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Name: _____________________________ Course and Block: ____________ Date: ___________

1. Refers to the countries that were colonized by the Spaniards in the American continent.
A. Global North
B. Global South
C. Latin America
D. America

2. “Globalization is a throw away culture that is fatally destined to suffocate hope and increase risk.”

A. Pope Francis
B. Peter Berger
C. Paul Earl
D. Max Weber
3. It is defined as the measure of the availability of food and individuals’ ability to access it.
A. Global Food Security
B. Food Security
C. Security of Food
D. Global Security
4. The umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded
individuals and communities on a worldwide scale.
A. Global Citizenship
B. Citizenship
C. Globalization
D. Nation
5. The Inventor of "Spinning Jenny"
A. Richard Arkwright, 1769
B. Werner Von Siemens, 1879
C. Alexander Graham Bell,1876
D. James Hargreaves,1770
6.Whose claim is this, “globalization is a very important change, if not, ‘the most important?’
A. Albrow (1996)
B. Thomas Larsson (2001)
C. Bauman (2003)
D. Khor(1990)

7. It refers to the amounts set by a government to indicate the least amount of income a family needs
to meet their basic needs.
A. Federal Reserve
B. Federal Government of the United Nations
C. Federal Agencies
D. Federal Poverty Threshold

8. The glue which binds local communities together in an increasingly globalized world.

A. Citizens
B. People
C. Global Citizens
D. Globalization
9. It is no longer important to examine external relations.

A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. It depends
10. The__________ can evolve the process of product standardization and technology development
A. Internal Integration
B. Social Integration
C. Global Integration
D. Globalization
11. What are the 4 interrelated elements of food security?
A. Availability, Access, Utilisation, and Stability
B. Availability, Accessibility, Utilization, and Sustainability
C. Availability, Access, Utilization, and Stability
D. Availability, Access, Unity, and Sustainability
12. Refers to the developing countries which represent mainly agrarian economies in Africa, India,
Latin America and others that are not economically sound and politically stable.
A. Global North
B. Global South
C. Latin America
D. America

13. Decline in economic growth and employment and sharp price increase

A. Stagflation
B. Inflation
C. Stagnation
D. Environmental Degradation
14. ___________ refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors,
and political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same economies, and
similar forms of government.
A. Heterogeneity
B. Homogeneity
C. Convergence
D. Subordination

15. Simply resistant to change but somehow lack the element of resiliency.

A. Instability
B. Stability
C. Sustainability
D. Unsustainable

16. Napoleon has three principles that influence every country he conquered. These are:

A. Liberty. Equality. Fraternity

B. Power. Wealth. Fun
C. Dream. Believe. Survive.
D. Peace. Power. Security.

17. It was formed in 1995 by a group of independent non-governmental organizations. They joined
together as a confederation to maximize efficiency and achieve a greater impact to reduce global
poverty and injustice.
A. Oxfam
B. Bantay Bata
C. Sagip Kapamilya
D. Red Cross
18. Computer technology is at the root of this change, and continuing advancements in that
technology seem to ensure that this revolution would touch the lives of people.
A. Information technology
B. Revolution of Computer
C. Information Revolution
D. Labor Outsourcing

19. Walt Rostow's 4 stages of Modernization is also known as what?

A. Developmental Theory
B. Revolutionary theory
C. Modernization Theory
D. Sustainability Theory

20. It is a powerful mass medium in providing accessible information for people.

A. Radio and Television

B. Script
C. Printing Press
D. Internet

21. Created because of these ideas:

- Emphasized the need to form a common international principle (Kant).

- Enshrined principles of cooperation and respect among nation-states (Mazzini).

- Democracy and self-determination (Wilson).

A. United Nations, 1946

B. Bretton Woods 1944
C. Wesphalia, 1648
D. GATT 1947

22. Viewed as a solution to potentially dampen the blows on food security in nations.

A. Rationing of Food
B. Economic and Agricultural Reforms
C. Fair Trade
D. International Trade

23. How many chairmen of the country delegations were at the Bretton Woods Conference?
A. 38
B. 44
C. 43
D. 46

24. It takes into account all the assets of a nation, may they be natural, physical, or human, less the
A. Income Inequality
B. Wealth inequality
C. Inequality income
D. Wealth equality

25. It allowed the permanent codification of economic, cultural, and political practice.

A. Printing Press
B. Oral Communication
C. Script
D. Media
26. It is a singular historical period during which mortality and fertility rates decline from high to low
levels in a particular country or region.
A. Demography
B. Sociology
C. Regionalization
D. Demographic Transition

27. 21st century education is not just about technology, but also include

A. Cultural awareness
B. Problem solving
C. Productivity
D. All of the above

28. An economic and political system, in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private
owners for profit rather than by the state.
A. Socialism
B. Capitalism
C. Communism
D. Sovereignty

29. In his article, “_____________ “ Ritzer (2003) said, “attitudes toward globalization depend, among
other things, on whether one gains or losses from It”
A. The Globalization of Something
B. The Globalization of Nothing
C. The Globalization of Everything
D. The Globalization of the World
30. It is a group who works with developed countries to reduce poverty and increase shared
A. World Bank
C. International government
D. None of the above

31. Mc Donald’s Chains, Coca Cola drinks, and Colgate toothpaste is an example of?
A. Products
B. Cultural Product
C. Global Product
D. Local Product
32. Defined as the non-aligned world and as the global realm of poverty and under-developed.
A. Global South
B. First World
C. Second World
D. Third World

33. Relating to the whole world; worldwide.

A. Globalization
B. Globalism
C. Global
D. Globe
34. The Inventor of "Telegraph"
A. Alexander Graham Bell,1876
B. William Fothergill Cooke and Charles Wheatstone,1837
C. Richard Arkwright, 1769
D. Werner Von Siemens, 1879

35. A military alliance consisting of 28 member states.

36. Definitions are better justified but can be limiting.
A. Narrow and Inclusive
B. Broad and Exclusive
C. Narrow and Exclusive
D. Broad and Inclusive

37. "There is a connection between religion and globalism", according to Max Weber.

A. True
B. False, because religion and globalism are two different contrasting beliefs.
C. False, because Max Weber pertains to religion and capitalism.
D. False, because there is no connection between them.

38. It includes the telegraph, telephones, radio, film and television that continue to open up new
perspectives in economic, political, and cultural processes.
A. Social Media
B. Media
C. Electronic Media
D. Printing Press
39. NAFTA was replaced by _________.

40. They provide emergency relief such as food, water, and medical supplies for those whose homes
or towns have been destroyed by disaster or war.
A. Red Cross
B. Oxfam
C. Sagip Kapamilya
D. Bantay Bata

41. Four domains of circles of sustainability, used by the United Nations.

A. economic, ecological, political, and cultural

B. economic, social, political, and cultural
C. economic, ecological, social, and cultural
D. economic, ecological, political, and social

42. “Medium is the message,” stated by?

A. Marshall Mcluhan
B. Jack Lule
C. Herbert Schiller
D. Manfred Steger
43. It is the personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.
A. Globalization
B. Religion
C. Regionalization
D. Ethnicity
44. These are goods and services such as arts, architecture, and museums that showcase the history
and information of a certain region which belongs to the country’s heritage.
A. Global Product
B. Local Product
C. Original Product
D. Cultural Product
45. “Globalization means the onset of the borderless world.” Is an example of _________ definition.
A. Narrow and Inclusive
B. Broad and Exclusive
C. Narrow and Exclusive
D. Broad and Inclusive

46. When did Mexico join the US and Canada in the creation of NAFTA?
A. January 28, 1999
B. October 21, 2004
C. January 01, 1994
D. January 11, 1994

47. Reduce tariffs and other hindrances to free trade.

D. World Bank

48. Sustainable development can be thought of in terms of three spheres i.e.

A. environment, economy, and society

B. environment, economy, and equity
C. environment, ecology, and society
D. environment, economy, and ecology

49. In the mid-1990s, Martin Khor, once regarded globalization as what?

A. Colonialism
B. Socialism
C. Imperialism
D. Colonization

50. A period when Great Britain was the hegemonic power in economy and trade.

A. Age of Pax Americana

B. Globalization 1.0
C. Age of Pax Britannica
D. Soft Power

51. It is characterized by increasing integration of economics around the world.

A. Economic Globalization
B. Cultural Globalization
C. Political Globalization
D. Environmental Globalization

52. This was founded in 1961 to stimulate economic processes and world trade.
D. International Monetary Fund

53. It is made up of 162 countries around the world and was created with the goal of increasing free
trade. Countries, therefore, can buy and sell goods from one another by placing taxes on imports or
54. It was called for religious response and interpretation for religious or theological perspectives
A. Globalization
B. Global
C. Culture
D. Cultural
55. The expression of currency in terms of gold or gold value to establish a par value
A. First Element
B. Second Element
C. Third Element
D. Fifth Element
56. It is a process in which neighboring states enter into an agreement in order to upgrade
cooperation through common institutions and rules.
A. Regional Integration
B. Intra-regional Trade
C. Asian Regionalization
D. Asian Regionalism

57. It is the movement of people, things, places, and information brought by the growing “porosity” of
global limitations.
A. Liquidity
B. Spontaneity
C. Solidity
D. Flows

58. Who coined the term "United Nations"?

A. President Franklin D.
B. Barack Obama
C. Martin Luther King Jr.
D. Mohandas Gandhi

59. Reasons for uneven distribution of food includes

A. Political
B. Social and Economic
C. Rising Prices
D. All of the above

60. IMF regards (...) as a historical process representing results of human innovation and
technological progress.
A. Economic Globalization
B. Cultural Globalization
C. Industrial Globalization
D. Political Globalization

61. In the creation of the Bretton Woods System, where was the conference held?
A. Washington
B. Alaska
C. Massachusetts
D. New Hampshire

62. Who referred to managed globalization as “all attempts to make globalization more palatable to
A. Ritzer (2015)
B. Scholte (2005)
C. Hurrell (2007)
D. Meunier (2010)

63. It is a process in which neighboring states enter into an agreement in order to upgrade
cooperation through common institutions and rules.
A. Regional Integration
B. Intra-regional Trade
C. Asian Regionalization
D. Asian Regionalism

64. A vital source in order to maintain life and growth in humans, regardless of race, nationality,
religious affiliation, economic status, or educational attainment and a necessity for survival.

A. Clothing
B. Food
C. Shelter
D. Water

65. The following belongs to the 4 aspects of globalization except?

A. Trade
B. Missionary Work
C. Religion
D. Concept
66. Emphasizes the significance of contractual relations in the marketplace
A. Neoliberalism
B. Economic Sovereignty
C. Globalization
D. Politics
67. He described Capitalism as the "invisible hand"
A. John Meyer Keynes
B. Adam Smith
C. David Ricardo
D. Karl Marx

68. The position or status of being a citizen of a particular country.

A. Citizenship
B. Immigrant
C. Nationalism
D. State
69. Countries that designed the system that would avert wars in the future

A. Dutch Republic, France, Spain, Sweden, Holy Roman Empire

B. London, New York, Japan
C. Russia, Singapore, China
D. Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Venezuela

70. Describing the opportunity by which people or factors behind a certain development in a country
benefits as well.
A. Narrow and Inclusive
B. Broad and Exclusive
C. Narrow and Exclusive
D. Broad and Inclusive

71. The following are Push Factors of Migration except:

A. Poverty
B. Disaster
C. Lack of Job Opportunities
D. Freedom
72. The following are the advantages of Economic Globalization except:
A. Advancements in transportation and communication
B. Global inequality was not eradicated
C. Discover new technologies
D. Exploitation that prohibits the expansion of their economy
73. Globalization is the result of the removal of barriers between national economies to encourage the
flow of goods, services, capital, and labor.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. It depends
74. It suggests that globalization spawns an increasing and ongoing mixing of cultures.
A. Cultural Governance
B. Cultures
C. Cultural Differentialism
D. Cultural Hybridity
75. What does IMF mean?
A. International Monetary Fund
B. Internationally Monetary Fund
C. International Money Fund
D. None of the above

76. These are countries that are less developed and receive an unequal distribution of the world's
A. Peripheral nations
B. Core nations
C. United Nations
D. Third World countries
77. It has the capacity to erase and transcend the borders of the World
A. Third World
B. Global City

78. The capitalist economists were considered as what?

A. Global South
B. First World
C. Second World
D. Third World

79. They tend to pay less, have more unpredictable schedules, and typically do not offer benefits like
health insurance.
A. Primary Labor Market
B. Secondary Labor
C. Primary Labor
D. Secondary Labor Market

80. Compared to most countries in the world, USA has a

A. Low level of food security

B. High level of food security
C. Medium level of food security
D. Average to high level of food security

81. What plays an important role in the dissemination of religious ideas?

A. Media
B. Modern Technology
C. Region
D. Religious
82. It was designed to support entrepreneurship and alleviate poverty.
A. Microcredit
B. Microloans
C. Microfinance
D. Microeconomics
83. Encompasses a multitude of processes that involve the economy, political systems, and culture.
A. Regionalism
B. Globalism
C. Regionalization
D. Globalization

84. The following are the tools for uniting people all over the world on religious basis EXCEPT:
A. Books
B. Religious School
C. Social Networks
D. Non Religious School
85. These are nations that are not aligned with either First World nation/state and Second World
A. First World
B. Second World
C. Third World
D. Global City

86. Global Citizenship Education implies a set of values and attitudes to

A. Improve the world

B. Work Independently
C. Engage with diverse groups
D. Be interconnected with people and issues of the world

87. She used the concept of global cities to describe the three urban centers of New York, London,
and Tokyo as economic centers that exert control over the world’s political economy.
A. Sassen (1991)
B. Bauman (2003)
C. Ritzer (2015)
D. (McMichael, 2007)
88. In what period or era did Europe and the West have an increase in the share of world population
from 22.0% to 33.0%?
A. 18th Century
B. 19th Century
C. 20th Century
D. 16th Century

89. “Globalization means the onset of the borderless world.” Is an example of _________ definition.
A. Narrow and Inclusive
B. Broad and Exclusive
C. Narrow and Exclusive
D. Broad and Inclusive

90. It serves as a hub for production, finance and telecommunication.

A. Third World
B. Global City

91. Exchange rate system was all based on the value of gold, but it was replaced by a currency
which is determined by their cost relative to other currencies.

A. Dollar currency
B. Silver
C. Fiat currency
D. Philippine Peso

92. In what year did the UN achieve the poverty fall from 1.9 billion in 1990 to 867 million?
A. 1995
B. 2002
C. 2015
D. 2009
93. Communist economists were referred to as what?
A. Global South
B. First World
C. Second World
D. Third World

94. The enormous gap in life expectancy emerges between Japan and the West, and to the rest of
the world. This is stated by?
A. Scholte (2005)
B. Hurrell (2007)
C. Shigeyuki et al., (2002)
D. Ritzer (2015)

95. When farmers alternate what they grow on a piece of land to maintain the nutrition of the soil.

A. Crop maintenance
B. Crop sustainability
C. Crop rotation
D. Soil protection
96. It was created in 1961 to pursue world peace and international cooperation. (Egypt, China, India,
Indonesia, Yugoslavia)


97. The Delos Reyes family moved from the province of Albay to Quezon Province. This is an
example of what type of migration?
A. Internal Migration
B. External Migration
C. International Migration
D. Refugee

98. Which among the following DOES NOT belong to Rostow's 4 Stages of Modernization?
A. Drive to Technological Maturity
B. Pre-condition to take off
C. Take-off stage
D. High Mass Consumption
99. A product of economic interaction between Asian countries.
A. Regional Integration
B. Intra-regional Trade
C. Asian Regionalization
D. Asian Regionalism
100. It uses different methods to establish cooperation-attraction.
A. Age of Pax Americana
B. Globalization 1.0
C. Age of Pax Britannica
D. Soft Power

101. In order to measure global economic inequality, economists usually look at income using the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
A. Wealth equality
B. Wealth inequality
C. Inequality wealth
D. Income Inequality

102. Religion and Globalism is two contrasting beliefs. Which of the following does not support the

A. Religion follows divine commandment, Globalism abides human made laws

B. Human actions are in moral terms in religion and Globalism follows its subsequent wisdom.
C. Religious Evangelization is a form of Globalization
D. Religion concerns sacredness, while globalism highly values wealth-related outputs.

103. It advocates education to disseminate information regarding sustainable development.


104. Through this ____ of industry and modern technology, some nations became economically
developed while others were developing.
A. Explosion
B. Economic big bang
C. Big bang
D. Big bang theory
105. What topic said that, the Global Flows of culture tend to move more easily around the globe than
ever before, especially through non-material digital forms. These are the three perspectives on global
cultural flows?
A. Globalization Theories
B. Subordination
C. The Globalization of Religion
D. Dynamics of Local and Global Culture

106. Which food type requires more land and less feed?

A. Corn
B. Livestock
C. Fruits
D. Fish

107. This is known as the age of mercantilism and colonialism.

A. Age of Pax Americana
B. Globalization 1.0
C. Age of Pax Britannica
D. Soft Power

108.. Harvard economist Richard Freeman in _____ noted, "The triumph of globalization and market
capitalism has improved living standards for billions while concentrating billions among the few".
A. 2009
B. 2010
C. 2000
D. 2011
109. A political ideology that favors a specific region over a greater area.
A. Regionalism
B. Globalism
C. Regionalization
D. Globalization

110. This refers to the former communist-socialist industrial state.

A. First World
B. Second World
C. Third World
D. Global City

111. What do you call the people who are forced to migrate due to lack of access to water or due to
A. Climate Refugees
B. Immigrant
C. Emigrant
D. Workers
112. It is the statistical study of human populations. It also examines the size, structure, and
movements of the population.
A. Demography
B. Sociology
C. Globalization
D. Demographic Transition
113. Who said, “The 1 to 2 billion poorest in the world who don’t have food for the day suffer from the
worst disease globalization deficiency”?
A. Schlosser, 2005
B. Ritzer, 2015
C. Dimhan, 2007
D. Hans Rosling
114. A system where all property is public—people work and are given things by the government
according to their needs
A. Socialism
B. Capitalism
C. Communism
D. Sovereignty

115. This is the adherence or belief in the world state.

A. Cosmopolitanism
B. Individualism
C. Globalization
D. Religion

116. It is a term for non-alliance countries, which came to be associated with impoverished states.
A. First World
B. Second World
C. Third World
D. Fourth World
117. There are two definitions of globalization as the literature on the definition of globalization
revealed. What are those two?
A. Broad and Exclusive and Narrow and Inclusive
B. Inclusive and Broad and Exclusive and Narrow
C. Broad and Inclusive and Narrow and Exclusive
D. Broad and Narrow and Inclusive and Exclusive
118. It is a term originating during the Cold War for the industrial socialist states that were under the
influence of the Soviet Union.
A. First World
B. Second World
C. Third World
D. Fourth World
119. Refers to developed societies of Europe and North America, which are characterized by
established wealth, technological advancement, political stability, zero population growth and
dominance of world trade and politics.
A. Global North
B. Global South
C. Latin America
D. America

120. Formation of global civil society is a result of a backlash against ___________________.

A. Second World
B. Global City
C. Third World
D. Free market capitalism

121. It views cultural differences as immutable.

A. Cultural Diffrentialism
B. Cultural Governance
C. Cultural Hybridity
D. Cultures
122. The _________ consists of the richest and most industrialized countries, which are mainly in the
northern part of the world.
A. Global North
B. Global South
C. Global City
D. Global Economy

123. The 4Cs of 21st century skills refer to

A. communication, competition, critical thinking, and creativity

B. communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity
C. consistency, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity
D. communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and commitment

124. International Organizations (IOs) have made the world a ______________.

A. Better place
B. Global Civil Society
C. Global City
D. Second world

125. According to Thomas Larsson, what is globalization as a positive phenomenon?

A. The process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer.
B. It cannot be contained within a specific time frame, all people, and all situations.
C. Globalization is a very important change, if not, “the most important”.
D. the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start
operating on an international scale.
126. The following are included as Global South countries except:
A. Caribbean
B. South America
C. Canada
D. United States
127. Describing the opportunity by which people or factors behind a certain development in a country
benefits as well.
A. Narrow and Inclusive
B. Broad and Exclusive
C. Narrow and Exclusive
D. Broad and Inclusive

128. A period when the United States was the hegemonic power in economy, security, and trade.
A. Age of Pax Americana
B. Globalization 1.0
C. Age of Pax Britannica
D. Soft Power

129. The differences between Global North and Global South are shaped by ________ and
A. racial character and racial inequality
B. economic differences and globalization
C. migration and globalization
D. economy and geographic

130. It is the right to govern one’s own territory.

A. Government
B. Sovereignty
C. Elections
D. Private Economy
131. What do you call the trends and practices in world politics?
A. Globalization
B. Demography
C. Population
D. Global Demography

132. It refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale
of cross-border trade of commodities and services, the flow of international capital, and the wide and
rapid spread of technologies. It reflects the continuing expansion and natural integration of market
frontiers, and is an irreversible trend for economic development in the whole world at the turn of the
millennium". According to the United Nations (as Cited in Shanquan, 2000)
A. Trade
B. Global Stratification
C. Colonization
D. Economic Globalization
133. The literature on the definitions of globalization revealed that definitions could be classified as
either what?
A. Narrow and Inclusive, and Broad and Exclusive
B. Narrow and Broad
C. Exclusive and Inclusive
D. Broad and Inclusive, and Narrow and Exclusive

134. It is "a policy of systematic government intervention in foreign trade with the objective of
encouraging domestic production. This encouragement involves giving preferential treatment to
domestic producers and discriminating against foreign competitors"(McAleese, 2007 as cited in
Ritzer, 2015)
A. Global trade
B. Protectionism
C. Trade liberalization
D. Fair Trade
135. Unified style of human knowledge, beliefs, and behavior, from which people learn, the ability to
communicate knowledge to the next generation. Its development has been mainly influenced by the
A. Culture
B. Religion
C. Social Group
D. Population

136. The major points of the beginnings of globalizations started after ________ ?
A. World War I
B. Cold War
C. Post Cold War
D. World War II
137. As defined by the international fair trade association, it defines it as the "concern for the social,
economic, and environmental well-being of marginalized small producers" (Downie, 2007, pp.c1-c5).
A. Fair Trade
B. Trade liberalization
C. Economic Globalization
D. Food Security
138. It is a group of people who have the ultimate authority to act on behalf of a state.
A. Government
B. Sovereignty
C. Conflict
139. What is the type of migration that is characterized by people's movement from one country to
A. Internal Migration
B. Individualism
C. International Migration
D. Cosmopolitanism

140. It is the condition in which the development of the nation-states of the South contributed to a
decline in their independence and to an increase in the economic development of the countries of the
North (Cardoso and Felato, 1979)
A. Modernization theory
B. Global trade
C. Dependency theory
D. Global Stratification
141. The term __________ has been increasingly used to describe migrant communities.
A. Global
B. Diaspora
C. Refugee
D. Forced Displacement
142. This refers to states which are high-income and are capital rich.
A. First World
B. Second World
C. Third World
D. Global City

143. It is an increase in one economic activity that can lead to an increase in other economic
A. Effect of Multiplier
B. Multiplier Effect
C. Multiply Effect
D. Multiplying Effect
144. When Karl Marx first wrote about socialism, he viewed it as a _________ towards communism.
A. stepping stone
B. downfall
C. destruction
D. change

145. The umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded
individuals and communities on a worldwide scale.
A. Global Citizenship
B. Citizenship
C. Globalization
D. Nation
146. These are more industrialized nations that receive the majority of the world's wealth.
A. Peripheral nations
B. Core nations
C. United Nations
D. First World countries
147. Refers to the countries that were colonized by the Spaniards in the American continent.
A. Global North
B. Global South
C. Latin America
D. America

148. The concept “globalization only became popular in the later half __________?
A. 1990’s
B. 1980’s
C. 1970’s
D. 1960’s
149. What do we call the products that are marketed internationally under the same brand name,
features, and specifications across countries?
A. Local Product
B. Global Product
C. Original Product
D. Product
150. It refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale
of cross-border trade of commodities and services, the flow of international capital, and the wide and
rapid spread of technologies.
A. Global Stratification
B. Sustainable Development
C. Environmental Degradation
D. Economic Globalization

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