Joint CARIFORUM-EU Press Release

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Caribbean Community Secretariat, P.O. Box 10827, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana; Tel: 592-222-0001/0075 Fax: 592-222-0171/0095; E-mail: <><>; Website:

NO: 212/2011

DATE: 10 June 2011

(CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana) JOINT CARIFORUM-EU PRESS RELEASE First Meeting of Trade and Development Committee sound basis for further progress on implementation of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA Christ Church, Barbados, 9 June 2011

Representatives of the Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (CARIFORUM) and the European Union today concluded marathon one-day deliberations in Barbados, under the auspices of the inaugural meeting of the Trade and Development Committee under the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The Meeting was chaired by H.E. Alexis Rosado of Belize. The state-of-play in EPA implementation took center-stage, in what were characterized as cordial and productive exchanges. The two sides agreed that the Meeting represented a crucial step in efforts to provide impetus to the implementation of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA, not least because it provided an opportunity for detailed exchanges on and identification of follow up required in respect of a range of matters reflected on the Meetings agenda, namely: legal issues; ratification of the Agreement; institutional matters; Trade in Goods; Trade in Services; Trade-related Issues; development cooperation; and monitoring the implementation of the EPA. The Meeting provided an opportunity for CARIFORUM to impress upon the EU the importance of continued support to the Rum Industry in the Region, and expressed concern regarding preference erosion as it relates to agreements that the EU has concluded and those that are under negotiation affecting Rum and other products of interest to CARIFORUM. Issues of national interest to the Region related to the liberalization schedule for Trade in Goods were raised with the EU, in particular relating to motor vehicles and their parts and changes to product rates assigned. The EU has given an undertaking to review these matters, based on a formal submission from CARIFORUM.

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The EU was informed of the work on Services being undertaken in CARIFORUM, in particular as relates to the negotiation of mutual recognition agreements. With respect to the Tourism Industry and Cultural/Creative Industries, the two sides endorsed the development of requisite modalities. In discussions on innovation, the EU recalled that it has already begun to assist in this regard, guided by CARIFORUM. The Meeting, however, agreed that more needed to be done, and to elaborate specific actions that they could undertake to promote further CARIFORUM participation in existing and future EU innovation programmes and activities, including joint activities with the EU Outermost Regions. The two sides examined resource requirements to support development cooperation, of which EPA capacity building forms a part. They agreed to continue dialogue, in this regard. The two sides also agreed to work collaboratively towards an Aid for Tradestyled coordination and resource mobilization event in 2012 for CARIFORUM, in recognition of the magnitude of the financial requirements of the EPA implementation task ahead, at both regional and national levels. The respective sides agreed to work expeditiously on matters raised, for which follow up is required. Both sides were of the view that while the convening of the First Meeting of the Trade and Development Committee was regrettably delayed, they were gratified with what they were able to accomplish at the just-concluded event. The two sides agreed that the First Meeting of the Trade and Development Committee has laid a sound basis for further progress on EPA implementation. Both sides strongly welcomed the recent appointment of the Director General of CARIFORUM and CARIFORUM Coordinator, Mr Ivan Ogando. The Trade and Development Committee under the CARIFORUM-EU EPA will assist the Joint CARIFORUM-EU Council, established under the Agreement. The Joint Council at its Meeting, on 17 May 2010, approved Rules of Procedure for the Committee, the second highest institution after the Joint Council. The Trade and Development Committees functions include supervision of and responsibility for the implementation and proper application of the provisions of the Agreement. These functions extend to the provision of assistance to the Joint Council in the performance of its functions in relation to the implementation of the EPA. Press contacts: For CARIFORUM: Nand C. Bardouille tel: 1-592-222-0001/75 email: For EU: Wayne Lewis +1-246-434-8501

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