1 The Lecheon

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i goint to talk about short stories.

the luncheon
It all starts when a man was in the theater and saw a woman sitting down who is
calling him. He wouldn't have recognized her if someone hadn't mentioned her
name. He had seen her for the first time 20 years ago, when they went to lunch.
He lived in Paris, he had a small apartment in a Latin quarter. The woman had
read a book by him, and she had written to him about it. A short time later he
received another letter from her saying that she was in Paris and she would like
to talk to him.
The man and the woman went to the Foyot restaurant, it was a restaurant where
the French senators ate, it was so far beyond his means. He had 80 francs for
the rest of the month, and a modest lunch wouldn’t cost more than 15. When
they went to the restaurant, He was surprised that the woman was not so young,
she was 40 years old, and he was more surprised when he saw the bill of fare,
because the prices were higher than he had anticipated, but she told him that she
only eats one thing for lunch.
she ordered salmon and caviare. He ordered the cheapest dish on the menu,
which was mutton chop. She didn't like what he ordered because she said it was
too heavy. Then she ordered a white wine and he ordered water, so she talked
about art, literature and music but he only thought about the bill. while he was
waiting for the bill, she said again that he only ate one thing, unless they had
some asparagus, he saw the asparagus in the store and he knew it was very
expensive but he still asked the waiter for it. The man was not thinking how
much money he would have for the rest of the month, he was thinking if he
would have enough money to pay the bill. He didn’t want to ask the woman for
money in case he was short of money, he thought of leaving his watch and
saying that he would come back later to pay.
Finally, when she finished eating the asparagus, she ordered a coffee and ice
cream and he just ordered a coffee. When the bill came, he realized that he
could pay it but he had nothing for the rest of the month. Leaving the restaurant
she told him that he should only eat one thing like her, he said that he would do
it and not eat anything that night. she laughed and called him humorous.
He doesn't think he's a vindictive man, but he was happy that she weighs 21
stones today.

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