-being. Without this
revenue, there would be no money to pay for government workers, resulting in no
organization to run the country and probably jeopardizing national security.
Therefore, paying taxes should be every single taxpayer’s responsibility.
My view is that it is every capable citizen’s duty to pay taxes to support and
provide our government necessary sources to protect our entire country as well
as improve our personal life quality, only in the condition that they must be well
used and absolutely cannot be abused by incompetent officials.

231. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places.

At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and
the environment.
Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

People have different views about the effect of the international tourism. While I
accept that international tourism has some positive impacts on our lives, I believe
that it has a more negative impacts compared to positive one.

On the one hand, International tourism has many advantages. Firstly from
personal perspective, tourism is a most popular leisure activity. Tourists can relax
and have fun by sightseeing a new place. Also, tourism broadens their horizons
and opened minds by exposing them to different cultures and customs.
Secondly, from economical perspective, tourism industry plays a vital role in
many countries. People may rely on tourism for their income. Also tourism
industry creates many jobs opportunities in services like hotels and restaurants.
As a result international tourism improves the standard of live in some local

On the other hand, I believe that International tourism has more negative impacts
on the environment and local cultures. From environmental perspective, tourism
may affect environment negatively in three ways. Firstly, excessive building
needed by tourism industry could destroy natural habitats and even may result in
extinction of many animals and plants. Also, international tourism cause more
pollution and wastage. Finally, Tourism industry puts more pressure on natural
resources like oil and water and this may lead to shortage in some basic human
needs. From cultural perspective, tourism may affect local cultures negatively.
Traditional jobs and skills like farming and fishing may die out because tourism
forces people to work in their services. So, this may lead to loss of many cultural
features and values.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of international tourism
on the environment and culture are more significant than the possible benefits on
personal and economical sectors. Governments should impose laws to protect
environment and local cultures.

232. People today often buy new things instead of fixing the old things.
Discuss the causes and effect of this.
What are the causes of this trend? What do they affect on themselves and
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience.

Ever since the genesis of industrialization, people’s lifestyles have gone through
paradigm shift. This is evident from the fact that people today often buy new
things instead of getting the old ones fixed. It is argued that rising standards of
living and hectic lifestyles are the two cardinal causes for this trend. These
causes along with their effects will be analyzed in this essay.

To begin, industrialization has brought with it the rise in standards of living for
most of the world and people can afford to buy new things instead of getting the
old things repaired. This is ensued by the development of habit of spending
money on things that people don’t need in the first place. Take USA, for example,
where many individuals excessively squander money from their credit cards on
things that although cost a lot, but have a very short life span such as
smartphones. This phenomenon has led to an inordinate amount of cases of
personal bankruptcy in the US. Hence, the devastating effects of buying new
things instead of fixing the old ones are obvious.

In addition, the modern era puts a lot of stress on the individuals, which means
most of them don’t have the necessary spare time left to repair the old things.
This has indirectly resulted in the increase in amount of waste that is produced
each year via the disposal of old things. For instance, a recent study conducted
by University of Balochistan, Pakistan, found that the amount of waste that an
average household in Pakistan produces has quadrupled in the past few
decades. Consequently, much of this waste is dumped into the rivers and seas,
which has raised the pollution to exorbitant levels. Therefore, the effect on
environment that buying new things instead of getting the old ones fixed is
manifested through this alarming finding.

As is clear from the above analysis, rise in the living standards of individuals and
time constraints brought about by modernization are the primary reasons that
people these days, buy new things instead of getting the old ones repaired. It is
hoped that individuals will exert themselves to counter the negative ramifications
brought about by this trend.

233. As the number of private cars has increased, so too has the level of
pollution in many cities. What can be done to tackle this increasingly
common problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
In the past few decades, mankind has made tremendous technological advances
and world has truly become a small village because of globalization. Now, more
and more people are able to afford cars. This has caused increase in level of
noise and air pollution in large cities.
One solution would be to impose a large amount of tax on privately owned cards.
This would discourage people to use their own vehicle to commute to work and
utilize other means of public transport. This can definitely reduce the traffic in
urban city areas. However, this only deals with a part of the population. Rich
could easily afford to pay for the higher tax; while on the other hand, only poor
would be affected by this law.

Another way government could tackle this problem is to encourage people to use
public transportation. The legal authorities could introduce more comfortable and
convenient trains, buses and metros to attract more people. As a result, more
and more citizens would use public transport services and thus the level of traffic
and pollution would definitely reduce.

Lastly, politicians should put more money into researches to find more renewable
resources such as solar power and wind instead of using coal and petrol. In
addition, there could be seminars or lectures to educate people about how our
ways of living is affecting the environment. This may not be a quick solution but it
does help to tackle the issues at hand in long run.

In summary, it is partly government's and partly individual's responsibility to pay

attention to increasing pollution and find ways to reduce it if we want to leave a
greener planet to our children.

234. Some people choose a career according to the social status and salary
it will give them. Others choose a career according to whether they will
enjoy the work.
Which do you think is the best way to choose a career?

Model Answer 1:
In our life choosing a career is an important factor to consider. If I had to choose
between high salary and high level of enjoyment, I think I would choose the high
salary. If I will choose a career for enjoyment basis only, I might not earn enough
money. High paid jobs are beneficial socially and economically, as now will be
Practically, earning money is the main reason why we work. If a person is highly
compensated he can support himself and his family needs for daily livings. Once
we are in comfortable living in earning, we can pursue our personal interest in
our free time. Aside from providing the basic necessities in life, giving us our
wants would be possible too. For example, an employee with annual income of P
1,000,000 per year could afford to avail a housing loan of P20, 000 monthly. So,
those people with high wages could own a house which makes their lives
comfortable. Furthermore, high paid people tend to have more time to socialize
because they have enough money for parties and social gatherings. It is evident
that choosing a career with high wages should be considered.

On one hand, having high income could boost our economy. In the sense that
the higher the salary, the higher contribution they paid for taxes. Eventually, we
can help develop our economy in the other way around. On the other hand,
nowadays we suffered economic crisis. All the prices are going up including the
rapid increased in our electricity and water bills. The salary we get will not be
enough for daily expenses. In order to combat these rising problems, the solution
is ours to make. We should be wise enough in choosing the profession to fulfill
which is economically practical. For example, the country's unemployment rate
hit 27 percent equivalent to 12.4 million jobless Filipinos. Others are opted to
accept low wages than having no job at all. The problem has taken place from
the moment they have decided a career of their choice which is not in demand.
In conclusion, adequate salary could be very beneficial in regards to social and
economic factors. It is the best way, for it can provide the basic needs for
ourselves and our family. Therefore, I strongly believed that the future lies in our
own hands. Being wise in decision making for attaining career goal with high
salary are far more important than career for enjoyment basis only that is

235. Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the
world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global
problem. What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure
could governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience.

Model Answer 1:
It is undeniable that water scarcity is becoming a worldwide problem. Growth of
population is the main reason of this alarming trend, but some measures could
be taken to tackle this problem.
One the one hand, pressure of growth population on water resources could lead
to shortage of it. Increase number of population lead to an increased water
demand in three sectors namely Agriculture, Industry and households. Firstly,
from agricultural perspective, irrigation consumes large amount of water. Also
Agricultural industry could pollute the rest of the water by chemical compounds
that used in farming like pesticides. Secondly, industrial factory use huge amount
of water in their process. For instance, some researches revealed that meat
processing industry could be the main cause of water shortage in some regions
of the UK. Finally, water used for household purposes could be another
consequence of growth number of population and ultimately could lead to water

On the other hand, there are two main solutions to solve the problems described
above. One solution is that water recycling could play an important role in water
conservation. Governments should build new water pipes system for recycling
and should encourage people to use recycled water. Another solution is to
remove salts from sea water to unable people to use it. This process called
desalination. It is now used in many countries like the USA and achieved their
In conclusion, water demand is a global problem caused mainly by the growth of
population number and governments and people should be cooperated to solve
this issue.


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