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The story begins with Laurie's first day in kindergarten. Laurie for her mother was a good boy with
a sweet voice. That same day, when Laurie returned to his house, her parents asked him about his
first day in kindergarten, so Laurie answered his father insolently and told them about Charles.

Charles was his classmate from his kindergarten, he was fresh and irreverent, the teacher punished
him because he hit her.

On the third day, Charles hit a girl on the head with the swing, and the teacher punished him by
staying in class for the entire recess. On Thursday, Charles was in the corner all short story because
he wouldn't stop kicking. On Friday, Charles was throwing chalk at his classmates.

Laurie's mother believed that kindergarten upset Laurie, and that Charles seems like a bad
Monday night was the first parent-teacher meeting, but Laurie's mother couldn't go because her
daughter was ill.

Laurie always told his parents about Charles, he said that the other day Charles started crying
during short story and hit a boy in the stomach and made him cry. On Friday, the teacher punished
him again after class and the other children accompanied him.

On Thursday of the third week, Laurie told her parents that Charles had started to be a better
partner, that now Charles was a good teacher's assistant, her mother couldn't believe it, the next
week, there's another parent-teacher meeting, Laurie's mom wanted to meet Charles' mom.

The day of the parent-teacher meeting arrived, Laurie's mother was looking for Charles's mother but
couldn't find her, at the end of the meeting she talked to the teacher.
Laurie's mother asked the teacher about Charles, but the teacher told her that there is no one named
Charles in her class.

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