Structure and Properties of Cu MG Composites Produced by Hydrostatic

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ISSN 0031-918X, Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2018, Vol. 119, No. 10, pp. 946–955.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018.

Original Russian Text © A.Yu. Volkov, A.A. Kalonov, D.A. Komkova, A.V. Glukhov, 2018, published in Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 2018, Vol. 119, No. 10, pp. 1002–1011.



Structure and Properties of Cu/Mg Composites Produced

by Hydrostatic Extrusion
A. Yu. Volkova, *, A. A. Kalonova, D. A. Komkovaa, and A. V. Glukhova, b
of Metal Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, 620108 Russia
bUral Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, 620002 Russia
Received February 26, 2018; in final form, April 23, 2018

Abstract—Two Cu/Mg-composite rods of different content of components were produced by hydrostatic

extrusion. The volume proportion of the copper sheath and magnesium core was almost equal in one of the
two composite samples. Seven thin magnesium fibers were located in the copper matrix of another compos-
ite. Estimate calculations of the strength properties and electrical resistance of deformed composites were
carried out and compared with the experimental results. The influence of anneals on the microstructure and
electrical and mechanical properties of composites was also studied. This work has shown that a temperature
rise causes sequential formation of the intermetallic compounds CuMg2 and Cu2Mg at the Cu/Mg interface,
which, according to the phase diagram, results in eutectic reactions. The results of this work can be used in
the development of high-strength composite conductors.

Keywords: metallic composites, copper, magnesium alloys, eutectic decomposition, mechanical properties,

DOI: 10.1134/S0031918X18100125

INTRODUCTION magnesium into copper leads to a growth of strength

Copper and copper-based alloys are commonly properties by approximately twofold due to solid-solu-
used in fabricating electrical conductors [1–5]. The tion strengthening [2]. This makes it possible to use
miniaturization of electronic instruments and devices copper–magnesium alloys for fabricating contact
that is currently taking place urgently needs an wires for railway transport: conventional copper wire
enhancement of the strength properties of conductors cannot bear shock loads that arise upon the passage of
with the retention of high electrical conductivity. This electric multiple unit trains [4]. The functional prop-
problem can usually be solved by selecting alloying erties of Cu–Mg alloys are on the level of known high-
elements [2] and employing different methods of strength conductors on the base of Cu–Be [10] and
severe plastic deformation (SPD) [3] or a combination Cu–Ag [11] and fre of a considerably lower cost. The
of these approaches [4]. Increased attention is being optimum combination of high strength and electrically
paid to the creation of composite conductive materi- conductive properties is demonstrated by samples with
als: the copper matrix is reinforced with thin metallic compositions close to the eutectics 76.9 at % Cu–
fibers [5] and carbon nanotubes [6], nanosized metal- 23.1 at % Mg [11]. The disadvantage of the copper–
lic particles [7], etc. are introduced into it. The copper magnesium alloy is a lower corrosion resistance than
matrix assures high electrical conductivity and plastic in pure copper. For this reason, Cu–Mg alloys con-
properties, and introduced elements enhance the taining more than 1 wt % magnesium has no applica-
strength characteristics. One of the strongest conduc- tion in practice.
tors is the Cu–18 Nb composite material in which the It is of interest to produce the Cu/Mg composite in
copper matrix is reinforced with numerous thin nio- the copper matrix, where there is a strong core with a
bium fibers [8]. The enhanced (as compared to pure high magnesium content. Hereinafter the composite
copper) density and high cost of niobium are among material with a clear interface boundary between com-
the drawbacks of this material. ponents will be designated by slash (e.g., Cu/Mg), as
Alloys of the Cu–Mg system are currently of some distinct from alloys with compositions designated by a
interest to researchers [2, 4]. In copper, as it follows dash (e.g., Cu–Mg). We may assume that the Cu/Mg
from the phase diagram (Fig. 1), about 3 wt % magne- composite possesses a number of positive functional
sium is dissolved [9], and the addition of only 1% properties: a reduced (as compared to pure copper)


Cu, wt %
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 100

725° (Cu)
T, °C

700 68.99 93.07

649° 76.9

600 568°
42 64.68
0.013 14.5 485°

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mg Cu, at % Cu

Fig. 1. Phase diagram of the Cu–Mg system [9].

weight density and a high electrical conductivity. In with an outer diameter of 18 mm that was cut from a rod
such a composite the strengthening magnesium-based of М0-grade copper on a lathe. The workpiece of cop-
phase resides inside the copper sheath, therefore its per and magnesium was placed into the working con-
corrosion properties do not differ from pure copper. In tainer of a high-pressure unit. We carried out hydro-
addition, the high damping ability of magnesium static extrusion at room temperature: first through the
means that wires of Cu/Mg composite can effectively press matrix of ∅10 mm and then sequentially through
damp vibrations. Thus, it is of interest (from the view- press matrices of ∅6 and ∅3 mm. To fabricate wires of
point of creating high-strength electric conductors) to a smaller diameter, drawing was used. The right-hand
obtain and investigate bimetallic copper—magnesium part of Fig. 2 contains a photo of the transverse section
composites. of a Cu/1Mg-composite rod of ∅6 mm.
The final aim of our study is to create composite
materials containing numerous magnesium fibers
inside the copper matrix. However, at the first stage of
our investigations we should specify the design of the
initial Cu/Mg composite. Thus, the purpose of this
work was to produce Cu/Mg composites of different
components ratios and subsequently to study their
structures and physicomechanical properties.

Samples of two composites were produced and
investigated in this work. In one of them, the magne-
sium core was surrounded by the copper sheath, and
the copper matrix of other composite contained seven
magnesium fibers. Further, to simplify notification of
of these composites, the number of magnesium fibers
therein will be designated as follows: Cu/1Mg com-
posite and Cu/7Mg composite. Fig. 2. A schematic of fabricating the Cu/1Mg composite:
a magnesium rod is inserted into a copper cup and then
A schematic image of the process of obtaining sin- this assembly is subjected to hydrostatic extrusion. The
gle-fiber composite is shown in Fig. 2. A magnesium right-hand part of the figure contains a photo of the trans-
rod of ∅12 mm was tightly inserted into the copper cup verse section of the rod of ∅6 mm.


948 VOLKOV et al.

Samples of two diameters were employed to inves-

tigate properties: of ∅1.5 mm for mechanical tests and
of ∅0.25 mm for resistometry. The true deformation
of the samples was determined as:
e = ln ( S0 Str ) , (1)
where S0 is the cross-sectional area of the initial work-
piece ∅18 mm-thick and Str is the cross-sectional area
of the corresponding sample. Thus, the true deforma-
tion of the samples for mechanical tests and resistom-
etry was е ≈ 5.0 and е ≈ 8.6, respectively.
We studied the electrical properties of composites
using the conventional four-contact method at a
direct current of 20 mA. The specific electrical resis-
tance (ρ) of composites at room temperature was mea-
sured in a tailor-made conductor with a set of termi-
nals, and the voltage drop was determined between
Fig. 3. A schematic of fabricating the Cu/7Mg composite: five different pairs of terminals, whereupon the aver-
seven rods of the Cu/1Mg composite are inserted into a age value was determined. Our earlier estimate in [12]
copper workpiece with holes and then this assembly is sub-
jected to hydrostatic extrusion. The right-hand part of the showed that the error of measuring the value of spe-
figure contains a photo of the transverse section of the rod cific electrical resistance in such a procedure is 0.04 ×
of ∅6 mm. 10–8 Ω m. Temperature dependences of the electrical
resistance of samples in an evacuated cell likewise
were constructed upon heating and cooling with a rate
A composite with seven magnesium fibers in the of 120 K/h.
copper matrix likewise was obtained and studied
(Fig. 3). We performed mechanical tests for tension on an
Instron 5982 machine at a tensile strain rate of
To fabricate Cu/7Mg composite, a copper rod with 3 mm/min, and no fewer than five samples whose
outer diameter 18 mm was newly taken. In the end of gage part was 30 mm long were tested. We used a
the copper workpiece in a circle of radius 5.5 mm six QUANTA 200 scanning electron microscope to study
holes of ∅3 mm were drilled at equal distances from the structure.
each other. Another hole of ∅3 mm was made at the
center of this workpiece. Segments of the Cu/1Mg-
composite rod ∅3 mm-thick were placed into each of 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
seven holes. This copper—magnesium assembly was 3.1. Structure and Mechanical Properties
also subjected to hydrostatic extrusion sequentially of Composites after Hydrostatic Extrusion
through press matrices of ∅10 and ∅6 mm. The right- Figure 2 displays a photo of the transverse section
hand part of Fig. 3 contains a photo of the Cu/7Mg- of the Cu/1Mg-composite rod of ∅6 mm produced as
composite polished section after hydrostatic extrusion a result of two stages of hydrostatic extrusion. On the
through the press matrix of ∅6 mm. The ratio of com- polished section a magnesium core occupying a con-
ponents in these composites is presented in Table 1. siderable internal volume can be seen clearly. Volume
The stages of hydrostatic extrusion of rods and fractions of components in the fabricated composite
drawing of wires from the both composites were iden- are 55.5 Cu–44.5 Mg (Table 1).
tical. We studied samples of the composites after both A photo of the transverse section of the Cu/7Mg-
deformation and annealing at different temperatures. composite rod is shown in the right-hand part of
We performed all heat treatments in the evacuated Fig. 3. Despite the fact that this composite contains
quarts and glass capsules. seven magnesium fibers, the magnesium content in it

Table 1. Content of components in the studied Cu/Mg composites

Average content of components
Composite vol. fraction, % wt % at %
Cu Mg Cu Mg Cu Mg
Cu/1Mg 55.5 44.5 86.4 13.6 70.9 29.1
Cu/7Mg 91.4 8.6 98.2 1.8 95.3 4.7



Table 2. Physicomechanical properties of composites

Composite Cu/1Mg Cu/7Mg
Experiment 5.5 8.1
Density, g/cm3 Calculation 5.7 8.3
Specific electrical resistance ρ, 10–8 Ω m Experiment 2.35 2.07
(е ≈ 8.6) Calculation 2.52 1.93
Experiment 290 322
Yield strength σ0.2, MPa (е ≈ 5.0)
Calculation 250 330

is much lower than in the Cu/1Mg composite. Indeed, the components are formed (in this case the reactions
the ratio of volume fractions of components in this of mechanical alloying possible upon SPD can be
composite is 91.4 Cu–8.6 Mg (Table 1). Upon com- neglected [14]). We used the rule of mixtures to esti-
parison with the phase diagram (Fig. 1) we can see that mate yield strengths of deformed composites (Table 2)
the Cu/1Mg-composite composition is near the for this reason.
eutectics 76.9 at % Cu–23.1 at % Mg with some excess With allowance for concepts presented in [13], the
( )
of magnesium. The Cu/7Mg-composite composition Cu Mg
is at the boundary of this eutectics and the supersatu- yield strength of Cu/Mg composite σ0.2 can be
rated solid solution of magnesium in copper. calculated by the formula
As magnesium occupies an appreciable internal Cu Mg
volume, the density of the Cu/1Mg composite is much σ0.2 = VCuσCu
0.2 + VMg σ0.2 ,
lower than of pure copper and is ~5.5 g/cm3 (Table 2). where VCu and VMg are the volume fractions of copper
The density in this case was determined experimen-
tally by measuring the mass and volume of samples. and magnesium (VCu + VMg = 1) and σCu 0.2 σ0.2 are the

However, the composite density can be easily calcu- corresponding yield strengths.
lated with the use of volume fractions of components As seen in [13], when conducting estimations
(Table 1). We can see from Table 2 that there is a dif- according to the rule of mixtures, it is important to
ference between the results of calculation and experi- take the method of producing composite into account.
ment. It is likely that the true thickness of the copper For example, upon consideration of a layered com-
sheath was somewhat smaller than that taken for cal- posite produced by rolling it is necessary to select data
culations. This is possibly caused by higher rigidity of on the properties of components of the composite
magnesium: during deformation we noted that the after rolling. In our case when calculating the strength
copper wall flows somewhat faster than the magne- of Cu/Mg composites it is necessary for this reason to
sium core. reveal mechanical properties of each of components
Growth of the copper content in the Cu/7Mg com- after hydrostatic extrusion and drawing. The magni-
posite favors an enhancement in its density (Table 2). tude of deformation in this case plays a secondary role:
The experimental value (8.1 g/cm3) again slightly dif- first at large deformations the processes of relaxation
fers from the calculated value (8.3 g/cm3). are involved with the result that strength properties of
There are approaches that make it possible to esti- the material remain almost unaltered. In addition, our
mate the physicomechanical properties of bimetallic calculations are merely estimates and are aimed at
composites with reasonable accuracy. For example, in revealing the possibilities of the rule of mixtures when
[13] the rule of mixtures is discussed, and its applica- calculating strength properties of Cu/Mg-composite
tion allows us to calculate strength properties of com- samples and comparing them with the experimental
posites. results.
This approach has its limitations. The rule does not We previously carried out experiments investigat-
work for nano-sized thicknesses of composites. In ing the mechanical properties of samples of severely
addition, no new phases at the interface of its compo- deformed copper [15]. The yield strength of copper
nents are expected to be formed in the process of pro- after drawing (е ≈ 2.3) was σCu 0.2 ≈ 350 MPa. The
ducing this composite. The Cu/Mg composites mechanical properties of magnesium after hydrostatic
obtained in this work satisfy the requirements men- extrusion and drawing with the total deformation е ≈
tioned above. Indeed, in samples of ∅1.5 mm for 3.2 were determined in [16]. The yield strength of such
mechanical tests the diameter of the magnesium fiber
in the Cu/7Mg composite is about 0.17 mm, whereas severely deformed magnesium rods was σMg 0.2 ≈
the size of the magnesium core in the Cu/1Mg com- 125 MPa. Thus, according to formula (1), the yield
posite is about 1 mm. It is unlikely that during hydro- strength of the Cu/1Mg composite can be estimated as
Cu Mg
static extrusion some phases at the interface surface of σ0.2 ≈ 250 MPa.


950 VOLKOV et al.

where VCu and VMg are the volume fractions of copper

12 and magnesium and ρCu and ρMg are the specific elec-
trical resistances of copper and magnesium in a
10 severely deformed state.
ρ, 10–8 Ω m

As we know, deformation brings about a sharp

8 increase in the number of dissimilar defects in the
structure of the material, which leads to a decrease in its
6 electrical conductivity. According to our data, the spe-
cific electrical resistance of copper (container is fabri-
4 cated of it) in the annealed state is ρ = 1.78 × 10–8 Ω m.
This value is slightly higher than the electrical resis-
2 tance of pure copper (ρ = 1.73 × 10–8 Ω m), but it is
within specifications for copper of the grade М0 [1].
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 After SPD (е ≈ 6.0) the specific electrical resistance
T, °C of copper samples which we used grows to ρ = 1.83 ×
Fig. 4. A temperature dependence of the specific electrical
10–8 Ω m. We took this value for calculations.
resistance of the Cu/1Mg composite upon heating and We took from [18] the specific electrical resistance
cooling with a rate of 120 K/h. of magnesium after SPD for samples produced by roll-
ing: ρ = 4.77 × 10–8 Ω m. As we know, plastic defor-
mation activates the processes of dynamic recrystalli-
Mechanical tests revealed a rather large difference zation [19] in magnesium. Therefore, it is unlikely that
between the experimental result and calculated values the specific electrical resistance of magnesium after
for single-fiber composite (Table 2). Indeed, the hydrostatic extrusion and drawing will markedly differ
Cu/1Mg composite proved to be stronger by almost from the specific electrical resistance of rolled magne-
14%: the yield strength of the samples is σ0.2 = sium.
290 MPa. We can assume that such a result is caused According to the calculation (Table 2), the specific
by differences in the deformation flow between com- electrical resistance of the deformed Cu/1Mg com-
posite components (copper and magnesium) with dif- posite is ρCu/1Mg ≈ 2.52 × 10–8 Ω m, and with growth of
ferent crystalline structure (fcc and hcp lattices, the copper content in the Cu/7Mg composite it natu-
respectively). Authors of [13] came to the same con- rally drops to ρCu/7Mg ≈ 1.93 × 10–8 Ω m.
clusion: the results of their calculations for composites
of two aluminum alloys almost coincided with our The experiment showed that after SPD with the use
experiments but were strongly divergent when operat- of our scheme (е ≈ 8.6) the specific electrical resis-
ing with Al/Mg composite. tances of the Cu/1Mg and Cu/7Mg composites are
ρCu/1Mg = 2.35 × 10–8 Ω m and ρCu/7Mg = 2.07 × 10–8 Ω m,
In its turn, the experimental (σ0.2 = 322 MPa) and respectively. Comparison of the results revealed a sat-
calculated (σ0.2 ≈ 330 MPa) yield-strength values of isfactory agreement between the calculated and exper-
the Cu/7Mg composite proved to be close to each imental values: the discrepancy was ~7%.
other. It is likely that in this case strength properties of Thus, the approach suggested in [17] allows us to
the samples are largely determined by the copper estimate with reasonable accuracy, the specific electri-
matrix and the contribution of magnesium is insignif- cal resistance of conductors of Cu/Mg composites.
icant because of the small size of its volume.
3.3. Influence of Heat Treatment on the Structure
3.2. Electrical Properties of Deformed Composites and Electrical Properties of Cu/Mg Composites
We showed earlier [17] that the electrical resistance Studying the microstructure and properties of the
of layered composites can be calculated from the Cu/1Mg composite was complicated by partial melt-
known formula for conductors connected in parallel. ing of its core owing to annealing at elevated tempera-
In this case composite components are conductors, tures. For example, holding of the composite at a tem-
and the volume fraction of each component should be perature of 750°С for 15 min resulted in the appear-
taken into account. Such an approach is applicable ance of molten droplets at the ends. Wire samples in
only when no additional phases are present on the this case became stronger but lost their shape: their
interface of composite components circular transverse section became the oval section. To
avoid undesirable changes in the shape of the compos-
Calculation of the specific electrical resistance of ite wire, we did not heat it above 700°С during resisto-
deformed Cu/Mg composites (ρCu/Mg) was conducted metric measurements.
according to the procedure from [17] with the use of Upon heating of the sample, we observed two sec-
formula tions with jumplike growth of electrical resistance
Cu Mg
(Fig. 4). This occurs at temperatures ~490 and
1ρ = VCu ρCu + VMg ρMg , (3) ~565°С. Note that the transformation near 565°С is



reversible: upon cooling of the sample the electrical

resistance likewise abruptly decreases with some tem- 1 2 3 4
perature hysteresis. As distinct from heating, upon
cooling of the sample in the neighborhood of 490°С,
no changes in the dependence of the electrical resis-
tance are observed.
Figure 5 displays the microstructure formed at the
interface of components in the Cu/1Mg composite
due to annealing at 500°С for 15 min. It is clearly seen
that a thin interlayer (2) with the composition close to
intermetallic compound Cu2Mg is adjacent to the
copper matrix (1). The next thicker layer (3) is the
intermetallic compound CuMg2. The entire right-
hand part of the composite structure is the eutectic
mixture consisting of magnesium-based solid solution 30 kV ×3000 10 μm
with plate-type inclusions of the intermetallic com-
pound CuMg2.
Fig. 5. The microstructure of the interface of components
The microstructure in Fig. 5 is entirely consistent in the Cu/1Mg composite after annealing at 500°С for
with known concepts on the phase formation at the 15 min.
Cu/Mg interface. We showed earlier that upon heating
of the Cu/Mg diffusion pair above 200°С the first
phase beginning to form at the interphase boundary of of the Cu/1Mg composite (Fig. 4). Initially at the cop-
components is the intermetallic CuMg2 phase [20]. per–magnesium boundary an intermetallic CuMg2
Heating above 400°С under the conditions of excess of layer begins to form. Above 400°С, in full accordance
copper gives rise to the intermetallic compound with [21], the interphase boundary of composite com-
Cu2Mg. In [21] it is shown that the diffusion mobility ponents consists of several layers with the sequence:
of copper in magnesium is considerably higher than Cu/Cu2Mg/CuMg2/Mg. At 490°С the first eutectic
the diffusion mobility of magnesium in copper. For reaction with the participation of magnesium and an
this reason, at the Cu/Mg interface the intermetallic intermetallic CuMg2 layer takes place. It is this fact
CuMg2 layer grows much more rapidly as compared to that caused the appearance of the first step in the tem-
the Cu2Mg layer. The ratio of thicknesses of the CuMg2 perature dependence of electrical resistance (Fig. 4).
and Cu2Mg layers corroborates this conclusion. After this stage the presence of magnesium fiber in this
composite is not fixed, and the sequence of layers
The percent content of copper and magnesium in becomes the following: Cu/Cu2Mg/CuMg2 + magne-
each of sections of the microstructure is listed in Table 3. sium-based solid solution (Fig. 5).
In section 2 (Fig. 5) the ratio of components is deter-
mined as 60 Cu : 40 Mg, which is somewhat inconsis- Upon a further rise in temperature, the formation
tent with the Cu2Mg stoichiometry. The error in this of the Cu2Mg layer continues due to inflow of magne-
case is caused by a small transverse size of this section sium atoms into the copper sheath. This intermetallic
with the result that a microanalyzer takes hold of radi- compound then participates in the following eutectic
ation from neighboring regions. reaction at a temperature of ~560°С. Thus, the steps at
Comparison of the results of microstructural study 490 and 560°С observed in the plot of the temperature
(Fig. 5) and phase diagram (Fig. 1) allows us to under- dependence of electrical resistance of the Cu/1Mg
stand features revealed in the plot of a temperature composite (Fig. 4) correspond to eutectic transforma-
dependence of the electrical resistance upon heating tions in the phase diagram (Fig. 1). We noted the lack

Table 3. Content of copper and magnesium in different sections of the microstructure

Composite components
No. of section in Fig. 5 Cu Mg
wt % at % wt % at %
1 100 100 0 0
2 79.36 59.53 20.64 40.47
3 58.59 35.12 41.41 64.88
4 32.08 15.30 67.92 84.70


952 VOLKOV et al.

clude that no structural transformations in the
Cu/1Mg composite take place.
12 Upon a comparison of positions of extreme left
points in the resistometric curve (Fig. 4), it is clearly
ρ, 10–8 Ω m

10 seen that the transformations occurred in the initially

deformed Cu/1Mg composite upon heating to 700°С
8 and subsequent cooling cause a considerable enhance-
6 ment in the electrical resistance. As we know, anneal-
ing leads to a decrease in the defectiveness of the
4 deformed structure, which favorably affects the elec-
trical resistance of the material. For example, the
2 above-given data for copper reads: the specific electri-
cal resistance of annealed samples is a few percent lower
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 than in deformed samples. In its turn, the electrical
T, °C resistance of the initially deformed (е ≈ 8.6) Cu/1Mg-
composite sample after annealing increases almost by a
Fig. 6. A temperature dependence of the specific electrical factor of 1.5 (Fig. 4). This can be explained by the for-
resistance of the Cu/7Mg composite upon heating and mation in this composite of several intermetallic phases
cooling with a rate of 120 K/h. and magnesium-based solid solution (Fig. 5).
In closing our discussion on features of the
Cu/1Mg-composite structure, we should note that
transformations occurring upon annealing give rise to
a ring-shaped crack along the copper–magnesium
interface (Fig. 5). The nature of this phenomenon is
still to be understood. However, we would not expect
a high strength in the material with cracks.
2 As distinct from the Cu/1Mg composite, Cu/7Mg-
composite samples do not lose their shape upon heat-
1 3 ing to 750°С. This allowed us to perform heating up to
higher temperatures during the resistometric investi-
gation of the Cu/7Mg composite (Fig. 6).
In the temperature dependence of electrical resis-
tance of the Cu/7Mg-composite sample, there are
three steps and the temperature of each of these corre-
sponds to certain eutectics in the phase diagram
(Fig. 1). A particularly high jump of the electrical
200 μm resistance occurs at 730°С, which is due to the forma-
tion of the eutectics based on copper and a Cu2Mg
Fig. 7. The Cu/7Mg-composite microstructure produced intermetallic compound. We should note that at tem-
as a result of heating to 750°С with a rate of 120 K/h. peratures above 730°С we observed the rapid growth
of the electrical resistance upon both heating and
cooling (Fig. 6). This may be related to gradual disso-
of a response in the temperature dependence of elec- lution of the copper sheath in the melt. Growth of the
trical resistance near the melting point of magnesium electrical resistance ceases only upon cooling of the
(~650°С). This supports the results of microstructural sample below the eutectic decomposition tempera-
studies (Fig. 5): the Mg fiber completely reacted with ture. Upon further cooling of the Cu/7Mg composite
the Cu matrix at 500°С. no features in the plot of the temperature dependence
of electrical resistance (Fig. 6) are fixed.
At the Cu/Mg interface upon cooling of the The formation of a large volume of the new phase
Cu/1Mg composite from 700 to 555°С, the eutectic markedly affects the electrical resistance of the mate-
decomposition of the melt occurs with the formation rial. After the initially deformed Cu/7Mg composite is
of a mixture of the Cu2Mg and CuMg2 intermetallic heated to 750°С and cooled to room temperature, its
compounds (Fig. 1). Since the solid-state conductivity electrical resistance increases by approximately two-
is substantially higher compared to the melt, crystalli- fold (Fig. 6). Based on these data we can state that
zation is accompanied by a jumplike decrease in the almost the entire central part of the sample is occupied
electrical resistance (Fig. 4). Upon further cooling no by eutectics.
changes in the plot of the temperature dependence of Figure 7 displays the microstructure formed in the
electrical resistance are fixed. We can therefore con- Cu/7Mg-composite sample of ∅1.5 mm as a result of



heating to 750°С with a rate of 120 K/h. At the upper Table 4. Content of copper and magnesium in different
right corner of this photo a part of the copper sheath of sections of the microstructure in Fig. 7
the composite is clearly seen and the central fiber is Composite components
located at the left center.
As distinct from the initial sample of ∅6 mm No. of section Cu Mg
(Fig. 3), only one central fiber is round in shape wt % at % wt % at %
(Fig. 7); the other fibers became oval. This arises from
features of sample preparation: wire samples of 1 97.94 94.98 2.06 5.22
∅1.5 mm are fabricated by drawing during which
near-surface layers of the material are subjected to the 2 99.71 99.24 0.29 0.76
greatest deformation. 3 97.12 93.03 2.78 6.97
In the initial Cu/7Mg-composite sample of
∅1.5 mm the diameter of magnesium fibers was
~170 μm. Heating to 750°С caused a considerable As distinct from the approach mentioned above,
increase in the fiber size (to ~350 μm). In Fig. 7 it is we assumed from the outset that we would use heat
clearly seen that copper connecting strips between treatment at the final stage of producing composites.
fibers became very thin and some of fibers were virtu- The idea is to strengthen Cu/Mg composites by the
ally joined after heat treatment. forming new phases based on the intermetallic com-
pounds Cu2Mg and CuMg2 at the interface. The anal-
The elemental analysis performed from different
regions of the microstructure detected an interesting ogous approach was already employed, for example, to
feature (Table 4). Comparison with the phase diagram reinforce Ti/Al composites through the formation of
(Fig. 1) shows that in the formed eutectics during heat different titanium aluminides at the interface of het-
treatment the greatest possible amount of copper was erogeneous layers [24]. In addition, SPD upon pro-
dissolved (sections 1 and 3 in Fig. 7). Moreover, some duction of composites can favor mechanical alloying
magnesium content (0.76 at %) is revealed in the cop- of components at the interface [14]. We should men-
per matrix (section 2 in Fig. 7). However, such a low tion that according to [13], the use in the composites
value can also be explained by the background from of elements with different types of crystal lattice like-
neighboring sections of the eutectics. wise favor their strengthening. All the factors listed
above can result in growth of strength properties of
Cu/Mg composites as compared to pure copper.
The composition of the studied Cu/Mg composites
This work was aimed at finding new approaches to was chosen near the eutectics 76.9 at % Cu–23.1 at % Mg.
creating copper-based semiconductor materials with In [11] such a composition was considered promising
optimum properties: a combination of high strength for creating high-strength electric conductors. In our
and enhanced electrical conductivity. Before we case, in the Cu/1Mg composite the magnesium con-
obtained our results, it was unclear whether it was pos- tent was higher, and in the Cu/7Mg composite copper
sible to create high-strength Cu/Mg composites. was dominant. The investigation established that the
It is likely that the key problem limiting studies in proportion of components in the Cu/1Mg composite
this area is that it is not clear if high-strength proper- is irrational from the viewpoint of creating semicon-
ties can be reached in such composites. Indeed, it is ductor materials on its base: heating above the eutectic
difficult to achieve the reinforcement of copper transition temperature (~723°С) leads to dissolution
because of the introduction of noticeably less strong of the copper sheath by magnesium. However, rods of
magnesium fibers. As we showed above, preliminary the Cu/1Mg composite can serve as workpieces when
estimates of strength properties of Cu/Mg composites fabricating multistrand Cu/Mg composites.
do nothing to dispel these doubts (Table 2). The Cu/7Mg composite studied in this work is the
The current leading approach upon the creation of first step in creating composites in the copper matrix
composites is the reinforcement of the soft matrix by of which numerous thin magnesium fibers are located.
introducing fibers of a stronger material. For example, The high-temperature treatment of such Cu/Mg com-
the core of a high-strength Al alloy is introduced into posites will allow one to form at the site of each of
magnesium [22]; copper is reinforced by niobium magnesium fibers a high-strength eutectics-based
fibers [8]; strength properties of gold are enhanced by strand that will play role of a reinforcing component.
the introduction of nano-sized platinum fibers [23]. The investigations performed on Cu/7Mg-composite
As a rule, no high-temperature annealings of such samples mostly confirmed the viability of this idea. We
composites are planned, because they lead to the established that the Cu/7Mg composite holds heating
coalescence of fibers and, therefore, to the degrada- to 750°С with the result that the eutectics based on the
tion of properties [8]. copper and intermetallic compound Cu2Mg is formed


954 VOLKOV et al.

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