Definition of Ground Handling

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Definition of Ground Handling Ground handling comes from the word ground and handling.

means land or on land which refers to the airport or airport while the word handling means is handle
which comes from the word handle (to handle), do a certain job consciously. Handling means
handling or service (service to service). Words that are often used or encountered besides ground
handling is ground service, ground operations, as well as airport services has the same meaning,
namely a airline company activities relating to treatment or service for passengers and their
baggage, cargo, mail, movement support equipment aircraft on the ground or the aircraft itself while
at the airport, for departure (departure) and arrival (arrival). The simple definition of ground
handling is ground operations or knowledge and skills regarding aircraft handling in apron, handling
of passengers and their baggage in terminal and cargo, as well as post, (S. Abdul Majid and Eko
Probo, 2009).

Scope of Ground Handling The scope or limitations of ground handling divided into 3 stages namely;
1. Pre-Flight Handling activities for passengers along with the baggage and cargo as well as post and
aircraft before departure at the airport origin/origin station. 2. Post Flight Handling activities for
passengers along with their baggage and cargo and post and plane after flight at airport

Legal basis In the study of human factors HR ground handling, after inventorying against the
regulations, then the results are can be obtained are as follows; 1. Law Number 1 of 2009 about
Aviation; 2. Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 47 of 2002 concerning Operation
Certification Airport; 3. Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) part 121 the 8th amendment
regarding Certification and requirements. 4. International Air Transport Association (IATA), IATA
Airport Handling Manual 810 Annex A.

Ground Handling Purpose In carrying out the whole process ground handling activities have a
purpose or the final target of all activities those are; achievement of (1) flight safety or flight safety,
(2) On Time Performance or timely performance, (3) Customer Satisfaction or customer satisfaction,
and (4) Reliability or reliability of the service.

Categories in Aviation Accidents Some related events Aviation safety, in general classified into two
groups viz accidents and incidents. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines as
1. Accident Events related to aircraft operations that occur on time between takeoffs, fly to land
back, and someone who is on the aircraft dies or suffers serious injury, or the aircraft suffered severe
damage or structural failure, or the aircraft is lost or inaccessible.
2. Incidents An event, other than an accident (accident), which relates to aircraft operations affect or
be able to influence flight operation safety. While some related definitions according to the degree
of injury suffered by someone on the flight shared into the following levels:
Fatal Injury Injuries resulting in deep death within 30 days from the date of occurrence accident.
1. Serious Injury A wound that causes a person to be treated in hospital for more than 48 hours,
counted seven days since the incident; or Result in fractures/fractures (except simple damage to
fingers, fingers feet or nose); or involve damage or tearing of tendons, nerves, muscles; or involves
internal organ damage; or involves burning bodies at level two or three, or cause it to burn body
surface area of more than five percent; or cause infection or exposed to radiation
2. Minor injuries Wounds that are not included in the category fatal injury or serious injury
3.None No injuries

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