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Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572
Published online 15 December 2009 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/we.380


Application of a LES technique to characterize the

wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw
Ángel Jiménez, Antonio Crespo and Emilio Migoya
Laboratorio de Mecánica de Fluidos, Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánica, ETSII, Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid, José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2 CP 28006, Madrid, Spain

When a wind turbine works in yaw, the wake intensity and the power production of the turbine become slightly smaller
and a deflection of the wake is induced. Therefore, a good understanding of this effect would allow an active control of
the yaw angle of upstream turbines to steer the wake away from downstream machines, reducing its effect on them. In
wind farms where interaction between turbines is significant, it is of interest to maximize the power output from the wind
farm as a whole and to reduce fatigue loads on downstream turbines due to the increase of turbulence intensity in wakes.
A large eddy simulation model with particular wind boundary conditions has been used recently to simulate and charac-
terize the turbulence generated by the presence of a wind turbine and its evolution downstream the machine. The simpli-
fied turbine is placed within an environment in which relevant flow properties like wind speed profile, turbulence
intensity and the anisotropy of turbulence are found to be similar to the ones of the neutral atmosphere. In this work, the
model is used to characterize the wake deflection for a range of yaw angles and thrust coefficients of the turbine. The
results are compared with experimental data obtained by other authors with a particle image velocimetry technique from
wind tunnel experiments. Also, a comparison with simple analytical correlations is carried out. Copyright © 2009 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
wind turbine wake; wind turbine in yaw; large-eddy simulation; wake deflection; active control in wind farms

Á. Jiménez, Laboratorio de Mecánica de Fluidos, Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánica, ETSII, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2 CP 28006, Madrid, Spain

Received 17 October 2008; Revised 6 October 2009; Accepted 20 October 2009

1. INTRODUCTION surable damage due to fatigue and dynamic loads that have
to be taken into account adequately; see Frandsen and
The spectacular growth of wind energy production in Thögersen.1 Suitable design criteria have to be developed
recent years has turned this renewable resource in a rec- for the inter-spacing of wind turbines to minimize these
ognized alternative to more conventional sources of elec- undesirable effects.
trical power generation. To reduce some of the costs of Different approaches, reviewed by Crespo et al.2 and
wind power utilization, such as land and civil works, tur- Vermeer et al.,3 have been adopted to study wind turbine
bines are usually grouped in wind farms, tending to be wakes. A large eddy simulation (LES) methodology for
located close to each other creating interference effects. A studying wind turbine wakes is used in this work. It was
momentum defect and an increased level of turbulence previously presented by Jiménez et al.4 as a continuation
intensity are induced in wakes formed by turbines, causing of the Reynolds Average Navier Stokes (RANS) models
a reduction in the power output of the wind farm and based on the k-e closure methods proposed by Crespo
unsteady loads on other machines. Specifically, turbulence et al.5 and Crespo and Hernández,6 and the explicit alge-
may increase in turbine arrays sufficiently to cause mea- braic model for the components of the turbulent stress

Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 559

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Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya

tensor proposed by Gómez-Elvira et al.7 In all these previ-

ous methods, the Reynolds average over all turbulence
scales is imposed. Instead, LES will reproduce the unsteady
oscillations of the flow characteristics over all scales larger
than the grid size; consequently, a greater detail of the
turbulence characteristics is expected to be obtained. In
Jiménez et al.,4 a LES computation of the wake was per-
formed immersing an actuator disk-modelled turbine in an
environment with turbulence properties similar to the ones
of the atmosphere. A similar technique is used by other
authors like Masson,8 Kasmi and Mason,9 etc. Together
with the actuator disk approach, it must be highlighted the
actuator line representation given by Sørensen and Shen,10
recently used by Troldborg et al.11 to carry out a detailed
LES analysis of a wind turbine wake under uniform inflow
Jiménez et al.4 gave a comparison of LES results with
experimental data obtained by Cleijne12 from the Sex-
bierum wind farm and with analytical correlations pre-
viously proposed by Crespo and Hernández13 and
Gomez-Elvira et al.7 In the present work, application of
the same technique to study the steady wake deflection of
a wind turbine in yaw is made.
Control of turbine parameters in wind farms has been
Figure 1. Recreation of the wake deflection due to a wind
suggested as a method to increase the power production of
turbine in yaw.
the whole wind farm and to reduce fatigue loads due to the
high level of turbulence in wakes. Corten and Shaak14
skew angle of the wake of a yawed turbine. Concerning
proposed a strategy based on decreasing the axial induc-
the interaction between machines, it is more relevant the
tion factor (through pitch angle control) at the upwind side
experimental study done by Parkin et al.18 They obtained
of the wind farm in order to get a higher wind speed in the
PIV images in the wake of a two bladed HAWT at dis-
wake and, consequently, a larger amount of available
tances from one to five diameters downstream, for differ-
kinetic energy for the turbines under the lee side. The
ent values of the yaw angle. Their PIV experiments were
research presented in this paper can give an illustration of
carried out with a two-bladed model wind turbine in a low
future possibilities to plan an active control to minimize
turbulence wind tunnel at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
the interference effects in wind farms, now based on the
(KTH), Sweden. Model turbines may not behave as full-
yaw of wind turbines.
sized ones and, consequently, it would be of interest to rely
When a wind turbine works in yaw, the wake intensity
also on experimental measurements obtained on field.
and the power production of the turbine become slightly
Unfortunately, data about full-sized turbines operating in
smaller and a deflection of the wake is induced. A suffi-
yaw conditions are scarce.
ciently good understanding of this effect would allow an
In this work, a preliminary analysis of wakes of wind
active control of the yaw angle of upstream turbines to
turbines in yaw is presented. The wake deflection and
steer the wake away from downstream machines, as illus-
trajectories are studied and compared to a simple analytical
trated in Figure 1, reducing its effect on them and giving
model and with experimental results.
as consequence an optimization of the power output from
the wind farm as a whole. Also a reduction of fatigue loads
on downstream turbines due to a lower increase of turbu-
lence intensity in wakes is achieved. However, possibly 2. LES MODEL WITH SIMPLIFIED
this also increases the fatigue in the first turbine, since BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
yawing itself may cause fatigue; accordingly, it should be
quantified if the net result is favourable. Only a direct simulation of turbulence would be able to
The gross wake deflection in yaw was shown by Clayton give us the full knowledge of the turbulence characteristics
and Filby15 who performed hot-wired measurements in the in the wake. In industrial or environmental applications,
wake of a wind turbine at a number of downstream posi- where Reynolds numbers are usually very high, direct-
tions. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique was numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulence are generally
used by Grant et al.16 and Grant and Parkin17 enabling a impossible because the very wide range that exists between
detailed understanding of vortex formation and expansion the largest and the smallest turbulent scales cannot be
phenomena in the near wake, both in yawed and non- explicitly simulated, even in the most powerful computers.
yawed conditions, and giving information about the initial Furthermore, DNS is not feasible near rough boundaries

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw

when the exact geometry of roughness cannot be described procedure that is economical and simultaneously retains
in detail. A LES approach is then conceptually more suit- most of the stability and accuracy properties of the fully
able for studying the turbulence evolution downstream of implicit scheme. It was developed by Charles D. Pierce at
a wind turbine, because the larger scales of turbulent Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, and
motion, those that control turbulent diffusion of momen- is conveniently described in Pierce and Moin22 and Wall
tum and energy, are computed explicitly, whereas only the et al.23 The most important numerical properties of the
effect of the small-scale motion that tends to be more scheme are the following ones:
isotropic and dissipative has to be modelled.
A LES model with periodic boundary conditions has • Staggered Cartesian grid is used: Velocity compo-
been implemented in a CFD code to simulate and char- nents are evaluated in the centre of the cell faces and
acterize the turbulence generated in a wind turbine wake. pressure is in the cell centres.
This model was previously employed by Jiménez et al.4 • Second order accuracy in space and time with a
to obtain important turbulent properties of the flow in the central difference discretization scheme.
wake, mainly the velocity profiles and the components of • A semi-implicit iterative solution procedure of the
the Reynolds stress tensor, finding a good agreement with discrete equations (implicit in y direction for the
experimental data. The same model was applied in advective and diffusive terms) is used.
Jiménez et al.19 to the study of the characteristics of spec- • Simulations run at constant Courant-Friedrich-Lewy
tral coherence of turbulence fluctuations in a wind turbine number (CFL) of 0.75 in accordance with the stabil-
wake. In this work, the same methodology is proposed to ity properties of the semi-implicit scheme, see Pierce
characterize the wake deflection of a wind turbine in and Moin22 and Wall et al.23
We will denote the filtered field variables without any Our calculations have been performed with a grid of
additional notation (usually a bar over variables is 256 × 96 × 96 points in x, y and z directions, respectively,
employed for this purpose). Then, in this paper, ui repre- which, considering the size of the computational domain
sents the components of the instantaneous filtered veloc- described below, ensures a good quality in the shape of the
ity. Time and space (over homogeneous directions) cells. By ‘good quality’, we mean that the three sides of
averaging is indicated with the symbol 〈·〉, and the dif- the Cartesian cells are not highly unequal, that would be
ference between the instantaneous filtered value of any undesirable for the filtering operation involved in LES
variable and its average is denoted by an apostrophe, calculation of eddy viscosity. In the vertical direction, the
‘: ui = 〈ui〉 + ui’. grid points are non-uniformly distributed; particularly,
The subgrid-scale (SGS) technique used is the they have been clustered around the turbine. The first grid
classical of Smagorinsky,20 with the dynamical calcula- point is placed at a distance of 0.018 h over the ground,
tion of the constant developed by Germano et al.21 where h is the wind turbine hub height. Grid convergence
The SGS stresses are found to be negligible compared has been verified by checking that time average results do
with the resolved ones: of the order of not change significantly with an increase of the number of
⎛ ∂u ∂u j ⎞ grid points. In addition, the resolution of the grid and its
τ ij(SGS ) = vT ⎜ i + ≈ 0.01 ρ u′iu′ j , where vT
⎝ ∂x j ∂xi ⎟⎠ ability to resolve the flow in the near and far wake regions
(not in the extended region right behind the wind turbine
represents the eddy viscosity given by the SGS model. This
rotor) was tested in previous works,4,19 where predictions
is accomplish in the whole computational domain, except
for the component txy in a very small region close to the of LES calculations were compared with experimental
measurements, finding an acceptable agreement.
walls, since at them, uy = 0 is imposed as boundary condi-
tion, and then u′y = 0 at the walls at any time. Thus, it is
justified to assume that most of the energy and momentum
transport rate are contained in the resolved fluctuations,
and only the filtered values are considered in the following 4. FLOW MODEL
The Reynolds number does not any significant influence The computational domain is a rectangular channel with
on the problem, as surface roughness is clearly dominant, the shape of a parallelepiped whose sides have lengths
and molecular viscous effects are negligible compared to Lx = 34.9 D, Ly = 5.6 D and Lz = 10.7 D. Inside the box,
those due to eddy viscosity, even in the proximity of the there is the wind turbine, which is simulated by several
ground (the bottom wall of the domain). momentum sinks. On the side walls of the channel, z =
±Lz/2, periodic boundary conditions are applied. The
mathematical implication of periodic boundary conditions
consist in the equality of the value of f, fz=−Lz/2 = fz=+Lz/2,
3. NUMERICAL SCHEME and also of its derivative, (∂f/∂z)z=−Lz/2 = (∂f/∂z)z=+Lz/2,
where function f represents the three velocity components
The numerical method used to solve LES equations for and the pressure. For the upper wall, a boundary condition
incompressible flow is a semi-implicit iterative solution giving a fixed value of the shear stress is imposed.

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya

Periodic boundary conditions are also applied at the 5. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS

entrance plane, x = 0, and the exit, x = Lx. Periodic bound-
ary conditions guarantee that in the absence of wind tur- The boundary condition in the bottom side of the compu-
bines, the turbulent flow in which the wake diffuses is tational domain, y = 0, is expressed by the following equa-
independent on the x coordinate; this cannot be accom- tions, frequently used in meteorology:
plished in general by imposing Dirichlet inlet conditions.
Thus, the flow field that is represented corresponds to a uy = 0 (2)
whole cascade of infinite number of wind turbines, sepa-
rated the distance Lx and Lz. It could be argued that if the ∂ui ( x, y, z )
ρ ( v + vT ) = τ iy ( x, z ) (i = x, z ) (3)
interaction is, in fact, equivalent to that of an array of an ∂y
infinite number of turbines, the periodic boundary condi-
tions will work appropriately for the analysis of an iso- where
lated wind turbine wake only if the wake does not impinge
on the boundaries, in order to recover an unperturbed κ2
τ iy ( x, z ) = ρ 2
uh ( x, z ) ui ( x, d , z ) (i = x, z )
wind field at the domain limits. If the wake hit any bound- ⎡ ⎛ d ⎞⎤
ln ⎜ ⎟
⎣⎢ ⎝ y0 ⎠ ⎦⎥
ary, it would just reappear at the corresponding periodic
one, so then the condition of unperturbed incident flow
over the wind turbine will never be satisfied unless the (4)
wake effect disappears inside the domain without reach-
ing the boundaries. Calculations have been carried out and
both, with and without turbines, and it is found that the
lengths Lx and Lz are large enough so that the flow field uh ( x, z ) = ux ( x, d , z )2 + uz ( x, d , z )2 (5)
incident over the wind turbine is equivalent to the unper-
turbed flow without any turbine (with regard to velocity These equations are proposed by Senocak et al.24 In expres-
profile and turbulence intensity) and then the periodic sion (4) tiy are the instantaneous global shear stresses and
boundary conditions do not result in an alteration or skew d is the distance from the first node of the grid to the wall.
of the inflow conditions. Very similar approaches are used by Moeng25 and by Pio-
It is expected that this incident flow field will have the melli and Balaras.26 Note that relation (4) is consistent with
characteristics of a real atmospheric flow. In particular, we the law of the wall, equation (1), but it should be regarded
expect that the average flow velocity in the x direction will that, in the latter, the average values of velocity and shear
be given by the classical law of the wall, which in the case stress take part, whereas in condition (4) we are operating
of rough wall is expressed as: with instantaneous and local values.
At the top boundary of the domain, y = Ly, we adopt:
u* y
ux = ln (1) uy = 0 (6)
κ y0

where u* is the friction velocity, k is the von Karman ∂u x

ρ ( v + vT ) = ρu*2 (7)
constant of value 0.4 and y0 represents the terrain rough- ∂y
ness. We will check later whether this law of the wall is
really satisfied. ∂ uz
=0 (8)
The constant CFL condition allows a slight variation of ∂y
the time step, that leads to an average value of Δt ≈
0.035 D/U0, where U0 = 〈ux〉y=h is the average wind speed where u* is previously calculated from the results of equa-
at hub height. The averaging period of time to obtain a tion (4) according to its classical definition in the law of
sufficiently converged solution is around 5·104 time steps, the wall:
what, considering the longitudinal size of the domain, rep-
resents approximately 50 flow-through times at hub height ρu*2 = τ xy ( x, 0, z ) (9)
(50 Lx/U0). Before beginning to compute the statistical
data, simulation was maintained for 104 time steps, in order In other words, the value of the shear stress obtained in
to attain a turbulent-steady flow situation. the bottom boundary is imposed at the top boundary. In
The information about the dimension of the problem is both positions, the global stress is equal to the viscous plus
summarized in a dimensionless form in Table I. the subgrid stresses, since the resolved one is null there,

Table I. Summary of problem dimensions.

D/h y0/h Lx/h Ly/h Lz/h u*/U0 ΔtU0/h Av. time
0.85714 1.4286·10 29.920 4.7619 9.1429 0.061956 ≈0.03 ≈5·104Δt

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw

as previously discussed. The resolved stress grows up very Then, a comparison of the turbulence results with the
quickly as one moves away from the upper and lower atmospheric values was made. In this case, mean flow
boundaries, and for the major part of the domain, the properties are homogeneous in the x and z directions, and
resolved stress is the only meaningful stress term. As a they are obtained averaging over all points in the xz-plane
consequence of the force balance over the flow, a steady and over a time period of 1750 D/U0 (approximately 50
situation (in a turbulent sense) is achieved, and a com- flow-through times).
pletely developed turbulent flow with uniform shear, is The calculated velocity profile obtained in the channel
obtained. In the case without a wake, this would be equiv- simulation is given in Figure 2(a), and it is compared with
alent to a Couette stream. the logarithmic law expressed by equation (1). The agree-
Equation (7) represents a condition in the velocity ment is good in the zone where the wind turbine is placed.
derivative. The SGS eddy viscosity varies with time and, Our wind turbine hub height has been set to 700 y0, and
consequently, the velocity gradient at each point of the top the rotor diameter value is 600 y0 (e.g. y0 = 0.1 m, h = 70 m,
boundary also has to change, in order to achieve the correct D = 60 m). Then, the rotor takes up a region going from
shear. y = 400 y0 to y = 1000 y0. The largest deviation from the
These boundary conditions guarantee, in the regions theoretical logarithmic profile in this zone is achieved at
that are not affected by the wake, a uniform value (no y- the bottom part of the rotor, position y = h − D/2, where
variation) of the average global shear stress. we have recorded a relative error of 4.39%. In the upper
part of the domain, the calculated value of the velocity is
larger than the one given by the law of the wall. This is
6. COMPARISON OF THE due to the boundary conditions (6) to (8) imposed in the
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE upper side of the computational domain. With other bound-
INCIDENT FLOW OVER THE ary conditions, the velocity profile could be closer to the
TURBINE WITH THOSE OF THE logarithmic one, but the components of the atmospheric
ATMOSPHERIC FLOW turbulent stress tensor would be poorly reproduced. In
Figure 2(b), the distributions of all the calculated compo-
To check if the flow model described above reproduces in nents of the resolved stress tensor 〈tij〉 = −r〈ui′uj′〉 are
absence of a wake the atmospheric turbulence parameters, shown. The components 〈txz〉 and 〈tyz〉 are zero because of
we performed a set of channel simulations without wind symmetry, and as consequence of the boundary conditions
turbines, getting a fully developed Couette stream flow. imposed, equations (4) to (9), the mean turbulent shear

Figure 2. Incident flow over the turbine. (a) Velocity profile and law of the wall. (b) Reynolds stress components profiles
compared with those measured at Sexbierum wind farm.

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya

stress of the incident flow should be −r〈ui′uj′〉 = ru*2, • Turbulent kinetic energy
which is in excellent agreement with the calculated value. • Anisotropy (distribution of the kinetic energy
The three diagonal components are somewhat smaller than between the three diagonal components of Reynolds
the values estimated by Panofsky and Dutton,27 from a set stress tensor)
of experimental results, which are also indicated in inter-
national standards:28
τ xx = −2.402 ρu*2 (10)
A simplified model of a wind turbine, which can be
τ yy = −1.252 ρu*2 (11) included in the sort of models known as actuator disk
models, is introduced inside the wind flow. The wind
τ zz = −1.922 ρu*2 (12) turbine rotor is approximated by a set of rectangular cells
in a Cartesian grid, which all together configure a disk
However, the numerically predicted values of the three
(Figure 3). We then introduce in those cells a momentum
diagonal components are quite close to those measured in
sink that guarantees that the extraction of momentum by
the positions away from wakes in the Sexbierum wind
the whole disk is equal to the one predicted by the actuator
farm, reported by Cleijne,12 being representative of the
disk theory. For a turbine in yaw, the rectangular cells will
unperturbed atmospheric turbulence in this site (see Figure
not be in a plane normal to x-axis, as will be discussed
2(b)). This wind farm placed in the north of the Nether-
afterwards. Such a model of a wind turbine is like a porous
lands has a total number of 18 turbines of 300 kW rated
disk, which has occasionally been used to simulate wind
power with a rotor diameter of D = 30 m and a hub height
turbines. On the actual resolution of the rotor disk, it is
of h = 35 m. Data shown in Figure 2 is referred only to the
composed by a total number of 167 cells in the correspond-
unperturbed flow, but Sexbierum measurements include
ing yz-plane. The whole force is distributed in a volume
both mean velocity profiles and Reynolds stresses distribu-
three cells thick in x-direction to avoid the introduction of
tions obtained al various positions in wakes. These exper-
a big instability on the flow.
imental data were chosen by Jiménez et al.4 to validate the
In the present study, the real blades of the turbine are
accuracy of the code and the grid resolution used. Figure
not taken into account because we are not really interested
2 allows us to conclude that the turbulent properties of the
in the local properties of the flow directly interacting with
simulated wind flow are satisfactorily close to those of the
the wind turbine blades, but in the downstream evolution
atmospheric boundary layer in the following aspects:
of the flow characteristics. Larsen et al.29 present the
• Velocity profile results from 3D CFD computations, indicating that the
• Uniform shear stress near wake field may be separated in two regions, according

Figure 3. Schematic view of the computational domain.

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw

to whether or not the flow structures around the turbine

blades have developed to an azimuth uniform stage. The
extent of the inner region (in which blade flow structures
can be identified) is only of the order one rotor diameter.
Instead, since our purpose is to study the possibility of
interaction effect between different turbines, we are clearly
and specifically interested in the characterization of the
turbulence generated in the annular shear layer around the
wake at bigger distances downstream the turbine than one
diameter, as this is the main contribution to the whole
turbulence intensity that a wind turbine sited downstream
would see. Figure 4. Body forces introduced by the rotor in a yawed
In absence of yaw, the volume force introduced in the wind turbine according to the actuator disk theory.
disk cells is proportional to the area of each cell, giving a
global introduced force on the flow of:

f x = −CT ⋅ ρ AU 02 (13)
CT represents the thrust coefficient of the wind turbine, A
is the frontal area of the rotor disk and U0 is the average
velocity at the disk centre position of the incident unper-
turbed flow. It may look more appropriate to use the local
velocity immediately upstream of the turbine; however, The model is shown schematically in Figure 5. The turbine
classically, the thrust coefficient is referred to the unper- has a yaw angle q relative to the incident wind mean direc-
turbed mean wind velocity, not considering its turbulent tion. A simple top hat model is used, assuming that inside
variation. The minus sign means that the force has the a cross-section of the wake, the velocity is uniform and
opposite direction to the mean flow’s one and, therefore, inclined an angle a with respect to the ambient velocity.
decelerates the incident stream. That inclination is also what we call the skew angle. We
When the wind turbine axis is not aligned with the wind denote by d the wake width. Taking a control volume
direction, only the normal velocity component crosses the sufficiently far from the turbine so that the pressure
rotor. The force over the turbine is supposed to be due only field is in first approximation uniform and applying the
to the velocity component perpendicular to it and its direc- momentum conservation, the following relationships are
tion is supposed to be perpendicular to the turbine plane obtained for the force exerted by the turbine on the flow
as well. Then, according to the actuator disk theory and (see Appendix):
ignoring any possible redistribution of the load and induc-
tion over the disk due to the yaw situation, a new momen- πδ 2
tum deficit in that direction is induced as a result (Figure f x ≈ − ρU 0 ΔU (17)
4). Then, equation (13) must be replaced by:
πδ 2
f = CT ⋅ ρ A (U 0 cosθ )2 (14) fz ≈ − ρU 02 α (18)
2 4

The projection of this body force into the coordinate where the first equation corresponds to the projection in
system directions implies a diminution of the x-component the incident wind direction, and the second one is the
and the apparition of a z-component, as it is shown in projection in the other horizontal direction perpendicular
Figure 4: to it. ΔU is the velocity deficit in the wake. Additional
assumptions to derive (17) and (18) are that the error of
1 considering U0 − ΔU ≈ U0 is not important, and a should
f x = − f cosθ = −CT ⋅ ρ A (U 0 cosθ )2 cosθ (15)
2 be small enough to approximate cos a ≈ 1 and sin a ≈ a.
The value of a can be obtained as a function of d compar-
1 ing equations (18) and (16):
fz = − f sin θ = −CT ⋅ ρ A (U 0 cosθ )2 sin θ (16)
(δ )
α≈ cos2 θ sin θ (19)
The body force finally introduced in the cells configuring 2
the rotor disk is given by expressions (15) and (16). Of
course, the force exerted by the wind flow over the turbine Also ΔU could be estimated from (15) and (17). For the
is then the opposite of this one. deflection angle just behind the turbine, what we call the

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya

Figure 5. Schematic showing of the model.

initial skew angle of the wake, it may be assumed that

d ≈ D, so that:

α x =0 ≈ cos2 θ sin θ (20)

Otherwise, if the wake cross-section can be supposed to

increase linearly with downstream distance x, so that
d = D + bx, then expression (19) leads to:

cos2 θ sin θ
α≈ 2 (21)
( )
1+ β

However, this is only correct for the far wake, where the Figure 6. Instantaneous non-dimensional streamwise velocity
field, ux/U0 in the wake in a horizontal plane containing the
wake spread is dominated by the ambient turbulence.
wind turbine hub for CT = 0.75 and yaw angle of 0°.
Besides, it is not clear whether the usual values of b found
in the literature (see, for example, Lissaman,30 Vermeulen,31
Katic et al.32 and Voutsinas et al.33) will be valid in this case, height for a yaw angle of 0° and CT = 0.75. In Figure 7,
where there will be a strong entrainment in the wake due to we can see the general behaviour of the wake when
the ambient velocity component normal to the wake, U0 sin increasing the yaw angle progressively. Time-averaged
a, as shown by Escudier34 and Servert et al.35 For this par- velocity contours (in the presence of wake, the x and z
ticular case, a reasonable agreement with the results of the axis are no longer homogeneous directions, so xz-planes
LES model has been found, taking for b a range of values average is not possible here) are presented. As previously
going from 0.09 to 0.125 as we will see later. indicated, the averaging time for these plots is about 50
flow-through times for the domain. It is clear that for
bigger yaw angles, a bigger skew angle is achieved, but
9. RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS the difference is smaller as the yaw angle increases.
AND COMPARISON WITH THE According to equation (20), the skew angle would reach
ANALYTICAL MODEL its maximum value for a yaw angle of qmax = 35.26°, which
means that it has not much sense to think of a wind turbine
We present a parametric study of the skew angle of the working with yaw angles greater than 30°. This was also
wake a, analysing the effect of the two major governing noticed by Parkin et al.,18 whose experimental results
parameters: the thrust coefficient CT and the yaw angle of showed that the skew angle curve flattens off for large yaw
the wind turbine q. We performed a set of LES calcula- angles, giving a minimal gain in deflection by going to
tions for a range of CT going from 0.7 to 0.9 and for a higher yaw angles beyond 30°. In addition, as the yaw
range of q from 10° to 30°. Figure 6 gives a snapshot in angle increases, a lower quantity of momentum is extracted
time showing the vortex structure of the wake generated from the airflow; as can be seen in Figure 7, the wake
by the actuator disk model in a horizontal plane at hub width looks smaller and the velocity defect tends to vanish

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw

Figure 7. Non-dimensional averaged-velocity contours, |u | /U0, in a horizontal plane containing the wind turbine hub for CT = 0.8
and yaw angles of 0, 10, 20 and 30°.

at a shorter distance. This effect is not so significative for the segment joining the centre of the turbine rotor with the
the smallest yaw angles, but quite important for a yaw centre of the wake at the very short downstream distance
angle of 30°, as shown in Figure 8, where some time-aver- of 0.5D. The method to find the centre of the wake at any
aged velocity profiles have been plotted. This is related to downstream position is explained in the next section. We
the cubic dependence of volume forces in x direction with can see that the agreement is quite good for the ranges of
cos q, equation (15). This quicker decay could be also yaw angles and thrust coefficients studied. LES results
of interest for the study on interaction effects between showed in Figure 9 are not easily comparable with the
turbines. measurements obtained by Parkin et al.18 They carried out
Figure 9 gives a comparison between the results obtained a PIV experiment with a 0.25 m diameter two-bladed
with the LES calculation for the initial skew angle of the model wind turbine in a low turbulence wind tunnel. There
wake and the analytical model described above equation is no information about the value of the wind turbine thrust
(20). In the simulations, the initial skew angle is deter- coefficient. Otherwise, the wind turbine was run at is
mined as the angle formed by the mean flow direction and optimum tip speed ratio for a free-stream wind velocity of

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya

Figure 8. Non-dimensional averaged streamwise velocity profiles, ux/U0, at hub height and several distances from turbine for
CT = 0.8. (a) x/D = 2.5; (b) x/D = 5.5; (c) x/D = 8.

Figure 9. Comparison of the initial skew angle of the wake between LES calculation and the analytical model given
by equation (20).

Table II. Initial skew angle of the wake, α⎪x = 0. 10. THE TRAJECTORY OF THE WAKE
q 10° 20° 30°

Parkin et al.18 2.4° 3.9° 4.5°

We calculate the centre of the wake, at each downstream
Equation (20) 1.59° 2.86° 3.55°
distance from the turbine, by taking the midpoint between
the two positions with wind speed equal to the 95% of the
free-stream velocity, following the same procedure as
6.3 m s−1, which leads the turbine to achieve a power coef- Parkin et al.18 As such, we can follow the trajectory of the
ficient value of about 0.3. A quick calculation based on the wake axis. The trajectories of the wake calculated through
actuator disk theory allows us to obtain the induced veloc- the LES procedure described above in the nine cases under
ity factor a ≈ 0.09, which would give a result of CT ≈ 0.33 study are shown in Figure 10. With this information, we
for the thrust coefficient, which is far from the typical would be able to check if an active control of the yaw angle
values of a commercial wind turbine generating power in of turbines is of interest in each case or it is not. The
a wind farm. However, this is only a rough estimation; it separation of the wake centre line from the non-yawed
is of interest to compare their experimental results with the (symmetric) case line is not so big even for the larger thrust
predictions of the previous analytical correlation. The coefficient and yaw angles. For example, if the second
comparison of the initial skew angle is presented in Table turbine would be positioned five diameters directly down-
II. In all three cases, the initial skew angle of the wake stream from the first one (let’s suppose it with CT = 0.8) a
seems to be under-predicted in about one degree by the yaw angle of 30° would only steer the wake away about
model. one half of a diameter (see Figure 10), causing a reduction
The agreement would be better if we adopt the value in power in the first turbine, which in the worst case
CT ≈ 0.45. The uncertainty in the real value of CT makes it (assuming no regulation in power, so it would be propor-
difficult to know the real accuracy of the model in this tional to the cube of the normal wind speed, and then to
case. cos330° ≈ 0.65) could reach the 35%. Then, active control

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw

Figure 10. Trajectories of the wake centre obtained with LES for the nine cases under study.

based in the first turbine yawing may be probably undesir- As clearly shown in Figures 8 and 10, the trajectory of
able. Now, we can imagine a completely different situa- the wake centre experiences a deflection downstream the
tion: if the downstream turbine would be sited at span wind turbine. The wake angle, determined in the LES
position of z/D = +1, taking into account the wake engross- computation as the angle formed by the mean flow direc-
ment (the simple formula given previously would give tion and the tangent to the trajectory of the wake centre at
d/2 ≈ D/2 + 0.25 D at this position for the b values that we any position, decays with the distance and the trajectory
will see below), a reduction in power will be expected in tends to become parallel to the main flow direction. In
the second turbine. In addition, the half wake situation that order to validate the model for the skew angle given by
may result on the downstream turbine may be very adverse equation (21) and to get the best value of the parameter b,
with respect to unsteady loads. Then, the upstream turbine we make a comparison between the model predictions and
could only be yawed by 10°, pushing the wake completely the results of our LES calculations. This is shown in Figure
away from the second turbine, as an additional separation 11 for the three yaw angles considered with CT = 0.8. In
of about −0.3 D is obtained (see Figure 10), compensating the three cases, a qualitative agreement between calcula-
the extra +0.25 D due to wake expansion. With a yaw tions exists when using the values 0.1, 0.1 and 0.125,
angle of 10°, at least 96% of the available energy would respectively (for yaw angles 10°, 20° and 30°), for b. The
be extracted, and active controlling may be an interesting agreement is slightly better for the lowest yaw angle. For
option. the other values of CT, a very similar situation is found,

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Wake deflection of a wind turbine in yaw Á. Jiménez, A. Crespo and E. Migoya

Figure 11. Variation of the skew angle of the wake with the distance with the wind turbine.

and in all cases, the optimum b is the range 0.09–0.125. Also, the UPMWAKE6 and UPMPARK13 models
The best region to perform the optimum fit for b ends at developed at our laboratory, which are less accurate than
a distance of about 8 D from the wind turbine. For higher the one presented here but less time-consuming, will be
distances, the velocity defect in the wake has decayed from adapted to include the yaw of the machine that originates
its initial value and the wake width has increased. Then, it the wake. Specifically, UPMPARK can be used to study
is not possible to determine the wake centre position with the behaviour of a whole wind farm.
the same precision through the method described above,
and some uncertainty in the skew angle is unavoidable, as
it is revealed by the oscillations observed in curves pre-
sented in Figure 11 for high distances. In any case, the
wake skew angles for those far distances are very small.
We would like to express our gratitude to Professor P.
Moin and to Professor J. Alonso (Center for Turbulence
Research, Stanford University) for their help and advice.
11. CONCLUSIONS AND The authors greatly acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of
FUTURE WORK Science and Education for their financial support of the
research Project with reference number CGL2005-06966-
In this work, a preliminary analysis of wakes of wind
C07-03/CLI, ‘Estudio de microescala’ (INVENTO) and
turbines in yaw is presented. The wake deflection and
the scholarship of Ángel Jiménez in the FPU research
trajectories are studied and compared to a simple analytical
support program. We are also grateful to the European
model and with experimental results. The agreement with
Project ‘Next Generation Design Tool for Optimisation of
both experiments and the analytical model is satisfactory
Wind Farm Topology and Operation’ (TOPFARM) for
in order to predict the wake trajectory deviation. Although
their collaboration.
no definitive conclusions can yet be drawn and more
experimental work is needed, a new possibility of active
wake controlling based in these simple analytical correla-
tions is proposed. REFERENCES
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DOI: 10.1002/we
10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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10991824, 2010, 6, Downloaded from by Universidad De Los Andes, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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APPENDIX: DERIVATION OF original atmospheric value in the whole contour, its con-
MOMENTUM CONSERVATION tribution to the momentum equation will be null. Then, the
EQUATIONS FOR A SKEWED WAKE total force exerted by the wind turbine on the flow must
exactly compensate the momentum flow rate across the
Let’s establish the control volume shown in Figure 12. m1 boundaries of our control volume:
is defined as the mass flow crossing the wind turbine, m2
is the entrainment mass flow introduced into the wake    
through its lateral contour and m3 is the global mass flow f = m3u3 − m1u1 − m2u2 (22)
crossing the outlet of the control volume considered. In
order to achieve mass conservation, we must admit that
m3 = m1 + m2. In addition, according to the model proposed At inlet and lateral boundaries, we assume an unperturbed
in the figure, we have m3 = r (U0 − ΔU)pd 2/4. field of wind velocity, of magnitude U0 and parallel to x-
Considering that except in a much-reduced region very axis direction, as shown in the figure. Then, projecting
close to the turbine rotor, the pressure has recovered its equation (22) on the two horizontal axes:

f x = m3 (U 0 − ΔU ) cos α − m1U 0 − m2U 0 − = m3 [(U0 − ΔU ) cos α − U 0 ]

fz = m3 (U0 − ΔU ) ( − sin α ) (23)

The skew angle a is expected to be small, and assuming with m3 ≈ rU0pd 2/4, leading finally to:
ΔU << U0, we can approximate this relations by:
πδ 2
f x ≈ − ρU 0 ΔU
f x ≈ − m3ΔU 4 (25)
fz ≈ − m3U 0α πδ 2
fz ≈ − ρU 02 α

Figure 12. Simplified representation of the momentum conservation-based model for the wake angle.

Wind Energ. 2010; 13:559–572 © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/we

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