Math 17 Modules 1 3

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Republic of the Philippines
Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail:

Module in Linear Algebra (Major

17) BSED 3rd Year Students

Module 2: MATRICES

OBJECTIVES/ intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1) Determined the equality of matrices through the activity “finding x and y”.
2) Solved matrices through the activity “operations with matrices.”
3) Discussed the procedure in solving matrices.
4) Solved the activity involving matrices based on the indicated operations.


Matrices in this module are primarily real matrices, that is, their entries are
real numbers. Two matrices are equal when their corresponding entries are equal. A
matrix that has only one column is a column matrix or column vector. Similarly a
matrix that has only one row is a row matrix or row vector. Boldface lowercase
letter often designate column matrices and row matrices.

When working with matrices, real numbers are referred to as scalars. To

add two matrices (of the same size), add their corresponding entries. To multiply a
matrix, multiply each entry.


Two matrices A = aij and B= bij are equal when they have the same size
(m x n) and ait = bit for 1 ≤ i ≤ m and 1 ≤ j ≤n (Larson, 2019).
3 x+y 3 —
Ex: = x+y=7 x—y=2
x—y 5 7 — 2 + — 5 =— 7 — 2 — — 5 =2
2 5 —2+5=2
Determine the equality of matrices that follows(1 point each unknown):
x —2
1) 1t 4 5 4 1t 4 2x + 1 4
7 y = —4 —2 3) — 3 13 15 t = — 3 13 15 3x
7 22
0 2 4 0 0 2 3y — 5 0
x=_ ;y=_ 2x + 1 = _ ; 3x = _ ; 3y — 5 = _

— 5 x = — 5 13 x+2 8 3 2x + t 8 3
4) 1 2y 2x = 1 18 — 8
2) 12 8
8 7 —2 y+2 7 — 2 11
x=_ ;y=_
x+ 2= _ ; 2x = _ ; 2y = _
y+ 2= _ ; 2x + t =

Addition, subtraction and multiplication are the basic operations on the
matrix. We add or subtract matrices by adding or subtracting corresponding
entries. In order to do this, the entries must correspond.
Finding the product of two matrices is only possible when the inner
dimensions are the same, meaning the number of columns of the first matrix is
equal to the number of rows of the second matrix. Scalar multiplication on the
other hand involves finding the product of a constant by each entry in the matrix
as shown below:

Based on the given examples, solve the following matrices as indicated (2 point each):
Rubrics in Getting a Score:
—1 2 1 3
1) + —1 2 = 2 = Correct answer and correct label for
0 1 answer
1 = Copying error, computational error,
partial answer for a problem with multiple
1 —1
2) —3 — 3 =
0 = No answer or wrong answer based on
—2 2 inappropriate process.

—1 3
3) —3 2
4 — × —4 1
5 0

1 2 4
4) 3 ×
—3 0 —1
2 1 2
Rubrics in Getting a Score for essay type test:
2 = Organized and complete ideas are presented
1 = Copying error and has missing ideas 0 = No
answer or wrong answer
ANALYSIS for Activity A
Answer the guide questions:
1) Based on the activity, how do we determine the equality of matrices?

2) What shall we do if one element of a matrix is unknown?

ANALYSIS for Activity B

Answer the guide questions:
1) Based on the activity, how do you add and subtract matrices?

2) How do you multiply matrices?

Matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or expressions arranged in rows
and columns. Important applications of matrices can be found in mathematics.
Matrix operations mainly involve three algebraic operations which are addition of
matrices, subtraction of matrices and multiplication matrices.
To add or subtract matrices, these must be of identical order and for
multiplication, the number of columns in the first matrix equals the number of
rows in the second matrix (

Read and answer the given problem:

Jerela was asked by her sister to help her answer her assignment involving
matrix operations. She told her, in order to answer it correctly, she has to consider the
following conditions below:

a) A+B c) 2A Rubrics in Getting a Score:

b) A—B d) 2A — B 2 = Correct answer and correct label
1) A 1 2 answer
= —3 —2 1 = Copying error, computational error,
2 1 partial answer for a problem with
4 2
multiple answers
0 = No answer or wrong answer based

t 1 1 4
2) A
= 2 4 ,B= —1 5
—3 5 1 10

t 1 1 4
Direction: Using the matrices, A , solve for the following:
2 4 ,B= —1 5
= 1 10
—3 5
(2 points each)

Rubrics in Getting a Score:

2 = Correct answer and correct label for answer
1 = Copying error, computational error, partial answer for a problem with multiple
answers 0 = No answer or wrong answer based on inappropriate process.

1) 4A =

2) A + 2B

Republic of the Philippines
Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail:

Module in Linear Algebra (Major

17) BSED 3rd Year Students


OBJECTIVES/ intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1) Determined which property of determinants the equation illustrates

through “Det property” activity.
2) Solved the determinant of the given matrices through the activity
“absolutely det.”
3) Enumerated the properties of determinants based on the activity given.
4) Explained the procedure in finding the determinant of equations by
answering the given question based on the activity.
5) Performed activity involving determinant of equations.


Every square matrix can be associated with a real number called its
determinant. Historically, the use of determinants arose from the recognition of
special patterns that occur in the solutions of systems of linear equations. The
determinant is the difference of the products of the two diagonals of the matrix.
The order of the products is important.

In this module, you will learn the property of determinants and solve the
determinants of given matrices.


Determinant is a special number that can be determined from a square matrix.
It has properties that are useful as they permit us to generate the same
results with different and simpler configurations of elements. There are 10
main properties of determinants which include the following:

1. Reflective property - the determinant remains unaltered if its rows are

changed into columns and the columns into rows.
2. All-zero property - if all elements of a row (or column) are zero,
then the determinant is zero.
3. Proportionality (Repetition) property - If all the elements of a row (or
column) are proportional (identical) to the elements of some other row
(or column), then the determinant is zero.
4. Switching property - the interchange of any two rows (or columns)
of the determinant changes its sign.

5. Scalar Multiple property - if all elements of a row (or column) of a
determinant are multiplied by a non-zero constant, then the determinant
gets multiplied by the same constant.

6. Sum property - can be illustrated through the following:

a1 + b1 c1 d1 a2 a1 c1 d1 b1 c1 d1
+ b2 c2 d2 a3 +
b3 c3 d3 = a2 c2 d2 + b2 c2 d2
a3 c3 d3 b3 c3 d3

7. Property of Invariance - can be illustrated through the following:

a1 b1 c1 a1 + αb1 + þc1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2 = a2 + αb2 + þc2 b2
c2 a3 +
a3 b3 c3 αb3 + þc3 b3 c3
That is, a determinant remains unaltered under an operation of the form
Cí ‹ Cí + αCj + þCk, where j, k G i, or an operation of the form
Rí ‹ Rí + αRj + þRk, where j, k G i.

8. Factor property - If a determinant ∆ becomes zero when we put

(t = α, the 고 t — a it a fact ꀀ r ꀀ f ∆.
9. Triangle property - if all the elements of a determinant above or below
the main diagonal consist of zeros, then the determinant is equal to the
product of
a1 a2 a3 a1 0 0
diagonal elements. That 0 b2 b3 = a2 b2 0 = a1b2c3
0 0 c3 a3 b3 c3
10. Determinant of cofactor matrix - can be illustrated as follows:
a11 a12 a13 C11 C12 C13
∆ = 21 a22 a 23 the 고 ∆1
C21 C22 C23 = ∆2
a33 a32 a33 C31 C32 C33
where Cij de 고ꀀ tet the c ꀀ f a

Based on the properties of determinants mentioned above, determine which property

the equation illustrates.
2 — =0 1)
1 — 2
1 4
2) 0 0 0 =0 2)
5 6 —7
1 3 4 1 4 3
3) — 7 2 — =— — 7 — 5 2 3)
5 6 2 1
6 1 2
5 10 1 2
4) =5 2 4)
2 — —
7 7
2 — 2 —3 5)
3 =
0 1t
8 7

To solve for the determinant of a matrix, one must consider the size of the
matrix. Is it a 2x2 or 3x3 matrix? The technique in solving their determinants
varies. Note that determinant only exists for square matrices. The determinant of
a 1x1 matrix is that single value in the determinant. Consider the illustrations
below to solve for the determinants. (3x3 matrix)

Based on the given procedure, determine the determinant of the given matrices.
Show summation (1 point each).

1) 1

2 1
3 4

5 2
—6 3

h—3 2
4 h—1

3 0 4
5) —2 4 1
1 —3 1
Rubrics in Getting a Score for essay type test:
2 = Organized and complete ideas are presented
1 = Copying error and has missing ideas 0 = No
answer or wrong answer

ANALYSIS for Activity A:

Answer the question:
1) Based on Activity A, what are the properties of determinants? Enumerate.

Analysis for Activity B:

Answer the question:
1) How do find the determinant of 2x2 matrix? 3x3 matrix? 1x1 matrix?

The determinant of a matrix is the scalar value computed for a given
square matrix. Linear algebra deals with the determinant, it is computed using the
elements of a square matrix. It can be considered as the scaling factor for the
transformation of a matrix. Useful in solving a system of linear equation,
calculating the inverse of a matrix and calculus operations.

To find a Determinant of a matrix, for every square matrix [A]nxn there

exists a determinant to the matrix such that it represents a unique value given by
applying some determinant finding techniques.

The technique in solving the determinants of matrices varies depending on its

size. Keep in mind however, that determinant only exists for square matrices.
The determinant of a 1x1 matrix is that single value in the determinant.

Read and solve the given problem:

Lala, the adventurer has entered a forbidden cave. In order to move out
from it, she has to find the unknown of the matrices for which the determinant is
zero. Let us help her come out of the cave by solving the given below:
t+3 2
Clue 1 t+2 =0

Clue t —1 2
#2: 3 t —2 = 0

Clue t —6 3
#3: —2 t + 1 = 0

Clue h+2 2
#4: 1 h

h 2 0
0 h+1 2=0
0 1 h


A. Find the determinant of the following matrices:

4 2 6
1) —1 —4 5
3 7 2

2 —3 5
2) —3 6 2
1 —2 5

3 4 1
3) 2 5 —2
—1 6 —3

—2 3 —1
4) 4 5 —2
—3 4 5

5 4 7
5) 3 —6 5
4 2 —3

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