Aegean Architecture

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Meghan Ashley B. Bantog

The Aegean civilizations thrived in the Aegean seas where the Minoan (3000 BC to 1100 BC) and the Mycenaean (1750 BC to 1050 BC) civilizations
prospered with their distinct art and architecture.

Art Example Architecture Example

Minoan architecture emphasizes the

civilization’s connection to nature.
Their architecture aims to blend with
The art in the Minoan civilization nature; there is a lack of straight lines
mostly incorporated subjects which and symmetry since Minoan
re ected their lifestyle. The paintings architects follow the ow of their
on their walls, pottery, and other environment. It is also speculated to
medium showed subjects which be inspired by labyrinths and is
in uenced by their myth about
could be found in the natural setting
MINOAN minotaurs. Moreover, their rooms are
during their time. Minoan paintings The Hagia Triada Sarcophagus small but still in human scale.
exhibit free owing lines, organic Notable characteristics in their
shapes, and movement. An example architecture include wooden columns
of an artifact that captures the and advancements like: drainage
characteristics of Minoan art is their systems, ush toilets, and paved road
sarcophagus. networks. Lastly, the Minoan
Rear side of the sarcophagus civilization did not have defensive Minoan Palace of Knossos
structures unlike other civilizations
where wars were common.

Architecture in the Mycenaean

Notable Mycenaean art includes civilization incorporates cyclopean
funerary masks for the elite; and like masonry and corbeling domes. These
the Minoans, they made pottery and could be observed in the Treasury of
had fresco paintings. Their art often Atreus. In addition, they also used
show military subjects like warriors limestone sculptures on top of lintels
in order to reduce the weight on the
and soldiers during war. In addition,
MYCENAEAN structure. On larger structures like the
they also show the use of waves and megaron halls, access to certain
patterns in their art due to the Minoan rooms are controlled and there are
in uence. Compared to the art seen speci c routes in order to get to
in the Minoan civilization, Mycenaean Warrior Vase certain rooms. The Mycenaean Treasury of Atreus or
Mycenaean art is more intricate and civilization had walls surrounding Tomb of Agamemnon
shows more mastery in their craft. their territory for protection against

Upon studying the two Aegean civilizations, I was able to see their similarities and differences. The Minoan civilization in contrast to the
Mycenaean civilization is more peaceful. The Minoans were hardworking, prosperous, and joyful; they also gave importance to nature
and their culture. These characteristics could be observed in the way they mostly showed the beauty of their life in their art. Due to them
having a relaxed nature, they also did not have defense walls surrounding their territory for protection. Moreover, I appreciate how there
was no class divisions and women were empowered. Due to them having a prosperous economy, commercial trade was rich. On the
other hand, the Mycenaeans were more strati ed and had separate structures for the wealthy; they had separate tombs for the elite and
had. They were also prone to warfare which is why they built their territory on highlands in order to overlook their surroundings and had
walls for protection.

The Aegean civilizations in uenced Greek architecture through the developments in their architecture or simply, their innovation. Aegean
civilizations are comprised of the Greek civilizations which thrived in the Aegean Sea during the Bronze Age. Based on what I learned
from the lectures from the various professors who discussed the art and architecture in the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, I could
infer that the said civilizations had in uenced Greek architecture. An example is how the Minoans incorporated columns in their halls; it
could be observed that notable greek architecture, such as the structures in the city of Athens, also incorporate columns in their halls. The
intricacy in Greek art is could have also been in uenced by the Aegean civilizations which are observable in Greek architecture.
Moreover, the Greeks had large structures which are also characterized especially in Mycenaean architecture. In conclusion, the
developments during the Minoan and the Mycenaean civilizations in uenced Greek architecture when it comes to the latter’s structure,
balance, harmony, and the in uences and considerations for building these structures.

Meghan Ashley B. Bantog

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