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Conversation between two friends who are at the university

Daphne: Good morning… Hello, is there anyone who can help me?
Wilian: Yes, how can I help you?
Daphne: Willian, how long. I thought you were still in another country.
Wilian: Daphne, hi, I returned a few years ago. I had an amazing experience,
but I had to go back.
Daphne: Of course! How long ago did you get back? Before or after your
Wilian: I returned before my birthday, I celebrated it in my garden with my family
and the next day I went diving with my friends.
Daphne: I had forgotten that you knew how to dive. In the last years I wanted to
learn but the truth is I didn't like it very much.
Wilian: It's not as simple as it seems. But tell me, what can I help you with?
Daphne: It is rumored that there will be no attention tomorrow and I want to
know if it is true?
Wilian: I don't know who said that rumours, but it's not true. It could have been
someone with bad intentions.
Daphne: Those rumours are often created, that's why I wanted to confirm it.
Now that I find you, tell me what you're doing here?
Wilian: I'm replacing my mom as an assistant because she's sick Daphne: What
happened to her? Is she better?
Wilian: She had been with body pain, but she is already recovering
Daphne: That’s good
Wilian: The holidays are coming; do you plan to travel somewhere?
Daphne: For years I wanted to go to Cancun, and I will finally be able to go. I'm
going to risk trying some spicy foods.
Wilian: It is said that the sea in Cancun is very beautiful, there are not many
waves and the sand burns
Daphne: Yes then! I think I'll have a lot of fun. You will go to whatchamacallit,
where there are trees and things.
Wilian: Yes, I will go to the field, I like to go there because it is a less noisy
place than in the city
Daphne: That’s true, the field is a very quiet place. But aren't you afraid to find
some wild animal?
Wilian: No, there are no wild animals, although it would be crazy to see one.
Daphne: When you were child, did you always go?
Wilian: I didn't used to go as a child, but now I like it a lot. Although getting used
to being there at first can be difficult.
Daphne: I tried, but I prefer the city because there are more opportunities here.
Wilian: It’s true. Daphne, would you mind if we're going to eat something
Daphne: Yes please, let's have crispy chicken.
Wilian: I know a place where they cook delicious, you'll love it
Daphne: ok! Is tomorrow at 7pm okay with you? In the meantime, we have to
keep talking
Wilian: Yes, the time is fine. Did you know that my parents are not used to
Daphne: I imagined, but do you always help them?
Wilian: Yes, I always help them in what I can
Daphne: I think it's very good that you do that
Wilian: And tell me your parents if they know how to use today's technology
Daphne: Well, my parents are a bit more used to it, because they need it for
their work
Wilian: I understand, this is the address of the restaurant, see you there.
Daphne: ¡Of course! Now if I go home, see you tomorrow.
Wilian: Take care, see you.

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