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what I have learned to this topic is that Gender includes norms behaviors, and roles. Associated with
being man, woman, girl boy. It simply refers to the socially constructed characteristics of an individual.
The Gendered self is then shaped within a particular context, of time and spare, It is also the sense of
self that is being taught which make sure that an individual fits in particular environment. Learned about
different gender identity terms which includes pronouns that should be properly used and are crucial
way to signal courtesy and acceptance. We should also let every people to express themselves and
behave truly to their gender identity to convey their sense of femininity or masculinity out-wardly.
Gander stereotyping is to practice of ascribing an individual at a specific attributes, characteristics or
rules which are ought to be possessed by women and men which they should performed. It can either
be negative or positive. We should stop stereotyping and accept that all of us equally.


Spiritual self is our most essential being, the deepest level of our existence. It provides us with a
profound sense of who we really are. From where we come from, where we are going, and how we will
reach our goal in life. It is the mind-body-spirit connection and it talks about the meaning and go beyond
the physical realities of life. The spiritual self is shaped by our beliefs and practices. It is ageless and
eternal. Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit opposed to material or Soul
as physical things. It makes our innermost being possess a greater value and it can relieve us from
dependence on material things and help greater purpose. Our spirituality develops through our
interaction with others, observation, imitation, education and experience. Understanding and nurturing
the spiritual self is as important as the other aspects of the self. The way we define ourselves and shape
the choices we make, we should not ask, what is the meaning of life, but rather understand that it is life
the life that is asking us the meaning that we can give to life.


Technology continues to evolve along with it’s evolvement, people also adopt to its development. The
use of gadgets, appliances and other technological devices are becoming a habit and it becomes part of
our daily life. We use them for many purposes such as for education, communicating to our friends,
family, and loved ones. Everybody can have a social media account, and each and everyone of us have
different personality from our social media compare l to real life, and that is. What called “digital self”. It
is the self being dependent on technology. We tend to be different on in our online self from our usual
self. We should be careful and manage online or digital selves properly. Digital self is the aspect of the
self that is expressed or shared to others through the use of technological devices. Specially the internet
and different social media or networking sites. We should always be responsible in using social medias
and digital devices at the same time be knowledgeable about the disadvantages or the negative effects
of it.

The material self is in total of all the tangible things that an Individual own or possess. Material
possessions are the properties or belongings of a certain person and such possessions are viewed as
extensions of individuals identity. The self is the manifestation of one’s identity through his/her material
possession. We are defined by the clothes we wear, clothing is important for our self expression it is our
way to express ourselves. It reflects our personality or who and what we are as a person. We should
invest not only clothes but also to our body, home and family. Our body is important, we buy things for
our self to be healthy and beautiful. We buy things that our body needs. Home is also important
because it’s our safe haven, it’s a place where we feel comfortable. Our family other hand, holds
important part of our selves . We should Invest love, affection, care and time for our family. We acquire
material belongings because of the fact that it can give us the feeling of happiness and satisfaction. It
could reflect our value of life, success and hard work. Our material things motivates us to work harder
and be productive to provide our needs and wants. As we get older, material possession decreases,
material things doesn’t define happiness anymore. We should have priorities because life is short, it has
no rewind so we better do what makes us happy.


The Political self develops wherever we involved are being argument or desire to speak for ourselves. At
the same time, political self reflects our national identity, our role in the society we belong, either being
a leader or simple as a citizen. When talking about as political self, especially when you belong to a
particular group, it is important to have contribution as an individual. Our roles in the society we lived in
have an effect or a big influence to our nation as Filipino citizen, we should always follow the rules and
regulations or that a whole. the laws are imposed or established by the government. Filipinos are known
for being kind, helpful, talented, loving, and very welcoming or hospitable. Being a better Filipino is
being an active Filipino citizen. A good Filipino citizen also valves culture and traditions, supports local
products and Filipino prides, and upholds unconditional love for our country. Nevertheless, being
Filipino upholds a great responsibility of being a good citizen of the country.


People have diverse sexual identities and orientation. Different sexualities are now becoming more
accepted in our society. Having different sexual orientation or gender identity is a choice. Gender
identity talks about how you identify yourself as being male or female. It is one’s personal attitude that
is not based on physical attributes. On the other hand, sexual orientation talks about who you are
attracted to. Sex is the word that should be used when talking about biological characteristics Being able
to express our sexuality is important and despite of having differences in our sexual orientation and
gender identities, everyone still have the rights to be respected and we should always accept each other
no matter what. Social inclusion of gender and sexual diversity exists when all people can openly and
visibly identify themselves with complete safety and freedom. Let everyone express themselves and be
who they want to be without judgement and criticism. We should be open and show positivity towards
everyone’s gender identity.

I now understand that gender encompasses norms, behaviors, and roles. Linked to being a man, woman,
girl, or boy. It simply refers to the socially produced traits of an individual. The gendered self is then
developed within a specific time and space context. It is also the sense of self that is taught that ensures
that a person fits into a specific environment. I also learned about different gender identity terms which
includes pronouns that should be properly used and are crucial way to signal courtesy and acceptance.
We should also let every persons to express themselves and behave truthfully to their gender identity to
transmit their sense of femininity or masculinity out-wardly. Gender stereotyping is to practice of
ascribing an individual at a specified attributes, characteristics or rules which are ought to be possessed
by women and men which they should completed. It can either be negative or positive. We should stop
stereotyping and accept that all of us equally.

I learned  that Gendered self-concept is the construct that extends the understanding of gender
since it allows knowing how individuals define themselves in terms of “feminine and masculine
meanings attached to men and women”. I also learned that there are different gender identity
that we need to know and understand. Lastly, I learned that we need to stop gender
stereotyping because stereotyping can affect how children feel about themselves and how they
relate to others. It is important that they learn to recognize and understand gender stereotypes
in different media or places.
The concept of gendered self-concept, according to what I’ve learned, allows us to better
comprehend how people describe themselves in terms of the “feminine and masculine
meanings connected to men and women” I also discovered that there are various gender
identities that we need to be aware of and comprehend. Finally, I discovered that gender
stereotypes need to be eliminated because they might have an impact on how youngsters view
themselves and interact with others. They must be taught to identify and comprehend gender
stereotypes in various media or environments.


Spiritual self is our most essential being, the deepest level of our existence. It gives us a great
understanding of who we truly are. From where we come from, where we are going, and how we will
reach our goal in life. It is the mind-body-spirit link and it discusses life’s meaning and truths that go
beyond the physical. The spiritual self is shaped by our beliefs and practices. It is eternal and without
aging. Being concerned with the human spirit rather than the material or Soul as physical things is a sign
of spirituality. It makes our innermost being possess a greater value and it can relieve us from
dependence on material things and help greater purpose. Through our interactions with other people,
observation, imitation, education, and experience, our spirituality grows. The spiritual self deserves the
same attention and care as the other parts of the self. The way we define ourselves and shape the
decisions we make, we should not question, what is the purpose of life, but rather understand that it is
life the life that is asking us the meaning that we may give to life.

My spirituality has always helped me get through the challenging periods in my life. My life is improved
by having a better understanding of my spiritual self, which influences and controls my conduct and
well-being. My health is very important to me, and I think that a person’s condition may be cured by
their spirit. I seem to get healed by the spirit every time I pray for it. I get my strength from the spirit
when I’m weak. My spiritual self, which I learned is the part of me that will be with me until I die and the
one that connects to our God, is the part of me that receives the least attention, as a result of this
lesson. I’ll now start working on developing my spiritual self so that I can be a more contented person.

I’ve always found that my spirituality has been a source of strength at my most trying times.
Understanding my spiritual self, which affects and regulates my behavior and well-being, helps me live a
better life. My health is very important to me, and I believe that a person’s spirit has the power to repair
their physical state. Every time I pray for healing, the spirit seems to heal me. When I’m weak, the spirit
gives me power. I learned from this lesson that the part of me that receives the least attention is my
spiritual self, which is the part of me that will be with me until I die and the one that links to our God.


I learned that digitalization and modernization in our era is eating us all in a fast rate. One of this
advances are the blooming era of social media. As we conduct or repeatedly come to our social media,
we develop the thing called “digital self”, our digital self is simply ourselves in social media. But our
digital self is not the same as our self in real life, because we may have different characteristics that we
possess when we are in social media compare when we are in person. But for me I will place very little
value on my digital persona because it isn’t the real me. We are not any safer or more secure as a result
of everything becoming digital, so we must not become overly dependent on it.

I discovered that our modern age is rapidly consuming us all due to digitalization and modernisation.
One of these developments is the burgeoning social media era. Our “digital self,” which is just us on
social media, develops as we use or return to our social media accounts frequently. However, our digital
selves are not the same as who we are in the real world since we may exhibit different traits on social
media than in person. But because it doesn’t represent the actual me, I will give my online identity very
little weight in my eyes.


My main driving force is to outgrow myself in every single situation because, as I have repeatedly
witnessed, each circumstance in life calls for a different version of you and a different set of skills than
what you have used up to this point. And yes, it can be annoying at times, and yes, it can cause a lot of
anxiety at times. That feeling of anxiety you get when you want to check your phone or take a selfie but
you’re studying is I suppose I prefer to be in charge of everything! That, I suppose, is my ultimate goal
because if I achieve it, I will have control over my mind, and that is what I call the most Important thing.

Every situation in life requires a new version of you and a different set of skills than what you have
utilized up to this point, thus my main motivation is to outgrow myself in every single one of them, as I
have frequently seen. And yes, it can occasionally be inconvenient and extremely stressful. I believe I
want to be in charge of everything because I hate that anxious feeling you get when you want to check
your phone or take a picture while you’re studying! Having control over my mind is what I consider to be
the most important thing, thus I believe it is my ultimate goal.


 I have learned that Political self is by reflecting myself by relating to my own national identity. It started
within myself, on how I view myself about my role in the society, maybe as a leader or as a citizen. I
have learned that this about my contribution as an individual in the civilization I am belong to.

I’ve discovered that my political self reflects who I am when I relate to my own national identity. It all
began with how I saw myself and my place in society, whether as a leader or a citizen. This is what I’ve
learnt about how I personally contribute to the civilization to which I belong.


I have learned that understanding the Human Sexuality is very vital to improve our knowledge about
sexuality. Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality is an essential text for teaching sexuality and
provides an integrated view of human sexuality that encourages us to pursue positive decisions, sexual
health, and a lifetime of wellness. 

I’ve come to realize how important it is to comprehend human sexuality if we want to increase our
understanding of sexuality. An vital work for sexuality education, Exploring the Dimensions of Human
Sexuality offers an integrated picture of sexuality that inspires us to pursue moral choices, sexual health,
and a lifetime of wellness.

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